
Story teller
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Writing Coach
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Women is this statement correct?

YES or YES???😎😎😎😎


I'm still waiting😂😂😂😂



CHAPTER 6 (Wolf in Sheep's Clothing)

I began to hear voices, as if there were a lot of people talking around me all at the same time.

I tried opening my eyes at once but couldn't. So, I opened it gradually and to my shock I was at the hostel and Suzan was sitting beside me.

She turned "oh you are awake" she smiled

"What happened to me?"

"Nothing, lucky you we got there before anything could happen to you"

" 'We'? Who are we?"

"I and some guys. I came home but didn't see you and I know you don't stay late out. So I had to take three guys with me to search all around the school and even outside and then we were able to get to your location and safe you"

"What were they trying to do with me?"

"They just kept you lying down and then it was as if they were waiting for someone. Probably their BOSS"

I went into deep thinking as to why I was their target or were they just looking for any random lady?

"How are you feeling now?"

"I'm fine. I just don't understand why they kidnapped me that way"

"Will you be able to recognize them if you were to see them now?"

I thought of that but I don't think I would have recognized them even if they were to be standing close to me at that time.

"I don't think so. Everything happened so fast. I couldn't see their faces because I was definitely drugged out of reality"

"I understand. Sorry baby"

I smiled weakly.

"Guess what? I've learnt to cook your favourite food and here it is"

Suzan brought a full plate of white rice and beans and stew to me. You needed to come see how I got well immediately. Before she could say 'Jack' I'd finished it and requested for addition and then she brought more to me again.

"How was it?"

"How was what?"

"The food na. I try?"

"It was superb. You over try sef"

She smiled and then we talked about other stuff and then she suggested that we go out for shopping.

"Ah, I don't have money o"

"You don't need to worry! I will foot the bill"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. So get up and let's get dressed"

We got dressed and went for shopping. We got to the mall and bought some clothes and shoes and then I noticed how Suzan couldn't stop staring at me but I didn't say a word.

We were about to go out of the mall when Suzan stopped and then she dragged me to the section where they sell caps.

There were different kinds of caps on the stands and then she picked one with a brown colour.

"You have this same type of hood"

"Yes baby and so I want you to have one like my own"

I was grateful and then we left. Most of the clothes we bought were identical. She was the one that brought up that suggestion, since we were like sisters, we can start dressing alike after all we look alike a bit and then I agreed because it sounds fun.

We got home and retested our dresses and they were all nice. I showed her how happy and how grateful I was to her and she was also happy.

π π π
"Hello Miss Precious!"

I turned around and it was Kate. I was sitting under the very big oak tree in the middle of the school when she came and sat beside me.

"What are you reading?"


I scrolled up with my phone so that Kate could read the title.

"High School Game Season 1. Wow! Who is the Author?"

"Joseph Samuel but he is also known as Gumewrites. He is my favourite story teller"

"It sounds interesting"

"Yes, it is surely interesting"

"What is it about?"

"Well, it is about a girl named Star. She got admitted into her dream school but never knew that there were a lot of games happening in the school. Games whereby if you fail, you die"

"Wow! Please share it with me via Xender"

And so I shared the novel with her via Xender. She seemed excited to read the story.

"Thanks a lot Precious"

"Welcome Kate! You will enjoy it I promise"

And so she left while I kept looking at her as she walked away. To be truthful, I feel happy whenever she was around me.

I went back into the hostel and then some guys came into our hostel and they were scattering everything on their way.

"We are looking for Precious Jackson" said the first guy

"Who amongst you is Precious Jackson?" Said the second guy

I stopped what I was doing and then I waited to see what will happen next but the guys kept asking about me and then I decided to come out.

"Here I am"

I walked out of the room to see who kept mentioning my name.


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I will keep it short because this is my own take on what has been happening regarding the church and our pastors.

Men of God are called that way because they were actually picked by God to extend his benevolent character to His children.


If there's a genuine thing, there is also a fake and that also applies to the church. Listen, if you see a man of God doing or saying the wrong thing; please correct him or her in love.

