
Poetry and Arts



Life's a story
It keeps playing slowly
Life is what is there only
Life in all of it's glory
Life's just a piece
War or peace
Life's just what it is
Living in life not knowing what it is
Still feels you know what it is
Cause it feels
Everything is just like the wheel
The wheel's spinning
And we're living
We're living through life
While we alive
Before we find another life
Life's just a mystery
It's history
Life's everything
Dead then it's nothing

Put your mind back
Try coming out from the dark
Those questions you ask
Deep down yet they stack
Those times you're in pain
Emotions it's coloured the brain
Those times going through it again
The length of the strain
Those times it's all bout the stain
The sunshine the moon and the rain
Living in every bit there again
But slowly living the train
Cause everything feels real
Till it feel
Like something it's still
Then it feels
The ordeal
Like something they steal
Till you want every part of it
But can't have it
Didn't you even deserve it?
That's half it
Still see the habits
The words the hatred it hits
Still see life playing out it's very beats
It's fragments it's pieces in bit

Life's evil denying
No lying
Life's blessing
The moment you have it
It feels it's all that it
The next moment you crying
Our love ones are dying
Heart twisted
It's heated
Seeing this on repeated
Life's a wheel it's the wheel of time
Pray you always be fine
Life's nothing to define
Illusions designed.




"You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
’Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still, I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops,
Weakened by my soulful cries?

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
’Cause I laugh like I've got
gold mines
Diggin’ in my own backyard.

You may shoot me with
your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with
your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Does my elegance upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've
got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history’s shame, I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain, I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling, I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear, I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear, I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I rise
I am the dream and the hope of the slave, 'cause despite the oppression, I rise




When you look at me,
With your prettiest smile,
My heart beat, I speak aside,

Must I forget?
Or save the date?
For future use

But you are so cute,
Which nature made,
To cherish with me,

So I can't hold this time,
But to tell you this rhyme,
Share with me your time,

Spend with me this time,
Let me be part of your time,
I will love you in the rest of my time,

My life is my time,
I hope you comprehend this rhyme,
When you look at me.




In love's embrace, we face our final breathe,
Two souls entwined, united even in death.
Through life's fleeting dance, we found our way,
In the shadow's caress, we'll forever stay.

As roses wither and stars may fade,
Our love endures, in the darkness it's laid.
In the silence of eternity, our spirits shall soar,
In the realm of the departed, forevermore.

In death's cold grip, we'll find our peace,
A love unbroken, it will never cease.
For even when life's light does fade,
In the arms of death, our love is remade.

So let us cherish each moment we share,
For love transcends, beyond all despair.
In the tapestry of time, our story is writ,
A love that's eternal, never to quit.




Sometimes we say bye and it makes us cry
Sometimes we look up to the sky, and wish we could fly

Sometimes we think we are very wise
Until we meet those that see through our disguise

Sometimes we wonder why we're still alive,
And are yet to die

Sometimes we let out a sigh,
Before we start to lie.

Sometimes we think we're sly
By the way we get in-between her thighs

Sometimes when we're high.
She wants ice cream and apple pie

Sometimes I want French fries
While i look into her eyes.

Sometimes we are too shy
To even just say Hi.




In a dark night's hush,
I found a song.
Each note, soft and pure,
filled my soul, so strong.

A lone bird, perched high,
cried out, its voice clear.
The moon, bright in skies,
cast away my fear.

On soft leaves, I sat,
a calm breeze did blow,
whisp'ring tales of love,
that only angels know.

A tear, in my eye,
fell like morning dew.
With each word I write,
my heart, it bleeds for you.

In this poem, I hope,
you find something true.
Through simple, small words,
emotions breakthrough.

So, take up this task,
and let your voice shine.
Challenge yourself,
and let your words align.

For in the realm of art,
boundaries, we break.
In one syllable,
a whole world, we make.




My cup is full
of gratitude
I'll be a fool
Not to take note
God's kindness,
More than I can quote

My cup is full
Full of gratitude
for all seasons
Summer and winter
Rain and sunshine
Night and Day

My cup is full
Of gratitude
For Great people
In my circle
Family and friends
At all angles

My cup is full
of gratitude
For sustenance
For daily bread
For health and wellness
For comfort and convenience

My Cup is full
of gratitude
grateful for my journey Even in time of trial
I am at peace
For Jesus is my attorney

My Cup is full
of gratitude
There is nothing that I lack
For God is my Shepherd
And in Him alone
I am made whole .




