Yoga Light - 光之瑜珈教育中心

"Yoga Light " provides us a graceful atmosphere to relax our mind, stretch our body and balance our Yoga Light are into two Floors 16 and 17 Floor.

Yoga Light provides graceful atmosphere and bring different kinds of Yoga classes in Macau . All the classes are suitable for the beginner practitioner and also classes are teaching by different Masters from around the world.


| 歡迎新導師Merith



歡迎Merith九月份加入Yoga Light家庭,各位會員可於九月預約她的課堂。課程諮詢,請致電(853)28595561。

| Meet Our New Teacher Merith

Merith was born in Austria. She began training in dance and rhythmic gymnastics at the age of three. During her practice, she discovered a passion for acrobatics and aerial arts. Specialist in aerial arts, dance, gymnastics, Pilates and stretching.

Having completed multiple teacher training courses, she has taught around the globe while performing internationally. Movement, rhythm, and the joy of expressing oneself through the body have been integral to her life. Merith delves into this realm, viewing the human body as a form of art. She aims for her students to recognize their capabilities and to share her passion for discovery.

Book the class with Merith and welcome her to the Yoga Light Family in September.

For inquiry, please call at (853) 28595561.




限時週年慶優惠 ❗️由即日起至9月18日:

Imaginary Season | 8th Anniversary Promotion Extension

The Swedish poet Tomas Tranströmer wrote in his poem “Open and Closed Spaces”,
“A boy sprints with an invisible line slanting
up in the sky
where his wild dream of the future flies like
a kite bigger than the

There’s an intangible image growing and flying, which dotted a drabness season to become vivid. Imagination, is a purity that we should never lose in our life. Resembling as Thomas, we describe our monotonous season that we have forgotten with the simplest words for purity and innocence permeated in our world once again.

These limited-time offers extend to 19 September 2024.

Term and condition:
- The complimentary classes can be used by you or gifted to your friends/family
- These promotions apply to all of our 3 studio locations




我們將以「幻想的季節」作為週年慶的優惠主題。Yoga Light 為大家獻上兩個優惠,一年月費計劃送兩個月(每天最多可上兩節課),以及一年80節課送4節。

限時週年慶優惠 ❗️由即日起至8月18日:

Imaginary Season | 8th Anniversary Promotion
The Swedish poet Tomas Tranströmer wrote in his poem “Open and Closed Spaces”,
“A boy sprints with an invisible line slanting
up in the sky
where his wild dream of the future flies like
a kite bigger than the

There’s an intangible image growing and flying, which dotted a drabness season to become vivid. Imagination, is a purity that we should never lose in our life. Resembling as Thomas, we describe our monotonous season that we have forgotten with the simplest words for purity and innocence permeated in our world once again.

We have chosen “Imaginary Season” as the theme for our anniversary discount program, offering two special promotions: 1 year package(GET extra 2 months free, max 2 classes per day) and 80 classes package (GET 4 extra classes for free).

These limited-time offers are valid from now until August 18th.

Term and condition:
- The complimentary classes can be used by you or gifted to your friends/family
- These promotions apply to all of our 3 studio locations


▍ | 八週年慶祝活動

感恩您們一路以來的陪伴,我們迎來了Yoga Light的第八年。在過去的日子,我們始終秉持著對瑜伽的熱愛與執著,值此八週年之際,讓我們一起回顧過往,展望未來。8月3日的下午兩時三十分,我們在Yoga Light 的海洋會館期待您的蒞臨,讓我們一起慶祝這個重要時刻。


▍ | 8th Anniversary Celebration
Yoga Light will celebrate its 8th Year Anniversary next month. We are grateful for your companion in the last eight years. In the past years, we have always been insisting on our passion and dedication for yoga. On this 8th anniversary, let us reflect on our yoga journey and make our future commitment together. We cordially invite you all to celebrate our anniversary at the Ocean Plaza Studio on 3rd August.

