Psiholog Dr. Alina Bizo

Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

Limit of 3 hours of weekly screen time for kids has ‘positive effect’ on behavior, mental health: study 15/08/2024

Limit of 3 hours of weekly screen time for kids has ‘positive effect’ on behavior, mental health: study Kids between 4 and 17 who limited their screen time to three hours per week showed improvements in mental health, emotional regulation and behavior, a new Denmark study found.


In the midst of so much trauma and heartache I am grateful to have the support of my family. My daughter Marianne and I joined forces this past Tuesday to teach a session of our workshop. Being there along side my daughter gave me the strength to give more than I felt I had.

So often when we are not feeling our strongest - we aught to find someone to lean on for support. And right now with this world angst, with the amount of uncertainty and trauma happening - it is a very good time for you all to find a friend or a family member to lean on. You’ll be surprised that they have been looking for someone to lean on too.

Community is so important always, and even more so in the face of challenge. I am here for you. This community is here for you. And somewhere in your world, there is or there will be someone who is personal ally there for you. If that person isn’t there right now, keep looking. Keep believing in a future with someone to help you when you are down. That YOU can help up when they are down.

Sending you all my love,


More than 20% of teens have seriously considered su***de. If you’re a parent, a teacher, or anyone who spends time with young people, these tools can help save lives.

Learn how psychologists and communities are working to protect teens:


When I was raising my two boys, I relied heavily on my friendships with older women who knew the ins and outs of what it took to be a mother in New York City. I asked them for guidance constantly. I was a foreigner without any family close by in a city where so many parents feel as if they have to go at it alone in terms of resources, housing, and childcare.

There was another factor, too. My relationship with my own mother was full of love but it was also full of ambivalence. I feared that if I called her with my parenting questions, she’d criticize me from across the ocean, in Belgium. Maybe that’s a projection. But I knew that I needed motherly mentorship beyond the perspective she could give me. The cliché is true: it takes a village to raise a child. But it also takes a village to raise a parent.

And so it was. My boys were raised by a host of family friends, chosen aunts and uncles. Seven families, from eight different countries of origin, morphed into a vibrant community. We offered important reinforcement to our parenting experiences. We were in it together, and it was a salve to the impinging loneliness one can feel as a parent.

In this community, the generation of parents above us had older kids who took mine under their teenaged wings. It was an ecosystem of intergenerational mentorship and friendship. And the cycle has continued.

Somehow my boys are now in their mid-late twenties. I currently have five friends who are twenty-five years younger than me who all have become mothers over the last decade. We’ve brought them into the fold. Babies at dinner parties, kids at adult gatherings who fall asleep on a pillow. I’ve relished talking to my young friends about pregnancy and motherhood, fielding their phone calls, meeting their little ones, and watching them grow. I love a front row seat with backstage experience. I love to be on their child rearing and couple preservation advisory committee.

The young benefit from the perspective of the old, but I get so much from being surrounded by people half my age who don’t talk with me about aging and Medicare. And they like that I take them out of mummy mode as we go do grown up stuff—dinners, theater, events.

I asked one of these friends, Erin, if she could share a few thoughts with me about our dynamic for Mother’s Day. With her permission, I’m including an excerpt below:

“You’ve modeled what it is to ask for help, something I was so uncomfortable doing. And I've asked you for help and advice many times over. When I found out I was pregnant during the pandemic, you were one of my first panicked calls. And just days before the baby arrived, you insisted I come over for a walk, and shared some words of wisdom for the delivery.

As I reflect on our intergenerational friendship and motherhood, what I appreciate most is the perspective of time. You get to look back, reflect on your parenting experience, and share lessons that are invaluable for what I'm going through right now; and I see in you the benefits of mothering in a way that is authentic to who I am and what I value. And the best part: Gideon has been born into an amazing extended New York family that bridges decades and cultures.”

