Society of St. Vincent de Paul Malta - SSVP

In Malta the Society was founded on 16 June 1850, at the Jesuit Church by Rev. V/O 1370

Dr Paolo Pullicino who, together with several other highly respected persons formed the first Conference. Its aim was to help needy families who at that time, in Europe as in the rest of the world, were living in extreme poverty. Mgr Isidor Formosa joined the Society in his youth and presided over it for 40 years, from 1890 till his death in 1931. The Society is still active today and is doing all that is possible to lessen the sufferings of the poor.

52ª Romaria dos Vicentinos na cidade de Aparecida - SP 14/03/2024

52ª Romaria dos Vicentinos na cidade de Aparecida - SP O maior evento vicentino do mundo teve como proposta trabalhar o principal fundador da Sociedade de São Vicente de Paulo. Foram três dias de reflexão, progra...


“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord” (Luke 4:18-19).
As Vincentians, we live in conformity with Jesus Christ in our ministry to the poor. We see the poor as Jesus saw them, by upholding the respect due to them as persons.


Renato Lima de Oliveira, the 16th President General of the Confédération Internationale de la Société de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, will be visiting Malta together with Father Andres Motto and be giving a 45 minute PPT presentation on a review of the achievements of the Council General over the past 7 years.

Date: 20thJune 2023 Time: 17:00 hrs
Location : Archbishop’s Curia – Floriana.

Bookings, on a first come first served basis, will be received via email on Miguel Pires [email protected] or telephonically +356 21235341 Ext 154

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, also known as Conferences of Saint Vincent de Paul, was founded in Paris on the 23rd April,1833 by a group of young laymen led by blessed Frederic Ozanam. In Malta the Society was founded on the 16th June 1850, at the Jesuit Church by Rev. Canon Dr. Paolo Pullicino (1815–1890) who, together with several other highly respected persons formed the first Conference. Mgr. Isidor Formosa joined the Society in his youth and presided over it for 40years, from 1890 until his death in 1931. SSVP is a Catholic voluntary organisation of lay men and women dedicated to providing personal help to people in any kind of need. Our work is based on direct, one-to-one interaction with people in need, no matter what their origin or belief.

We visit them in their own place, whether that is their home, a residential home, hospital, on the streets or in prison, wherever they are, offering our friendship as the basis for all the other help we give.

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is present in over 150 countries, with 800,000 members and 1,500,000 volunteers. Every day, it helps over 30 million people.

The SSVP is an associate member of UNESCO and a special adviser to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). It is also part of the Global Catholic Climate Movement and is aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations in its Agenda 2030.

Our mailing address is:
National Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Malta 147/1 St. Lucia Street Valletta VLT 1185 Malta


The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, also known as Conferences of Saint Vincent de Paul, was founded in Paris on the 23rd April, 1833 by a group of young laymen led by blessed Frederic Ozanam. In Malta the Society was founded on the 16th June 1850, at the Jesuit Church by Rev. Canon Dr. Paolo Pullicino (1815–1890) who, together with several other highly respected persons formed the first Conference. Mgr. Isidor Formosa joined the Society in his youth and presided over it for 40 years, from 1890 until his death in 1931. SSVP is a Catholic voluntary organisation of lay men and women dedicated to providing personal help to people in any kind of need. Our work is based on direct, one-to-one interaction with people in need, no matter what their origin or belief. We visit them in their own place, whether that is their home, a residential home, hospital, on the streets or in prison, wherever they are, offering our friendship as the basis for all the other help we give. The society has some 800,000 volunteers worldwide.


We thank most heartily the parish priest, the Rev. Fr. Blake Camilleri, and the community of the ta l'ibragg parish church for their very warm welcome on the occasion of the feast of our Patron Saint Vincent de Paul. Our spiritual director The. Rev. Canon Fr. Stefan Galea led the celebration of the holy Eucharist together with Fr. Camilleri.

The President, on behalf of SSVP Malta conference, made a donation for the needy of the parish.

From left to right. Fr. Blake Camilleri Parish Priest, John A. Gauci-Maistre President, Emily Barbaro Sant Vice-president, Richard Galea Treasurer, Anton Abdilla Secretary, Fr. Stefan Galea Spiritual Director.


Today we celebrate the feast of our patron saint. We wish a very happy feast to all our benefactors, members and volunteers.

