Activated Wellbeing

Activated Wellbeing

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Nutrition and wellbeing guidance to empower you with the wisdom to make the healthiest choices.

A treasure trove of nutrition and wellbeing guidance to help you explore and discover the highest pathway to your healthiest you. Stop being thrown about in the sea of varied health opinions and learn to discern what nourishment your being is needing and when it needs it. Don't be limited to thinking that nutrition and exercise alone will solve your health concerns. Allow yourself to open to thoug



All my links are now in one place in my bio!
And the tree will continue to grow as I bring more that has been brewing behind the scenes 🙌✨️

Did you see the latest Buckwheat sourdough reel? You can sign up to receive the free printable version (and then continue to receive recipes as they come out) from the Nourishing Recipes link in the link tree!

Spread the word, spread the love ✨️💚☀️🙏

Buckwheat Sourdough Bread — Activated Wellbeing 07/02/2024


The wait is over 😁
This would have to be the most uncomplicated bread recipe ever!

Minimal ingredients; buckwheat, salt, and water. Or though the prep time is long, it only takes minutes to step up, and you can carry on doing other things.

It is gluten-free, high in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, and to make a loaf with this recipe (making 12 slices) is around $2 🤯🙌✨️💚

For the recipe video, nutritional information on Buckwheat and a link to receiving the printable version of the recipe click the link below.
Give this recipe a share and pass it on to the people you know will enjoy a tasty gluten free bread option.

Buckwheat Sourdough Bread — Activated Wellbeing Only 3 ingredients, easy to do, no fancy equipment needed and you will have your own tasty gluten free bread for a loaf that costs less than $2 dollars.


Cacao goodness ✨️
Organic Cacao nibs
Organic Cacao powder
Organic Maca powder
Organic PB
Unsweetened almond milk


Vegan spread tonight

Sometimes plant based alternative products are hard to find that aren't Soy and that sit right in the gut. But I've found some great options like..
Sunfed planted based diced steak (high protein and no nasties) and Wisebros Horopito and Lime dressing ✨️🍋‍🟩

Photos from Activated Wellbeing's post 27/07/2023


Left-overs are easy, but we can get sick of the same thing very easily. So why not take the base meal and evolve it to something else. This adds more variety, doesn't take a lot of extra time, and is still cost-effective.

Remember the wholesome black bean curry from earlier in the week?

Well, it got turned into a high protein gluten-free lasagne that served two lunches 😍 see the photos for the creation and what was used, a few minutes to prep, and only 20mins to cook!

For more meal ideas, follow me on Instagram and Facebook.
The website is under renovation, but more goodies to launch there soon! Watch this space 😍

Photos from Activated Wellbeing's post 25/07/2023


Making meals that are wholesome, satisfying, and nourishing is important for sustainable changes to your nutrition.

If creating healthy meals and healthier habits is not enjoyable, most people are likely to stop before they have even taken flight into higher pathways of wellbeing.

Wholesome and nourishing doesn't have to be hard if you know how to navigate it in a balanced way.

With the approach I deliver with nutrition a lot of my clients will say how easy it is and how good and satisfying the meals are so much so that they don't feel like they are "on a diet".

Check out the series of photos for inspiration on a wholesome and nourishing curry (note it is vegetarian but can have meat added for the carnivores).

Want help to boost your daily nourishment? Just send me a DM ✨️

Photos from Activated Wellbeing's post 18/07/2023

Convenient, nutritional, and budget friendly who doesn't want that right 🤷🏼‍♀️

I found the winning combo at countdown in the frozen vegetable section.

Orange sweet potato, courgettes, and capsicum have been quite pricey of late fresh. With prep, set and go frozen vegetable 500g packs at countdown at only $3.50 to $4.00, it's a no-brainer.

Perfect for stir fries (see next photo) or other cooked dishes as they are already prepped, so no chopping needed. However, if you need them to be any other way, you can simply defrost in the fridge and prep how you want 😊

Available to assist people with all their personalised nutritional needs in person (Hamilton or BOP) or online. Just get in touch via DM or email [email protected] 📧

Pseudo-weight Part 2: The everyday nurturing processes to reduce bloating — Activated Wellbeing 05/07/2022

Part 2 released!

