Healthyyou- Creates wholefood easy, family-friendly recipes for everyone of all ages to enjoy. Nutrition and Wellness is a main priority to achieve.

Janine Dorman is an Accredited Nutrition and Wellness Coach. Janine's passion of nutrition and food proves to be a passion. Cooking classes is a great way to show this passion, with the opportunity to not just eat the yummy food but also learn what the benefits this food holds. Every Wednesday night from 6.00pm to 8.00pm the "Cooking Classes" is where you will find Janine Dorman from healthyyou cooking/demonstrating and "Yes" eating delicious goodies.




Watch Out For Stress: Stress is something that will be felt by all at different degrees. When it becomes out of control and it turns into a higher degree is when your life becomes out of control. Adrenal Fatigue is when your life has become out of control. Your body's ability to bounce back from either mental, physical or emotional stress becomes extra hard. Adrenal Fatigue can portray many symptoms so be aware that not sleeping, changes in mood and even down to developing vertigo can be a sign to slow down. Other potential causes such as death of a loved one, divorce, surgery, prolonged stress, poor diet and even negative thinking can take it's toll and build up to become adrenal fatigue. Doctor's will struggle to identify what is going on. You, yourself need to be very aware of your changes. Start, looking at ways to reduce this stress by reducing stress on your body and mind, eliminate toxins, avoid negative thinking, rest when you feel tired, laugh and play, take time out, seek counsel, eat a healthier diet and so mulch more. Remember, you are the only one who knows you and stress creeps up on us all. Just grab it before it becomes a chronic disease. .nz


Sprinkle Sesame Seeds: The power of Sesame Seeds with their 60 percent oil content and 20 percent protein. Packed full of both essential fatty acids and amino acids. Bursting with nutrients and considered a super seed. Super easy to use and on any dish from sprinkling over your breakfast, making tahini spread for your toast or crackers, popping into smoothie, baking, on top of your crackers, add to your main meal by sprinkling over top. Such, a small seed and bursting with goodness. And a source of protein and fiber as well as key minerals like copper, manganese and calcium. High in fiber and making you feel fuller, with the ability to keep you sustained for longer. Sesame seeds rank highest in cholesterol-lowering. Ability to naturally lower blood pressure levels. Sesame Seeds also contain an impressive amount of essential fatty acids which work with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K. Goodness, goodness, goodness to be added to well-balanced eating lifestyle. "Sprinkle Away" .nz


Elizabeth ll : Born on the 21st of April 1926 and passed away sadly on the 8th September 2022. Elizabeth was born in Mayfair, London and was the first child of the Duke and Duchess of York . Elizabeth came to throne in 1952 and is the longest-serving monarch, after reigning for 70 years. Queen Elizabeth ll will be missed "Her loss will be deeply felt throughout the country, her family, the Commonwealth, and by countless people around the world.".. Loved by all"


Ashwagandha for Stress: Ashwagandha is a herb. But not only a herb but an Adaptogenic herb. Adaptogenic herb which has a major impact on stress. Ashwagandha is a highly researched herb and very popular in Ayurvedic and Traditional medicine. Ashwagandha is not a new herb to the market it's been around for a while and known for its strength and stamina. Research, is really
proving that Ashwagandha will work for both men and women with numerous health issues. Stress and anxiety is on the top of the list for handling these complaints and since it is a herb there are no adverse side effects. Thyroid, Adrenal Fatigue, Balancing Blood Sugar. Boost Immune System and like any herb this is just the beginning of the list. Ashwagandha tea would be a great start if you were thinking of trying it. Ashwagandha is also available in all good health shops and works well with a healthy lifestyle. Get good advice before taking. Being, that it is a highly researched medicine there is plenty of data on Ashwagandha and it would be worth building your own knowledge. Remember natural and powerful stress reliever. .nz


he Oil For Kings: Olive Oil was only ever given to the Kings and Priests and used for its healing capabilities. Olive Oil was also considered a clean food in biblical times to promote health and longevity, interestingly it is still a clean food today and it is readily available to all. Olive oil has an extensive list of health properties as once again this is a healthy fat that has been highly researched. Since it is an anti-inflammatory food that is proving to work for heart health, slows aging, important fatty acids for brain health, adds in weight loss, helps to maintain mood and depression and so many more health purposes. Research, is telling us that the best Olive oil to purchase is Extra Virgin Oil as this oil has been cold-pressed, does not go thru any heat processing so all the goodness is still intact with it's delicate fatty acids and nutrients. If possible buy from a local source as there are a lot of Olive oils that have been tampered with, with regards to watered down and loaded with flavour enhancers etc. Final thought, Olive oil is not an oil for cooking with, as it breaks down with high heat and the oil will become toxic and produce an awful taste. Best to use Coconut oil for cooking and Olive oil for drizzling onto foods or using in salad dressings or dips since this requires no cooking. Remember Extra Virgin Olive Oil only.... .nz


