Sciences at University of Otago

The University of Otago is New Zealand’s first university. Otago is also NZ's most science-intensive University.

The University of Otago is New Zealand’s first university and a vibrant international centre of learning. Today the University of Otago has about 20,000 students, from all over New Zealand and from nearly 100 countries around the world. We welcome your interaction with this page, but the Division of Humanities reserves the right to moderate and remove posts that it deems inappropriate, or harmful to others.

Hou Rongo – Moriori | Music | Manawa 12/09/2024

New exhibition! Hou Rongo: Moriori, Music, Manawa multisensory exhibition opens tomorrow (Saturday Sept 14) at Tūhura Otago Museum.

⚫ Hou Rongo offers an immersive look at the culture of New Zealand's indigenous Moriori people, blending tradition with innovative technology to evoke the feeling of being on Rēkohu (the Chatham Islands) amid the realms of the etchu (elements).

⚫ The exhibition was developed through a partnership of the Hokotehi Moriori Trust and a multidisciplinary team of researchers at Otago, and supported by an MBIE Smart Ideas Grant.

⚫ Hou Rongo will be on display till 27 October. More info here:


Hou Rongo – Moriori | Music | Manawa Hou Rongo offers an immersive look at the culture of New Zealand's indigenous Moriori people, blending tradition with innovative technology to evoke the feeling of being on Rēkohu (the Chatham Islands) amid the realms of the etchu (deities).


☝️ Introducing Zoology’s Dr Luna Grey and her wonderful world of beetles

Luna has recently published research exploring the impact of rats on Helms’s stag beetle on Stewart Island/Rakiura – her study finding that rats preferentially prey on larger stag beetles

She says since larger beetles are usually male this could impact their future population– “they cannot pass on their genes to future generations, which may cause the size of the males and their mandibles to decrease over time.”

More about Luna’s research here 🔗
Department of Zoology, University of Otago


The wonderful world of lichens – Public lecture tomorrow!

This year’s Geoff Baylis Lecture will be given by Dr Allison Knight, Honorary Research Associate in the Department of Botany. Alison will discuss lichen evolution and integrate current knowledge of the ecosystem into understanding the critical role that lichens play in keeping the earth resilient.

Āhea/when: Wednesday 11 Sept, 6-7pm
Kei hea/where: Archway 2 lecture theatre
Department of Botany, University of Otago


👏 Celebrations galore in the Geology Museum last week with the launch of a special issue of The Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand dedicated to the late Professor Ewan Fordyce and his outstanding 40-year career as a palaeontologist, researcher and educator.

The issue covers Ewan’s work on fossil vertebrates from Aotearoa, including whales, penguins and dolphins 🐳 🐳 Many were displayed at the launch event alongside their corresponding research papers.

In the photo at the launch is long-time collaborator, friend and palaeontologist Emeritus Professor Daphne Lee (at centre), together with co-editors of the special issue Dr Carolina Loch and Dr Jeffrey Robinson.

Read the full story here 🔗
Otago Geology - University of Otago, New Zealand


Superb mahi by these frog enthusiasts🐸🐸🐸

Zoology Masters’ students Tobia Dale and Hadley Muller (both researchers of Aotearoa New Zealand’s native frogs), together with frog enthusiast Debbie Bishop, have launched a new charity dedicated to our native frogs.

The trio are continuing the legacy and passion of Debbie’s late husband and frog expert Professor Phil Bishop, which has included the launch of a new-look website for started by Phil in 2007 💗

The kaupapa of the website and charity is to educate, advocate and inspire kaitiakitanga for Aotearoa’s lesser-known native frog species.

👏 Awesome work Tobia, Hadley and Debbie! Learn more about our fantastic frogs and the equally fantastic team driving this kaupapa here:
Department of Zoology, University of Otago


👏 Top marks for this awesome student-led initiative in an inspiring spot!

This mighty group of Marine Science Otago PhD students organised a writing retreat at stunning Stewart Island/ Rakiura.

Their home for a week was the Marine Science Research Station where they supported each other with research writing sessions, discussions and feedback ✍️✍️

Several papers have already been published from the first retreat held last year, and this group have already started on a collaborative paper together – ka pai!

Being in such a top location, they also seized the time for some kiwi-exploring and a visit to Ulva Island 🏝️ 🌊 They said the retreat was also time well spent developing a sense of community and support 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻

Big-ups to the students who took charge of this great idea and made it happen - Jack Beagley, Leah Crowe, Joe Curtis, and Nico Daudt.


👏 Massive congratulations to surveyor Ansela Paea Fifita who led the construction of accommodation for Pacific leaders attending the recent 53rd Pacific Islands Leaders Forum in Tonga.

