Equall - Unlimited Fashion

Equall - Unlimited Fashion

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🗣Choose your own Fashion
🗣Clothes are not barriers
🗣Main goal - Fashion Manifest With No Rules!

Photos from AmCham Estonia's post 29/06/2023


Future Heroes Season 3 Award Ceremony 04/05/2023

The Bronze Award 🏆

The third season of Future Heroes Latvia was officially closed with the Award ceremony held last Saturday.
The event took place in the exquisite rooms of the Zuzeum Art Centre, giving the event an artistic feel.

We are proud of our goal-driven girls and thankful to everyone who has made this season of Future Heroes possible.

Photos from журнал "Люблю!"'s post 31/03/2023
Photos from Equall - Unlimited Fashion 's post 29/03/2023


🤍Giveaway in collaboration with SMU

♻️SMU “Wear it out” tells about their products:

“With our “water IT OUT” SMU, we try to reduce the amount of waste by giving them a chance, to serve longer.

Bags are made of recycled textiles for everyday use, in various sizes and shapes.

As well as embroidered clothing covered with authentic design, thus giving second life to both clothing and various textiles.

The finished glass consists of earrings, rings, and necklaces, in the fobs and chains of which materials which have not been purchased in the first place but have been reused from shattered ropes or seals which are not in use.”

Photos from Equall - Unlimited Fashion 's post 27/03/2023

🎉Speaker announcement🎉

💼Paul, a young designer, studies Fashion Design at the Latvian Academy of Art.

🎨Paul has been doing art for 9 years. Spent 4 years doing photography and video parallel to graphic design. Now he’s in his first year at the Latvian Academy of Art. All his previous experience helps him create new clothes.

🤔Paul has always been inspired by people's emotions - what makes them feel? Do they think she's bad or good?
It is also an inspiration to be able to use its experience from different directions and to combine it into something new.

🗣He’s convinced that if you don't feel anything about your art, the audience won't feel anything.

😉“Give me your reaction, and you'll get it back!”



What? The workshop - customizing clothing and accessories.

Where? Vilki Books - Antonijas iela 14, Rīga

When? 01.04.2023, 10.00-11.30

🙋‍♀️Workshop participant limit - max 10 people

⬇️Fill out the questionnaire, if you want to participate!

❗️Speaker announcement soon❗️


🎉Instagram live with the Fashion Management student🎉

❗️25.03 - This Saturday at 12.30.❗️

💼Instagram live’s topic will be: What's wrong with the topic - Fashion? and Is Fashion the future?

🏫Darya Sklyarova is an active 2d year student at Macromedia University Berlin.

🇰🇷From the last year's September to December Darya studied as an exchange student in South Korea. She gained a lot of experience by spending there a long term of time learning her subjects.

Photos from Equall - Unlimited Fashion 's post 21/03/2023

👜Fashion Manifest👔

🎉We would love to say a BIG thank you to all of our partners and sponsors, and also to the people who supported us through the tough time and helped us to organize the event in Rīga Plaza!

🤍Team “equALL” appreciate a lot your work and believes in our project!

📸Photos by lovely

Photos from Equall - Unlimited Fashion 's post 19/03/2023


Team “equALL - Unlimited Fashion”

📷Photos made by

Photos from Equall - Unlimited Fashion 's post 14/03/2023
Photos from Equall - Unlimited Fashion 's post 02/03/2023

👜Fashion Manifest👔

🎉We would love to introduce people who will help our team realize Fashion Manifest🎉

📷During all our shows professional photographer - Anastasia Goja will be making fashionable pictures.

🗣Anastasia tells: ”I think the world is much less clear and simple than most of us want it to be. It's complex, emotional, and filled with a million shades of senses. And that's why it's so beautiful. That’s why I like to show it to the viewer through a photograph.”

🤍The publication contains pictures of Anastasia’s work.

🤩Big reminder: Everyone is welcome!

Photos from Equall - Unlimited Fashion 's post 01/03/2023

👜Fashion Manifest👔

🎉We would love to introduce people who will help our team realize Fashion Manifest🎉

💄Milana is a style student, she's a trainee. In the work of a stylist, she likes the process of transforming a person the most. This gives Milana great pleasure and experience.

