Shekinah Fellowship

The Official page of Shekinah Fellowship Seventh-day Adventist Church


Happy Midweek!

We are pleased to invite you as we journey along with a new series: "The Desire of Ages"

It is our prayer that as we study this book, may the "Lord by His Spirit will make the words of this book words of life to many souls whose longings and desires are yet unsatisfied; that they “may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings,” and finally, throughout a blessed eternity, at His right hand, share in “that fullness of joy,” and “pleasures forevermore."

Please see poster for further details.

Looking forward to see you!

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: "Once lost but now found through Christ..." this is how Marianne desires to be known for.

Marianne Magada is a Registered Nurse by profession and Minister's Wife by calling. She enjoys working side-by-side with her husband, Pr. Henry, and they are blessed with a lovely daughter.

Marianne is known by her family and friends as a hardworking and determined young professional, who always gives her best in everything she does. A high-dynamic woman, she cares about doing her job with real passion and focus. She also possesses a deep sense of compassion, particularly towards the elderly.

She is also gifted with a beautiful voice, where she is deeply inspired to tell others of Jesus' love through her music.

Above all else, Marianne sees God as her Creator, Savior, Redeemer, and her bestfriend.


Shabbat Shalom, dear brethren!

Join us tomorrow as we feast on God's Word with Pr. Hen Magada.

We will delve deeper into the Scriptures as we find examine what 'sin' is and find out how God deals with 'sins' and the 'sinners'.

Feel free to come with your family and friends!
We hope to see you at our new church venue. Please see poster for further details.

Looking forward!

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Pastor Henry Magada hails from the province of Romblon. He is married to Marianne and they are blessed with a lovely daughter.

Currently, he is the Resident Pastor at Shekinah Fellowship Seventh-day Adventist Church. He is known by family and friends as a man after God's own heart. The youth and young-at-hearts at church look up to him as he preach Christ and His Word so plainly in a way a young mind can understand.

In his free time, he likes to do photography, videography, reading, and writing.

For Pr. Hen, God is his "Lord and Savior."


"Against the foe in vales below
Let all our strength be hurled;
Faith is the victory, we know,
That overcomes the world."
That kind of faith in Jesus' conquering name -- a faith we have to learn of Him.
Family and friends, we are glad you could join us tonight as we feast on God's Word with Sis. Yen Barte.
Feel free to invite you family and friends.
Be blessed! Be a blessing!

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Sheriyen Barte hails from Central Antique District. She graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing at Central Philippine Adventist College (CPAC). Currently, she works as a Private Duty Nurse (PDN).
Yen finds joy in singing and playing music. She is a passionate leader, cheerful, and happy soul. There is never a dull moment when you are with her.
Dedicated in the ministry, she is currently the AY Leader of Shekinah Fellowship SDA Church.


"Against the foe in vales below
Let all our strength be hurled;
Faith is the victory, we know,
That overcomes the world."
That kind of faith in Jesus' conquering name -- a faith we have to learn of Him.

Family and friends, we are thrilled you could join us tonight as we feast on God's Word with Yen Barte.

Feel free to invite you family and friends.
Be blessed! Be a blessing!

Please see poster for more details.

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Sheriyen Barte hails from Central Antique District. She graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing at Central Philippine Adventist College (CPAC). Currently, she works as a Private Duty Nurse (PDN).

Yen finds joy in singing and playing music. She is a passionate leader, cheerful, and happy soul. There is never a dull moment when you are with her.

Dedicated in the ministry, she is currently the AY Leader of Shekinah Fellowship SDA Church.


🕊 Last Chapter of the book | Chapter 87: Pen Pictures of the New Earth

Join us as we complete studying our devotional book "Adventist Home" with Pastor Henry Magada tonight at 7:30PM (PHT).

Live-streaming will be made available through Zoom and Facebook

Extend this invitation to family and friends!

Be blessed! Be a blessing!

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Pastor Henry Magada hails from the province of Romblon. He is married to Marianne and they are blessed with a lovely daughter.

