Valletta & Floriana Community Service

We support the communities of Valletta and Floriana through community social work, community mentoring, and community development work.

Valletta Community Service offers its services to children, individuals and families residing in Valletta and Floriana. The services are offered by Social Workers, Social Mentor and a Community Development Worker, who together with other entities and stakeholders, aim to facilitate and encourage a process of change targeted especially towards the most vulnerable within the community. Valletta Community Service can be reached on 2395 3160. In case of emergency contact Supportline 179.


Ngħidu grazzi lil Banda tal-MCAST talli ħa jkunu qegħdin jaqsmu t-talent mużikali tagħhom fil-Lejla Maltija! 🥁

Kunsill Lokali tal-Belt Valletta


Ngħidu grazzi lil Vince Fabri talli ħa jkun qiegħed jaqsam t-talent mużikali tiegħu fil-Lejla Maltija! 🎤

Kunsill Lokali tal-Belt Valletta

Photos from Valletta & Floriana Community Service's post 23/08/2024

🇲🇹 Inħitu Flimkien 🪡

Kellna sessjoni tal-ħjata oħra mwassla mill-voluntier Matias fejn did-darba ħdimna fuq head-bands ġewwa Dar Ħiliet. Dawn is-sessjonijiet huma bbażati fuq proġetti zgħar fejn kull sessjoni noħolqu xi ħaġa ġdida flimkien, kif ukoll nissoċjalizzaw u nibnu konnessjonijiet.🧵

Grazzi mill-ġdid lill-voluntier ta' xogħlu! 😊

🇬🇧 Sewing Together 🪡

We had another sewing session led by the volunteer Matias Cassar where we worked on head-bands in Dar Ħiliet. These sessions are based on small projects where each session we create something new together whilst also socialising and building connections.🧵

Thanks again to the volunteer for his work! 😊


Ngħidu grazzi lil Jake Bartolo talli ħa jkunu qiegħed jaqsam t-talent mużikali tiegħu fil-Lejla Maltija! 🎤

Kunsill Lokali tal-Belt Valletta


Ngħidu grazzi lil Ike & Kaya talli ħa jkunu qegħdin jaqsmu t-talent mużikali tagħhom fil-Lejla Maltija! 🎤

Kunsill Lokali tal-Belt Valletta

Photos from Valletta & Floriana Community Service's post 21/08/2024

🇲🇹 Fis-sessjonijiet kollaborattivi mal-Foundation for Educational Services fil-Kulleġġ San Ġorġ Preca Primarja Floriana esplorajna l-aspett ta' Komunità.🤝

Bis-saħħa ta' żewġ attivitajiet, ddiskutejna l-element ta' komunità taħdem flimkien, kif ukoll l-uniċità ta' kull membru tal-komunità.👥

🇬🇧 In the collaborative sessions with the Foundation for Educational Services at the Floriana school we explored the aspect of Community. 🤝

Through the use of two activities, we discussed the element of a community working together, as well as the uniqueness of each member of the community.👥


Sejħa biex tesebixxi xogħlok waqt Tinkering Days!🤝

Ikkuntattjawna fuq 99953293 jekk intom interessati jew ġibuhom fil-Valletta & Floriana Community Service ġewwa 72, Triq Melita, il-Belt Valletta.


🇲🇹 Waqt il-grupp tal-anzjani u adulti b'kollaborazzjoni mal-Parrocca Santu Wistin Valletta pparteċipajna f'diskussjoni fuq il-kwalità tal-ħajja fil-Belt Valletta. Ir-residenti setgħu jsemmgħu leħinhom, hekk kif jesploraw l-aspetti pozittivi u negattivi fl-inħawi tagħhom. 🗣️

🇬🇧 During the older people and adults community group in collaboration with the Parish of Saint Augustine, we participated in a discussion on the quality of life in Valletta. The residents were able to make their voices heard, as they explore the positive and negative aspects in their locality. 🗣️

