Catholic Movers

Catechetical and inspirational points about our Catholic faith.


Tuesday, Fourth Week of Easter

1st Reading - Acts 11:19-26
Gospel - Jn 10:22-30


When I was younger, I often asked pretty typical kid questions. “Why?” “What does that mean?” “How do you know?” I was asserting my need to question the things that going on around me. And at times up until today, I continue to need proof for statements that are made to me.

This is how the Jews tried to further their questions about Jesus' identity as the messiah. Although they have heard Jesus' words and witnessed his works and miracles, they remained unconvinced and even hostile to him. And so, the gospel today answers the demands of the Jews to reveal Jesus' identity. Jesus' sheep do not need any such proofs and assurances because they know the shepherd's voice and trust him.

What makes the sheep distinguished as those that belong to the fold is their attentiveness to the voice of their shepherd. Whenever they hear the shepherd's voice, they listen and obey where he will lead them. This kind of relationship between the sheep and their shepherd is used by Jesus in the gospel today to remind us that when we live apart from him, we might lose the chance to hear his voice, listen, and obey. But that is not the Good News. The good news is that whenever we are gone astray, whenever we fail to identify our shepherd's voice, he will always seek for us. Remember how the shepherd left the ninety-nine just to find the lost one? This is how the shepherd puts value to his sheep. He can even reach the point of placing himself in danger just to save the lost one. In order for that lost sheep to return back to the fold.

This is the same also for all of us. How many times we fail to indetify the voice of Jesus because our inner voices are stronger than his? How many times we fail to recognize his presence in our midst because we are occupied looking at our own pastures. How many times we refuse to listen because of the stubbornness of our hearts? But despite these failures, how many times we are lift up by our shepherd on his shoulder just to carry us back?

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Monday, Fourth Week of Easter

1st Reading - Acts 11:1-18
Gospel - Jn 10:1-10


Everyone can be a shepherd, but not all can be a "good" shepherd. This is our calling: to become an imitation of the shepherd who is good. But how? By emulating the characters of the greatest shepherd who exemplifies in our gospel narrative today what it truly means to become one. It doesn't only require intimacy in relationship, but service and offering of one's life. This is what Jesus meant when he said that the shepherd doesn't only guide the sheep. The shepherd knows also their name so that they will listen and obey when they hear his voice as a personal response.

We've had culminated our Workshops two days ago. As teachers and youth animators, how can we be modern shepherds? Let us ask first: How's our relationship with them? How can we be instruments for our children and youth to see Jesus, the gate/door? Whenever they are gone astray of our sight, are we able to bring them back to the sheepfold by leading them the way? Do we know them by name, so that when we calls them, they can identify that it's our voice, and we can lead them the way? For us, it is not simply finding the way, but living the way in our everyday life. We live our following of Jesus.

Pope Francis affirms that" It is Jesus who is the door through which we enter and through which we exit with him to follow the way of life. It is Jesus who shows us the way. Thus, those who follow Jesus do not go astray."

If we will follow Jesus as our way to the gate, the direction will be very clear. However, there are many occasions that we ourselves go astray: If things get rough; If contradictions block our way, if things don't go according to our visions; and more.

Shepherding is also a matter of relationship. It needs time. If we cannot find reason to spend time with them, how can we even fulfill our call to smell like them? If we cannot do such basic requirements of our Lord to become a shepherd, probably, there will be no instance that we will be willing to offer our life for them that they may also have life. Because such relationship is not grounded on true service and pure love as driving force. Because we have personal conditions. Conditions that are too much personal that only ourselves can fathom.

This is the reason why we need to always trust the process of discernment. That first and foremost, we may encounter the Good Shepherd, to allow him to teach us to be like him even though a little percent of his identity, to keep always before our eyes his examples who came not to be served but to serve, and who came to seek out and save those that were lost.

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Tuesday, Third Week of Easter

1st Reading - Acts 7:51—8:1a
Gospel - Jn 6:30-35


The theme of feeding in our gospel today reminds us how generous our God is. We can notice how God sustains the Israelites in the dessert with manna in spite of their discontented and murmuring attitudes. They even got to the point of criticizing God's generosity by complaining that what they had received was a wretched food. But God is a God of consolation. He is a God-for-us who fed them unfailingly until they reached the promised land. For us, God's unceasing providence does not stop from the giving of manna in our own dessert experience. He gave us his only Son as an ultimate food, our bread of life.

