Nnaemeka Giginna

It is my personal page, we will be discussing real issues about life such as Finance, Relationship,


Trust! This is the major problem we have in Africa. Lack of trust is a cancerous cell in our system in Africa.

Africa is backward because we don't trust each other and we can easily betray trust.

Because of lack of trust, we are hostile and rude to a strangers.

There is this common believe in Africa that most strangers are threat or criminals. So you must be careful with a stranger.

If you take a close look at North Korea and south Korea, you will understand the effect of being open to strangers and being close to strangers.

Because of lack of trust and abuse of trust, we don't partner in business. Everyone is running one man show business and this is part of the reason we have weak economy.

I have my philosophy about trust. I am simply a dead man if people who know me can no longer trust me.

I have a watch word when it come to trust. " I can only betray trust when doing that is the only option life, I would rather walk away than to betray a trust.

My recommendation to anybody who come across this.

Build your trust level, become that person those who know you can easily trust.

See people as a gateway, not a destination. With that you will be patient to find out the mission of that stranger that walk up to you online or offline.

Because of this, so people have rejected the man or woman who carry answers to their prayers.

See people as a gateway not as a destination.


The worst 21st century ignorance is having a very closed mind towards strangers.

In 2021, I was in my office, this young lady TIAWO DEBORAH called me and I picked her call.

She introduced a business idea, when I asked her to explain for me to understand, she invited me to a particular address here in Enugu to meet a business consultant who will explain it to me.

At first, I didn't want to go but on second thought, I decided to go.

When I got there, I noticed it was network marketing but as a networker, I was able to see that they have solved the greatest problems in network marketing which are, convincing people to join your business, selling product and talking to people.

I saw that
1. I don't need to convince anybody before they join me
2. I don't need to market or sell products
3. I don't need monthly mandatory purchase of product.

TIAWO DEBORAH, is a Yoruba young girl. I cannot write my success story without writing her name in capital letters.

I bless the day you pick up your phone to call me to show me this amazing opportunity. May God bless you wherever you are.

Our problem is not that God has not connected us to the person with the answer to our prayers but our major problem is that we have met the person and ignore the person because the person is probably a stranger.

Yes, I know that some strangers might be criminals but find out the mission of every stranger that walk up to you before you reject or accept him/her.

How the person connected with you is not important, what is important is his/her mission. Take note of that.

The bitter truth is that, some people will die poor simply because they insulted and rejected the man or woman that will connect them to their destiny.

Lesson I want you to learn. From today, see people as a gateway not as a destination.

Do you want to become a professional network marketer? I will connect you to my mentor, he is a billionaire in network marketing and has helped over 5,000 people to become monthly millionaires from 2016 to date in network marketing profession.

This is my mentor!


Some of this people sold everything they had in Nigeria, only to be stranded there.

If you must japa, learn digital skills that will help you to live like a king overseas.

Let me teach you how to make at least $2,000 in 60 days from now on clickbank.

Register here: https://forms.gle/ntHp4ePnZWVvyLVY9

This is strictly for those overseas already and those planing to Japa.


My book of the month. I have read personal development books but I have not seen the March of this book.

Go and get this book and read it cover to cover before January so that you can start 2024, a better version of yourself.


A man without a vision & mission is a man without a future. This is vision and mission I am running with.

Do you want to run with this vision and mission? If yes,

Comment " YES" and I will reach out to you.

Mr Nnaemeka 13/12/2023


I want to embark on a long financial journey. the goal of this financial journey is financial freedom and time freedom.

The first phase will be 5 years journey. I need only 10 serious committed individuals for this journey. By 2028, 10 of us will be super successful. we will be making at least 2m naira monthly.

We have a financial blueprint, if we follow with 100% committed, we will achieve this 5 years financial goal. the journey is a long term journey but the first phase is 5 years.

By December 2028, 11 of us will travel to Dubai for one week Business retreat.

There are more than 500 people in our organization who are making more than 2m naira monthly, so this is a proof that it is possible.

To achieve this financial goal, we must be intentional and fully committed. So, I am looking for those who will do what it takes (legit) to have the kind of lives they want.

You can start this journey full time or part time. I will be having a live virtual meeting on Google meet with the interested partners on Saturday 8pm.

In the meeting, I will reveal the roadmap to achieving this financial goal.

Chat me on Whatsapp if you want to part of this journey
==> http://tinyurl.com/FinancialJourney

It is 100% possible, if you believe it is possible, let's go!

Mr Nnaemeka Business Account

Photos from Nnaemeka Giginna's post 11/12/2023

Network marketing is not your thing and you will Spend over 7 million naira to travel to the UK or Canada to do a caregiver Job ( House Help Job). Is caregiver your thing?

