Director Misoya

The beauty of filmmaking is seen when your desire of making progress grow.


South Africa...we are coming


Hey, everyone. If you're reaching out for business, skip the long greetings and dive straight into the agenda. I may not have time for extended pleasantries, so keep it concise and introduce the purpose of your message upfront. I prefer direct communication and find lengthy exchanges without a clear purpose time-consuming. If you have something important to share, don't hesitate to get in touch. Thanks, and much love to you all.


Greetings, individuals! I am extending an invitation to 10 aspiring actors for my 2024 acting class. I am committed to dedicating my time to help enhance their acting talents. Interested individuals are encouraged to contact me via email at [email protected]. Please note that I will only respond to emails, and other communication channels such as WhatsApp or Facebook will not be considered. Applicants should be ready to engage in reading, research, online and physical training, and practical work involving short films. It's important to mention that there is no fee for this program, and additional details will be provided to those selected after the application process. Only individuals based in BLANTYRE are eligible to apply. I look forward to hearing from you.
Isaac Misoya, Director at Gosm Films.


A good news...the first actor to be awarded a plot because if acting.... congrats School Days Team for great work

Innobuild gives a plot to Phwedo
Congrats Madala


Sometimes, I feel offended when I reflect on how my initial ignorance hindered my progress in the early days of my filmmaking journey. If I had acquired the knowledge I have now back then, I believe I could have achieved something remarkable. Despite my passion for filmmaking, I lacked the proper skills, but I persevered and followed my passion.

Although I haven't achieved my ultimate goal in filmmaking, I believe that with God's help, I can see a path to success in this field. I've received calls, emails, and texts from different countries expressing interest in collaborations. Currently, our ongoing project is causing some delays, but after the premieres are over, we'll have film producers, directors, actors, and cinematographers from other countries coming to Malawi, and Malawian talent going abroad to work on movies. My greatest satisfaction would be assisting passionate actors in making their mark on international platforms. This, to me, is a measure of success. I encourage fellow filmmakers to keep learning and doing their best. I can envision myself creating even better films in the future, thanks to what I'm currently learning.


I love making movies


I have been working on my TV series script, now almost ready. I will have to do a pilot for .......... before venturing into the completion of the seasons. Soon after the Premier of IS THE PRESIDENT DEAD will be back on set. Three scripts on the table waiting, collaborations are waiting. Making movies is more than just a passion to me, it is a calling, it is a life. making movies


Very impressive with how the team is growing in filmmaking knowledge. From January to May this year we shot more than 20 Short Films for our clients, and were all delivered. The organizations, companies and individuals we worked for has commended the Job done. We are the Filmmakers


Getting closer....26 June...


Note: This is Isaac Misoya's opinion

Building a successful film industry requires a multi-faceted approach with multiple strategies and actions. Below are some steps Malawi can take to help their film industry grow:

1. Government Support: The government of Malawi can offer incentives such as tax breaks and subsidies to production companies, waive tariffs on imported film equipment, provide funding for local filmmakers, and create policies that are more favorable to the film industry.

2. Distribution Network: A well-developed distribution network can help the Malawi film industry reach a larger audience. This includes screening venues, video-on-demand platforms, and local television stations. Developing these networks will require collaboration with stakeholders such as cinema owners, streaming services, and TV broadcasters.

3. Showcasing Local Voices: The film industry should be used as a platform for telling Malawi's stories, showcasing its culture, and addressing social issues. Filmmakers can collaborate with local journalists, writers, and artists to develop thought-provoking stories that reflect society's aspirations, challenges, and triumphs.

4. Infrastructure Development: The Malawi government can invest in film schools, studios, and post-production facilities to enhance creativity and allow for smooth production processes. Establishing film commissions within the government can also help attract foreign investments to the country.

5. International Exposure: Participation in international film festivals, collaborations with foreign filmmakers, and promoting Malawian film events on social media platforms such as YouTube could significantly boost the industry's growth and exposure to the foreign market.

