
VONK is a co-creation night with sustainable innovation, art and inspiration | www.vonked.nl And we are starting in Hong Kong! Why does VONK exist?

VONK is een een co-creatie avond met duurzame innovatie, kunst en inpiratie. VONK is een co-creatie avond voor start-ups die een duurzame uitdaging aangaan. VONK dient als een platform voor feedback voor beginnende ondernemers, terwijl tegelijkertijd positieve, relevante cases uit de duurzaamheid met gevarieerd publiek van 30-50 man gedeeld worden. Een VONK avond bestaat uit een inleiding op het t


Tonight is the night, prepare your mind for some tricky puzzles!
You will get some interesting facts about the current mass extinction we are facing and at the same time have the opportunity to share your input and help the young start-up Polte Games solve one of their biggest challenges:
How can Sixth Extinction generate capital to sustain itself while listed as a free application?

Get your last-minute ticket for tonight’s online zoom event (18:30-20:00), sign up for free via [email protected]
Please feel free to join our online TheRockGroup network event afterwards! Sign up via https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/tickets-trg-sustainability-networking-event-online-116727407819


Did you know that since the demise of dinosaurs 65 million years ago, we face a global mass extinction of wildlife right now?

The mobile application “Sixth Extinction” addresses this crisis by raising awareness in a playful way: the completion of different puzzle games and levels allows the player to get to know more and more about the current extinction crisis.

But the young start-up Polte Games is facing a challenge: How can Sixth Extinction generate capital to sustain itself while listed as a free application?
Join us for an online session of VONK, where students, game-lovers, young professionals and experts meet and together create valuable input for the start-up.

The zoom meeting will take place on the 27/08/2020 from 18:30 to 20:00, please sign up last-minute for free via [email protected]

TRG Sustainability Networking Event (Online) 21/08/2020

You are into mobile games? You successfully managed to generate capital with your free application? We want you!

On the 27th of August VONK is hosting its first online edition together with the Finish start-up Polte Games, who developed a mobile puzzle game to raise awareness about the current mass extinction crisis. We will discuss and brainstorm together about challenges the young enterprise is facing.

Join game-lovers, experts, students and young professionals to create valuable input for Polte Games and help the app make an even bigger impact.
Sign up via [email protected] for a free ticket on 27/08/2020 from 18:30 to 20:00 via zoom.
Please feel free to join our online TheRockGroup network event afterwards! Sign up via https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/tickets-trg-sustainability-networking-event-online-116727407819

TRG Sustainability Networking Event (Online) Thé way to get in contact with other motivated sustainability professionals and enthusiasts from the TRG network.


It is known that throughout history, our earth has faced five mass extinctions of species as a result of natural calamities. But did you know that we are currently in a sixth mass extinction? And that this mass extinction is caused by human activities?

The single biggest cause of extinction today is the loss of habitat for many species. Practices such as agriculture, mining, forestry and urbanization in an unsustainable manner have disturbed or destroyed more than half of Earth’s land area.

To increase awareness for this extinction as a result of our own actions, Juha Salo from Polte Games has developed a dark and atmospheric mobile puzzle game that sends users on a journey concerning the current mass extinction crisis.

During the coming online VONK we brainstorm over the question: How can Sixth Extinction generate capital to sustain itself while listed as a free application?
Sign up via [email protected] for a free ticket on 27/08/2020 from 18:30 to 20:00 via zoom.

Ptthee - Vroege vogels 18/08/2020

Goed verhaal van Ptthee bij Vroege Vogels op radio 1!
Luister hier de uitzending terug:

Tijdens onze laatste VONK editie hebben we samen met ptthee gebrainstormt over het vraagstuk: Hoe kan ptthee hun unieke verhaal delen met het publiek?