If the person insist on doing and saying the wrong things then you have to find a way to make sure people do not believe the person.

Remember the Christian race is a personal one but then we can only get better when we help each other out.

Let us not allow people to keep toying with our souls and salvation. I agree they are our leaders but they are also humans and are bound to make mistakes but where a man of God refuses to change and keeps lying and misinterpreting scriptures to people

Please we must not be quiet. We have to stand for God and that is also the more reason why we must study the Bible for ourselves.

Always remember that we are intelligent people with vast means of getting information.

So nobody should play with our intelligence.

Na me talk am😷

Please you can share





"I am in trouble babe, can you please run over to the room and then check for a black leather under my blue bag. Please bring the bag to me now"

That was the text Suzan sent to me.

"Where do I meet you?" I responded

"Just behind the Male hostel"

"But why can't you just go take it yourself because right now I am taking lectures and we just started"

"Babe please help me and bring it"

I looked up and I could see that the lecturer was watching me and so I ended the call.

"Don't even think about it" Kate whispered to me and that scared me a little.


"There is no but. You have lectures to listen to and not something that is not needed"

"Kate, I understand that you mean well for me but sorry I have to help her. It is possible she is in trouble"

"You think so?"

"I don't know but it is possible"

And so I got up and then slowly walked out of the hall and I'm sure that the lecturer didn't notice as he was distracted by something.

I hurried to the hostel and then it wasn't difficult to find the item Suzan wanted. I grabbed it and went to go meet her.

I saw her with two guys almost like the the guys I saw her with that night. She hugged me and then collected the item and gave to them.

They took her to one side and were both whispering something to her while she just kept nodding and then one of the guys kept stealing some glances at me but I pretended not to notice.

"We are done. Now let's go"

"Wait a minute Suzan, I thought you were in trouble and that was why I went out of the lecture hall to attend to you but I can see that you are fine"

"I'm fine Precious"

She smiled

"So why didn't you go to the hostel and picked the thing yourself"

"Nothing really, I just couldn't leave the guys waiting here because they are not students from this school. You know how it is"

I felt it to be nothing and so she went for her lectures while I went for mine.

On entering the hall, my eyes met Kate's eyes and then she shook her head side ways and I could tell that she was disappointed.

But I was happy with myself because at least I got to know that Suzan is fine.

We finished lectures for the day around pass 8pm and then I was heading home together when all of a sudden, two guys blocked my way.

I tried following around them but they blocked me again and held my hands. I tried to scream but they held my mouth and also with a handkerchief close to my nose and that was how slowly, I began to feel dizzy.

I couldn't even lift my eyelids properly. All I could feel was that I was carried on a shoulder.

After a little while, they kept me behind an uncompleted building and then I could hear the sound of metals. It was as if somebody was trying to sharpen a metal.

Fear gripped me and then I began to pray within me. I was so weak. Little by little my eyes began to close and then all of a sudden, I saw a blurred figure came in and that was how i blanked off.


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Dating a woman who can't control her mouth when she is angry is the same as dating a man who cannot control his hands when he is angry.

Both genders have different weapons when it comes to abuse. Let us not abuse each other🙏

What do you all think?😯




I tried using my eyes to search around for Kate but couldn't even see her and so I went back to Suzan but she was fast asleep.

"Hello Mama!" I was happy to hear the voice of my sweet mother.

"How are you my baby?"

"I'm fine just a little bit stressed"

"We heard the news from your school, hope you are alright?" My dad asked

"Yes, I am Dad. Everything is fine"

"Alright, please make sure you take your studies serious and never forget what we talked about before you left, alright?"

"I won't dad. I promise I won't" I smiled

"Take care of yourself darling"

They hung up the call and then I saw Suzan awake with a dull face.

"What's up baby girl?"

"I'm fine. Can you es**rt me to a place tonight?"

"Yes, I can es**rt you but what do you mean by TONIGHT?"

"Maybe around 9pm"

"What? Where? And for what?"

