The Patriotic Entrepreneurs of Liberia - Patel

Emancipation from economic bondage..Giving Liberians exclusive retailers right! Concerned Liberians advocating for fair business opportunities for Liberians


Did the Sirleaf, weah and previous post war administrations committed Economic crimes by not implementing the Liberianization and other economic policies intended to uplift Liberian?



WHEREAS, it is the primary objective of Government to encourage Liberianization program and restrict certain categories of enterprises to Liberian exclusively with the view of achieving economic recovery; and

WHEREAS, it is the sovereign responsibility of Government to protect her citizens against any from of economic exploitation or sabotage; and

WHEREAS, because of the lack of adequate capital, the average Liberian citizen or businessman is unable to cope with expatriate businessmen who have infiltrated the Liberian market.


It is enacted by the senate and the House of Representatives of Republic of Liberia, in legislature assembled.

Section 1. That from and immediately after the passage of this act, the following categories of enterprises shall be exclusively restricted to Liberian citizens to operate:

1. Poultry farming 2. Movies/Cinemas 3. Ice c making
4. Block making 5. Small scale soap manufacturer
6. Supply of sand, stone and granite 7. Hairdressing
8. Barbershops 9. Shoe repair 10. Sale of ice and purified water 11. Retail trade of timber/planks, etc
12 Production and sales of charcoal 13. Gas station and Petroleum Products.
14. Block factory 15. Public Transportation
17. Meat/Butchery shops

Section 2. In pursuance of the Liberianization program of Government, the following distributorship of locally manufactured products shall be left exclusively to Liberian citizens:

1. Plastic/ materials and footwear
2. To***co products
3. Rubber cups, buckets & tubs
4. Candles
5. Rubbing alcohol
6. Laundry soap
7. Toilet tissue & related products
8. Plywood
9. Beer and stout and soft drinks
10. Flour
11. Animal feeds
12. Zinc

Section 3. That no expatriate businessman who engages in wholesale merchandise or any other mercantile enterprise shall sell, or cause to be sold beer 🍺, stout or soft drinks per bottle across the counter including but not limited to chocolate bars, ice cream, sun top and other retail products.

Section 4. That in order to protect the petit Liberian trader from economic exploitation, all expatriates operating merchandise enterprises shall close their Warehouses precisely at 7pm and shall open at 8 o’clock in the morning during regular working days.

Section 5. That any expatriate businessman who engages in any of the enterprises enumerated in section one above (1-16) shall commit a felony of the first degree, and upon conviction by a court of competent jurisdiction, punishable by a fine of not less than 5,000.00 nor more than $25,000.00; said person shall be subject to deportation and his goods auctioned to the public.

Finally, we the people who God has chosen to protect this nation of Liberia 🇱🇷 through his divine grace and protection, has decided to establish the MaLiGa Movement to ensure the fully implementation of the Liberianization policy.✅✅✅✅✅💹✅✅🗽🗽


When buying and selling is controlled by legislation, the first ones to be bought are the legislators.

Tag 🪝🪝🪝🪝🪝🪝


The free enterprise system is absolutely too important to be left to the competitive forces of the marketplace.
- U.S. Senator



As the world comes together to honor and appreciate the incredible influence and unconditional love that mothers bring to our lives, I would like to extends my heartfelt greetings and warm wishes to all the extraordinary mothers within our organization. This Mother's Day, we wholeheartedly celebrate and acknowledge the immeasurable contributions mothers make in shaping our Business community and nurturing future business leaders for the next generation.

Words cannot express the incredible impact mothers have within the LMA, Cross Border, China Market Gorbachop,Rally’s Town and across the entire country.

Mothers are the backbone of our families, providing a safe haven where we can grow, learn, and thrive. Your devotion has shaped countless lives, molding young minds into responsible, empathetic, and confident individuals who strive for excellence in all aspects of life.

Today, we celebrate you – the incredible mothers who understand the importance of nurturing and guiding us to become honorable men of integrity in this sector. Your unwavering dedication to PATEL is a testament to your commitment to building a better society for all.

Mothers, you are the embodiment of love, fortitude, and resilience. Your continuous support, encouragement, and understanding enable younger Entrepreneurs to tackle life's challenges with determination and confidence. Your role as pillars of strength ensures that The Patriotic Entrepreneurs of Liberia - Patel remains an organization where every emerging Liberian Entrepreneurs can find solace, develop lifelong friendships, and grow into compassionate and responsible CEOs.

May your journey as mothers be filled with love, joy, and countless moments of treasured memories. Your impact and influence will continue to resonate within our organization and the lives of countless CEOs for generations to come.

Happy Mother's Day!