Currently, he is the Resident Pastor at Shekinah Fellowship Seventh-day Adventist Church. He is known by family and friends as a man after God's own heart. The youth and young-at-hearts at church look up to him as he preach Christ and His Word so plainly in a way a young mind can understand.

In his free time, he likes to do photography, videography, reading, and writing.

For Pr. Hen, God is his "Lord and Savior."


In times of doubt or difficulty, we can take solace in knowing that we have access to a source of strength that surpasses all understanding. We are equipped with the power and courage needed to face any challenge that comes our way, knowing that we do not walk this journey alone.

Join us as we reason together and feast on God's Word with Pr. Henry Magada tomorrow, 30 March at the new church venue, Escalades Condominium, 20th Ave., Cubao, QC.

Please feel free to come with your loved ones.

Extend this invitation to family and friends!
Be blessed! Be a blessing!

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Pastor Henry Magada was born in the province of Romblon. He graduated at Central Philippines Adventist College in 2011.

Pr. Henry is married to Marianne Magada and they are blessed with a lovely daughter.


Shabbat Shalom!
We are glad to have you with us in worship!
Please feel free to extend this invitation to family and friends!
Be blessed! Be a blessing!
📌 Speaker's Profile: Rogelio "Roger" Hermosa Mahayag comes from Masbate Island in Bicol.
Roger loves to share God's word with his colleagues and finds enthusiasm in discussing Bible topics with people he encounters while living his day-to-day life.
He is one of the elders of Shekinah Fellowship and Head of Prayer Department. Together with his wife and five children, they are serving God with joy and gladness.


Shabbat Shalom!

We are thrilled to have you with us in worship!

Please feel free to extend this invitation to family and friends!
Be blessed! Be a blessing!

📌 Speaker's Profile: Rogelio "Roger" Hermosa Mahayag comes from Masbate Island in Bicol.

Roger loves to share God's word with his colleagues and finds enthusiasm in discussing Bible topics with people he encounters while living his day-to-day life.

He is one of the elders of Shekinah Fellowship and Head of Prayer Department. Together with his wife and five children, they are serving God with joy and gladness.


🕊 Adventist Home | Chapter 86: Life in the Eden Home

Join us as we feast on God's Word with Elder Fred Celiz tonight at 7:30PM (PHT).

Live-streaming will be made available through Zoom and Facebook

Extend this invitation to family and friends!

Be blessed! Be a blessing!

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Fred Celiz is the Head Elder at Shekinah Fellowship SDA Church. By profession, he is a Naturopathic Practitioner and Technical Specialist.

Friends and family know him as " a man of few words," as he only speaks with words full of wisdom and loving guidance especially to the young people.

Elder Fred is a loving husband to Mae Celiz. The beautiful couple has no children but is blessed with lots of spiritual children.

In his free time, he likes to read, play the guitar and piano, and go hiking.

For Elder Fred, God is his "Friend and Creator."


As we come to the conclusion of our week-long prayer meeting, we will contemplate on our roles in uplifting those who have fallen within our city. We will explore the Scriptures for guide on how to exercise compassion and proactive response to uplift those who are burdened.

This invitation is extended to you! Join us in a week of prayer with active-heart challenge: "To be Committed Catalysts of Positive Transformation in our City."

See poster for more details.

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Czereah Emerei Tamani is a currently enrolled in Manila Adventist College, taking up BS in Business Administration major in Financial Management and Marketing Management.

Emerei, as family and friends call her, is a cheerful young lady and is gifted with a beautiful voice.

She likes to spend her spare time expanding knowledge through watching, reading, and even in workout and online selling.

For Emerei, God is her Provider.


Happy Sabbath, dear ones!

Welcome to the 8th day of our Youth Week of Prayer! For this afternoon, we will delve into the theme of fear in the city and explore the Scriptures on finding how faith can overcome fear and contribute to building a resilient and fearless community.

This invitation is extended to you! Join us in a week of prayer with active-heart challenge: "To be Committed Catalysts of Positive Transformation in our City."

