Homeopatia - Núria Oliveira

Profissional de Saúde especializada em Homeopatia​ -Membro da Associação Portuguesa de Homeopat

Em Portugal, a Homeopatia foi enquadrada no âmbito das terapêuticas não convencionais (TNC). A palavra Homeopatia foi criada pelo Médico Samuel Hahnemann e deriva dos termos gregos, homóis = “semelhante” e páthos = “doença”. Baseia-se no princípio de Hipócrates “similia similibus curantur” (o semelhante cura o semelhante), na Lei da Prova, na Lei do Medicamento Único (Similimum) e na Lei da dose


Brain Connectivity Breakthrough Sheds New Light on ADHD

Researchers have made a pivotal discovery in ADHD research, finding that the disorder's symptoms are connected to unusual interactions between the brain's frontal cortex and its deeper information processing centers.

By analyzing an unprecedented dataset of over 10,000 functional brain images from youths with and without ADHD, the study uncovers heightened connectivity between key brain areas responsible for learning, emotion, and behavior control.

This research overcomes the limitations of previous smaller studies, offering new, solid evidence of the neural pathways involved in ADHD.


These findings not only deepen our understanding of ADHD but also pave the way for developing more targeted and effective treatments.

Drawings Shape Math Problem-Solving Skills - Neuroscience News 10/03/2024

Drawings Shape Math Problem-Solving Skills - Neuroscience News Researchers uncovered the connection between individuals' drawings and their arithmetic problem-solving strategies.

Timeline photos 19/02/2024

Anxiety 🌿
There are so many different types of anxiety.
Social anxiety, separation anxiety, anticipatory anxiety, performance anxiety, PTSD, OCD, agoraphobia, medical anxiety and more... Within the different types of anxiety (a person can be suffering from several types), each person will experience/talk about their anxiety in their own unique way, based on their general and health history.

The homeopathic remedies listed below are just a few of many remedies that can help reduce and eliminate anxiety.
To select the appropriate remedy for you or a loved one its essential to consult with a professional homeopath, either locally or with a homeopath offering online consultations (like myself).

To book a 15 minute complimentary chat with me (no prescription), a full consultation, please have a look at my booking calendar for availability in your local time (all consultations are by Zoom video call).


Placenta Plays A Key Role in Brain Development

A new study sheds light on prenatal brain development, uncovering how the placenta communicates with the fetus. This breakthrough could revolutionize early diagnosis and prevention of neurodevelopmental disorders.


AI Links Sleep and Gut Health to Autism Behaviors - Neuroscience News 07/11/2023

AI Links Sleep and Gut Health to Autism Behaviors - Neuroscience News These findings could help caregivers better anticipate and manage these behaviors, enhancing care for those with autism.

Mother's Microbes Influence Fetal Brain and Gut Development - Neuroscience News 02/11/2023

Mother's Microbes Influence Fetal Brain and Gut Development - Neuroscience News Researchers discovered the activity of genes in the fetal intestine, brain, and placenta is influenced by the microbes in the mother's body.


Dealing with loss and disappointment can be tough, especially when you feel like you need to be alone to process your emotions. If you're experiencing symptoms like difficulty crying, excessive sighing, and a lump in your throat, you might benefit from trying Ignatia amara. But remember, if these feelings persist, it's always a good idea to reach out to a professional homeopath for additional support.

To learn more about Ignatia and other remedies recommended for healthy aging, don't forget to download this month's free member resources available in your NCH Member Portal. If you are not a member yet and would like access to free monthly guides for using homeopathy, webinars and events, a quarterly magazine, and exclusive homeopathy discounts, comment MEMBER below and we'll send you a message on how to join!

Photos from Faculty of Homeopathy's post 02/11/2023

O Outono, é uma estação com temperaturas mais amenas que o verão. No entanto, o clima deste período favorece a multiplicação de vírus e bactérias, causando o aparecimento de diversos problemas respiratórios, tais como: sinusites, alergias, constipações, e bronquites.

Um dos tratamentos indicados para prevenir essas queixas é a Homeopatia, uma vez que atua de forma preventiva, estimulando o organismo de forma alcançar o seu próprio processo de cura.

As crianças que recebem o tratamento homeopático desde pequenas, apresentam melhora da imunidade, e consequentemente adoecem menos.

É importante realçar que os benefícios são ainda maiores quando os bebés recebem o tratamento ainda durante a gestação (intrauterino).
Marque e saiba mais sobre o tratamento Homeopático!


Homeopatia- Uma abordagem Holística que visa melhorar e restabelecer a sua saúde!


New homeopathic research - presented at the HRI Research Conference on June 25th, 2020.

Drs Anil Khurana and Anupriya Chaudhary of CCRH (India) and Dr Menachem Oberbaum, former director of the Center of Integrated Complementary Medicine at Shaare Zedek Medical Center (Israel), shared the outcomes from a joint Indian-Israeli research initiative. Striking results were presented from a clinical trial in which 108 healthy newborn children were randomly assigned to receive either conventional or homeopathic medical care.

The study showed that after 2 years, the children who received homeopathic medical care suffered signif**antly fewer episodes of acute respiratory illness, diarrhoea, general febrile episodes and skin infections.

In total, 187 episodes occurred in the conventional group versus 97 in the homeopathic group.