By focusing on these steps, Malawi can create a thriving film industry that would catapult the country to the world stage.
This is just my suggestions


This week I had a number of calls from one of the American partners that we are helping creating content for their businesses. Through our chat he talked on how the American entertainment is doing and how passionate the people are there. He talked on how serious the cinemas are taken seriously by the Movie fans, and as for me I had almost zero to say about our industry. One thing that he talked to me is that,. YOU CAN DO IT ALSO.

It's not about how big the population is but is how smart you are in doing your things. As a Filmmaker who has gone through difficults and failing I have come to the point to learn my best on contribution than competition. It is a process to learn and accept who you are and start doing it. I have learned that it's waste of time to enter a free competition of comparison which ends up getting frustrations and anger. I have learned that we should learn how our systems work and how we can allocate ourselves in the system for the goodness of all people. The connections I have with different people is contributing a lot to my filmmaking career.

Let's get out from this small box thinking to something big that we can explore our potential and help the Filmmakers industry to grow. I am a Filmmaker, am learning to be on my position and contribute what I can.


This week I have been talking to one of official to the Tanzanian film depertment on Tanzania-Malawi collaborations. I shared him the number of the department of arts so that they further discuss because they want the official àgreemets between the two nations. Last time when I visited his office in Tanzania I was told that in the past we had a certain agreement between the two governments but it didn't bare fruits. I am hoping that this time it will.

Jumping into the collaborations with other countries can boost our film markets and help the industry growing. As individuals we have also to fight for collaborations, we have to try all means that we think can help to break through. Learning our population disadvantage can help us to create advantages through our stories and technical part. Directors and Actors should invest more time to boost the skills on how we can tell the compelling stories. I have my brief in this growth process


Being an artist and among the artists working is not a joke......they have their opinions and mostly they show the behavior to know better than the one doing...they are too quick to pass the judgement without even understanding things, they are very quick to share the negative than the positives.

Mostly I have been talking to people I used to work with that I don't like to talk negatives staff of my fellow artists and I don't like to justify me in the presence of people comparing with other artists. Anything that does not add any positivity to me or others it's not worth to be topic to be discussed. It's too hard for me to seat and start counting the bad people in the film industry and start painting them black in the eyes of other people no matter that they offended me. If someone offended me it doesn't mean that they offended the who film industry or the whole nation. Some of the pressure we get from friends that makes us misbehave are unnecessary, they trying to impose their personalities on us so that we should think and do as they do which is very wrong. I remember some years back I was told about someone to be a very bad person and I was told how that guy badly acted to his friend, I was told to stay away from him. Immediately I corrected that person for his approach to such situation, I told him that don't paint your friend black for that one mistake, I thank God that he understood me. Later after some years I had a work that made me to work with the person I was told to be be honest I found that guy good than even that long friend of mine who told me bad things about this friend. Since then we became friends and we mostly partner for some works and I have benefited a lot from this friendship.....and if I was negative about this guy after hearing his bad part only I could have missed a lot from this guy.

No one is perfect including you, if you can make a mistake know that your friend is not exceptional they can do the same, if you can lie know that your friend can too, if you can get angry know that your friend can do the same. I don't mean we can't talk bad things of other people but we should have at least a limit when doing that. Don't allow the pressure from friends to overcome your character, choose to do a right thing. Always be you and allow yourself to make decisions not the pressure from people. Because of the pressure from people some of us we have lost good friends, we have lost opportunities, we have made enemities because we were pressurized to make decisions that we ended up regretting that we have lost people and things that we were not supposed to lose.

The decisions that comes out of pressure mostly are not the good ones than the decisions that comes out of wisdom and understanding. We may get angry, we may fight, we May do what we should do to relief ourselves from the pain caused but still let the wisdom take control. Have a feed back from people, their comments and their opinions but be the one to make a decision not them.


