
Medical dietetic, physical activity, lifestyle medicine & health promotion Lider-Ekspert za Ishrana

Photos from Nutri_MD's post 01/09/2024

European Lifestyle Medicine Organisation_

Exercise Programs That Promote Senior Fitness 18/08/2024

Fitness for senior

Exercise Programs That Promote Senior Fitness Physical activity is important for older adults, especially when it comes to maintaining independence and preventing health problems. NCOA helps community organizations find resources for senior fitness programs and activities.


Која е Вашата омилена диета меѓу популарните?

Photos from Nutri_MD's post 29/07/2024

Novel food application on specification change for phytosterols: The allergenic potential of an ingredient that contains no protein (or peptides) is very low (EFSA NDA Panel, 2021). Vegetable oil-derived phytosterols and phytosterols esters from soybean sources will trigger a severe allergic reaction in susceptible individuals.
However, it is considered that the EFSA NDA Panel's conclusion above on low allergenicity is valid here.

Центар за менаџирање на дебелина: приоритет за пациентите со дијабетес 06/07/2024

Неопходно е да се подготви спецификација на здравствени и диететски услуги кои ќе ги спроведува специјалистички кадар во лекување на дебелината и нејзините компликации и да бидат прифатени од Фондот за здравство.
Беше направена спецификација за пакет на услуги: Нефармаколошки, диететски здравствени услуги од областа на медицинска диететика со индивидуално дозирана физичка активност кои беа доставени до Фондот во 2007 год. Спецификацијата беше изработена на основ на меѓународните препораки според минутажа на услугите. Подготвена беше од Кабинетот за диететика при Заводот за спортска медицина каде претходно беше спроведена научна студија за превенција и лекување на дебелината.
Унив. Проф. др Вера Симовска, диетолог и специјалист по спортска медицина.

Центар за менаџирање на дебелина: приоритет за пациентите со дијабетес Разговор со доц. д-р Танер Хасан по повод отворањето на првиот Центар за менаџирање на дебелината во склопот на ЈЗУ ГОБ „8 СЕПТЕМВРИ“ во Скопје, кој бездруго ќе прет...

Photos from Nutri_MD's post 18/06/2024

Healthy Lifestyle Centre at Primary Healthcare - Strong links between PHC and physical activity opportunities in the community.
- "The Prescription for Exercise" program kako zaednicka inicijativa na Sportsko medicinskoto zdruzenie, Makedonskoto lekarsko drustvo i Olimpiskiot komitet t.e. novoformiranoto Ministerstvoto za sport.


Во денешниот свет опседнат со брзина и натпреварување, заборавуваме да го цениме значењето на мирот и спокојството. Моќта на паузата е потценета 😊🌅☯️


Koгa би се организирала "Олимпијада за здраво стареење" како би сте ја спровеле во Вашата земја, град, општина...

EVO ŠTA TREBA DA URADITE SA STAROM ČUVARKUĆOM: Mnogi vernici čine VELIKI GREH, a ovo je jedino PRAVILNO 27/04/2024
Jajcata se farbaat vo voda so kori od limun i boja za da ne pukaat.
Moze da se farbaat i vo crno vino, a po varenjeto se ostavaat 12 časa za da celosna dobijat vino-lila boja.
Za VELIGDEN se farbaat spored Hristoviot datum 33 jajca.

EVO ŠTA TREBA DA URADITE SA STAROM ČUVARKUĆOM: Mnogi vernici čine VELIKI GREH, a ovo je jedino PRAVILNO Svake godine prilikom farbanja jaja za Uskrs običaj je da se prvo jaje odvaja sa strane kao čuvarkuća. To jaje treba da bude crvene boje.


Online presentations, COST Action: Evidence-Based Physical Activity in Older Adults, Conference, 19 April, 2024, Litvanija, Kaunas


Nutricionisticki perspektivi: Plant-Based Diet for T2DM Prevention


Presmetajte go Vasiot aeroben fitnes

World Fitness Level

Japanese diet puts the brakes on brain aging 09/04/2024

Japonskata ishrana go unapreduva mentalnoto zdravje

Japanese diet puts the brakes on brain aging The results suggest that a traditional Japanese diet is better than a Western one when it comes to keeping our brains big and healthy.


