Marketing Angels

One-stop marketing solutions for digital and traditional world. Your business guardian angels.

Professional marketing consulting, marketing outsourcing and advertising services.

Photos from Marketing Angels's post 11/07/2024

Iepazīsties ar Vinetu - Marketing Angels biznesa vadības eņģeli! 🤩👼


Struggling to get the most out of your Facebook ads? Here are some proven tips to boost your campaign!

● Define Clear Objectives: Whether it's brand awareness, lead generation, or sales, have a clear goal in mind for each ad.
● Know Your Audience: Use Facebook's audience insights to target the right demographics. Tailor your ad content to resonate with them.
● Compelling Visuals: Use high-quality images or videos. Eye-catching visuals grab attention and increase engagement.
● Engage With Audience: Include a strong call-to-action to drive desired outcomes.
● A/B Testing: Test different versions of your ads to see what works best. Experiment with variations in images, headlines.
● Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review your ad performance metrics. Adjust your strategies based on what's working and what's not.

Remember, consistent posting and testing are key to mastering Facebook ad optimization.


Vai esi kādreiz aizdomājies, kāpēc Coca-Cola visā pasaulē tiek atpazīta ar vienu skatienu?👀

Pievienojies mūsu otrajai nodarbībai “Mārketings brokastīs” bezmaksas semināru ciklā un uzzini par zīmola izveides pamatiem, vizuālās identitātes elementiem un dizaina principiem, kas palīdz zīmoliem saglabāt konsekvenci un atpazīstamību visos tirgos.🤩

Apskatīsim reālus piemērus un piedāvāsim ieskatu, kā izveidot spēcīgu un vienotu vizuālo identitāti, kas paliek atmiņā.💯

👉 Ielej kafiju un pievienojies mūsu tiešsaistes bezmaksas semināram “Kāpēc Cola arī Āfrikā ir Cola? Zīmola vizuālā identitāte.”
📅 12.jūlijā
🕙 10:00 – 11:00
🌐 Google Meet platformā

Semināru vadīs “Marketing Angels” radošā direktore un līdzīpašniece Jeļena Rešetņikova.😇

ℹ️ Vairāk par semināru:


What is SWOT analysis and why do we need that?

SWOT analysis stand for:
👉Strengths - identify what your business is good at.
👉Weaknesses - spot areas that need improvement.
👉Opportunities - discover potential things you can benefit from.
👉Threats - prepare for possible challenges.

SWOT analysis helps organisations make informed decisions and develop effective strategies. It's like a map that helps to plan smart moves and stay ahead of the game.

The main benefits of SWOT analysis include:
✅Considers both external and internal factors.
✅Simplifies overwhelming data.
✅Identifies potential threats early.

Unlock your business potential with a SWOT analysis and thrive!🤩


Social Media Day is an annual event celebrated globally to recognize and appreciate the impact of social media on our lives. This special day, held on June 30th, acknowledges the incredible ways social media has revolutionized communication, sharing, and community building across the world.🤩🎉


Šonedēļ bija tas gods vadīt apmācības par sociālo mediju mārketingu neparastai grupai – aptuveni 20 patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības juristiem un ekspertiem no dažādām ES valstīm. 👀🌍

👉Tas mums vēlreiz apliecināja, ka digitālais mārketings un dažādu ar to saistītu rīku lietošana vairs nav tikai mārketinga profesionāļu ikdienas nepieciešamība. 🤩

Apmācību projekts notika sadarbībā ar Latvijas Tirdzniecības un rūpniecības kamera, Eurochambres un BEUC (starptautiska patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības organizācija).💯


This week, I had the honour of organising training on social media marketing for an extraordinary group of about 20 consumer protection lawyers and experts from different EU countries. 👀🌍

👉🏼This reaffirmed that digital marketing and various related tools are no longer just a daily necessity for marketing professionals. 🤩

The training project was carried out in cooperation with Latvijas Tirdzniecības un rūpniecības kamera, Eurochambres, and BEUC (an international organisation that protects consumer rights). 💯

Photos from Marketing Angels's post 26/06/2024

Iepazīsties ar Jeļenu - Marketing Angels radošo eņģeli! 🤩👼

Photos from Marketing Angels's post 20/06/2024

Iepazīsties ar Līgu - Marketing Angels stratēģisko eņģeli! 🤩👼


Is your business struggling to rank on search engines? Here are 4 crucial SEO tips to boost your online visibility and drive more organic traffic to your website! 📈

1️⃣ Keyword Research and High-Quality Content: identify relevant keywords for your industry and incorporate them strategically into valuable content for your target audience.