Event Date: 3rd August , Saturday
Event Time | 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Location | Yoga Light Ocean Studio, Taipa


| 30小時瑜伽導師培訓課程:順位和體式調整

本課程重點解說順位技巧,您將會學習到基於傳統方法并符合人體力學的正確順位方法,課程根據前彎、後彎、扭轉、站姿等分類編排系統了解各種體位的順位核心原則。在實踐中學習如何將順位知識應用到實際的練習以及調整手法。 各階段練習者皆可報讀,課程能夠幫助您找到最合適自身的順位練習,迴避活動受傷的風險,深化、啟發個人或他人的練習。

- 分析50種及更多體式的順位知識
- 體位法實踐
- 教學方法 : 自我調整、輔助他人或輔具輔助

上課日期|(9月-10月 |逢週一、四晚上上課)
9月- 9、12、16、19、23、26、30日
10月- 3、7、10、14、17日


| 30-Hour Teacher Training program: Alignment and Adjustment

This course focuses on alignment techniques, you will learn the correct alignment based on the traditional approach and align with body anatomy. The course is categorized as different asanas, such as forward bend, backbends, twists, and standing poses, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the core principles of alignment. Through practical practice, you will learn how to apply alignment knowledge to make adjustments in your own practice as well as to learn hand-on adjustment for others in a proper alignment. Suitable for practitioners at all levels, this course will help you find the most appropriate alignment practices for your body, reducing the risk of injury, and deepening or inspiring your personal or others’ practice.

This courses includes:
- Analysis of the 50 postures and more Alignment Knowledge
- Alignment Practice
- Teaching Methodologies: Self-Adjustment, hand-on adjustments and adjustment with props

Courses Schedule:
Sep: 9,12,16,19,23,26,30
Oct: 3,7,10,14,17

Time | 7:00 PM to 9:30PM
Location | Yoga Light Yoho Studio, Taipa




Yoga Light 的Ritesh在港澳教學多年,擁有多年的專業教學、瑜伽知識。他認真嚴謹的教學將確保您紥實掌握瑜伽的真諦,成為出色的瑜伽導師。

( 報讀優惠!)在9月15日前報讀導師課程均可獲贈二十四堂的團體課程會籍計劃,此計劃的有效期直至12月31日。




| 200-Hour Classical Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course
(From Oct 5 to Dec 8 2024)

Embark on a journey of exploring yoga and bring the wisdom of classical Hatha yoga into your life. In this 10-week course, we will delve into the classical philosophical texts of yoga, such as the Yoga Sutras and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Throughout the course, you will learn comprehensive knowledge of asanas, pranayama, kriyas, bandha and prana. This will guide you to the path of spiritual awakening.

(Enrolment Promotion!) If you register for the training course before 15 September 2024, you will get a complimentary 24 classes group class package valid until 31 December 2024.

Instructor: Master Ritesh
Ritesh, the instructor at Yoga Light, has many years of teaching experience and in-depth knowledge of yoga. His meticulous and disciplined approach to teaching will ensure that you understand the true essence of yoga and become an exceptional yoga instructor.

Course Schedule:
Oct : 5,6,11,12,13,19,20,26,27
Nov : 2,3,9,10,16,17,23,24,30
Dec : 1, 7,8

Timing | 9AM to 6:30PM
Location | Yoga Light Yoho Studio, Taipa

Students who complete this course will receive a 200-hour Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher Training Course certificate.

#瑜伽聯盟 #瑜伽老師


| 八支串聯研習課程


Master Rahul為本次研習課程的導師,他是一位專業的瑜伽導師,也是一位八支串聯瑜伽專家。經驗豐富的他將能為你的練習帶來全新的視野。

上課地點:Yoga Light 氹仔天晉館


| Ashtanga Immersion Course

In this daily 6-hour Ashtanga Immersion courses, we will delve into the practice of Ashtanga in the parts of vinyasa, breath, drishti, bandha, and asana. This program will provide a systematic and cohesive practice, discuss common challenges encountered in the Ashtanga practice, and help elevate your practice and overcome obstacle.

