come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. ALLELUYA AMEN JESUS LOVE YOU.

This page is design through the direction of the holy spirit to feed you with good news ,to proclaim freedom for you, to comfort you and proclaim God's favour for you according to the word of GOD. This is a garden of God's favour, according to the book of life which is the word of God ( ISAIAH "55 : 1 ) come all you who are thirsty, come to the water , and you who have no money, come , buy and eat !


May the Almighty God , the everlasting King , JEHOVAH ELOHIM , the I AM that I AM, the God of miracles , signs and wonders locate & bless everyone on this platform , manifest Himself to you with miracles signs and wonders , undiluted favours, abundant wealth and grace to fulfill your dreams and destiny, from this moment you are the head not the tail, the light not darkness and you shall not die but you shall live to testify the glory and blessings of God in your life , in your family and on the earth in the name of Jesus Christ amen.


Psalms 35:1-9 Plead my cause, O LORD, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me.
Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help.
Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.
Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.
Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the LORD chase them.
Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the LORD persecute them.
For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul.
Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall.
And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD: it shall rejoice in his salvation.

Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Amen. SETTLED.



We do not see our signs; There is no longer any prophet; Nor is there any among us who knows how long.
Psalm 74:9

The modern church is too pumpose, neglecting our humble walk with God is the reason the church is spiritually poor compared to our fathers.

We can claim to have money, structure and men but our fathers through their walk with God has genuine covenant that turned the world upside down for God.

Our father, Prophet Timothy Obadare would say glory be to God in the highest, witches were arrested and gave their life to Jesus.

Daddy Adeboye will say let somebody shout hallelujah healing starts in the congregation.

What happened when he does that is that heaven server is opened to him to hear clearly from God.

If you don't know, you now know why he use to say so.

Many years ago, Prophet Obadare was praying, God gave me a covenant to run ministry as you desire.

The Holy spirit told him wherever you're before men, say glory be to God in the highest and the whole of heaven shall come down to glorify God.

When next time you use the word, remember it's a covenant language gotten in the place of Kononia.

Elisha prophesied when the string instrument was played, its a covenant pattern that work for men in his mode.

Walking with God, let you into covenant pattern.

I have seen preacher says outside the blood of Jesus there is no personal covenant, excuse Sir, its a lie.

Every genuine preacher of the gospel has a covenant pattern God has given to them.

Branham will not start ministering healing and deliverance until his angels arrived.

That's not tataulogy, it's covenant pattern.

If Apostle Ayo Babalola didn't see the glory of God descending, he will not ministry long.

As soon as he sensed the flow of God's presence(glory), he would start ministering.

If you think they neglected the bible you missed it.

Some ministers don't find expressive grace until they meditate on a scripture, it's a covenant pattern.

Covenant pattern is simply God teaching you how to personally walk with him.

Do you know Apostle Arome can't minister when there is noise, its a covenant pattern.

My humble self have a covenant key too that those who are genuinely around me know.

You don't get to this level without genuine walk with God.

The great faith legend, Kenneth E. Hagin came alive each after deep meditation on the scripture the Holyspirit gave to him.

This is a theological correctness that have denied us the power and God's reality.

There are some pulpit bandits that have encroached divine benefits through extreme teaching against covenant walk with God.

If you have ever read the Psalms you will discover a tenderness of heart that found expression in those deep words.

Covenant pattern is not fetishism, calling of strange angels name.

Ministry of angel is real, Psalm 125:2, some transition use Lord while others use angels but the root word is angels.

Don't be part of a generation that has no heritage in the kingdom gospel, they live in field, they are wild and the devil is hunting them like wild animals.

Days ago, I saw ancient keys on ancient altars, what is called the ancient mantle.

I know another father of faith is about to go home, one who carries the ancient mantle, he is over 70 and well know where the sun rises.

The days are here when men shall walk as real men once walked.

The kingdom gospel is not about noise and panache it's about kingdom faith that unlock ancient gates.

Do you think the great Ayo Babalola just blessed the water and miracle began to happened, it was a covenant key gave to him to work in his days.

Read me again, it's not fetishism or use of magical books that I am saying here.

Covenant pattern or key is gotten in the secret place of close walk with God within the confine of the scriptures especially the finished work.

It takes the kingdom faith to enjoy the kingdom gospel.

Kingdom provision is within the kingdom faith.

The availability of grace is in the availability of faith.




