DeCipherist Episodes


Photos from DeCipherist Episodes's post 08/01/2024


See how dead bodies are littered everywhere
In silence they are dragged and buried
By heads hanging limb and shoulders sagged low.

Let us mourn, but who are we mourning for?
Let us smile if our cheeks don't hurt from crying
Let us laugh if our truth is a lie.

Where the carcass is, the vultures will be
Where peace reigns, there the Soul taker will be
Where we are, that's where they come.


See, our streets smell like fowl
And the grass blades bend their heads
As we trample with blood soaked heels.


If we would mourn who is appeased?
If we would smile who's back is patted?
If we would laugh who takes the snapshots?


Let us sing funeral songs
Let us grief while we still can
Let us wail and pour out curse words.


Shave your heads!
Cut out your beards!
Rip off your clothing!

Let us mourn, but who are we mourning for?
Let us smile if our cheeks don't hurt from crying
Let us laugh if our truth is a lie.

Death has opened its ugly mouth
Gently we walk into the abyss
Quietly we travel to eternity.

Whatever you do, remember you're not everlasting.





Insist on it, but know when to quit.
Be a goal getter but know when it's the right chase
Be a fighter, but select your battles.
Stay focused, but realize when you need to change your direction.
Be patient, but be sure you know when it's enough.
Be tolerant, but be clear about boundaries.
In all, be yourself, but know yourself first, and know when you need to 're-be' yourself.


It's just another year, it's what you do that makes it a different one.

It's the first Friday of the year and the one who intends to travel far starts very early.


Photos from DeCipherist Episodes's post 01/12/2023

Will you still stay?
When you find out later
That I am a sinner
Like everyone else,
Will you still stay?

Will you be here when I awake from my slumber?
Will you still stay?
Will you be here at Sunset?
Will the seasons find you waiting?

Will you still stay?

-The LORD Will Be No Man's Debtor At The Last-




While I communed with my Spirit in the heavens
He Said Son,

My days are getting shorter
My nights are getting longer.

My thoughts are getting louder
My words are getting under.

My mind is becoming smarter
My heart is becoming tender.

The smile becomes more frequent
The laughter less frequent.

My disposition becoming decent
I have no concern for the recent.

My life is becoming righter
My head is becoming lighter.

The world is moving faster
They just want to prosper.

You think I'm a writer
I say I'm really a 'righter'

If you understand my lines
And know they're not lies.
Indeed you're wise.

~Don't Let People's Attitude Towards You Define Your Attitude Towards People ~


May your December be short enough! That it may be so fruitful 🥂



It's been a while
No you didn't miss me
If you did you would've called.

No you didn't try to reach me
You know where to find me
If you wanted to see me.

You would've tried
I know you didn't
I've never been hidden.

It's been a while
Indeed I've missed you
I'm sorry I didn't call.

Yes I didn't try to reach you
I know where to find you
If I needed to see you.

I would've tried
You know I didn't
You've never been hidden.

It's been a while
Thank God we're still around
We just don't see nor talk.

Yes we've been missing
But it's a busy life these days
We've been trying to breath.

If we don't try
We know we would, some day, some time
We'd never be hidden forever.

-They say 'Truth without Love is Brutality and Love without Truth is Hypocrisy'. I say Without Truth there is no Love and Vise Versa. How Can One Exist Without The Other?-


Work. This Week Will Be Better Than The Last. 🙏



Tonight I feel so lonely
First time in a long time
I found I need company.

My thoughts are full
They need to pour
I'm heavy inside.

My lips are tired from numbness
My tongue wants to wag
My heart craves a warm embrace

Tonight I feel so lonely
First time in a long time
I found it's so cold here.

Not only the weather
But also my dear heart
My skin's like a shallow river.

The room is so heavy
Heavy with moodiness
Emptiness and moodiness.

Loneliness could be such disease
But until tonight
I never knew it so.

~If it is not your intention to pass and end this life as an ordinary person, don't do what ordinary people are doing.~


A Blessed Weekend 🌹


It's worth sharing.

