Malawi Islamic Arts

Malawi Islamic Arts is a Non-Profit Organization that Uses various platforms to inspire and educate b

Malawi Islamic Arts have a Website that provides online Islamic Arts and information due to lack of resourceful Online platforms for . The platform is set to promote online quality services and also to improve islamic information desermination standards among Muslims. The initiative is incorporating Artists and Sheikhs into already existing services (,Video,Blog ,Nasheeds,Poetry,Dawa and Bayan


About cerebrating Christmas and other prophets birthdays in Islam

Cerebrating a Prophets birth day is usually considered haram because our religion was given to us in a perfect state, if we should have celebrated Isa's (SAW) birth then Prophet(SAW) would have as well.

Christmas also has a lot of pagan roots and symbolism so my household never decorates(no tree or anything). As for wishing "Merry Christmas", I usually say happy holidays instead this way i don't leave out other holidays but i can still be polite. Now if someone says "Merry Christmas" to me I always say "you too."

Now that I've had some people argue with me about, but the way i see it is The Prophet (SAW) told us that even if the Jews and Christians wished death on us we should say "wa' alikium" which roughly translates into "and upon you."

So i feel that this is not only a personal choice but also Sunnah of the Prophet(SAWS)


Some days you’re happy, some days you’re sad. This is life; one has to take the rough with the smooth and just say, Alhamdulillah.


11 Ways of Forgiveness of our Sins.

Salah is an amazing gift from Allah subḥanahu wa ta'ala to this Ummah. In fact, the Sahaba loved Salah so much that once, in a battle against Juhainah, the enemies of Allah noticed the Muslims praying Zuhr. They thus planned to attack the Muslims when they would be praying Asr, saying " Certainly, a Salah will come to them [Asr prayer] that it is more beloved to them than their own children."*
📚 [Sahih Al-Muslim]

*Allahu Akbar! The Sahaba loved Salah so much to the point they preferred worshipping Allah through that which He loves most - the Salah - even to their own families!*

*Let us look at simply one aspect of how Salah is a gift for this Ummah:*

*1️⃣ The Prayer Itself is an Expiation of Sins*

The Prophet salalaahu Alaihi wasalam said,
“The five daily prayers and Jumu'ah to Jumu'ah is an expiation of the sins committed between those times so long as one is not guilty of major sins.”
📚[Sahih Al-Bukhari]

2️⃣ Wuḍū (ablution)Washes Away Sins

The Prophet salalaahu Alaihi wasalam said,

“ *When the Muslim or the mu'min (believer) makes wuḍū', when he washes his face, every sin that his eyes has committed (whatever ḥarām we may have looked at, if we didn't lower our gaze when we were supposed to, if we spied on someone we shouldn't have) wash away with the water or with the last drop of water. When he washes his hands, every sin his hand has committed is washed away. When he washes his feet, every sin that his feet walked towards is washed away with the last drop of water until he comes out of making wuḍū' free of sin.”
📚[Sahijlh Al-Muslim]

3️⃣ Walking to the Masjid Forgives Sins

The Prophet salalaahu Alaihi wasalam said,

“Whoever makes wuḍū' at home and then walks to the House of Allāh to perform one of the five prayers, every step he takes wipes away a sin and the next step raises his status with Allāh.”
📚[Sahih Al-Muslim]

4️⃣ As You Wait for Prayer in the Masjid, Angels Pray for Your Forgiveness


If you help someone, Allah will help you 🖤


On the Jumma, all I pray is that may you be blessed with the favors of Allah and your life is filled with good health, joy, love, and peace.



Say alhamdurillah for being amuslim, for islam will not lead you to astray♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Mtsogoleri wa mpingo wa Katolika padziko lonse, Papa Francis, wavomereza ganizo loti ansembe adzitha kudalitsa ukwati wa amuna kapena akazi okhaokha.

Malinga ndi lipoti la BBC, Papa Francis wati ansembe akuyenera kuchita izi powunika bwino lomwe anthuwa akamalowa m'banja.