How can I forgive my fellow Christian believers or those who have sinned or wronged me.? Forgiveness is a gift of God. Without God entering the heart of man no one can forgive you or either help you. The Bible says we should forgive one another so that our father in heaven may forgive us. "To those who have wronged me, I have forgiven you, and to those whom I have wronged ,I pray for forgiveness." Basically, every one have wronged ,sinned or offended you at one time or the other. The big question now is how do we Christians respond or react to such offences when it occurs to them. The Bible is our standard and it says we should forgive others. Ephesians chpt.4 v 32. And be ye kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake, God had forgive you. Similarly in colossians chapt.3 v 13. Forebearing one another and forgiving one another if any man have quarrel against any:even as christ forgave you, so also do ye. The key in both scriptures is that we should forgive fellow believers as (God)christ has forgiven us. Why then should we forgive, because christ has forgiven us, therefore our forgiveness should reflect God's forgiveness of our sin. In other to forgive those who have wronged or sin against us we must first of all understand God's forgiveness of sin. God does not Just forgive everybody or anyone just like that .It is not automatically without any preconditions. :if he did there would not be any lake of fire in Revelation chapt. 2O v 14-15. Forgiveness properly understood requires repentance on the part of sinner and Love and grace on the part of God. The Love and grace are really there but repentance is often lacking, so the Bible command for us to forgive one another does not mean we should ignore sin. Brethren what this means is that we should gladly, graciously, respectfully & lovely, extend forgiveness to those who repent, as we are always willing to forgive when giving the opportunity to do so. Not just seven times but seventy times seven times, (Mathew 18 v 22 NKJ). When we refuse to forgive a person who have requested for forgiveness, it demonstrates, remisents, anger, betterness none of which are traits of a good & true Christian character. To forgive those who offended us requires forbearance, patience & the church has the command to be patience with everyone. (1 Thesolonian 5 V 14.) We should be able to over look some personal slights and minor offences. JESUS said that if anyone slaps you on the right also, not every slaps on the face needs to be retaliated. Child of God to forgive those who have offended or sinned against us requires transformational power of God in our lives. There is something deep within fallen human nature that thirsts for a revenge and urges for retaliation in kind of, we naturally want to inflict the same injury on the person that injured us. An eye for an eye seems only fair. But in christ however we have been given the power to love our enemies, do good to them which hate you. Bless them that curse you, and pray for them that abuse you. (Luke 6 v 27 & 28.) Jesus gave us the heart that is willing to forgive and will work to that end. To forgive those who have sinned against us is made easier when we remember and consider the extent to which God forgives our transgressions. We who have been lavished with grace need not to deny grace from others. We have sinned against God much more than any body have sinned against us. Jesus parable in Mathew 18 v 23- 35 is a powerful of this truth. God promises that, when we come to him asking for forgiveness he freely grants us (1 John1:9.)
The grace we extend to those who who seek our forgiveness should be just as readily available (Luke 17 v 3- 4).

Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Amen.....



In the course of life , difficulties and challenges are bound to exist be it in a human's life, or copratebody.The Bible says we should not be discouraged. Difficulties and challenges,trials tribulations are there to strengthen us. He that has faith in God shall conquer. These are temptations and no one is tested above his strength and capacity can carry. Jesus christ, the son of God & saviour of mankind was tested. He resisted and defeated the devil and it flee away. Voices of oppositions are spiritual oppressors, attacks, obstacles, hindrances, financial lack, poverty, sickness and diseases by the enemies.
Tribulations are there to stop one from actualizing dreams and fulfilling destiny in life, but the good thing there Beloved is, We are more than Conqueror through Jesus our Lord. The Bible says we should be prayerful and pray without season. A prayerless Christian is a potential backslider. But he that has absolute faith in God, and abstains himself from all manners of sin, shall be victorious. Heaven at last is the ultimate goal of every Christian believer. May the almighty God in His infinite mercy give us the grace to achieve this in Jesus name Amen.
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Amen..........


A powerful man healing word from our DADDY in the LORD GOD.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD

How many times have you heard someone say that God said He will not share his glory with another?
That no man shall share or take his glory?
we hear those things in churches and from a lot of people, so much so, we think that what they are saying is real or spiritual.

first I want to show you where they got it from and what the bible really says.
Isaiah 42:8
So we know that God actually said so, but then He also clarified.
If you Understand Isaiah's prophetic ministry and expressions you will understand dual communication of the same truths as he shares in many other prophecies.
V8: The one that He refers to as "another", spiritually is also what he refered to as "Graven images".

There really are no other gods. the idols that people worship are actually demons. Demons are behind those images and idols. so when men sacrifice to these idols, the bible says the sacrifices that they offer to idols, they are offering to demons and not to God.
That's the reason says to Us "Do not worship idols".

you cannot represent God with any form. You cannot worship you made with your hands or another creature. Only God is to be worshipped.
God made us.
When men are concerned with God not sharing his glory, they ought to Understand God's intent.

Isaiah 48:11. How do you pollute the name of God? By mixing the worship of God with Idolatry.

He is not referring to sharing his glory with human beings.
It was always God's plan from the beginning to share his glory with Human beings.
Glory refers to excellence, being top class, greatness.

Romans 3:23
It was Sin that brought men out of the glory of God.
When God made man, He glorified man.
It was sin that made Him fall short.
Jesus Came to restore glory to man in God.
God wants your life glorified.
you are not the weak creature of Some God somewhere.
Some people may find themselves in some positions better than you but they shouldn't determine what happens in your life.
what you become is between you and God.
Discover God's plan for your life.

John 17:24-26
Jesus is praying to the Father here.
v21. This is extraordinary.
Think about what Jesus is saying here.
v22: THAT'S WONDERFUL!!! That's not a promise. that's a statement of fact. He is saying He has done it.
This is extraordinary.
If you never find this out, you will never live like God gave you glory.

Remember, there was a day that tuberculosis was a killer disease and there was no medication. Same with Malaria .
in Medicine they can help you if you've got Tuberculosis or Malaria...but when they didn't have solution, it was a death sentence.
people live their lives according to the limitations of other men..waiting for somebody to find out

When you come to Jesus Christ, you learn to use his name.
He gave you glory
Glory means Health

3 John 1:2
That's better than even getting Healed.
He says I don't even want you sick.
That was God's plan.
Jesus has given you glory.

Romans 8:28
This is after you've become a Christian and the Holy spirit is in your life.
When you get to know Jesus Christ there is no such thing as a disadvantage in your life anymore.
no matter the situation or condition.
(Jesus Hushed the storm to sleep)
Think about it.
He raised the dead.
( Testimony about a little girl certified dead whose Mum refused to bury her, took the ROR, opened to the Healing streams advert page and the girl shook and came back to life).
There are so many such testimonies.
With God, nothing is impossible.
Jesus said 'if you believe, ANYTHING is possible".
Now that you are in Christ, there is no such thing as Impossible or a disadvantage to you.

v28: We know! we don't speculate.
In Christ, you are called according to his purpose.
Refuse to be sick anymore.
Use the name of Jesus.
If symptoms come to your body, say, in the name of Jesus I rebuke the pain.
It will bow to your words.
v29: Did God know you before you were born? YES!!!
You were predestined in Christ Jesus to become like Him.
1 John 4:17 As He is so are we in THIS WORLD.