"It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living.
I want to know what you ache for
and if you dare to dream
of meeting your heart’s longing.

It doesn’t interest me how old you are.
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool
for love
for your dream
for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn’t interest me what planets are
squaring your moon...
I want to know if you have touched
the center of your own sorrow
if you have been opened
by life’s betrayals
or have become shriveled and closed
from fear of further pain.

I want to know
if you can sit with pain mine or your own
without moving to hide it
or fade it
or fix it.

I want to know
if you can be with joy
mine or your own.
if you can dance with wildness
and let the ecstasy fill you
to the tips of your fingers and toes
without cautioning us
to be careful
to be realistic
to remember the limitations
of being human.

It doesn’t interest me
if the story you are telling me
is true.
I want to know if you can
disappoint another
to be true to yourself.
If you can bear the accusation of betrayal
and not betray your own soul.
If you can be faithless
and therefore trustworthy.

I want to know if you can see Beauty
even when it is not pretty
every day.
And if you can source your own life
from its presence.

I want to know
if you can live with failure
yours and mine
and still stand at the edge of the lake
and shout to the silver of the full moon,

It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone
and do what needs to be done
to feed the children.

It doesn’t interest me who you know
or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand
in the center of the fire
with me
and not shrink back.

It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you
from the inside
when all else falls away.

I want to know
if you can



You didn't hike the prices of food items,
You didn't hike the price of fuel,
You were not even there when it happened!

You didn't allocate times and seasons,
You didn't plan to be without a means now,
You were even faithful through it all!

It's not your fault people are wicked,
You are not responsible for all the greed in the world,
They didn't even seek your opinion!

You did not start the betrayals,
You are not the author of disappointment,
There was the time you were innocent!

It's not your fault things are this way,
You did not bargain for this very life,
You did not even give birth to yourself!

Why beat up yourself for them?
They are really strangers right?
And they're beating you up already!

Build up your strength from within,
Defend yourself from their blows,
Eventually you'll be tougher than they!

And you will emerge as from heat,
And stand as a victor,
The vices your trainers.
You will remember!

But while it lasts feel free,
Feel free not to be alright sometimes.
Because it's okay not to be okay sometimes.
Remember! Right!

~They may wear your same shoes and walk your same miles but your leg sizes can never be the same so the feeling they get wearing your shoes are never identical. Nobody will ever understand EXACTLY what you're going through.
kNOw this and kNOw peace.~


A Blessed Week Ahead 🌹



The Sky Is Blue
The Clouds Are True
The Stars Are Few
The Troubles Are Real
The Life is Good.
I've Been Here Before!

It's a Fairly Used Life.

~The Second Mistake is to assume you don't have the work for it. The first is to assume it's by Merit.~




Why bother snapping us?

Do you know our story?
Can you say, why we're at attention?

Then why bother snapping us?

If it is for your leisure
Must it be out reality?

Why bother snapping us?

Perhaps to earn some bucks or likes,
Will you afford us a meal?

Then why bother snapping us?

~On stage, we all look the Devil in the face. Off stage, the Devil looks all of us in the face.~


A Beautiful Week ahead🌹


You'd be surprised at just how much I know.
Life to me is not what it is to you.
If you look into my eyes you'd see.
Now I'm not talking about where I come from.
I'm not throwing blames at my roots.
After all they're still holding me up.

I'm just telling you how lively my life has been.
You'd be surprised at just how much I've seen.
I'm telling you how deadly my eyes can be.

You can say my hair can be counted,
You can say my face is painted,
But don't judge me by the color of my lips.

You have no idea who I am,
You don't even know my real name

As for me my life is far from ordinary.



As a Man Thinketh in his heart!
Even so, is he!

Photos from DeCipherist Episodes's post 13/01/2023

For Posterity's Sake!



Streets filled to their brim,
With faces masking their thoughts,
Chaos playing through within.