Presley saye Tenwah

CEO/President PATEL
Chairman-Team Liberia

Timeline photos 30/04/2024

Economic freedom for all;PaTEL

Photos from The Patriotic Entrepreneurs of Liberia - Patel's post 19/04/2024

Whilst it’s very important to give our capital decent outlook and clean environment to attract investors and tourists but I’m yet to see President Boakai’s implementing Article 34 of his Party Manifesto. Taking motorcyclists from the Tubman’s Boulevard and the Somalia Drive is very untimely when in fact; you’re yet to take the Lebanese, Indian and other foreigners from our retail market.

Enforce the Liberianization Policy and allow Liberian to play major roles in procuring goods and services.


Happy Birthday Chairman


Success is not only one thing. It's not only having a nice house in your city and driving a nice Mercedes.
We must live so that others can give testimony. ♈️
+1” +1

Profile pictures 26/03/2024

Why are you appointing Lebanese on Government entity’s Board?


Our case TagEllen Johnson Sirleaf George Weah Joseph Nyuma Boakai It is writing down in history that during the French Revolution, the American attitude toward the French was generally favorable—naturally enough for a nation itself born in revolution. But as the revolutions went on, the French one in 1789 was among the worst. True, in the name of liberty, equality, and fraternity, it overthrew a corrupt regime. Yet what these fine ideals led to was, first, the Terror and mass murder in France, and then Napoleon and his wars, which took hundreds of thousands of lives in Europe and Russia. After this pointless slaughter came the restoration of the same corrupt regime that the Revolution overthrew. Aside from immense suffering, the upheaval achieved nothing.

Leading the betrayal of the Revolution’s initial ideals and its transformation into a murderous ideological tyranny was Maximilien Robespierre, a monster who set up a system expressly aimed at killing thousands of innocents. He knew exactly what he was doing, meant to do it, and believed he was right to do it. He is the prototype of a particularly odious kind of evildoer: the ideologue who believes that reason and morality are on the side of his butcheries. Lenin, Stalin, Hi**er, Mao, and Pol Pot are of the same mold. They are the characteristic scourges of humanity in modern times, but Robespierre has a good claim to being the first. Understanding his motives and rationale deepens our understanding of the worst horrors of the recent past and those that may lurk in the future. I’m not assuming nor anticipating any of the above cause, we’re products of our deeds and actions. I’m only highlighting history that could likely be repeated if Care isn’t given. We must act as a nation and people to swiftly address the bread and butter issues in our country by taking serious economic action.


Fellow Patriotic citizens,

I want to take a moment to emphasize the importance of the Liberianization Policy. This policy was put in place to promote the participation of Liberians in the country's economy and to ensure that they have access to economic opportunities.

By prioritizing Liberian ownership and participation in various sectors, the Liberianization Policy helps to create jobs, build local capacity, and foster economic growth. It also helps to reduce the country's dependence on foreign businesses and investors, which can be a significant step towards greater self-reliance and economic independence.

I encourage you to support the Liberian business development authority (LBDA ) act and continue to ask our law makers in 54th national legislators to pass it before October 2023, this bill will help to take our peddlers from the street and create a system that Liberian small businesses will be protected and develop, it shall also be an that will enforce all other Liberian business development policies and status intended to help develop our poor and struggling businesses. I’m asking everyone to please take advantage of our current political climate and push our agenda. By doing so, we can all work together to build a stronger, more prosperous Liberia for generations to come.

Happy Lord’s Day to all!

Presley S Tenwah
President /PATEL
Liberian Business Network -LBN


President Boakai please establish fast strike Anti Drug court!


Coming up in March!!


We can only address the bread and butter issues in our country with Hot Tea
!Tea! Movement!


Biography of the Vice President
Vice President Koung was Nimba County District 1 Representative for 9 years before becoming Senator of the County for 3 years. He sees his new role in government as an “…act of destiny.” Vice President Koung intends to bring his business and legislative experience to expand the private sector and enhance the “Liberianization” policy aimed at increasing the participation of Liberians in the economy.

Early Life, Education, and Career

Jeremiah (Jerry) Kpang Koung was Born on March 17, 1978, in Yekepa, Nimba County, to Mr. Adam Sunday Koung and Mrs. Esther Markar Koung. His father, Adam migrated to Nimba from Sinoe County in the early 1960s in search of a job with the Liberian American–Swedish Minerals Company (LAMCO), where he met his mother, Ma. Esther, a native of Nimba County. His family lineage stretches from Nimba to the Southeastern region of Liberia, with many of his childhood years spent in Grand Bassa County. Vice President Koung’s humble beginnings should be familiar to every child who struggled to escape stagnation and poverty during the Liberian civil conflict.

At age 12, and the height of the civil disruptions, young Koung started living on his own, and many times slept under a canoe along the beaches of the sea coast seeking refuge from terror at night. Those beaches that provided shelter would later spur his passion for business, which is arguably his most enduring legacy in society.