When we talk about the coming day of Judgement some are scared because they live in sin; but we are Bold. Because as He is, so are we in this world.

Romans 8:29
Jesus is your brother.
Jesus is the firstborn and we are Joint-heirs together with him.
This is remarkable.
Jesus died as the representative of all sins. He died and went to Hell in our place
but when He fulfilled the righteous demands of Justice, God raised him from the dead.
God's prophetic words were "Thou art my sin, this day have I begotten you".
That's when Jesus became born again.
When Jesus took our sins upon himself, He died a spiritual death.
But God raised Him because He paid the full penalty.
But when He was raised, We were Declared not guilty because all our sins were paid for in Christ Jesus.

You don't need to pay any more for your sins. what He paid was adequate. It was enough.

When we have the Loveworld programs, Tune in. So you can learn the word of God for yourself. You can find out if what I am sharing with you is true or not.
For many years, many Christians kept away their bibles and waited for a priest to teach it to them
Jesus said you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
Romans 8:30
This is talking about us who believe in Jesus Christ.
We were Justified when Jesus was raised from the dead (Romans 4:24-25, Roms 5:1)
We are in friendship with God. God is no longer angry with us. He looks at us through Jesus. we have been declared righteous.

We are predestinated, we are called. We are justified and we are Glorified.

Many Christians have not read this place to know that not only were we Justified, we were glorified.
We are not trying to take glory from God.

He gave you glory.
Every day of your life, Thank Him
You are glorified in your life, your health your family
Let your life give him thanks all the time.
No more stooping down.
Stand straight; Thank God everyday.

The dominion of demons over your life is broken.
You are restored to God's glory.
As He is so are we in this world.
Hallelujah Amen.


THE PROPHETIC MANTLE It is a scriptural metaphor for a calling, ministry, anointing and office, given to individuals by God which represents to God’s creatures the insignia or emblem of the office of a prophet and reflects the prophet’s scope of authority, discretionary latitude and sphere of prophetic service they are assigned by God.

A Prophetic mantle is a spiritual covering that comes or rests upon an individual in order to exercise a heightened degree of authority or dominion in the prophetic realm. It is an emblem of God’s manifest presence in the prophetic realm.

The greater truth is that mantles fall upon those who move in the realm of territorial dominion and is given to enable individuals to govern, rule, reign, enforce, subdue, conquer, and enthrone territories in the realm of the spirit on behalf of the Kingdom.

In its original context, the word, “mantle” refers to a cloak, jacket or a sleeveless garmentWorn over other clothes; a figurative cloak symbolising pre-eminence or authority, glory, kindness, excellence, essence or courage.

The mantle is therefore a thick covering of the anointing resting upon a human vessel for a permanent ordination into a specific office. The prophet’s power and source are wrapped up or encapsulated in the mantle.

Just before the Lord releases or cast a new mantle upon an individual for ordination into a specific office, He will often “dis-mantle’ that individual’s previous level of service.

The “dismantling” process might not be comfortable but it produces a greater weight of glory as penned by the apostle, Paul. Between the process of “mantling” and “dismantling”, the recipient of the mantle must therefore put himself in a “prophetic process” as there is a major shifting that repositions and realigns his spirit for divine elevation in the realm of the spirit.
Prophetically speaking, new mantles are falling on the earth in the same way manna fell from Heaven upon the Children of Israel.

Right now, there are mantles hovering over the Body of Christ, waiting to be released, and God is looking for those upon whom He can impart His prophetic mantle.

Some mantles will resemble things we have seen before, while others will empower believers to do things that have never been done before.

The Lord used the picture of William Branham to symbolically speak to me that there is once again about to be released over the Church a mantle that is similar to the one this great Prophet of God wore. It is a Mantle of prophecy. Not only will it release mass miracles, but it is deeply connected to our level of intimacy with the Person of the Holy Spirit. It is a mantle of extraordinary power as well as deep intimacy with God. This mantle releases creative miracles as the atmosphere of Heaven is released over our lives.
This type of mantle will not just cover one or two but will flow like a river to cover the masses such that millions will be thrust into the pool of prophesy.
God wants to release the river of prophecy over the Corporate Body of Christ as He is looking for vessels He can endure with power out in the marketplace. We are about to witness an avalanche of “backyard miracles”- miracles taking place in the homes, workplaces, market places, out on the streets, in hospitals and in the malls. We will see creative miracles everywhere God’s people go, just like the fall of dew every morning.

But this mantle requires a lifestyle of deep communion with God and a life of complete surrender, obedience and death to self.


Brethren GOD bless you all more in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

What a wonderful and glorious day that our LORD God has made that we should rejoice and be glad in it

Today i want us to look at the scripture:
Psalm 47:1
Clap to your hands,all ye peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph.
Having receiving the victory of God,why can't you sing praises to God Almighty with the voice of triumph so your Victory will be sure. Why?
Cause you have not received Victory by mistake nor by your own knowledge,but through Christ Jesus we have received Victory from God Almighty,so in return,let's clap our hands and lift up our voices with triumph to exholt his glorious works towards us.
I declare and decree that as you lift up your voices today and sing with the voice of triumph,all chains,pains,problems in your life and families will end today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen. may God grant you Favor and Victory over all your situations in life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen.


Prophetic Types

Which prophetic type or types do you identify with the most?

