Filmhuis Cavia

Filmhuis Cavia: Amsterdams meest charmante filmhuisje! Amsterdam's most charming little cinema! Wat u ergens anders niet ziet, ziet u wèl in de Cavia!

Met 40 zitplaatsen brengt Filmhuis Cavia sinds 1983 een groot aanbod aan gevarieerde films. Klassiekers, films met maatschappelijke thema's en experimentele films. En dat voor slechts 5 euro of Cineville. Als u ons wilt bereiken kunt u het best een e-mail sturen naar [email protected]. Hoe er te komen: ga door de poort naar het binnenhof. Cavia zit aan de rechterkant, boven Xena Sports. Neem d

SOS Floods in Brazil | 08/05/2024

On a different note: the home town of one of our volunteers is flooded. To help those affected, we share the donation link our volunteer set up. It will be donated to an organisation giving first aid to those who are homeless at the moment. Please share.

Donation link

Live updates on these floods

SOS Floods in Brazil | Inzamelingsactie - My home state is facing the worst flooding in southern Brazil in our history. It's devastating to see friends and family displaced, and people in our communities lose everything from day to night, especially when the government's support is painfully lacking. I am far away f..

Photos from Filmhuis Cavia's post 24/03/2024

We can't wait to see you on Sunday 31st for On Motherhood — Director Talk & Preview Screening!

Inside Outside
Hanna Chetwin | 2023 | AU | 8’ | EN
A self-portrait during pregnancy, documenting physical changes while imagining the world outside as seen in utero. Sound by Alexander Garsden.

It is a knife because…
Sirah Foighel Brutmann and Eitan Efrat | 2022 | BE | 26’
A film made at home, born by processes of film-making and parenthood crushing into each other. The film carefully challenges notions of authority. The authority of parents, of image producers, and that which lurks outside the window. Is it a knife because… entangles love and violence with the most honest attempt to understand where light comes from.

Unlearning Motherhood
Juliana Erazo | Animation | 2024 | 2' (Preview) | EN / ESP

Join animator and director Juliana Erazo for an afternoon of discussion on the tender and complex subject of motherhood through the lens of her animated documentary project that has been in the making since 2022. There will be a short preview of the film, a Q&A with one of the film's interviewees, and an exhibition to launch of the Unlearning Motherhood interview series.

Unlearning Motherhood is an animated documentary that tells the stories of 6 cis and transgender women, and their experiences with what could be considered an unconventional motherhood. The film makes use of the fictional story of Dolores, the main character, as a read thread to connect the testimonials together.

Argelia, Luba, Sarah, Marcia, Guendalina and Vicky tell their experiences with postpartum depression, being child free, adoption, abortion, and transgender motherhood. Their real-life stories illustrate how diverse motherhood really is, and ultimately invite the audience to come together and re-think its standards.

This film, produced by Valk Productions, has been awarded grants by the AFK, NL Filmfonds, Stimuleringsfonds and Playgrounds Next, and it is currently in the final stages of production.

31 March at 17:00
Doors open at 16:00
€5 / Cineville card.

LONG LIVE FILMHUIS CAVIA! (Book Project) 21/12/2023

And thus concludes the crowdfunding campaign for our book..


A big 𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗞 𝗬𝗢𝗨 to everyone who donated and who shared the campaign!! You made our dream come true ❤️ 🥰

We will keep you updated on the book's progress!

LONG LIVE FILMHUIS CAVIA! (Book Project) De crowdfundingcampagne LONG LIVE FILMHUIS CAVIA! (Book Project) staat op Doneer nu en maak dit project van FILMHUIS CAVIA mogelijk!


Thank you to everyone for your generous donations and beautiful comments on our fundraising campaign. We have already raised €9,975 of €10,000 for our book and history project.

You can still donate or pre-order for two more days:

All extra funds will go towards research, programming and the organisation of our book launch in November 2024! 📖


Our crowdfunding campaign has just 48 hours to go →

Thank you for all of your generous donations so far!

Every penny you contribute will be spent researching and publishing our book about forty years of film, community and diy charm at Filmhuis Cavia, as well as the role of collectively-run non-profit microcinemas and screening spaces around the world.

In case you are more into totes than books, we have those too!


We have just a few days left to raise €3805. If you'd like to support us, now is the time ⏳

What will you be contributing to?
A beautiful record of four decades of neighbourhood cinema.