On this Mother’s Day, I’d love to hear about the motherly figures in your life who helped raise you, or helped your parents raise you, or are helping you raise your kids. I’d love to hear your stories of intergenerational friendship. I’ll look for yours in the comments.


An important part of REBT is the conceptualization of emotions. It is very helpful in developing a treatment plan. If you would like to learn more about how to conduct such a conceptualization, check out the professional training programs listed on the website of the Albert Ellis Institute.


Paste fericit si insorit! ☀️


REBT Basics: Types of irrational beliefs


In REBT we believe with effort we can all change, maybe not everything, but always some things, even if it is how we think about self, others, life, and the world--there is hope!

Timeline photos 14/01/2023

Nearly 1 in 4 Americans said they were making a mental health resolution for 2023. The APA has a new "mental health bingo card" to help you stay on track and focus on your mental health.

Are your kids mean — or are they just acting their age? 29/12/2022

Are your kids mean — or are they just acting their age? Parents worry about whether their kids are empathetic, but a lot of seemingly unkind behavior is developmentally appropriate.

Abraham Maslow: „Ceea ce un om poate să fie, el trebuie să fie“. #AltfelDespreOameni – Pagina de Psihologie 14/12/2022

Abraham Maslow: „Ceea ce un om poate să fie, el trebuie să fie“. #AltfelDespreOameni – Pagina de Psihologie Abraham Maslow se numără printre cei mai cunoscuți psihologi din toate timpurile. Deși nu se mai află fizic printre noi, de mai bine de cinci decenii, munca și teoriile lui încă influențează gândirea…

Servicii gratuite de consiliere psihologică și psihoterapie pentru copiii din România – Pagina de Psihologie 07/12/2022

Servicii gratuite de consiliere psihologică și psihoterapie pentru copiii din România – Pagina de Psihologie În următorii doi ani, copiii țării noastre pot beneficia gratuit – în premieră – de servicii de consiliere psihologică și psihoterapie, grație unui program susținut de consilierul de stat Mădălina Sturza.


We’re back from our fall break and out of the gate with Part 2 of an incredible conversation with Lisa Lahey on “Dare to Lead.”

I won’t lie: This conversation was hard as hell for me. But it was a game changer—and I’m so grateful to Lisa and all the work she and Robert Kegan have done on the “immunity to change” theory.

In this episode, Lisa continues to walk me through something I’m desperate to change (and somewhat refusing to change). And she does it with gentleness, tenacity, and thoughtfulness.

I have no doubt you’ll get just as much out of this conversation as I did.

Why Ages 2-7 Matter So Much for Brain Development 25/10/2022

Why Ages 2-7 Matter So Much for Brain Development Rich experiences—from play to the arts and relationships—fundamentally shape a young child’s development.

Why young brains are especially vulnerable to social media 12/10/2022

Why young brains are especially vulnerable to social media The science behind why apps like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat impact your child’s brain in a different way than your adult brain.


From '170 Pages of Life' by Amna Dhanani


Be curious, open, and receptive for what’s next In your life.

Trust, accept, and love yourself completely.

Be brave. Believe in yourself and all that you’re capable of being, and you will see the miracles unfold in your life. 💛

(Accept that things end.-)

Cyberbullying: What is it and how can you stop it? 11/09/2022

Cyberbullying: What is it and how can you stop it? Explore the latest psychological science about the impact of cyberbullying and what to do if you or your child is a victim.

A hidden epidemic of fetal alcohol syndrome 11/09/2022

A hidden epidemic of fetal alcohol syndrome New legislation could help bring awareness and resources to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.

'It's almost like shopping is an energy booster': The unlikely connection between burnout and your shopping habits 27/07/2022

'It's almost like shopping is an energy booster': The unlikely connection between burnout and your shopping habits If you tend to overspend after a long day at work it's probably due to a psychological theory called cognitive depletion.

Please Stop 'Pill Shaming' People With Anxiety and Depression 13/07/2022

Please Stop 'Pill Shaming' People With Anxiety and Depression "There is no shame in accepting the assistance of medication."

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