Marcin Reutt, D.O.

Strona o mojej pracy w obszarze zdrowia, osteopatii i CI, czyli wszystkim tym, co mnie ciekawi.

Strona o zdrowiu, osteopatii i filozofii, czyli wszystkim tym, co mnie najbardziej interesuje.


The Origin of Modern Science.

“The alliance between mechanistic science and dogmatic religion soon took shape, and in order to guarantee peaceful coexistence between science and religion, science had to remain within the boundaries of the mechanistic approach. Any attempt to go beyond mechanical causation was and still is fiercely stopped.”

The Decline of Science (2014) Di Corpo, U. and Vannini, A. Syntropy, Vol. 1, p.194-212.


Skoro już wiemy, że osteopatia jest filozofią:
"The book has been written by myself in my own way, without any ambition to fine writing, but to give to the world a start in a PHILOSOPHY that may be a guide in the future." (A.T.Still, Philosophy of osteopathy, 1899, caps lock mój;) ) to warto też przypomnieć może jedną z ważnych cech tejże (choć spisaną nieco później):
"Jasne jest zatem, że w ogóle nie może być mowy, by filozofia (...) miała kierować się metodycznie (albo wręcz rzeczowo) według nauk ścisłych, by miała sobie stawiać ich metodykę za wzór, by jej zadanie miało sprowadzać się do kontynuacji i uzupełnienia, według metodyki zasadniczo wspólnej wszystkim naukom, pracy wykonanej już w naukach ścisłych." (E.Husserl, Idea fenomenologii)


No to hyc, ostatnie podejście w tym sezonie, jak zawsze z McKone Osteopath 😎👌


“Now, if we are to have a name for the first way that we observe reality, we really believe that the most adequate term in this case is “appearance to the senses.” We understand by the term sense not only the outer senses as mediators of the external world, but also all bodily and mental organs that serve our awareness of the immediate facts. Indeed, the term inner sense is usually used in psychology to denote the capacity to perceive inner experiences. The term appearance merely something perceptible in space or time.”

Rudolf Steiner, Goethe’s Theory of Knowledge, 2008.


Jak zawsze mawia mój ulubiony McKone Osteopath: ‚to nie osteopaci zrobili ze mnie osteopatę jakim jestem dzisiaj’ więc i ja chwilę temu wybrałem się w podróż do trochę innej części świata i zdrowia. A podróż tę, razem z ekipą zupełnie doskonałych ludzi, zakończyłem wczoraj, na zdjęciu jej wyniki 😉

Było to jedno z lepszych (trudniejszych też) doświadczeń na mojej zawodowej drodze, a polecam je zupełnie wszystkim terapeutom ‚na pierwszej linii’, nie pożałujecie.

Prowadzącym i mojej super-ekipie dziękuję bardzo za te 4 miesiące i mam nadzieję, że gdzieśtam do zobaczenia w przyszłości 🥳🤩

DISCLAIMER: Nie prowadzę wizyt z zakresu interwencji kryzysowej, tę pracę zdecydowanie zostawiam profesjonalistom w tym zakresie. Do siebie niezmiennie zapraszam po osteopatię 🤩👌


A przy piątku przypominajka 😁


Tzw. Żart dla zaawansowanych 😂

Your cave, your wall, your projector ...


Oh, the good ol’ days

“What field does osteopathy cover? What field does medicine cover? When you have answered this question you will have answered your own as well. Osteopathy is not a speciality, good for a few things, including lame back. It is rather a system of universal therapy, treating what ever may be amenable to treatment. We treat the acute diseases such as typhoid fever, pneumonia, erysipelas and tonsillitis; we treat the chronic diseases such as those incidental to the stomach and heart. We care for the woman in her confinement and we have by virtue the mechanical principles involved. And last of all, we bid for surgical cases for we resort to surgery when other less drastic measures have proven inadequate.”