Filmhuis Cavia was founded forty years ago according to principles of solidarity, community and access. Despite the soaring costs of existing, we continue to charge €5 entry to ensure as many folks as possible can come by to enjoy our programming.

The warm and welcoming space that we create week after week is only possible thanks to the hard work and generosity of our collective of volunteers.

At the moment, we are in a phase of deep reflection, pondering what our space means and contributes to our community, especially amidst so many changes in our city and cinema-going worldwide.

Through the publication of a book in November 2024, we want to celebrate 40 years of our space, share stories and reflections from our archive, and lay the foundation for many more years of diy cinematic magic to come.

To make this dream a reality, we need a little help from you!

Please consider making a donation here 👛 →

Artwork by Juna Horstmans.

LONG LIVE FILMHUIS CAVIA! (Book Project) 06/12/2023

Long live filmhuis cavia!

We are officially halfway through our fundraising campaign. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far to help bring our book project to life in 2024. We cannot thank you enough for your kind words and warm support! 📽️📖

We have just two weeks and €5350 to go! If each of our followers here can find it in their heart and wallet to donate €10, we will have all the funding we need by the end of today :-)

To make a contribution, head to:

LONG LIVE FILMHUIS CAVIA! (Book Project) De crowdfundingcampagne LONG LIVE FILMHUIS CAVIA! (Book Project) staat op Doneer nu en maak dit project van FILMHUIS CAVIA mogelijk!

LONG LIVE FILMHUIS CAVIA! (Book Project) 05/12/2023

Last few days to help us with our book project

LONG LIVE FILMHUIS CAVIA! (Book Project) De crowdfundingcampagne LONG LIVE FILMHUIS CAVIA! (Book Project) staat op Doneer nu en maak dit project van FILMHUIS CAVIA mogelijk!


It's true! We are making a book!

Filmhuis Cavia is an independent cinema located at Amsterdam's Staatsliedenbuurt. This year, we are celebrating 40 years of our existence. To mark the occasion, we have been busy digging through the archive and thinking a lot about the past and future of our collective.

Now that most of our research is done, we begin to shape all our findings and interviews in the form of a book. The book will cover the history of our collective from 1983 to the present day, uncovering the origins of Cavia and the minds behind its inception, exploring the evolution of our cinema from its first films to its current dynamic q***r, political, and cult programming spanning different decades.

We would like to kindly ask you for a contribution to make this tangible piece of history possible. The majority of the funds raised will directly contribute to covering the printing costs, ensuring the realization of a publication that captures and shares the extensive history, legacy, and collective spirit of Filmhuis Cavia.

Needless to say, there are quite some perks when you choose to contribute!

For more information, go to:

Thank you so much ❤️

Veertig jaar filmhuis Cavia - Filmkrant 02/11/2023

Veertig jaar filmhuis Cavia - Filmkrant Het kleinste filmhuis van Amsterdam (veertig stoelen) bestaat veertig jaar. Filmhuis Cavia blikt met veertig films acht dagen lang terug op hun rijke film- en kraakgeschiedenis. Op vrijdag 11 november 1983, om negen uur ‘s avonds, vertoonde filmhuis Cavia officieel zijn eerste film: Stalker van An...

Photos from Tweede Nassau Ateliers's post 01/11/2023

On Sunday, at the Tweede Nassau Ateliers!


As part of our birthday celebration, we have a fantastic collab with Tweede Nassau Ateliers in the works! Check out their page for more info.

Still Moving
Open Studios | 5 November 12:00 -18:00

Op Zondag 5 November van 12 tot 18 uur zijn er presentaties in 20 ateliers, waarbij er in een aantal ateliers ook korte films vertoond worden. In 2019 vierde Tweede Nassau Ateliers het vijftigjarig bestaan en nu - vier jaar later - sluiten de kunstenaars uit het gebouw zich aan bij het veertigjarige jubileum van Filmhuis Cavia.

Deelnemende kunstenaars: Martie van der Loo, Niels Keus, Wafae Ahalouch, Nora Hooijer, Godelieve Smulders, Gabrielle Nuñez Larraz, Frank van den Broeck, Adriaan Rees, Frits Nolte, Lau Heidendael, Lies Neve , Suus Scheller, Peter Smit, Hans Jongsma, Marie Ilse Bourlanges, Liza Prins, Alma Teer, Karolien Buurman, Diana Blok, Leo Arnold , Frans Horbach, Veronica Nahmias, Frans van Tartwijk en Arjan van Amsterdam

Found in translation | 5 November 18:00
Aansluitend om 18:00 in studio 21 de video screening Found in Translation met 10 videos van hedendaagse kunstenaars. Voor wat te eten en drinken wordt gezorgd.