A walk is made by steps forward, the more steps we take the more distance is being covered that's how we get to our destination.
We thank God that we started the industry but that is not enough we need to do more. There is a song by legendary Lucius Banda that says kubeleka mwana mkosavuta koma kulera. Starting an industry it's a simple task to compare with growing the industry. We thank God for the Film legends who came before us that they did a recommendable job and now it is in our hañds to make the industry grow.

Learning our challenges and observing the industry hindering blocks can help to take a right direction. As it is now Malawi Film industry has no proper market for our Productions then we need to create the market for our Productions. Where there is inhabitants we can grow the market by packaging our stories in a very attractive ways. I am thinking that this is a high time to find ways that can help to create the market for our Productions and I have my suggestions on how we can do that.

We need to define Malawian cultures so that we make Productions that can package our stories in a right way and should be unique. The common Service or peoduct mostly are cheap therefore telling the stories that were already told with hollywood or Nollywood will not help us to find the market, we should have our untold stories to be filmed. We should have collaborations with Nigerians Filmmakers, South Africa Filmmakers because they already have the market and their markets are big. As Malawi we are disadvantage of population, we are less than 30 million, and the people use electricity are less than 50%, and the people who knows how to use internet properly are less than 20% which means we have a very narrow market for our movies which makes it very difficult for the industry to survive. Collaborations are one way that can help to push the industry up. We should not desire too much to collaborate with the big brands at the moment, let's start with what we can then we will move to another step. Having a gold but not knowing it's market it becomes less value, the same with our good stories if we don't know Know where we can sale out our story it will have less value. Above all we thank God that the industry is growing



More than a decade in the film industry, ups and downs, success and failures all have played a big role for me to be where I am and still pushing me to another level. I have learned to be positive to my negative results, I have learned to be positive to my haters, I have learned to be positive to criticisms and I trained my mind to be a positive even in bad's all good for me.

Filmmaking is a big business that needs maturity, focus, patience and vision. Filmmaking it's not all about making noise in medias but knowing your business nature and learn how to make it successful. Every failure gives an opportunity of perfection while haters will take advantage to bring you down. You will never go down because of failures if you know what you want to achieve and focus on your dream, yes it may delay but you will make it at the end. Look up and focus on your dream, create your story that will be a topic discussion to many in future, while others will be busy sharing your negative side of your story be busy to correct what you did wrong and keep on going. Don't stop people to talk what they think about you but don't be what they think about your your dream, be happy of who you are.

Another important thing to do in this film industry is to have a good choice of friends, good partners, good Actors etc. Don't work with people who are against you, distance yourself from them they are dangerous to your vision, they will easily betray you. Many friends will attract many enemies so be careful with your choice of friends to make. Other people they want to be closer to you for a good will while others are not so learn to be sensitive to people. Don't hate people, don't hate your enemies but create a boundary of certain friendship specially those who are working against that there must be a reason why certain people should come closer to you. The most common thing that will bring people into strong bond relationship it's a common interests and common passion. If you are on the same road it becomes obvious to be closer and share ideas, help each other on how you can get your dreams done. The good part we have many good people in film industry to make friends with than the bad people.

May God give good friends in film industry who will be a help not a thorn


We have two task this year as Gosm Films which are quality and quantity. We want to Produce as we also maintain quality. I talk to Actors always on how we can work as a team for us to get the best. We have what it takes to be the best and we can do much better than what we are doing. As Gosm Films we are much committed to learn and do what we can......

For fellow Actors..... learn from the best for you to be the best, don't be too quick to be satisfied with what you have done.... to be on screen doesn't mean that you are the best, but what you do when you are on screen that's what defines who you are. Learn more


This week we had a number of short movie sets in Blantyre and it has been amazing Production. 6 Short Films done in two days and edit all in 3 amazing.

Filmmaking Ndi dziko lathu lomwe timamva kukoma when we are on set...2023 it's another year.