Moses- Delivering and shepherding prophet
Joseph- Administrative prophet, dreamer, interpreter.
Samuel- Judging prophet, fathering prophet (training other prophets).
Deborah- Governing and Judging prophet, Mothering prophet.
David- Governing prophet, worshiping prophet.
Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun- musical, worshiping prophets
Elijah- Confrontational prophet.
Elisha- Miracle prophet.
Isaiah- Evangelical prophet.
Jeremiah- Weeping prophet
Ezekial- Visionary prophet
Daniel- Governing, administrative prophet, visionary.
Haggai & Zecharaih - Building and encouraging prophets.
Anna- Praying and fasting prophet
Barnabas - Encouraging prophet, Apostolic prophet.
Paul- Apostle (missionary prophet).
Judas and Silas- Confirming prophets.
Agabus- Warning prophet

Prophetic insight
We have in the Bible
1.oral prophets
2.writting prophets

1.pre-exelic prophetsAmoshoseaJeremiah
2.Exelic- prophets
3.post exelic-prophets... restoration prophets


Jonah type of a prophet-a prophet of a broken ministry

Amos-prophet of a broken law

Hosea-prophet prophet of a broken heart

Which one are you?


Dream Dictionary of Symbols
20 Most Common Dreams
From our unlocking your dreams course.

Various ministries and organizations have logged literally thousands of dreams and therefore have been able to decipher the most common dreams that people have. The following is not a comprehensive list and they are not listed in any particular order, but they are 20 of the most common dreams that people experience.

1. Dreams of Your House
This one would easily rank in the top five most common dreams. The house normally represents your life, and the circumstances taking place in the house reflect the specific activities in your life. These dreams may also reflect the church as well. Individual rooms of the house may represent specific things. For instance, if the bedroom appears, the dream may have something to do with issues of intimacy. The bathroom may represent a need for cleansing. The family room may be a clue that God wants to work on family relationships and so on.

2. Dreams of Going to School
These dreams often center on taking of tests. The tests may be for the purpose of promotion. Or you might find yourself searching for your next class-an indication that guidance is needed or a graduation has just occurred. You might be repeating a class you took before, possibly meaning that you have an opportunity to learn from past failures. High School dreams may be a sign that you are enrolled in the School of the Holy Spirit (H.S. = High School = Holy Spirit). There are limitless possibilities. These are just a few examples. Interestingly enough, the Teacher is always silent when giving a test!

3. Dreams of Various Vehicles
These may indicate the calling you have on your life, the vehicle of purpose that will carry you from one point to another. Cars, planes, buses, etc., may be symbols of the type or even the size of the ministry you are or will be engaged in. That’s why there are different kinds of vehicles. Note the color of the vehicle. If it is a car, what is the make and model? Observe who is driving it. Are you driving or is someone else driving? If someone else is driving, who is it? Do you know the person? Is it a person from your past? If the driver is faceless, this may refer to a person who will appear sometime in your future or that the Holy Spirit Himself is your driving guide.

4. Dreams Concerning Storms
Storm dreams tend to be intercessory, spiritual warfare-type dreams. They are particularly common for people who have a calling or gift in the area of discerning of spirits. These dreams often hint of things that are on the horizon –both dark, negative storms of demonic attack for the purpose of prayer, intercession, and spiritual warfare, as well as showers of blessing that are imminent. What kind of storm is it? Are there tornadoes involved? What color are they? Tornadoes can indicate change that is coming good or bad. Also tornadoes can indicate great destruction.

5. Dreams of Flying or Soaring
Flying dreams deal with your spiritual capacity to rise above problems and difficulties and to soar into the heavenlies. These are some of the most inspirational and encouraging in tone of all dreams. When awakening from a dream where you fly or soar, you often wake up feeling exhilarated. Ascending-type dreams are more unusual yet edifying. Remember, we are seated with Christ Jesus in heavenly places far above all principalities and powers.

6. Dreams of Being Naked or Exposed
These dreams indicate that you will be or are becoming transparent and vulnerable. Depending on your particular situation, this may be exhilarating or fearful and could reveal feelings of shame. Note: these dreams are not meant to produce embarrassment but rather draw you into greater intimacy with the Lord and indicate places where greater transparency is required. These types of dreams often appear during times of transition where you are being dismantled in order to be re-mantled.

7. Dreams of Condition of Your Teeth
Often, these dreams reveal the need for wisdom. Are your teeth loose, rotten, falling out, or are they bright and shiny? Do you have a good bite? Are you able to chew your cud? Teeth represent wisdom, and often teeth appear too loose in a dream. What does that mean? It may mean that you need a wisdom application for something you are about to bite off. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

8. Dreams of Past Relationships
This kind of dream may indicate that you are being tempted to fall back into old patterns and ways of thinking. Depending upon who the person is in the dream, and what this person represents to you, these dreams might also be an indication of your need to renew your former desires and godly passions for good things in life.
Seeing a person from your past does not usually mean that you will literally renew your old relationship with that individual. Look more for what that person represents in your life – for good or bad. A person who was bad in your life may represent God’s warning to you not to relapse into old habits and mind-sets that were not profitable. On the other hand, a person who was good in your life may represent God’s desire or intention to restore good times that you thought were gone.

9. Dreams of Dying
These dreams are not normally about the person seen in the dream in a literal sense, but are symbolic about something that is passing away or departing from your life. The type of death may be important to note. Watch, though, to see if resurrection is on the other side.

10. Dreams of Birth
Normally these dreams are not about an actual childbirth but rather about new seasons of purpose and destiny coming forth into your life. If a name is given to the child, pay close attention because that usually indicates that a new season in the purposes of God is being birthed. There are, of course, exceptions to this where an actual pregnancy and birth is going to take place.