Still Moving - Kunsttraject | 4 november – 22 november
In 11 Etalages in de Staatsliedenbuurt tonen 10 kunstenaars stilstaande werken
die verwijzen naar bewegend beeld. Van der Hoopstraat 66, 41 ,88 en 89, Fannius Scholtenstraat 20, J.M.Kemperstraat 89, 121, 140 en 148 en van Hallstraat 13 en 31.
Deelnemende kunstenaars: Martie van der Loo, Wafae Ahalouch, Godelieve Smulders, Adriaan Rees, Lies Neve, Suus Scheller, Hans Jongsma, Diana Blok, Arjan van Amsterdam en Frans van Tartwijkartwijk.

Still Moving is onderdeel van het veertig jarig jubileum van Filmhuis Cavia

Photos from Filmhuis Cavia's post 07/12/2022

Feast your eyes tomorrow tonight at 20:30!
An Evening with Zachary Epcar 🔮🔮🔮

We are delighted to announce that Bay Area-based experimental filmmaker Zachary Epcar will join us to present several of his experimental films from between 2014 and 2021.

Epcar uses the luxuries of modern life to investigate the intangible terrors of consumerism. Shot on 16mm, his meticulously framed images are alienating in their familiarity, peeling back the layers of our desires to reveal a hidden crisis of identity.

Epcar's films have screened at the New York Film Festival, Toronto International Film Festival, International Film Festival Rotterdam, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Pacific Film Archive, Museum of the Moving Image, Media City Film Festival, European Media Art Festival, San Francisco Cinematheque’s Crossroads, 25 FPS, and elsewhere. He is a co-founder of Light Field, a film programming collective based in the Bay Area focusing on moving image art on celluloid.

Under the Heat Lamp an Opening
2014 | 10' | 16mm on digital
Expanded view of the lunch crowd at an open-air restaurant, from a bird's-eye of the exterior to the depths of the interior.

Return to Forms
2016 | 10' | 16mm on digital
A constellation of objects, each emerging into the soft peach-light void of an indeterminate condominium space.

Life After Love
2018 | 8' | 16mm on digital
A shifting in the light of the lot, where parked cars become containers for a collective estrangement.

2019 | 8' | 16mm on digital
The reenactment of a scene from a primetime soap opens this domestic psychodrama, an anxious look into the horrors of interior decoration and the boundless entanglement of things.

The Canyon
2021 | 15' | 16mm on digital
Portrait of the urban residential development as it slips into oblivion.


On Friday 25 and Saturday 26 November the Vrije Ruimte Festival will take place in Amsterdam, and Cavia is also joining!

On Friday, we will show the short documentary "Buurland - A land ruled by neighbors", about a neighbourhood in Utrecht in which a special sense of community has emerged. Afterwards there will be a Q&A with filmmaker Malìn van Weerdenburg, who also lives in Buurland herself.

Vrije Ruimte Festival: Buurland - A land ruled by neighbors + Q&A

Vrije Ruimte festival - 25 + 26 november 2022
OT301, OCCII, Cinetol, Rijkshemelvaart, ADM, De School, Nieuwland, De Nieuwe Anita, Filmhuis Cavia.
Conferences, discussion, art, music, docu, food, drinks, performance, live bands, guided tours, electronica, expo and much more.
Check all the details, line ups, programs and more on the AA website

This festival is a cooparation between Amsterdam Alternative and the Envisioning Free Space conference from Berlin.



Not sure what to do on this rainy Sunday evening? Why not join us for a very special one-night-only evening of analogue film with Ojoboca? 📽📽📽

Tickets from 19:00, screening at 19:30.

After premiering in film festivals and galleries around the world, it will be our great pleasure to screen the captivating Her Name Was Europa on 16mm at our humble filmhuis.

The artists - Anja Dornieden & Juan David González Monroy - be present and sharing a new, short film with us.

2022 | DE | 8' | 35mm | silent

A film about wanting to see a cat.