Days gone past, loved ones in Heaven's keep
With the Lord, they dwell, where spirits soar high
But here on Earth, people busy and deep
Engulfed in lives, connections left awry

Gone are the days when we dined with delight
Good hearts, full of life, laughter free of strife
When stress was far and emotions took flight
Oh, how we miss those who walked from this life

Yet in memories, moments forever last
One snapshot of joy, forever in view
A cherished keepsake from days gone so vast
When we were whole, when love was pure and true

Days fade and acquaintances veer off
Though love may fade and distance may offend
Time shall pass and present turns past
Gone days, sweet memories, will never end.




I was not molested,
I was not forced,
I simply did not understand
how everything works.

It was not wrong,
but I don't think it's right.
What does a nine year old know
about truths in life?

I was told to like it,
and so I did.
I don't think it's real
but the dream's so vivid,

In the midst of the night,
when silence takes over—
I get pulled down from bed,
away from my covers.

The comfort vanished,
my body's so weak.
Two hands, I don't recognize,
one's palm underneath.

My clothes are warm,
why did they take it?
Shiver down my spine,
as they reach their limit.

I close my eyes
and pretend to be in slumber,
while they pick me up,
and tuck me back in my covers.

I don't know when it ceased,
or how it even started,
I just feel it solely,
and know that it happened.

If I cried and screamed
and asked for help,
would it change that thing
that made me break?

When the stars emerge from nowhere,
the crickets chime.
Brother, how could it not remind you
of your truest crime?

Weakness is strength,
Strength is my weakness.
While I try my hardest to reach the light,
I stumble back into darkness.




In realms unseen, where stars embrace the night,
Beyond Comparison, a wondrous sight.
Nature's canvas painted with hues divine,
A masterpiece beyond what words define.

Mountains reach for skies in noble grace,
Rivers weave their tales in every trace.
The sun and moon in their eternal dance,
A symphony of beauty, a cosmic chance.

Love's tender touch, a bond that's rare,
Beyond Comparison, a love to share.
Friendship's light, a beacon strong,
In moments sweet, forever lifelong.

So let us ponder worlds beyond our scope,
Where wonders dwell, and dreams elope.
Beyond Comparison, life's grand display,
In every heartbeat, in every way.




In skies ablaze, a flash so bright,
The color of lightning, a wild delight.
Electric whispers in darkness they write,
A dance of energy, both fierce and slight.

With every bolt, a tale untold,
A journey of power, a story bold.
The color of lightning, a mystery to hold,
A symphony of elements, ancient and old.

A fleeting moment, yet etched in the mind,
The color of lightning, both fierce and kind.
A reminder that nature's forces bind,
In brilliant chaos, their presence defined.

So let us ponder this vibrant hue,
The color of lightning, both old and new.
A symbol of life, energy true,
In the tapestry of existence, it continues to renew.

© PeePens2023



Heart shattered into fragments,
I attempted to mend, but it's in vain,
No solution found, the pieces still broken,
My heart remains in its shattered domain.

Seeking solace, it's eluding me,
Distracting from the ache, I've tried in vain,
A void persists, dark and desolate,
Alone in a hollow, my efforts wane.

Ignoring the suffering, a futile endeavor,
The emptiness persists, no relief to gain,
Endless darkness engulfs, a void unfilled,
Time passes, the agony's eternal refrain.




Broken friendship, shattered heart
Words unspoken, tears depart
What we had, a bond so strong
Now it's broken, all gone wrong

Moments shared, laughter bright
Days we thought, would never end in sight
But fate played a wicked game
And our bond burnt in a fiery flame

Stolen moments, memories linger
Wishful thoughts, yet fingers tremble
The bond that we thought would never sever
Now rests in pieces, such a cruel weather

The ache so raw, wounds tender
A friendship lost, so much to ponder
How did we come to this painful end?
A bond that seemed we would forever mend

Words left unsaid, regret that hunts
Memories filled with what-ifs and could-haves
A broken friendship, a shattered heart
Pieces that cannot be pieced back, only to part

I'll miss the laughter and the fun we shared
The common interest that nobody dared
The spilled beans and the shared secrets
My heart still breaks at what we now dispense

So much love, so much care
Dissolving slowly in the air
A bond that once was so bright
Lost in the dark, a heartache so trite

Broken friendship, shattered heart,
May be time will help us part
What once was true, now memories in shreds
May we find peace and move ahead




In the tapestry of life, you're the most exquisite thread,
A radiant glow, a beauty that leaves me breathless, it's said.
Your eyes, two pools of warmth, reflecting a universe divine,
Each glance, a spellbinding journey that captivates this heart of mine.