Master Rahul, an experienced yoga teacher and professional Ashtanga teacher, will be guiding this immersion course. His expertise will bring a new perspective to your practice.

Course Date : August 18 to August 31
Course Time: 9:00 AM -12:30 PM ; 15:00 PM-17:30 PM
Course Location: Yoga Light Yoho Studio,Taipa

Seat are limited for this immersion course. Please call 2859 5561 for program details.

Photos from Yoga Light  - 光之瑜珈教育中心's post 08/07/2024

國際瑜伽日 | 我們與瑜伽




International Yoga Day | We and Yoga

On such a summer day , we practiced yoga in an open lawn to feel the heat of the sunlight from the glistening sun. The sun appears to be enlarged and hung high in the sky. Its rays shine agitate but gently stir our mind. We are a piece of leaf rustling in the wind with a gentle and slow motion, reaching our hands, spreading our arms and opening our legs. The constant rhythm of our breath calms our minds and thoughts. We are a piece of leaf that we feel a sense of wholeness, as if the sufficient sunlights and air surround us. We grow in the direction of the sun joyfully, stretching each cell in the body.

The sun brings us an abundance of happy energy.

Shooting from the International Yoga Event held by Parisian.

Photos from Yoga Light  - 光之瑜珈教育中心's post 26/06/2024

▍ |首季持續進修課程現正接受報名

Yoga Light首次展開持續進修課程,滿足不同需求的瑜伽愛好者認識和深入了解瑜伽。名額有限,詳情請致電28595561。

基礎瑜伽(星期一上午10:45至11:45; 星期三下午17:30至18:30)


▍ | Yoga Course Supported by Continuous Improvement and Development Program Registration is now open!

Yoga Light is launching its first “Continuous Improvement and Development Program of DSEDJ”, catering to the diverse needs of yoga practitioners who desire to gain a deeper understanding of yoga. Seats are limited. For more details, please call 853-2859 5561.

Course Schedule:
Basic Yoga
•Monday: 10:45AM - 11:45AM
•Wednesday: 17:30PM - 18:30PM

Hip and Shoulder Opening
•Monday: 16:15PM - 17:15PM

Yoga for Elders
•Friday: 10:45AM - 11:45AM

Course Location: Taipa Ocean Studio


*The Ritz-Carlton, Macau | Sunset Poolside Yoga Experience | MOP278**

Join us for an exquisite poolside yoga experience on Saturday, July 6, at The Ritz-Carlton, Macau. Embrace the serene ambiance as you realign, rejuvenate, and refresh your mind and body. Following the session, indulge in sparkling wine and canapés by the pool.

• 4:30 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. | Sunset Poolside Yoga**
• 6:00 P.M. - 6:30 P.M. | Freshen up at the Ritz-Carlton showers and dress elegantly
• 6:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M. | Sparkling Wine & Canapés

Bask in the tranquility and luxury of our sunset poolside practice. Spaces are limited; please call 2859 5561 for more information.

*Exclusive special price for Yogalight patrons.
**Please bring your own yoga mat.

*澳門麗思卡爾頓酒店 | 日落池畔瑜伽體驗 | MOP278


• 下午4:30 - 6:00 | 日落池畔瑜伽
• 下午6:00 - 6:30 | 梳洗
• 下午6:30 - 7:30 | 享用氣泡酒與美食

沉澱在日落池畔的寧靜和奢華中。 名額有限。請致電28595561瞭解更多資訊。


Photos from Yoga Light  - 光之瑜珈教育中心's post 19/06/2024

國際瑜伽日 | 我們與瑜伽




#澳門巴黎人| 國際瑜伽日

在6月22日(星期六),Yoga Light 將參與金沙旅享舉辦的瑜伽日活動。歡迎您的參與,放下生活中的煩囂,融入大自然,在流動的一呼一吸間全然放鬆身、心、靈。


活動免費報名,名額有限,報名詳情可致電28595561 / 28752797,會員與非會員均可在Yoga Light預約程式上預留位置。


Parisian Macao | International Yoga Day

On June 22, Yoga Light will be participating in the Sands Lifestyle Yoga Day event. Step Outside And Go With The Flow. Get ready to breathe, enhance your mind-body connection. Join us on the lawn to immerse yourself in yoga.

