

Art & Beauty as Medicine | Facilitator Creative Inner Journeys

Human Potential Coaching, workshops and retreats in the Netherlands and Sweden •
Sound as Medicine, Breath as Medicine, Art as Medicine, Breakthrough

Own transformational forms combine guided visualizations & meditations, protocol work of Altazar Mystery School, all-round creativity (art, dance, voice liberation, music enz.), breathing method (Methode Beter Ademen), hypnosis / regression / reincarnation, EFT enz.

Iggy Love on LinkedIn: #mixedreality #leadership #design #xr #ideation #collaboration 09/09/2024

Getting back to the work-flow by joining the hackaton in Stockholm.
It calls all good memories about the developing of ideas, brainstorming, innovation, co-creating and teambuilding 💥💖

Making steps back-forward 💫

Iggy Love demonstrated the product that we co-created just in 3 days of the event. Very impressed about his leading and filming professional skills!

You can see the results on linkedin 👍🏻

Iggy Love on LinkedIn: #mixedreality #leadership #design #xr #ideation #collaboration Introducing Edüface, a new way to learn in with MX Ink 🖊️ 3 days of hardcore , , dev, , at the…

”Jag älskar att bo nära naturen här i Skattungbyn” 26/07/2024

Thanks my friends for your enthousiasme by hearing that I am opening my coaching practice in Sweden! 💖 After a 3 years long break.
It took some time to integrate first in the new country!
Next to the individual transformative coaching I shall support companies with innovative processes and team building.
Great to combine living in the nature (as the journalist compared with the book Barnen i Bullebyn 😄) and visiting bigger cities, bringing the nature and free creative mind 🤗💖

”Jag älskar att bo nära naturen här i Skattungbyn” Företagscoachen, Vlada Lisinenko ursprungligen från Ukraina, bodde i Holland men såg filmer om Sverige och blev kär i vårt land. Packade väskan, lånade en bil av en kompis och reste två dygn för att komma hit.

Photos from VladaVibes's post 15/07/2024

After my announcement about an opening of my coaching practice here in Sweden, steps are following ☀️🌱

At the moment I am planning activities in Dalarna, Stockholm and the Netherlands. And it feels... good to be back on track 💖

In addition to the upcoming workshops, I am taking bookings for the coaching sessions now. The next opportunity is in the mid-August.

By taking a programme that is tailored to your purpose and need, you shall experience a deep journey.
It could be: getting to the source of an issue and exploring its cause, exploring a pattern that is limiting or even harming you or your loved ones, learning to relax or to energise yourself, exploring your authentic self-expression, finding your deeper purpose in life, discovering your talent or superpower(s), etc.

As you can see, there are many dimensions of possibilities that can be opened, healed and discovered.

Transformative means that we are working through all possible levels, as well energetically/ emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually (there are levels). The forms are deep as we shall work with the quantum field and much on a subconscious level (what is usually not reachable through thoughts / rational thinking).

I shared a lot in the past about an importance of this depth and some mechanismes of healing, undoubtedly, I shall return to these sharings later.

When you are ready for any change/ healing/ new steps in inner growth, you shall feel a 'yes'-impulse inside yourself, without any convincing from anyone outside of you.

To join a program you will need a courage, a fully commitment and readiness.

For my role it feels fitting to inform you rather than approach you.
When you are curious and feel ready, you will find a way to contact me and ask any questions you may have.

P.S.: the pictures are taken during the masterclass and sessions in the nature. In this certain case was my photo camera an extra tool to heal and to register a magic process 💖

Photos from VladaVibes's post 14/06/2024

Warming up fingers for 5 minutes sketches 😅
Recognize yourself or someone you know!! 😁😄
I fully preparation for Orsayran!! 🤸🏻‍♂️
Was asked to draw people on the upcoming festival 🎪🤹‍♀️🎤🎸🪗🎻
Picking up what I haven’t done since before the c-o-r-ona 😁
Yes, during congresses I had to capture key-note speakers just in 1 or 2 minutes as it was less most important than the message 🙂
World, I am coming back ….. 🙂


Proudly finished this huge and quite technical project!! 🤩
Watch with the sound.
And follow for more (snow) stories Snow as Medicine 👍🏻❄️


It had been early this year since my announcement that I had stopped focusing on visuals. Turning everything on again since the pandemic seemed unreal. Even though I had invested a huge amount here. Art in letting go in practice! 🙂
That period brought so many changes on all levels, that I mostly sought stillness to get the right answers. 'What now? And looking at my potential, what stood out the most? What caught my eye when the other (work activitt) was not there? What gives the most Pleasure to me and to my clients?'