"Na wa o! You ask too many questions. Which one do you want me to answer first?"

"Sorry babe, it's just that I don't fancy walking around at night"

"Well, we won't walk around. We shall just meet a person, collect something and then come back. It won't take 10 minutes. I promise!"

"Alright, till then"

So I got up and prepared some noodles for us to eat. After that, I took up my books and began to study while Suzan was busy chatting with her phone. She does that always and it was as if she was addicted to phone.

Amazingly, I'd never seen Suzan studying her books, never. Whenever I ask, she will say she pays maximum attention during lectures so her brain is capable of retaining information and so there's no need for her to study the way I do.

It was around 8:30pm when Suzan woke me from sleep even though I didn't know when I slept off.

"Babe, let's go so that we can come back quickly"

I pretended not to hear but she kept tapping me and tapping me and then I reluctantly got up.

"Hope we won't spend eternity there?"

"Nope, we won't baby"

So, I got up and then we began to walk far down behind the Male hostel. We didn't really talk because I was still feeling sleepy.

"There they are. Please wait here, I will be fast"


I stood there watching what was happening but I couldn't really hear or see what they were doing but one thing was certain; Suzan was with two other guys.

While they were talking, Suzan kept looking back at me and one of the guys kept looking at me.

She didn't take long and so we were walking back home already.

"What business did you do with two guys by this time of the night?"

"Oh, it was nothing serious just some set of guys that needed my assistance but had only night time to meet withme"


That was all I could say.

π π π
I was in class the next morning and we were waiting for the lecturer and then I felt someone sat close to me. At first, I thought it was a guy but then when I turned, it was the lady I met last time (Kate).

"How are you Precious?"

"I'm fine. Wait a minute, are you a student here?"

"Yes I am and why did you ask?"

"Well, the last time you talked to me, I looked up but didn't see you anymore. So, I thought you disappeared"

Kate led out a heavy burst of laughter and then I joined in later after realising how funny I may have sounded.

"But the truth is you still haven't heed to my warning"

"What warning because you didn't even speak clearly"

"Precious, you are playing with your life. It is not everything that looks good that is good. Can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, please go ahead"

"What did you come to school to do?"

"To study of cause"

"Then please do just that. Your attention is not needed everywhere. Always remember that nobody will come to rescue you"

"I'm still confuse. Please can you talk to me very clearly?"

"What I'm saying to you is clear already. All you have to do is to search yourself and what you've been doing"

"What are you...."

"Settle down class" the lecturer entered but I couldn't take away my eyes from Kate for a time but she was focused on the Lecturer.

My phone beeped, I checked it and it was Suzan who sent me a text. A text that socked my bones.


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We saw Suzan's roommate on the bed but she was covered with a lot of blood.

We didn't even know when we began to shout. Some guys and girls ran into the room and it was then we realized that her body was having just one breast (the left breast), one eye (the left eye).

"Who did this kind of thing?"

"Do you know who she was with?"

A lot of questions were thrown at Suzan but she couldn't even say a word. Suzan was crying profusely. She suddenly fell on the floor and while people were trying to calm her down, she wouldn't agree and then what she said to me a while ago flashed back in my mind.

"My roommate may be crazy and may love material things and money but apart from that she is the kind of person you would like to have as a friend. I love her so much"

It was then I realized how she may be feeling towards what we've just saw.

I went to her and then I was able to take her to my room while the SUG president was called upon and then the authorities took the matter to hand.

"Suzan, both of us know that it was the guy we saw with her that did that rubbish (Suzan nodded her head) but do you know the guy?"

Suzan tried to control herself before speaking.

"I don't know the guy"


"She comes with different type of guys to the room. I've never seen her with one guy twice"

"Wow! That is really a thing"

Suzan slept in my room that day after I was able to talk to my roommate and then we went together to her room after lectures.

Everywhere was cleared.

"Her parents came and went away with her body and her things" one of the girls living close by said to Suzan and then fresh tears ran down Suzan's cheeks while I held her hand to reassure her that it shall be well.