Your smile, a sunbeam breaking through the darkest skies,
Illuminating my world, where every moment with you, I prize.
In your uniqueness, I find a melody, so sweet and rare,
A symphony of joy and love, beyond compare.

Hand in hand, we walk this path, two souls intertwined,
Destined to find each other, our love forever enshrined.
Together, we dance in harmony, hearts beating as one,
United in a love story that's only just begun.

As the tides of time ebb and flow, our love remains steadfast,
With each passing day, a love that deepens and forever lasts.
In your embrace, I've found my home, a shelter from all fears,
With you, my love, I've found my soulmate, through all the years.

No words can fully capture the depth of what I feel,
But know that you're the one, my heart and soul reveal.
In you, I see the stars, the moon, and sun's embrace,
My love, you are my world, my heart's cherished place




"Spare me the thought of her trying to be so hard
It's not all about that, just play your part
Soften her hard parts, she's desolvable and that's a fact
She's a flower she's frail, don't go so hard
She's vulnerable, she just tryna be on guard....."

"Real men got mothers and sisters, so they know how tender they are
Instead of trying to coerce her into succumbing, offer a rose
You know those little gestures you employ certainly grow
Play the cards and you already crossing her mind twice before the c**k crows
She's not difficult she's just tryna be sure....."

"You don't have to approach if you can't maintain her
I hope you know you've got to make her better than you met her
Be available so when she's down she'll rest on your shoulder
She's heard all you've got to say and when she's down with you, show her
She's with you even though lots of guys are after her....."




We took the war to them
'cause they stopped being our allies,

Instead of guarding our walls, we attacked,
It's actually the best form of defending,

I rode on a white horse
But without intentions of making peace,

I infiltrated their stronghold
Slayed their knights,

Achieved their treasures
And fled with the Queen,

We brought down their castles
Humiliated their King and raided their stables,

We brought wrath all upon them with no mercy
We had to make our enemies live at our mercy,

Life's a jungle
Eat or be eaten 😄




I envy the birds of the air
They're the only creatures who've tasted freedom,

I am but human
Living in shackles that can't be seen,

I'm a prisoner to the system
And also a prisoner to my desires and responsibilities,

I've been confined by my mind
How can I be free if I can't get rid of my mind?,

Freedom is a word I use often
But haven't been in contact with,

Often wish I was a bird
I'll fly over insecurities and travel far from vulnerabilities,

And I won't labour before I eat
'cause the supernatural being provides,

I wish I was ever free
Then I'd have the chance to be me




If you've ever graced my bed
Then you're almost becoming part of me,

If I ever let you close to me
Then you must have earned my trust,

You could lie next to me
If I got your loyalty,

We could share my space
If you offer me yours,

I could sleep peacefully beside you
If you could watch over me while I'm asleep,

You can have my loyalty
If you consider being there for me and I for you,

You can have my time
If you'll spend it on me,

You can have my lane
If you'll walk hand in hand with me,

You can have my love
If it stays with you,

You can't keep my energy
If you don't let it flow naturally,

You can have my heart
If you'll have it locked in yours,

You can have everything I got
If you're not so selfish,

But you can't have me
If your intentions appear blurry,

If you stray I'll let you be
'cause I won't stress to keep you, I'm sorry




Oh, ye father
Thy offspring has come of age,

The child is empty, willing to absorb thy teachings
Don't spare her the teachings,

Your knowledge is riches
Put it within her reach,

You're nearing your grave and she's just starting to grow
Impact into her and she'll pass it on,

Tell her how to be good
But don't forget to let her know what bad means,

Tell her the greatest religion is Love
She must have regards for humanity,

Let her know that not all men are like her father
Lots of men outside don't know what love mean,

Tell her the truth about Love and Hate
Don't hide the bitter truth from her,

Make her aware that the peace and calmness within the walls of her home don't extend to the outside world,

Prepare her for what's coming
For the world is not a beautiful place to be,

Let her know that a beautiful face attracts many
But a beautiful heart keeps them,

Make it known to her that her father wouldn't live forever
But even in death, he'll be with her forever,

Oh, ye father
Teach her further,

Let her know that in this world of ours
Sadness is more frequent than Happiness,

She should know that even though sorrow comes, it seldom last
Joy arrives afterwards,

Lead her through the teachings of the holy book
Everything she needs to know about life dwells in there,

Don't fail to let her know she's a dove
And inside her lies the strength of a lion,