Aankomende online editie brainstormen we met Polte Games over de vraag: "How can a free gaming app aimed at enhancing awareness about the sixth mass extinction financially sustain itself?"
Wil jij ook meedenken over dit vraagstuk? Meld je dan aan door een email te sturen naar [email protected]

Ptthee - Vroege vogels Radioprogramma over natuur, milieu, klimaat en duurzaamheid. Presentatie: Menno Bentveld.

VONK | ptthee - grow the company to grow biodiveristy - TheRockGroup 09/03/2020

Last week we invited curious minds and tea-enthusiasts to De Balie to share their thoughts and contribute to the success and expansion of the sustainable start-up Ptthee. By sowing flower/herb mixtures on the edges of fields from organic farms, they recreate healthy pastures. While ensuring improvements of living habitats for insects such as bees, ptthee also makes use of half of the herbs and flowers, making delicious tea you can buy online.

The young entrepreneurs Daan and Matthijs challenged the VONK-participants to think of cost-effective ways for their company to reach their target audience. The lovely thing about ptthee is: the more the company grows, the more herbs are sown on (unused) meadows of farmers, the more biodiversity in Dutch nature is enhanced.

Curious what they came up with? You missed the Vonk event and want to read up on it? Click on the picture or the link below to read more:

VONK | ptthee - grow the company to grow biodiveristy - TheRockGroup This VONK session focused on sustainable start-up ptthee. Sowing herbs on farmers' meadows, ptthee increases biodiversity of Dutch nature with each tea-bag.

Deze natuurherstellende thee zorgt voor blije boeren en bijen. 24/02/2020

Not sure yet whether you should join our latest VONK edition happening THIS WEDNESDAY?

Why not let Daan, founder of Ptthee, inspire you why you should join our brainstorm session to help this amazing Dutch start-up make organic farmers, enthusiastic tea drinkers and insects happy.

Meet the ptthee founders Daan and Matthijs at de Balie in Amsterdam this Wednesday, 26.02.2020!
Doors open at 19.15 o'clock - sign up here for free: [email protected]

Video credits go to MaatschapWij and BrightVibes NL.


Deze natuurherstellende thee zorgt voor blije boeren en bijen. Oer-Hollandse kruidenthee die de bodem herstelt, biodiversiteit een boost geeft, boeren motiveert om meer met de natuur samen te werken en consumenten in sta...

ptthee - H2. Oogsten. " van za**je tot kruidenthee" 05/02/2020

You have a cup of tea every day?

Ever wondered how those herbs actually get into your teabag? Ptthee takes you on its journey of creating Dutch organic tea for everyone!
Today we dive deeper into the second step: harvesting.


ptthee - H2. Oogsten. " van za**je tot kruidenthee" Dit is de tweede video van een serie van ptthee. De enige kruidenthee die Nederlandse natuur herstelt. Voor meer informatie zie ptthee.nl

ptthee - H1. Zaaien. " van za**je tot kruidenthee" 04/02/2020

You have a cup of tea every day?

Ever wondered how those herbs actually get into your teabag? Ptthee takes you on its journey of creating Dutch organic tea for everyone!


ptthee - H1. Zaaien. " van za**je tot kruidenthee" Dit is de eerste video van een serie van ptthee. De enige kruidenthee die Nederlandse natuur herstelt. ptthee is een start-up die kruiden inzaait bij boeren....

Top 10 Things That Would Happen if BEES DIED OUT 29/01/2020

Find out about the top 10 things that would happen if bees died out.

Wondering why you should care? Short answer: no bees, no food, no humans.


Top 10 Things That Would Happen if BEES DIED OUT In the 1990s, beekeepers started recording major losses of worker honeybees during the winter months. Since then, there have been mass die offs in many of th...

Timeline photos 26/01/2020


We love insect. We love bees. We love the Netherlands.

But biodiversity in the Netherlands has decreased over the past view years at an alarming rate.

The start-up Ptthee wants to contribute to improving biodiversity in the Netherlands by producing Dutch, organic, local tea - that not only you as consumer but also the farmers as meadow providers benefit from.