Moreover, in the conventional group, 44 children received antibiotics for 158 different episodes, while in the homeopathic group, only 9 children received antibiotics for 14 events. This trial also showed the positive effect of homeopathic treatment on an economic basis, as the costs related to treatment were signif**antly lower in this group compared to those in the placebo group.

Source: https://www.hri-research.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/HRI_RIF_37_HRIOnline2022_ConferenceReport.pdf

Photos from Homeopatia e Terapias Naturais, com Flávia Barits's post 19/07/2022
La experiencia de un médico de familia con la homeopatía 18/05/2022

La experiencia de un médico de familia con la homeopatía El Dr. Torres nos comparte su práctica como médico de familia con la homeopatía, nos cuenta de una excelente experiencia tanto de su aceptación por parte de los pacientes como de su utilidad.

Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants - PubMed 01/05/2022


Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants - PubMed As a complement to vaccines, small-molecule therapeutic agents are needed to treat or prevent infections by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) and its variants, which cause COVID-19. Affinity selection-mass spectrometry was used for the discovery of botanical ligands to the...

Homeopatia, uma forma mais ecológica de se manter saudável 20/11/2021

Homeopatia, uma forma mais ecológica de se manter saudável Artigo de opinião de Nuno Negrão Martins, farmacêutico Cada vez mais pessoas procuram um estilo de vida baseado no consumo de produtosnaturais, saudáveis, orgânicos e ecológicos. Muitos de nós estamos conscientes decomo as nossas escolhas pessoais fazem a diferença para a construção de um ...

The COVID pandemic has harmed researcher productivity – and mental health 11/11/2021

As pessoas mais afetadas com a pandemia...

The COVID pandemic has harmed researcher productivity – and mental health Surveys show that women, parents of young children and people of colour are most affected by pandemic-related disruptions and need more support.

“Uma cacetada na imunidade de grupo”: estudo mostra que vacinados transmitem a covid-19 tanto como os não vacinados, mas por menos tempo 08/11/2021

“Uma cacetada na imunidade de grupo”: estudo mostra que vacinados transmitem a covid-19 tanto como os não vacinados, mas por menos tempo Novo estudo concluiu que carga viral é igual entre vacinados e não vacinados - quem recebeu a vacina f**a é contagioso durante menos tempo. “Mantém-se necessidade de manter algum cuidado, mesmo com pessoas vacinadas”, alerta Paulo Paixão. O virologista prevê ainda um aumento de casos no in...

"A grande doença do espírito é a infelicidade" 02/11/2021

Nunca é demais recordar as palavras sábias de um grande médico e um excelente ser humano!

"A grande doença do espírito é a infelicidade" O 'segredo' que o cérebro guarda. A doença maligna cerebral que parece invencível. A infelicidade. As diferenças matemáticas entre macho e fêmea. A esperança da restauração de funções num doente paraplégico que poderá estar escondida num sistema ner


Como prevenir a gripe com a Homeopatia?

O Outono é a época ideal para começar a prevenir a gripe que costumam a surgir nessa época.
A gripe é uma doença muito prevalente que afeta a população a cada ano.
Porém, recorrendo a um tratamento homeopático preventivo na altura certa, terá uma hipótese muito maior de não sofrer ou, pelo menos, de reduzir seus efeitos ao mínimo.

Ficam 10 Remédios homeopáticos úteis para o Inverno:

Aconitum: indicado para infecções agudas, febre aguda alta, choque frio intenso.

Arnica montana: é prescrita em hematomas ou traumas musculares. Remédio muito ef**az para pequenos e grandes atletas.

Beladona: indicada no tratamento da febre com transpiração, queimadura de primeiro grau, inflamação com dor aguda na pele ou nas mucosas. Remédio homeopático adequado para tratar aftas ou feridas na boca.

Bryonia: indicada no tratamento de gripe, tosse, náusea, vômito e diarreia.

Sundew: indicado para tratar a tosse seca, nervosa, profunda e barulhenta que piora à noite.

Ferrum phosphoricum: indicado para tratar infecções em seu estado inicial (gripes e otites).

Gelsemium: indicado no tratamento de medos e ansiedade.

Kalium bichromicum: indicado para tratar afecções do trato respiratório, laringe, estômago e também sinusites. Ocorre quando há muco espesso e espesso.

Nux vomica: indicada no tratamento de distúrbios digestivos, espasmos digestivos, indigestão ou ressaca.

Histamina Poumon: indicada no tratamento de alergias do trato respiratório (asma e rinite alérgica).

COVID vaccine immunity is waning — how much does that matter? 21/09/2021

COVID vaccine immunity is waning — how much does that matter? As debates about booster shots heat up, what’s known about the duration of vaccine-based immunity is still evolving.

Vaccine innovation and COVID’s collateral damage — the week in infographics 18/09/2021

Vaccine innovation and COVID’s collateral damage — the week in infographics Nature highlights three key infographics from the week in science and research.

Antibodies reveal who's protected by Moderna's COVID vaccine 21/08/2021

Antibodies reveal who's protected by Moderna's COVID vaccine Trial results add to growing evidence that low levels of ‘neutralizing' antibodies are a marker of vulnerability to COVID-19.

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Quarta-feira 18:00 - 21:00
Quinta-feira 18:00 - 21:00
Sexta-feira 18:00 - 21:00
Sábado 09:00 - 18:00

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