I continued with ART.
Even though the coachees started coming to me naturally and I resumed coaching programmes.
Even though I started a new course, which I never thought of actually undertaking. And yet I always liked it, haircutting (exactly, hairdressing training). This totally fit with both art and coaching. I found out that holistic hairdressing exists and I know I will follow that natural line (instead of chemical).

And now, sending a shipment of paintings to California (really? 😃) for the first time, across the ocean for the first time, I realise that it's really starting to take hold. I am seen with my skills and passion, I am encouraged to let my basic talent shine and become visible in it or with it. Because it sparks something special in people. It moves, it brings something special into the home or it surprises family members or friends.

The photos of paintings I am sending now, I can only show when they are exhibited at the exhibition.

For now, I like to share a (more) realistic direction and I may share these portraits (of 8 in total) with my client's permission with my network. It was a great assignment to capture the expression of this beautiful family in honour of an anniversary.
Thank you Frédérique for this beautiful experience!

Vlada Lisinenko

Photos from Mora Yogastudio's post 22/03/2023

Great to have those opportunities when I can sometimes again appear as a photographer and filmer. Coincidentely or not, was asked lately by my old clients in the Netherlands, why am I not photographing anymore, 'Vlada, pls go on doing that!'


Yes! Going on with the kids art classes!

Hurra! Nu blir det fler målarklasser för barn (med ytterligare en åldersgrupp). På engelska. 🇬🇧 Perfekt tillfälle för barnen att öva både på sin språkutveckling OCH på att måla (i klasserna för de yngre barnen 3-5 och 6-10 får föräldrar vara med och tolka lite).

👩‍🏫 Klasserna kommer att hållas av Vlada Lisinenko , konstnär och kursledare, som flyttat till Sollerön från Nederländerna men som ursprungligen kommer från Ukraina.

📅 Tider & Datum:
Tisdag 28 mars 18:30 - 20:00 för åldrar 6-10 år. "Tema: Welcome Easter!"
Lördag 1 april 10:00 - 11:30 för åldrar 3-5 år. "Tema: Welcome Easter!"
Tisdagar 4 april, 11 april och 18 april 18:30 - 20:30 för åldrar 11-15 år. "Tema: Design your character!"
(Klasserna för den äldsta gruppen hänger ihop så det är en fördel om man kan gå på alla tre).
📍 Plats: Sockenhuset Sollerön (Studio Gliss). Ingång på gaveln mot Soldvägen. Gamla Norpan.

📝 För att vara med:
1. Swisha 50 kr per tillfälle och barn till 070-5166671 (till Jean Frenay, men pengarna går vidare till Vlada).
2. Skicka ett mail till [email protected] med info (in English) med datumet du vill gå, namn och ålder på barnet/barnen samt ditt telefonnummer (som vi bara använder om vi tex skulle behöva ändra något i sista stund).

✨ Vanligtvis kostar Vladas kurser mer men Återbruket Klippen sponsrar mellanskillnaden i arvodet och står för material.

ℹ️ Max antal per tillfälle: 10. Först till kvarn. Du behöver inte ta med annat än ett glatt humör. De större barnen (11-15) kan med fördel vara där själva, de mindre behöver ha åtminstone 1 vuxen med.

Så länge det inte står annat i inlägget så finns det platser kvar.

Vid frågor maila Vlada på: [email protected]

🫶 Hoppas ni vill vara med. Gilla, dela och tipsa gärna!

Transformatie vanuit liefde, aanvaarding en verbinding 12/03/2023

Dit schilderij is ontstaan nav mijn kwetsbare spirituele proces tijdens de transformatieve retraite door Robert Bridgeman in 2016.

Ik herken dit proces in meerdere casussen nu, wanneer ik met groepen werk of een intern proces in mijzelf aanga in de zelf-healing.

Transformatie vanuit liefde, aanvaarding en verbinding


en ‘ ‘ Het waren vele jaren van ballast opruimen.


Soms ben je jarenlang bezig om de ruimte voor je voorwaartse beweging (schoon) te maken. Onderweg naar een doorbraak, die telkens achter de horizon op de loer lijkt te liggen.

En dan blijkt een kleine nieuwe actie cruciaal te zijn!