Discover nutrition and wellbeing practices you can start today that assist with getting that bloat alleviated and in balance.

Pseudo-weight Part 2: The everyday nurturing processes to reduce bloating — Activated Wellbeing Bloating is transient, meaning it will come and go. How long it stays for, or if you must deal with it, it all comes down to how you nurture yourself. Following on from the article Releasing Pseudo-weight part 1 below are some of the ways you can focus on nurturing yourself to reduce bloating.

Pseudo-weight Part 1: How to release the bloat — Activated Wellbeing 04/07/2022

Part 1 of a two part series!
Understanding how your body works in various different environments is important. Many people go about their day not realising they have bloating because it has become a normal part of their everyday living.

This article will help you to gain some insight into how bloating could be showing up, helping you to understand why it could occur.
Then part 2 (which is coming) will focus on the possible solutions.


Pseudo-weight Part 1: How to release the bloat — Activated Wellbeing From a flat, or ab rippled, stomach in the morning when you jump out of bed, to a food baby bump after you eat creating an inflated balloon like abdomen for the rest of the day. Ah yes, the bloating effect. You will probably find it encouraging to know that many people have trouble with bloating dai

What is life without your health? — Activated Wellbeing 03/04/2022

A perspective that seems to be easily forgotten when life gets busy.

What will it take for people to remember to respect, appreciate and be grateful for our health and wellbeing?

And how can we maximise our health so we live an enriched life filled with peace, joy and love.

What is life without your health? — Activated Wellbeing Our brains have a habit of only focusing on something as a top priority when the issue is hitting us in the face; we must train it to focus on prevention (as much as we can). Yes, this requires what seems far more time and effort when “life gets in the way” but what quality of life do you have w...

Monitoring Motivation — Activated Wellbeing 14/03/2022

A new article to hit the wellbeing weekly blog! Motivation has been a topic coming up a lot with clients and also in conversations I have been having recently.

Analysing motivation; how we get it and how we keep it going is an art form and science in itself!

Monitoring Motivation — Activated Wellbeing Motivation is a dynamic energy, meaning it can change very quickly. One day you may have a lot of motivation and the next very little. You might wake up in the morning all motivated, something happens and then for the rest of the day it is very hard to get back. Why is motivation so fickle? Why doe

The Science of Eating Behaviour: It is how and why we eat — Activated Wellbeing 07/02/2022

What we eat and how we eat is not only to do with our nourishment but also our behaviour.

Often our food related health issues are not because of the food itself; but it is how we eat and why we eat that determines whether the food becomes beneficial for our health or not.

What we crave when we are emotional can say a lot of things about the mental and emotional requirements, we are needing at the time that we substitute with food because we believe that is a quicker or easier fix than the deeper subconscious or conscious issues that are going on.

For the full article please click the link below and if you would like help with your eating habits and behaviour please feel free to get in touch for a non obligatory chat about how you can be helped in this area.

The Science of Eating Behaviour: It is how and why we eat — Activated Wellbeing Our relationship with food Food can bring people together in the most beautiful of ways, creating loving memories with friends and family. It can also hold memories of exploration and adventure, tasting new things and experiencing different cultures. However, with the way we live and our lifesty

Festivity Recovery — Activated Wellbeing 21/12/2021

Latest article out now with post indulgence recovery on the agenda!

Festivity Recovery — Activated Wellbeing Chocolates before breakfast, champagne with (or without) orange juice, a day (sometimes several) long Christmas smorgasbord buffet of all the most delicious treats and food. By the end of Christmas, food comas will be a plenty and if not that, many will be very merry! And let’s face it, the festiv

Photos from Activated Wellbeing's post 07/12/2021

For the Southern Hemisphere, it just so happened that this post was posted on this day a few years ago and are all still very good ideas today.

As one hemisphere goes into warming liquids, the other goes into cooling liquids.

Some updated information will come soon to cater to the summer months in the homeland.