Photos from Valletta & Floriana Community Service's post 16/08/2024

🇲🇹 Fis-sessjonijiet kollaborattivi mal-Foundation for Educational Services fil-Kulleġġ San Ġorġ Preca Primarja Valletta esplorajna l-aspett ta' Komunità.🤝

Bis-saħħa ta' żewġ attivitajiet, ddiskutejna l-element ta' komunità taħdem flimkien, kif ukoll l-uniċità ta' kull membru tal-komunità.👥

🇬🇧 In the collaborative sessions with the Foundation for Educational Services at the Valletta school we explored the aspect of Community. 🤝

Through the use of two activities, we discussed the element of a community working together, as well as the uniqueness of each member of the community.👥


🇲🇹 Fil-Floriana Youth Centre kellna l-logħob bl-ilma.💧 Iż-żgħażagħ ħadu l-opportunità biex jiffriskaw ftit fis-sajf, kif ukoll jieħdu pjaċir f'diversi logħob differenti. Bis-saħħa ta' logħob interattivi bħal dawn iż-żgħażagħ jistgħu jsiru jafu aktar il-xulxin kif ukoll isaħħu l-ħbiberiji.🤝

Dan il-grupp isir b'kollaborazzjoni mal-Parroċċa San Publju Floriana.

🇬🇧 At the Floriana Youth Centre we had water games. 💧 The young people took the opportunity to cool off in the summer, as well as having fun in several different games. Thanks to interactive games like these young people can get to know each other better as well as strengthen friendships.🤝

This youth group is in collaboration with the Parish Church of Saint Publius.


🇲🇹 Il-Valletta & Floriana Community Service flimkien mal-Kunsill Lokali tal-Belt Valletta se jorganizzaw Lejla Maltija!🤝

Din ħa ssir fil-5 ta' Settembru, 2024 mis-6:30 PM sas-9:30 PM fil-Ġnien ta' Hastings, Valletta.🌳

Ibbukkjaw post billi ċċemplu 22479414 📞. Trasport huwa disponibbli.

👉 Ikel, xorb, divertiment u bouncy castle (alkoħol mhux provdut u l-ikel jaf ikollu traċċi ta' nuts)

Mistednin speċjali: Ike & Kaya, Jake Bartolo, Vince Fabri, Il-Banda tal-MCAST. 🎵

Grazzi kbira lis-sponsors ta' din l-avveniment!

Farsons Group Miss Ellen's Treats J & C Pisani Ltd. Maypole Malta Food Agency Soup Kitchen OFM - Valletta C. Camilleri & Sons Ltd - 'Camilleri tal-Ħelu' AMSM - Alf. Mizzi & Sons Marketing Group Benna (Malta Dairy Products Ltd.) Brinc's Biscuits

Photos from Valletta & Floriana Community Service's post 12/08/2024

🇲🇹 Fit-tieni sessjoni mal-Foundation for Educational Services fl-Kulleġġ San Ġorġ Preca Primarja Valletta kellna attività mmexxija minn resident attiv Paul Caruana - Arti u Rakkont ta' Storja 🎨

F'din is-sessjoni ffokajna fuq il-ħiliet tal-komunità sabiex naqsmuhom mal-ġenerazzjonijiet ġejjieni. Bis-saħħa ta' arti u storja tal-fekruna u l-fenck, Paul qanqal l-interess sabiex it-tfal jiddiskutu t-tagħlima tal-istorja u jesploraw it-tpinġija flimkien.✏️

🇬🇧 In the second session with the Foundation for Educational Services Skola Sajf tal Valletta we had an activity led by active resident Paul Caruana - Art and Storytelling🎨

In this session we focused on community skills in order to share them with future generations. Through art and storytelling of the turtle and the rabbit, Paul sparked interest so that the children discuss the lesson of the story and explore drawing together.✏️


🇲🇹 Waqt Ħbieb Beltin kellna sessjoni fuq nutrizzjoni. 🍏 In-nutritionist spjegat fuq il-ġestjoni ta' nutrizzjoni tajba billi esplorat il-gwida tad-dieta u l-istil tal-ħajja għall-anzjani.