Young Koung's first foray into business began by providence where he was introduced to fishmongering by a kind fisherman. He spent over three years selling fish and saving up money for himself. Later, he expanded his startup to include retailing distilled products made from sugarcane juice in Guinea markets. His involvement in cross-border trade as a young man exposed him to life-threatening risks during the Liberian civil war. Despite this, he never took up arms or participated in the fighting. When the war ended and peace was restored, Koung saw an opportunity to broaden his business by introducing petroleum products, importing used cars from the United States and Europe, selling general merchandise, building materials, and frozen food, and setting up a microloans scheme, real estate ventures, and many more.

He was the owner of a string of businesses that helped shape the rapidly evolving commercial metropole of Gompa City in Nimba County – all this done through the sweat of his brow. Koung also served as Credit Manager for the Ganta United Brother’s Credit Union (GUBC), then one of the largest loan institutions in the country.

Despite the difficult circumstances, young Koung persevered and remained resilient in his pursuit of becoming a successful businessman. His unwavering determination has paid off, as he is now considered one of the most accomplished and successful Liberian businessmen from Nimba County.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Cuttington University in Suacoco, B**g County, Liberia, and is currently a candidate for a master’s degree in Finance, at the University of Ghana School of Business in Accra, Ghana.

Koung recognized that holding an elected office would give him more opportunities to serve his community and country. He therefore ran for a legislative seat in the House of Representatives during the 2011 Legislative and Presidential Elections for the Gompa municipality of Electoral District One, and he won. He served for one and a half terms, which was a total of nine years. In 2020, Koung participated in the 2020 Special Senatorial Election and won, securing another nine-year term in the Liberian Senate.

Adding a feather to his political hat, then Senator Koung got elected as Political Leader of the Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction (MDR), during a special convention in 2023.

With experience in legislation and the private sector, Vice President Koung has been a champion for the Liberianization Policy. Vice President Koung strongly believes in leveraging his business and legislative experiences to improve the lives of his constituencies and the wider Liberian society.

In the 53rd and 54th Legislatures, Koung developed and championed the enactment of a Technical and Vocational Education Training Bill (TVET) in the House of Representatives for the establishment of “The Gompa Technical and Vocational School”. The Act, which was subsequently passed into Law, promotes, among others, programs to build capacity for industrial and other technical jobs aimed at increasing employment opportunities for young people in Liberia. Honorable Koung also sponsored a Bill proposing the de-dollarization of the Liberian currency to curtail inflation and boost economic growth. The bill was passed by the House of Representatives and sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Koung held leadership roles in the Liberian Senate including Chairman of the Committee on Post and Telecommunications; Co-Chair of the Defense, Intelligence, Security and Veteran Affairs committees; Member of the Committee on Health; Co-Chair of the Committee on Public Works, and Co-Chair of the Committee on Public Accounts and Audit.

Vice President Koung is a humanitarian who sees education as a necessary tool for developing the talents of young people for personal growth and national development. He has offered international scholarships to Liberian students for master’s and bachelor’s degrees to study in Europe. He also funds a domestic scholarship program for 200 students within the various universities in Liberia and periodically provides financial aid to needy students who are not in the scholarship scheme.

Vice President Koung’s humanitarian hand extends beyond education to the improvement of health and other areas of community development. In 2022, Vice President Koung built and furnished a surgical theater at Karnplay Comprehensive Medical Center which he later turned over to the government of Liberia; constructed the Glenyiluu Market Hall and Small Ganta Market in 2020; constructed the Wuo Town Hall and installed 136 hand pumps from 2012 to 2022; constructed the Gbloyee Market in 2019; donated Medical equipment (Anesthesia machine), to Saclepea Medical Center in 2013; from 2012 to 2016, he built 10 classrooms to annex J.W. Pearson Public High School in Ganta; upgraded J.W. Pearson from Junior High to Senior High School through the construction of additional 6 classrooms and turned it over to the Government of Liberia; he also built Gowee and Wlenlah Elementary Public Schools from 2012 to 2014; and constructed maternal waiting homes across Nimba county from 2011 to 2023.

Vice President Koung is providing support for the construction of a doctor's residence in Saclepea. Furthermore, he is assisting in building a surgical theater, as well as labor, delivery and maternity wards to upgrade Bahn Health Center to a more inclusive health center. Additionally, he is providing assistance in building the Buutuo and Gbloulay health facilities, and has recently commissioned feasibility studies for the Zekepa health center.

His flagship intervention in health, however, would come in 2016, when after 5 years of work, he would present to the people in Nimba a 116-bed hospital (E&J Medical Center) named after his mother and daughter. The hospital was later turned over to the government.

Then Senator Koung saw his preferment as running mate to then standard bearer Joseph Boakai purely as “an act of destiny.”