In the meantime here are a few ideas that can be revisited.


The Satisfying Staple of Sustenance — Activated Wellbeing 07/12/2021

With winter setting in over in the Northern Hemisphere, this presents an opportunity to share how Soup can be a nourishing staple for those colder months.

Roasty Toasty

With cold weather fast closing in, it is time to be indulging in the warm comfort of hearty soups.

It may sound logical that eating warm foods helps your body to warm up from the inside out. However, it is a little more involved. Let’s use soup as a fabulous example.

Soup is served hot, which means that due to thermodynamics of the food being broken down, it warms up the inside of the body as we eat it. It’s not only this but it usually also contains complex carbohydrates (slow digesting and burning) such as lentils, butterbeans, quinoa, rice, and/or starchy vegetables (pumpkin, sweet potato, and potato); as well as some forms of protein (chicken) and fat (olive oil, cream, or butter). When we eat and digest our food as part of our metabolic processes (when carbohydrates, fats and proteins are broken down in the body) they create heat when the breakdown process is slow. This is called thermogenesis.

When choosing a soup to warm you up, one based on complex carbohydrates will do the trick as they will move more slowly through the digestive track requiring more energy to assist the breakdown process, thus generating more heat.

For the full article click the link.

Roberto Authentic Italian Gelato is a fabulous example of offering nourishing soups for the English Winter, with a wonderful diversification of the summer months of their mouthwatering gelato.

Tomato, Vegetable, Potato and Leek soup are on the menu this week, check out

The Satisfying Staple of Sustenance — Activated Wellbeing Roasty Toasty With cold weather fast closing in, it is time to be indulging in the warm comfort of hearty soups. It may sound logical that eating warm foods helps your body to warm up from the inside out. However, it is a little more involved. Let’s use soup as a fabulous example. Soup is ser

Does your food nourish you with satisfaction? — Activated Wellbeing 27/11/2021

Are the foods you are eating and the way you are eating bringing you satisfaction and contentment?

And what do these elements have to do with nourishment?

To find out more read this weeks weekly wellbeing article below.

Does your food nourish you with satisfaction? — Activated Wellbeing Many know we need nourishment to keep our body functioning healthily, but did you know that the food we eat also needs to be satisfying for us in many ways so that our mind is happy with the food we are putting in our body, so that our body can response positively to it to optimise functions within

Energy Fluctuations: learning to adapt your behaviour to stay on track with your health goals — Activated Wellbeing 17/11/2021

Energy Fluctuations, we all get them!

"Due to the complexity of individual lifestyles, as well as both internal and external environments, we can often find ourselves struggling to understand how we can create balance in everything we do. Rather, we follow patterns of extremes and inflexibility, over or under exerting ourselves in many areas of our lives.

The psychological components of this can vary from person to person depending on what they have experienced and become conditioned to believe their reality to be. These beliefs navigate their behaviour and actions.

You may think of energy fluctuations as a basic matter, and that our energy fluctuates only due to how much sleep we get, what we eat and how we move.

However, what if it was a bit more complicated, in that how we think and feel about our individual lives, and our lives as a society, has a massive impact.

Then let’s not forget the complications of health status (i.e., if your stress levels are through the roof or you have a condition you are working through or managing). And then there is also your life stage (e.g., relationship changes, becoming parents, middle age, retirement, and menopause for women to name a few). With all these variables in your life it can be frustrating when your best laid intentions don’t go according to plan.

Imagine, you finally drum up the motivation to make nutrition and fitness changes, you go to the trouble of getting help, you get a plan or your write your own one, you have your goals, and you are excited, ready to take action. You get going for a week, you are feeling fantastic, and then, you hit an energy lull. And because on that day it wasn’t in your plan to be low on energy, instead you were meant to be powering through a HIIT training on a calorie deficit; in your mind you have fallen off the wagon. Failed. Motivation drops, and the next few days become harder. A pattern starts to form, and you think ‘why should I bother anyway?’.