We have started with Ndirande and Machinjiri to train our fellow young people who are interested to join the film industry. We are training cinematographers, editors, Actors. Before we started offering these trainings to these fellows we started with our Gosm team, tinali kum'bindikilo to equip ourselves with filmmaking knowledge so that understand things that we never understood before, learning new skills on how best as a Production company we should deliver best to our Productions. This Year we are hired with a number of Producers for their Productions and we will give the best. If you have a movie that you want to shoot this year don't hesitate contact us Gosm Crew is very much ready for that.

On 24 April I met the upcoming Actors in Machinjiri who Mr Jokes gathered, and I talked to them a number of things on how they should improve their actings. I like their zero and with that I believe that we are going to Produce giants of Actors soon after. Among many other things I raised a number of things that as Actors who have got a dream to be on higher they should be willing to sacrifice. One of my emphasize was about the use of time. Personally I stopped to attend to the upcoming who doesn't have time for their acting career but they just love to be on set thinking that by being on more sets will make them great forgetting the important thing which LEARNING AND PRACTICING. I don't want my fellow upcoming Actors to start the way enafe we started. Film acting need time and it needs commitment the same efforts we give when we are about to write exams, or the same effort that we give at our working places the same give to acting. You need to think of it even when you don't have a set, to have training when you don't have a set so that you build the skills in yourself, have a good time with your script to understand the thoughts and life style of your character. Have time to read and research acting information.

In a film industry, Actors they should know who are their competetors, which is their own potential not the colleagues as they may think. Competing with your fellow Actor will lead to failure but competing by your own potential will lead to achieving great staff. Big up to all upcoming Actors, let's desire to be the best basi.


Always there are people who start things everywhere, whether big or small behind that you will find individuals. Getting started it's a beginning of winning and achieving great things. Hollywood was not built one day and it is not a work of one person but it's a result of different contribution from different players. 1880 a small village it was just a small village, In early 1900 hollywood was a village that just contained almost 500 people but the film industry made this village to grow to a place of stars. And it had individuals who were doing their Productions the way Malawi we are doing. 1911 the first film studio came into existence and the name of the studio was Christie Film company then MGM, Paramount,Warner Brothers (WB),20th Century Fox and RKO pictures. And the industry became so big and it's one of the economy growth contributors in US.

As a Malawian Filmmaker am learning on how our friends became what they are today and how we can also push our things to a certain level. I understand that here it's difficult for Filmmakers to survive the pull down storms on our way but still it's doable let's put more efforts to what we believe is right for the industry. The people who built hollywood didn't enjoy comparing to how the current generation are enjoying, few individuals who had vision of filmmaking has helped millions of different generations to celebrating the success of the Industry. We may be those people who will make the next generation to celebrating the success of the Industry if we are ready to lay out a good foundation of the Industry. Let's have a vision of what we are doing, let's focus on the goal, lets build structure for the industry let's be willing to go through tough situation for the sake of industry. What we are doing today it's not only for us but for our kids and the generation to come.

I can witness that it's not easy for a Malawian Filmmaker to survive here, if not careful you can quit easily. We have some players in the industry who they don't know what they want to achieve and instead they work as we are doing competition, creating unnecessary fights and enemities, they pretend to know while they know nothing, they are not willing to learn, they are arrogants and selfish people which these acts has nothing to contribute to the growth of film industry. We may be few today but we can build a great tomorrow for ourselves and the next generation. Let's climb on top of ignorance so that we can be able to see the good things that are coming after all these struggles. Whatever tough storms we are going through in the industry will make us strong players in the industry let's move. Winners never quit. One last thing have a good friends in the industry

May good lord bless Malawi film industry


Hello Malawi Film fans.
I would want to let you know that this year Gosm Films will have it's first ever movie premier in Malawi and beyond the borders. According to our plan we had to release a trailer of the premiered movie this month of March and also give the updates of the dates of the premier but this will not happen this month as it was planned. We have not finished the movie shooting the dates planned therefore we will communicate the movie premier dates in June when all the movie shooting are done. For the movie trailer will be shared as soon as we are done with it.

