UES Health Farm S/B ( BRUNEI )

UES Health Farm电位医疗始于2003年,并引入全马第一台电位医疗器材,是目前全马最大且经营最久的电位疗法公司。

Photos from Love Healthy Life's post 06/02/2018
The Queen of Direct selling-Cassey Wee 23/01/2018

20 Jan 2018 - Singapore ESD Night.

First Singapore ESD Night last weekend was overwhelming! There was a small scale of recognition of 1 and 2 Star Ambassador during the event. Besides that, we had special invited guest from East Malaysia, Miri - the queen of direct selling, Miss Cassey Wee shared her success story in AMLIFE. In addition, AMLIFE also brought good news that excite crowd on that day. AMLIFE dedicate to bring health and wealth to our fellow Singapore friends.

Achieve Success in life by winning in AMLIFE!

直销天后Cassey Wee!
20 Jan 2018 - Singapore ESD Night.
新加坡第一场ESD Night在上个星期六完美落幕了。当天除了表扬最新晋1 Star和2 Star,同时也特别邀请到从东马Miri的直销天后TEAM ELITE 2 Cassey Wee亲临现场为大家分享她的成功历程,AMLIFE带来的好消息更令现场伙伴们热情澎湃!希望来临的未来会有更多新加坡的朋友从AMLIFE中获得健康与财富!赢在AMLIFE 决战未来!

打敗失眠!一張圖搞懂睡眠週期 | ETtoday健康雲 | ETtoday新聞雲 20/12/2017

打敗失眠!一張圖搞懂睡眠週期 | ETtoday健康雲 | ETtoday新聞雲 想要調整失眠狀況,首先得先改掉多相式的睡眠習慣,意思便是白天不要有太多小睡的時間。許多長輩早早起床,早餐吃完上午10點多又去休息、中午接著午休、有時下午4點多又再瞇一下。睡眠一旦過多,夜晚就會失去想睡..(退...

03 December 2017 : Elite Woskshop 06/12/2017

The last Elite Workshop in 2017 has finally come to an end. There are more than 3,000 attendees from Singapore, Taiwan, Brunei, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Malaysia attended the event.

Leaders of AMLIFE shared their secret of success to others to let them know that AMLIFE not only able to regain peoples’ health but in the same time creating wealth.
Our founder, Mr. Lew Mun Yee was interviewed by 8TV during the event to promote importance of sleep health to the general public

Mr.Lew also held an autograph session for the attendees as he was recently featured in the ‘Top 10 Magazine”. The response was overwhelming!

During the workshop, Mr.Lew announced the criteria to join the Japan Hokkaido travel reward for all distributors to fulfill their dreams to travel around the world.

Lucky draw was held during the end of the workshop, Mr. Lew gave out RM120,000 worth of prizes featuring a Rolex Watch as the Grand Prize! Achieve success in life by winning in AMLIFE!

2017年最后一场精英研习营Elite Workshop 的六国联军势不可挡,当天的出席人数超过3千人。多位精英领导传授在AMLIFE 成功的秘诀,再加上产品见证者与成功者的分享让大家了解原来AMLIFE不仅可以重获健康,同时也可以实现梦想。廖社长和产品见证者当天受邀接受八度空间8TV的专访,让更多人认识到AMLIFE 这一门事业与医疗器材。当天廖社长更在现场举办了一场签书会,许多出席者瞬间变成热情粉丝向廖社长索亲笔签名。
廖社长在当天宣布了多项好消息包括北海道旅游奖励, 希望带领伙伴们一起追逐环游世界的梦想。这次精英研习营更史无前例的送出超过RM120,000的幸运抽奖奖品,当中包括Rolex 名表与AMLIFE医疗器材。2017年最后一场精英研习营在3千人的欢呼声中完美落幕,也象征着大家将迈向2018年再创另一个高峰。

Amlife Theme 06/12/2017

Amlife Theme

AMLIFE was featured in “Utusan Malaysia ! 28/11/2017

AMLIFE was featured in famous Malay newspaper “Utusan Malaysia ! Utusan Malaysia's circulation peaked at 350,000 copies a day in the 1990s and it was one of the largest selling newspapers in Malaysia. Circulation had declined by about 250,000 in 2004 and further down to 144,438 copies in first half of 2016.[8] Mingguan Malaysia, the Sunday edition of Utusan Malaysia, have a circulation of 313,495 on first half of 2016,[9] which make it the most popular newspaper in the National language, the only paper which surpass the print circulation of Mingguan Malaysia is Sin Chew Daily, a Chinese language newspaper.