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is present in over 150 countries, with 800,000 members and 1,500,000 volunteers. Every day, it helps over 30 million people. It has been in Malta since June 1950

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is an international organisation formed of lay Catholics, who seek personal and spiritual growth through service to those most in need.


Blessed Frédéric Ozanam

Born 23 April 1813 Milan, Italy
Died 8 September 1853 (aged 40) Marseilles, France
Founder, Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
Beatified 22 August 1997, Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris by Pope John Paul II
Feast 9 September

On the 23rd April 2013 John A. Gauci-Maistre KM - President SSVP Malta lighting a candle on Frédéric Ozanam's resting place in Paris remembering the founder's Birthday


☘️A beautiful message from Holy Father Pope Francis: he says, “Rivers do not drink their own water; trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. No matter how difficult it is…Life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you.” Let us all remember then that every changing colour of a leaf is beautiful and every changing situation of life is meaningful, both need very clear vision. So do not grumble or complain, let us instead remember that Pain is a sign that we are alive, Problems are a sign that we are strong and Prayer is a sign we are not alone!! If we can acknowledge these truths and condition our hearts and minds, our lives will be more meaningful, different and worthwhile!! ☘️☘️☘️
🌿Wish you a blessed day 🌿

St. Vincent de Paul Quotes - Patron of All Charities in the Church 27/09/2020

St. Vincent de Paul Quotes - Patron of All Charities in the Church The early Church was characterized by its heart for the needy. In a world where the trend is to accumulate, the call to be Church is to give. A saint who bro...

Timeline photos 12/05/2020

We pray for the homeless,
Alone on the street,
Exposed to the wind and the rain and the heat.

We pray for the hungry
Outside of our door,
Or standing in food lines, their eyes pleading, “More.”

We pray for the jobless,
Who seek work in vain,
Who ask for a “handout,” their heads hung in shame.

We pray for those working,
But just getting by,
Unseen in the crowds, right in front of our eyes.

We pray for those stricken,
Disabled, unwell,
Once strong, now dependent on others for help.

We pray for those needy
Through acts of their own,
Bad choices, addictions, or lies that they’ve told.

We seek now, Lord Jesus,
Your words to obey,
To serve You in all whom we pray for today.


By: Tim Williams, National Formation Director

Timeline photos 09/05/2020

Today we celebrate the feast of St. Louise de Marillac.

Timeline photos 26/04/2020

Today we celebrate Ozanam Sunday.

On April 23, 1833 Frederic Ozanam and six companions founded the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Inspired by St. Vincent de Paul’s work with the poor, Ozanam’s Society congregated to provide food, funds, and faith to the poorest parts of Paris.

Please join our celebration!

Timeline photos 17/04/2020

To support the continuing efforts of to help our neighbors in need during these difficult times, click here:

Timeline photos 22/12/2019

Words from the Society's patron saint to consider as Christmas nears.

SSVP Corporate video 10/12/2019

SSVP Corporate video This video, edited in four languages (English, French, Spanish and Portuguese), revolves around the people who make up the Society, their faith and their com...


It is with great sadness that we announce the returning to the house of the Lord this morning of our beloved and most righteous Hon. Secretary Alfred Gatt. We thank the Lord for having given us Alfred whose dedication and sincerity to the poor and the marginalised and to our beloved society and it's benefactors will be sorely missed
Réquiem aetérnam dona ei, Dómine,
et lux perpétua lúceat ei.
Requiéscat in pace.


Regretfully our hon. secretary is currently going through very challenging times health wise and is currently waiting to see what sort of treatment can be administered.

May we all pray for Blessed Frédéric Ozanam’s intercession at this time.


You made Blessed Frédéric Ozanam a witness of the Gospel, full of wonder at the mystery of the Church. You inspired him to alleviate poverty and injustice and endowed him with untiring generosity in the service of all who were suffering. In family life, he revealed a most genuine love as a son, brother, husband and father. In secular life, his ardent passion for the truth enlightened his thought, writing and teaching. His vision for our society was a network of charity encircling the world and he instilled St Vincent de Paul’s spirit of love, boldness and humility. His prophetic social vision appears in every aspect of his short life, together with the radiance of his virtues. We thank you Lord, for those many gifts and we ask, if it is your will, the grace of a miracle through the intercession of Blessed Frédéric Ozanam.

May the Church proclaim his holiness, as a saint, a providential light for today’s world! We make this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Timeline photos 27/09/2019

Today we celebrate the feast of St. Vincent de Paul.

