Wemos advocates structural change to realize global health justice.
✅ Feit of ❌ fabel: ontwikkelingssamenwerking heeft niks opgeleverd
Mirjam Vossen (sociaal geograaf) en Pieter Bon (journalist) gaan in gesprek over ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Heeft ontwikkelingssamenwerking niks opgeleverd? Is het een bodemloze put en zijn er alleen maar mislukkingen? Wat denk jij? Is het een ✅ Feit of ❌ fabel?
➡ Bekijk de hele video op www.ontwikkelingwerkt.nl.
Deze video is een initiatief van 17 ontwikkelingsorganisaties.
✅ Feit of ❌ fabel: ontwikkelingsgeld blijft allemaal aan de strijkstok hangen
Mirjam Vossen (sociaal geograaf) en Pieter Bon (journalist) gaan in gesprek over ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Komt ontwikkelingsgeld goed terecht? Wat is die strijkstok eigenlijk en is die er wel? Wat denk jij? Is het een ✅ Feit of ❌ fabel?
➡ Bekijk de hele video op www.ontwikkelingwerkt.nl.
Deze video is een initiatief van 17 ontwikkelingsorganisaties.
Elke dag werken er mensen wereldwijd, zoals Nzambi Matee, samen met Nederland aan oplossingen voor de grote problemen van deze tijd. Dit waardevolle werk, gericht op armoedebestrijding, gezondheidszorg, mensen- en arbeidsrechten, onderwijs en het aanpakken van klimaatrisico’s dreigt in één klap te worden vernietigd.
De bezuinigingen raken niet alleen de levens van mensen in kwetsbare situaties wereldwijd, maar raken ook Nederland zelf. Met de voorgestelde bezuinigingen ondergraaft Nederland ook zijn positie en invloed. Via onze ambassades en onze samenwerking met internationale partners krijgen we vitale informatie – en kunnen we een positieve bijdrage leveren aan diplomatieke kwesties.
Draai de bezuinigingen terug en zorg ervoor dat Nederland niet van de kaart verdwijnt!
Steun jij onze oproep? Teken dan de petitie: https://petities.nl/petitions/kies-juist-nu-voor-internationale-samenwerking
You've got mail! ✉️ Vandaag ontving elk Tweede Kamerlid een persoonlijke ansichtkaart.
Het kabinet-Schoof wil fors bezuinigen op ontwikkelingssamenwerking. De voorgestelde bezuinigingen dreigen het cruciale werk van mensen wereldwijd en de positie van Nederland met één onbezonnen pennenstreek weg te gooien. Nederland dreigt van de kaart te verdwijnen!
De afzenders van de ansichtkaarten komen van over de hele wereld. Zij vertellen hoe ze, in samenwerking met Nederland, werken aan oplossingen voor de grote uitdagingen van deze tijd: wereldwijde gezondheid, klimaatverandering, internationale veiligheid en een meer rechtvaardige wereld voor iedereen. Onze gezamenlijke boodschap vandaag is helder: met de voorgestelde bezuinigingen doet Nederland niet alleen afstand van zijn verantwoordelijkheid in de wereld, maar ondermijnt het ook zijn positie en invloed.
Draai de bezuinigingen terug en zorg ervoor dat Nederland niet van de kaart verdwijnt!
Steun jij onze oproep? Teken dan onze petitie:
Time for a break? ☕️ Our latest newsletter is filled with insightful articles on the most important global topics. Don't miss out on:
➡️ An opinion piece about the youth-led protests in and why governments must give young people seats at the table. By Elizabeth Warindi, Shila Ukumbini Salim and Julia Hochberger, published by Devex.
➡️ Our policy note with N'weti, where we analyse the fiscal space in hashtag and offer recommendations to increase resources for public health.
➡️ The latest Make Way for Youth podcast, discussing the role of religion in , particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Featuring special guest Reverend Adera Godfrey.
➡️ And more updates on the mid-term review of The Global Financing Facility (GFF) strategy, a call on the Netherlands to support the United Nations Tax Convention (on NRC), and an amazing reading tip!
🔗Read now:
Youth-led policymaking | Health financing in Mozambique | Make Way podcast | UN Tax Convention | And more **Newsletter September...
Stay connected with the world of global health! Get the latest studies, events, expert insights and Wemos tips delivered straight to your inbox. 📬
Join our newsletter and keep up-to-date on global health and health equity: https://www.wemos.org/en/newsletter
Vandaag vieren we Keti Koti. Een dag om stil te staan bij het essentiële recht van ieder mens om te leven in vrijheid. Met erkenning van het verleden en het streven naar een eerlijke en gelijkwaardige toekomst voor iedereen.