2️⃣ Improve Technical SEO: Optimize website speed, ensure good readability on mobile devices, and include essential elements like metadata. Note that Google has adopted a mobile-first indexing policy, prioritizing pages optimized for mobile devices.

3️⃣ Leverage Google Search Console: Use Google Search Console to submit a sitemap, monitor your website's search performance, identify and fix indexing issues, understand how Google views your site, and optimize your content for better visibility in search results.

4️⃣ Monitor SEO Performance: Regularly track your SEO efforts using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Analyze key metrics such as organic traffic, keyword rankings, bounce and engagement rates to measure success and identify areas for improvement.

Implement these tips and watch your website climb the search engine rankings!👀🤩


🚫 Myth: Email Marketing is Outdated

✅ Fact: Businesses should still invest in email marketing because it consistently delivers high ROI and remains a powerful tool for customer engagement. Personalized and targeted email campaigns can drive significant conversions and customer loyalty. Despite new marketing trends, email marketing continues to be reliable and effective strategy.

Don’t let myths stop you! Personalize, segment, and see your engagement skyrocket. 🚀📧


Why is Visual Identity Important?🤔

Many companies fail to realize why investing in high-quality, visually appealing communication is crucial. From website design and social media presence to retail store aesthetics and even the bags in which products are presented to consumers—every detail matters.😉

A great example is the Latvian company "Modern Nomad", which recently began a partnership with "DIOR". "Modern Nomad" openly acknowledges that one of the reasons they were chosen was their strong visual communication. This underscores the importance of a well-crafted visual identity in making a lasting impression and securing prestigious collaborations.🤩

👉 "One of the lessons from this cooperation is the importance of investing in reputation. It's expensive at the beginning and sometimes you don't see the immediate point, why take a photographer for hundreds and thousands of euros and why the pictures you take with your own phone are not good enough. At one point it makes a lot of sense. We are demanding of content and have purposely followed this path," says Jānis Kļaviņš, co-owner of "Modern Nomad".


Photos from Marketing Angels's post 10/06/2024

Why choose Marketing Angels as your outsourced marketing agency?🤔

Because we guarantee a smooth, safe journey with our team!🤩

Thanks to our experience in executive marketing positions both locally and internationally, we understand your needs deeply. We excel at accomplishing wonders and finding the best solutions, even in the most challenging situations.🚀


Staying ahead of the competition means keeping up with the latest trends and strategies. 🚀

Here are some of the key marketing trends for 2024 that you should be aware of:

🎤 Podcasts: Tap into this growing medium to enhance brand communication and connect authentically with potential customers. Incorporating podcasts into your strategy can significantly boost brand awareness.

💯 Authentic Branding: Authenticity has never been more crucial. Build your brand on personal and audience values to forge stronger, enduring relationships with customers.

💻 Omni-channel Marketing: As customers engage with brands via social media, websites, emails, and in-store experiences, it's vital to maintain consistent and cohesive marketing across all platforms to enhance the customer journey.

💥 Interactive content: Interactive content, such as surveys and quizzes, is becoming increasingly popular. These formats not only engage users but also provide valuable information about customer preferences.

📹The dominance of short-form video: video remains the dominant content format, with its popularity continuing to grow rapidly. This growth is driven by the popularity of platforms such as TikTok, Reels, and Shorts, which offer a fast and efficient way to reach a broad audience.

Which trends have you already integrated into your marketing communications? Share in the comments!🤩


Uzņēmēji ne tikai strādā, bet arī atpūšas.😌
Šī gada pirmais BNI Canders grila pasākums pie Marketing Angels.🍗🌳
🤩BNI uzņēmēju klubā šādi pasākumi notiek bieži. Lai biedri varētu labāk sadarboties, vienam otru ir labāk jāiepazīst arī neformālā vidē.


Iepazīsties ar mums - Marketing Angels komandu!🤩😇

👉🏼 Mārketinga stratēģijas izveide
👉🏼 Google ads, Meta ads un citas
👉🏼 Sociālo tīklu kontu apkalpošana

Un šie ir tikai daži no pakalpojumiem, kurus piedāvājam!🤝
📩Piesakies sarunai, rakstot uz [email protected]


Our services are available separately or in convenient packages! 🤝

What will you get?
👉 A better understanding of your brand's target audience and competitors
👉 Brand essence, values and a common understanding of them within the team
👉 The core brand promise and tagline
👉 A "Moodboard" or a collage of brand mood pictures
👉 Brand story (emotional narrative that reflects the Brand essence)

🚀 We are ready to help! Simply book a 30-minute online discovery call:


Happy to join Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia and explore new opportunities and partnerships.