Alsof je dan denkt: 'Dat ik dat niet eerder wist! Waarom heb ik dat niet eerder gedaan? Hoe had ik dat niet eerder kunnen bedenken!?

Vergeet niet, dat je voor, op het eerste gezicht geringe actie, duizenden stappen hebt gezet en verzet!

Zo kon ik mezelf ook een schouderklopje geven.

Ik onderzocht werkelijk elke steen die aan me hing of voor me lag. Ik werd me er steeds meer van bewust dat er achter of onder die paar stenen nog een paar lagen die me hinderden in gewenste realisatie en manifestatie.

Elk bewustwording en bevrijding was een doorbraak en transformatie op zich. Wel, de stilte van Zweden schiep de ruimte waarin ik niet alleen de kuilen kon verkennen en schuiven. Er waren ook kleine steentjes, die plotseling veel meer zicht openden, passie lieten stromen en talenten verder lieten doorgronden.

Dus soms moest ik het laatste steentje leggen om een nieuwe doorbraak of een ‘doorbraakje’ te mogen ervaren.

Met andere woorden, er kwam telkens een zoveelste, toch wel diepere transformatie. En deze laatste liet niet alleen het nieuwe 'ik' verkennen, maar liet ook de manifestatie zien van ooit uitgezonden dromen, intenties en verlangens!

In de workshops en retraites die ik de komende maanden in Zweden en in Nederland organiseer, zal ik deze krachtige ervaringen delen. Om ook jou mee te nemen op deze transformerende reis.

Het gaat niet alleen om het delen van diepe ervaringen of transformerende oefeningen, het is ook energetische overdracht, Van droom naar manifestatie!

De eerstkomende (dag)retraite Breakthrough is op 25 maart in Nederland. Vandaag is de laatste dag voor een Early Bird ticket! Wees op tijd als je daar gebruik van wilt maken.

Voor meer verdieping combineer deze dagretraite met de klankreis met Gerrit Snellenburg van Klankresonantie Zwolle in de avond en een dagretraite "Sound as Medicine" op de dag erna.

Alle drie activiteiten zijn in Bathmen op de lokatie van Bert Wansink De Rosse trainings- en inspiratiecentrum


Great to keep and to follow this wokshop!
And happy to have such a beautiful space for special activities, connecting with people and sharing talents!!! 🙏🥰


[English below]
Eenmalig en laatste keer open ik de deur voor illustraties!

Vol nieuwe energie na een lange sabbatical richt ik mij vanaf februari vooral op activiteiten die zich de afgelopen jaren verder hebben (door)ontwikkeld: transformatieve coaching, trainingen (persoonlijke ontwikkeling en visual journeys), retraites (individueel, groep, werkteams - in Zweden en Nederland) en kunst.

Keuze betekent dat ik alleen selectief werk met illustratieve opdrachten en meestal met mijn oude klanten die al veel van deze kwaliteit weten.
Wat je al lang deed, roest niet, maar ontwikkelt zich met je mee!

Heb je er altijd al aan gedacht om je communicatie, je boek of training te verrijken met beelden, ik neem opdrachten aan tot 31 januari 2023.

De meest voorkomente thema's waarvoor ik gevraagd werd, zijn:
- innovatie
- (team, proces, product)ontwikkeling
- verandering binnen organisatie
- structuur en overzicht van activiteiten, rolverdeling, stappen etc.
- persoonlijke/ spirituele ontwikkeling
- duurzaamheid
- onderwijs

Uitingen: boeken, trainingsprogramma's, presentaties (bijvoorbeeld, voor een opdracht- of geldaanvraag), digitale media.

Binnenkort informeer ik over alle recente activiteiten en agenda voor 2023, in Nederland en in Zweden.

Ik ben bereikbaar telefonisch +31622338722 en via email [email protected]

Once and last time I open the door for illustrations!

Full of new energy after a long sabbatical, from February I focus mainly on activities that have (further) developed in recent years: transformative coaching, trainings (personal development and visual journeys), retreats (individual, group, work teams - in Sweden and the Netherlands) and art.

Choice means I only work selectively with illustrative assignments and mostly with my old clients who already know a lot about this quality.
What you've been doing for a long time doesn't rust, it develops with you!

Have you always thought of enriching your communication, your book or training with images, I am taking assignments until 31 January 2023.