Ansela graduated from the School of Surveying in 2022 and started her role as a surveyor for Tonga’s Ministry of Land and Surveying 🎓

The success of the Niu Lodge project is considered a significant milestone for the Pacific island nation and sets a high standard for future regional events 🏝️

Ansela says Lodge is “more than just accommodation - it reflects our Pacific heritage and hospitality” - she is photographed here at Niu Lodge with Dr Edmond Fehoko, the Associate Dean Pacific (Sciences).

Well done Ansela and keep up your amazing work! Read the full story here 🔗
Pacific Islands Centre, University of Otago


🍅 OK, that tomato ain’t real, but with this line up of green-fingered folk on the job, it could be by the end of summer!

Human Nutrition staff Mary Spiers and Nichola Agnew came up this awesome idea to grow food on campus for teaching and their cooking classes, as well as supplying the Department’s food truck 🚚🥕

They teamed up with the Sustainability Office and Pacific Islands Centre to help put this great initiative into action. Read the full story here 🔗
Department of Human Nutrition, University of Otago
Pacific Islands Centre, University of Otago


☝️Shout-out to the rangatahi from local schools Bayfield High School, Kaikorai Valley College and Queens High School who recently came to Araiteuru marae and participated in Science Wānanga.

For this wānanga, staff and students from Geology generously shared their knowledge on the landscapes of Dunedin, including a walk up Te Whanaupaki / Flagstaff to learn about faults, volcanism and erosion 🌋

In the evenings, rangatahi learned waiata and performed skits of the Matariki star cluster (while feasting on liquid nitrogen ice cream thanks to Chemistry’s Dr Dave Warren).

🔬Fantastic kaupapa inspiring our future scientists and geologists!

University of Otago - For School Students
Otago Geology - University of Otago, New Zealand
Department of Chemistry, University of Otago


🏅 Telling the story of her research involving sorting through the food waste of Otago’s 14 colleges earned Human Nutrition student Briar Mills the top spot in the Master’s section of this year’s Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition!

Briar’s important mahi collecting this food waste data is helping to support the development of best practices at Otago for sustainable food use and waste reduction 🥕

“It wasn’t as disgusting as you might initially think because I was doing it on the day the food waste was generated, which was a lot better than if it was a few days old and starting to get smelly,” Briar says – always with a smile

Ka rawe Briar and top marks too for getting stuck-in, boots and all! The full story of her research can be read here 🔗
Department of Human Nutrition, University of Otago


🚀 Here’s what happens in Botany when you combine a fantastic supervisor (Janice), who has a passion for Aotearoa New Zealand’s native plants – with an awesome PhD student (James), who gets super-excited about all the amazing invertebrates we share this planet with.

This duo has completed fantastic mahi on the important role of native mistletoes as habitat for invertebrates and are calling for their protection 🌿

Their research is hot-off-the-press today, as well as this fascinating story they’ve co-authored here for The Conversation 🔗

Department of Botany, University of Otago
Ecology Programme, University of Otago
Department of Zoology, University of Otago

Geology’s fossil expert awarded Emeritus Professor | University of Otago 22/08/2024

Geology palaeontologist Daphne Lee has well and truly earned her recent recognition as an Emeritus Professor! Congratulations Daphne 🎉

Daphne started her career in geology young – growing up on a farm in Southland she made rock and shell collections from around the region from an early age ⛏️

☝️ Driven by the beat of her own drum, Daphne came to Otago to study geology in 1969. From student to staff, and now as an Emeritus Professor, she continues to make a huge contribution to her area of expertise.

Daphne says, “I have always been driven to explain what is going on in the landscape, and unravelling the story behind why plants and animals are here and where they have come from.”

A glimpse into Daphne’s productive life of science and family can be read here 🔗

Otago Geology - University of Otago, New Zealand

Geology’s fossil expert awarded Emeritus Professor | University of Otago In recognition of her outstanding career as one of New Zealand’s most dedicated and passionate palaeontologists, Department of Geology’s Honorary Professor Daphne Lee has been awarded the title of Emeritus Professor.


🎉 What awesome mahi by our Sciences Pacific Student and Community Support team who take their support seriously!

Their innovative work with students over the last year has been so great that they’ll be presenting it at the Equity Practitioners conference in Auckland in a few months.

Awesome work team – you can read about the details of their great mahi here 🔗
Pacific Islands Centre, University of Otago


🎓Massive congratulations to Dr Ben Wilks who graduated in the weekend with his PhD in mathematics and statistics. In fact, Ben’s graduation tops off a perfect trifecta of achievements this year (so far!) – not only did his thesis on wave energy achieve ‘Exceptional Thesis’ status, but he also landed his dream job in Newcastle, Australia. Tino pai!

🌊While at Otago Ben’s research has focused on advancing theoretical knowledge of converting ocean wave energy into usable energy like electricity.