AMLIFE "Focus Malaysia" 25/11/2017

AMLIFE was featured in famous English newspaper “Focus Malaysia !” Focus Malaysia is a business weekly that publishes news and analysis on issues relating to corporate affairs, small and medium enterprises, economics, personal wealth and current affairs. It is now the largest circulating business magazine in its category (Audit Bureau of Circulation). Once again it has proved that the sleep industry has received the public's attention!
AMLIFE很荣幸获得马来西亚著名报刊“Focus Malaysia”的专访。Focus Malaysia是一份十分受欢迎的商业周刊,时常刊登关于中小企业、经济、个人财富和影响马来西亚商界的新闻进行报导和分析。再次证明AMLIFE睡眠养生产业的商机已经得到了大众的关注!

18 November 2017 - Elite Workshop Indonesia 20/11/2017

The first ever Indonesia Elite Workshop was being held last Saturday.
AMLIFE had the opportunity to invite leaders from all over the world to share their secret of success to our Indonesian friends. Not only that, some of testimonies also shared on how did AMLIFE brought health and wellness to them.
Recently, our founder Mr.Lew Mun Yee was being awarded by Top 10. He also held an autograph session for those who bought his Top 10 Magazine.
In line with Elite Workshop Indonesia, Mr.Lew announced good news for all our Indonesian friends who wanted to join the AMLIFE family so that they can further promote sleep healthcare throughout Indonesia.
第一届印尼精英研習營在上个星期六圆满结束,感谢来自各地的来宾们的踊跃参与。当天AMLIFE邀请了多位大领袖为印尼的朋友们传授成功秘诀,当天更有见证者分享他们是如何透过AMLIFE帮助身边的朋友从睡眠中创造健康!而且,当天还穿插了一个特别的环节,就是社长为购买Top Ten Magazine的伙伴进行了一场签书会,得到了许多出席者的热烈参与。此外,为了祝贺印尼雅加达第一次举办的精英研習營,当天也宣布了许多项好消息。同时也有很多的朋友马上下决心加入AMLIFE这个大家庭,势必把养生新趋势-睡眠科技推广给更多人。AMLIFE必定可以把睡眠养生的理念传达到印尼各地。AMLIFE Indonesia GO Triple Triple!

The Top 10 of Malaysia and Top 10 of Asia Magazines 13/11/2017

The Top 10 of Malaysia and Top 10 of Asia are the English language magazines owned and published by RHA Media Sdn Bhd, a company headquartered in Malaysia. The magazines are all about celebrating beautiful stories of successful businesses, people, and inspiring lifestyles across the entire fabric of Asian life. They are bi-monthly and quarterly publications that seek to acknowledge the excellence of brands, corporations and personalities in the hope that they become paragons of trends and inspiration. Currently, Top 10 reaches out to more than 300,000 readers monthly, through both the printed and online versions.
The Top Asia Corporate Ball 2017 organized by Top 10 of Malaysia and Top 10 of Asia Initiative played host to some 900 distinguished CEOs, business owners and personalities from across Malaysia and Asia.

The Corporate Ball was a culmination of the Initiative’s celebration of the achievements of towering personalities, corporations and even countries in Asia. The event saw the presentation of recognitions to outstanding and inspiring achievers from diverse cultures, industries and personalities. Top 10 unveiled the best of the best which showcased inspiring stories of achievements that help to spur many others on to strive for success in their own field of endeavor.

The Top Asia Corporate Ball 2017 is supported by Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia.

《Top 10 of Malayisa》和《Top 10 of Asia》是由总部位于马来西亚的RHA Media Sdn Bhd拥有和出版的英文杂志。此杂志乐于刊登发生在亚洲地区关于成功企业、人民、激励人心的生活中值得庆贺和鼓励的美丽故事。她们是双月刊和季刊,旨在表彰卓越的,并且有望成为趋势的典范的品牌、企业和个人。目前,《Top 10》每月在线上和线下的读者已超过30多万人。

由《Top 10 of Malaysia》和《Top 10 of Asia》举办的2017年度亚洲顶级企业舞会汇聚了来自马来西亚和亚洲各地的900位杰出的首席执行官、企业拥有人和个人。

该企业舞会是庆贺亚洲达到高峰成就的人物、企业甚至国家。这次活动展示了来自不同文化、行业和个人的杰出和鼓舞人心的成就。《Top 10》揭晓了当中最棒能鼓舞人心的成就和故事,激励许多人在自己的领域中努力取得成功。


03-06 Nov 2017 - AMLIFE Taiwan/Busan Amazing Travel Rewards 10/11/2017

这次的台湾/釜山非同凡享旅游AMLIFE特地安排了精英们去参观台湾总部然后在第3天更飞往韩国釜山去到了甘泉洞文化村、札嘎其海鲜市场、 PIFF广场等等。。。地方旅游。当然少不了丰富的海鲜龙虾大餐和许多当地美食。在Gala Dinner时AMLIFE更举办了场以摇滚为主题的晚宴让大家一起High起来。当晚节目也让精英们度过一个疯狂快乐难忘的一晚!希望下次有更多的精英们一起参与AMLIFE多姿多彩的旅游奖励!