Event Date: 22nd June
Event Time: 8:30 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.
Event Location: The Lawn, The Parisian Macao

The event is free of charge. Seats are limited, for more information, please contact 28752797 or 28595561. Light members and non-members can reserve your seat in the Yoga Light Apps.

*Please bring your own yoga mat.
* In case of inclement weather the event will be cancelled

Photos from Yoga Light  - 光之瑜珈教育中心's post 14/06/2024

▍ |首季持續進修課程現正接受報名

Yoga Light首次展開持續進修課程,滿足不同需求的瑜伽愛好者認識和深入了解瑜伽。名額有限,詳情請致電28595561。



▍ | Yoga Course Supported by Continuous Improvement and Development Program Registration is now open!

Yoga Light is launching its first “Continuous Improvement and Development Program of DSEDJ”, catering to the diverse needs of yoga practitioners who desire to gain a deeper understanding of yoga. Seats are limited. For more details, please call 853-2859 5561.

Course Schedule:
Basic Yoga
•Monday: 10:45AM - 11:45AM
•Tuesday: 13:15PM - 14:15PM
•Wednesday: 17:30PM - 18:30PM

Hip and Shoulder Opening
•Monday: 16:15PM - 17:15PM

Yoga for Elders
•Friday: 10:45AM - 11:45AM

Course Location: Taipa Ocean Studio


▍ | 周末瑜伽強化班

周末瑜伽強化班共五節,每節兩小時,學員將會在五節課內逐步挑戰和擴展瑜伽練習。每節強化班關注不同的體式和相應技巧,給予不同的練習內容,以適應學生們的需求和能力。Master Deep將在課程中提供專業水平的指導,幫助學員們深入探索體式。

上課日期|7月20,27日 ;8月3,10,17日


▍ | Weekend Yoga Intensive
( 20July 2024 to 17 August 2024)

In this Weekend Yoga Intensive, you will gradually improve your asana practice and face different challenges in the practice. Weekend intensive consists of 5 sessions, two-hours per session. We will focus on different postures and techniques in each session based on your individual limit to provide a well-organised and designed practice plan. Master Deep has enriched and professional experience in yoga, students will explore deeper on asana practice under his guidance.

Class Schedule|July 20,27, August 3,10,17
Intensive Timing | 16:30pm to 18:30pm
Venue | Yoho Studio

* Seats are limited.


雅辰酒店 | 國際瑜伽日

享受晨㬢的靜謐時刻,6月23日(星期日)Yoga Light 將參加雅辰酒店舉辦的國際瑜伽日慶祝活動。歡迎您的參與,一同在綠茵的草坪上感受瑜伽。

活動名額有限,詳情可致電+853 28595561查詢。



Artyzen Hotel | International Yoga Day 2024

Indulge in the tranquility of an early morning. On June 23, Yoga Light will be participating in the International Yoga Day Celebration with Artyzen Grand Lapa. We are looking forward to your attendance. Join us to immerse yourself in yoga in a lawn.

Seats are limited, for more information, please contact at +853 28595561.

Event Time: 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.
Event Location: Artyzen Grand Lapa (Resort Lawn)

*Please bring your own yoga mat.


| 兒童瑜伽 (7、8月)
Yoga Light 將於七月及八月開辦兒童瑜伽課程,兒童將在愉悅輕鬆的環境中練習瑜伽體式及呼吸,增強身體,並感受內心的愛和平靜。

上課時間:每逢周三下午4:15-5:15 ( 7至8月)

| Kids Yoga (July and August)
Yoga Light will arrange kids yoga in July and August. In this class, children will practice yoga postures and breathing in a playful and relaxing environment, which helps them to strengthen their bodies and connect more deeply with the inner self.