Join us and TheRockGroup for an evening full of brainstorming, discussions and out-of-the-box ideas at De Balie on 26th of February from 19:15 to approx. 21:00. Sign up via [email protected] or reserve seats via the Facebook event.

Timeline photos 24/01/2020

In February we are going to connect you with Ptthee, a Dutch start-up on a mission to have a positive impact on biodiversity, whilst creating high-quality tea.

Daan van Diepen and Matthijs Westerwoudt work together with Dutch organic farmers. They grow their herbal mixtures on the unused edges of the fields and meadows of the farmers. Creating space for, for example, bees and butterflies. This way, together with farmers, ptthee contributes to restoring biodiversity in the Netherlands.

Join our brainstorm session together with co-host TheRockGroup - learn about biodiversity in the Netherlands and collect ideas how can ptthee share their unique story? See you on the 26th of February at De Balie Amsterdam from 19:15- 21:00! Sign up via the facebook event or send us an email: [email protected]

This event will be most likely hosted in English, but you are more than welcome to share your ideas in both English or Dutch!

Why is biodiversity so important? - Kim Preshoff 22/01/2020

"Our planet’s diverse, thriving ecosystems may seem like permanent fixtures, but they’re actually vulnerable to collapse.

Jungles can become deserts, and reefs can become lifeless rocks. What makes one ecosystem strong and another weak in the face of change?

Kim Preshoff details why the answer, to a large extent, is biodiversity."

Why is biodiversity so important? - Kim Preshoff View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-is-biodiversity-so-important-kim-preshoff Our planet’s diverse, thriving ecosystems may seem like permanent f...

Timeline photos 21/01/2020


On the 26th of February we welcome Dutch Start-up Ptthee at de Balie in Amsterdam, to brainstorm together about challenges the young enterprise is facing.

The founders Daan and Matthijs dedicated their business to not only make consumers happy, but also the farmers and insects included in the process. How?

By sowing strips of wild flowers and herbs on strips of meadows (otherwise unused by farmers), Ptthee creates more habitat for insects, restores depleted soil and brings nature back to the farmer's land.

With every cup of tea you drink using ptthee's delicious teabags, you support sustainable and social change. Help the start-up make an even bigger impact and join the brainstorm session end of February. Sign up here for free: [email protected]


Products | ReBlend 11/12/2019

We are very excited for tonight's discussion on circular fashion, recycled fibres and how to further enhance conscious fashion choices among consumers.
Professionals, students, shopaholics - everyone is welcome to join the discussion with ReBlend and TheRockGroup at De Balie TONIGHT!!
Starting 19:15 - last minute free sign up here: [email protected]

More infomation on ReBlend: http://bit.ly/ReBlendProducts

Products | ReBlend PRODUCTSTo offer a solution for the great contamination of used textiles, ReBlend develops textiles and textile products made from recycled fibers. They are a positive alternative for the conscious consumer, to replace the regular products that people are used to. PRODUCTENOm een oplossing te bieden...

Circular clothing: the next step in sustainable fashion 10/12/2019

"It is an unfortunate fact that clothes, even those made of organic, low impact or recycled materials, are often not reused or recycled themselves. The majority end up in landfill or are incinerated."

And that is why we need circular fashion in our lives! Companies like ReBlend developed textiles made from recycled fabrics and bio-cotton.

You want to be part of raising awareness among consumers and debating about solutions to achieve the shift to "conscious consumers"? Join us this Wednesday at VONK | ReBlend for an interesting brainstorming and networking event - 19:15, free entry at De Balie in Amsterdam. Sign up here: [email protected]

See you there!

Circular clothing: the next step in sustainable fashion It is an unfortunate fact that clothes, even those made of organic, low impact or recycled materials, are often not reused or recycled themselves. The majority end up in landfill or are incinerated. Inspired by our recently launched partnership with Fashion for Good, Metabolic communications intern....

The role of charity shops in a circular textiles value chain 09/12/2019

Many of you have probably at least once in their life entered a second-hand store - nowadays they are available in all shapes and sizes on our local high streets.