🗞 Catch up with our latest newsletter! In this edition, we highlight Wemos’ achievements in 2023 as we work towards global health justice.
You’ll also find our case study about the BioNTech vaccine manufacturing facility in Rwanda, gain insights from the World Health Assembly and listen to our Make Way podcast about intersectionality and SRHR.
Check out the newsletter and enjoy the read⬇️
Year overview 2023 | BioNTech Africa case study | WHA insights | And more **Newsletter June 2024**...
De nieuwe coalitie wil flink bezuinigen op internationale samenwerking. Daarom komen wij in actie! Juist nu is samenwerken aan een leefbare en hoopvolle toekomst hard nodig.
Want onze tijd brengt grote uitdagingen met zich mee, overal ter wereld strijden mensen tegen (klimaat)rampen, oorlogen, uitbuiting, armoede en ongelijkheid. Laat de wereld niet in de steek, stop de bezuinigingen op internationale samenwerking!
Eis jij ook een einde aan de bezuinigingen op internationale samenwerking? Teken de petitie! https://internationalesamenwerking.petities.nl
We've been very busy over the past month with key activities to advocate structural change to achieve global health justice! ⚕️
Some of our top updates:
1️⃣ We presented 'Monopoly, the Medicine Edition' to Dutch Members of Parliament 🎲 💊
2️⃣ Together with Partos, we reacted to the planned budget cuts in the new Dutch government agreement, which threaten global health 📊
3️⃣ We launched the 'Make Way for Youth podcast', a youth-led initiative that brings to the fore conversations on sexual and reproductive health and rights in sub-Saharan Africa, offering a space to break taboos and normalize conversations on this topic 🎧 . and much more. Take a look at our latest newsletter to see what else we have been up to ⬇️
Monopoly game presented to Dutch MPs | Government budget cuts | Priorities for the Pact for the Future | And more **Newsletter May 2024**...
Our latest newsletter is not to be missed! Here’s what you will find:
➡️ A new video featuring inspiring discussions on the realities, needs and aspirations of LGBTQ+ communities in the Global South.
➡️ Our assessment of the debate on the Dutch Global Health Strategy.
➡️ A call to the next European Parliament, elected in June, to promote measures ensuring access to medicines for all.
➡️ Recommendations from our white paper urging EU member states to unite and ensure every EU citizen has access to health workers.
➡️ An insightful reflection by Myria Koutsoumpa (she/her) on advocacy and collaboration during the Commission on the Status of Women
➡️ And more!
🗞 Would you like to receive our newsletter directly in your inbox? Subscribe after reading by clicking the “Subscribe” button in the footnote of the newsletter.
Decolonizing queerness in Africa | Debate on the Dutch Global Health Strategy | Call on access to medicines | And more **Newsletter April 2024**...
📢 Don't miss out on our latest ! Here's a glimpse of what awaits you:
➡️ Watch our new animation video, where we explain how we can keep new medicines affordable and reduce the financial pressure on our health system - all in under 2 minutes.
➡️ Check out our new infographic, with valuable guiding questions for researchers and policymakers to better understand why health workers migrate.
➡️ See how the Zambian government is interested in adopting recommendations from a shadow report on progress. Under the Make Way programme, Akina Mama wa Afrika led the report’s development by over 30 Zambian organizations.
➕And more!
Read here ⬇️
Animation: fair prices for medicines | Infographic on health workers migration | Zambia’s interest in shadow repo rt on SDGs | And more **Newsletter March 2024**...
📣 All EU Member States should move away from international competition for health workers, and instead take united action together, to ensure that these health workers can deliver high-quality healthcare to all EU citizens. This is our main call in our new white paper for our project Pillars of Health, a collaboration between Wemos and Center for Health Policies and Services (Romania), Media Education Centre (Serbia), Verein demokratischer Ärzt*innen (vdää*) (Germany) and VU Athena Institute (the Netherlands).
Our research shows that health workers in particular from countries in Eastern and Southern Europe are leaving for other, richer parts of Europe, in search of e.g. better working conditions and career prospects. The countries they leave behind are left with fewer health workers. Furthermore, we see that the so-called destination countries are unable to educate, recruit and retain sufficient health workers domestically.