Do You P**p?? Quite a common problem for us all who are not eating enough fiber in a day. Fiber is a lot more then something that keeps us regular, it is also vital in delivering important nutrients to the entire body. In the market today there are many different brands of fiber supplements.
But beware they will be loaded with colours, additives and fillers. Psyllium husk is a perfect natural way to step up your fiber intake on a regular basis!. Psyllium Husk comes from a plant and is nice and natural. It is a fiber that once it is ingested it expands and forming a gel-like mass by drawing water in from the colon. It then promotes easy, healthy elimination. Since, Psyllium Husk is plant based it is probably obvious that it would have more health benefits. Sure enough IBS, Healthy Weight Management, Kidney Stones, Diabetes and the list goes on. Psyllium Husk can be taken daily and it is available as a powder or pill form from any good health food shop. Such a great alternative from taking a laxative and this will insure your are getting your daily requirement of fiber. .nz


Free-range or Caged Eggs: Well, this is a bit of a no brainer for me. However, lets look at the facts. Free-range chickens get to roam free, wander, perch, have a great quality of life. Caged chickens are caged and can't lie down, can't stand up, can't groom themselves and definitely cannot flap their wings. "Oh my". When it comes to eating the eggs a free-range egg has less cholesterol, less saturated fat, more vitamin A, more omega-3,more vitamin e, more beta-carotene. The yolk and the whites both contain nutrients, however the yolk is definitely the better with important vitamins and minerals, including selenium, phosphorus and vitamin B12. Eggs are boosted with ingredients that keeps your heart healthy and strong, beneficial for eye health and help with disease prevention in eyes, jammed pack full of protein which will in turn add in weight loss diet. Eggs, Eggs, Eggs are an easy and versatile option with many ways that they can be used for everyday eating. Always, a meal in an egg and considered a staple food in most pantries. Organic Eggs are understandable the best option especially if you are wanting the best you can get and chickens are fed an organic meal and not a processed one. .nz


Avocado The Healthy Fat: Avocado the world's nutritional Superfood. So, full of nutrients that avocados could help enhance heart health, boost weight loss and keep your digestive tract running smoothly. Avocado originates from Mexico, however they are grown all over the world nowadays. Easy and generally cheap fruit to use each day. Here is a Chocolate Mousse Recipe to try:
2 Medium Avocado's
1/2 cup Water/Kombucha/Water Kefir
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
2 Tbsp Honey
1tsp Vanilla essence
1/2 cup Cocoa/Cacao Powder
1/4 tsp Cinnamon/Nutmeg
Blend all ingredients in a blender/food processor. Store in the fridge in a covered container. Yummy, Yummy, Delicious. Why is it considered a superfood? Here is why Protein packed, Monounsaturated Fats, Fiber, Water Soluble Vitamins B&C, Antioxidant, Plant Nutrients, Plant Chemicals, Folate, Carotenoids promote joint, eye, and skin health and inhibit cancer, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and obesity. Avocado is a fruit for the whole family as all can enjoy. Easy, fruit to add to any dish or snack or even a smoothie. Who would have guessed that it can also go onto your skin and into your hair. Adding to your weekly shopping list would be a great start. Just think how healthy that small piece of fruit is. Final thought just remember they are a fat food to eat in moderation . Healthy Fats.


ould You Drink Soy Milk??: Soy is the most talked about product on this planet.

Is it good for you or is it not??.