Prolonging the life of your clothes by handing them to a new owner rather than throwing them away not only makes someone else happy but also helps the environment, saving them from being burned at some landfill. Charity shops is a kind of high-value recycling as one of the last steps needed to bring about a circular system.

Read more here: http://bit.ly/SecondHandClothingRole
Or join our VONK discussing with sustainable fashion brand ReBlend and TheRockGroup this Wednesday at 19:15 at De Balie - sign up here: [email protected]

The role of charity shops in a circular textiles value chain The charity shop, thrift store, kilo market; call them what you will, second-hand retailers in all shapes and sizes have been a permanent fixture on our local high streets for decades. By saving your wardrobe rejects from landfill and bringing them to new and loving owners, they prolong the life


Circle Economy and Recover designed a cotton recycling polite to help leading brands and retailers achieve their near-term commitments and address key barriers to recycling post consumer textiles at scale.

The project aims at creating recycled products that meet performance expectations, increase supply chain experience with mechanically recycled cotton, define cost drivers and reduction strategies for recycling post-consumer textiles and address potential chemical safety issues in the end product.

Curious? Follow the link to read more about this awesome project!
Don't forget to join our VONK event with TheRockGroup and ReBlend on the 11th of December to discuss circular fashion.


TAKING COTTON RECYCLING TO THE NEXT LEVEL It’s time for textiles and fashion to address our challenges head on and achieve real, tangible solutions for a circular future. Because no single company can move the entire industry alone, Circle Economy and Recover have designed a cotton recycling pilot to help leading brands and retailers achi...

Timeline photos 03/12/2019

ReBlend developed a 100% recycled yarn - it is made from 70% upcycled cotton waste and 30% recycled PET.

Lately the sustainable fabrics and fashion label identified a difference in how we value products made from bio-cotton vs. those made from circular / recycled textiles. But how can they position themselves best?

You’re a fashion expert? You’re a curious student who wants to know more about circular textiles and sustainable fashion? We’re excited to hear everyone’s input for the start-up - everyone is welcome, even if you’re ‘only’ a crazy shopaholic!
Join us during the upcoming session of VONK on the 11.12. at De Balie for an interesting discussion. Sign up via [email protected] - See you there!


One garbage truck of textiles wasted every second: report creates vision for change 28/11/2019

The fashion industry’s current take-make-dispose model is the root cause of many environmental impacts and substantial economic value loss. Every second, the equivalent of one garbage truck of textiles is landfilled or burned.

The Circular Fibres Initiative was launched in May 2017, calling for the fashion industry to adopt sustainable business models and create cross industry collaborations to achieve a transition towards a circular economy.

Want to read more about the report? Follow here: http://bit.ly/RedesigningFashion
Interested in a circular fashion brand: http://bit.ly/ReBlendProducts
Join the upcoming VONK discussion together with TheRockGroup all around circular fashion in December!

One garbage truck of textiles wasted every second: report creates vision for change Today, Ellen MacArthur and Stella McCartney co-host the launch of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s new report 'A new textiles economy: Redesigning fas...

Products | ReBlend 26/11/2019

The sustainable brand ReBlend focuses on developing innovative fabrics & apparel, circular fashion design and co-creation possibilities (eg. ReBlend x collection) in transition to circular textiles and apparel.

In the last years they have been researching, developing and launching first apparel prototypes. They work in different roles and collaborations to develop yarn, fabric and apparel that make fabric & fashion with a positive impact.

Explore their products and services here: http://bit.ly/ReBlendProducts
Want to engage in the discussion around circular fabrics and how to push the transition? Join our discussion on December 11 at De Balie - the event starts at 19:15.
Sign up here for FREE: [email protected]

Products | ReBlend PRODUCTSTo offer a solution for the great contamination of used textiles, ReBlend develops textiles and textile products made from recycled fibers. They are a positive alternative for the conscious consumer, to replace the regular products that people are used to. PRODUCTENOm een oplossing te bieden...