This can be what we call the “all or nothing” mindset. Going all in (such as giving 110% in a project) and not doing anything (such as having a restful self-loving Sunday) have their places in our lives, it is just deciding what is the best decision for the scenario at the time. This requires working on a balance and contentment mindset, which is not to be confused with failure or resignation (as in giving up). Contentment is a state of happiness and satisfaction, so when we are relating this to your goals it would be finding adjustments and flexibility that works in with your health plan, rather than derailing it.

In this case the wiser approach would be to be more flexible, seeing a lull in energy as a sign from the body that there needs to be some time for introspection, to assess why you might be feeling that way and what you can do to keep on your track with your goals, whilst working with the body. "

For the rest of the article with action points to consider to help you become more aware of your own energy balance click the blog link below.

Energy Fluctuations: learning to adapt your behaviour to stay on track with your health goals — Activated Wellbeing Due to the complexity of individual lifestyles, as well as both internal and external environments, we can often find ourselves struggling to understand how we can create balance in everything we do. Rather, we follow patterns of extremes and inflexibility, over or under exerting ourselves in many a

How conscious is your relationship with food- mindful or mindless — Activated Wellbeing 10/11/2021

An excerpt from today's Weekly Wellbeing publication, click the link below to read the full article and guidance as to how you can become more aware of your relationship with food.

"We live in a time where many have lost touch with the wellbeing of their being. To date the global wellness industry has hit an approximate net worth of $4 trillion US, that isn’t a small amount of change going into people’s health.

And yet, I’m sure there are, at the very least a few, people you know that experience one or more of these issues; overeating, emotional eating, undereating, binge eating, constantly dieting, body images concerns, weight concerns and health challenges that have emotional and psychological contributions, such as hormonal, digestion, neurological (including mood and brain functionality), immunity, and fatigue, to name a few.

Something doesn’t add up, right? And here I'm not talking about the calories. What this is really saying is that as a collective of people we have developed a very disordered relationship with food and nourishing our being. This means no longer can our focus with nutrition just be on the food itself but also based on the relationship we have with food and our bodies, which encompasses social and psychological elements of consideration.

Or though to some people the term ‘mindful eating’ might sound fluffy, I assure you the road to becoming more conscious and self-aware of your eating habits and if they are positive for your health and wellbeing or not is certainly not a fluffy journey.

This is a very large topic however I want to help you to start to consider some questions you might like to start asking yourself in relation to, how aware you are of your eating habits? And, how are these habits having effects on you and your life?""

How conscious is your relationship with food- mindful or mindless — Activated Wellbeing We live in a time where many have lost touch with the wellbeing of their being. To date the global wellness industry has hit an approximate net worth of $4 trillion US, that isn’t a small amount of change going into people’s health. And yet, I’m sure there are, at the very least a few, people ...

Nourishment that is deliciously sustainable: Functional Nutrition — Activated Wellbeing 05/11/2021

Giving greater function to wellbeing because health adds a sweet nectar to life!

Nourishment that is deliciously sustainable: Functional Nutrition — Activated Wellbeing “It seems from a generalised perspective that amongst all this chaos, we have forgotten that since our bodies are made up with specific functioning systems, it would then make sense the food we eat does too. If something is functional it means that it is designed to have special activity or purpo


Day 30 - Treat yourself Well!

We all love our treats. Many struggle to have a healthy relationship with treats ending up in a vicious cycle of deprivation, binge eating, regret and guilt. Our body doesn’t response well to this treat physically, mentally nor emotionally. One of the ways I have found helps people to start steering onto a new course is making alternative healthy treats.

Sometimes the healthier treats take a little bit to get used to, an acquired taste if you will. But most often than not you will find yourself loving them. This is because your body receives nourishment from these snacks, meaning your body can put these snacks to good use rather than store them as is the case with the unhealthy treats that are void of nutrients.
So for our last health mission in this series, we are going to start bringing in the habit of choosing to make healthier treat foods and bring them into our diets on a regular basis. Below are a couple of recipes to get you started!


The key defining nutrient in this treat, that possibly many of you wouldn’t put as a treat is Turmeric. Turmeric is an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory it is brilliant as a snack during your day ( as they are fabulous for digestion), or a couple is a great post- workout snack, especially for your joints and nervous system.