Soy is definitely a product I would be looking into. Soy is a type of legume that was only grown originally in East Asia. However, now it is grown in many different countries and this is where the problems are coming from. Soy is also quite an adaptable product as not only is Soy milk made. But there is also Tofu, Tempeh, Soy Sauce and Miso. Soy, is like most foods as to only have in moderation and also it would be a really good idea to check which country it has been grown in. As any soy products that are coming out of the USA or Canada could easily be GMO Soy. To be extra safe, organic may be the safe way to go. Studies, with soy are showing good and bad opinions. However as I have mentioned it is a product that holds too much bad press, especially with regards to allergens and the high allergens seem to be coming thru with children. Also any food product that is GMO will give not only give health concerns ,negative environmental effects but also decreased biodiversity and toxicity to certain species, including honeybees. Just be a buyer beware before you buy and it is definitely a product that people are believing is good for them.
"But is It" The truth of Soy. .nz


Lacking Energy Today: Busy Lives, Busy People. Lacking energy is such a common problem is all ages and any time of your life. Might be a good idea to look at your Vitamin b1 (Thiamine) levels. Lacking energy and feeling fatigued, eat a poor diet, ongoing digestive problems or even confusion and irritability are some of the common problems. Vitamin B1has the ever important job of helping us digest and extract energy from the foods we eat by turning nutrients into useable energy. Vitamin B1 also is water-soluble so it doesn't stay in your system. It also needs to be in your body everyday as your body cannot make it. One pretty amazing vitamin ,with the ability to also fuel our nerves, muscles, boost immunity, enhance learning, with also the ability to help treat alcoholism. Vitamin B1 foods are the best way to increase your overall intake with the best foods ranging from nutritional yeast, seaw**d, sunflower seeds, macadamia nuts, black beans to lentils with many more too follow. Vitamin B1 is also added to many breads, pasta, rice and fortified cereal. However be aware that this is an artificial version of vitamin B1. Final thoughts, people at risk of low levels of vitamin B1 include alcoholics, those with anorexia, people with liver damage or liver disease, and those eating too little calories or lots of processed/refined foods. Keep in mind that Vitamin B1is water-soluble, so any excess will just be urinated out.
No need to worry... .nz **ds **dsnacks


Cleaning Products and Asthma: Welcome to the world of convenience that has been created with so many cleaning products on offer. Sprays, pastes, liquids, bath cleaners, oven cleaners, barbeque cleaners and the list just keeps on going. It's no wonder people are becoming sick with illness's such as Asthma, Dermatitis, Immune system Dysfunction and the not so obvious symptoms of itchy eyes, coughs, running noses and sore throats. Research, is telling us if you are that person who uses those spray's over a period of time it is extremely likely you will cause damage to your lung function. Studies have proved it is just as bad as smoking a packet of 20 ci******es' a day. Be aware when buying cleaners that are claiming they are "Green" or "Natural" you might be surprised. Thinking of maybe making your own?? Easy and all you need is Baking Soda and White Vinegar and Essential Oils. This mixture will clean it all and no need for all those bottles of cleaners for each area of the home. Imagine the money you will save and all of that plastic going back into the environment. Final, thoughts on cleaners. Most households don't require harsh chemicals to kill all germs. Especially, when you doing more damage for your health and your families health. Might be time to rethink before you clean clean clean. .nz ******es


Dandelion Tea Benefits: "Spring is Coming". Look out the window and you will see all those little yellow flowers popping up on your lawn. Interestingly, enough these little flowers are a yellow gold field with an abundance of health properties. Dandelion's have been recorded to have been used for centuries with regards to health. "Nothing New Here". Dandelions offer an impressive amount of calcium with ten percent of your daily requirements, so here is protection for your teeth and bones. Furthermore muscle tension and high blood pressure is also a pure sign you need more calcium. Dandelions are an excellent source at preventing vitamin K deficiency . Vitamin K is known for bone and heart health with the ability to help reduce the risk of bone fractures and blood clotting. Dandelion tea has proven to be beneficial with a liver cleanse, ability to fight diabetes, boost skin health and impressively high in antioxidants. Easy to make a cup of dandelion tea .
Dandelion Tea:
Dandelion flowers/roots
Place one tablespoon of flowers/stems in half a cup of boiling water and let it sit for thirty minutes. Strain tea and drink up. If you really do not want to make your own. Dandelion Tea can be purchased from any good health food shop. Final thoughts, dandelion can also be added to a salad or sautéed in a stir fry for tea. Who would have though that w**d on your lawn was such an amazing health product. .nz


