Somatic Bliss

Somatic therapist, Dip IBMT, RSMT/E

Somatic psychology | Body-Mind Centering™️ | Polyvagal work | FC

Photos from Somatic Bliss's post 17/04/2024

I am excited to teach again at the next movement intensive in La Casa Del Corpo Lagos together with other wonderful teachers at Corpo Intensives in May.
Join us for the full week or drop into the classes that you are interested in. All levels welcome! We still have some discounted spots available! Book your place now!


Jurga Bliss is an ISMETA registered somatic movement therapist and educator who offers private somatic sessions here, at La Casa del Corpo Lagos, as well as online.

Somatic therapy focuses on the body-mind connection and combines talking with body awareness, movement, breathing techniques as well as touch/ bodywork.

Jurga is trained and certified in the Institute for Integrative Bodywork and Movement Therapy, UK and combines her knowledge of somatic psychology, polyvagal informed work, bodywork, mindfulness, systemic constellations in creative and client-centered ways to facilitate healing and resourcing.

You can benefit from working with Jurga if you require assistance in:

• Learning about your core needs and inner resources to meet them

• Discovering and expressing your authentic self

• Recognizing and working with bodily, mental and emotional patterns and re-patterning when necessary

• Embodying and integrating your therapeutic process during of after psychotherapy

• Inquiring into themes of relationship attachment, boundaries, conscious communication and open relating

• Exploring the ways towards healing when experiencing psychosomatic symptoms, autoimmune processes and etc. 

Session duration: 60mins
Contribution: 55€
Location: La Casa del Corpo Lagos or online
More information:

Photos from Somatic Bliss's post 06/02/2024

Are you curious to explore the origins of your behavioural tendencies, gain new insights into your patterns and discover alternative pathways towards resolution when facing struggles of everyday life?

If it's a "YES!" this workshop is for you!

Meet your inner Magician, Victim and Rebel and delve deeper into the realm of archetypes and the psyche. Join me on Friday, 16 Feb 13-16h in a multicultural group at .intensives Embodiment week to play and move with these inner parts of us.

These archetypal explorations are based on Stanislav Grof's Basic Perinatal Matrices(BPMs), which are believed to underlie the human psyche and provide insight into the origins of archetypal behaviours. Through embodied explorations, systemic constellations and group discussions, participants will gain an experiential understanding of the role that experiences around birth play in shaping personality, behaviour, and emotional states and open the doors to cooperation with these parts of self.

Photos from Corpo Intensives's post 03/02/2024

February is gonna be a busy month! I am starting to teach on a 12 week online programme "Neuroendocrine system code" on Monday ( ) and then teaching 3 live workshops at Corpo Intensives Embodiment week mid February! Come explore the worlds of our Body-Mind together via Polyvagal work, Authentic Movement and Archetypal inquiry! Follow Corpo Intensives on Facebook and Instagram for the schedule and more info 😉

Photos from Somatic Bliss's post 08/01/2024

Our SCHEDULE for February is ready! Looking forward to teaching on the Embodiment week at .intensives together with other wonderful movement teachers 💫 💫

1 spot left for a refuced price of 260€, book now!Standard Week pass: 310€


Give a 🎁 of gentleness this 🌲Christmas🌲 to yourself and your loved ones.
Instead of making this day perfect, make it loving, make it kind, relieve yourself of the tension and rush that you might be feeling, trying to make it all work. Take it at your natural pace, say no to less important tasks, deprioritise. That's my intention for these holidays. Being gentle with myself and others.
Sending ❤️ all ways.

Photos from Somatic Bliss's post 06/12/2023

Feeling Frazzled?
The countdown to the holiday period is coming to an end and for some that is less about joy and happiness and more about stress and overwhelm. In this interview from asked me to share some tips on how can we add some much-needed calm to the frantic festive season.

Here is one practice to try:

One of the simplest ways to regulate our nervous system is to breathe in to a count of 4 and breathe out to a count of 6 (repeat for 5-10 rounds). Generally, with every breath in our heart rate goes up and with every breath out it slows down. By prolonging the out breath, we slow down our heartbeat in a stressful situation, signalling to the nervous system that we’re ok, we don’t need to fight or flee. You can do this when cooking, sitting at the Christmas table, at a social gathering, etc."

You can find all of my 5 tips on pages 52-54 of Algarve Plus Magazine, also available online


Come to my "Befriend your Nervous System class"
tomorrow- Thursday -7 Dec - 19.00 - 20.30!
We will explore somatic tools for making connecting with others easier and more desirable and co-regulating with each other.