Today also marks the day he died in Paris, France in 1660.

In 1617, St. Vincent founded the Confraternities of Charity and in 1625 he founded the Congregation of the Mission, (CM), his community of priests and brothers.

In 1633, St. Vincent de Paul co-founded the Daughters of Charity with St. Louise de Marillac. St. Vincent is the Patron Saint of all works of charity.

St. Vincent de Paul, A Person of the 17th Century, a Person for the 21st Century 26/09/2019

St. Vincent de Paul, A Person of the 17th Century, a Person for the 21st Century Rev. Edward Udovic, C.M. Sr. Executive for University Mission at DePaul University, reads his short essay on the life of Vincent de Paul, and explores why hi...




Welcome the homeless

Sign: A cardboard house, a market, photographs of people on the street, a candle and an image of Christ.

Biblical Illumination: Matthew 8,18-20

When Jesus saw a crowd around him, he gave orders to go to the other side of the sea. And a scribe approached and said: Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go. Jesus replied: Foxes have burrows and birds of the sky nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.
The Word of the Lord.

Let's listen to St. Vincent de Paul:

The saints have always condemned superfluity in those things. Among others, St. Bernard condemned those who, in their time, put all their interest in decorating the churches and filling them with silverware. No, my dear sisters, that great saint did not approve of that; on the contrary, he said: "While those living temples, which are the poor, go down the street suffering hunger and cold, you spend your goods at superfluous expenses." Go first to the poor and help them; then, if you can do the rest, do it in good time.

Those who currently adorn the churches in this way do not act badly, however, since, as they have many goods, they can do one and the other. (IX B, p. 937)


Jesus Christ on the other side of the sea, is blunt in pointing out the conditions to follow him. From this passage, it should be clear that we are called to detachment. At first glance, this value can be defined as the correct use of our goods and resources, with the slogan of not sticking to them and putting them at the service of others. The detachment arises at the very moment in which we recognize the need of the other, and overcoming our indifference and selfishness, we move towards him effectively and emotionally following the example of St. Vincent.

Many people find in the street, living from begging, women with their children asking in the corners of our cities, but this humanitarian drama is joined by those who live in precarious conditions, mired in misery, between cardboard and plastic houses , are those who live day to day, their morning is an uncertainty. Like Jesus Christ, who contemplates the crowd, we must move towards them and reach their shore. It is imperative to welcome them with concrete facts such as listening, assistance and the search for their promotion. These actions will be the roof that we can gladly offer you. We must let them know that they are worth it and that they are not alone, that they have our generosity and support, that they are worthy of God's love reflected in us.


• What do “homeless people” represent to me and what am I doing for them?
• Am I aware that I or a member of my family could be living through these difficult living conditions?
• Facing the problem of "the homeless" how to fight against the indifference and marginalization that proliferates in today's society?




Welcome migrants

Symbols: A road, several images of migrants that get in the way, and a phrase that says: We are all citizens of the world.

Biblical Illumination: Leviticus 19, 33-34

When an outsider resides among you, in your land, do not oppress him. The stranger who resides among you will look upon him as one of your people and love him as yourself, for you were also strangers in the land of Egypt. I, Yahweh, your God.
The Word of the Lord.

Let's listen to St. Vincent de Paul:

The parents who are in Berbería, work there with a lot of fatigue and have to suffer in those places many contradictions, but they don't say a word about it…; nevertheless, they have to suffer a lot, from the Turks and the slaves, they visit, attend and keep those poor prisoners, running from here to there; and they don't say a word of anything; On the contrary, by their letters we see that they are happy to suffer and that they ask for even more and want even more suffering. Oh Savior! Let us ask God to give this spirit to the whole body and the heart of the company. It is a great blessing from God, that he deigns to avail himself of this small company, granting us the honor of suffering for him in some of our members. (XI A, p. 188)


Upon returning to the text of the Leviticus, we discover the experience of a God who establishes as a prescription the reception of migrants. Those who do not have the security of the land that allows them to belong to some place and who do not have the certainty of a dignified life in a territory, must be included in the community that proclaims faith in Yahweh. Only someone who sees the suffering face of Christ in the migrant man because of injustice and oppression, and is able to be moved by his pain and immediately move on to the actions of healing, saving, feeding and listening; He becomes a prophet of authentic cultural progress, who sees the migrant as an opportunity to enrich his environment. St. Vincent de Paul worried about sending missionaries to attend war-torn areas, attending to those who suffer and not saving fatigue to take the Gospel everywhere, many died on the way to new lands, they, parents and sisters, were the figure of today's migrants, were often rejected and suffered discrimination and persecution.


