
I help travel lovers to drop their jobs, start an online business and travel full time.


MOOD: Happy to be back in Spain 🇪🇸

For now it was just a short vacation, but I’m sure I will be back for a longer period of time.


Because I love the feeling of not having to go back home for anything. No ending date, no retour ticket. Just the feeling of going whenever you like to go.

I am unbelievably grateful that I created myself a lifestyle that allows me to do this. Working & travelling at the same time, spending my time how I wish to spend it.

I can really love what I do, without worrying to go back to a life I don’t want to be in.

Working on my OWN dream, instead of working on the dream of my boss.

Isn’t that worth it all? 🦋



After meeting each other through the online world, we met each other this weekend in real life. And wow, the energy I felt was amazing.

We had some nice and deep conversations about our personal life and we discussed some business to help each other out! It really felt like we known each other so well already.

This was one of the reasons why I started to work online. The be part of a group of like-minded, positive, supportive others knowing there is more in life. All working on their dreams and passions, lifting each other up. Empowering each other!

That’s is where the community is all about. You are never alone in your journey.

Amazing energy over here!

It really is a second family, and I am so grateful to be part of this group 💛


Coffee on every corner on the street with beautiful souls 💛

That’s my answer if you are asking me ‘What makes you happy?’

Maybe it is just a simple thing, but life is about enjoying the little moments.

I want to feel the freedom of doing the things I love. I want to experience the independency to plan my own days. I want to connect with the lovely people around me. I want to be passionate about what I am doing. I want to feel joy in every single day. Not just only in the weekends, my life is too much worth for me for that.

It was my best decision ever to create a life that I LOVE, that I can’t wait to wake up to and I want you to feel the same! Let’s connect with each other & we make this happen for you! It is time for you to choose for yourself and create a life you LOVE! 🙌


Live the life you want instead of living the life other people want you to live

Because the truth is..

Most people aren’t living an extraordinary life. They are going through life without realizing what they are doing or what they actually want. They are waiting for approval for the things they are doing, and want to be liked by those around them.

Do you recognize that?

Well I did, I was doing most things because I thought I needed to do it, because the people around me or society expected this from me. I wasn’t doing what I wanted to do, I felt lost and disconnected from myself.

But let me tell you..

You can’t live the life you want, by doing the things other people want you to do.

You have one life and you need to live this life. Don’t let other peoples opinion distract you from your own path. Free yourself from al those opinions that are not aligned with who you are.

It was so scary to first follow my own path, without the approval of my environment. But honestly, it was the best decision ever. I created a life, that is aligned with my future and my dreams, but first I needed to step out of the expectations from society. Through this step I can say I am living my life, I am actually living how I want to live!

You need to evolve every day in order to become the person you want, and live the life you want.

Believe that you can actually live the life you want and act in a way that aligns with this belief.

It is so worth it 💛


You might be thinking..

‘No, weekend is almost over’
‘Oh no, It is Monday tomorrow’
‘I don’t want to go to work’
‘I don’t feel like working until 5 today’
‘Just one more day before weekend’

Wait a minute there…

Is this really how you want to spend your time & your life?

Why won’t you create a life where you can’t wait to work, because you just love it?

Please remember: life is too short to work the dream of someone else, or to work until your retirement.

What if I tell you..
.You can work on your passions? .You can make an online income through social media? .You can work and travel at the same time? .You can be your own boss and create your own workschedule?

Would you do it? 💛



Time for some new adventures!

Next chapter: living in Amsterdam for the upcoming weeks.

This is exactly what I call location freedom, I can choose where I want to be and what I want to do next.

And all because of this incredible business opportunity. Meeting you Julia, really changed my life. I’ve met you through an advertisement on social media, I was curious & I wanted to know more about working online. I never felt much for working for a boss, working a 9-5 job until my retirement. I wanted to break free from society, I wanted to live a life I love.