USA, Germany, Korea, and China are the leading countries in the Network Marketing Profession in the world. Their citizen would rather do network marketing business than do caregiver job but caregiver job is what Nigerians will move heaven and earth to travel to do.

108,000 women all over the world paid for this virtual event of The most powerful women in network marketing but so many Nigerian women will prefer caregivers when they travel. So many of them in Nigeria will prefer teaching in private schools with less than 100k monthly salary.

In my company here in Nigeria, we have over 5,000 women making 500k and above monthly working from home as network marketers.

If you want to join these amazing women and create your own economy from anywhere.

Visit This Page To Register For A Free Zoom Session ==> https://page.co/vnqy0l


You are invited to a WEEKEND BUSINESS HANGOUT. You will learn how to make at least 200k - 500k monthly as a CONNECTOR.

100% Free training on how to become a CONNECTOR with your smartphone

Those who need to be in the BUSINESS HANGOUT

1. An employee who need additional income.

2. A business owner who need additional income to expand his/her business.

3. A young graduate looking for a job.

4. A house wife who want to be making money, working from home

5. A successful person who like helping others to become successful too?

6. Every one who want to increase his/her cash flow in the year 2024!

Connect with me on Whatsapp for the link to the free training. Click


“You just can’t beat the person who never gives up”- Babe Ruth


Do you want to learn how to build 500k to 1 Million monthly income Business With or less?

We are about to do a FREE Workshop that I want to invite you to! 👈🏼

Thousands of people have gone through it already and seen success in their life and business...

You are only 1 click away from achieving massive success 🚨

Get Access To This FREE Training By Clicking On This Page

We Have Two Sessions Wednesday 8pm and Sunday 7pm


Wisdom 101,

If you are over 30 years and you are still broke. If someone show you an opportunity, create time to study it to know whether it can give you what you want in life.

From your 18 years to 30 years ( 12 years) you have been doing what you like and you are still broke at 30.

Try what you don't like to know whether you can have what you want in life.

Passion doesn't make anyone wealthy, every wealthy person became wealthy by doing what needed to be done.

I don't like it, is not my thing, is the language that breed poor and broke people. So, if you are always using it, you are creating the life you will not like in your 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s etc

Those who do the things they only like, always live the life they don't like. Those who do what need to be done, always live the life they like.

I hope you learn something, let me know your views on in the comment section.


Integrity is the key.


There are 3 levels of commitment and it has influence in our lives.

Our success and failure in life is Connected to this commitment.

This is the first and lowest level of commitment. This commitment is 50 - 50, this commitment is conditional. The universe don't take it serious because it doesn't have commanding force. Here the second party and the universe don't take the person making the commitment and his commitment serious. This commitment produce poor and broke people

2. I WILL DO MY BEST: This is another level of commitment. This is average level of commitment, It is 60 - 40, this is also conditional. What if your best is not good enough? The universe don't take this serious too because there is an escape route here. Average people use this a lot. This commitment produce average people

3. I WILL DO WHAT IT TAKES: This is the highest and strongest level of commitment. It is 100 - 0, the commitment is not conditional. Here the second party and the universe take the person making the commitment and his commitment serious. And they see his wishes as a command they must respond to. This commitment produce highly successful people.

I believe this will help us, in order to enable us reach our full potential in life.

Let me know your opinion on this. We are all learning. Thanks for your input in advance


Are you at a point in your life where you would be open to look at additional sources of income?

If YES, Use this WhatsApp link to request for zoom link to join a section for details information.

TIME: 7pm on Sunday



I have reached 100 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉


4 type of people we have in the world

He who knows not,
and knows not that he knows not,
is a fool; shun him.

He who knows not,
and knows that he knows not,
is a student; Teach him.

He who knows,
and knows not that he knows,
is asleep; Wake him.

He who knows,
and knows that he knows,
is Wise; Follow him.

~Arabian quote


Mindset reprogramming


How committed are you, to your dreams? Never you give up on your dreams. You can change approach but never you stop working on your dreams. It will worth it at the end.


Before you allow tribe to influence your choice of candidate on Saturday presidential election. Listen to this woman and make use of your brain if you still have one.

This election is our last hope as a nation, if we fail to get it right because of tribe and religion. Tribe and religion will not save us from the consequences of our choice.

In 2015, we made a choice and here we are as a result of our choice. We are about to make another choice.

Let competent and character be our yardstick, not tribe and religion.