The most common themes for which I have been asked are:
- innovation
- (team, process, product) development
- change within the organisation
- structure and overview of activities, division of roles, steps, etc.
- personal/spiritual development
- sustainability
- education

Platforms: books, training programmes, presentations (e.g., for a commission or money application), digital media.

Soon I will inform about all recent activities and agenda for 2023, in the Netherlands and in Sweden.

I can be reached by phone +31622338722 and by email [email protected]


**UPPDATERING: 5 platser kvar till 21/1.**

Nu ordnar vi målarklasser för barn! På engelska. 🇬🇧 Så får de öva både på sin språkutveckling OCH på att måla (i klassen för de yngsta barnen får föräldrar vara med och tolka lite, där blir det också mer på lek).

👩‍🏫 Klasserna kommer att hållas av Vlada Lisinenko VladaVibes, konstnär och kursledare, som flyttat till Sollerön från Nederländerna men som ursprungligen kommer från Ukraina.

📅 Tider & Datum:
Tisdag 17 januari 18:30 - 20:00 för åldrar 11-15 år.
Lördag 21 januari 10:00 - 11:30 för åldrar 3-5 år.

📍 Plats: Sockenhuset Sollerön (Studio Gliss). Ingång på gaveln mot Soldvägen. Gamla Norpan.

📝 För att vara med:
1. Swisha 50 kr till 073-6947200 (Lotta Nordin men pengarna går till Vlada).
2. Skicka ett mail till [email protected] med info (in English) med datumet du vill gå, namn och ålder på barnet samt ditt telefonnummer (som vi bara använder om vi tex skulle behöva ändra något i sista stund).

✨ Vanligtvis kostar Vladas kurser mer men Återbruket Klippen sponsrar mellanskillnaden i arvodet och står för material.

🧪 Detta är ett test för att se om intresse finns. Förhoppningsvis kan vi addera fler tillfällen och åldersgrupper framöver.

ℹ️ Max antal per tillfälle: 10. Först till kvarn. Du behöver inte ta med annat än ett glatt humör. De större barnen kan med fördel vara där själva, de mindre behöver ha åtminstone 1 vuxen med.

Så länge det inte står annat i inlägget så finns det platser kvar.

Vid frågor maila Vlada på: [email protected].

🫶 Hoppas ni vill vara med. Gilla, dela och tipsa gärna!


It was exciting to me to give a lecture-presentation to the breathing trainers!
But glad to hear the reflections so as 'refreshing for the knowledge', 'learning something new', 'being more aware with some aspects'.
In the presentation I paid a lot of attention to the posture. Even I learned a lot about it in the breathing education, there is always more valuable material to explore. As we are talking about the human potential.

The recording I made is in Dutch and is probably more specialistic for the people who are already known and conscious about the breathing.

By more interest about the most important outcome from the Conscious Breathing Summit, I can give this presentation once more in English.

There is also one possible workshop in co-work with a very interesting teacher upcoming, I will not jump yet forward 🙂 Well like to mention it already, because it is special.

Vlada Lisinenko

Breath as Medicine, lecture-presentation | VladaVibes 05/10/2022

To everyone who wanted to join the lecture-presentation on October 9 (in English) about highlights of the Conscious Breathing Summit in Stockholm, the date is changed.

The online meeting is on October 15, from 19.00 till 20.30.

More information and to register:
You will receive a zoom link on time, before the session.

Breath as Medicine, lecture-presentation | VladaVibes This lecture contains the knowledge about breathing, including the highlights of the Conscious Breathing Summit in Stockholm and the study of the 'Method of Better Breathing'.


[Scroll down for English]
Het was een ultieme combinatie, om deel te nemen aan Conscious Breathing Summit in Stockholm als een ademtrainer en als visueel artiest.
En al heb ik jaren geleden veel informatie tijdens mijn opleiding gekregen, er waren genoeg interessante aspecten over de ademhaling.
De sprekers waren o.a.: James Nestor (de auteur van zijn bestseller 'Breath'), Anders Olsson (op de foto, de oprichter van Conscious Breathing), dr. Theodor Belfor, dr. Lewis Cooleman en vele anderen.

Het komende weekend geef ik een (online) lezing-presentatie, waar ik deze verzamelde interessante momenten aan het licht zal brengen.
Er zijn twee groepen:
8 oktober - in het Nederlands (19.00-20.30)
9 oktober - in het Engels (15.00-16.30)

Meer informatie en aanmelden: www.vladavibes.nl/breath-as-medicine-lecture..