However the question is: "Can we still recognize other's generosity most especially God's generosity when we are not satisfied?" The one who sustains us is the one who calls us. We cannot appreciate things and be truly grateful for for what we have if we will always look for what is lacking... those we don't have. True gratitude happens when we can able to thank God despite hapless and awful experiences in life. With the many things we continue to long for, we sometimes cease to appreciate in the ordinary the graces of God. Why? Because often, we expect of God's miracles as resplendent. Often, it has to be magnificent in our eyes. We expect of God's miracles according to our wants. But God doesn't work that way. How can we experience God's miracle if from the very start, we don't already trust. If our hearts are full of doubts and disbelief. What God really desires is to meet us daily: whenever we sweep in our gardens, whenever we water and landscape the plants, whenever we patiently wait for our vegetables to grow and bear fruit, whenever we do carpentry works, whenever we clean the dust and cobwebs, whenever we wash the dishes, whenever we talk to one another... Aren't these experiences graces where we can encounter God? Aren't these works graces for us to grow and be firm in our convictions?

Let us pray that we may see God's grace that sustains in the most ordinary routines of our lives. And may we learn to be grateful for everything; big or small... forseen or unforseen, rough or smooth undertakings. Let us come closer to Jesus - the One sent by the Father, the Bread of life, the giver of life.

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Monday, Third Week of Easter

1st Reading - Acts 6:8-15
Gospel - Jn 6:22-29


The gospel of St. John is sometines refered to as the "Book of Signs." Signs or "semeia" has two correlating factors: 1) It points to something - to the person of Jesus and 2) It indicates direction - a call to faith. Jesus' miracles are always signs of the Kingdom of God and catalysts to faith.

Take a look at the discourse in the gospel today. It tells us the reason why Jesus performed signs, like the multiplication of loaves and fish and the feeding of the crowd. That is to believe in Jesus as the one whom God has sent and to have life in Him. That sign of the feeding is supposed to direct people to another reality. But the people only realized the capacity of Jesus to perform a miracle that satisfies their needs, their hunger. They failed to see and understand the meaning of that sign. Why? Because their intention is different. Their attention is focused solely on the corporeal and temporal concerns of the body. It's all about personal satisfaction and gratification.

This event in our gospel can lead us to reflect on our personal intentions and motivations for following Jesus... our deepest desire why we want to become His living witnesses. The crowd who followed him did so because Jesus was able to provide for their needs. I would say: "No one can judge a person's heart." But despite of our personal longings, Jesus never rejects us, denies us, but always redirect us. He even calls us to something higher... to long for the higher realities of life. He wants us not to labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life". And by doing so, He wants us to become genuine of our intentions why we really want to follow Him.

Let us consider the life of St. Stephen, the first Martyr of the Church, as our example. In the Acts of the Apostles, 6:8-15, we read how he was filled with grace and power, and could able to withstand persecutions because he had made a choice for Jesus and His Kingdom, above all! He rejected all worldly promises and desires that blocked his view of the Kingdom! Let us take this as a sign for each one of us today.

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Third Sunday of Easter

1st Reading - Acts 3:13-15, 17-19
2nd Reading - 1 Jn 2:1-5a
Gospel - Lk 24:35-48

What evidence is often offered and even asked in order to prove one's love? People ask for proof to get assurance, to be certain that the leap of the will they give is worthy enough, and that they won't regret their decision at the end of the day.

1. Where there is doubt... faith!
The disciples were in great doubt because the Jesus whom they believed as the Messiah, the One who will liberate them from oppression and subjugation of the Romans was already gone. He was dead! And so their hopes were banished and their experience of Jesus since they started to follow him closely were all put to question.

This doubt of the disciples gave them so much anxiety. Probably not only because of their failed expectations but because their conscience was haunting them for abandoning Jesus at the most crucial moment he needed them most. They chose to be secured, protect their personal interests, and ignored all that they have shared together with Jesus rather than being with Him in these trying times of his life.