Grazzi bħal dejjem lin-nutritionist Zoe tas-sessjonijiet li tiffaċilita. 😊

Parrocca Santu Wistin Valletta

🇬🇧 During Ħbieb Beltin, we had a session on nutrition. 🍏 The nutritionist explained on managing a healthy weight by exploring the dietary and lifestyle guide for the elderly.

Thanks as always to nutritionist Zoe for the sessions she facilitates. 😊


Lenti Furjaniża - Anna Alamango 🟢

F'dan il-vidjow tkellimna ma' voluntiera attiva tal-Floriana Senior Citizens, Anna Alamango. Anna spjegat il-passjoni tagħha lejn l-anzjanità attiva u l-lokalità tant għal qalbha, il-Floriana.

Photos from Valletta & Floriana Community Service's post 08/08/2024

🇲🇹 L-ewwel sessjoni kollaborattiva mal-Foundation for Educational Services ġewwa l-Kulleġġ San Ġorġ Preca Primarja Valletta - Ibbaġitjar 💰

F'din is-sessjoni tkellimna fuq il-flus u kif għandna nieħdu ħsiebhom. Apparti li ddiskutejna x'inhu baġit u kif tibbaġitja, tkellimna wkoll fuq prijoritajiet.🗣️

🇬🇧 The first collaborative session with the Foundation for Educational Services inside the Valletta school - Budgeting 💰

In this session we talked about money and how to manage it. Apart from discussing what a budget is and how to budget, we also talked about priorities. 🗣️

Photos from Valletta & Floriana Community Service's post 06/08/2024

🇲🇹 Waqt il-Floriana Youth Centre komplejna billi għażilna poster flimkien biex jirrapreżenta l-grupp! Apparti minn hekk, esplorajna l-kreattività tagħna billi ħloqna charts li jippreżentaw aħna minn aħna, it-talenti u l-karatteristiċi tagħna, kif ukoll il-passatempi tagħna. 🎨💻

Dan huwa proġett b'kollaborazzjoni mal-Parroċċa San Publju Floriana.

🇬🇧 During the Floriana Youth Centre, we continued by choosing our finalised poster to represent the group! Apart from this, we explored our creativity by creating charts that present us, our talents and unique characteristics, as well as our hobbies. 🎨💻

This is a project in collaboration with the Parish Church of Saint Publius.

Photos from Valletta & Floriana Community Service's post 05/08/2024

🇲🇹 Bdejna l-kollaborazzjoni mal-Foundation for Educational Services fl-iskola tal-Kulleġġ San Ġorġ Preca Primarja Floriana - Ibbaġitjar🤝

L-ewwel sessjoni kienet fuq kif tista’ tibbaġitja u tuża flusek bil-għaqal. Mat-tfal iddiskutejna x'inhuma l-flus, u kif nistgħu nibbaġitjaw bis-saħħa ta' eżerċizzju informali.💰

🇬🇧 We started the collaboration with the Foundation for Educational Services at the Floriana school - Budgeting 🤝

The first session was on how you can balance and use your money wisely.


Nawguraw il-festa t-tajba lild-Duminkani kollha! 🙂

Festa San Duminku Valletta


🇲🇹 Dalgħodu żorna l-festa tat-tfal ta' San Duminku fejn osservajna l-passjoni tar-residenti li għandhom lejn il-festi, kif ukoll tkellimna ma' wħud biex insiru nafu t-tradizzjonijiet u d-drawwiet tal-festa.🚶

🇬🇧 This morning, we visited the children's festa of San Dominic where we observed the passion of the residents towards the festa, as well as we talked to some locals to know about out the traditions and customs of the festa.🚶


🇲🇹 Ejjew inħitu flimkien fis-7 ta' Awwissu, 2024 mill-10:00am sa 12:00pm ġewwa Dar Ħiliet, 62, Triq San Ġwann.🪡