It was an ultimate combination, to participate in Conscious Breathing Summit in Stockholm as a breathing trainer and as a visual artist.
And although I received a lot of information during my education years ago, there were plenty of interesting aspects about breathing.
The speakers included: James Nestor (the author of his bestseller 'Breath'), Anders Olsson (on the picture, the founder of Conscious Breathing), Dr Theodor Belfor, Dr Lewis Cooleman and many others.

This weekend, I will give an (online) lecture-presentation, where I will bring these collected interesting moments to light.
There are two groups:
October 8 - in Dutch (19.00-20.30)
October 9 - in English (15.00-16.30)

More information and registration: www.vladavibes.nl/breath-as-medicine-lecture

Events Calendar | VladaVibes 29/08/2022

Next to the Art flow there was a full preparing of all upcoming events till the end of this year!

Still in preparation and also negotiations with my collegues to be able to deliver the best experience to the visitors and participants.

And here for now the Events Calendar! The information about some activities will be complete later. So, if you are interested in something what is not yet on the website, you can send me an email to get it as soon as it is availiable.

To summarize:

🍎 September

- Art markets in Mora and Sollerön, 3 and 10-09
- Exposition 'The Beauty of Sol Ön', 24-09 (in co-work with Bogg Daniel Nilsson)

🍄 Oktober

- Breath as Medicine, LECTURES (1-10 in Dutch, Zoom; 2-10 in English, on location and Zoom)
- Sound as Medicine, RETREAT (21 - 23-10, in co-work with Gerrit Snellenburg and Johan Rabén)
- Breath as Medicine, Training COURSE (28-10 - 2-12, on location)


- Doodling Alchemy, WORKSHOP (10-11, on location)
- Doodling Alchemy, Training COURSE (17-11 - 15-12, on location)
Not yet on calendar:
- Yin&Yang to Empower, WORKSHOP (in co-work with Anna Van Essen, the date will come later)
- Breathing journey, EXPERIENCE (10-12, on location)

If you see something here something what is interesting for you, you can send me a message via the messenger or email: [email protected]

Going into the autumn, inspired and charged by the summer art vibes and the nature.. 🙂❤️

Events Calendar | VladaVibes See full calendar with all upcoming events of vladavibes: workshops, lectures, expositions, retreats, training courses.

Timeline photos 07/07/2022

Sound as medicine 😃💙

Going to the nature is already great and healing.
And just imagine this natural device... replacable the airphones.
Letting totally be in the surrounding of all sparkling sounds of the greatest orkestra, the forest.

"The medicine of the future will be music and sound."
~ Edgar Cayce (1877-1945)

Giant Meagaphones built by a team of architecture students from the Estonian Academy of Arts to listen to the sounds of nature, a place for resting, healing and contemplation in Baumkronenweg Park, Kopfing, Austria.
📸: Anne Rongas


As announced, the art project ‘The Beauty of Sol ön’, (the Viking’s island of the sun) is started! 💛🌞

Every day an update of the recent topics:
‘Faces of Sol Ön’
‘Millions of wings’

The exposition follows in September ✅

Follow the page for inspiration!
And join the project if you live on this ground 👍🏻

Thank you Claes Meyer for an inspiring meeting!


Looking to my role by coming back towards the visualization part of my work, I captured the Essence of this contribution. And the Capturing the Essence I see as the most impiortant value in any (innovative) process.

What if we were able to live and to work seeing, knowing and understanding the essence of everything what we are doing and what actually is?

I am aware about the urgency of making the better and the more human decisions to reduce the unnecessary and time-energy-consuming overdoings.

My role is to recognize and to capture the essence of the organizational processes and situations in order to create an overview and to open a space for more creativity and innovation.

“The more we are able to recognize and capture the essence, the more we can value the beauty of the world,”
Vlada Lisinenko
(Facilitator - Trainer - Inspirator - Teacher - Artist)

If you want to know more:
[email protected]


Visual harvesting (or recording), visual notes or visual communication.
No matter how you are calling it, it gives an image to a spoken word, putting there more power by making it visible, by manifesting what already Is 💛☀️ (no matter that it still has to be developed).

Vladyslava Vlada Lisinenko


After a few years of hiatus from my business stage activity and developing my own training programs and retreats (based on Inner Journey), I am now back on stage!
As a (co)facilitator, (co)trainer, inspirator, teacher and artist.