• How was your attitude towards migrants residing in your neighborhood?
• Have you felt outsider on occasion?
• What concrete actions can you take to mitigate xenophobia and feelings of rejection towards migrants?



Welcome the elderly

Symbols: A cane, images of several grandparents.

Biblical Illumination: Luke 2, 25-32

And, behold, there was in Jerusalem a man named Simeon; this man was righteous and pious, and he expected the consolation of Israel; and the Holy Spirit was in him. He had been revealed by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he saw the Christ of the Lord.
Moved by the Spirit, he came to the Temple; and when the parents introduced the child Jesus, to fulfill what the Law prescribed about him, he took him in his arms and blessed God saying: “Now, Lord, you can, according to your word, let your servant go in peace; because my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all peoples, light to enlighten the Gentiles and glory of your people Israel. »
The Word of the Lord.

Let's listen to St. Vincent de Paul:

He still wanted to give a new occupation to those daughters, which is to assist the sick poor, the poor elders of the Name of Jesus and those poor people who have lost their mind. Yes, my sisters, it is God Himself who has wanted to use the Daughters of Charity to take care of these poor fools. What a joy for all of you! What a great favor it is, for all those who are busy with it, to have such a beautiful means of serving God and Our Lord Jesus Christ, his Son! You need to know, my daughters, that Our Lord wanted to experience in his own person all imaginable miseries. The Scripture expressly tells us that he wanted to go through scandal for the Jews and madness for the Gentiles, to point out that you can serve him in all the poor afflicted. (IX B, p. 750)


Our current society, suffers from a contempt for life, seeks to control birth and death, looks at man first for its usefulness, and when they are no longer useful, we enter to confuse him as an object more victim of the culture of the discard.

In the Gospel text, we find an old man at the door of the temple, waiting for the arrival of the Messiah, his joyful announcement allows others to witness the greatness of God in the midst of the people and that the simple child be presented as a light for the villages

The History of St. Vincent also has a very particular old man, who, being confessed on his deathbed, exclaimed he was doomed without this confession! The testimony of the dying man alerted Mrs. de Gondi to resort to the good father Vicente for the Evangelization of the fields.

The elders were also of special predilection for the apostolate of St. Vincent, a task entrusted in particular to the Daughters of Charity, but today we see that it is a widely spread apostolate among the Vincentian Family that has numerous asylums and places of rest . Let's not forget to be attentive to the elderly who are in our community or family. Listening to them and being patient are the two lessons for attention with them.


• Do I find grandparents in my community who are unprotected?
• Do I care about the physical and psychological health of grandparents in my family or community?
• What reception gestures do I have with the elderly?




Welcome children and young people

Symbols: Elements that represent childhood (toys, photographs, school books, etc.) and that represent young people (academic books, balls, music, etc.) and a candle in the center, with the title: Jesus always young.

Biblical Illumination: 1 Timothy 4, 12-16

Let no one belittle your youth. Try, however, to be for model believers in word, in behavior, in charity, in faith, in purity. Until I arrive, devote yourself to reading, to exhortation, to teaching. Do not neglect the charism in you, which was communicated to you by prophetic intervention by imposing the hands of the college of presbyters. Take care of these things; live delivered to them so that your use is manifest to all. Watch for yourself and for teaching; persevere in these provisions, for by doing so you will save yourself and those who listen to you.
The Word of the Lord.

Let's listen to St. Vincent de Paul:

Is it not an obligation of the parents to attend to the needs of their children? Well, if God has put us instead of those who fathered them so that we would try to preserve their lives and educate them in the knowledge of the things of their salvation, we must put interest in not relaxing in a company that pleases them so much. Because, after abandoning their denatured mothers, we don't care about their food and their education, what will happen to them? Can we consent to everyone dying, as happened before in the city of Paris? (XI B, p. 766)


The strength of youth consists in the ability to love without interest, to surrender without reproach, to accept and project into the future. A hopeful future, animated and accompanied by the grace of God, that dissipates all selfishness and superficiality.