Timing: 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM (July and August)
Location: Taipa Yoho Studio
Class Fee: MOP 800, total 4 classes


Rescheduled| The Ritz-Carlton, Macau | Sunset Poolside Yoga Experience

*Due to inclement weather, the ”Sunset Poolside Yoga Experience“ at The Ritz-Carlton, Macau has been postponed on July 6th.

• 4:30 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. | Sunset Poolside Yoga**
• 6:00 P.M. - 6:30 P.M. | Freshen up at the Ritz-Carlton showers and dress elegantly
• 6:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M. | Sparkling Wine & Canapés

Bask in the tranquility and luxury of our sunset poolside practice. Spaces are limited; please call 2875 2797 or 2859 5561 for reschedule and more information.

*Exclusive special price for Yoga Light patrons.
**Please bring your own yoga mat.

活動延遲通知 | 澳門麗思卡爾頓酒店 | 日落池畔瑜伽體驗


• 下午4:30 - 6:00 | 日落池畔瑜伽
• 下午6:00 - 6:30 | 梳洗
• 下午6:30 - 7:30 | 享用氣泡酒與美食

沉澱在日落池畔的寧靜和奢華中。 名額有限,請致電28752797或28595561瞭解更多資訊或活動延期。



Four Seasons Hotel | Global Wellness Day 2024

Stay quietly in the nature. On June 8th, we invite you to the Four Seasons Hotel to celebrate the Global Wellness Day with the theme. This will be a special yoga practice that immerses yourself in nature and allows your mind and body live harmony with nature.

8:30 am | Event Registration and Light Refreshments
11:00 am | Yin Yoga (45 minutes)

For inquiries of Yin Yoga Session, please call (853) 28595561.

四季酒店 |2024年全球健康日

靜待在大自然,6月8日全球健康日我們約定你在四季酒店,貼合 ,在這場特別的瑜伽練習中融入大自然,讓身心與大自然和諧共處。


如需諮詢有關陰瑜伽課程的詳情,請致電 (853)28595561。


【Yoga Light 母親節.愛的呈獻】
在母親節,帶上媽媽上一節免費的瑜伽課,這是Yoga Light 與作為孩子的您們送給媽媽的一個祝福及一份禮。


【Yoga Light Mother’s Day Love】
On the Mother’s Day, join a free yoga class with your mom, this is the blessing and gift that Yoga Light and you give to our special person-Mom.

* Mother’s Day Love activity is applicable for Light-member only.
* Member and mom can have one free class, but it’s required to attend the same class together during 12- 14 May.


「我行,我思」優惠計劃 | 直至4月30日


若兩人或以上同時購買「我行,我思」優惠計劃,即一年48堂課,將可享有九折優惠。諮詢可致電(853) 28752797 / 28595561。

“I Act, I Think” Discount Program | until 30 April

Often, we find that the path of contemplation differs from the path ahead, but why should that matter? Let us move forward for now, combining action with thought, and the path will naturally unfold. We have chosen “I Act, I Think” as the theme for our discount program, with the hope that through the leisure of yoga, everyone can gradually experience the freedom of the soul.

“I Act, I Think” discount program includes 48 classes within a 12-month period. Purchase two or more with your love ones to enjoy an extra 10% discount. For inquiries, please contact +853 28752797 or +853 28595561.


| 周末強化課程




( 12 May 2024 to 13 July 2024)

Intensive course will be held on May 12, and guided by Ritesh and Rahul. Intensives offers a unique opportunity to extend the limits of your capabilities, strengthen your stamina and develop your self practice to a more advanced levels. This course will break down the postures and teach you step by step to approach the postures from beginners to advanced level.

Class Schedule :
May: 12,18,19,25,26
June: 1,2,8,9,10,15,16,22,23,29,30
July: 6,7,13

Intensive Timing | 16:30pm to 18:30pm
Venue | Yoho Studio

* Seats are limited.