I couldn't go back to my room that day as I tried to cook for both of us and then see to it that she calms down and not do anything stupid.

At night, in between time, she wakes up with screams and then when I asked her what was wrong, she kept saying the image of her friend with one breast and one eye out kept coming to her and it makes her scared.

It became obvious that Suzan can no longer sleep in that room alone anymore due to the fact that what happened was really terrible and so I sat and thought of a way out.


She looked at me.

"How about I pack my things and come stay with you or I will talk to my roommate so that she can switch rooms with you and then we stay together at my room"


"It is obvious that the memories in this room is becoming too much for you to handle and I don't want that to continue happening"

"Are you sure it's a good idea?"

"Definitely it is babe. So which one will you prefer?"

"Can I think about it?"

"Yes, you can baby"

"Alright, let me step out for a while. I will be back dear"


I stepped out of the room and stood for a time outside trying to decide whether to let her be by herself or not and then I left.

I went to sit under a big oak tree close to the biggest hall in the school, thinking about what had happened and then I felt a presence around me, behold it was a guy.

"What's up dear?"

I didn't answer.

"I've been observing you since you stepped into this school and ..."

"Please, I use God beg you do not disturb my peace"

The boy was quiet and then I got up and left. While I was walking, a girl walked up to me. She introduced herself as Kate and then she said

"Little by little I can see that you are entering into more danger than you should even enter"

"What do you mean?"

"Beware of sheep in wolf clothing"

She walked away while I stood pondering upon what she had said but I couldn't understand a thing. I raised my head up but couldn't see her any more.


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I have some novels that I wrote and I want to sell the ownership. Interested buyers should chat me up please

Send a message to learn more



Predict how this story will end and stand a chance to win an amazing gift




We saw a girl having s*x in the room with a very huge guy. I quickly turned away my eyes and Suzan quickly shut the door.

We could tell that the two couples inside didn't even care about the fact that we opened and closed the door.

"Oh sorry! I forgot to tell you that I have a crazy room mate"

I kept quiet and was feeling super bad.

"Come, let's sit here and wait for them to finish"

"I think I should better just head to my own room"

"Oh! Ok, let me follow you just to see where your room is"

"Ok but please don't expect much"

She laughed and then we began chatting while walking to my room which I eventually got to understand that it wasn't far away from Suzan's room.

"Welcome to my humble abode"

"Thank you!"

We both entered and Suzan was just busy looking at everywhere while I went to get water for her to drink.

"Thank you! What we saw in my room made me thirsty"

I looked at her with a puzzled face.

"Well, shouldn't you have seen more of that since she is your roommate?"

"Well, you are right but I brought a visitor, so it was kind of embarrassing"

"Oh! Don't worry about that"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am!"

After a time of gisting, laughing we decided to head back to her place. Some guys were busy whispering as we passed by because one thing is certain; Precious and Suzan were both very beautiful with back sides and front sides in tact.

While walking together we looked like siblings because we were both brown skinned and had pointed nose.

So, while the guys were whispering and some were calling unto us, we kept walking and blushing, you all know how it is.

"I just pray that girl is done"

"What do you mean? Does she stay longer than usual?" I asked

"She is the definition of s*x addict and it is mostly because of money and material things just to show off in campus"

"Wow! That's... that's..."

We both laughed because I definitely lacked what to say.

"This thing you just said about her is making me thirsty"

"Copy copy" Suzan said as we both laughed

We got to the front of Suzan's door and then we tried to knock but nobody was answering. Suzan knocked the door multiple times but it was damn quiet.

I tried knocking but the same thing.

"Make this girl no joke with me o"

And then with anger, Suzan opened the door and then what we saw almost made me swallow my tongue.


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My story is more like the normal traditional stories you've heard or read about BUT mine comes with a little difference.

My name is Precious and my family weren't doing so well financially. We were not super poor but we were poor.