Photos from Somatic Bliss's post 29/11/2023

✨Save the date!✨

I am happy to announce that I am a part of .intensives teacher's team and will be teaching at the second movement intensive:
"Move into Embodiment - a somatic exploration" on 12th - 18th February 2023 at .

Together with an amazing team of teachers like &
we will invite you to delve deep into your sense of soma - your living, breathing body. For a whole week we will immerse ourselves into a profound somatic exploration of our body-mind and the sense of embodied selves.

Can't wait to move together!

More information, prices & schedule coming soon ✨

pictures & design by our wonderfully creative soul - ❤


As the festive season approaches, join me - somatic therapist Jurga Bliss at to explore Polyvagal theory informed somatic tools for connection and promoting the state of Social Engagement.

7 December 2023 (Thursday) 19.00-20.30
La Casa del Corpo Lagos, Beco da Horta 4, Lagos



*check about the availability of space before the class!

Photos from Somatic Bliss's post 24/11/2023

🔥 **Black Friday Real Talk:** 🔥

Some posts on IG today really stirred some 💩 for me as a trauma survivor. So let's cut through the marketing noise because healing is not a product, and trauma won't bow down to some 30-day quick fix.

In 30 days you can learn to practice brilliant regulating tools, restore your resources, get new habits for self care, get into a better regulation of your nervous system and unpack some of those stories your body and mind hold within. You can even actually release locked up Fight-Flight and Freeze responses received from shock trauma (e.g. a car accident or medical procedure, etc, through modalities like e.g. TRE exercises) or daily stress. But if we talk about developmental or complex trauma (childhood abuse, neglect, loss, etc.) where wounding happened repeatedly over the years, trauma healing Highway Express that takes you from the stop A "Traumaville" directly to stop B "Healed&Blissfull4ever" does not exist.

So, brace yourself for some truths:

🕗 **Real Healing Takes Time:** You can't microwave your way through trauma. It's a journey, not a sprint. Embrace the process; it's messy, beautiful, and uniquely yours.

💥 **No One-Size-Fits-All Magic Fix:** Sorry, but trauma healing isn't a one-size-fits-all situation. Don't fall for the "30-day miracle cure" marketing trick. Seek personalized therapeutic strategies that resonate with YOUR story.

🌿 **Sustainability Over Gimmicks:** Forget the express trauma healing tips & tricks. Opt for sustainable practices that actually nurture your well-being, give you tools and resources that are available to use in the long run. If those are on a Black Friday sale - amazing! Go for it - get a discount on a program, a subscription for a course, a therapy package. (Pssst, just a hint - those won't be labelled a "30 day somatic bla bla trauma healing miracle".)

This Black Friday, ditch the empty promises and choose real, mindful healing. Your journey deserves respect, not a rushed sale. 💚


Tomorrow in !

We still have a few spaces left at the studio, book your seat today!

Photos from Somatic Bliss's post 12/11/2023

💜 𝗦𝗲𝗹𝗳-𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗧𝗶𝗽s: Freeze vs Shutdown 💜

Ever felt stuck or encased in permafrost during stressful times? Like you cannot move or even think? 🤔 🥶🧠💭

When in a state of Freeze-Shutdown (Collapse) it seems that energy is either locked & unavailable or leaves the body altogether. Even the smallest tasks require enormous effort. Thoughts and the body become heavy, and sometimes you feel weightless and numb in a space where there seems to be no way out. This state is your nervous system's effort to protect you. When we feel threatened, facing a danger we can't escape or fight, the nervous system chooses a state of freezing and later - collapse. We experience immobilization.

Immobilization is evolutionarily the oldest form of our defense. Remember animals that, when scared, freeze as if pretending to be not there, not alive. The Dorsal branch of the Vagus nerve is responsible for this response. This neurobiological reaction is activated when the nervous system perceives the danger as lethal. The advantage of this evolutionary mechanism is the ability to conserve energy until the danger passes and then use it (e.g. when a cat loses interest in a caught, already collapsed, seemingly dead mouse, and turns away, the rodent suddenly jumps up and escapes).

In a state of freeze and shutdown, the energy level is low or unavailable, so it can be challenging to take any action. Remember this and try not to blame yourself - this reaction is normal. To revive energy in the body, awaken it gradually. If you don't feel like going somewhere, interacting with someone, allow yourself to rest and then ask yourself what action you feel the least resistance to. Do it. Then, step by step, take on more active actions. Engage the 5 senses. Remember what smells, tastes, sights, sounds, textures help you feel good, cozy & relaxed. Use your resources to gradually bring your system into activation and connection.

Interested to learn more tools for regulation? Join my class!