若兩人或以上同時購買「我行,我思」優惠計劃,即一年48堂課,將可享有九折優惠。諮詢可致電(853) 28752797 / 28595561。

“I Act, I Think” Discount Program

He, with a question in mind, seeks self-discovery in Soul Mountain. He explores his understanding of himself and his doubts, using the perspectives of “I”, “you”, and “she” to engage in an internal dialogue. With every step, he traverses the vast mountains, reexamining his own being. What answer does he find in the book “Soul Mountain” by Gao Xingjian? The answer is perhaps that “a true practitioner has no predefined purpose, as it is in being purposeless that one becomes the ultimate practitioner.”

Often, we find that the path of contemplation differs from the path ahead, but why should that matter? Let us move forward for now, combining action with thought, and the path will naturally unfold. We have chosen “I Act, I Think” as the theme for our discount program, with the hope that through the leisure of yoga, everyone can gradually experience the freedom of the soul.

“I Act, I Think” discount program includes 48 classes within a 12-month period. Purchase two or more with your love ones to enjoy an extra 10% discount. For inquiries, please contact +853 28752797 or +853 28595561.


▍ | 周末瑜伽強化班

周末瑜伽強化班共五節,每節兩小時,學員將會在五節課內逐步挑戰和擴展瑜伽練習。每節強化班關注不同的體式和相應技巧,給予不同的練習內容,以適應學生們的需求和能力。Master Deep將在課程中提供專業水平的指導,幫助學員們深入探索體式。

上課日期|4月13,20,27日 ;5月1,4日


▍ | Weekend Yoga Intensive
( 13 Apr 2024 to 4 May 2024)

In this Weekend Yoga Intensive, you will gradually improve your asana practice and face different challenges in the practice. Weekend intensive consists of 5 sessions, two-hours per session. We will focus on different postures and techniques in each session based on your individual limit to provide a well-organised and designed practice plan. Master Deep has enriched and professional experience in yoga, students will explore deeper on asana practice under his guidance.

Class Schedule|Apr 13,20,27, May 1,4
Intensive Timing | 16:30pm to 18:30pm
Venue | Yoho Studio

* Seats are limited.


▍ | 頭倒立工作坊 | 4月20日
在本次的頭倒立工作坊,我們將會探討肩頸背部在頭倒立中的正確運用。兩小時的頭倒立工作坊包括基礎頭倒立知識、平衡技巧、重量轉換等內容,旨在為學員建立紥實的倒立認知。Master Rahul將以熱身練習過渡到倒立實踐,課程一併探討頭倒立的相關變式。適合對頭倒立式感興趣的學員參與。

▍ | Headstand Workshop | 20 April
In this Headstand Workshop, we will explore the alignment of the shoulder, neck and back in the headstand. This 2-hour workshop includes the basic knowledge of headstand, balancing technique, and weight distribution,so students can establish a solid foundation for headstand. The workshop will start with warm up before heading to headstand practice, headstand variations will also be included. Suitable for students who are interested in headstands.


▍ | 輪式工作坊

迎接四月的第一場工作坊 — 輪式工作坊,工作坊將由Master Deep指導,深入您的輪式練習。由脊椎的伸展,髖部的打開到手背部的配合,循序漸進地穩固建立學員的輪式基礎,並會探討相關的輪式變化體式練習。此工作坊適合所有程度的學員。

▍ | Wheel Pose Workshop
Welcome to the first workshop of April—the Yoga Wheel Workshop! This workshop will be instructed by Master Deep, who will dive deep into your practice. From stretching the spine to opening the hips and coordinating the back, you will gradually and steadily establish a solid foundation for wheel poses, while exploring wheel pose variations. This workshop is suitable for students of all levels.