Today in many places, children's and youth ministry is viewed with suspicion, many feel neglect in the face of this apostolate, we are not able to listen to the proposals and dreams that young people bring, because we are afraid to discomfort our rigid programs and plans.

Saint Vincent de Paul was a man capable of becoming tender in the face of the suffering of children who were abandoned in the streets of Paris, one of the saint's most representative iconographies, that of him carrying the exposed children. But not only did he welcome the children into his great apostolate, but he used youth to organize charity.

The example of the young peasant Marguerite Naseau, motivated him to gather humble and dedicated girls for service with the poorest, and I need the audacity and youth of the first missionaries to reach many sides.

• Where, as a young man, can I discover God's desires in me?
• How do I discover in young people the gifts that have come from God?
• What should my commitment be to accompany them?




Welcome Women

Symbols: The image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, if you have any image or postcard of St. Vincent with the Ladies of Charity or the Daughters of Charity and different images of battered women today.

Biblical Illumination: John 12, 1-8:

Six days before Easter, Jesus went to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had risen from the dead. He was given a dinner there. Marta served and Lazarus was one of those who were with him at the table. Then Mary, taking a pound of perfume from pure, very expensive tuberose, anointed Jesus' feet and dried them with her hair. And the house was filled with the smell of perfume.
Judas Iscariot, one of the disciples, said to deliver: "Why has this perfume not been sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?" But he did not say this because he was worried about the poor, but because He was a thief, and since he had the bag, he took what they threw in it. Jesus said: «Let her, keep it for the day of my burial. For poor people you will always have with you; but you will not always have.
The Word of the Lord.

Let's listen to St. Vincent de Paul:

To be true Daughters of Charity, we must do what the Son of God did on earth. And what did he mainly do? After submitting his will obeying the Blessed Virgin and Saint Joseph, he worked continuously for his neighbor, visiting and healing the sick, instructing the ignorant for their salvation. How happy you are, my daughters, for having been called to such a pleasant condition to God! But you must also be very careful not to abuse and work to perfect yourself in this holy condition. You have the joy of being the first calls to this holy exercise, you, poor villagers and daughters of artisans. Since the time of women serving the Son of God and the apostles, no foundation for this purpose has been made in the Church of God. (IX on page 34)


In many moments of history, women have been undervalued; but with St. Vincent de Paul, we recognize a special role, he has left women at the helm of charity. Saint Luisa and the Daughters of Charity do not fulfill a secondary role, but it is really important, it is they who show the special tenderness towards the poor, they, like Mary of the Gospel, have poured out their best offering at the feet of the teacher .

Today's society has given more freedom and strength to women, but there is still perceived gender violence, less rights and even countries where they are subject to the yoke of men without any benefit. Women need to be welcomed and accompanied in their struggle for true dignity, far from violent movements that arise today.

Mary now carries the fragrance of the Lord and like her, many women of our reality carry the message of love and peace of Jesus Christ to their families, their friends and their environments. They show the warmth and tenderness with which Jesus broke so many barriers of social indifference, welcoming the little ones.


• What is the position of women in our Vincentian or parish movements?
• How do we perceive that female leadership in our Church?
• What realities today affect women?



Sign: Images of persecuted Christians, martyrs, people in jail. You can use some chains, an image of Jesus and the word freedom.

Biblical Illumination: Acts 9, 1-5

Meanwhile Saul, still breathing threats and deaths against the disciples of the Lord, presented himself to the High Priest, and asked him for letters to the synagogues of Damascus, so that, if he found some followers of the Way, men or women, he could take them tied to Jerusalem . It happened that, on the way, when he was near Damascus, a light coming from heaven suddenly surrounded him, he fell to the ground and heard a voice that said: "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" He replied: " Who are you, Lord? »And he:« I am Jesus, whom you persecute.
The Word of the Lord.