See poster for more details.

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Tristan Jake Mahayag is a Senior High School at Manila Adventist College. At Shekinah Fellowship SDA Church, he is a youth leader at Communications Department and Deacons.

Tristan is an intelligent and is gifted with the talent of music, by God's grace.

For Tristan, God is his Friend and Savior of souls.


The concept of being a light in the Bible is a powerful metaphor that calls believers to shine in the darkness of the world. It is based on the teachings of Jesus, who encouraged his followers to be a positive and guiding influence in the lives of others. Just as a light illuminates a path, Christians are called to reflect the love and truth of God to those around them, bringing hope, joy, and healing to a broken world. This idea is a central theme in the Bible, reminding believers of their responsibility to be a beacon of light in a world filled with darkness.

Join us as we reason together and feast on God's Word with Pr. Henry Magada tomorrow, 09 March at the new church venue, Escalades Condominium, 20th Ave., Cubao, QC.

Please feel free to come with your loved ones.

Extend this invitation to family and friends!
Be blessed! Be a blessing!

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Pastor Henry Magada was born in the province of Romblon. He graduated at Central Philippines Adventist College in 2011.

Pr. Henry is married to Marianne Magada and they are blessed with a lovely daughter.


Welcome to the 6th day of our Youth Week of Prayer!

Tonight, we will examine the prevalent issue of hopelessness in our city. Responding to this, we will explore the scriptural teachings on finding hope amid the challenges and how can the youth be an instrument of hope.

This invitation is extended to you! Join us in a week of prayer with active-heart challenge: "To be Committed Catalysts of Positive Transformation in our City."

See poster for more details.

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Cynthia Veloso Victor is a 4th Year student, BSBA Major in Marketing.

She is known by her family and friends as shy but is graceful, kind, and hardworking. In her free time, she likes to read and watch good movies.

Personally for Cynthia, she knows God as merciful.


It's the fifth day of our Youth Week of Prayer!

Tonight, we will reflect on the impact of diseases in the city and seek guidance from the Bible on how faith and compassion can contribute to the healing process.

This invitation is extended to you! Join us in a week of prayer with active-heart challenge: "To be Committed Catalysts of Positive Transformation in our City."

See poster for more details.

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Shad Garcia is a second year Nursing Student at Manila Adventist College. She is currently the Associate Head of the Health Department at Shekinah Fellowship Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Shad is known by her family and friends as a cheerful and beautiful young lady, and is easy to get along with.

In her free time, she likes to play badminton.

For Shad, God is her "Everything" and is her "Provision".


Happy Midweek! Happy Fourth Day of our Youth Week of Prayer!

Tonight, we will discuss the challenges of depression in urban life and will delver deeper into the Scriptures to find hope, encouragement, and practical insights on supporting those struggling with mental health.

This invitation is extended to you! Join us in a week of prayer with active-heart challenge: "To be Committed Catalysts of Positive Transformation in our City."

See poster for more details.

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Winniefe Esguerra is currently a Junior High School student.

Sweet and smart, she is passionate in serving God being one of the 'maknae' youth leaders of the Youth Department at Shekinah Fellowship SDA Church.

In her free time, Winnie likes playing badminton and watching movies. She also loves playing the violin and singing.

For Winnie, God is a kind, loving, and merciful Savior.


On the third day of the Youth Week of Prayer, we will talk about the prevalent issues of loneliness in our city. We will explore the Scriptures for guidance and examples on how to address these issues through building meaningful connections and fostering a sense of support system in our city.

This invitation is extended to you! Join us in a week of prayer with active-heart challenge: "To be Committed Catalysts of Positive Transformation in our City."

See poster for more details.

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Sheriyen Barte hails from Central Antique District. She graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing at Central Philippine Adventist College (CPAC). Currently, she works as a Private Duty Nurse (PDN).

Yen finds joy in singing and playing music. She is a passionate leader, cheerful, and happy soul. There is never a dull moment when you are with her.

Dedicated in the ministry, she is currently the AY Leader of Shekinah Fellowship SDA Church.