Her Name Was Europa
2020 | DE | 76' | 16mm | b/w | EN subs

The aurochs is the first documented case of wildlife extinction. The last known wild aurochs died in the Jaktorów Forest in Poland in 1627. Both hunting and the introduction of domesticated cattle led to its decline and disappearance. Its value, however, derived not just from being a source of sustenance. Traits that were attributed to the animal, such as speed, strength and courage, imbued it with great symbolic power. Some of its body parts were ascribed with supernatural powers. The skin of the forehead and a cross-shaped bone inside the heart were prized for their magical properties. Those who carried them became possessors of the animal’s traits. In Her Name Was Europa the filmmakers explore the scientific and Frankenstein-like attempts made to revive the species.


Photos from Filmhuis Cavia's post 03/10/2022

Some beautiful images coming to our screen this month! A fall program with John M. Stahl, Pátio Vazio and Esther Urlus


Tomorrow the 7th edition of Cinema Colombiano - NL will take place in our cinema, after their first evening in WORM Rotterdam.
At 15.00 Hecho en Villa Paz + La Pucha: an insight into the work of Victor González Urrutia, construction worker, writer, photographer, painter, and the most prolific Colombian filmmaker.
17.00 Cada vez que muero a film by Raúl Vidales, and co-prodced by the amazing Red Comunitaria Tras. Science fiction and documentary are brought together to narrate the resistance of transgender people in a country where their lives are highly vulnerable.
To close, a Colombian cult film, Triángulo de Oro by Jairo Pinilla, the legendary horror filmmaker.

Tot morgen! Nos vemos!


This Friday aemi presents at Cavia: IN THE LONG NOW, a touring programme with contemporary moving image work by Irish and international film artists. Afterwards a Q&A with the Irish filmmakers and aemi will take place.

Check out the trailer:

Photos from Filmhuis Cavia's post 03/09/2022

Within the framework of , Global Day of Action for access to Legal and Safe Abortion, Feministas en Holanda and Filmhuis Cavia would like to shed light on the urgent abortion struggles in Latin America: abortion is prohibited altogether and criminalized in the penal code in El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Suriname and the Dominican Republic. That is why Feministas en Holanda is organizing the Festival: ¡Decidir es Nuestro Derecho! - It's Our Right to Decide! Tto raise awareness about reproductive justice realities through the screening of 2 documentaries and to collectively nurture a learning space to share first-hand accounts by feminists in Europe and LAC, with the participation of , (through video) and Red Nica de Acompañantes (through audio).
This Festival aim to join forces with our comrades across the ocean, materially support their struggle, and provide a more encompassing perspective on the matter to European feminists and collectives working to advance reproductive justice. The funds collected from the ticket, popcorn and solidarity beer sale will be directed to Red Nica de Acompañantes.
Thanks to our compass from for providing us the documentaries. Go and check their amazing work in their Instagram page.
Illustration by
*The event is in English with Spanish translation

Photos from Filmhuis Cavia's post 20/07/2022

Wij genieten nog even na van de mooie Moons of Cavia avonden vorig weekend. Bedankt allemaal voor het komen!! ♥️

De aankomende maand houdt Cavia een zomerstop. Tot in september!


Filmhuis Cavia + Asian Movie Night: Friday 22 April, 20:00

The Cloud in Her Room
2020 | China | 98’ | EN subs

Zheng Lu Xinyuan is a filmmaker based in the Chinese city of Hangzhou. The Cloud in Her Room, her debut feature film, is about a 22-year-old girl named Muzi who wanders through a city that is constantly vanishing and changing with no place to attach oneself to.

The film avoids a linear timeline as if it is shot to follow Muzi's stream of consciousness, attempting to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through her mind. This way of filming shows Zheng Lu's point of departure as she says: "...feelings often only exist for a very short moment. They also shift. That kind of fluidity of what we choose to believe, follow, and hold on to, is what I’m interested in.”

The plot of this film is slippery, yet many scenes remain in the mind like a stream.


Join us tonight for a very special evening with London-based artist, writer, and curator Morgan Quaintance!

Over the past ten years, Morgan's experimental works have been exhibited worldwide, including at MOMA, IFFR, Open City Docs, CPH:DOX, and Alchemy Film and Arts Festival, among many others.

Doors and tickets from 19:00, films at 20:00!

A slight change to the programme, as below:

2022 | UK | 3‘
Surviving You, Always
2021 | UK | 18‘
The transcendental promise of psychedelic drugs versus a concrete and violent experience of metropolitan living. These two opposing realities form the backdrop for an adolescent encounter told through still images and written narration (LUX)
Sixth Form Acid
2022 | UK | 2‘
Anne, Richard and Paul
2018 | UK | 15‘
Rollostraat 18
2022 | UK | 2‘
A Human Certainty
2022 | UK | 21‘
A Human Certainty follows the neurotic ramblings of a death-obsessed romantic in the throes of post-breakup blues. (LUX)

A Q&A will follow.

