
Chi:Laiks is a non-profit organisation with a goal to bring attention to the topic of occupational burnouts and it’s specifics for digital professions.

We aim to nurture culture of Mindfulness in the Workplace among local digital companies.


we are live

Karjeras konsultāciju, koučinga vai supervīzijas sesiju – kuru izvēlēties? 16/12/2020

We would also add psychotherapy next to supervision where you can work with full specter as well (with a bigger and deeper emphasis on personal aspects comparing to couching).

Karjeras konsultāciju, koučinga vai supervīzijas sesiju – kuru izvēlēties? Jau rakstījām par mainīgo darba tirgu, kas nemitīgi pieprasa jaunu zināšanu apguvi. Šodien darba ņēmējam nākas pievērst lielāku uzmanību ne tikai savai


It easily may turn out to be one of the most powerful conversations we've ever been involved in.

If you know a little bit of Russian - don't miss our chance and join us to listen our talk with Kirill on his story. You may want to prepare yourself by reading his article that truly impressed us with how open he is while telling his story and how much value he brought out of it.


Read it and join us this Thursday. Link to the event is in the first comment.

P.S. Our discussion with Kirill will be in Russian - but Q&A session is trilingual as always (Latvian, English, Russian)



🔥🔥🔥 IZDEGŠANAS sindroms saistās ar ilgstošu profesionālo stresu, kas savukārt ir darbinieka spēju un resursu neatbilstība prasībām un pienākumiem, kas ikdienā darbā jāveic.

Te dažas no izdegšanas pazīmēm. Ja tās par tevi, īpaši - jau kādu laiku, iesaku neatlikt un meklēt atbalstu un profesionālu palīdzību.
Izdegšana nav iesnas, pati par sevi nepāries!

Pirmais, ko var darīt - meklēt sev atbilstošu informāciju. Kā uzlabot savu labsajūtu, strādājot no mājām, runāsim nākamnedēļ 10.novembrī vebinārā (bezmaksas), te vairāk informācijas: https://www.facebook.com/events/3221495804626670


Now you can apply for professional help from mentors and therapists registered with us. Wide range of options - from single session to a prolonged therapy. Volunteers providing pro-bono sessions and paid services. Just go through simple 3-step application here - https://chilaiks.com/action

And do not forget to reserve your seat on our online meetup this Wednesday (28-Oct 19:00) - https://www.facebook.com/events/1360380894293724/


Your help is needed!

One year ago, when we just started this page, right after our first meet up we got 1 star rating. This came from a person who never attended our event, not even was invited. He blamed us to be scam and then disappeared from Facebook but rating is still here 🤷‍♂️

Needless to say we technically cannot be a scam since we are completely free, non-profit community and running on private donations and sponsorships.

👉So, if you attended our meetups and/or agree with our agenda - please help us to improve rating for this page - give us rating of 5🖖stars!

P.S. We do not blame this angry guy, we know where stress may take to!

P.P.S. And stay tuned for what is coming in October.


Či:laiks is coming back this fall. In October we will start new series of our meetups with more stories of burnouts highlighting personal experiences and professional insights.

Plus, we decided to go beyond our traditional meetup format and to put some practical aspect in place. Stay tuned on:

- how we build and support mental health advocates at the workplaces
- suggested ways to work on burnout and stress issues
- trusted people to get advise from

Welcome to Či-laiks 4th meetup - ONLINE 09/04/2020

Welcome to Či-laiks 4th meetup - ONLINE - https://mailchi.mp/solnams/welcome-to-i-laiks-4th-meetup-online
Do not forget to register prior joining.

Welcome to Či-laiks 4th meetup - ONLINE


In EN below.

LV: 📚 Jauna diena - jauna grāmata. Atgādinam, ka pasākumā 5. martā šīs grāmatas tiks dāvinātas dažiem laimīgajiem.

🎫 🍀 Piesakies dalībai bez maksas un varbūt tieši Tu dosies mājās ar iedvesmojošu grāmatu.

📖 **The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter and How to Make the Most of Them Now by Meg Jay**

Trīsdesmit ir jaunie divdesmit? Psihologs Meg Jay stāsta par to kā divdesmitgadnieki tiek ierauti spriedzes un aplamas informācijas mutulī, kas banalizē, patiesībā, pārmaiņām un izaicinājumiem visbāgatāko laiku mūsu dzīvēs.
Tas nereti nozīmē, ka tieši mileniāļi piedzīvo izdegšanu un nomaldās no ceļa, izmisīgi mēģinot izdarīt “pareizas” izvēles, tiecoties pēc darba, partneriem un draugiem, kas nekādi nesader ar viņu patiesajām vērtībām un kaislībām.

EN: 📚 New day comes with new books. And by the way these books will be given out to few of meetup participants on March 5.

🎫 🍀 Get your free admission at Eventbrite and be among candidates for these take away books.

📖 **The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter and How to Make the Most of Them Now by Meg Jay**
Thirty is the new 20—or is it? Clinical psychologist Meg Jay says that 20-somethings have been caught in a swirl of hype and misinformation, much of which has trivialized what is actually the most transformative period of our adult lives.

This often means that Millennials in particular experience burnout from winding up on the wrong path, focusing on what they “should” be doing, or pursing work, partners, and friends that are not in line with their passions or values.


In EN below.