Tonight, we will delve deeper into the life of Jesus as a model for urban transformation. We will study and learn from the teachings and actions of Jesus that can guide our fellow young people to be instruments of positive transformation in our city.

This invitation is extended to you! Join us in a week of prayer with active-heart challenge: "To be Committed Catalysts of Positive Transformation in our City."

See poster for more details.

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Mary Joy Maceda hails from Mindanao. Her sweet and warm personality captures the heart of her family, friends, and everyone she meets. As her name says, she finds 'joy' in singing, composing poems, and cooking.

Joy was a student of the Adventist University of the Philippines in her freshman year and is prayerfully working to continue her studies in the same University by God's grace.

For Joy, God is the one she can count on and rely on, and is the one she can talk to about her hearts' burdens and deepest longings. She added that, God is her Everything.


Hello, dear ones! Join us as we come together to God in united prayers, seeking His blessing for each young people and young-at-hearts to be committed catalysts of positive transformation in our city.

To know more about this effort, we kindly invite your attention as we re-echo the message from the General Conference Youth Ministries of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Director Andres J. Peralta:

"As we approach the Week of Prayer 2024, a powerful theme resonates: “Show Up: In the Cities.” It's a rallying cry for the youth to actively engage and make a profound impact within our urban landscapes.

Cities are vibrant hubs of diversity, challenges, and endless possibilities. The call to ‘Show Up’ urges us to do more than just exist within them—to be catalysts of positive transformation.

To ‘Show Up’ means committing wholeheartedly—to be present, proactive, and compassionate. It’s about taking action, lending support, and fostering unity amidst the bustling city life.

This Week of Prayer is an opportunity for the youth to lead change. Engage with your community, celebrate diversity, and embrace the chance to make a difference. Volunteer, advocate, and pray together, envisioning cities filled with compassion and equality.

Let’s step up and show up in our cities, not just for this week but as a lifelong commitment to building brighter, more inclusive urban spaces.

Embrace the call to ‘Show Up’ and paint our cities with the colors of hope, unity, and change."

Hope to see you!

**Prayer Meeting arrangements (platform and venue) will be announced in the succeeding promo posters.

Photos from Shekinah Fellowship's post 17/03/2024

Shekinah SDA Church gladly concludes its third session of action planning. Our focus remains the same, we want to make sure that each program and activity, where our time, money, and energy are invested, is driven by genuine need and glorifies God. We are committed to making Shekinah Church a haven of solace and support for all who seek it.
We are glad to serve you and to serve with you.


Kickstarting the week, think about the depth of God's special love for cities. Explore Scriptures that affirm God's love for urban spaces in incredible ways.

As young people of God (and young at hearts!), we are called to love our cities and expand the Kingdom of God within them.

This invitation is extended to you! Join us in a week of prayer with active-heart challenge: "To be committed catalysts of positive transformation in our city."

See poster for more details.

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Grezyl 'Zyl' Apolinario is a student of Bachelor of Arts in Literary and Cultural Studies at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines.

Zyl is a bright and cheerful young lady. By God's grace, Zyl is a dedicated and visionary Youth Leader.

In her free time, she finds joy in listening music and reading books.

For Zyl, God is her "Refuge."



"The Sabbath is a day of rest, reflection, enjoyment and worship for God’s people. It dates back to the seventh day of the creation week, when God stopped His work and took time to rest and savor it.

In six days He created the world we live in (Genesis 1:1-26). From the blue sky to the fluffy white clouds to the food we eat…He created this world with each of us in mind.

It was on the sixth day of creation that God formed man and woman in His own image.

“Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature” (Genesis 2:7, ESV).

Then God looked around at all He had made and saw that it was “very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day” (Genesis 1:31, ESV).

He had made everything necessary for humans to live and thrive here on this earth. But He wasn’t quite finished with the whole creation process.

On the seventh day God created the Sabbath. His last act of creation was to sanctify this day and make it holy. Then He rested."