Read more about Ben’s work and life here 🔗


It’s graduation time! A huge congratulations to all tauira across the Sciences who are graduating this weekend and celebrating with friends and whānau.

Today’s shout-out is to Soji Chambers who is graduating with a Bachelor of Science majoring in psychology with a minor in sociology. It’s been four years since Soji’s family were helping him settle into his first-year college, and this weekend they’re arriving from Tauranga to celebrate what he’s achieved.

Soji says he knows his family found it tough been so far away from home, but that they also wanted him to experience the real world just as they had when they were young. “They’ve always pushed me to be the best in whatever I’m doing, and their support has been integral to my achievements.”

Enjoy your time together and well done for your achievements! Read more about Soji’s journey here:
Department of Psychology, University of Otago


International light physicist Sir Michael Berry has touched down! A friendly reminder that Michael will be giving a public lecture tomorrow – Friday 16 August 6pm at Castle 2 lecture theatre on Dunedin’s campus.

Presented in eighty pictures that bring together science, art and beauty, Michael will unveil the hidden geometries behind phenomena such as rainbows, twinkling starlight and sunlight reflections that create moving lines of light on the bottoms of swimming-pools.

Further details of Michael’s visit and public lecture here 🔗


For all Otago Alumni who live in London - a great chance to get together and meet our new Vice-Chancellor Hon Grant Robertson.


🚀 It’s recruitment time here at Te Kura Kairūri | the National School of Surveying and these final-year surveying students are once again spoilt for job choices throughout Australasia.

Colin Phayer (fifth from left) says,“The variety of options is amazing, and the presentations from industry-leading survey companies showcasing the latest technology and unique projects have me eager to start working.”

🎓 All the best with your choices and embracing the opportunities that come from your hard mahi as Otago students and soon-to-be graduates - karawhuia!


Shout-out to all our Otago researchers who undertake important science mahi in Antarctica.
📅 Patrick Gower: On Ice, a special two-part documentary, premieres tonight (7pm Monday Aug 12 on Three Now) and explores the fascinating science taking place.
☝️In Episode 2 keep an eye out for PhysicsOtago sea ice researcher Associate Professor Inga Smith, who is also Co-Director of He Kaupapa Hononga: Otago's Climate Change Research Network.

Tune in and learn what Antarctic science tells us about climate change impacts for Aotearoa and beyond.


Science Academy tauira Anika Hayes recently earned herself a bronze medal from the Biology Olympics!

The Year-13 student from Waitaki Girls High School has just returned from the International Biology Olympiad (IBO) in Kazakhstan where she represented Aotearoa New Zealand. Ka rawe Anika!

🔬 This year she is attending Otago’s Science Academy for science students from rural, provincial, or small schools across the motu. Anika says the Academy is great for students like her who have the potential to excel in science but don’t have easy access to additional resources and support.

🦅 In the photo from Kazakhstan, Anika says the eagle was much bigger and heavier than she expected. “It made me realise just how powerful and amazing they are.”

Congratulations Anika! Read more about her time at the IBO and Science Academy here 🔗


Next week we welcome international light physicist Sir Michael Berry to Otago.

📅 Save the date! Michael will give a public lecture on the wonderful world of light presented in eighty pictures on Friday 16 August – a talk that will connect science and art through beauty.

🌈Michael will unveil the hidden geometries behind phenomena such as rainbows, twinkling starlight and sunlight reflections that create moving lines of light on the bottoms of swimming-pools.

“Poets and novelists, as well as painters, often represent optical phenomena in ways surprisingly close to those of physicists,” he says.

Further details of Michael’s visit and public lecture here 🔗


🏝️ Hot-off-the-press! Fakamālō atu and congratulations to Dr Edmond Fehoko (pictured here with daughter Nancy) who has received a Health Research Council grant for a groundbreaking study into food neophobia - the fear of trying new food - among Pacific peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand.

👧 “My 3-year-old daughter is part of the inspiration for this work,” Edmond says. “If we can make positive shifts today, there is hope that there will be positive shifts of the nutrition status of Pacific communities in the future.”

Edmond hopes this work will mark the start of broader research aimed at enhancing nutrition outcomes for Pacific peoples. Awesome mahi supporting the wider Pacific community.

More details here about Edmond’s project here 🔗
Department of Human Nutrition, University of Otago


🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧 This stunning (and tiny) penguin lived in Otago about 24 million years ago - but its existence is only known due to the passionate work of the late Geology Professor Ewan Fordyce.

Lead author Dr Tatsuro Ando says his inspiration for the study came from discussions with Ewan about three bones he’d found in the Hakataramea Valley, South Canterbury. Tatsuro and a group of researchers analysed these bones to describe the very small penguin Pakudyptes hakataramea - about the same size as the little blue penguin.