尋找「我的」瑜伽館 | 體驗課堂
Yoga Light創辦於2016年,我們深信瑜伽能讓人們更好地了解自己的身體,並在練習中得到自我感悟,感受到身體與心靈的變化。在這裏,我們設有初階至高階的瑜伽課程,師資多元化,導師分別來自印度、俄羅斯、中國和澳門,授課語言包括英文和中文。

歡迎到訪Yoga Light ,尋找適合自己的瑜伽練習。諮詢及課堂預約可致電(853)28595561。

Find My Yoga Studio | Trial Class at Yoga Light
Yoga Light was founded in 2016. We believe that yoga can help us to have a deep understanding of our bodies and gain self-awareness to observe the subtle changes in our bodies and minds.

We offer different kinds of yoga classes ranging from beginners to advanced yoga practitioners, instructed by teachers from different countries like India, Russia, China and Macau. The class language includes Chinese and English.

Welcome to Yoga Light to find the classes that suit you. For inquiries and class reservation, please call at (853) 28595561.


Mosca | Yoga Light瑜伽導師

Mosca從小擅長不同類型的運動,日復一日的鍛煉使她對身體的覺知特別敏銳。於2009年,Mosca首次接觸艾揚格派別的瑜伽,並於2020年開始從事瑜伽教學工作。長達十一年之久的瑜伽學習教會Mosca如何從繁忙的工作中自我抽離,從容生活。「生命在於運動。」Mosca 希望透過瑜伽教學向學生傳遞這份力量。

Mosca重視體位的細節,並對其不斷反思,其生動的講解和悉心教導深受瑜伽初學者的喜愛,為學生建立穩紮的瑜伽基礎。此外,Mosca 積極學習瑜伽的各方面知識,除了200小時瑜伽聯盟認證課程,她還修讀了100小時八支串聯瑜伽、孕婦產前產後修復、筋膜激活等課程認證。她主要教授的課程有基礎瑜伽、哈達瑜伽以及基礎倒轉。

Mosca | Our Yoga Instructor

Mosca has been skilled in various types of sports since childhood, and her daily exercise routine has made her particularly aware of her body. Mosca first came into contact with Iyengar Yoga in 2009 and started teaching yoga in 2020. Over the course of eleven years, Mosca has learnt how to detach herself from the busy work life and lives with ease. “Life lies in movement.” She is dedicated to convey this power to students through yoga teaching.

Mosca values the details of postures and constantly reflects on them. Her vivid explanations and careful teaching are deeply loved by beginners, and it helps students establish a solid yoga foundation. In addition, Mosca is actively learning all aspects of yoga. Upon the 200-hour Yoga Alliance accredited course, she is also a certificated instructor in the 100-hour Ashtanga Yoga, Pre- and Post-natal Yoga ,and Fascial Activation. She mainly teaches classes in Basic Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Inversions Foundation.

Photos from Yoga Light  - 光之瑜珈教育中心's post 10/03/2024

▍ | 頭倒立工作坊


▍ | Headstand Workshop

In the Headstand Workshop, sometimes students may exhibit a curved shape, resembling a banana, with the posture bending backwards. One of the reasons for this is collapse in the shoulders, leading to tightness in the rotator cuff, lower back, and neck compression. To address this issue, Deep guides the students to observe their body from perceiving the muscles, tendons, and joints, and to press down on the elbows to improve and stabilize the posture. This can help students not only adjust their posture but also become more aware of their body’s condition and enhance their practice of headstand.

Quer que o seu prática seja a primeira Clínica em Macau?
Clique aqui para solicitar o seu anúncio patrocinado.

Our Story

Yoga Light provides graceful atmosphere and bring different kinds of Yoga classes in Macau and Taipa.
All the classes are suitable for the beginner practitioner and also classes are teaching by different Masters from around the world.