But despite of these unwanted circumstances, that you may say invalidates the sincerity of loving... if the person truly cares and loves... Jesus has another take. He offered them his peace. An assurance that says, "Don't be afraid, have faith in your hearts and be courageous for I am with you. I never abandoned you and fulfilled my promise because that's how I love. And now, I want to prove that love. That's why I rose from the dead."

2. Where there is despair... hope!
Despair can lead us to feel troubled. To see life as something not worth living. We tend to question everything around us. But look at the invitation of Jesus to his disciples who were terrified in seeing him. Jesus asks them to come and touch him and experience for themselves that he is real. Jesus then showed them the wounds in his hands, feet and side to strengthen their belief that this vision before them was Jesus, their Lord and their friend.

Whenever we experience despair in life, questions that no one can provide an answer, to whom shall we go? To Jesus. Let us come to him. Let us touch him. Let us experience his presence within us by opening our hearts. That in allowing Jesus to take part in our life, in whatever experience we are going through, may we see the hope of moving forward. May we find strength in his wounds. Because those wounds were the testaments of his unconditional love for us. It is a time to rejoice in the gift of encounter. “Encounters with the risen Christ characterize the Christian hope of resurrection. We shall rise like Christ, with him, and through him” (CCC 995).

3. Where there is sadness... joy!
As the Lord truly rises from the dead, let us proclaim the true joy of our faith. Let us become living witnesses of the Resurrected Christ by loving one another to the fullest. In the words of Pope Francis, “In the light of the Risen Lord, our sufferings are now transfigured. Where there was death, now there is life. Where there was mourning, now there is consolation. In embracing the cross, Jesus bestowed meaning on our sufferings and now we pray that the benefits of that healing will spread throughout the world.”

May the love of Jesus Christ transform us! May our love for Him and for others give us firm faith, unwavering hope, and immense joy to proclaim the Easter message of our salvation.

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Saturday, Second Week of Easter

1st Reading - Acts 6:1-7
Gospel - Jn 6:16-21


Bible scholars explain that the Jewish worldview of, "sea" is seen as the place of chaos wherein only God can walk on the sea waves. It shows divine supremacy over the presence of chaotic forces that menaces life. That is the reason why the apostles got afraid. For they did not notice who was walking on the sea and could not fathom at the same time why Jesus was able to do so.

When Jesus said to the disciples, "It is I.", he does not only reveal to them his identity. More so, he gives them an assurance that even in the most difficult time of our lives... that in every wave of a turbulent sea, we should not be afraid, he will be there. He is in full control. We just have to trust Him. He will bring us safely to the shore.

However, oftentimes, we want to control things... to put everything on our hands to anticipate what is to come. And this orientation can give us the incapacity to allow God to work... the hindrance to know God's desire for us. Trying to control things according to our own will and not to God's can lead us to invalidate God's important role in our lives. Putting our confidence to ourselves rather than to God. And so, whenever unexpected circumstances block our way, we cannot move forward. Our tendency therefore is to build defense mechanisms: blaming God and others for our personally-made struggles for we cannot accept that ourselves is the real problem.

What to do then to combat such emotion and problem that can affect not only our personal relationship with others and the Lord but also our sense of service? We have to surrender to God. We have to let him take the full control of our lives. We have to trust him completely. Only through these dispositions that we can recognize the Lord. That he is present in all aspects of our existence. And that we are never alone in our endevours.

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Friday, Second Week of Easter

1st Reading - Acts 5:34-42
Gospel - Jn 6:1-15


Although all four gospel evangelists did mentioned about the multiplication of food, it is however noteworthy to emphasize the unique narration of St. John. He situated the miracle of Jesus across the Sea of Galilee also known as the Lake Tiberias. Looking at the historical context of that time, bible scholars agree that "it is a reminder of Roman occupation and domination of the place claiming that it brought Golden Age to all its subject nations. But the truth is, scarcity of food continued to prevail throughout the empire. They further affirm that the feeding miracle of Jesus, performed on the Feast of Passover had an Exodus imagery. Albeit politically provocative, the act of Jesus became a sign of liberation to conquer and surpass the imperial subjugation that continue to prevail during that time.

Furthermore, our Christian perspective teaches us that the miracle of Jesus happened in the feeding of thousands of people reflects our celebration of the Eucharist. Like what Jesus did, we are challenged to give thanks to the Father for all the blessings we have received in life and to become bread for others.