Vanavond is het zo ver: VONK | The Flower Family! Vanaf 19:15 uur ben je welkom in De Balie. We gaan luisteren naar het verhaal van start-up The Flower Family en samen opzoek naar oplossingen voor haar uitdagingen. Wil je nog last-minute aansluiten? Stuur een mailtje naar [email protected] en wees welkom!


"Mijn droom is om te leven in een schonere wereld." Via de link hieronder lees je hoe Rubin bij The Flower Family terecht is gekomen en vertelt hij over zijn dromen. Nog zo'n mooi verhaal dat The Flower Family wil delen! Denk jij met ons mee over hoe we dit creatief kunnen doen? Meld je dan aan voor VONK | The Flower Family via [email protected]


Op bloemenavontuur met opa Loek - even voorstellen - 19/09/2019

Meet Loek van Eeden, de opa van The Flower Family. "Passie en liefde voor bloemen en familie", dat zijn de verhalen die The Flower Family wil delen! Hoe kunnen ze dat het beste doen? Kom op 1 oktober met ons meedenken tijdens VONK | The Flower Family. Toegang gratis, aanmelden via [email protected]

Op bloemenavontuur met opa Loek - even voorstellen - Created by: http://www.theflowerfamily.nl http://www.jdzmedia.nl


Start-up The Flower Family handelt in duurzame bloemen met een verhaal. Denk jij tijdens VONK | The Flower Family met ons mee over hoe we dit verhaal op een creatieve manier kunnen verspreiden? Details: 1 oktober, 19.15 uur met borrel. Toegang is gratis, aanmelden via [email protected]



Helaas gaat de VONK: The Flower Family avond aanstaande maandag niet door, maar natuurlijk gaan we snel op zoek naar een nieuwe datum. Houd onze pagina in de gaten voor updates en dan zien we jullie binnenkort!

Vonk-avond: The Flower Family - De Balie 14/05/2019

VONK 27 MEI: The Flower Family

Bloemen met een verhaal, sociaal, duurzaam én stijlvol. Dit maken de bloemen nog mooier dan zij al zijn. The Flower Family is een start-up die met veel passie opereert in de bloemenbusiness door het handelen in duurzame bloemen.

Onder andere werkt The Flower Family samen met gecertificeerde kwekers die zich inzetten voor een duurzame werkwijze en streeft naar een duurzame bezorging van de bloemen. Ook begeleidt en coacht the Flower Family hun 'talenten': een groep mensen met een afstand tot de arbeidsmarkt die ze laten op bloeien in onze maatschappij door ze een veilige en vertrouwde werkplek te bieden.

Het bedrijf is groeiend en staat daarom voor enkele nieuwe uitdagingen. Op de VONK avond van 27 mei ontvangt TheRockGroup op een nieuwe VONK avond de oprichter van The Flower Family om samen met jullie na te denken over een vraagstuk wat in hun bedrijf speelt.

Heb je zin om een avond proactief mee te denken aan het vraagstuk, heb je kennis van de sector of heb je interesse in The Flower Family? Dan ben je van harte welkom op 27 mei vanaf 19.15 uur in De Balie op het Leidseplein in Amsterdam. De avond zal tot ongeveer 21.00 duren en je bent van harte welkom om daarna met ons aan de bar na te praten.

De toegang is gratis, wel graag opgeven bij [email protected]


Vonk-avond: The Flower Family - De Balie De Balie gebruikt cookies om het gebruik van de website te analyseren en het gebruiksgemak te verbeteren. Lees hier meer over

Photos from Vonk's post 21/01/2019

Thanks for joining our previous event in such big numbers! And a big thanks to VanPlestik for their interesting presentation.

Keep an eye out on this page, because we will soon be back with a new Vonk event!

Van Plestik - Startup in Residence Amsterdam 14/01/2019

Do you want to know more about the founders of VanPlestik and their philosophy about recycling plastic waste? Then check out this video!