We're happy to announce a new member! Marketing Angels joined the Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia as a BIG category member! Welcome!

Marketing Angels is an agency that provides one-stop marketing solutions for digital and traditional world.

At the Finnish Chamber the agency will be represented by Liga Busa-Lehtonena and Vineta Spoge, who are ready to foster new partnerships and opportunities.

More about Marketing Angels:

Full scope of marketing services – whenever you need a trusted helping hand, Marketing Angels can be your company’s outsourced marketing department. Their experience with executive marketing positions, both locally and internationally, and their ability to understand your needs guarantees a smooth and safe journey towards new business heights.

They create successful brand stories and winning marketing strategy, use digital marketing for online presence and promotion of goods and services and brand awareness, create advertising materials for the company and even provide marketing training!

Marketing Angels will take your business to a higher level!


Vakar pie mums ciemojās studenti, kurus aizrauj mārketinga un reklāmas vide! 👀

Mūsu vadītāja un līdzīpašniece Līga Buša – Lehtonena iepazīstināja ar aģentūras darbu, pastāstīja gan par izaicinājumiem, ar kuriem saskaras mārketinga aģentūras, gan parādīja daudz veiksmīgus piemērus.

Priecājamies par jauniešiem, kuri gatavi mesties piedzīvojumos mārketinga pasaulē! 🚀


Whether you're a new business or have been in the industry for years, an effective digital marketing strategy will help you reach your target audience online, boost brand awareness and increase sales. 🔝

👀 But how to avoid getting confused by the many digital marketing channels and tools available? Where to start?

In our blog post, we'll look at 5️⃣ simple steps that will help you launch an effective digital marketing strategy and achieve your business goals.

➡️ Take a look at our blog article:


Marketing strategy, digital marketing or design - you name it! You can achieve all your marketing goals in one place, because we are one-stop marketing agency! ⚡

📲 Contact us and let us help you make your business stand out from the competitors:!


21.gadsimtā vairs neuzvar uzņēmums ar labāko produktu. Uzvar tas, kas vislabāk izstāsta savu stāstu. 💡

🤔 Kas veido vērtīgu zīmolu? Kā tas sasaucas ar pieaugošo patērētāju vēlmi pēc autentiskuma? Un kā veidot un atrast zīmolus, kas sasaucas ar Tavām personīgajām vērtībām?

Par to un citiem ar zīmola veidošanu saistītiem jautājumiem runāsim mūsu pirmajā nodarbībā “Mārketings brokastīs” bezmaksas semināru ciklā. Tiekamies:
📅 17.maijā
🕰️ plkst 10:00
🌐 Google Meet platformā!

Vebināru vadīs Līga Buša – Lehtonena, Marketing Angels vadītāja un līdzīpašniece, kurai ir vairāk kā 20 gadu pieredze mārketinga nozarē.

ℹ️ Vairāk par vebināru:


Can you guess right? This one made us sweat too! 😅


Atklāšanas ballīte pie kaimiņiem House of Hair pilnā sparā 🥳🥳🥳🥳. Nāc uz Marketing Angels pēc mārketinga pārvērtībām un pie kaimiņiem pēc stila pārvērtībām.

Photos from Marketing Angels's post 17/04/2024

🎥✨ Behind the Scenes! ✨🎥

What an amazing filming day we had yesterday, were we captured the magical world of chemistry and inspiring reactions to create something cool for Study in Latvia image video.

Stay tuned to see the magic we created!


Expertise and excellence in bringing marketing initiatives to life 🏆

🔝 We take pride in our expertise and commitment to excellence. Our team is armed with a plethora of certifications, a testament to our dedication to staying at the forefront of marketing trends.

Join forces with us and let's sculpt success together! 🚀

Photos from Marketing Angels's post 09/04/2024

🎨 Color plays an important role in marketing. It is one of the first things your target market sees and can play a significant role in consumer behaviour.

👀 Scroll to the end to see how colour can change identity!

When the time comes to choose a color palette for a company several elements must be considered:
👉 Primary color: the primary color is the one that consumers will perceive first.
👉 Secondary color: the secondary color may simply be a darker or lighter variation of the primary color or contrast colour/other tone that goes well with primary color.
👉 Color accent: the accent color, used sparingly, aims to highlight some important elements. This color is often a complementary color to the primary color.