Why? Are Mushrooms Healthy?: If you are sticking to a healthy diet then mushrooms are for you. Mushrooms not only fight diseases, but also are a great source of Vitamin B, trace minerals with the appeal of being low in calories and carbohydrates. The use of medicinal mushrooms date back to thousands of years ago. With the Asian countries using them as part of their everyday traditions. Mushrooms, offer many many varieties to choose from and they all seem to have amazing health benefits. Health benefits ranging from fighting cancer cell growth (with the backing of recent studies). Enormous boost for your immune system, protects heart health, improves energy levels, strengthens bones with also the ability to supply Vitamin D. Since, there are so many varieties of mushrooms it is important to learn more about them to find out their truly amazing health benefits. Mushrooms are super easy to add to any meal whether it be for breakfast in the morning or have it on toast for lunch. Dinner time you can add them to stews, soups and make yummy sauces. Remember, you can even buy mushroom powder and these powders are generally the one's that are made from Reishi, Lion's Mane, Chaga as examples. Mushrooms are not everyone's favorite. Just try and hide them in other food to eat them and think of all those "Health Benefits" .nz


What is Kombucha: Kombucha has become the drink which we have all tried. Kombucha is known as the "Health Elixir" from the people of China. As, with a lot of healthy options this in not a new drink and has been around for thousands of years. Due, to the fact that it is a fermented drink is a pure sign that it is good for you. Not, only is it good for your "gut", but also a good preventative for disease prevention and may even have a positive improvement on mental function. Research, is proving that the gut is like your second brain as the digestive system is the second largest part of your nervous system. It can be said that what ever you are eating and drinking is not only affecting gut health but also brain health and mental health. Mental health statistics are increasing rapidly each year. What better way to start working on your mental health issues.. Making at home is super easy and beneficial for the whole family as well as pets. Ask your friends or look online or pop down to your local health shop for a Scoby to start making that wonderful fermented health drink.
Kombucha Recipe:
1/2 cup of Kombucha Liquid (friend)
1 Litre of water
4 teabags of black tea
60 grams white sugar (coconut sugar)
Take the water and sugar and boil for 5 minutes. Stir, often to make sure sugar has dissolved. Then remove, from heat and add the teabags. Let this mixture sit for 20 minutes. Once cooled add to a wide mouth container. You may now add the Scoby and the 1/2 cup kombucha liquid. Cover container and let this sit for a week. After a week it is now ready to drink and start the process again. If you want some different flavours add a piece of ginger or some fruit juice. Add, this after the fermentation process. . Final thoughts on Kombucha. Following fermentation, it becomes rich in vinegar, B vitamins, enzymes, probiotics, all of which contribute to its many health benefits. For most, people this a great health option and only adds health benefits onto an already healthy diet. .nz


Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate: Staying hydrated is essential for your health. Drinking water and other hydrating liquids is what comes to mind with regards to staying hydration. However, who would have thought that fruits and vegetables play an important role as well. People struggle to drink enough water a day, now you can introduce some more variety with eating a vast array of fruit and vegetables such as celery, berries, carrots, avocado, grapes, zucchini and pineapple which are just a few on the list. Introducing this option also add a whole lot of nutrient-dense foods and well as some important electrolytes. Balancing electrolytes is key to maintaining hydration. With the magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium from fruits and veges helping to combat electrolyte imbalance, which in turn aids hydration. Another interesting factor is exercise or movement when it comes to hydration. You, would not think the two would go together. However, research is proving that increased circulation is happening, which in turn is improving circulation and improving electrolyte levels and getting more nutrients to your cells. Always, remember that hydration is important for us all and particularly more important for kids and infants, people over 65, people on certain medications, athletes and very ill people. staying hydrated is not always easy. If you suffer from any headaches, joint pains, cracked lips, nausea or just feel a bit dizzy. "Stay Hydrated " is maybe the answer. .nz


Do you make Bone Broth?: Probably wondering how to make it? Easy, easy, easy. If you have a big pot or a slow cooker, then you are ready to go. Place bones of any animal and add some vegetables for that extra boost, cover with water. Add a couple of tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar, as this pulls out important nutrients from the bones. Heat slowly. Bring to the boil and let it just simmer for six to eight hours. Remove the scum off the top. Cook low and slow for at least 24 hours or up to 48 hours. Once cooked and slightly cooled. Drain off and remove bones and pop into ice cube trays or pop into containers to have in the fridge. Ready to drink. Why is this so good for you?. As you can imagine with all of those tendons, bones, and ligaments that you u can’t eat directly can be boiled and then simmered over a period of days. This simmering causes the bones and ligaments to release healing goodness such as collagen, proline, glycine and glutamine and these powerful elements will transform your health. Amazing health benefits from joint protection with the added bonus of building strong bones, gut issues, healthy digestion function, healthy skin and protection from aging, powerful detoxifier and well as boosting your immune system. Bone broth is an all rounder and classed as nature's multi-vitamin and so easy to digest. Make today and really try and find grass-fed or organic animal parts as you are then guaranteed to be having the best. .nz