16 November 2023 (Thursday) 19.00-20.30
La Casa del Corpo Lagos, Beco da Horta 4, Lagos

Photos from Somatic Bliss's post 05/11/2023

Befriend Your Nervous System: Moving Out of Freeze-Collapse

The nervous system support class with somatic therapist Jurga Bliss on 16 November at La Casa del Corpo Lagos!

The second class of the cycle is dedicated to the state of Freeze-Collapse.

• discover how your body and mind experiences Freeze-Collapse

• learn to work WITH this energy rather than against it

• get your locked energy back

• practice Polyvagal exercises for regulation

• experience somatic soothing

16 November 2023 (Thursday) 19.00-20.30
La Casa del Corpo Lagos, Beco da Horta 4, Lagos



*check about the availability of space before the class!

Next classes in the Befriend your NS series:
• November 16: Moving Out of Freeze-Collapse
• December 7: Moving Towards Social Engagement

Photos from Somatic Bliss's post 03/11/2023

How I messed up. A bedtime story.

Have you ever walked down the road for a while, only to realise, you took the wrong turn a while back? It started feeling weird, but you were so eager to reach the destination that it took quite some time to start feeling like maybe this isn't right. Possibly something started going on in the stomach, or your shoulders tensed up, or maybe you suddenly felt nauseated or your back hurt. But the destination awaits! You kept walking, trying to make it work, hoping that after the next turn it will all feel right again.

You badly wanted it to be right. Looking back on the road already walked, could you let all this effort and energy go to waste? And what if you were not alone walking on that road? What if you felt like someone relied on you too?

It makes it even more difficult to stop and re-evaluate, feel into it and decide to change the course when we want to be a good travel partner, be able to adapt to the other and not make too much of a fuss, right?

So this was me - very recently. I took on a project that wasn't right for me. Looking back I see that I adapted too much, eventually molding myself into something that is not me. I believed in the cause bigger than myself, and so I wanted to be supportive of what it takes to get there. And of course it backfired. It was like feeling "this is wrong" on the eve of your wedding day, but you are told it's too late to back off, the guests are invited and the tables are set! (true story)

How many times we are told, we have to finish what we started? Gosh! I thought I already unlearned that but the programming goes deep. Do not let people down! It's irresponsible! You are not a princess, don't be so capricious! The list goes on. We learn to ignore that gut feeling, that little gnawing in the belly for the sake of being a good girl, a good boy. For the sake of gaining recognition, acceptance and belonging.
Until the gnawing becomes something much bigger. In this case for me - insomnia and an eczema outbreak...

What did I learn (again!):

* Pause! Especially if stressed and there's no time for it. PAUSE!!! Cancel a meeting if you have to.
* Don't yuck somebody's yum. But also don't try to convince yourself that it is also yum for you when it's not.
* A "maybe" is not an enthusiastic "Yes". Explore carefully if it becomes a "yes" or a "no". Yes, even if that's your own consent towards yourself.
* Pause again. Re-evaluate. Is this really ok for me or do I just tolerate it? Do I want to just tolerate this (like many other little things in life).
* I can hold myself in shame, in guilt, in anger, in sadness. I can hold myself through them with love. Yay! This wasn't always the case for me. We can learn how to.
* I will mess up. Many times over. And I will restore & repair. All. Those. Times. 💪


As a survivor of developmental trauma who navigated the complexities of a high-stress corporate environment, motherhood, and personal challenges, I understand the toll that stress can take. Perfectionism and being always alert was my answer to feeling the need to be on top of things. As a result of a chronic state of Fight-Flight I developed panic attacks in my late twenties.

My struggles led me to psychotherapy, where I gained valuable insights into the roots of my emotions and beliefs. But, there was a missing piece.

Despite understanding the "whys" and "hows," my nervous system remained stuck in the Fight-Flight mode. It seemed like the safest state to be in, always ready to react to the perceived dangers of the world. The result? Migraines, generalised pain, and digestive issues that medical treatments couldn't resolve.

Recognizing the need for a holistic approach that addresses body, mind, and emotions, I discovered . What started as personal therapy evolved into a deep dive into the Integrative Bodywork and Movement Therapy education. The impact was life-changing.

After three years of training, I've made a significant career shift to become a Registered Somatic Movement Therapist and Educator (RSMT/E). Having experienced the game-changing power of body centered approaches first hand, I'm passionate about sharing these transformational tools with others.

Through understanding our nervous system from a neurobiological and psychoemotional perspectives, we can let go of the shame and self-judgment, and compassionately meet ourselves right where we are. It allows us to discover why we feel and behave the way we do, just like any other mammal, and how to navigate that.