Timeline photos 17/03/2022

Re:Voir dvds for sale at the bar!


Tonight at Filmhuis Cavia, we continue with our partial retrospective on the work of Mark Rappaport at 19:00 with Sergei / Sir Gay (2016), Becoming Anita Ekberg (2014), The Vanity Tables of Douglas Sirk (2015) ~ and later on at 21:00, with the breathtaking Chain Letters in a beautifully restored copy! Not to be missed!


Liebe Freunde! Our Mark Rappaport retrospective starts today with "Mozart in Love" an uncompromising masterpiece from 1975. Film starts at 20:30 ~

Photos from Filmhuis Cavia's post 07/03/2022

Filmhuis Cavia is proud to be presenting this partial retrospective of filmmaker Mark Rappaport in March! Rappaport will be at our venue on Friday the 18th to talk about his amazing films! Check out the full program on our website ~~


Here we are again, in lockdown again. We will miss you, but we are not going anywhere. Stay tuned, see you soon. Stay safe and take care ❤️

[art by Joanna Karpowicz]


Come tonight to the magical film night of Eric Leiser doors open at 19.00 films start at 20.00 On Friday 8 and Saturday 9 October, Cavia will be all about the work of award-winning artist, experimental filmmaker, animator and holographer Eric Leiser. There will be two different screenings with lots of short films and a feature film on Saturday. He will also be present for a Q&A afterwards. In our foyer you'll be able to admire RELICS: an exhibition of analog reflection hologram sculptures, dioramas with projection, drawings and woodblock prints by Eric Leiser.

Eric Leiser works in New York and is born in California. An alumni of CalArts experimental animation program, he was mentored by program creator/filmmaker/animator Jules Engel. After graduating from CalArts, he was mentored by artist/filmmaker Jan Svankmajer in Prague, CZ. Eric creates intricate works of animated film, sculpture, holography and painting along with film installation integrating animation, painting, sculpture, holography and ..Eric wil explain his work on Saturday

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Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.

Our Story

Met 40 zitplaatsen brengt Filmhuis Cavia sinds 1983 een groot aanbod aan gevarieerde films. Klassiekers, films met maatschappelijke thema's en experimentele films. Wat u ergens anders niet ziet, ziet u wèl in Cavia! En dat voor slechts 5 euro of Cineville. Bitcoin eveneens welkom!

Als u ons wilt bereiken kunt u het best een e-mail sturen naar [email protected]. Reserveren is niet meer mogelijk. Kaartjes kunnen vanaf een half uur voor aanvang aan de bar gekocht worden.

Hoe komt u er: ga door de poort naar het hofje. Cavia zit aan de rechterkant, boven Xena Sports. Neem de trap naar de 1e verdieping.


Filmhuis Cavia is a counterculture cinema, founded in 1983 by a squatters movement, that programs films you aren't likely to see anywhere else. It is run entirely by volunteers and our programmers work hard to find you brilliant movies and documentaries, particularly by female directors, from outside of the West or on 35mm. With just 40 chairs, our cozy cinema is one of the smallest cinemas in the Netherlands, and the smallest in Amsterdam, but our bar is fun and our prices are friendly so don't be shy about checking us out!

Our regular screenings are on Tuesdays (programmed by Cine Interzone), Thursdays and Fridays, but we also have extra screenings and film festivals throughout the year. Our tickets are just 5 euro, or you can use your Cineville card. And you can even pay with Bitcoins!

It is not possible to make reservations. Tickets can be bought at the bar, half an hour before the film starts.

How to get there: go through the gate. Cavia is on the right hand side, above Sportschool Xena. Take the stairs tot the 1st floor.

(photo by Guillermo Florez)

Video's (alles zien)

Help us create a book on the history of Filmhuis Cavia and its legacy within our city and community!
In the long now
Happy Monday Cavias! We have had a great long weekend with a galore of films and outdoor events. Thank you so much for s...



Van Hallstraat 52-I


Dinsdag 20:00 - 22:00
Donderdag 20:00 - 22:00
Vrijdag 20:00 - 22:00
Zaterdag 20:00 - 22:00

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