Narawkom! 🙂

🇬🇧 Let's sew together on the 7th of August, 2024 from 10:00AM to 12:00PM in Dar Ħiliet, 62, Saint John's Street.🪡

See you there! 🙂

Photos from Valletta & Floriana Community Service's post 01/08/2024

🇲🇹 Fl-ewwel sessjoni tal-programm tas-Sajf tal-Floriana Youth Centre pparteċipajna f'attivitajiet biex insiru nafu lil xulxin aħjar. Apparti minn hekk, iż-żgħażagħ bdew jiddisinjaw il-poster tal-grupp taż-żgħażagħ stess! 📱

Dan huwa proġett b'kollaborazzjoni mal-Parroċċa San Publju Floriana.
🇬🇧 In the first session of the summer program of the Floriana Youth Centre, we participated in activities to get to know each other better. Apart from that, the young people started designing their youth group posters! 📱

This is a project in collaboration with the Parish Church of Saint Publius.


🇲🇹 Apparti li niltaqgħu man-nies barra biex nispjegaw is-servizz tal-librerija komunitarja u Dar Ħiliet, qegħin nitfgħu posters bid-dettalji kollha tagħhom ukoll.📩

🇬🇧 Apart from meeting residents outside to explain the community library and Dar Hiliet's services, we are also posting posters with all the details.📩


Sharing Y'Explore Project ☀️

Y'EXPLORE is back this Summer! On offer from July–September are a range of workshops, excursions and activities, all completely FREE of charge! Participants aged between 13—30 can select from a list of offers, or enjoy the complete 2024 Summer package! We want our youth to walk away with a renewed sense of…

Empowerment, Skill Building & Community Engagement

Workshops: Woodcrafts, Body Language, Photography (Analogue), Robotics, Art (Watercolour & Cartooning), Soap Making.
Excursions: Esplora Interactive Science Centre, Nature Trust - Wildlife Rehab Centre, Vincent's Eco-Estate, Bird Life - Salina Nature Reserve, Horse Lagoon Foundation.
Activities: Mdina Treasure Hunt by Rock Adventure, mural painting, sports day, and an end-of-summer BBQ.

Kindly note that JULY Activities are already underway and you may not be available to apply. Also note that some activities have limited spaces.

For more information on Y’EXPLORE, contact Kyle: [email protected]


After signing up, participants will be contacted with more info, and if needed they will be asked to provide signed consent forms, or other necessary documents.

Photos from Valletta & Floriana Community Service's post 26/07/2024

🇲🇹 Waqt Ħbieb Beltin esplorajna t-talent tal-kreattività hekk kif il-paretċipanti ddiskutew xi kraft jistgħu jagħmlu b'mod kollettiv. Bħalissa, qegħdin jaħdmu flimkien fuq kraft sostenibbli fejn ħadu ċ-ċans biex jaħdmu flimkien, kif ukoll jużaw materjal li għandhom id-dar stess.🖼️

🇬🇧 During Ħbieb Beltin, we explored the talent of creativity as the participants discussed what craft they could do collectively. Currently, they are working together on a sustainable craft, where they are working together, as well as using materials they have at home.🖼️

Parrocca Santu Wistin Valletta


🇲🇹 Waqt li konna qegħdin nosservaw iż-żona ta' Marsamxett, ilmaħna dan ir-ritratt li juri fejn kien jinsab L-Uffiċċju Telegrafiku ta' Malta qabel.🏛️

Ritratt meħud minn H.Agius.

🇬🇧 While we were observing the Marsamxett area, we saw this photo that shows where the Malta Telegraph Office used to be.🏛️

Photo by H. Agius.


Lenti Furjaniża - Paul Ellul 🟢

F'dan il-video tkellimna ma' Paul Ellul, fejn spjega fuq x'jagħmel il-Floriana unika, kif ukoll personaġġi importanti li ħarġu minn dan is-subborg.