My parents had to work their fingers to bone in order to send me to tertiary institution so that it won't be that in the whole neighborhood only Mr. Jackson's daughter couldn't go to school.

As the only child of my parents, I was giving the best and living in my neighborhood and seeing how other girls couldn't get the best things, I learnt to appreciate my parents for giving me the best things even when they don't have much.

I got into the University and as a fresher, I couldn't understand why most girls do what they do in the hostel and also what most guys do in the hostels.

I wasn't a dull girl and I don't joke with my books. After sitting for hours, hearing advices and warnings from my parents before I left home for school, that alone should prompt me to do well in school.

In school, I came across girls of different types and kinds. The quiet ones, the lousy ones, the rich ones, the poor ones, the nonchalant ones, the serious ones and so many other type of girls.

A lot of guys kept coming my way but I had no time for them because I already know what they were after and to cap it all I was a virgin.

During my first few weeks in school, everything was good and I was trying to know how students operate in school.

On one sunny Thursday afternoon, I was at a restaurant in the school eating a plate of my favourite food (white rice and beans and stew) when a girl suddenly sat on the chair that was close to me.

I behaved as if I didn't see her. She looked at me for a while but I didn't respond and so she ordered the same dish as mine but I still didn't respond.

The food was given to her and then she started eating it. From the way she was eating the white rice and beans, it was as if it was her first time to eat such kind of food but that is impossible right? This is Nigeria and White rice and beans is a basic food in this country.

"Now I understand why people eat this kind of food" the girl said

I paused for a second and then I continued eating without looking at her.

"I know you are hearing me but first of all I have to confess that white rice and beans is not bad. This is my first time eating this kind of food"

I almost led out a great kind of laughter but I held it in. How will a grown up girl in this country say this is the first time she has ever eating White rice and beans with stew? I thought I had to check her up and then I dropped my spoon, turned and looked at her from head to toe.

She looks rich but then even rich people cook this kind of food na. Abi na me no dey Nigeria again?

"Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked and then all of a sudden the laughter I was trying to control got better of me and then I didn't even know when I began to laugh so loud that all other people in the restaurant began to look at me and without thinking twice I kept quiet while using gestures to apologize to them.

"So, what's funny?" She asked

"Nothing really! You mean you haven't tasted white rice and beans before?"

"Nope, I haven't"

"This one touch me aswear babe. So why did you decide to taste it today?"

"Well, I'd been watching you for some weeks now. You seem to always eat this same kind of food whenever you enter this restaurant and I thought I must try it myself"

"So, you've been following me around?"

"Not really. Take me as an observant girl (she smiled)"

"Well this is my favourite kind of food and I may not sleep well if I don't eat it at least once in a day"

"Wow! Not a bad meal though"

"Thank you!"

"I'm Suzan and this is my first year in this school"

"That's cool! I'm also new here as you can see"

"What course are you studying?"

"Theatre Arts and you?"

"Mass communication"

"Alright! Nice to meet you Suzan"

"Same here Miss . . .."

"Oh! I'm Precious"

"Nice to meet you Precious. Let me finish my new found meal"

We both laughed while we ate our food. We finished and then Suzan asked me to come see her room. I followed her but on opening the door our eyes or should I say my eyes met a scene I'd never expected or thought of.


Please share this story and who can guess what Precious saw?


The chapter 1 of WE BOTH DIED AT THE END will drop this night. Don't forget to review my page and also watch my reels


My NEXT story is titled:
Get ready for a amazing story




Even as we've crossed from 2023 to 2024 I pray;*
*We shall not cross into pit*
*We shall not c ross into siege.*
*We shall not cross into death.*
*We shall not cross into debts.*
*We shall not cross into pains.*
*We shall not cross into curses.*
*We shall not cross into stroke.*
*We shall not cross into spells.*
*We shall not cross into failure.*
*We shall not cross into prison.*
*We shall not cross into battles.*
*We shall not cross into shame.*
*We shall not cross into sorrow.*
*We shall not cross into setback.*
*We shall not cross into torment.*
*We shall not cross into calamity.*
*We shall not cross into mockery.*
*We shall not cross into weeping.*
*We shall not cross into delay.*
*We shall not cross into sickness.*
*We shall not cross into problems.*
*We shall not cross into afflictions.*
*We shall not cross into disgrace



I begged that none of us should die against 2024. Please if you are still alive let's take numbers



W E L C O M E T O 2 0 2 4




1HOUR TO 2024
Are we ready?