Iye wati ansembe asatengere chizolowezi chodalitsa ukwati wamtundu wotere m'madera kapena m'mipingo mwawo.

Chikalata chomwe chatuluka ku likulu la mpingowu ku Vatican mdziko la Italy chaonetsa k*ti kusinthaku kwachitika kuyambira lolemba.

Chakalatachi chati ganizoli ladza powonetsa chikondi k*ti ambuye amakonda wina aliyense posatengera chilengedwe cha anthu.


Pillahs of Islam


Assalaam alaykum warahamatullah wabarakatuh brothers and sisters kumeneko

Mosataya nthaw tiyen tioneko izi pang'ono." Maka kwa inu ma sister kumeneko."

Khumbo la M'tsikana aliyense pamoyo wake ndiko kuoneka bwino bas🤗 ndipo glass adapanga nalo ubale wawukulu kaamba kot amatenga nthaw yayitali pozikongoletsa nkhope yake."

Safuna kukalamba ndipo salakalanso alo pang'ono Subuhanallah!!

Popita nthaw ndi kupita kwa zaka zinthu zimayamba kusintha pathupi lake😌 tazioneni inuyo sister wanga zaka 7 zapitazo munali bwanj..? MashaAllah simunali mmene mumawonekera leromu ayi pang'ono ndi pang'ono mukusitha ndthu."

pa nkhan yathu yeniyeni tsopano" sister wanga musamakhale ndi maganizo ot simudzakalamba ayi ndipo Allah watitsikimizira zimenez k*t yemwe wamfewetsera kukhala ndi umoyo wawutali Allah amabwenzeretsanso ku umwana kusonyeza k*t munthu aliyense akakula kufika pa ukalamba mzeru zake zimachepa ndipo amaganiza ngat mwana Allah Akbar

Kmano chofunikira kwambir mu zonsez ndiko kukhala omuopa Mulungu bas🤗

Mu zonse timachitaz chitsikana kmanso unyamata ndi kukhala ndi Taqwa, kunjoya tinjoya ndithu ndi chitsikana chathu kapenanso chinyamata chathu kma ngat sitigwilitsa ntchito nthaw imeney ndithud tidzakhala oluza pa mawa."

Mukulankhura kwina mu hadith ina Mtumiki s.a.w adati: gwilitsani ntchito unyamata wanu (pomutumikira Allah) ukalamba usadakupedze (chifukwa munthu ukakalamba kuchita ma ibaadah nso kumavuta)

Pomaliza Allah azitipatsa zabwino ife tonse kmanso azitikhululukira zolakwa zathu nthaw zonse Ameen Ameen🤲


If a muslim posts something about islam don't assume that they are claiming to be perfect or pious. We are all sinners. They are just reminding themselves and others, because allah says

( "and remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers." - Quran (51:55) 🖤


Ya Allah satisfy our hearts with halal and keep us away from everything which is haram and make us your obedient slave, Ameen!

Jumuah Mubarak


Every soul will taste death!😊💔


Assalammualaikum, Try this challenge for 40 days! Then feel the big change of yourself 🙂
1. Tahajud 2/4 rakaat.
2. Shower before Fajr.
3. Fajr sunnah prayer.
4. Fajr prayer on time.
5. Read Al-Qur'an before sunrise.
6. Alms Fajr.
7. Dhuha prayer 2/4 rakaat.
8. Listening to murotal (Someone reading Al-Qur'an in audio) for 10 minutes.
9. Dzuhur, Asr, Maghrib, Isha prayer.
10. Fasting Monday Thursday.
11. Read surah Al-Waqiah every day.
12. Read surah Al-Mulk every night.
13. Read the last verse of Al-Baqarah before going to sleep.
14. Read surah Al-Kahfi every night/day on Friday.
15. Forgive everyone before sleep.
16. Istighfar days as much as 70×
17. Read:

Subhanallah 33×,
Alhamdulillah 33×,
Laillah ha ilallah 33×,
Allahuakbar 33×,

then continue with Subhanallahi wabihamdih, Subhanallahil adzim as much as 33× as well,

it's better dzikir with your finger. continue the ayat kursi, then pray the prophet 10×, read every after fardhu prayer.@@highlight

Poetry :: Malawi Islamic Arts -Provision of Dhikr through Arts - Kukuvuta mkunvetsa - Buna Gonondo 12/12/2023

New Album Alert Download Kukuvuta kumvetsa - Buna Gonondo

Poetry :: Malawi Islamic Arts -Provision of Dhikr through Arts - Kukuvuta mkunvetsa - Buna Gonondo

Malawi Islamic Arts 12/12/2023

New NAsheed Alert Download Palestine - Sulayman Saed

Malawi Islamic Arts Malawi Islamic Arts


was reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ?There are two types of the people of Hell that I have not seen yet: men with whips like the tails of cattle, with which they strike the people, and women who are clothed yet naked, walking with an enticing gait, with something on their heads that looks like the humps of camels, leaning to one side. They will never enter Paradise or even smell its fragrance, although its fragrance can be detected from such and such a distance...(Muslim sharif)


When you see a female dressed in a manner that is unacceptable Islamically, do not for a moment think that she is lower than you spiritually. If you do that, you are lower than her. Believe me, that is the teaching of your Religion. She might have a link with her Creator that you do not know about. She might have a heart that is tons better than yours. She might have one weakness that is outward, and you have 50 weakness that are Hidden.

— M***i Ismail Menk


Pomwe mdziko muno muli ng'amba, Grand Muft wa dziko lino Muhammad Uthman Mtalika apempha asilamu onse k*ti akonze mapemphero a padera opemphelera mvula yabwino la chisanu ndi loweruka sabata ino.

A Grand M***iwa ati mapempherowa achitikire mmabwalo ndi cholinga choti anthu ambiri atenge nawo gawo.

Iwo ati padakali pano zinthu sizili bwino, kotero ndi kofunika mapemphero a paderawa k*ti Allah atipatse mvula yabwino.

M***i Mtalika anenetsanso kufunika kwa mgwirizano pa nthawi imeneyi choncho alimbikitsa Msilamu aliyense kupemphera nawo.


Pregnancy In Islam …

Once a woman has confirmed her pregnancy, she should express her gratitude before Allah Ta'ala as this is indeed a great bounty of Allah Ta'ala. This is such a boon that many people beseech Allah Ta'ala throughout their lives for pious children but Allah Ta'ala has destined otherwise. In fact one of the greatest Nabîes of Allah Ta'ala, Hadrat Ibrahim (Alayhis salaam) used to supplicate to Allah Ta'ala most profoundly and frequently. Even Hadrat Zakariyya (Alayhis salaam) used to supplicate for children most passionately and fervently during the latter part of his life.

Hence, a Muslim woman is required to express her gratitude unto Allah Ta'ala for this great bounty. Gratitude may be expressed in the following ways:

01. Recite the following Du’aa very frequently:
Allahummâ Lakal Hamdû Wa Lakash-Shukru
Translation: O Allah! All praises are due to You alone and I express my gratitude unto You alone (for granting me the honour of motherhood)

02. Allocate a fixed time for two Rak‘aat of Nafl Salaat. Whilst in Sajdah, make Du‘aa abundantly. Recite the following Du’aa as well:
Rabbi Hab Liy Min-Ladunka Zurriyatan-Tayyibah Innaka Sam‘iud-Du’aa
Translation: O my Lord! Bless me from your side with pure children. Verily You are all-hearing of the Du’aa.

03. Recite the following Du’aa as well:
Rabbi-j‘alniy Muqeema-Salaati wa min Zurriyatiy Rabbanaa wa Taqabbal Du’aa
Translation: O my Lord! Render me as well as my progeny as establishers of Salâh and accept our Du’aas.