Photos from Somatic Bliss's post 10/10/2023

The Fight-Flight response is a normal and beneficial physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived threat. This response of our nervous system is geared towards survival. It is a protective energy that tells us: "What is happening is not safe! We need to move! Let's fight this or run away into safety!"

When our autonomic (i.e. involuntary) nervous system perceives (neuroceives) that something is not safe, it acts immediately. We do not decide to get into Fight-Flight (nor Freeze or Collapse). Our nervous system decides for us.

When our system functions well, we get agitated and act in the face of danger and then manage to come back to a regulated and calm state when it passes. However, with continuous stress of our modern lives, trauma, lack of resources and other challenges, we may end up in chronic dysregulation and a state of constant alert.

When the fight-flight response is activated, the sympathetic nervous system releases a surge of hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. Continuous flow of these hormones in our bloodstream cause a number of physiological changes that overtime may result in digestive issues (e.g. IBS), insomnia, migraines, muscle pains, tension and rigidity, and etc.

In order for our nervous system to regain it's natural ability to efficently adapt to ever changing demands of everyday life, we may choose to develop healthy habits (e.g. adequate sleep, being physically active, spend time outdoors, take care of nutrition, etc.) as well as learn and apply various practices and techniques to help balance our body and mind and reinstate a sense of calm.

Polyvagal exercises and somatic practices that I teach in my classes are down to earth, simple, time-efficient tools that are proven again and again to help to "oil" your nervous system, so that it switches it's gears from high to low - from activity to relaxation - and back more smoothly and seamlessly.

Come and try yourself!
Limited spaces available, so book your spot now!

October 12 19.00-20.30

La Casa del Corpo Lagos, Beco da Horta 4, Lagos

Private message on IG or WhatsApp 928125386.


Befriend Your Nervous System: Moving With Fight-Flight

The nervous system support classes with Jurga Bliss starting already next week at La Casa del Corpo Lagos!

The first class is dedicated to the Fight-Flight response:

• discover how your body and mind experiences Fight-Flight

• learn to work WITH this energy rather then against it

• practice Polyvagal exercises for regulation

• find grounding and stabilizing

• experience somatic soothing

October 12 (Thursday): Moving with Fight-Flight

La Casa del Corpo Lagos, Beco da Horta 4, Lagos





Next classes in the series:
• November 16: Moving Out of Freeze-Collapse
• December 7: Moving Towards Social Engagement


Befriend Your Nervous System: Moving With Fight-Flight

The nervous system support classes with Jurga Bliss starting already next week at La Casa del Corpo Lagos!

The first class is dedicated to the Fight-Flight response:

• discover how your body and mind experiences Fight-Flight

• learn to work WITH this energy rather then against it

• practice Polyvagal exercises for regulation

• find grounding and stabilizing

• experience somatic soothing

Thursday 19.00-20.30 (90min, once a month)
October 12: Moving With Fight-Flight

La Casa del Corpo Lagos, Beco da Horta 4, Lagos





Next classes in the series:
• November 16: Moving Out of Freeze-Collapse
• December 7: Moving Towards Social Engagement


12H & 13.30H appointments still available tomorrow in La Casa Del Corpo Lagos . Welcome to book your visit!


Are you yearning to step into your 🌟full power🌟 but your old patterns and pain are holding you back?  Our wounds, big and small, are often what creates a profound disconnect and blockages that hinder the natural flow of life through us.

Somatic therapy isn't just about healing; it's a profound voyage of self-discovery and empowerment. It's the art of connecting with your body, mind, and spirit to compassionately hold and when ready - release the past, discover resources and unleash your full potential.

Picture this: in the therapy room you learn to carefully listen to your body's whispers, translating its sensations into deep insights. You recognise the patterns your body-mind has been holding onto - often for decades - to keep you safe, and, with compassionate presence of a therapist, you begin the healing process.

Through this journey, you don't just mend wounds; you can become whole again. Your self-awareness deepens, and you become connected with your authenticity, helping different parts in your psyche to feel safe and to trust, so that your core self can take the wheel in shaping your reality.

Ready to claim your power? Take that step into the transformative world of somatic healing.

Here's how to set sail on your somatic journey:

1. Seek professional support: Find a skilled somatic therapist to help you navigate your  depths and guide you on your healing voyage.

2. Daily somatic rituals: Choose an embodied practice that resonates with you, whether it's somatic meditation, body scan, authentic movement, yoga, tai chi, or qigong. Let it be your daily anchor.

3. Tune into your body's language: Your muscles, organs, and emotions speak a language. Listen keenly; what are they telling you? What are they asking for?