Eagles Mind Academy 20/02/2023

Your Possible Dreams

1. Your Dream Car

2. Your Dream Home

3. Your Dream School For Your Children

4. Your Dream Of Having Quality Time/Experience With Your Family

5. Your Dream Family Vacation, At Least Once Every Year

6. Your Dream Of Taking Your Parents For A Vacation And Taking Good Care Of Them At Old Age.

7. Your Dream Of Leaving An Inheritance For Your Children

8. Your Dream Of Helping The Poor ( Charity)

9. Your Dream Of Sponsoring The Gospel

10.Your Dream Of Empowering Other People Financially

All These Or Some Of These Or More, Could Be Our Dreams When We Were Growing Up.

How Close Are You To Those Dreams?
How Many Of Them Have You Given Up On?
How Many Of Them Have You Achieved?
How Many Of Them Are You Close To Achieving?

If You Still Value Your Dreams, Join Me On Eagles Mind Academy
Click Here To Join👇👇 The Group


Eagles Mind Academy WhatsApp Group Invite


Happy New Year friends this year 2023 will be awesome for the hard working people.


Are you at a point in your life where you would be open to look at additional sources of income, as long as they don't conflict with anything you're already doing?

If YES, let me show you how to convert Your Social Capital To Financial In 2023, Join Me Here ==> https://linktr.ee/nnaemeka45


Merry Christmas & Prosperous New Year To All My Online And Offline Friends.

2023 will be better than 2022 if we make better decision and take better actions

I dare you to make better decision and take better actions in 2023.

If you have not written down your 2023 goal on paper, do it before 30th of this month. You cannot run and win with unwritten goals.

Eagles Mind Academy 21/12/2022

What is your financial vehicle?

One thing that will determine how successful you can become is the financial vehicle you are using.

The kind of business or job you do will tell the limit to your financial height.

A state civil servant has financial limit he can not exceed.

A man that started delivery service business can grow to own a cargo plane.

A secondary school teacher can only grow to become a principal and retire. There is a limit to the financial height he can attain.

Irrespective of what you are currently doing, I want to show you a financial vehicle you can use to get to your financial destination where there is no limit to what you can earn.

Are you at a point in your life where you would be open to look at additional sources of income? as long as they don't conflict with anything you're already doing?

If your answer is YES, Use this WhatsApp Link below to join my WhatsApp group for details.

Just click Join, to join the group

Eagles Mind Academy WhatsApp Group Invite


I saw this and I decided to post it here.

2023 election is not about tribe, is not about religion.

It is about voting for the right candidate.

If you are not happy with Nigeria situation,
SHARE this until it get to everyone.


Do you know anyone who lost his/her job but can afford 50k to start a business now.

First condition is that you must be willing to undergo free mentorship for at least 12 months.

While you undergoing the mentorship program, you might be making small small money, like 50k, 100k, 160k, 200k monthly.

Second condition, you must have a smartphone with
1. WhatsApp
2. Zoom
3. Google meet
5. Data subscription

Yes, I said free mentorship for at least 12 months.

The goal is to show you how you can start making at least 500k monthly in 2 years from now.

But you must be willing to follow the free mentorship program, that will teach you how to make a decent living as a connector.

Use this link to send me WHATSAPP message to request for details
==> https://tinyurl.com/kdsxbjcz


Watch this to see what Pete Obi did when he was the governor of Anambra state, with this, he shouldn't waste his time campaigning to become a president in ideal country.

Just watch it and see


This speech was made when Peter Obi was the governor of Anambra state, by a senator from another political party.

No normal Nigeria after listening to this and verify it, will consider other candidates against Peter Obi.

If he can do this in Anambra state, he can replicate in the country if voted for.

If we miss it this time, then our problem is not leadership failure but fellowship failure.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

You are invited to a WEEKEND BUSINESS HANGOUT. You will learn how to make at least 200k - 500k monthly as a CONNECTOR. 1...
Before you allow tribe to influence your choice of candidate on Saturday presidential election. Listen to this woman and...
Having a good time with my lovely daughter. Merry Christmas to all my friends.
This speech was made when Peter Obi was the governor of Anambra state, by a senator from another political party.No norm...
If after listening to this, you are still campaigning for this man. Is either you need urgent psychiatrists examination ...
Your hands and your legs are useless if your mind is not working.Your brain is the command center for your Life, whileKn...
Watch this 8 minutes video, if you like the idea and you are interested, request for more details. This will help you to...
Listen to this intelligent young man. Every Nigerian need to hear this and see how we can get things right. Watch this, ...
It becomes easy when we partner God. Do not be far from God. Life make more sense if you are very close to God.
If we don't get it right this time by voting Peter Obi, it will be abnormal to say that leadership is our problem in thi...
Mama G x Charles Okocha 😂🤣
Feed your mind with this! Your mind is the greatest assets you have. Watch this and increase your knowledge. Please like...




2 Chime Street, Golf Estate Enugu

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