In addition, we embrace our vulnerability but we don't stay with our vulnerable selves. We go beyond what vulnerability can't do to us. We find our way to become whole in our brokenness. And we find that with the Lord's presence in our life. That in sharing like that of the Eucharist, we become partakers into one another's life. We share not only our bread but our very own life. And there... At that very moment, we experience the fullness of life in Jesus Christ.

Sa mga pagkakataong nagkukulang tayo, bayaan nating buuin tayo ni Kristo. Tanggapin natin ang alok niyang buhay nang sa gayon ay makapiling natin siya sa magpasawalang hanggan.

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Thursday, Second Week of Easter

1st Reading - Acts 5:27-33
Gospel - Jn 3:31-36


We have known from our gospel reading yesterday that God's self-disclosure to human race is his self-giving love. Our interpretation of the catechism would always emphasize that God does not benefit at all from his revelation. Why? Because in his own nature, God is already perfect. On the contrary, we are the ones who benefit from it. As recipients of divine revelation, God desires that each one will be saved. That each alienated creature should be reconciled back and reinstated to our original status. And this purpose tells us that we must have a knowledge of God. This is the very reason why the Nicodemus episode highlights the dichotomy between light and darkness. Light that resembles truth and darkness to falsehood. It tells us today that the truth of God is our way to liberation. It heals our estrangement from God's offer of love and salvation. Therefore, for us to fully grasp this intention of God, he sent his only Begotten Son for us not to perish but to put into fulfillment his salvific plan. Jesus, by all means embodies God's identity. He became like us except sin, lived among us, exercised his ministry in words and deeds, to exhibit that we can rely to God and trust him at the same time. Nevertheless, our condemnation does not proceed from God but from our willful choice of refusing God's love. And it is evident that whenever we deliberately choose sin, we reject God's love and so choose darkness over light... falsehood over truth...

Since God has found the way to reach us out, we find the way at least to reach out for God. We are invited to bear witness to the message of the one who comes from above. But we should not fall into the temptation of becoming "above all". There are instances in my life that I desire to be big... to grow up... to have a bigger achievement... a bigger role in my work place... a bigger recognition... a bigger impact in society and more. There is something inside of me and probably you as well that drives us to be look for bigger and later on be above all. For me, there is nothing wrong with being big, that is the goal. But if you want to be really big, then make yourself really small. From our vantage point, everything on earth looks big. From our vantage point, everything in the Heavens looks small. And that tells it all. We have distorted sight looking at our own vantage point.

Why did I say so? God is very big and made himself very small. Those who wish to be big must think big such as "eternity" but not to act big "as if they were God". To know the Lord requires both exterior and interior dispositions. To serve the Lord requires tenacity as well as humility. To love the Lord requires a heart as well as a mind. The one who comes from above is above all, including you and me. That makes a lot of sense, given the fact that the one who comes from above came down for us all.

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Tuesday, Second Week of Easter

1st Reading - Acts 4:32-37
Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2, 5
Gospel - Jn 3:7b-15


The early followers of the Risen Lord like in the first reading today had indeed a difficult choice to make: either to live like the world or to live like the Lord. But they learned the courage to follow the way of Jesus. They chose with conviction to traverse the path of the risen Christ through the life and preaching of the apostles.

Furthermore, we can reflect how the early Christians lived their call. They are united. They are one in heart, mind, and spirit. They openly and generously share to one another what they have. As a matter of fact, a Christian who was moved by this way of life, sold his own possession, donated the money, and put it at the feet of the apostles for the benefit of all. We can witness how they lived like the Lord by sacrificing like the Lord. Like Jesus who was rich but chose to become poor for our sake. And this bond of love among them was a testament that helped bring about the conversion of many which remains relevant and timely up to our present day.

There was an Aesop story that tells a narrative about an enlightened holy man who lived in isolation. He would spend most of his time in prayer and meditation alone. For that reason, he was respected by all in the neighborhood. One morning, two students came to him to learn from him. "We want to follow you, for you have brought everlasting peace to our people," they said. But the enlightened holy man told them that peace will not come in this life for we are constantly at war. They did not understand what the holy man was saying and so, he continued. "There are two creatures that are inside of us that are fighting each other. One feeds on anger, resentment, bitterness, frustration, fear and doubts. The other feeds on mercy, forgiveness, compassion, understanding and love." The two pupils could not believe what they were hearing. They asked the old man, "Which creature is stronger." The wise man responded, "It depends. It depends on which one you feed the most."