11. Dreams of Taking a Shower
These are cleansing-type dreams (toilets, showers, bathtubs, etc.) revealing things that are in the process of being flushed out of your life, cleansed and flushed away. These are good dreams by the way. Enjoy the showers of God’s love and mercy and get cleansed from the dirt of the world and its ways. Apply the blood of Jesus and get ready for a new day!

12. Dreams of Falling
These dreams may reveal a fear you have of losing control of some area of your life or, on the positive side, that you are actually becoming free of directing your own life. What a substance you fall into in the dream is a major key to proper understanding. The outstanding primary emotions in these dreams will indicate which way to interpret them. Falling can be fearful, but it can also represent falling into the ocean of God’s love.

13. Dreams of Chasing and Being Chased
Chasing dreams often reveal enemies that are at work, coming against your life and purpose. On the opposite side, they may indicate the passionate pursuit of God in your life, and you towards Him. Are you being chased? By whom? What emotions do you feel? Are you afraid of being caught? Or maybe you are the one doing the chasing. Who are you chasing? Why? Again, what emotions do you feel during the chase? The answers to these questions and, particularly, the dominant emotions in the dream, will often help determine the direction of its interpretation. Often the Lord appears in various forms, motioning to us, saying, “Catch Me if you can!”

14. Dreams of Relatives, Alive and Dead
Most likely, these dreams indicate generational issues at work in your life both blessings and curses. You will need discernment as to whether to accept the blessing or cut off the darkness. This is particularly true if grandparents appear in your dreams, as they will typically indicate generational issues.

15. Dreams Called Nightmares
Nightmares tend to be more frequent with children and new believers in Christ, just as calling dreams do. They may reveal generational enemies at work that need to be cut off. Stand against the enemies of fear. Call forth the opposite presence of the amazing love of God, which casts out fear, the fear has torment!

16. Dreams of Snakes
The snake dream is probably one of the most common of all the categories of animal dreams. These dreams reveal the serpent – the devil with his demonic hosts- at work through accusation, lying, attacks, etc. Other common dreams of this nature include dreams of spiders, bears, and even alligators. Spiders and bears are two other major animals that appear in dreams that show fear. The spider in particular, releasing its deadly poison, is often a symbol of witchcraft and the occult.

17. Dreams of Dogs and Cats
After snakes, the most common animal to appear in dreams is the dog. A dog in your dream usually indicates friendship, loyalty, protection, and good feelings. On the other hand, dog dreams may also reveal the dark side, including growling, attacking, biting, etc. Sometimes these dreams reveal a friend who is about to betray you.

18. Dreams of Going Through Doors
These dreams generally reveal change that is coming. New ways, new opportunities, and new advancements are on the way. Similar to dreams of doors are dreams including elevators or escalators, which indicate that you are rising higher into your purpose and your calling.

19. Dreams of Clocks and Watches
Clocks or watches in a dream reveal what time it is in your life, or the need for a wake-up call in the Body of Christ or in a nation. It is time to be alert and watchful. These dreams may indicate a Scripture verse as well, giving a deeper message. Are you a watchman on the walls? If so, what watch are you on?

20. Dreams with Scripture Verses
Sometimes you may have a dream in which Bible passages appear, indicating a message from God. This phenomenon may occur in a number of ways: verbal quotes where you are actually hear a voice quoting a passage, digital clock-type readouts, and dramatizations of a scene from a Bible, just to name a few. Quite often these are watchmen-type dreams, dreams of instructions filled with ways of wisdom.

Red – Wisdom, anointing, & power Negative – anger, war

Blue – revelation, communion Negative – depression, sorrow, anxiety

Green – growth, prosperity, conscious Negative – envy, jealousy, pride

Brown – compassion, humility Negative – compromise, humanism

Gold/amber – purity, glory, holiness Negative – idolatry, defilement, licentiousness Purple – authority, royalty Negative – false authority

Orange – perseverance Negative – stubbornness

Silver – redemption, grace Negative – legalism

Yellow – hope, mind Negative – fear, cowardice, intellectual pride

Pink – childlike, love of God Negative – childishness

Gray – maturity, honor, wisdom Negative – weakness, compromise

White – righteousness, holiness Negative – religious spirit

Black – death, mystery Negative – sin, darkness

1 – God; beginning; source; unity; first in order, time, rank, or importance
(Genesis 1:1; Ephesians 4:4-6; John 10:30; John 17:21-22)

2 – Multiplication; division; union; confirmation; testimony; witness
(Genesis 2:23-24; Matthew 18:16; 1Kings 3:24-25; Genesis 1:7-8)

3 - Godhead (Triune God); divine completeness; perfection; resurrection; restoration
(Matthew 12:40; Matthew 28:19; Ezekiel 14:14-18)

4 – God’s creative works; rule or to reign (Genesis 1:14-19)

5 – Grace; redemption; fivefold ministry (Ephesians 4:11; Genesis 1:20-23)

6 – Man; beast; Satan (Genesis 1:26-27)

7 – Perfection; completion; rest; blessing
(Genesis 2:1-3; Revelation 10:7; Revelation 16:17; Deuteronomy 15:1-2)

8 – New beginnings (Teacher) (Genesis 17:12; Luke 2:21-23; 1Peter 3:20)

9 - Judgment (Evangelist); finality; fullness; harvest
(Galatians 5:22-23; 1Corinthians 12:8-10)

10 – Journey; wilderness; law; government; responsibility (Pastor) (Exodus 34:28)

11 – Transition, lawlessness, disorder (Prophet) (Daniel 7:24; Genesis 32:22)

12 – Government; apostolic fullness (Apostle) (Luke 6:12-13; Matthew 19:28)

13 – Rebellion; backsliding; apostasy (Genesis 14:4; Genesis 10:8- Ni**od was the 13th
generation from Adam and birthed in Babylon)