C. Burton Steven’s, D. O., Survey of Osteopathy, The Osteopathic Physician, vol. 36, No. 3, September 1919.



“The natural resistance of the body to disease lies in the fact that the blood and the tissues contain countless billions of inconceivably small particles (molecules, in chemical language and, as they were called by Dr. Still, “atoms in the blood”), which have a powerful chemical affinity for the disease germs or their poisons (toxins) or with the cells of tumours, and which, uniting with those germs, toxins, or cells of tumours, neutralise or destroy them, leaving the body sound - what we call “well”. These facts constitute the heart of the great theory of immunity, which, for the past twenty-five years has filled the world with its noise, and which was first suggested and first acted upon in a practical way by Still and his school.”

M. A. Lane, Dr. A. T. Still, Founder of Osteopathy, 1923.


Co to była ta osteopatia…?🤔😂

Friendly reminder to read a book sometime ...


Tyle razy pytacie, o co chodzi z tą nazwą - no to proszę, prezent od zajączka dra Stilla;)

“I listened to all who thought I ought to name my baby, so I began to think over names, such as Allopathy, Hydropathy, Homeopathy, and other names, and as I was in Kansas when the name Osawatomie was coined, by taking the first part of the word Osage, and the last part of Pottawattamie, and the new word coined represented two tribes of Indians, I concluded I would start out with the word os (bone) and the word pathology, and press them into one word - Osteopathy. I wanted to call my boy Osteopathy, and I did not care what Greek scholars said about it.”

Andrew Taylor Still, DO, MD.


“Systems do not exist in nature, but only in the minds of men.” Claude Bernard (1813-1878)


“We tend to think of the large-scale universe of matter as being made up of separate and independent masses interacting with one another through the force of gravity. The viewpoint that emerges from modern physics is very different from this traditional conception. It is now believed that mass is not an intrinsic property of a body, but in fact a reflection of the whole of the rest of the universe in that body. Einstein imagined, following Ernst Mach, that a single particle of matter would have no mass if it were not for all the rest of the matter in the universe. Instead of trying to understand the universe by extrapolating from the local environment here and now to the universe as a whole, it may be useful to reverse the relationship and understand the local environment as being the result of the rest of the universe.”

Henri Bortoft, Counterfeit and Authentic Wholes, in Goethe’s Way of Science: A Phenomenology of Nature, 1998.


Warto zapamiętać;)

“Newton’s respect for the written word of God was also manifest in his respect for the clergy - in his case, Anglican rather than Catholic. Whereas Galileo had deputed in poking fun at clerics, Newton’s intellectual development was deeply influenced by a group of Cambridge-based theologians, and later in life, when he was trying to promote his natural philosophy on a wide scale, he looked to the clergy as his primary allies. He in turn became theirs. Following in the footsteps of Kepler, Descartes, and Mersenne, Newton wanted nothing so much as to put his science at the service of theology.”

Margaret Wertheim, Pythagoras’ Trousers, 1997.



“The ubiquitous complaint of modern life is that individuals feel less involved, out of control, isolated, and fearful (of both tangible and intangible things). These complaints do not have a single source but the widespread machining of the mind in schools, factories, offices, and the media probably plays a major role in fostering them. As a society, we are so used to searching for “solutions” (often imagined to be foolproof schemes - algorithms) that most of us find it exceedingly scary to contemplate the possibility that the search itself lies at the root of our intellectual malaise… To be alive is to enjoy risks and to learn from mistakes - something most of our institutions deny to us on a daily basis. Can we come together to relearn the basic truth of human life that lived experience is central to our well-being?”

Edward S. Reed, The Necessity of Experience, 1996.


Mili moi, z rzeczy całkiem bieżących:
Wstrzymałem aktualnie nabór nowych pacjentów 'na fotel', czyli piątkowe sesje Compassionate Inquiry. Decyzję tę podjąłem celem zapewnienia ciągłości i komfortu terapii grupie, z którą już pracuję. O nowym naborze będę Was informował tutaj, ewentualne sprawy nagłe i wyjątkowe konsultujemy na bieżąco - w takich przypadkach piszcie tutaj lub na podany wcześniej email kontaktowy.