Then, I immediately fell in love with this business, where my dreams won’t stay just dreams.

Saying ‘yes’ to this opportunity, to my coach, to the community, changed my life for the better. I stepped into the unknown, but it wasn’t scary at all. I felt in my place, with all the help I received. The support and the inspiring & positive mindset of everyone is incredible ✨

I learned everything about online marketing, without any previous experience and look where I am now. Receiving more and more freedom into my life every day. I am choosing to become the person I want, I am choosing to create the life I want.

I can choose where I want to be & what I want to do in my life.

Freedom, the most important part of a happy life for me.

Now I can help you create this freedom into your life as well. Saying ‘yes’ to yourself, doesn’t have to be scary. We are all here to help you 💛



Taking responsibility for my life and for my future was the best decision I’ve ever made.

And it wasn’t an easy one. There were days where I wanted to stay in my comfort zone, where the easy option to was to not take responsibility.

But I am so grateful for myself for stepping into my power, for getting out there and getting out of my comfort zone.

I asked myself the question ‘What is the reason you wanted to start in the first place?’

Because my why is always moving me forward in life.

I know there are a lot of people who want a change, but don’t know how.

First, you have to make realistic goals.

What can you do today to make this dream come true? What can I do today to step into my power?

Then, take responsibility for your life. Don’t settle for what you have if it is not making you happy and if you want to make more out of your life.


Because believe me, there is more. You CAN create the freedom you’ve always wanted for yourself! And if you really want it, there will always be a way to make it happen.

Do it for yourself and do it for your future.

And then everything is possible 🦋



Why I love solo travelling so much?

Freedom & independence, the two most important pillars of a happy life for me. This is what I feel when I travel alone. I can plan my perfect trip & I can do exactly what I want and whenever I want it.

Also, getting inspired by other beautiful souls in the world. It’s amazing to meet other travelers and locals and connect with them. I can get totally inspired by others, planning their future, experience their perspectives and seeing all sides of the world.

When I travel alone, I have lots of time to reflect and think about things that are happening, to celebrate small wins from the past and plan things for the future.

You know what?

Your life is your time to own your life, to own your goals & to follow your dreams!

All I want to do is travel, so why not?🌞

I’m the lucky girl who found the way to make this dream become reality. Now it’s my time to inspire others to make their dreams come true.

Because you know what?

Everything is possible, if you are willing to make it work! Lets connect if you are ready for a new chapter in your life. ✨



Today, exactly one year ago I’ve made a life-changing decision.

For the first time I started listening to myself, what do I want in my life? And how can I achieve this for myself?

I knew I’m not a person for a normal job, working 9-5 for the rest of my life. That is not defining happiness for me.

For me happiness is when I’m free, free from one place, free in time, in location & in finances, free from working for a boss.

One year ago I’ve met my coach Julia, living the life of my dreams. Very soon I knew I wanted to create this life for myself.

It wasn’t an easy decision, it was completely something else from what i thought was possible. In fact, I did not know a thing about setting up my own business, about marketing or making sales.

But I took the step and I’m so grateful for myself doing that. I started to learn more about the online world and I’ve started taking responsibility for my future and yes, for the first time I invested in myself.

I’ve changed as a person, I’ve made big steps in my mindset. I’m creating a life for myself, where I’m free on all areas I was dreaming off. I’m enjoying every day working on my business, because I see myself growing as a person, as a coach.

Working with people with the same mindset, who also want to invest in their future, work towards their dreams is giving me so much energy. It is amazing to help these people, to actually make steps in doing it!

At this moment, after a year in the business, I’m so proud of myself and all the people who are also choosing for themselves.

Don’t settle for less guys, if there is so much more for you 💛



Yes guys, I am sure perseverance is the most important part when you start your business.

There are other big important attributes for entrepreneurs, like clear goals, a big passion & creativity, but perseverance is what makes you successful.