Recently published in the Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, the paper highlights how this ancient penguin may have contributed to the ecological diversity of modern penguins. More details here🔗
Otago Geology - University of Otago, New Zealand

Science Academy Podcasts – OAR FM Dunedin 01/08/2024

🏫This fantastic group of Year 13 science tauira came from around the motu to attend Otago’s Science Academy and are now communicating their science passions with the wider community 🧬
The group have worked on their podcasts over the last few months and, during their recent second week-long stay at Otago, visited Otago Access Radio FM Dunedin where their work will be broadcast - live on Thursdays at 3pm from 1 August or available anytime at the link below.
Keep an ear out for two of our Professors – Richard Blaikie and Peter Dearden – who appear in two of the podcasts supporting these awesome future scientists – ka rawe!
🔗 podcasts:

University of Otago - For School Students

Science Academy Podcasts – OAR FM Dunedin Science Academy Podcasts Get the inside scoop from students of the University of Otago’s 2023 Science Academy.Students from isolated or under-served communities from around the country have come to Dunedin for an intensive week submerged in the world of science.Listen in as they share their favour...


Not one, not two, but THREE inaugural professorial lectures to choose from over the next few weeks 🎉 These lectures are a career highlight for academics who earn the title of Professor and the research expertise of these three awesome wāhine highlights the incredible range of mahi taking place in the Sciences.
You are welcome to join (left to right) Ceridwen Fraser (Marine Science 🌊 – 6 August); Miranda Mirosa (Food Science 🥕 – 1 August) and Sarah Wakes (Mathematics & Statistics 🧮 – 15 August).
Their lectures can be attended in person or viewed on livestream – 🔗 here:

Keeping up with The Dunedin Study | University of Otago 26/07/2024

Keeping up with The Dunedin Study | University of Otago A Dunedin Study algorithm that indicates how people age has been used by one of the world’s most influential families.


You are warmly invited to the Inaugural Professorial Lecture of Professor Miranda Mirosa, Director of the University of Otago Food Waste Innovation Research Theme.

"Beyond the textbook: A quest for a future where food is valued, not wasted"
Thursday, 1 August 2024
Archway Lecture Theatre 4, Dunedin (and livestreaming)

Miranda is a leading consumer food scientist who provides high level advice to government and industry on strategies to reduce food waste. Her research engages knowledge from fields such as marketing and psychology to provide insights and interventions for food system sustainability.

Find more details and a livestream link here:

Creative writing competition opens | University of Otago 21/07/2024

✍️ Entries for the annual University writing competition are now open!

Otago staff, students and alumni are invited to submit either a poem or short story inspired by this year's theme: A place of many firsts ⭐

Entries close at midnight on Wednesday, 11 September.

All the details you need are here ⬇️

Creative writing competition opens | University of Otago The University’s annual creative writing competition opens for entries today, with the theme: The Getting of Wisdom.


Are you a third year or postgrad student?
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Get paid to be a Red Shirt helper for Hands-On at Otago 2025

Applications close on Friday 9 August 2024

Head to for more info!

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Connecting People & Place

Videos (show all)

Enjoy this snapshot of a day on board Otago’s Marine Science research vessel Polaris II from which important pūtaiao is ...
What better way to celebrate upcoming Valentines Day in the Sciences than a vote for the Bug of the Year 2024!  With mul...
What do you get when you combine a headset that measures brainwaves, an AI model, and wireless signals? A mind-controlle...
Today is World Drowning Prevention Day and the WHO estimates that tragically 236,000 lives are lost to drowning globally...
Morning lectures
Botany Department grows veggies for foodbank
New research tracking the at-sea foraging behaviour of hoiho on Stewart Island has built a detailed picture of critical ...
Psychology and neuroscience student Tiara Das talks on learning about the structure and workings of the human brain. The...
Science Communication student Annalise Robertson talks about her internship with the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tonga...
Check out this short video on Marine Science student Tyler Feary’s research on bryozoans which Tyler describes as coloni...
Check out this short video about Zoology & Psychology student Jade Waktin’s research on native bats in which cameras wer...
It’s time to roll out the red carpet for Science Communication student Alice Neilson, as we proudly present the first of...



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Department of Zoology, University of Otago Department of Zoology, University of Otago
340 Great King Street
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Department of Zoology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

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130 Anzac Avenue
Dunedin, 9016

Vision: “Talented Otago athletes nurtured in a quality performance environment developing their sporting talent and achieving excellence in sport"

Department of Microbiology & Immunology, University of Otago Department of Microbiology & Immunology, University of Otago
720 Cumberland Street
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Department of Biochemistry, University of Otago Department of Biochemistry, University of Otago
710 Cumberland Street
Dunedin, 9016

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