Fighting disordered meditations,
Economy? Religion? Politics
Oh Politics! No, Health, Security, Jobs...

Rubbished country - silently,
Greedy foremen, helpless rearmen,
Sponsored arms men shattered floormen.

Victims of a victimized system,
Buried dreams and necessary hopes,
Tolerating crap because of no choice.

Demonstrating justly for rightly sake,
Intimidated outrightly for party's sake,
What a country for hope's sake!

Poverty a national regalia,
Painted boldly on the'court of arms'
Justice buried between iron rods.

What a country!

get your PVC for posterity's sake.




The forest is gloomy,
While the trees mourn,
The downfall of their children.

Quiet and Peaceful,
Just rumors of war,
Kidnappings and Killings.

But Nature still dances,
The same ageless dance steps,
With music from the Sahara.

And the Earth cares not,
Its bowels are ready,
To welcome the fallen offsprings.

Mourning trees forcefully dance,
Mourning beings forcefully live,
The Earth sings us a lullabies.

December still comes,
Bringing soothing breathe,
Drying open wounds.

It's not as cold anymore,
But precious memories still linger,
Its December.



This! Friends And Fiends.

Photos from DeCipherist Episodes's post 21/11/2022

For The Records!

Photos from DeCipherist Episodes's post 14/11/2022

Stay Safe!

Photos from DeCipherist Episodes's post 24/05/2022

Writer? What do you write?


Am I A Poet???🤔

Photos from DeCipherist Episodes's post 12/03/2022


They say love makes the world go round
If what they say is true
Then I am its axis.

You felt something for me
And I felt everything for you
Like islands in the street.

Standing shoulder to shoulder
Your hands reached out for mine
My heart reached out for yours.

But there was a boundary
They said you didn't worship on Sundays
They said I don't worship on Fridays.

I don't care what they say
Sail away with me to another world
Where we are nothing but God's creatures loving.

Friday or Sunday
Our love will still glow
For you are sunshine for me.

When you stare at me
My heart melts with passion
From the flames of your smile.

How can this be wrong?
How can we be wrong?
Immaculate as you are?

Give me your soft palm
Your hands in mine
We'll tell a new story.


Photos from DeCipherist Episodes's post 25/02/2022

For Meditation's sake



I quit trying
To make them believe
I am worthy of my name.

From struggling
To be understood
I quit.

I quit telling them
My why's and where's
Stripping naked my how's.

I quit
Trying to become
What they want of me.

Living for this world
Apart from myself
I call it quit.

From smiling
When it burns within
I quit.

Winners never quit
Quitters never win
They are your words.

That I disappoint you
I just don't believe you.

I quit holding on
To your words
That holds no water.

I quit
From explaining myself
The purpose for which I quit.

I quit
Yes I quit
From becoming my own shadow.


Photos from DeCipherist Episodes's post 14/01/2022


Once I thought I should get better
I wrote myself a rebirth letter
And told myself you can get better.

A bent rod here
A bad curve there
A sad truth clear.

I set to work
All round the clock
And frame a gloak.

Who said it was short
A journey of sort
Will cost you a lot.

I know what I'm seeking
I hate what I'm fleeing
But I can't face the feeling.

Sustaining my injury
And facing my jury
To throw out my fury.

If I must get better
Must I get bitter?
Before I get to glitter?

The patience I culture
I think of the vulture
How much is the future??

Get me my machete
I'll chisel this wretched
Let's bury the hatchet.

I wish there were pills
To foot all my bills
And pull through my drills.


Photos from DeCipherist Episodes's post 17/12/2021


Peaceful and Blissful
Quiet and Solemn

Painted with sparks
Behold a beauty

But mortals are sleeping
And Immortals are swimming

Who is ah watching
And catching the feeling

The innocence of nature
As painted by the creator

Ah creatures are evil
They make beauty empty

And plotting their sick deeds
In the beauty of darkness.


Photos from DeCipherist Episodes's post 10/12/2021

Stay safe!

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