You will go through some downs and you are going to make some mistakes. Things aren’t going smoothly all the time. Sometimes you have to do two steps back, one step forward in order to make some progress.

If you still decide to push through then you can learn from your mistakes!

“Failing is the only opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently” - Henry Ford.

Perseverance is the reason why some people succeed and other people fail.

So yes, I am sure this is the key to achieving your goals.

My advice to persevere in the face of obstacles during your way?

☀️Begin with a clear vision: What are your goals & where are you working towards to?

☀️Visualize these circumstances: How do you feel when you overcome the obstacles?

☀️And stay consistent: Focus on your daily routine to make your business as successful as you wish!


Find yourself a soul that matches your energy 🌙⚡

Talking about energy..

Energy is what keeps you alive.

Do you know what gives you energy?

Let me tell you something..

For a long period of time I didn’t know what I wanted in life or what gave me energy.

I had gone to university because I felt I needed to, I was supposed to do it otherwise I wouldn’t get a job, a house or a comfortable life.

This is what people are telling us all the time..

FIRST you have to study & AFTER you can follow your dream.

But, this isn’t the only option.

When I found this community I felt understood. It was full of people like me, who couldn’t settle in society. This people where all looking for an opportunity to escape the path you was supposed to follow.

NO, you don’t have to find a study, even when you have no idea about what you want.
NO, you don’t have to work a 9-5 job to be financially free.
NO, you don’t have to do what you were supposed to do & what people told you in your youth.

All I wanted was traveling the world, see as much from other countries, from other cultures. I wanted to learn from other people, get in touch with other perspectives! I didn’t want to get savings during my job, to enjoy my vacation during two weeks a year. I wanted to make a life where working and travelling can go together!

The moment I found out that this is what is truly making me happy, I knew I had to do something with it. I knew there was a way to make this come true.

Let me tell you there will always be a way, once you know what you want!

YES, you can work online, without any previous experiences.
YES, you can be financially free & not work 40 hours a week.
YES, you can make this happen for you if you want to work on your dreams.

When you know what you want & what is giving you your life-energy, there will be a way to make it happen 💛



I love to introduce myself again, as I’m connecting with new people every day.

I am born & raised in the Netherlands. I’ve studied pedagogy and worked with children before. I did like the work, but it wasn’t fulfilling me. Every day I was thinking: ‘Is this it?’. I wanted to make more out of my life.

After living in Cape Town for six months, It felt like I couldn’t settle for my Dutch life anymore. I wanted freedom and independence again, what I felt in Africa.

I came in touch with my coach Julia, through the internet. She was living the life I wanted, with the freedom I was looking for. Yes, I wanted to be my own boss and I wanted to make her story mine.

But yes, of course, I’ve had some fears: ‘What if this isn’t for me?’, ‘What if I fail?’. Then I realized that I didn’t want to stay in the ‘What-if’ modus because this wouldn’t bring me anywhere. If I listened to this, I would stay in the same place where I was, the place I wanted to go out.

So I took the first steps. I’ve created my own online business and stepped out of my comfort zone.

I feel like I’ve grown so much, in my mindset and my life. My life changed for the better. I’ve learned to think in solutions and seek challenges and am now already experiencing this freedom I was looking for. I can plan my days, I can work whenever and wherever I want & the best part is that I feel proud and satisfied after a day full of business.

All the parts have come together, I’m feeling like I’m alive again. I wanted to escape ordinary life and get on a beautiful new adventure.

My advice: skip the ‘What-if’ modus, and jump on a new adventure in your life, where you can make your dream life come true. 💛


What if I fail?
What if it doesn’t work out?
What if things won’t go as planned?

Believe me, I had these questions before I started my journey.

But what if..

You succeed?
Things work out?
You enjoy the process?
Your hard work pays off?
You prove yourself?
You follow your dreams?
You develop yourself?