Let's listen to St. Vincent de Paul:
Let us wait for a firm footing on the occasions that God presents to us to exercise patience and consider it a great favor that he who wants his goodness be slandered and persecuted. But it is not enough to suffer for justice; we must also suffer with the spirit
with which our Lord suffered. Let us see, then, how we must behave when we are slandered and persecuted, and even when force is used against us; This will be the second point.
In the first place, we must willingly receive this grace from the misfortune of the world through a faithful use of the occasions that God presents to us every day, clashes, annoying words, contradictions and murmuring; you have to start learning for the less annoying things, to prepare to sustain other more important and hard attacks; because is there any chance that a person who becomes restless, discourages or loses patience for lighter things remains strong and willing to sustain stronger attacks?
Let us enter, my brothers, in our interior and see how we take advantage of the daily occasions offered by his divine providence. If then we are cowards, how can we patiently endure the great sufferings? (XI B, p. 570)


May we be persecuted! But that it is for doing what Jesus Christ did, that is what St. Vincent has reminded us, announcing the Gospel, with justice and charity, bothers the powerful and puts us in the sights of those who prefer to deafen themselves in the face of the suffering of the people.
Paul, a staunch persecutor, knew how to hear the voice of Jesus in the persecuted. His vocational experience, without a doubt, had to do with the approach and reception of those who being between “the sword and the wall” did not deny their faith and remained faithful in the mission of being a living testimony of the Risen One.

Today our society has more persecuted than ever, the one who takes the side of life is persecuted, those who denounce injustices are murdered, they are persecuted for religion, for politics, for nationality, etc. We are called to be strong in the face of persecutions but also to reach out and defend the persecuted prophets of our community.


• Am I persecuted for announcing the Gospel?
• What are we persecuted in the middle of our community and why are they persecuted?
• Are we able to support the victim of indifference and intolerance or, on the contrary, am I another persecutor?



Welcome Nature

Sign: recreate a small garden, you can use materials, images of nature, a candle and the Word of God. (You can use images of devastated nature)

Biblical Illumination: Matthew 13, 31-32

Jesus proposed to them this parable: «The Kingdom of Heaven is similar to a mustard seed that a man took and planted in his field. It is certainly smaller than any seed, but when it grows it is larger than vegetables, and it becomes a tree, to the point that the birds of the sky come and nest in its branches.
The Word of the Lord.

Let's listen to St. Vincent de Paul:

My God, the need forces us to possess perishable goods and to keep in the company what God has given him; but we have to apply to those goods the same thing that God applies to produce and preserve temporal things for the ornamentation of the world and food for his creatures, so that he takes care of even an insect; which does not impede his inner operations, for which he begets his Son and produces the Holy Spirit; He does these without leaving those. So, just as God is pleased to provide food for plants, animals and men, those in charge of this small world of the company also have to attend to the needs of the individuals that make it up.

There is no choice but to do so, my God; if not, all that your providence has given them for their maintenance would be lost, your service would cease and we could not go free to evangelize the poor. (XI A- p. 413)


Almost always when we are invited to “welcome”, we think of people; without imagining that there are other beings of nature that can also be included. And, as we speak of welcoming the other, the brother, the poor, the needy, etc; we can also speak, although it seems strange to us, about the importance of welcoming animals, plants, minerals, or another element of creation other than human beings; Of course, keeping the differences, which give the first a special and privileged place.

And in order to assimilate this invitation with greater meaning, we must start from the fact that all reality that is seen in a contemplative attitude can only be welcomed with the heart. For this reason, Pope Francis has told us the following: “The world is more than a problem to solve, it is a joyful mystery that we contemplate with joyful praise” (LAUDATO SI No.12). If we see the world as a mystery, it will not be difficult for us to open our hearts to welcome other creatures with fraternity hugs, following the example of San Francisco; to contemplate and learn from even the smallest animals, following the example of St. Vincent, who spoke of the love of work to the sisters, said: "the ant ... is an animal to which God has given such a forecast that everything that he can pick up for winter during summer and harvest time, he takes it to the community ”; and above all, following the example of Jesus, who, in order to tell us about the Kingdom of Heaven in a clear and simple way, almost always used images or scenes from nature.


• What do you think about the next phrase? "Nature also has its own rights."
• How did Jesus welcome nature?
• What scenes of nature have given you some teaching?

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Our Story

Its aim was to help needy families who at that time, in Europe as in the rest of the world, were living in extreme poverty. Mgr Isidor Formosa joined the Society in his youth and presided over it for 40 years, from 1890 till his death in 1931. The Society is still active today and is doing all that is possible to lessen the sufferings of the poor.

SSVP – VO/1370 Donations bank account details:



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We hope to attract anyone who has the missions at heart.

Simon Schembri Blue Light Foundation Simon Schembri Blue Light Foundation

A non-profit organization honoring our first responders, protectors and their families.

Soup Kitchen OFM - Valletta Soup Kitchen OFM - Valletta
Franciscan Friary 40, St Ursula Street
Valletta, VLT1232