14 – Double anointing (Matthew 1:17)

15 – Reprieve; mercy (Leviticus 23:34-35; Ester 9:20-22)

16 – Established beginnings; love (1Corinthians 13:4-8)

17 – Immaturity; transition; victory; election (Genesis 37:2; Genesis 47:28; Genesis 8:4)

30 – Blood of Jesus; beginning of ministry
(Matthew 26:14-15; Genesis 41:46; 2 Samuel 5:4; Luke 3:23)

111 – My beloved Son

666 – Full lawlessness

888 – Resurrection

10,000 – Maturity

Buildings & Places
Note the size and purpose of the building.
House: a ministry; a church; a personal life situation; your life or family

Dream about a previous home: past; generational issues (childhood home); could be related to the color; location; memory; family history

Buying, or living in, the house of a known person in the ministry: God may have a similar call on your life

Two-story house: double anointing Castle: authority; fortress; royal residence Barn/warehouse: a place of provision & storage
Mall: Positive: market place; provision for all needs in one place, Negative: self- centeredness; materialism

Stadium: place of tremendous impact

School: training period, a place of teaching; a ministry with teaching anointing Classroom: training period, a place of teaching; a ministry with teaching anointing Elevator: rising or descending in anointing.

Staircase: up or down in the spirit (anointing); can speak of portals

Foundation: important foundational issues

High-rise buildings: high spiritual calling; high spiritual perception; heavenly point of view (looking down on things from above)

Hotel: transition; temporary; place to relax or receive

Country General Store: provision, staples; basics

Mobile home: temporary place & condition, it is going to move or can move, can represent poverty

Tent: temporary place of rest; meeting place with God

Amphitheater: something is going to be magnified

Theater: increase of visibility or notoriety in the public eye; success; speaking about a part to play in a certain situation

Windows: prophetic vision or understanding; letting light in

Atrium: light and growth from heaven

Garden: love; intimacy; growth Front porch: vision; future Back porch: history or past
Hallway: transition that is usually direct or without deviation

Hospital: place of healing

Garage: place to rest & refresh; place of protection; a covering for ministries

Auto repair shop: ministry restoration; renewal and repair

Gas station: to receive power

Office building: getting things accomplished; may speak of the 5 “five-fold” offices

Roof: spiritual covering

Shack: poverty

Farm: place of provision

Disney: Positive: place of extravagance in God, Negative: not in touch with reality;

Restaurant: Positive: place of spiritual feasting, Negative: gluttony; feeding on the wrong things (example would be trying to survive on fast food)

Restaurant kitchen: greater influence or impact; preparing spiritual food for others; teaching ministry

Rooms in a House
Attic: history; past issues; family history

Basement: Positive - foundation; basics. Negative- hidden issues

Bathroom: place of cleansing; spiritual toxins removed

Bathroom in full view: humbling season; others aware of cleansing

Bedroom: intimacy and rest

Dining Room/Eating: partaking of spiritual food; fellowship

Kitchen: preparing spiritual food; teaching ministry

Living Room: family life; fellowship; how you are living

Alligator: ancient, evil out of the past; danger; destruction; evil spirit; slander and gossip (large, crushing jaws); aggression

Bat: witchcraft; unstable; flighty; fear

Bear: judgment; strength; an evil spirit that wants something you have

Polar Bear: religious spirit

Beaver: industrious; busy; diligent; clever and ingenious

Bird: spirits, good or evil

Bull: persecution, intimidation; spiritual warfare, strong evil spirit; opposition, threat (as in trying to bully you); economic increase (as in a “bull market”), careless and rough (as in “a bull in a china shop”)

Camel: endurance; long journey; servant; beast of burden

Cat: self-willed; untrainable; predator; unclean spirit; bewitching charm; stealthy, sneaky, deception; something precious in the context of a personal pet

Black Cat: witchcraft

Cheetah: swift and fast; predator; danger; can be a play on word for “Cheater”

Chicken: fear, cowardliness

Hen: protection; gossip; or motherhood

Rooster: boasting, bragging; proud

Chick: defenseless; innocent

C**t: Positive: bearing the burden of others, Negative: stubbornness

Crab: not easy to approach

Crow (raven): Negative: confusion; outspoken; operating in envy or strife; hateful; unclean, Positive: God’s minister of justice or provision

Cow: subsistence, prosperity

Deer: graceful, swift; sure-footed, agile; timid

Dog: Positive: loyalty, friendship, faithfulness. Negative: unbelievers; religious hypocrites

Donkey: Positive - gentle strength; burden bearer, Negative – stubborn

Dove: Holy Spirit

Dragon: Satan

Dinosaur: old stronghold; demonic; danger from the past (generational stronghold)

Eagle: prophetic; prophetic calling; having a heavenly view point

Elephant: invincible; thick skinned, not easily offended; powerful; large; having great impact; storing memory; old memory; long pregnancy

Fish: souls of men

Fox: cunning; evil men; sly or sneaky; something that steals from you

Frog: spirit of Lust, demon, curse, witchcraft

Goat: Negative: sinner; unbelief; stubborn; argumentative; no discernment; blamed for others wrong doing (as in “scapegoat”), Positive: prosperity in some cultures

Hare: fast, hasty, quick

Hawk: predator with good vision; unexpected attack

Hen: one who gathers; protection

Horse: power, strength; conquest

Lamb: Jesus (sacrificial lamb); gentle; innocent

Leopard: swiftness; sometimes associated with vengeance; predator; danger

Lion: Positive: Jesus “Lion of the tribe of Judah”; royalty or kingship; bravery; confidence, Negative: Satan seeking to destroy