LV: 📚 Viens no visvieglāk pieejamajiem līdzekļiem cīņā ar stresu un izdegšanu ir atrodams grāmatu plauktā! Mēs aicinām visus mūsu sekotājus, pasākuma dalībniekus un, protams, spīkerus dalīties ar savām mīļākajām pašpalīdzības grāmatām par dažādām tēmām, ne tikai izdegšanu un psiholoģiju.
Vērsties pēc palīdzības pie profesionāļa ir ieteicams daudzos dzīves brīžos, bet ir reizes, kad pietiek vien ielūkoties grāmatu plauktā, lai rastu komfortu un vērtīgu informāciju. Vērtīgs palīgs var būt grāmatas par filozofiju, psiholoģiju, vēsturi un kāpēc gan ne zinātniskā fantastika.
Zemāk uzskaitītas dažas grāmatas, ar kurām mēs vēlētos sākt. Starp citu, pasākumā 5. martā šīs grāmatas tiks dāvinātas dažiem laimīgajiem.

🎫 🍀 Piesakies dalībai bez maksas un varbūt tieši Tu dosies mājās ar iedvesmojošu grāmatu.

📖 **The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt**
Šī grāmata savij kopā desmit idejas no mūsdienu un seno laiku filozofijām, psiholoģijas un zinātniskajiem pētījumiem, lai ļautu lasītājiem padziļināti paskatīties uz laimi. Autors grāmatā veiksmīgi atlasījis un izskaidrojis mācības, kas attiecināmas uz mūsdienu dzīvi. Šī ir grāmata par to, kā būvēt laimīgu, piepildītu un jēgpilnu dzīvi.


EN: 📚 One of the affordable ways to combat with your stress and burnout can be found on a bookshelf! We are welcoming all our followers, event participants and of course speakers to share their favourite self-help books. Not necessarily ones that are directly related to burnout issue or other psychology matters. Seeking help from a professional is advisable through many times in our lives, but there is also great comfort and insight to be gained on the humble bookshelf in genres such as philosophy, pop psychology, and why not fiction literature or history.
Here are some reads that we would like to start with. And by the way these books will be given out to few of meetup participants on March 5.

🎫 🍀 Get your free admission at Eventbrite and be among candidates for these take away books.

📖 **The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt**
This book brings together 10 great ideas from ancient and contemporary philosophy, psychology, and research to provide a comprehensive view of happiness.
Haidt thoughtfully extracts lessons that still apply to our modern lives. It is a book about how to construct a life of virtue, happiness, fulfillment, and meaning.


Save the date for our 3rd event. Details are coming already this week, stay tuned.

2nd meetup was a blast. Insightful speach from Yury Chudnovsky and amazingly thorough and detailed lecture by Kristaps Circenis . We are working on videos and planning to invite both speakers into one of our coming events for the versions "next"!


Схожие ощущения сейчас или в прошлом?

🌿 Отвращение к общению. Обед в компании коллег для вас равносилен пытке.
🌿 Уверенность, что дальше будет только хуже...
🌿 Проблемы со сном. Не можете заснуть или просыпаетесь в 5 часов утра и думаете о возможных и невозможных проблемах, подыскиваете пути их решения.
🌿 Апатия. Кажется что бессмысленно что-либо предпринимать.
🌿 Потеря смысла. Все что делаете вы и окружающие кажется бессмысленным занятием, не имеющим никакого смысла.

Это просто усталость? Взять отпуск и хорошо отдохнуть или пора менять работу?


Приходите и обсудим.

Photos from Či:laiks's post 18/01/2020

Či:Laiks, 2nd Meetup, 23rd January 2020 :: Meet another our speaker with his personal story - Yury Chudnovsky,SW Developer & Architect, former Head of Software Development at Printify.

Register now, admission is free.


Register now, admission is free.


The World Health Organization (WHO) classified burnout as [“a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.”](https://www.who.int/mental_health/evidence/burn-out/en/) WHO’s classification also declares burnout is specific to occupation and “should not be applied to describe experiences in other areas of life.”

We do believe that occupations we group under “Digital Professions” tag have a lot of new and emerging factors provoking burnouts. Understanding this specifics is essential for all people working in these occupations and also specialists interested in burnout prevention.

Či:laiks is a series of events designed for software developers, designers, technical managers, testing engineers, digital marketers and all other professionals who’s career belongs to nowadays digitalized world - amazingly dynamic and interesting but also overwhelming and not like anything before.

We are using these events as open stage to define and discuss the issue of Burnout at digital workplace. Our approach is to combine true cases presented by people from industry with professional view of people studying the subject .

Through the series of our events we will discuss:

- Techniques how to cope with the stress
- Burnout and how to avoid it
- Ways to adopt your career to your true needs and abilities
- Employer versus employee responsibility
- Work/life balance - myth or reality?
- Mindfulness at the workplace

These are open events - meaning you will define more topics by participating, both during live events and online.

You are welcome to join our next event on January 23, 2020!


Timeline photos 06/01/2020

Here we come. Our 2nd event is scheduled and speakers are fine-tuning their talks. Save the date, Get your free ticket (see link in comments), and SPREAD THE WORD!


Knowing the difference between stress and burnout is critical to managing each one effectively. Understanding it's not "just a stress" may be a life-changer.

Timeline photos 19/11/2019
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