"The man you are dealing with is very dangerous as you have said. Please be safe", Lucas thought as Mr. Lekan was going inside
Immediately, Lucas got off the car and went to hide waiting for Mr. Lekan to distract the son of the darkness. When Mr. Lekan got there, he was already chanting

"Hey! You son of the darkness! It's high time you stopped whatever you have been doing", Mr. Lekan shouted

"Who's this old man? Little one, do you know him?", He asked

Ada didn't react to his questions, instead she was crying knowing that Mr. Lekan's life was in danger

"You don't need to know who I am, you devil!"
As Mr Lekan was talking to him, Lucas was busy untying Ada, when he finished, the son of the darkness saw then running away. He tried running after them but Mr Lekan stopped him from running after them. He pushed him away and they started fighting each other.
"No!!!", Lucas shouted seeing Mr Lekan being beaten by the son of the darkness. He left Ada and went to the son of the darkness to fight him. As Lucas was fighting him, Mr. Lekan was reading the book to lock him up forever
After a while, Mr. Lekan did as the book instructed, tapped into the forbidden power to lock the son of the darkness up forever.

He started turning into ash and later disappeared into a thin air. Mr Lekan was still Struggling to survive but as it was written in the book, anybody that tapped into the forbidden power will die. Ada and Lucas started crying until Mr Lekan gave up the ghost.

Before he died, he said, "Lucas, don't cry. I've prepared myself for this since I knew he was the son of darkness, and I told you to prepare yourself for my Death also. So don't cry too much. Ada, my daughter, I have nothing to tell you other than for you to take care of yourself"

As the days passed, Lucas and Ada grieved the loss of Mr. Lekan. They held a funeral for him, and it was well-attended by the townspeople.

Everyone spoke highly of Mr. Lekan and his dedication to helping others. As they laid him to rest, they knew that his legacy would live on.

In the days that followed, Lucas and Ada tried to move on with their lives. But they couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness without Mr. Lekan in their lives. They knew that they would always miss him, but they also knew that they had to go on living. They had to continue helping others, just as Mr. Lekan had done. And so, they set out to do just that.

One day, as they were walking through the town, they came across a young girl who was crying. They stopped and asked her what was wrong. She told them that her mother was ill and that they didn't have enough money to pay for her medicine. They were so poor that they didn't know what to do.

Hearing this, Lucas and Ada knew what they had to do. They took the girl and her mother to the local healer, who was able to provide the necessary medicine. The girl and her mother were so grateful that they hugged Lucas and Ada and thanked them profusely. But Lucas and Ada knew that they were just doing what Mr. Lekan would have wanted them to do.

From that day on, Lucas and Ada made it their mission to help those in need. They would go out into the town, looking for those who were struggling, and they would do what they could to make their lives a little bit better. And they always did it with a smile, just like Mr. Lekan did.

As Lucas and Ada continued their work in the town, they began to notice a change. The people seemed happier and more hopeful. And they started to realize that their efforts were making a difference. They could see that Mr. Lekan's spirit was still with them, guiding them to do good in the world.

In time, Lucas and Ada became known as the town's guardian angels. They were always there to lend a helping hand, no matter what the need maybe and even though Mr. Lekan was gone, his legacy lived on through them. They had taken his mission to heart, and they would continue to carry it out for as long as they could.

And so, Lucas and Ada went on, spreading kindness and compassion wherever they went. Their lives were full and rich, and they knew that Mr. Lekan would be proud of them. They had found a way to honor him by living out his mission and helping others. And they knew that he would always be with them, in their hearts and in their actions.


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