Tell her she's light
Walking through a dark world,

She should know that no matter how lies sound pleasant
Truth be told

Oh ye, father
Pass on before you pass on




She plays like a strategist
After a move she goes on with the gist,

She's slow to attack
But quick to defend,

Her favorite piece is the Queen
She manipulates and goes for a win,

Admirable how she plays
Takes her time,think her moves, so she delays,

I underestimated her from the beginning
But now I'm on the verge of loosing,

I brought the attacks
Now I'm trying to defend,

I've lost my castle
My kingdom is in shambles,

Now I'm compelled to surrender
But I fight till the end

So, she yells



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She's a princess,
To her, commoners have no access,

She lives in a castle
She's supposed to get married and move to another castle of bo***ge,

She's a puppet
She turns where she's asked to,

She's got slaves of hers
But the slaves have more freedom than she has,

She lives a routine
At the beck and call of her monarch father,

All her life she's been a prisoner living in luxury
Devoid of freedom which is the most authentic luxury,

She's a princess that envies her slaves
She lives her life never knowing that the royals are knaves



Withstanding The Storm

I am deep rooted
I'm a product of the firm roots,

Obstacles on the ground but I walk barefooted
Perseverance is a virtue that flows in my roots,

The storm comes with it's peak of aggression
Even though I shake I still try to stand and take possession,

Despite tribulations and trials
I owe it to myself to stand tall,

I stand tall and accept the storm as it comes
Its the process, accept whatever comes,

I'm like the lighthouse in the middle of the sea
Despite the wild nature of the waters, I stand tall and shine the lights



Thanks to 250 followers. God bless everyone that clicked on the "follow" button. There's more coming. Like, share and enjoy my art. Gracias! 🙂



And as I wake
I feel the weight,

It rests on my shoulder
And I feel the pains of other brothers,

The grief of living is more than that of being dead
Chasing the wind even though it's not clear for us to see,

As I wake, all I do is think
Why do people go in just a blink,

Happiness only exists in scrolls
There's much darkness in a lot of souls,

My dreams seem secure
I don't mind slumbering for so long but I have to eat in order to be secure,

I have to wake
And face the reality, also prove the point I'm tryna make




I don't have to be the king of the jungle to be the lion
I know I've conquered fear and fought lots of battles, can only be done by a lion,

I don't have to be strong physically
I'm a lion at heart, I'm passionate about humanity,

I'm strong and I've forgiven even those that were never sorry
But I don't have to beg someone to be in my own story,

I'm a lion at heart, I can feel in within me
I o'erlooked provocation instead of escalating it to violence,

I've stepped on serpents and objects but I kept on walking
I'm a lion, no matter the barriers I keep moving,

The lion in me signifies strength
I unleash the virtues in me, 'cause I'm a lion




I spoke out of fear and I was ignored
I spoke out of pain and I wasn't given listening ears,

I spoke out of love and it wasn't reciprocated
I spoke out of grief and I wasn't comforted,

I spoke out of confusion and I wasn't enlightened
I spoke out of despair, I was given no hope,

So now I speak of naught
I just sit and watch,

My voice made no difference
And my opinions made no sense,

Now this is my vow of silence
Now I say nothing further, I hope you hear the voice of my silence.




My greatest moment of intimacy was not when I was without clothes
But when you saw me at my most difficult state,

How you witnessed my unlovable parts
As I gradually unveil my imperfection in front of you,

When I showed you that underneath this smooth surface is a rough one
And beneath the smile lies frowns,

And you saw that the love on the surface hid enormous hatred unseen
And the friend in me could transform into a fiend,

And despite seeing me naked you never got scared and walk off
Regardless all of my negative sides, you loved me anyways



What if I got discouraged due to the thorns on this path?
I wouldn't have know advancement
What if I turned away from this journey?
I wouldn't have come this far

What if I ran away from the battles I had to fight?
I wouldn't have known victory
What if I never fell to my knees?
I wouldn't have known recovery and strength

What if I never heeded to advice?
I'd be so misled and out of track
What if I tolerated what the world had to say?
I'd be so stagnant and clueless

Now I just look back and see what I have overcome and feel like a true hero
Then I look ahead and feel motivated to face what's ahead
Now I know the only option is to face my fears
'Cause after victory, I'm meant to sharpen my sword


MRS ME (Imaginary)
"Whenever I leave, the path I walk only leads me back to you

I only feel comfortable leaning on you

If I'll set the table, I'm obliged to set the table for two

All those infant feelings, they grew

It's always morning and you are my dew

We could stand at same points but have different view

Yet the fights we entertain so few

You're a perfect art, God drew

Let's take a walk, my hand in yours and yours in mine

Let's walk in our path, like we're walking in line

Be beside me cause I'm not comfortable leaving you behind

Explore me and that's fine

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