"Finding hope and strength in times of difficulty, God's Word reminds us that our tribulations can lead to glory. Through our faith in God, we can endure and persevere, knowing that our struggles produce character, perseverance, and hope. Let us rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that they ultimately lead to greater faith and a deeper relationship with Him who strengthens us."

Join us as we reason together and feast on God's Word with Angelika Cadiz tomorrow, 16 March at the new church venue, Escalades Condominium, 20th Ave., Cubao, QC.

Please feel free to come with your loved ones.

Extend this invitation to family and friends!
Be blessed! Be a blessing!

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: A Sinner Saved by Grace. Angelika Cadiz is 24 years old from Ilocos Norte. Graduate of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. Children’s Department Head & Church Treasurer of Cadaratan-West SDA Church.


Shabbat Shalom!
We are thrilled to have you with us in worship!
Please feel free to extend this invitation to family and friends!
Be blessed! Be a blessing!


Shabbat Shalom!

We are thrilled to have you with us in worship!

Please feel free to extend this invitation to family and friends!
Be blessed! Be a blessing!

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Pastor Henry Magada was born in the province of Romblon. He graduated at Central Philippines Adventist College in 2011.

Pr. Henry is married to Marianne Magada and they are blessed with a lovely daughter.


🕊 Adventist Home | Chapter 85: The Reward Here and Hereafter

Join us as we feast on God's Word with Tricia Joyce Mahayag on Wednesday at 7:30PM (PHT).

Live-streaming will be made available through Zoom and Facebook

Extend this invitation to family and friends!

Be blessed! Be a blessing!

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Tricia Joyce Mahayag is a graduate of BS Nursing at Manila Adventist College.

Widely known as the MAC-Nightingale Club President 2022-2023, Tricia is a passionate and visionary youth leader. By God's grace, she graduated College with flying colors.

Currently, she is the Head of the Health Department at Shekinah Fellowship Seventh-day Adventist Church.

In her free time, she finds joy in reading books. She also likes to sing and play the piano and guitar.

Photos from Shekinah Fellowship's post 10/03/2024

"What a fellowship, what a joy divine
Leaning on the everlasting arms..."

All praises to God for ... a successful worship at the new church venue... a beautiful environment, good weather, friendly residents ... a closer warmth of the fellowship

Above all else, we praise God for who He is and His sustaining grace.

Come and join us again for another Sabbath experience next Saturday, from 9AM to 4PM at Function Room, Ground Floor, Escalades Condominium located at 20th Ave., Cubao, QC (fronting TIP Gate 1).

Hope to see you there!

Photos from Area 7 Youth Federation - Quezon City's post 09/03/2024

Know that amid the troubles in our lives caused by the enemy, we can find peace in knowing Christ and His authority.

Join us as we reason together and feast on God's Word with Pr. Henry Magada tomorrow, 09 March at the new church venue, Escalades Condominium, 20th Ave., Cubao, QC.

Please feel free to come with your loved ones.

Extend this invitation to family and friends!
Be blessed! Be a blessing!

📌 Speaker's Bio Note: Pastor Henry Magada was born in the province of Romblon. He graduated at Central Philippines Adventist College in 2011.

Pr. Henry is married to Marianne Magada and they are blessed with a lovely daughter.


Topic: "A Growing Church"
Speaker: Bro. Bhernie Peralta

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Videos (show all)

SF Worship
SF Vesper Service
WHAT IS THE SABBATH?"The Sabbath is a day of rest, reflection, enjoyment and worship for God’s people. It dates back to ...
Welcome to Shekinah Fellowship Worship
SDA Church, Shekinah Fellowship Vesper worship
01 March 2024 | Vespers Worship
23 Feb 2024
03 February 2024 | Sabbath Afternoon Worship
02 February 2024 | Vespers Worship
Day 10 | Ten Days of Prayer "Be Rich in What Matters – Be More Analog"
Day 9 | Ten Days of Prayer "The Blessing of the Sabbath"
27 January 2024 | Afternoon Worship



Escalades Condominium Function Hall, Tower 1, 20th Avenue
Quezon City

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