Senator Koung is a unifying figure who bridges the gap between the young and old generations. Both groups consider him to be an embodiment of hope, both symbolically and in reality. This is especially true for the mainly destitute young people of Liberia who have little or no opportunities and are now heavily entrenched in the informal sector of the economy. Senator Koung can relate to this sector of the economy because of his background, which has shaped much of his success story.

Vice President Koung is a Christian and a member of the Methodist Church. He is married to Synleseh Stephanie Dahn -Koung. They are blessed with children.

He is fluent in local languages such as Dan, Mann, Grebo (Tato), and Bassa.


On behalf of the entire ... family, please accept our deepest thanks. You guided us with grace and dignity in providing Our Dad with a fitting tribute to a life well lived.

Special thanks: our family and friends in the U.S.
Our family and friends in Liberia.
Uncle Bayzambmo Saye and Mr. Aloysius Hne my in-law.


📸 Look at this post on Facebook


Reach out !


Good evening Everyone and good evening Ellen Tugbe


Dear Mom,

Today, as we celebrate your birthday and wedding anniversary, I am reminded of just how incredible you are. You epitomize beauty, not just in your appearance but also in your strength, resilience, and unwavering love for our family. Throughout the years, you have worked tirelessly, selflessly pouring your heart and soul into everything you do.

On this special day, as we honor not only your life but also the enduring memory of our beloved father, please know that you are admired and cherished beyond measure. The loss we have experienced is immeasurable, but your bravery and determination in facing this grief head-on serve as a constant inspiration to us all.

You and Dad shared a bond that was unbreakable—a friendship that transcended time and resonated in the depth of your love. As we navigate this bereavement period together, I ask God to bless you with comfort, courage, and peace. May His infinite love surround you, shielding you from sorrow and embracing you with His unwavering presence.

Though we may feel a void in our hearts, I am confident your beautiful spirit and the memories we hold dear will help guide us through this difficult journey. Today, we celebrate the remarkable woman you are, and we give thanks for your unconditional love and dedication to our family.

Happy birthday, Mom. Happy wedding anniversary. May this day be a testament to the love you and Dad shared and a reminder of the joy we have experienced together. As we walk hand in hand with you, please know that we are here for you, holding you close in our hearts every step of the way.

With endless affection and admiration,

Presley S Tenwah


PATEL declares the following duplicitous and unscrupulous individuals and their associated cartels Persona Non Grata and thereby advice the general public, the Government of Liberia, Foreign Embassies and Diplomatic Missions in Liberia, our International Partners/Friends, the Media, the Liberian Business Community, Fellow Patriotic Entrepreneurs, and others to refrain from doing business with them in the name of PATEL as it will be bogus, illegal, dangerous and risky: Prince P. S. Haward, Kebbeh F. Collins, Patience F. Dean, Alexander C. Wento, Dominic Nimely, Ceasar Morris, Lawrence Cole, George W. Kumakeh, Kafumba Dolley, Victoria P. Hage, Usuf Kiazolu and Fatu Jabateh.

We have also received intelligence that, while we are constructively engaging the newly elected government of Liberia to start working on our plights, these individuals are currently planning organizing themselves as heads of PATEL to meet the Transitional Head in Honorable Jeremiah Kpan Koung.

PATEL categorically distance itself from such planned and informs the Government of Liberia, the media, the general public and the business community that PATEL is not in any way supportive of their sinister plans and fraudulent motives as PATEL IS A NON-POLITICAL MOVEMENT. We will expose them! PATEL leader Chairman Presley S Tenwah in consultation met with the Honorable Vice President elect and has started to lay down some of the issues affecting our business community currently.

PATEL is an Advocacy Union not a Business Entity as portrayed by their fake Rumors that PATEL is bringing RICE to sell on the Liberian Market.

PATEL informs the general public, the Government of Liberia, Foreign Embassies and Diplomatic Missions in Liberia, our International Partners/Friends, the Media, the Liberian Business Community, Fellow Patriotic Entrepreneurs, and others that its National Headquarters/Offices is still located on 19th Street, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia and that Mr. Presley S. Tenwah is the current legal and official Founder, National Chairman and Registered Agent of PATEL and anyone wanting to do business with PATEL must contact him through our 19th Street National Headquarters/Offices. Thanks!

Finally, PATEL want to reiterate that its unapologetic patriotic vision of giving Liberia Economy back to Liberians, unbending quest for economic freedom for all Liberians, advocating for the establishment of the Liberian Business Development Authority LBDA that seeks to give Exclusive Retailers Right to Liberian Businesses, Capacity Building and Trainings for Liberian Entrepreneurs, Acceptance of the Liberian Currency at all places, time and levels for the transaction of Business in Liberia as our legal tender, etc. remain uncompromising! Long live PATEL! God Bless Liberia and Save our State! Thanks!

Photos from The Patriotic Entrepreneurs of Liberia - Patel's post 01/12/2023
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