🤍The publication contains pictures of Milana’s work.

Photos from Equall - Unlimited Fashion 's post 28/02/2023

👜Fashion Manifest👔

🎉We would love to introduce people who will help our team realize Fashion Manifest🎉

During all our shows will be playing DJ .danilenko.lv . He has great experience working in the music industry, for example, Vlad has played at the Digital Art House. Also he is an active and enthusiastic person.

Our DJ 100% will not leave spectatorsq indifferent! Everyone is welcome!

Photos from журнал "Люблю!"'s post 28/02/2023



Hey hey!

Aicinām Tevi pievienoties projekta ‘’equALL - Unlimited Fashion’’ modes manifestam, kas norisināsies jau pavisam drīz!

Mūsu komanda gaidīs Tevi T/C Rīga Plaza pēc adreses Mūkusalas 71, Rīga 03.03.2023 plkst. 18:00 - 20:00!

Pasākumā Tev būs iespēja iepazīties ar mūsu darbības mērķiem, veiktā pētījuma datiem, kā arī galvenajā daļā noskatīties mūsu drosmīgo jauniešu sagatavotās apģērbu kombinācijas demonstrāciju!
Pavadi piektdienas vakaru jēgpilni pozitīvā atmosfērā un atbalsti mūsu projekta gala pasākumu!

Atgādinām, ka dalība ir bezmaksas!

Uz tikšanos!🤍

Photos from Equall - Unlimited Fashion 's post 23/02/2023


🫖Giveaway in collaboration with

💼With our great new sponsor SIA Alanika we are organizing the giveaway, where you may win a box with 2 different types of tea straight from Sri Lanka and Taiwan!

🍵The first type of tea is a pure Ceylon green leaf tea with natural flavours of melon & banana.

🍵The second type is one of the best semi-fermented Taiwan green tea with fresh taste and sweetness.


1. follow team and on Instagram.
2. repost the post & tag us and Basilur.
3. like this post.

🗣The winner announcement will be on the 28th of February.

🤍Wishing all of you good luck!


Ar mūsu lielisko jauno sponsoru SIA Alanika rīkojam konkursu, kur var laimēt kasti ar 2 dažāda veida tēju tieši no Šrilankas un Taivānas!

🍵Pirmā veida tēja ir tīra Ceilonas zaļo lapu tēja ar dabīgām melones & banāna garšām.

🍵Otrā veida tēja ir viena no labākajām pusraudzētajām Taivānas zaļajām tējām ar svaigu garšu un saldumu.

🤳GIVEAWAY noteikumi

1. seko un Instagramā.
2. pārpublicēt publikāciju & atzīmēt mūs un Basilur.
3. spiest “patīk”.

🗣Uzvarētāja paziņojums būs 28. februārī

🤍Novelam jums visiem veiksmi!


Let's talk about the many ways of breaking the cliche fashion stereotypes in your everyday life💼

Try reaching out to the people that seem to be bullied or disrespected because of the way they dress. Talk to them and make sure everything's okay. Don't forget to stay safe!

Have you ever wanted to try a completely new fashion style or freshly made look? Well, we are encouraging you to go for it! Art is the best way of presenting your unique abilities and personality to the world. Be proud for who you are!

Let's say, you're not a big fan of experimenting with your fashion styles or looks. That's completely fine! You can still be respectful and understanding to those, who choose alternative ways of expressing themselves. We are all very different!

Sometimes we tend to not notice how strong our words can actually be. Words can hurt, especially when it comes from your loved one's. That's why you should try supporting your friends/family at their beginnings. Create a safe place!

Your equALL team

Photos from Equall - Unlimited Fashion 's post 16/02/2023

🎈On Friday, February 10, a member of our team Jaroslava organized an event in the Private school “Latreia”, where she presented the “equALL - Unlimited Fashion” project.

👩‍💼To the lecture team "equALL" invited our brand new sponsor the CEO of the company "Azalija logistika", Aelita Dubjaga.

🎯The main aim of the lesson is to educate the students in schools of Latvia about self-expression through style and clothing without any limits and stereotypes.