Is Cheese full of Hormones? Un fortunately, unless you are eating raw and organic cheese. Then the likely hood of your cheese having hormones in it is very likely. People wonder How can hormones get into cheese? A very simple answer is that the cow, goat or sheep that the milk has come from to make this cheese would have had some kind of hormone, animal drug, or chemicals put onto the pasture . From there the animal is milked and cheese is made...… I really don't believe that people have put two and two together. If you really cannot live without cheese there are options out there that would be a better options. So, if you cannot get raw or organic the next best option is Goat/Sheep Feta Cheese as it is known for being easier on the digestion system and much less inflammatory than cheeses from cow milk. Look for feta cheese that is raw rather than pasteurised versions. Goat Cheese is made entirely from the impressive goat milk. Goat milk contains the A2 casein which is much easier for people to digest. Also, goat's milk protein is the closest milk to human breast milk. Cottage Cheese is there on the list as being a healthier option. Cottage cheese doesn't go thru an aging process, and is extremely popular protein snack. Full fat cottage cheese is the best option. Pecorino Romano Cheese is made from sheep's milk and interestingly enough it is still made in Italy using the original recipe. Ricotta Cheese is another healthy option and generally made from several animal milks, however, it is considered healthy as it is created with the whey product and it is a fresh cheese that hasn't been aged. Let's not forget vegan cheese. Vegan cheese can be made from nuts, oil based and combined with potato or starch. Great alternative if you do not want to eat dairy.. "No Hormones" in nuts. Many people love cheese and believe it is part of a healthy diet. Good news, as long as you choose wisely, there are a lot of delicious cheeses and eaten in moderation. .nz


Do you drink Ginger Tea?? Just another herb that has been around for a very long time and used before the western medicine appeared. Ginger contains a list of valuable compounds, but nothing like Gingerol. Studies, are proving that Gingerol has amazing benefits and has the ability to inhibit inflammation. Inflammation is a main cause of the list of chronic diseases appearing in today's world. Ginger is everywhere today and you see it in teas, soups, dinners and easy to just purchase from your local supermarket. Personally, a herb that would be classed as an essential necessity on your shopping list. Ginger tea is a must especially when it works for
nausea, motion sickness and morning sickness. Great remedy for pregnant woman. Ginger is also proving to ease pain in your joints and muscles. Also proving to ease the severity of menstrual cramps. Digestive health, Enhancing your Immunity, Protecting Brain Health are just a few more astonishing aspects of ginger.
Fresh Ginger Tea Recipe:
A k**b of ginger: Peel and thinly slice your ginger piece. Add ginger slices to a pot of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. Remove, from the heat and discard the ginger and add your other favorites lemon and honey.
Brewing your own ginger tea at home, is an easy way to take advantage of the many health benefits. .nz


Protect Joints and Joint Pain: As we age we start to develop more aches and pains and our mobility isn't as good as it used to be. Our collagen decreases and begins to erode away, unfortunately the days have gone bye where we all used to eat the animal’s skin, bone marrow and tendons. Research, now though is telling us that people living with osteoarthritis, joint pain, osteoporosis, and exercise-related soreness or injuries can all benefit from supplementing with gelatin. Gelatin, is super easy to use and adding berries will give it that extra yumminess. Gummy bears or homemade jelly are delicious and everyone can enjoy them. Gelatin, will put a lining on your tummy, which will then improve your gut and digestion health. Having trouble getting to sleep or not having a good night's sleep. Then give gelatin go. Heart problems, aging, skin issues or need a bit of a life in mood. Gelatin, Gelatin, Gelatin. Research, is also telling us that a small amount each day will have a real impact on osteoarthritis, joint pain, osteoporosis, and exercise-related soreness or injuries. Gelatin, will also help form strong cartilage and connective tissue that gives parts of our bodies elasticity. Gelatin needs to be of the best quality when buying i.e. organic or grass-fed would be the ones to look for. Wow, all of this in such an amazing product. .nz

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