Contact us and let us find the right colors for your business:! 🧑‍🎨


🚀Another long and successful cooperation with our client - Apines dental clinic!

Apines dentistry came to us several years ago looking for a professional and strategic approach to marketing their business.

We made:
➡️ Customer research to identify customers’ needs and pain points
➡️ Unique brand positioning to stand out from the crowd
➡️ Refined marketing strategy and marketing mix in line with the brand positioning
➡️ Modern responsive webpage
➡️ Effective marketing activities plan

As a result of the long-term successful co-operation, Apines Dentistry has evolved from a modest two-chair clinic into one of the largest dental practices in Latvia, offering a comprehensive range of services all in one location.

⚡ If you also need help with innovative solutions and want us to make your business stand out from the crowd, contact us:


Our agency has invented a technology that makes advertisements completely invisible to the human eye. No more visible ads 👀...

Okay, okay, it's an April Fool's Day joke this time, but who knows - maybe we'll surprise you in the future? 🤭


Happy Easter to all! 🐰🥚

May you win all the egg fights, may all the bunnies be found and have a chance to swing high into the sky!


As the flowers bloom and the days get longer, it's the perfect time to give your marketing strategies a refreshing makeover! 🚀✨ Let's embrace the spirit of renewal and growth with some spring cleaning tips for your digital presence:

👉 Polish your social media profiles: update your social media profiles with the latest information, and add a touch of spring flair with new profile pictures or cover photos. Consistency is key!
👉 W**d out ineffective strategies: just as you'd w**d out the garden, evaluate your marketing strategies. Identify what's not yielding results and consider replacing or refining those tactics.
👉 Freshen up your brand messaging: ensure your brand messaging aligns with your current goals and resonates with your target audience. a clear and compelling message is the foundation of successful marketing.
👉 Embrace new trends: explore emerging trends in the marketing landscape. Whether it's video content, interactive experiences, or innovative campaigns, incorporating new trends can breathe new life into your approach.

📲 Contact us to do the spring cleaning for your business together:

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Our story

Mēs esam Jūsu uzņēmuma ārštata mārketinga departaments – Jūsu biznesa sargeņģeļi. Pacelt Jūsu biznesu jaunos augstumos – tas ir visu mūsu darbību mērķis. Mēs ceļamies augstāk kopā ar Jums, tāpēc rūpējamies par mērķtiecīgu un patīkamu lidojumu. Skaistu un drošu lidojumu garantē mūsu pieredze vadošos mārketinga amatos gan vietējos, gan starptautiskos uzņēmumos, mūsu spēja sajust mūsu klientu vajadzības, uzburt īstus brīnumus un atrast pareizo risinājumu pat sarežģītākajām situācijām.


We are your company’s outsourced marketing department – the guardian angels of your business. We help companies to spread their wings and fly higher. We can guarantee you will have a smooth, safe journey with us thanks to our experience with executive marketing positions, both locally and internationally, and our ability to understand your needs, accomplish wonders and find the best solutions, even in the most difficult situations.


Videos (show all)

Iepazīsties ar mums - Marketing Angels komandu!🤩😇👉🏼 Mārketinga stratēģijas izveide👉🏼 Google ads, Meta ads un citas👉🏼 Soc...
Marketing Angels komanda🤩
🌑 It's the New Moon - a great time to start something new! So our team gathered together,  armed with magazines, markers...
As 2023 comes to an end, we pause for a minute to look back at one of our favourite memories together - the 10th anniver...
"Full wheelbarrow to Tolmets" success story
Fein x Marketing Angels
Līgo svētki kopā ar mārketinga eņģeļiem! 🌿🌞 Tradīcijas, ēdieni un lustīgi pavadīts laiks mūsu mājīgajā biroja terasē. 🍻🙌...
Priecīgas Lieldienas!
Strādājot mārketinga jomā esam sapratuši - ir jāmāk izkāpt no savas komforta zonas, kā saka, "out of the box", lai uzģen...
Dāmas Latvijā un visā pasaulē! Sveicam jūs Starptautiskajā Sieviešu dienā un novēlam mieru, veselību un daudz, daudz mīl...
Februāris visā pasaulē ienes romantiskāku noskaņu - ne tikai pāru attiecībās, bet arī ģimenē. 😇 Mēs, Marketing Angels, k...
Skaidrs, ka sociālajos medijos un digitālajā mārketingā tendences mainās tik ātros tempos, ka tām nav iespējams izsekot ...



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