In relation to that story, our gospel episode today shows a contradicting resemblance as compared to the first reading. It is dim who Nicodemus is. Whether he is a follower or not? Whether he is a believer or not? His life appears to be wrapped in confusion for he lived in the shadows of others during the day, yet walked about freely with the Lord, but only in the middle of the night. He had a tough choice to make and it appears as though he never made it.

Let us discern and make a decision today. We can either live in the shadows of others or we can break away and live in the light of the Lord. Which will it be? Hoping the we may be bold in choosing to live like the Lord and not like the world.

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Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord

1st Reading - Is 7:10-14; 8-10
Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 11
2nd Reading - Heb 10:4-10
Gospel - Lk 1:26-38

Looking at the narrative of the Annunciation story in the version of St. Luke, there are at least three qualities why Mary should become our role model.

1. Mary as model of obedience and fidelity to God.

We have heard in the gospel how God had chosen a simple girl, Mary to be the Mother of his Son. When Angel Gabriel was sent to seek Her consent, Mary, after the initial moments of fear, bowed Herself in obedience and said her Yes: “Behold, I am the Handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to Me, according to Your Word” (Lk 1: 39). Her submission to the will of God and her constancy even up to the foot of the cross of Jesus shows to us the degree of obedience and perseverance that Christians (us) ought to have in life. This same obedience becomes her fortress and strength – in moments of uncertainty, loneliness, dread and agony.

2. Mary as model of true faith and devoted discipleship.

One of the most outstanding qualities to be admired and imitated from our Blessed Mother is “to be faithful”. In Mother Mary, we have a person, who remained faithful at all times… even when there were dark clouds of unwarranted humiliation looming over her... even when unforeseen difficulties encountered Her during the birth of Jesus… even when she encountered many situations which were not understood by Her… even when life surrounded her with agonising moments and heartbreaking instances. With all this in mind, she is the first Christian, the first to have faith in Jesus. She is a model disciple, for she hears the word of God and keeps it in her heart. Her “Fiat” at the Annunciation would be lived all through Her life. This act of being “faithful forever” was a result of the constant choices that She made to listen and obey to God’s Will always.

3. Mary as model of charity and self-giving.

When Mary was entrusted with the greatness of the task, She gave Herself readily to the power of God. She didn’t hold back anything; She was complete in Her surrender. It is when we offer ourselves wholly and be ready to be moulded and shaped by the Lord, that He can perform wonders through us. Mary held on to Jesus as the Greatest Treasure of Her life: everything for Jesus and in Jesus - in her womb, in the manger, in his ministry, on the cross... Her entire self rested on Him. It is when Jesus becomes the Treasure of our life, that our lives gets enshrined in Grace and Holiness.

May we emulate these characteristics of our Blessed Mother. May we embrace her in our arms, the beautiful instrument chosen by God and be led to love the Lord more!

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Second Sunday of Easter

1st Reading - Acts 4:32-35
Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24
2nd Reading - 1 Jn 5:1-6
Gospel - Jn 20:19-31


The whole Church celebrates every second Sunday of Easter the Divine Mercy Sunday. So let us focus on the mercy of the Risen Christ by looking at the ABC of the Divine Mercy:
A. Ask God for mercy.
B. Be merciful to other people.
C. Completely trust in God's mercy for our lives.

But the mercy we are celebrating today is not just an ordinary type of mercy. It is not about my mercy, your mercy, or other's mercy. It is the mercy of the risen Christ. It is the mercy of God.