Lobster: not easy to approach Mice: devourer; curse; plague; timid Mole: spiritual blindness; hidden
Monkey: mocking spirit; foolishness; clinging; mischief; dishonesty; addiction

Mountain Lion: enemy; predator of your soul

Octopus: Jezebel spirit (because of the tentacles)

Ox: slow change; subsistence

Black Panther: high level witchcraft; demonic activity; works in darkness

Peacock: pride

Pig: ignorance; hypocrisy; religious unbelievers; unclean people; selfish; gluttonous; vicious; vengeful

Raccoon: mischief or rascal; night raider; thief or bandit; deceitful

Ram: sacrifice

Rat: feeds on garbage or impurities; unclean spirit; invader

Raven: evil; Satan

Serpent: Satan or evil spirits

Sheep: the people of God; innocent; vulnerable; humility; submission; sacrifice

Skunk: stench or smell (as in “stinking up a situation”); messy situation; unforgiveness; bitterness; bad attitude

Sloth: slow moving; easy prey; vulnerable

Snake: Satan; deception; lies; unforgiveness or bitterness (especially if you are bit by a poisonous snake)

White Snake: spirit of religion; occult

Sparrow: small value but precious

Tiger: danger; powerful minister (both good & evil); soul power

Tortoise: slow moving; slow change; steady; old way of doing something; wise

Whale: big impact in the things of the Spirit; going deep in the Spirit

Wolf: Satan and evil; false ministries or false teachers; predator; working with others to bring destruction (i.e. working in an evil pack)

Ant: Positive: diligence; wise. Negative: small; insignificant

Bee/hornet: painful, strong demonic attack

Butterfly: Positive: freedom; fragile; temporary glory; transformation, Negative: flighty

Flies: evil spirits; filth of Satan’s kingdom; Beelzebub -“Lord of the flies”; live on dead things; the occult

Grasshopper: destruction

Moth: symbol of destruction

Roach: infestation; unclean spirits; hidden sin Scorpion: evil spirits; evil men; painful attack Spider: occultic attack; witchcraft
Spider Web: place of demonic attack; ensnaring or entrapment


East: Beginning: (sunrise); law (therefore blessed or cursed); birth; first. Psalm 103:12; Genesis 11:2; Job 38:24

North: Spiritual: judgment; spiritual warfare; heaven Proverbs 25:23; Jeremiah 1:13-15

South: Natural: sin or corruption; flesh; world; temptation and trial; deception

West: End: (sunset); death; last; grace. Exodus 10:19; Luke 12:54

Right: accepted; rewarded by God; authority; favor; power; the strength of man or the power of God revealed through man; (Right Turn = natural change). Matthew 25: 31-40; Acts 2:33 &34; 1Peter 3:22; Matthew 5:29a, 30a

Left: rejected; condemned by God; weakness (of man), and therefore God’s strength or
ability; (Left Turn = spiritual change) Matthew 25:31-46; 2 Corinthians 12:9, 10

Back: (sometimes depicted as a “backyard” or “backdoor”) previous event or experience (good or evil); past sins or sins of forefathers; unaware; unsuspecting; ambush; hidden; memory. Joshua 8:4

Front: (sometimes depicted as “front yard”, “front door” or “front porch”) future; prophecy;
immediate or current (i.e. “at your front door”) Genesis 4:7; Revelation 4:1

Nature & Weather
Storms: (note the color of the storm) light in color can be from God; dark can be trouble from the enemy; turbulent times; judgment

Tornadoes: winds of change (negative or positive depending on the color of the tornadoes); destructive times coming; judgment; drastic change; danger

Tidal Wave: great move of the Holy Spirit; revival; judgment; natural disaster

Wind: Positive: Holy Spirit. Negative: adversity

Rain: blessing; cleansing (clear rain); from enemy (dirty rain)

Earthquake: judgment or shaking

Snow: blessing; refreshing; righteousness; purity

Blizzard: inability to see; storm with the purpose of blinding you

Mountain: place of prayer or worship; Heaven; place of safety and refuge; place of meeting with God; impossibility or obstacles

Valley: dark night of the soul; hopelessness; sadness; fear; time when God seems silent; low time emotionally; place of decision; place of hiddenness with God

River: Holy Spirit; Rive of Life; presence of God; move of the Holy Spirit; coming into God’s promises and your Promise Land

Trees: (depending on size and type) leaders; mature believers; people; steady and firmly rooted; Jesus Christ; country or nation; national leader

Evergreen Tree: long life; a person who is always fruitful and beautiful

Body Parts
Arm: strength; faith Beard: maturity Thigh: faith

Nose: discernment

Hand: relationship; healing

Teeth: wisdom; comprehension; understanding Eye Teeth: revelatory understanding Wisdom teeth: ability to act in wisdom

Immobilized Body Parts: some sort of spiritual hindrance probably under demonic attack

Hair: wisdom; anointing; glory

Bald Head: lacking wisdom

Nakedness: transparency; humility; humbling season

Neck: Negative: stiff necked or stubborn, Positive: support or strength

Eye: heart; spirit; eyes of the Lord; seer or prophetic gift; spiritual perception

Side: relationship; friendship

Thumb: apostolic, Apostle

Pointer: prophetic, Prophet

Middle: Evangelistic

Ring: pastor

Pinky: teaching

Flying: call or ability of move in the higher things of God; understanding into the spirit realm of God

Gate: spiritual authority; entrance point for good or evil

Key: spiritual authority; unveiling of secrets

Kiss: Coming into agreement; covenant; seductive process; enticement; deception; betrayal; betrayal from a trusted friend

Life seasons: may include former places you have been or lived, former schools, tests, or jobs; assess what was significant about that season of your life

Miscarriage: to lose something at the preparatory stage, whether good or bad; plans aborted