4. Be your own compassionate guide: Healing requires patience; nurture kindness to yourself as you navigate the waters of transformation.

I would be happy to be your trained co-traveller on your path to wholeness, whether it's online or in person - in Lagos or Figueira, Portugal. Just drop me a message and we will find time for a session.

Embark on your somatic journey. Your power awaits. 🤟🙏


Befriend Your Nervous System: A Somatic Class Series with Jurga Bliss

The monthly nervous system support class with Jurga Bliss () is back at La Casa Del Corpo Lagos !

🌿This 3-month series of somatic classes will help you learn how to *move with* the buzzing energy of Fight-Flight, gently *move out of* stifling Freeze & Collapse, and *move towards* a state of safety and connection in Social Engagement.

🌿We will practice polyvagal and somatic exercises for nervous system regulation, based on the work of S. Porges, D. Dana, S. Rosenberg, B.B. Cohen, and others.

All 3 classes are available as stand-alone or a full cycle package. Limited spaces available, so book your spot now!

Thursdays 19.00-20.30 (90min, once a month)

Dates of the Classes:

• October 12: Moving With Fight-Flight

• November 16: Moving Out of Freeze-Collapse

• December 7: Moving Towards Social Engagement

La Casa del Corpo Lagos, Beco da Horta 4, Lagos

Private message on IG or WhatsApp 928125386.
N.B. Spaces are booked only with prepayment, drop-ins only available if there are spaces left (please check on the day of the class).

3 month subscription: 39€

Single class: 15€
Drop-in without prepayment (if available): 17€

The classes are suitable for all ages from 18+ and all levels of physical ability. (If you are a survivor of complex trauma and/or struggle with severe social anxiety, please consider a private session with Somatic Bliss instead. Check for details)

Looking forward to seeing you in studio!


🌿Welcome to my virtual or physical somatic therapy room for resourcing, healing and nervous system support: Mon-Wed ONLINE and IN PERSON on Thursdays at , Fridays in Figueira (Budens, VdB).
🌿Private message me for availability and booking your appointment.


🏠 Home is where the healing begins, wherever you are - in the virtual realm! 🌈✨

Research suggests that the therapeutic alliance - the quality of the relationship between the therapist and the client, can be just as strong in online therapy as it is in face-to-face therapy. 🌐 Working online with clients all over the world 90% of the time, I find that virtual sessions help them to increase body awareness and attain improvements in emotional regulation, stress management, trauma healing and more.

✨️What is Somatic Therapy? ✨️

Somatic therapy delves into the connection between mind and body, recognizing that our bodies hold valuable insights into our emotional, mental and physical well-being. During somatic sessions we tune into our body's wisdom, embrace its signals, and unlock healing with a gentle guidance of a therapist.

💻Why Somatic Therapy Online?

1️⃣ Safe & Comfortable: Healing from the comfort of your own space fosters a sense of safety and openness, allowing you to address and explore your challenges at your own pace.

2️⃣ Accessible & Convenient: Say goodbye to geographical barriers! Last year alone I have worked with clients from 11 countries! Online sessions make therapy accessible to you anywhere, at a time that suits you best.

3️⃣ Time and cost efficient: Without having to travel to and from the therapy space, you can immerse yourself in the therapeutic process, as well as slowly unwind after the session. And it cost less! 🧘‍♀️✨

4️⃣ Flexible Techniques: From body scans to authentic movement and polyvagal exercises, somatic therapy offers versatile techniques that can be seamlessly adapted to the virtual space, facilitating a deep healing journey.

5️⃣ Supportive Connection: Even online, the therapeutic alliance between client and therapist thrives, nurturing a space of trust, empathy, and compassionate witnessing. 🤗💕

Whether you're seeking personal growth, a better nervous system regulation, healing from trauma or simply desiring a deeper body-mind connection, somatic therapy online empowers you on your path to emotional, mental and physical wellness. 🌿✨ Let's embark on this transformative journey together! 🚀💫

Still a couple spots available for weekly sessions online this month 😉 Book a free 20min intro call via private message 📩

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Vídeos (mostrar todos)

Human beings are inherently social animals, deeply ingrained with a need for connection and communal bonds. This social ...
Save the date for 16 November at @la_casa_del_corpo_lagos "Befriend your Nervous System: Moving Out of Freeze-Collapse"....
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12H & 13.30H appointments still available tomorrow in La Casa Del Corpo Lagos . Welcome to book your visit!
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Are you curious to explore the origins of your behavioural tendencies, gain new insights into your patterns and discover...
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