And finally my curiosity won. I started my online journey last year and I am amazed by the power of the online world. Right now I am to lucky person to share this opportunity with others who are looking for more freedom into their lives 💛

My advice: There is only one way to find out. Dare to take the leap, dare to start creating your own future.

What are you wishing for & how will you make it happen? 🦋



This is your life, so don’t feel stuck in it.

Stop living for the weekend.

Stop living for when you are done working.

Don’t settle for circumstances as they are, when you want more out of life.

If the work you are doing isn’t taking you to where you want to go, then change it.

Feel alive, embrace your life.

The best thing I ever did for myself?

Invest in myself, in my future. Invest my time & energy into an opportunity where I can create a life of my dreams.

It changed my mindset, the way I look at things.

I was looking for more freedom, and here I have it. Creating my own days, organize my own time. Being my own boss brings more freedom & independence. Right now I can work from wherever I want, whenever I want.

It is the best feeling ever.

Don’t settle for less & make your dreams become reality. 🙌✨



I always had the feeling that I was the only person in my environment who was looking for ‘more’. Who couldn’t deal with the work-make an income- travel cycle.

The moment I surrounded myself with the people in this community, with the same dreams as me & all looking for an opportunity to escape the 9-5 life. With the same future perspective and all looking for freedom into their lives..
. my whole world changed.

For the first time in my life I felt that there really was a way to make my dreams come true. I felt understood. So many people with the same vision as me. It was just MAGICAL.

These people inspire me every day, motivating me every day. They are creating the best version of me. Every day I feel inspired to work towards the life full of freedom and create life on my own terms.

I am so grateful for getting to know you Julia and that you introduced me into this community. You’ve changed my life in every perspective.💛

And you know what?

This also can be for you. Remember that there are always opportunities to realize your dreams. You just have to find the right people who encourage these dreams. Who will push you into the right direction.

Then everything is possible. 🦋



Take the chance, step into that life of your dreams.

Every moment is a new opportunity to create something new.

What would be the perfect moment for you?

What if I tell you there won’t be a perfect moment, there is always something that will hold you back.

So imagine your dreamlife in 5 years from now..

And imagine looking back to yourself now, and be proud of yourself for taking the first step NOW.

You can either take the risk, or you will always regret that you didn’t take it.

Let’s create the life of your dreams by taking the chances who come your way💛



Sounds easy & logic but it isn’t…

We often don’t realize we are stuck in a pattern, stuck in a routine and stuck in a normal life.

And that’s okay, until you realize there is so much more in life.

The moment I realized this was when I did my internship in South-Africa. For the first time in my life I felt free; free from society, free from the normal life. I lived day-by-day and I only did the things I wanted to.

Ever since is was back home I wanted to feel this freedom again. But there was so much holding me back; I had to finish my studies, I worked many hours to create an income & my friends and family were just doing the same.

It was just this year when I realized that life is a gift and I have to make the most out of it. I am done with living on the automatic pilot, and I want to make every day one to remember.

I also realized that when I want to achieve this, I have to do it myself. I am the only person who can create my own dreamlife. No one else will do it.

So I asked myself: “What is it that I want? What is it that makes me feel free again?”.

I booked a one-way ticket to Barcelona, without any plans. This is what freedom means to me. Every day is a new one, every day I do what I want. And honestly, I have no idea how long I will stay and what my next destination is. 🦋


My biggest realization?

Don’t become part of an automatic life where every day is the same.

Live every day like it’s your last.

Find your energy & do what makes you happy.

If you want to make it work, it will work. There will always be a way. 🙌



Honestly guys, how to describe my feelings about the last few days..

The one thing I have always dreamed about was to travel, without limitations, without a date to end and without any worries about time/money and work. All I ever wanted was to feel free.

I didn’t know that there was a chance to realise this dream for myself. I am so unbelievably grateful for this opportunity to came on my path, where work and travel can really go together.