Najlepszości w Nowym Roku 😊


“When we really take hold of the Goethean approach - through immersion in the phenomena themselves and self-aware thinking - it teaches us to be more critical than when we are when we teach theory or model-driven science. This is important to note, since there is a misconception that the Goethean approach is somehow “just” about observation and therefore “soft” (or worse: warm and fuzzy) in comparison to “real” (whatever that is) science. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Goethean approach is not about opposition to traditional science; it is concerned with evolving the discipline of science further so that we can begin to understand life in a way that is modeled after life.”

Craig Holdrege, Learning to See Life - Developing the Goethean Approach to Science,


Coś dobra seria idzie;)

“If the organism is a whole and each section of it functions normally within that whole, then in the analytic experiment, which isolates the sections as it studies them, the properties and functions of any part must be modified by their isolation from the whole organism. Thus they cannot reveal the function of these parts in normal life. These are innumerable facts which demonstrate how the functioning of a field is changed by its isolation. If you want to use the results of such experiments for understanding the activity of the organism in normal life (that is, as a whole), we must know in what way the condition of isolation modifies the functioning, and we must take these modifications into account.”

Kurt Goldstein (neurologist and psychiatrist), The Organism, 1971.


I kolejny na dokładkę ;)

Wow, finished!!

A. T. Still had no theory; osteopathy has no theory!

“It is no longer possible to regard scientific theories as independent deductive systems, each proposition of which acquires its meaning by infusion, as it were, from the verifiable facts with which it ostensibly connects. Theological constructs, appearing in different branches of science, have been shown to be independent, and also underdetermined by the data they purport to explain. In fact new parallels have been drawn between scientific and religious beliefs - in the sense that, in both, one often finds a protected core of received wisdom surrounded by belts of more negotiable doctrine. This does not, of course, entitle religious concepts to intrude into scientific conceptualisation. But the realisation that theories are underdetermined by their supporting data explains one phenomenon that has been stressed throughout this book - that aesthetic and religious beliefs have played a selective role in the past, giving priority to one theoretical model rather than another.”

John Hedley Brooke, Science and Religion, 2014.


“Goethe was a profound observer. He saw that it was not only to without that we must look if we were to get light on the foundations of experience. He found it to be fashioned by mind, and that it was to what was immanent in mind that we must look, not only for the foundation of our objective finite experience within, but for the foundation of the outward reality of which that finite experience seems to be an outcome. In the light of this belief in immanence Goethe interpreted both Nature without and Mind within.”

Viscount Richard Haldane, Human Experience: A Study of its Structure, 1926.


Dawno nie było, a tu ekstremalnie ważne parę linijek ;)
Udanego dnia, mili moi.

“Dr. Still studies the individual case, the vital organism, as a master mechanic. He examines, and re-examines, the mechanism, not as to symptoms and laboratory findings alone, but, foremost, constructively, from an anatomical standpoint, in the special problem before him. Textbook opinion or clinical entities interest him comparatively little, for he realises that variation and its causes is one of the great problems to unravel. In the individual case this must be accomplished by detail work. Then comes adjustment of the parts of the unified whole, not through routinism, for such is an impossibility, but in accordance with individual indications and demands.”

Carl P. McConnell, D.O., The Making of an Osteopath, Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, July, Vol. 15, No. 11, 1916.


Mili moi, do 14.11. nie ma mnie pod ręką czy w gabinecie - na wszystkie zatem formy komunikacji odpowiem po powrocie😊
Miejcie się świetnie 🤗
Artur Pawłowski i Marcin Gacek też mówią, że mają wolne, to przekazuję 😆👌


Do zapamiętania 😁👌

“In the matter of method, in the application of and search for new truth, he wanted everyone to use his own brains. He no more demanded servile imitation of his technique, merely because it was his technique, than he would have required that the practicians of his therapy should all discard the necktie and wear flannel shirts and top boots, because in the simplicity of his nature it pleaded him to wear that garb.”