🎉Jaroslava has presented to the high school students the latest outreach of our project. She has prepared the interactive Kahoot quiz for guys. Also, the students have asked questions they were interested in, for example, about the leadership program "Future Heroes Latvia" and our latest outreach.



From January 30 to 5, our Instagram will host a flash mob in which each of you will be able to participate. For a week, every day our subscribers will observe a variety of outfits.

🎈What it takes to participate
1. Take a photo of your outfit
2. Upload to your Instagram post/story.
3. Tag hashtag

🥳The bravest participant will receive a present from our friend ZIB*

Photos from Equall - Unlimited Fashion 's post 15/01/2023

🎈On Thursday, January 12, at Aizpute High School, a member of our team Zane organized a lecture for the high school students.

💼In the lecture, Zane told them about her experience and the Future Heroes Latvia program, the importance and goals of the team “equALL - Unlimited Fashion”.

🟰Students were introduced to what “equALL” had done lately and completed a questionnaire which’s topic is breaking fashion stereotypes.


🎈Ceturtdien, 12 janvārī, Aizputes vidusskolā mūsu komandas dalībniece Zane novadīja lekciju vidusskolas skolēniem.

💼Lekcijā Zane pastāstīja par savu pieredzi un programmu "Future Heroes Latvia", komandas "equALL" nozīmi un mērķiem.

🟰Skolēni tika iepazīstināti ar komandas "equALL" paveikto darbu un aizpildīja aptauju par modes stereotipu laušanu.

Modes Stereotipu Laušana 04/01/2023


Please fill out our questionnaire!🤍🌟😊

Modes Stereotipu Laušana Labdien! Mēs esam jauniešu līderības komanda ‘’equALL - Unlimited Fashion’’ no izaugsmes programmas ''Future Heroes Latvia''. Mūsdienu sabiedrībā un modes industrijā ir uzstādīti noteikti standarti un stereotipi - kā būtu jāģērbjas, jāuzvedas, jākrāsojas u.tml. Piedaloties ...


5️⃣ meiteņu komanda Equall - Unlimited Fashion no līderības un uzņēmējdarbības programmas Future Heroes Latvia , kuras aktīvi darbojas programmā, lai veidotu sabiedrībai nozīmīgu sociālo un uzņēmējdarbības projektu, lūdz finansiālu atbalstu 500 eiro apmērā modes skates realizēšanai 2023.gada aprīlī.

📢Par projektu:
modes daudzveidības kustības komanda “equALL - Unlimited Fashion” 2023. gada aprīlī sadarbībā ar t/c Rīga Plaza plāno iepazīstināt Jūs ar modes skati bez jebkādiem noteikumiem vai ierobežojumiem. Ikviens var būt zvaigzne un justies lepns par savu patieso būtību. Pierādīsim, ka mode vienmēr paliks neierobežota! Lūdzam maksimāli atbalstīt un dalīties ar šo projektu, mēs būsim patiesi pateicīgi par jebkāda veida ziedojumu, lai šis pasākums būtu iespējams.

Atbalstīsim jauniešu iniciatīvu!👨‍🦰👱‍♀️


🎄Merry Christmas!🎅
We wish you good health, family warmth and coziness, and of course a positive mood!


🎄Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus!🎅
Novēlam jums veselību, ģimenes siltumu un mājīgumu, kā arī pozitīvu garastāvokli!


🎄С Рождеством!🎅
Желаем вам крепкого здоровья, семейного тепла и уюта, а также позитивного настроения!

Photos from Equall - Unlimited Fashion 's post 21/12/2022

🎉Instagram live with young designer🎉

🎈Today, December 21, at 19:00 o’clock, on the Instagram account will be held OUR FIRST live air, where first guest will be the young and creative designer Margarita Svirchenkova.

🎯The theme of our live air - destruction of Fashion industry stereotypes.

🙋‍♀️Margarita Svirchenkova - young and full of ideas designer. For 3 years she’s studying at IED Barcelona. Her works are magical, futuristic and meaningful.

🌟Be on time to spend wonderful evening with great company of interesting people!


🎯Mūsu Instagram live tēma - modes stereotipu laušana.