04. Similarly, express your gratitude from the heart in such a manner that you stay happy and try to stay happy at all times. Try to forget all your past sorrows. Build your dreams and keep your hopes and spirits high. Ponder over the bounties of Jannat.

Instead of embroiling yourself in the daily disputes with the mother-in-law and sisters-in law and instead of involving yourself with the unbecoming behaviour of your husband, maintain strict silence. @highlight


O Allah, forgive me for my complaints. Help us all recognize the immense blessings of safety in our homes, and may we never again harbor feelings of ingratitude. I now restrain myself from expressing negativity about my personal struggles, seeking your forgiveness for any past complaints. Astaghfirullah. @highlight



I saw these photos while scrolling, and I've often seen them everywhere. I thought to make a post about this. As a Muslim, it's not nice to normalize breaking or cutting off ties or relationships, holding grudges, and succumbing to hatred or jealousy.

What a Muslim should normalize is not being mean, avoiding jealousy, being more understanding, increasing patience,

forgiving people, maintaining kinships, protecting friendships, and keeping relationships healthy. This is what a Muslim should normalize. We don't break or give up on people easily. Especially to our spouses, family, relatives, and even our friends, it has been said in the Qur'an and Ahadith many times to avoid cutting off people. Say sorry if you can, and forgive when you're ready.

"Those who give up arguments first, even if they're right", "those who apologize first", "those who greet salam (peace first)", etc.
These encouragements from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ are there for a reason.

It is to make us better people. Countless ahadith teach us that it's always better to be the bigger person in the sight of Allah.

Even if we all have the knowledge but abandon the manners we're taught, wouldn't it be considered cherry-picking this religion?

We like to claim we're practicing, but hating is becoming normal for us, and sometimes for a petty reason. If communication and dealing with people are hard, then at least avoid them graciously and let them go without disturbing your heart.

Learn to avoid complications, love, forgive, and pray more. Your heart and mind deserve peace of mind, and you can never attain it without letting go of the things that keep them shackled and suffocated.

At the end of the day, we should only yearn to please Allah, even if that goes against ourselves. This is a reminder to myself, first and foremost. May Allah keep us steadfast in keeping peace with one another. Ameen, ya Rabb. @highligh



1- Homosexuality
2- People speaking ill of others' ancestors
3- Clothing that shows off most of the body
4- No more stars in the sky
5- People Disappearing
6- Tall buildings
7- Appearance of Imam Mahdi.
8- Appearance of Dajjal.
9- Descending of Prophet Isa (A.S.).
10- Appearance of Yajooj and Majooj
11- The rising of the sun from the west after which the doors of forgiveness will be closed.
12- The Dab'bat al-Ard will emerge from the ground & will mark all the true Muslims
13- 40 days of fog that will kill all the true believers so that they do not have to experience the other signs.
14- A huge firewill cause destruction.
15- Destruction of the Kabah.
16- The writing in the Quran will vanish.
17- The trumpet will be blown the 1st time & all animals & kafirs left will die & all mountains & buildings will crumble.

The 2nd time the trumpet will be blown all of Allah's creation will resurrect & meet on the plains of Arafat for their judgment.
18- The sun will lower itself with the earth.

Ya ALLĀH ! Have Mercy On Us! May ALLĀH Grant Us Shahadah!♥️ @followersAbAbu Riaz




Photos from Malawi Islamic Arts's post 02/12/2023

Click the button


Delete, unfollow, unfriend, block, erase, and disconnect from anyone and anything that robs you of your peace, love, and happiness. Not just on social media, but in real life too. You don't need to be around people who don't see and appreciate your value.♥️

Abu Riaz

Photos from Malawi Islamic Arts's post 01/12/2023

Lets play a halal game


Worldly life is short, so turn to Allah before you return to Allah. 🙂❤️


On this sacred day of Jumma, may Allah shower His mercy and forgiveness upon us, and guide us on the path of righteousness. Have a blessed Jumma!