A. L. Evans, D. O., Dr. A. T. Still, Prophet and Reformer, The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, August, 1921, p. 669 - 671.

Dr Iain McGilchrist: We are living in a deluded world 19/10/2023

Życie porwało mnie z rozpędem codzienności, więc już krzyczy na mnie aplikacja, że prawie 40dni nic nie opublikowałem 😆 A zatem specjalnie dla Was dziś, z drogi do Akademia Osteopatii na kolejny weekend z McKone Osteopath, wywiad z jednym z wg mnie istotniejszych naukowców współczesności 🤩

Udanego dnia, mili moi🤗

Dr Iain McGilchrist: We are living in a deluded world 📰 Subscribe to UnHerd today at: the left-brain right-brain divide to the metaphysics of magic, Dr Iain McGilchrist addresses the ...


“Goethe maintained that through unbiased, keen observations within the sphere of phenomena, the secrets of nature would declare themselves. His approach, which deals with qualitative considerations, led to the recognition that the principle fundamental to the organisation of natural phenomena was that of polarity. All phenomena presented themselves to him as fluctuating between opposing tendencies: light and dark, diastole and systole, contraction and expansion, inhalation and exhalation. To Goethe, nature’s creations were engaged in ceaseless motion as they metamorphosed between polarities.”

Mark Riegner, Horns, Hooves, Spots, and Stripes: Form and Pattern in Mammals, in Goethe’s Way of Science: A Phenomenology of Nature, ed: David Seamon & Arthur Zajonc, 1998.



“The physical sciences can describe organisms like ourselves as parts of the objective spatio-temporal order - our structure and behaviour in space and time - but they cannot describe the subjective experiences of such organisms or how the world appears to their different particular points of view. There can be no purely physical description of the neurophysiological processes that give rise to an experience, and also of the physical behaviour that is typically associated with it, but such a description, however complete, will leave out the subjective essence of the experience - how it is from the point of view of the subject - without which it would not be a conscious experience at all.”

Thomas Nagel, The Core of ‘Mind and Cosmos’, The Stone, 2013.

Zapisz się bezpłatnie | Mądrość traumy | Gabor Mate | younity PL 01/09/2023

Mili moi, dzięki uprzejmości Anna (dziękuję🙏🤩) mogę Wam podrzucić link do polskiej premiery filmu, który, wydaje się, był przełomowym punktem wyniesienia Compassionate Inquiry z Kanady na świat. Jeśli chcielibyście zobaczyć coś więcej nt. tego co robię piątkami w gabinecie - zajrzyjcie poniżej 🤩

Nie, nie ja tłumaczyłem, jedyne co robię, to podaję dalej zewnętrzny link ;)



Dlatego właśnie w CI staramy się zostać jak najbliżej doświadczenia, a jak najdalej zewnętrznych teorii 😊
Udanego piątku, mili moi🤗

“In studying human behaviour, we are confronted by the disconcerting fact that psychiatric theories are nearly as numerous and varied as psychiatric symptoms. This is true not only in historical and international perspectives but also within single nations. Thus, it is especially difficult to describe and compare, say, American and English, or American and Swiss psychiatry, for none of these countries presents a psychiatrically united front.”

Thomas S. Szasz, The Myth of Mental Illnesses, 1984.


Cytat z 1902r. Chwilę nam to zajęło, ale może powoli ruszamy w dobrą stronę🤔 Co ciekawe, u początków osteopatii ten styl nawet sprawdził się w praktyce. Teraz czas nam go odkopać.

"The final human opinion may, in short, in some manner now impossible to forsee, revert to the more personal style (...). If this were so, the rigorously impersonal view of science might one day appear as having been temporarily useful eccentricity rather than the definitively triumphant position which the sectarian scientist at present so confidently announces it to be."
W.James, "The Varieties of Religious Experience"

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