It has not been easy for this project to be done, we had challenges and obstacles along the way but we thank God that we are moving and we expect to complete everything by June this year 2023. We would like to appreciate those who have been in support of this project Amaryllis Hotel, Crown Hotel, Blantyre Lodge, Jeva Designs, Nyalisa Designings, Malawi Police, Malawi Sensorship board, Film Association of Malawi, COSOMA and many other companies, Organizations and individuals who have promised to support our movie Project in coming days. We thank God that now we have made a progress and we are progressing. I would want also to thank fellow Filmmakers who wishes us good since we started the project,...we appreciate for your encouragements and support of this understood that our winning it's your winning too.....OTHANDIZANA NAFE SATSUTSANA NAFE family

If we have other companies, organizations and individuals who may want to learn more on this project please call or whatsapp on this number +265999 019 667.



Do anyone here knows someone from Zambia and Tanzania who current stays in Malawi?
Zambia I need two people.....a man between 50-80
Female between 30-60

Man between 50-80
Female between 30-60

Preferably should be Lilongwe based or surrounding areas.
Link me with them if you have names. Whatsapp or call on 0999019667


Lilongwe, this is your turn


2023 Malawi is coming with flames in film industry......4kaya Films


I always thank God for the good friends I have in a film industry and I hope we will achieve great things together. For us to achieve great staff in Film industry we need also to work out on having good friendships with the right people. Always have friends who sees what you see and move the same direction with help each other than kukokelana pansi. 2023 we need to work out on our friendship with those whom we have the same goals of making movies and make a great team. On the same let's also allow other people who were pretending as friends but are not to go away osawakakamila iyayi, wish them well but they should not be closer to you whether they have money or not, whether they are more talented or not, whether they are more educated or not, whether they are from hollywood or not let them go and find people who can push you up and you push them up not pulling each other down....the friends who will celebrate your achievements not envy you.

You may have plenty of friends in the film industry but have good friends to be closer to you. Good friends have got role to play in our successful life and I value friendship kwambiri at the same I am not common to be very close to everyone. Always there is something that converge you at mutual understanding that automatically will make you close to each other and trust each other. Those who are close to. Be sober when you are choosing friends, don't take it easy but be very serious with your choice so that you should not regret for being close to certain individuals. The same way you make a good choice to whom you gonna marry and have the assurance of the girl/ma to proposal/accept proposal do the same with your choice of friendship. Other people are wicked, they will always discourage, speak bad about you, they will never forgive you when you wrong them, unthankful people, they always have a negative eye about other words they were not made to be closer to you despite the fact that you know each other. Know who to be closer to as a Filmmaker and also learn to distance certain people from you. Osakomedwa Ndi anthu chifukwa choti ali Ndi ndalama, equipment,fame etc ..... don't do be friends its more than that.

2023 let's make more good friendships with the right people and let's unfriend those who pretend to be friends while they are not............ don't hate them.... still have a distance friendship with them because they are still important......

You can be a good Filmmaker because of your friends, you can be a good actor because of your friends, you can make a great achievements in filmmaking because of your friends...................
Who are you closing with? Why that person is close to you? How your friendship with those who have been close with benefited you?


MUST it's your turn


Happy Birthday to our Film Association president Sukez......may God's grace continue giving you wisdom and strength to lead the association to the high levels


Oh God bless every Filmmaker, Actor, DOP, gaffer, sound engineer etc...... give us wisdom so that we make our film industry grow than ever before

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I love making movies
We have two task this year as Gosm Films which are quality and quantity. We want to Produce as we also maintain quality....





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Hba Hba
Blantyre, HBA

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ʭɸʭ Genahjahnox ʭɸʭ ʭɸʭ Genahjahnox ʭɸʭ

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Une nkusyausya tomba liganga gasika