May Allah bless your Jumma with serenity, happiness, and endless blessings. Jumma Mubarak to you and your family! @highlight

Poetry :: Malawi Islamic Arts -Provision of Dhikr through Arts - Cassim Cedrick - Khalidwe lawo 30/11/2023

New Poetry Alert Download Nk*theka - Cassim Cedrick

Poetry :: Malawi Islamic Arts -Provision of Dhikr through Arts - Cassim Cedrick - Khalidwe lawo


Silvester Ayuba James writes:

Yesterday I met some old friend in town, who used to be very well-to-do back then but whose fortunes took a bad turn recently, plunging him into de facto bankruptcy.

In the fairly long conversation that we had, he informed me that despite his times being bad at the moment, he has been able to wear a smile because a lot of his friends who he generously assisted during his days of affluence are now holding hands to keep him and his family afloat. In fact, we met at a bank where he was going to withdraw money sent by one of his such friends who he helped to settle in the UK and is now doing just very fine.

He confessed that, if it were not for his friends, he would have sold his residential house way long; but the friends are now even pooling together some capital for him to take another shot at business. They have literally given him a lifeline.
As we exchanged our goodbyes, I was left struck with the thought of the kind of friends that most of us have these days. Many of us have very superficial friendships that only flourish at the counter of a pub. Very few of us would survive in town today at the effort of our friends if we lost our jobs or businesses.

In fact, few weeks ago, I met the widow of our late friend who we buried in Mzimba about three years ago. That friend was a very jovial guy. And he loved his drink second to nothing. Every time he was at the counter, each of his friends knew that they would drink awash. But when he died, only few of them found it worthwhile to see him off to his final resting place. Most just eulogized him here on Facebook and in WhatsApp groups. And that was all.

And when his widow told me that the two children he left can't afford even breakfast, to the extent of one of them withdrawing from a very affordable school, it really struck me, remembering how much money their dad wasted in giving fake friends fun at the counter. "What if he saved that money in life assurance for his kids?", I got myself thinking.
According to the wife, she tried to reach out to about five of his departed husband's closest friends with whom he had been going out almost every weekend, but none of them has sent even a penny.......

Good people, let us take stalk of the kinds and depths of the friendships that we have. Be wary of friendships that hinge on drinking, womanizing and all those peripheral vanities. Besides, be friends with persons with a human soul that can value your your friendship even after your death or in times of your struggle. In most of the cases, if you apply proper emotional intelligence, the signs of fake or opportunistic friends will be very clear.

Above all, if you have a good friend, help him improve his life in a meaningful way that allows you to benefit from him when you fall from grace, for we are all as good as our surroundings. If the people around us are not meaningfully empowered, chances are that we shall fall on a dry and hard ground when the time comes, and our rise will be almost impossible.
The counter should be the last place to define our relationship. There should be something more and deeper to it. Something spiritual.

How many of the friends that we spoil with the drink anything would give a hand to our kid and cover her/him from the scorch of orphanhood if we passed today? And how many of them would rise to the occasion of our suffering if our fortunes took a reverse turn while we are still alive?

Watch out!!!


(Night prayer): 🌃 📿

• First start off with reciting the dua for tahajjud before starting the salah

• Then pray 2 rakats of salah each and it can be prayed till 8 rakat, how much of that you want to pray for example, 2 rakat or 4 rakat or 6 rakat or 8 rakat is upto you.

• After tahajjud salah is done, it is the sunnah to end with witr.

• If you are going to pray Tahajjud then pray Witr prayer after Tahajjud Prayer, but if you have already prayed Witr then do not pray Witr Prayer again because there is only one Witr in a night.

• It is best to pray Tahajjud Salah 2 to 2.5 hours (last one third of night) before Fajr starts.

Tahajjud time is calculated by looking at the hours between Magrib and Fajr Salah.