🙋‍♀️Margarita Svirčenkova - jauna un ideju pārpilna dizainere. Jau 3 gadus mācās IED Barselonā. Viņas darbi ir maģiski, futūristiski un saturīgi.

🌟Neaizmirsi pieslēgties laikā, lai pavadītu brīnišķīgu vakaru kopā ar lielisku un interesentu kompāniju!


🎈Сегодня, 21 декабря, в 19.00 вечера на Инстаграм аккаунте будет проходить НАШ ПЕРВЫЙ прямой эфир, в котором нашим первым гостем будет молодой и творческий дизайнер Маргарита Свирченкова.

🎯Тема нашего прямого эфира - разрушение стереотипов в индустрии моды.

🙋‍♀️Маргарита Свирченкова - молодая и полная идей дизайнер. В течение 3 года она учится в IED Barcelona. Её произведения волшебны, футуристичны и содержат огромный смысл.

🌟Будь вовремя, чтобы провести замечательный вечер с великолепной компанией интересных людей!


👩‍💼Business meeting with general manager of Rīga Plaza


🎈Today, December 20, two members of team “equALL” had an incredible opportunity to meet Irina Toropova, general manager of Rīga Plaza.

💼Alice and Yaroslava held a business meeting, presenting about Future Heroes program, the “equALL” team, main purpose of project and partnership proposal.

📸Having successfully agreed on the plan of cooperation that we will reveal to you a bit later, we have decided to take a joint photo of us!


🎈Šodien, 20. decembrī, diviem komandas “equALL” dalībniecēm bija neticama iespēja tikties ar “Rīga Plaza” ģenerālmenedžeri Irinu Toropovu.

💼Alise un Jaroslava rīkoja biznesa tikšanos, prezentējot Irinai par Future Heroes programmu, “equALL” komandu, galveno projekta mērķi un partnerības priekšlikumu.

📸Veiksmīgi vienojušies par sadarbības plānu, ko jums atklāsim nedaudz vēlāk, esam nolēmuši uzņemt kopīgu bildi!


🎈Сегодня, 20 декабря, у двух участниц нашей команды «equALL» была невероятная возможность встретиться с генеральным менеджером «Rīga Plaza» Ириной Тороповой.

💼Алисе и Ярослава провели деловую встречу, представив Ирине о программе Future Heroes, команде «equALL», главной цели проекта и предложении партнерства

📸Успешно договорившись о плане сотрудничества, который мы вам откроем чуть позже, мы решили сделать совместную фотографию

Photos from Equall - Unlimited Fashion 's post 17/12/2022

🟰Team “equALL”


👔2023. gada aprīlī mēs prezentēsim modes skati bez jebkādiem noteikumiem un ierobežojumiem. Tas notiks Rīgā, Latvijā.

Izrādē būs iespēja vērot jauniešus no dažādām Latvijas novadu vietām, kā arī spēcīgu pilnvērtīgu daudzveidību.

Mēs nodrošināsim maksimālu komfortu, atbalstu un drošību šajā kopienā, lai visi justos vienādi.
Pasākumā tiks gādāts arī par apģērbu, grimu un citiem skaistumkopšanas piederumiem mūsu jaukajiem dalībniekiem. Katrs no jums var būt zvaigzne un justies lepns par sevi.

Pierādīsim, ka mode vienmēr paliks dzimumneitrāla!


👔 В апреле 2023 года мы представим модное шоу абсолютно без правил и ограничений. Это будет происходить в Риге, Латвия.

На показе у вас будет шанс увидеть молодежь из разных уголков латвийских регионов, а также полное разнообразие.

Мы обеспечим максимальный комфорт, поддержку и безопасность в этом сообществе, чтобы каждый чувствовал себя одинаково. На мероприятии также будут представлены одежда, косметика и другие предметы красоты для наших дорогих участников. Каждый из вас может быть звездой и гордиться собой.

Давайте докажем, что мода всегда останется гендер нейтральной!


🟰Team “equALL”

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.



Opening Hours

Monday 15:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 15:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 15:00 - 19:00
Thursday 15:00 - 19:00
Friday 15:00 - 19:00

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