Vídeos (mostrar todos)

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▍ #峇里島靜修營 | 第六天Bali Retreat | Day 6我們進入了夢幻般的境地,短短數天來得不太真實,我們忘記了時鐘滴答逝去的聲音,只知道「我思故我在」,我們與內心是如此接近。一步,兩步,細碎的舞步,叢林突兀,踏在峇里島的草地...
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Yoga Light設立的私人課程時間地域彈性配合,導師們經驗豐富,切合你的需求提供專業的指導。學習需要細節,在私人教學中,導師能夠針對個人的身體狀況、程度調整練習內容,另外,學生還可將當下的疑慮告訴導師。一對一指導,最珍稀的是能讓你更好地...
【 在Yoga Light尋找適合自己的練習 】Yoga Light深信瑜伽能讓人們更好地了解自己的身體,並在練習中得到自我感悟,感受到身體與心靈的變化。在這裏,我們設有初階至高階的瑜伽課程,師資多元化,導師分別來自印度、俄羅斯、中國和澳門...





Horário de Funcionamento

Segunda-feira 08:30 - 21:00
Terça-feira 08:30 - 22:00
Quarta-feira 10:00 - 22:00
Quinta-feira 10:00 - 22:00
Sexta-feira 10:00 - 22:00
Sábado 10:00 - 17:30
Domingo 10:00 - 17:30

Outra Yoga & Pilates em Macau (mostrar todos)
途伴 Rollingyoga macau 途伴 Rollingyoga macau
澳門南灣大馬路中華廣場9樓N 途伴Rollingyoga

☼ ☽ 瑜伽 | 聲療 | 冥想 | 身心靈成長 ​ 途伴,你的旅途良伴。 ​歡迎各機構團體活動合作 試堂。活動。課程請私訊/Wechat @rollingyoga​

Yoga Light Yoho Twins - 光之瑜珈教育中心 Yoga Light Yoho Twins - 光之瑜珈教育中心
Shop B, Yoho Twins, Rua De Viseu, Taipa
Macau, 853

"Yoga Light " provides us a graceful atmosphere to relax our mind, stretch our body and balance our

Yogi Studio Yogi Studio

2008年考取澳洲瑜伽教練學院導師認證文憑 2009年遠赴印度瑜伽靜修聖地Rishikesh旅修並跟隨多位知名大師研習各類瑜伽課程 2011年獲B.K.S.艾揚格大師環球傳承之旅的親授課程認證文憑 美國瑜伽聯盟E-RYT200高級註冊培訓導師 美國瑜伽聯盟YACEP註冊培訓導師 美國瑜伽聯盟RYS200註冊認證學院 美國瑜伽聯盟RYT200註冊培訓導師

Sunyoga(津橋國際教育中心) Sunyoga(津橋國際教育中心)
Macau, 853

Sun Yoga為您消除煩囂的疲憊,讓你身心得以放鬆,豁然開朗;盡嚐心靈平衡恬?

MarluzYoga MarluzYoga
Macau, 999078

Weekly yoga classes online and in Taipa

Oneness Space 以一瑜伽生活空間 Oneness Space 以一瑜伽生活空間

this, is the beginning of loving yourself. Welcome to ONENESS SPACE✨

At. Corner冬隅 At. Corner冬隅
Macau, 999078

🏷 體適能 | 瑜伽教室 這裡是運動的空間,也是一個抒壓的地方,總有一個適合你的角落。 Happiness is right around at corner.

Mysore Macau 澳門邁索爾 Mysore Macau 澳門邁索爾
Alameda Drive Carlos D"Assumpcao, No. 322-362, Centre Comercial Cheng Feng, 4F Rm K


The Mere The Mere


莎娜瑜伽 Yoga Shala 853 莎娜瑜伽 Yoga Shala 853
Macau, 999078

莎娜瑜伽Yoga Shala 853,以古老智慧練習瑜伽,提供各種風格的練習,以及一系列的瑜伽、健身、舞蹈、教師培訓和持續學習。 我們的瑜伽練習室適合任何級別的練習者,關注我們找出最適合您的鍛煉。

Yoga World Macau Yoga World Macau
Macau, 999078

YOGA WORLD – Macau’s hottest yoga, dance & fitness club exclusively for women. Whether you want to bu

維德藝術文化教育中心 V Studio 維德藝術文化教育中心 V Studio
Macau, 853

V Provide various types of yoga practice sessions, dance , and fitness.