So, next to an Inner Journey (courses and retreats), the Visual Journey is active again!

The turning point took place at SoL Learning Plaza in Stockholm.

Inspired by keynote speakers
- Dennis Sandow and Göran Carstedt, Peter Senge and Jan Artem Henriksson, Göran Gennvi, Hans von Essen on living organizations and the human way of working within them,
- a deep bond with/with indigenous people (Sami and Amazon),
- capturing the energies of constellations of Martijn Meima... etc.,

I saw the value of my contribution to these beautiful processes and this Living & Learning Organizational paradigm movement.

What I have developed in the background also happens in companies right now!

I am happy that I can bring the fresh wind and vision, support and guide organizations in their (new) transitions. Sharing the wisdom about living systems to contribute to the healthy(ier) world, human relationships and contributing outcomes of healthy purposes.

Yes, it is not only a re-activation of my 'old work', now I am also empowered about its importancy and an added value in 'a new coat'.

You can talk to me in person about these (new) possibilities: +31622338722, [email protected]

Thank you Frédérique te Dorsthorst and SoL Sweden for inviting me!

Vladyslava Vlada Lisinenko

The Manifest of Peace, of Life and True Leadership | VladaVibes 14/03/2022

The Manifest of Peace, of Life and True Leadership | VladaVibes The Manifest of Peace, of Life and True Leadership "There are no bad people, there are people who have not yet discovered beauty, have not yet seen that beauty in themselves," Vladyslava Motivation Inspired by my mysterious snow sculptures, my Swedish friends decided to give me the stage. Their eyes...


Some more dimensions of experiencing the unity.
About the attachment and detaching.
Sharing it because of a deeper recognition of this way of seeing.
Worth to listen and to reflect on it.

The Tiger and his Mistress 02/02/2022

With the last full moon I got the visitor here... The white Tiger.
He announced himself and brought an image to this year's symbol. And was not alone.
See how he entered the world 🐆🌈❄️
The grande finale 🎭

Follow this and the coming new (snow) events on www.vladavibes.nl/snow-as-medicine

Enjoy watching! And have a great Tiger year!

'Beauty heals the world'

The Tiger and his Mistress Once upon a time there was a Tiger in Siljan…


Stepping on this ice I remembered me the Sahara desert retreat in 2011.
Despite of the difference in temperatures, there are a lot of similarities 💛
Especially in the experience of space and silence.
Both were inviting.. to dance.
Even if one of them not to fall down 🙂
Both of them invited to tune in on a deeper meaning of freedom.


Here we go..
The weather is wired, changing from -15 up to +5 the coming days and than back again.
From one side, I can continue my project, the snow is sticky now.
From another, I have No idea how it will behavior soon 😱

P.S.: the woman is posing me just in my imagination, because I guess, nobody will dare to sit here naked in this white field 😅

Wilt u dat uw praktijk hét hoogst genoteerde Kliniek in Zwolle wordt?
Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.






Andere Zwolle klinieken (alles zien)
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Zwolle, 8023

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HemoClear HemoClear
Dokter Stolteweg 70A
Zwolle, 8025AZ

Red Blood Cell Filter enabling autologous blood transfusion

Peaceful Birth Peaceful Birth

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Praktijk Onder de sterren Praktijk Onder de sterren

Praktijk voor Beeldende en Holistische therapie ✨️ Kom weer in verbinding met jezelf <3

Audicienspraktijk Oordelman Audicienspraktijk Oordelman
Lijsterbesstraat 1
Zwolle, 8012ED

Hoorzorg waar je van opfleurt 💐😊

Licht-puntje  Ellen Lebesque Licht-puntje Ellen Lebesque
Bloemendalstraat 7
Zwolle, 8011PC

Lijf, hart ,ziel, hoofd: zijn een geheel! Luister!

Cetaphil Benelux Cetaphil Benelux
Klein Grachtje 16 A
Zwolle, 8021JC

Sashaseya Sashaseya

vrouwenwerk vrouw-zijn-vieren therapie meditatie ceremonie

Psychologiepraktijk Closer Psychologiepraktijk Closer
Rijnlaan 37
Zwolle, 8032JZ

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VitaliFeit VitaliFeit
Steenboerweg 6
Zwolle, 8042AT

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Easyslim.nu Zwolle Easyslim.nu Zwolle
Marsweg 55
Zwolle, 8013PE

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Rehabtalk.nl Rehabtalk.nl
Zwolle, 8043LL