In our paper, we therefore provide recommendations for EU Member States on how they can unite to solve the health workforce crisis and shortage in Europe. For example, by investing in robust, attractive health systems and increasing the education and training of health workers, health worker retention and recruitment efforts. Or by having incoming Members of European Parliament use the upcoming 2025 revision of the European Pillars of Social Rights Action Plan to develop and start monitoring health workforce targets indicators and equitable access to health services.
🇪🇺 Read more in our white paper: https://www.wemos.org/en/white-paper-on-how-to-solve-europes-health-workforce-crisis/
Athena - Research and Education Institute Demokratischer Ärzt*innen Fundația Centrul pentru Politici și Servicii de Sănătate Media Education Centre
Inspirerend interview in de Volkskrant met onze oprichter Wilbert Bannenberg over zijn strijd voor gelijke toegang tot geneesmiddelen voor iedereen in de wereld. "In de jaren zeventig hadden we een heel brede benadering. Omdat we constateerden dat mensen door armoede ziek werden, stelden we ook het hele politieke systeem ter discussie. "
Lees het interview:
‘Zes miljard mensen hebben vandaag de dag toegang tot medicijnen. Dus er is veel bereikt’ Zijn leven lang strijdt Wilbert Bannenberg (71) voor gelijke toegang tot geneesmiddelen voor iedereen in de wereld. ‘Als arts kun je misschien één keer per week een leven redden, ik wilde me richten op het hele systeem.’
🔍 Health workers in Europe are leaving their home countries for better working conditions and career opportunities elsewhere. However, this limits access to healthcare in the countries they leave behind. To improve access to healthcare and tackle Europe's health workforce shortages, we therefore need to uncover the true root causes of this migration. Why exactly are health workers attracted to other countries, and why do they choose to leave their home countries?
Our new infographic shows guiding questions - with an intersectional approach - for researchers and policymakers to better understand health worker migration. It helps us see that migration is the result of the interplay between individual and systemic factors.
Have a look on our website to learn more: https://www.wemos.org/en/infographic-guiding-questions-to-better-understand-health-worker-migration-in-europe/
Athena - Research and Education Institute Fundația Centrul pentru Politici și Servicii de Sănătate Verein demokratischer Ärzt:innen - vdää: Media Education Centre
On 12 March 2024, the Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) is organizing a hybrid press conference to discuss the latest developments for the , with a focus on the financing topic.
As concerns rise about the quality of treaty drafts and the lack of clear financing plans, the press conference will explain the currently proposed financing models for global health governance and their consequences for health equity. It will also elucidate the ramifications of private interests interfering in the negotiations, and outline the pathway to sustainable financing systems that foster global health justice, equity and solidarity.
🗓️ Date: 12 March 2024
🕧 Time: 12:30-13:30 CET
📍 Location: Ecumenical Center, World Council of Churches (Geneva) & online
🎙️Speakers: Mariska Meurs (Wemos), Nicoletta Dentico (.international) and Garrett Wallace Brown ()
🔗 More info and registration (in person and online): link in bio
Join us at the NGO CSW NY (NGO Committee on the Status of Women, New York) Forum for our interactive online parallel event ‘Leaving no one behind vs. pushing people behind. How can we reach those in the back first?’
Through storytelling and a panel discussion, we will dive into the role that the current financial system and alternatives play in addressing the right to health for all. We will be joined by speakers from Liliane Fonds Oxfam Great Britain and Wemos to understand how we can ensure a human-rights based approach centred on equity and justice in health so that those most marginalised can access the healthcare that they need.
✍️ Sign up here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_EF3FPnmXSMeYu__seyczvw #/registration
This webinar is co-organised by Akina Mama wa Afrika, Liliane Fonds, Oxfam Great Britain and Wemos under the Make Way programme.
Our newsletter is out now! 🎉✨
We’ve kicked off 2024 with renewed energy to pursue a world where everyone can be as healthy as possible. Dive into the latest newsletter to learn about our most recent work, including:
▶️ A new video for our access to medicines campaign: Play Monopoly, the Medicine Edition
▶️ Improving access to healthcare for wheelchair users in Zambia
▶️ An upcoming policy brief launch on health investments in Ethiopia
▶️ A new consortium for enabling access to medical innovations
▶️ New supervisory board members
▶️ Our collaboration in a webinar on health workforce challenges..and more! Enjoy the read! ✨⬇️
Video: Monopoly, the Medicine Edition | Improving access to healthcare in Zambia | New consortium | And more **Newsletter February...
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