Tomorrow you can listen to their story in De Balie and discuss how we can combat this problem.

Admission is free, but spots are limited. If you want to join us, then write us an email to [email protected].

Event: VONK: VanPlestik

Van Plestik - Startup in Residence Amsterdam Van Plestik is one of the startups of the Startup in Residence Program of the City of Amsterdam. www.vanplestik.nl www.startupinresidence.com


Ahmed Rihawi verbleef 3 maanden bij de familie van Hout in Rotterdam, waar hij liefdevol werd ontvangen. Heb jij goede ideeën voor Takecarebnb om meer gastgezinnen in Nederland te bereiken? Deel dan vanavond jouw ideeën bij VONK: Takecarebnb in De Balie!

Meld je aan door te mailen naar: [email protected]

Video Bron: OPEN Rotterdam


Ahmed Rihawi spent 3 months living with the van Hout family in Rotterdam. Do you have great ideas for Takecarebnb to reach out to more loving host families in the Netherlands? Then come and share your ideas tonight at VONK: Takecarebnb at the De Balie!

You can still apply by mailing to: [email protected]

Video source: OPEN Rotterdam


Sinds de oprichting van VONK: Takecarebnb in 2015 heeft deze organisatie al meer dan 150 vluchtelingen in contact gebracht met Nederlandse gastgezinnen. Neem een kijkje bij de mensen die met elkaar in contact zijn gekomen via dit programma!

Wil jij meedenken over hoe Takecarebnb meer vluchtelingen in contact kan brengen met nieuwe gastgezinnen? Kom dan 20 november naar De Balie!

Meld je aan door te mailen naar: [email protected]

Since Takecarebnb started in 2015, they have placed over 150 refugees in Dutch hosting families. Take a look at some of the people who have been connected trough the program!

Think along with us about new ways to connect more refugees with Dutch hosting families on the 20th of November at De Balie!

Apply now by sending an email to: [email protected]



Over 2 dagen is het weer zover, de editie van Oma's Soep zal plaats vinden in De Balie.

Nog niet aangemeld? Doe dat snel via [email protected]. Toegang is gratis.

Inloop: 19.15
Afgelopen om: 21:00

Wilt u dat uw bedrijf hét hoogst genoteerde Non-profit Organisatie in Amsterdam wordt?
Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.

Video's (alles zien)



Mauritskade 63

Andere Non-profitorganisatie in Amsterdam (alles zien)
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Mauritskade 64
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het Cultuurfonds het Cultuurfonds
Da Costakade 102
Amsterdam, 1053WP

Cultuur verbindt ons. We hebben elkaar nodig. Zonder ons geen cultuur. En zonder cultuur geen ons.

Amnesty International Nederland Amnesty International Nederland
Keizersgracht 177
Amsterdam, 1016DR

Amnesty International is een onafhankelijke beweging die zich inzet voor slachtoffers van schendingen van mensenrechten.

Herengracht401 Herengracht401
Herengracht 401
Amsterdam, 1017BP

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Milieudefensie Milieudefensie
Nieuwe Looiersstraat 31
Amsterdam, 1017VA

🌎 Voor klimaathelden, klimaatdrammers, klimaaterkenners, klimaatstakers en klimaatdoeners.

Plan International NL Plan International NL
Baarsjesweg 224
Amsterdam, 1058AA

Wat denk jij dat er gebeurt als we in meisjes gaan geloven? #GirlTheWorld 💪

Digital Marketplaces Association Digital Marketplaces Association
Van Breestraat 186/3
Amsterdam, 1071ZZ

DMA is the premier global community of leading players in the Digital Marketplaces Industry

Plan B Amsterdam Plan B Amsterdam
Hamerstraat 22
Amsterdam, 1021JV

Plan B is an Amsterdam based independent artist run space.

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Eerste Helmersstraat 17
Amsterdam, 1054CX

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