Photos from Valletta & Floriana Community Service's post 22/07/2024

🇲🇹 Ingħaqdu magħna fil-Floriana Youth Centre b'kollaborazzjoni mal-Parroċċa San Publju Floriana 🤝

🗣️ Miftuħ għaż-żgħażagħ minn 11 -il sena 'l fuq
🏟️ Fl-Uffiċċju Parrokkjali tal-Floriana
🕒 Kull nhar ta' Erbgħa mis-6:30pm sa 8:30pm

Għall aktar informazzjoni ibgħatulna messaġġ fuq 99953293 jew telefonata fuq 23953111.☎️

*Il-poster hu ddisinjat miż-żgħażagħ stess.

🇬🇧 Join us at the Floriana Youth Center in collaboration with the San Publju Floriana Parish.🤝

🗣️ Open to young people from 11 years and above
🏟️ At the Floriana Parish Office
🕒 Every Wednesday from 6:30pm to 8:30pm

For more information send us a message on 99953293 or call 23953111.☎️

*The poster is designed by the young people.

Photos from Valletta & Floriana Community Service's post 20/07/2024

🇲🇹 Apparti l-proġetti u kollaborazzjonijiet, bħala servizz nagħtu importanza li nduru fit-toroq tal-lokalità sabiex naġġornaw ruħna mal-ħajja u tradizzjonijiet tal-belt. B'hekk aħna nduru t-toroq sabiex nosservaw u nitgħallmu fuq il-lokalità.🚶

🇬🇧 Apart from the community projects and collaborations, as a service we give importance to go around the streets of the locality in order to acquaint ourselves with the life and traditions of the city. Thus, we walk around the streets to observe and learn about the locality.🚶


🇲🇹 Ejjew inħitu flimkien fis-7 ta' Awwissu, 2024 mill-10:00am sa 12:00pm ġewwa Dar Ħiliet, 62, Triq San Ġwann.🪡

Narawkom! 🙂

🇬🇧 Let's sew together on the 7th of August, 2024 from 10:00AM to 12:00PM in Dar Ħiliet, 62, Saint John's Street.🪡

See you there! :)


🇲🇹 Waqt Għeruq il-Komunità, ir-residenti bdew jiddiskutu l-importanza tal-preżenza li l-bord għandha jkollha fuq il-midja soċjali, kif ukoll pjanijiet ta' serje ta' vidjows u attivitajiet f'dan ir-rigward. 🤝

🇬🇧 During Għeruq il-Komunità, the residents began to discuss the importance of the social media presence that the board should have, as well as plans for a series of videos and activities in this regard. 🤝

Sessjonijiet isiru ġewwa Dar Ħiliet.

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Videos (show all)

Lenti Furjaniża - Anna Alamango 🟢F'dan il-vidjow tkellimna ma' voluntiera attiva tal-Floriana Senior Citizens, Anna Alam...
Lenti Furjaniża - Paul Ellul 🟢F'dan il-video tkellimna ma' Paul Ellul, fejn spjega fuq x'jagħmel il-Floriana unika, kif ...
Is-Saħħa Prezzjuża fil-Komunità tal-Floriana🟢Grazzi tal-kollaboraturi!Primary HealthCare Malta, Mental Health Malta, Dem...
It-300 sena Anniversarju mill-Fondazzjoni tal-lokalità tal-Floriana.💚B’ċelebrazzjoni lejn jum it-300 sena Anniversarju m...
🇲🇹 Napprezzaw u nsostnu l-ħila tal-ħjata.🪡🧵🇬🇧 Appreciating and sustaining the skill of sewing.🪡🧵
Nesploraw il-ħila tal-ħjata waqt Ħbieb Beltin!🧵Grazzi lis-studenti tal-Fashion and Retail tas-servizz volontarju tagħhom...
JUM IL-BELT VALLETTA.🏙️B’ċelebrazzjoni lejn jum il-Belt Valletta (li sseħħ fit-28 ta’ Marzu) dorna t-toroq tal-Belt nist...




Opening Hours

Monday 07:30 - 14:30
Tuesday 07:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 07:30 - 14:30
Thursday 07:30 - 17:00
Friday 07:30 - 15:30
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