Vodič za dieta so eliminacija pri alergiji i senzitivnosti na hrana



EFAD-ISA webinar - The latest dietary guidelines on obesity and diabetes management 27/03/2024

New MNT for adults with obesity_EASO, EFAD, 2013

EFAD-ISA webinar - The latest dietary guidelines on obesity and diabetes management This is "EFAD-ISA webinar - The latest dietary guidelines on obesity and diabetes management" by Wineke Remijnse on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos…


Preporaki za ishrana za vreme na RAMADAN i prevencija od dijabetes - T2DM

Internet for Trust 03/03/2024

Governance of Digital Platform - WHO Digital Health

Internet for Trust Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms


The ideal alcohol intake on a routine, day-to-day basis should be zero.
What about the famous J curve, though? Where light to moderate drinkers appear to have lower mortality rates than the teetotalers at zero drinks a day?

This may just be an artifact of the systemic misclassification of former drinkers as lifelong abstainers. This leads to the so-called sick-quitter effect, where the reason a person may be a nondrinker is because drinking made them sick, thereby making current drinkers look good in comparison. It’s the same reason studies can find higher mortality among those who quit smoking, compared to those who continue to smoke. It’s not that abstention led to poor health, but, rather, poor health led to abstention.

When researchers went back and controlled for the error of misclassifying former drinkers as never-drinkers, the J curve disappeared. No more apparent benefit to moderate drinking. In other words, compared to true abstainers, the more alcohol, the more disease, with no apparent protection at low levels of consumption.

Drinking alcohol has been associated with excessive mortality from cancer for more than a century. Even at low levels of intake, it can cause cancer—mostly head, neck, and gastrointestinal cancers in men and breast cancer in women.

Watch the videos "Can Alcohol Cause Cancer?" at and “How Not to Age – Live Presentation” at to learn more.

How Not to Age is out now! Borrow a copy from your local library or order one today:

Photos from Nutri_MD's post 16/02/2024

"Nutri Brain"

Photos from Nutri_MD's post 15/02/2024

По повод "EGRAPA" Conference/"PhysAgeNet" na tema: Simovska:
World Health Organization (WHO), St. Clement of Ohrid University of Bitola, European Lifestyle Medicine Organization


Definition of Lifestyle Medicine - as adopted by the ELMO Scientific Council

Lifestyle medicine is a branch of medicine which has as goal to maintain optimal health and to prevent, treat and reverse chronic illness across all life stages. The health interventions used in lifestyle medicine include evidence-based behavioural strategies, while considering equity and sustainability, to enhance self-management skills for optimizing nutrition, sleep hygiene, stress management, social connection, sexual health and fertility, physical activity and minimizing substance use and environmental exposures.

The 8 Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine :

Physical Activity
Sleep hygiene
Stress Management
Substance use
Sexual health and fertility
Social connection
Environmental exposure

See more


European Lifestyle Medicine Organisation (ELMO)


Older Adults - Nutrition Info: Conference, Skopje -

Timeline photos 28/01/2024

Each year, unhealthy diets shave hundreds of millions of disability-free years off of people’s lives.

What are the worst aspects of our diets? Four out of five of the deadliest dietary traps involve not eating enough of certain foods—not eating enough whole grains, fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables—but our most fatal flaw is consuming too much salt. A sodium-heavy diet is on the order of 15 times deadlier than diets too high in sugar-sweetened drinks like soda, for example.

Where’s sodium found? Really crappy foods. So, it’s hard to know if increased salt intake is just a marker for a bad diet overall. But we do know that salt and high blood pressure are cause-and-effect. We have more than a hundred randomized controlled trials demonstrating that if you cut down on added salt, your blood pressures fall, and the more you cut down, the better. Part of the mechanism may actually be the damage salt may do to your microbiome, the friendly flora in your gut.

Join us on February 2 at 2pm ET for our next webinar, "How Not to Age Book Club (2/4)" where we will cover Part II: The Optimal Anti-Aging Regimen. Registration closes January 31. Make a donation at to support and as a special reward you can attend this live four part webinar series hosted by Dr. Greger!

Everyone registered will receive the webinar recordings for all four sessions within a few days of each one taking place. If you missed the first session, register now to get the recording!

Watch the video “Fewer Than 1 in 5,000 Meet Sodium and Potassium Recommended Intakes” at to learn more.


Poslediplomski studii po NUTRICIONIZAM i DIETETIKA - MSc. na Univ. Sv. Klimet Ohridski-Bitola, i TTF Veles - Elaborat, dostaven na 10 Oktomvri 2010 god. od Docen dr. Vera Simovska, MD., PhD.


Editor of "Journal of Nutrition Disorders and Therapy", USA, Connecticut.

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