If Magrib is at 7pm and Fajr is at 4am between them is nine hours, divide those nine hours by 3. So we have 3hours, 3hours and 3hours So 7pm till 10pm is the first third of night 10pm till 1am is the second third of night 1am till Fajr is the last third of night.

Prophet ﷺ said, "Our Lord, the Blessed, the Superior, comes every night down on the nearest Heaven to us when the last third of the night remains, saying: "Is there anyone to invoke Me, so that I may respond to invocation? (Sahih al-Bukhari 1145)

• Make Dua and ask for forgiveness and for Jannatul Firdaws and refuge against Hellfire



Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported:

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said,
“Do not cause harm or return harm. Whoever harms others, Allah will harm him. Whoever is harsh with others, Allah will be harsh with him.” al-Sunan al-Kubrá lil-Bayhaqī 11384




Prophet ‎{ﷺ} said:

“This religion (Islām) will continue to exist, and 𝐚 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐬 will continue to fight for its protection until the Hour is established.”

[Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1922]@followers


She is married at the age of 21.
- Oh and I’m still single at 35.

She’s momming three kids.
- Oh and I am 10 years married and have none.

She is a manager in an international company.
- Oh, we graduated together and I am still jobless.

She travels the world.
- Oh and I have never been abroad.

Job title, income, grades, house, and Instagram and Facebook likes - the number of categories in which we can compare ourselves to others are infinite.

Where it is expected from you to be a doctor or engineer, get married by 21 and have mortgaged house and 3 kids by 26.


You’re not LATE.
You’re not EARLY.

Everyone is running their own RACE, in their own TIME.

Don’t be violent or mean to yourself for no reason other than just because your path is different from the person’s path beside you.

Be your own cheerleader.

Stop comparing yourself with others and instead refocus all that energy internally and focus on how you can become the best version of you.

Never feel ashamed or embarrassed just because someone pointed out to you that you "must" be married/or a mom/or slimmer by this time.

When you decide that the only one you have to please is Allah, it is empowering and motivating.

It is a fantastic blessed feeling shutting out the opinions of the outside world which is what I encourage each and every one of you do.

In Almighty Allah’s hands time is a tool. He makes all things beautiful in His time. You are very much ON TIME, and in your TIME ZONE where destiny is already written for you@followers.




Alhamdulillah I don't have cancer
Alhamdulillah I don't have asthma
Alhamdulillah I don't have diabetes
Alhamdulillah I don't have Alzheimer
Alhamdulillah I don't have TB

Shukr is not just about thanking Allah for the good, but also for relief from the countless harms! ❤️ Alhamdulillah 😇 @


Spoil Your Husband, He Is Totally Yours! 😊

Dear married Sisters in Islam, there is no happiness in this world than being married.

Always say Alhamdulillah for such a darling husband Allah SWT has blessed you with.

Appreciate your man's effort.

Thank him for completing half your deen.
Thank him for making you a wife.
Thank him for making you the queen of his empire.

Tell him you love him.
Tell him he is your Jannah.
Tell him he is your king.

He deserves your prayers. So, pray for him.
He needs your love and care.
He needs your companionship.
He needs your warm hug.

Don’t forget to wake him up for prayers.
Don’t forget to cook his favourite dishes for him.
Don’t forget to dress him up as you used to when you were newly married.
Don’t forget to satisfy him as ordained by the Sunnah of our Noble Prophet Muhammad SAW.

And don’t forget that he is a human being who is bound to make mistakes.

So forgive him unconditionally and wholeheartedly.

Be Mindful There Is No Perfect Marriage!

May Allah SWT bless all our marriages and make it easier for those searching for soul mates. Ameen

Photos from Malawi Islamic Arts's post 26/11/2023

Wishing i ddnt


Fa Inna ma'al 'usri yusrā
|.Verily, in every hardship there is ease.|

(Qur'ān 94:5-6)♥️

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Arafah ijatu iyi amalangs makani aja alikuti
Kodi Dzikoli Likupita kuti
Koma yeah




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