Money: gain or loss of favor; greed

Check: favor

Credit Card: attempting to walk in something that you don’t have yet; debt; lack of trust

Pregnancy: in process of reproducing; preparatory stage; the promise of God; the Word of God as seed; prophetic word; desire; anticipation; expectancy; filled with the purposes of God that are preparing to come forth

Repeating activities: God establishing a matter or issue; repeating because you are not listening

Television: spiritual sight and understanding; entertainment; fleshly cravings and desires; dull spirit

Weapons & Objects
Knife: brutal attack or gossip; if you are holding it, then form of protection

Sword: Word of God; further reaching; authority

Gun: spiritual authority good or bad; spiritual attack

Dart: Negative: curses; demonic attack, Positive: accuracy

Arrow: Negative: accusation from the enemy, Positive: blessing of children; a focused message or life (i.e. “shooting an arrow” with your life)

Shield: faith; protection; God’s truth

Crown: symbol of authority; seal of power; Jesus Christ; to reign; to be honored or rewarded

Coat: mantle; anointing

Swimwear: ability to move in the Spirit

Speedo: to move fast in the spirit

Shorts: a walk or calling that is partially fulfilled

Bathrobe: coming out of a place of cleansing; spiritual slumber; mantle or anointing

Pajamas: spiritual slumber

Cultural clothing: calling to another country or intercession for a particular country or ethnic group

Wedding Dress: Covenant; deep relationship; Bride of Christ

Shoes: gospel of peace

Clothing that doesn’t fit: walking in something you’re not called to do; trying to operate in another person’s job or calling

Tattered Clothing: mantle or anointing not being taken care of

Airplane: able to go to heights in the Spirit (prophetic gifting); can relate to the church, ministry, or corporation; size and type of plane will correlate to the interpretation

Automobile: personal ministry; your destiny or life Convertible: open heaven in your personal ministry, job, or life Bus: church or ministry

Truck: ability to transport or deliver

Semi-truck: transporting large amounts

Tow Truck: ministry of helps; gathering the wounded

Fire Truck: rescue ministry; putting out fires of destruction

Moving Van: transition; change

Tractor: slow power; may speak about need to plow hard ground or sow seed

Combine (Harvester): evangelistic ministry; harvest of souls

Bicycle: individual ministry; calling requiring perseverance and hard work

Motorcycle: fast; powerful; maneuverable

Fred Flintstone Car: human effort

Mickey Mouse Car: purpose is colorful & entertaining

Armored Car: protection of God

Taxi Cab: shepherd; hireling for someone (driver); paying the price to get where you are going (passenger)

Stagecoach: rough, difficult ride

Rollercoaster: Positive: a wild ride that God is directing; exciting, but temporary, Negative: a path of destruction that has the appearance of excitement at first

Limousine: Positive: being taken to your destiny in style, Negative: materialism

Train: a movement of God; a church denomination; something with great momentum, force and following

Coal car: on track; being directed by the Lord

Hang glider: going somewhere in the Spirit; being driven by the wind of the spirit

Mini Van: family

Ocean liner: impacting large numbers of people Tugboat: providing assistance, ministry of helps Sailboats: powered by wind of the Spirit Riverboat: slow, but impacting many people Speedboat: fast, exciting, power in the Spirit

Submarine: undercover and active, but not seen by many; a hidden ministry; going deep in the spirit

Subway: undercover & active, but not seen by many Helicopter: mobile and flexible; able to get in Spirit quickly Chariot: major spiritual encounter
Spaceship: to the outer limits spiritually speaking

Baby: new life; new Christian; new ministry or responsibility that has recently been birthed; new beginning, new idea; dependent and helpless; innocent; sin

Twins: Positive: double blessing and anointing, Negative: double trouble

Mob: false accusation

Harlot/Prostitute: a tempting situation; something that appeals to your flesh; worldly desire; a demon

Hijacker: Negative: enemy wanting to take control of you or a situation, Positive: God taking control

Husband: Jesus Christ; something you have committed to; an actual person

Lawyer: Positive: Jesus Christ (our advocate), mediator, Negative: the accuser of the brethren (Satan); pertaining to legalism

Prisoner: a lost soul; addiction

Shepherd: Jesus Christ, God; leader, good or bad; selfless person; protector

Carpenter: Jesus; someone who makes or mends things, a preacher; someone who is building something in spirit or natural (i.e. building a ministry or business)

Bride: Christ’s church; covenant or relationship

Giant: Positive: Godly person of spiritual stature; strong in the Lord; a conqueror, Negative: demon, defilement; demonic strongman

Policemen: authority for good or evil; protector; spiritual authority

Food Items
Apples: spiritual fruit, temptation, something precious (i.e. Israel is the apple of God’s eye)

Tomato: kindness or big hearted; the heart of God; very generous

Strawberries: goodness; excellence in nature and virtue; healing; sweet; humble

Lemons: sour; a poor sport

Pears: long life; enduring much without complaining

Manna: God’s miraculous provision; coming directly from God; glory of God; bread of life

Bread: Jesus Christ; bread of life; Word of God; source of nourishment; God’s provision

Wine: Positive: outpouring of the Spirit of God, a move of God, Negative: drunkenness;
love of the world

Meat: something meant for the spiritually mature; depth in God’s word

Milk: Good nourishment; elementary teaching; immaturity

Water: Holy Spirit; refreshing; Word of God

Eggs: promise of God; prayers yet to be fulfilled; something that has not yet “hatched” or
come into being, treasure

Grapes: Fruitfulness; success in life; evidence of being connected to Christ

Honey: sweet; strength; wisdom; Spirit of God; abiding anointing; sweet Word of the Lord;
the best of the land; abundance

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