How does the Jesus who rose from the dead communicate his mercy to people? How does he communicate mercy to the disciples who were confused, who were hiding, who were afraid that they might also experience what had happened to their rabbi... to be crucified. However, some scripture scholars would also say that they were not only hiding because of fear of the Jews. They were hiding because they are afraid of Jesus if he truly resurrected because they were not faithful to him during his passion. They might be put to shame and embarrassment. But something different happened. They were gathered in the room... afraid... and Jesus appeared to them. Then the opening greeting of Jesus is "Peace be with you." "Ang kalinaw maanaa kaninyo!" These are very loaded words. Yes Peter, you left me behind and denied me three times. But I'm giving you now my peace. Jesus who was betrayed was the first one to take the initiative to reconcile... to forgive. If we are in that same situation, most probably the gospel will be changed. We will measure... muduol ta na ang taong nakasala sa ato muunang muhingi ng pasaylo. But Jesus is different. He was the one who take the first step so that reconciliation would be possible.

That's how he communicates his mercy. He does not allow his pride to wait for a long time so that reconciliation and forgiveness will happen. But that time, Thomas was not around. He isolated himself from the rest of the disciples. Why? Because he was so frustrated. He invested three years of his life, left his family, his livelihood, everything that he has to follow this Jesus whom they believed is the political messiah who will save and liberate them from the Roman imperial power. And therefore, when Thomas saw Jesus hanging on the cross, whom he trusted will save them from slavery was now hanging on the cross... powerless... would he also feel same as with the others that they were also betrayed... deceived? We invested a lot... too much... and now this is the end of everything? He was helpless and hopeless.

That is why when the disciples told him that we have seen the Lord... That he is truly risen... Thomas might probably thinking... Hindi pa ba sapat na naloko na tayo noong una? Kailangan pa bang magpaloko ulit? And so he gave a condition. "Unless I see the marks of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nail marks and my hand into his side... I will not believe." It is a dramatic condition for certainty. The only proof to make the doubting Thomas believe is the wounds of Jesus. But not anymore wounds of brutality but of victory. In our case, baka pumunta pa muna tayo sa derma... But for Jesus, his wounds and scars became evidences to convince a doubting person. Our wounds can turn by God into which mercy can flow. In the wounds of betrayals... in the wounds of infidelities... in the wounds created by expectations... These wounds when touched by the wounds of the risen Jesus can be transformed into wounds of healing and mercy.

After my father died at age of eighteen, I was still in my last year of philosophy in the seminary. I have to leave because I couldn't endure my mother's pain while living far from her. I could no longer pay my tuition and other fees. So I went out from the seminary bothered and frustrated of the things that had happened. I asked myself, "Ito ba yung kapalit? And I said a long litany of all the things I've done for God... Questioning Him, "Where are you?"

What will you do when your faith has been traumatized by such a traumatic event? What do you do when your identity as a Christian has been rolled up in a world view that promotes blessing and favor? But God is merciful. He sent me people who will show me his true mercy. Mo. Espie who adopted me for year in their convent just to finish my studies. Tito Pat and Tita Marita who supported me financially and emotionally through that trying times. Sir Anthony who opened the doors of their university for me to teach when my own parish closed it doors when I needed them most. God sent these people to remove my doubts of him. He send them to show me that mercy has a face. Therefore, it made me realize that when we experienced mercy from the risen Lord, we can't help but be merciful to others. All the doubts in our hearts will be cast out and the mercy of God will fill in that doubt.

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So where the river flows everything will live. -Ez. 47:9 Undershepherds: Pastors David & Bev Sumrall

Journey Church Philippines Journey Church Philippines
2nd Floor Dragon 8 Mall, Dagupan St. Cor. C. M. Recto Avenue , Tondo
Manila, 1210

Journey Church Philippines is a joyful contemporary church at the heart of Manila, we aim to care and build people's lives towards God’s purpose. Come and join us in discovering Go...

FCCY St. Peter Chapter FCCY St. Peter Chapter
1260 President Quirino Avenue Extension, Paco
Manila, 1007

Grace Tabernacle Church Manila Grace Tabernacle Church Manila
533 Vicente Del Fierro Street Gagalangin, Tondo
Manila, 1013

Grace Tabernacle Church is a Non-governmental Organization that reaches out to people to share the gospel of Christ since 1999.

COP - Luke's Call Fellowship COP - Luke's Call Fellowship
350 Taft Avenue, Ermita
Manila, 1000

Luke's Call Fellowship and Medical Mission is the Health Ministry of the Cathedral of Praise.

Faith-Driven Entrepreneur Faith-Driven Entrepreneur

A CHRIST-centered, Bible-based community