One more reason to get a good night's sleep 23/10/2017

One more reason to get a good night's sleep The brain uses a quarter of the body's entire energy supply, yet only accounts for about two percent of the body's mass. So how does this unique organ receive and, perhaps more importantly, rid itself of vital nutrients? New research suggests it has to do with sleep.

2017 March 11 World Sleep Day Highlight 22/10/2017

2017 March 11 World Sleep Day Highlight 2017年3月11日AMLIFE与ISSTA联合主办世界睡眠日 - 美好睡眠,健康养生。AMLIFE也非常感谢江秉颖教授,黄国俊博士和柳朋馳医师为大家分享非常专业的睡眠知识让我们提高对睡眠的重要性。AMLIFE极力推广从睡眠中创造健康的健康理念希望更多的人可以重获健康!

9 & 10 September 2017 – Let’s Go ESD 11/09/2017

这次的Let’s GO ESD 得到伙伴们的踊跃参与,现场可说是座无虚席!在这两天的培训,多位TE无私传授成功秘诀,让伙伴们获益良多。除了对公司的市场计划有了更深入的了解,同时也让自己的目标和梦想更加明确。当天,AMLIFE创办人廖社长宣布了多项的好消息,让现场的伙伴充满了兴奋及激动!现在,充满正能量的伙伴们肯定可以在这3个月可以往设定的目前前进,我们一起GO Triple Triple!

3周年庆表扬大会特别嘉宾 - 阿牛陈庆样 04/07/2017

AMLIFE本年度“3周年庆表扬大会”邀请了一位特别嘉宾,他就是来自马来西亚的知名创作歌手 – 阿牛,他为我们献唱多首脍炙人口的歌曲,掀起表扬大会高潮。台上台下齐声高唱,宛如 一个大型的演唱会!

Photos from Sleep Health日本智能睡眠養生器's post 23/04/2017
Timeline photos 30/03/2017

续中国报后,今天马来西亚中文报章《南洋商报》也刊登关于AMLIFE与国际睡眠科学与科技协会(ISSTA)和国际睡眠协会(WSS)在 3月份联办的世界睡眠日 – 美好睡眠,健康养生。在全球16亿人睡不好的趋势下造就了睡眠市场庞大的潜能,AMLIFE产品有助于深层睡眠以解决现代人睡眠不足所带来的影响。
欲了解更多好眠方案,欢迎拨电联络我们:03-8070 7616

国际睡眠科学与科技协会(ISSTA) 23/02/2017

AMLIFE受邀参予由国际睡眠科学与科技协会(ISSTA, International Sleep Science Technology Association)主办的《睡眠健康科技前瞻与产业趋势论坛》和参观2017智慧城市展的睡眠健康科技主题馆。


Timeline photos 01/12/2016


2015 NOV 07 见证会 - Kota Kinabalu 15/11/2016
AMLIFE Testimonial: Stroke ( 罗国廷) 08/11/2016

AMLIFE Testimonial: Stroke ( 罗国廷) 罗太太告诉我们他的先生前后中风了3次。第一和第二次的中风是发生在68及70岁的时候,那时入住医院一个星期就出院了,身体也没有太大的问题,还是可以自行饮食和走路,但是已经开始有老人痴呆症的状态。第三次的中风发生在72岁的时候,这次中风的情况完全不一样了。罗先生已经无法正常走路和饮食,也无法控制大小便和说话。因为孩子...

2016年10月16日KL见证大会 19/10/2016

AMLIFE TESTIMONIAL CONVENTION 再次印证了产品功效的魅力和成功!活动当天邀请了见证者们分享撼动人心的故事,因为AMLIFE的出现改变了他们的生命,让他们启动更健康的人生!AMLIFE将持续将我们的使命“从睡眠中创造健康”的理念传到世界各地,让更多人得到幸福,成就一生!

2016年10月16日KK见证大会. 19/10/2016

AMLIFE TESTIMONIAL CONVENTION 再次印证了产品功效的魅力和成功!活动当天邀请了见证者们分享撼动人心的故事,因为AMLIFE的出现改变了他们的生命,让他们启动更健康的人生!AMLIFE将持续将我们的使命“从睡眠中创造健康”的理念传到世界各地,让更多人得到幸福,成就一生!

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AKTIVITI AMLIFE CNY DINNER ~ THANKS FOR JOIN USAmLife Tawau Amlife Energy StationAmlife change your life



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