Makes approx. 24


1.5C (total) of nut/seed and buckwheat mix: I used a mixture sunflower seeds, walnuts and buckwheat the amount equally 1.5C
1C of dates
2 tbsp (flat) of turmeric
1tsp of black pepper ground
1 tbsp of cinnamon
1/2C shredded coconut
2 tbsp of sesame seeds
2tsp of vanilla essence

1. Blend the 1.5C of nut/seed and buckwheat in a whiz or nutribullet type mixer. Then place in a baking bowl.

2. Place the rest of the dry ingredients and the vanilla essence into the bowl and mix.

3. Place 1C of dates ripped up in a small pot with a couple of tbsp of water, place it over a low heat. Using a wooden spoon mash up the dates and start to stir them like a puree.

4. Add the dates to the baking bowl mixture.

5. Take small bits of the dough, make them into ball shapes and place them on a plate or tray with baking paper and leave in the fridge to set.

6. Keep them in a container in the fridge or in the freezer.


For all those who wished they could have chocolate for breakfast, I am your genie!

Ingredients for 1 serving are: 1 Tbsp of raw cacao powder, 2 bananas, handful baby spinach leaves, balance of pure coconut water and almond milk I don't use to much liquid when I want a thicker smoothie!

Many may freak out it has two bananas in it, but bananas help us to relax, balance our emotions, help us to be filled with happiness. So please don't judge the banana. Having this treat smoothie is far better than eating a burger or block of chocolate as a treat. This smoothie has nutrients to nourish the body. Bananas for example, actually have over 200 functions for the body so they are extremely good for healing.

Cacao also makes us happy as it is filled with magnesium which assists the function of the nervous system and our metabolism. Cacao which is the lighter side of chocolate asks you to love it as it will love you.

Spinach filled with plant cells and chlorophyll wants to share with you its many vitamins, minerals and plant protein as it contains so much light energy (literally energy generated from the sun – think solar panel electricity and you have plant cells) to assist your health and vitality.

Coconut water is hydrating and refreshing and almond milk is grounding.

What I smoothie to keep you balanced and joyful!!


As children, we are often told by our parents that we must chew our food properly, in order to avoid heart burn or stomach cramps, which is true. If we don't take the time to eat our food slowly and chew it properly the food particles are larger when they hit the stomach. Thus, making it harder work for the stomach muscles and stomach acid to break down food small enough to have the nutrients extracted by enzymes in the small intestines, and absorbed through the blood stream, so they can enter our cells and power our bodies.

It also means that our enzymes and good bacteria in the gut have to work much harder, often resulting in decreased optimal functioning. When the cascade of reduced digestive function occurs from a lack of broken down food particles, this often results in digestive issues such as heart burn, bloating, flatulence, bowel fluctuations, and a lack of energy due to inefficient absorption of nutrients.

If digestive issues and inefficency of nutrient absorption is allowed to continue this often has ramifications for other organs and organ systems in the body that rely on certain nutrients to continue functioning optimally. When we refer to nutrients this doesn't just mean fats, proteins and carbohydrates ( the calorie containing energy sources of foods in our diet); this also includes vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Which of whom, all uphold the integrity of many things within the body such as cellular function, and structure, as well as hormone function and balanced energy production from catalysed biochemical reactions from within the cells, by which our energy is sustained with.

Becoming more conscious of our eating and how we chew our food is often placed under the umbrella term of "mindful eating". Some people find it fluffy new age advice, however when you look at it from a physiological point of view it carries a lot of substance and depth into our wellbeing. Here are some view points that may have not been considered by many:

- The slower we are at eating the less stressed our system is. This means the body can get more our of the nutrients we are eating and our brain and neural pathways don't associate eating with stressful situations, therefore is morning like to utilise the food we are eating for energy rather than storing it for energy reserves due to being "stressed" and needing it for "survival mode instincts". When the body feels safe we can burn more energy because there is no reason that the body can see for why it would need energy reserves coming into the near future.