The freedom I’m feeling right now, with no other plans for the future and no need to go back home for work…

For me it is the ultimate feeling of freedom for me, the power of living in the now. Every day I’m here in Barcelona I realise this more and more.

And then I meet these beautiful girls for the first time in real life! The girls I spent so much time with online. What a special moment, it felt like we know each other already! 🙌

I’m so grateful that I took the first step and dived into this beautiful life full of freedom, gratitude and happiness 🤍


A gentle reminder to make the best out of your life, do the things you love, and live your best life 🦋




Stop waiting for Friday, for summer, for better times.

Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now.

Do you believe happiness is a choice? ✨



There are many things we cannot control in life.
We cannot control how others feel about us.
We cannot control what others think.
We cannot make decisions for others.
We cannot control everything around us.

Sometimes it looks like our mind is automatically thinking in problems.
But often it is not the problem that cause the issue.. but it is the way you look at the problem.
By complaining that something we have to do is too hard, we add another layer of difficulty.
Take a breath and then just do it.

❊ Do not crowd your mind with “𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘧𝘴”.

❊ Change “𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯’𝘵 𝘥𝘰 𝘪𝘵”, to “𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘯”.

❊ Change “𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦?”, to “𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘦?”

✨𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝘆 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗮𝘁 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 ✨


Time for some reflection 💪🏼

If you feel stuck in the same cycle,
If you are dreaming of something else, of good things, of happiness,
If you are waiting for success to come to you,

This was definitely me one day, BUT I decided to no longer wait for these thing to come te me. I took the first step. Curious about what changed for me? Just send me a message!

Stop dreaming, and start doing! Work for it and make it happen.✨



I officially registered my business!
Hyped & excited to start this journey.



Why wait if it is something you've always wanted?

📍Marrakesh, Morocco



I am Iris, a 21-year-old-Dutchie! After I finished my bachelor Pedagogy, I started to realize that this is not what I want my whole life. Let me tell you why 👇

- First of all, I love to travel. I have seen a lot of the world and I have been to Cape Town six months. I love to meet new people, discover a new culture and learn from all the new experiences.

- Second of all, I started to realize that if I am going to work in the field in which I studied, I'm never going to have the freedom to travel whenever and wherever I want.

So what did I do when I realized this?
Even thought I found it a little scary, I took the first step and joined the online community and started an online business. There are a lot of coaches who will always help me. I feel supported in every way!
Everyday I am learning new stuff, the community will also help you with personal development.

So, what are the benefits to start an online business?
- Location Freedom, you can do this from anywhere in the world! 🌎
- Your business will basically run on auto-pilot, so you will have a lot of free time!
- You will create your own income.
- Coaching calls with other entrepreneurs, who also started their online business.
- Me and others as a coach for people who also want to start an online business.
- Invest in yourself and in your personal development.
- Learn everything about marketing and advertising!

But most importantly, you are also going to help others who have the same dream as you, by starting an online business and follow their dreams 🕊

Hope it was worth reading! Have a wonderful day ☀


When do you get that feeling of ultimate freedom?

For me this are the moments when I'm abroad, discover a new culture and don't have to worry about anything. ☀


Are you ready for a change?


Look at this view!

p.s. vineyards are my favorite places to go when I'm abroad 🍇


📍 Halong Bay, Vietnam ⭐

📍 Mornings like this.. ⭐

📍 Make your dreams come true ⭐️


One thing I have learned during this process is that there are so many people who will help you.

Surround yourself with people who inspire you and help you grow.💪


Do you believe happiness is a choice?


Take time to do whatever makes your soul happy ☀️


A quote to think about.. What would you do if you had no fear?


📍 South Africa, Cape Town.

What is your next destination? 😍


You can only grow when you go out of your comfort zone 🕊


Road trips to dream of.. 🇿🇦


Can't wait to have a view like this again! 😍🌍


Only do things that make you happy!

Make your days count! 😍

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