- Being more conscious of how we are eating, means a healthier bond between our brain (and mind) and body can occur. Thus, there is greater trust from the body to the brain, promising the brain that it won't overeat and cause other systems in the body harm. Therefore, a respectiful relationship is formed between the body and the mind. This is also half the importance for optimal wellbeing and body function, as the two are interlinked and relying on the wellbeing of the other one. This we often see evident in negative ways through bad eating habits and in the most extreme cases, eating disorders or disordered eating.

If the body and mind can trust each other, then greater health can be achieved as the strength and integrity of both paths mutliply with eachother, creating more harmony and flow.

- When eating more consciously it is easier to identify when we are physically hungry, and when don't need any more food, whilst also giving us a greater to make better food choices. This develops a greater respect between the body and the messenger function of the brains neural pathways so that the body isn't abused with over eating or poor nutrient intakes, which means less stress and greater harmony to allow the bodies systems to function with greater ease.

- When we take time to chew our food and enjoy it we can also take the time to be more grateful for the food we are eating and where it comes from. By having gratitude in this way, a greater abundance nourishment can come not only to us, but also upon the Earth. As the Earth will respond to our appreciate for her gifts with more nourishment.


Or though it may seem a simple activity to do together it can often create fabulous memories.

I personally still remember movies I have watched with family or friends where I have laughed so hard I cried or the laugh catched on, and then it became a "catch phrase" type memory between those whom you love to spend time with.

Memories like this, or though small, can make a great difference to meaningful connections and moments of great joy that we can treasure eternally.

If you don't have time to watch the movie this week, why not schedule it in. You may like to even return to a funny movie you have watched in the past and revisit some fond memories or make new ones.

In however way it flows, enjoy!


It's been said for a long time that laughter is the best medicine.

Laughter is definitely a mood lifter and negavitiy breaker.

Everyone knows this, but how often do we actually create environments and situations where laughter is abundant.

The best kind of laughter is often the sponanteous kind, however to laugh more together, you can create an environment where joy, happiness and laughter is more likely to occur.

Think about the times and environments where you and your family or you can your friends laugh the most.

Spend more time doing those things together, keep those times light hearted and fun, allow the smiles and laughs to flow and enjoy!


Who doesn't love finding a little note with something positive and uplifiting on it?

Why not set up some happy, positive, upbuilding, and loving notes for other people in your family to find.

The notes could be set up specifically for a certain person in the family or you could create many different notes planting them in various places you know where family members usually go in the house.

Let your creativity, imagination, positivity and passion guide you on this one.

Remember have fun with this and try not to get too logical in the way you set this up.


Dancing is one of my favourite ways to express myself, when I allow myself to let go I feel so much freedom and joy.

Dancing around the house freely is a good way to release some tension or stress, uplift your mood, and also get a bit more incidental exercise whilst possibly doing the more boring jobs such as cleaning.

However way you choose to do this, just go for it, there is no right or wrong way to be dancing here, this is just about you allowing yourself to go there.
Why not encourage others in the family to go there and expresses themselves, right along with you.

Don't be too serious and have fun with this one!


As we know getting enough sleep is important.

The optimal amount of hours for each person will vary slightly. Making sure you get enough sleep is important for brain function, productivity, energy, hormonal balance, mood, immunity and overall balance within the bodies organ systems.

Often with our lives, our schedules become busy and slowly going to bed at night can become later and later. When this cycle starts to creep in, schedule in an early night so that you can gain some rest.

Rest is important as this is when our body can heal and different processes within the brain can integrate and recalibrate, which can help us with greater problem solving abilities.

If getting to bed late is something that frequently happens to you, schedule in a few early nights a week and see how this can make a difference for you and others in your family too.

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BUCKWHEAT SOURDOUGH ✨️The wait is over 😁 This would have to be the most uncomplicated bread recipe ever!Minimal ingredie...
Day 30 - Treat yourself well!
Day 29- Eat slowly and chew your food properly
Day 28- Watch a funny movie
Day 27- Make laughter a daily occurrence
Day 26 - Happy Mail




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