Zia Yans - Nutrition Coach

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

ZIA YANS | Integr.Health Coach on Instagram: "Winter salad 🥗 with potatoes, eggs and sour cream. No mayonnaise 🫡 Salata de iarna sau salata rece de orice alt sezon se face extrem de ușor. Am pus spălat cartofii galbeni si mov si i-am pus la f 01/02/2023

ZIA YANS | Integr.Health Coach on Instagram: "Winter salad 🥗 with potatoes, eggs and sour cream. No mayonnaise 🫡 Salata de iarna sau salata rece de orice alt sezon se face extrem de ușor. Am pus spălat cartofii galbeni si mov si i-am pus la f ZIA YANS | Integr.Health Coach (.nutrition.coach) on Instagram: "Winter salad 🥗 with potatoes, eggs and sour cream. No mayonnaise 🫡 Salata de iarna sau salata rece de orice alt sezon se face extrem de ușor. Am pus spălat cartofii galbeni si mov si i-am pus la fiert cu tot cu coaja. Am pu...


Porridge 🥣 nu am mai postat de mult o rețeta. Am făcut niște terci înainte sa ne pornim la drum. Rețeta o aveți in highlights. Pe lângă asta eu am adăugat o proteina pudra pentru a completa aceasta masa. Pofta buna, ZIA


La mulți ani! Ca sa începem anul in forță vreau sa va transmit următorul mesaj. Îmi doresc pentru mine, dar și pentru voi, ca anul care a venit sa o luam mai ușor. Cu mai putina presiune și mai multă compasiune pentru noi. Sa stam un moment sa ne gândim la tot ce am realizat și toate provocările pe care le-am cucerit. Sa fim mai bune cu noi, sa ne iubim mai mult pe noi și pe corpul nostru. Sa nu mai ne judecam. Am făcut tot ce am știut mai bine ca sa fim azi, aici. Va doresc tot ce e mai bun. La mulți ani 🫶🏼


Cum sa primesc așa mesaj de ziua mea 🫡 îți mulțumesc frumos pentru cuvintele tale și gândurile bune! Sunt binecuvântata cu fiecare client al meu si de la fiecare am ceva de învățat. Sunt foarte recunoscătoare pentru asta! Once again happy birthday to me ❤️

ZIA YANS | Integr.Health Coach on Instagram: "Revin cu rețeta pentru aceasta minunata pâine cu gust de copilărie 🤩 Ingrediente: 250 gr faina 000 250 gr făina 650 300 - 320 ml apa 10 gr sare sau o lingurita 10 gr drojdie proaspata sau 3 gr usca 14/11/2022

ZIA YANS | Integr.Health Coach on Instagram: "Revin cu rețeta pentru aceasta minunata pâine cu gust de copilărie 🤩 Ingrediente: 250 gr faina 000 250 gr făina 650 300 - 320 ml apa 10 gr sare sau o lingurita 10 gr drojdie proaspata sau 3 gr usca ZIA YANS | Integr.Health Coach shared a post on Instagram: "Revin cu rețeta pentru aceasta minunata pâine cu gust de copilărie 🤩 Ingrediente: 250 gr faina 000 250 gr făina 650 300 - 320 ml apa 10 gr sare sau o lingurita 10 gr drojdie proaspata sau 3 gr uscata 5 - 10 ml ulei de masline Prepara...

ZIA YANS | Integr.Health Coach on Instagram: "Ce zici de o pâine ca pe vremuri? Îmi aduc aminte copil fiind când mergeam la o brutărie după pâine. Mirosea pe toată strada minunat și neaparat trebuia să rupi din pâine sa mănânci pana ajung 14/11/2022

ZIA YANS | Integr.Health Coach on Instagram: "Ce zici de o pâine ca pe vremuri? Îmi aduc aminte copil fiind când mergeam la o brutărie după pâine. Mirosea pe toată strada minunat și neaparat trebuia să rupi din pâine sa mănânci pana ajung ZIA YANS | Integr.Health Coach shared a post on Instagram: "Ce zici de o pâine ca pe vremuri? Îmi aduc aminte copil fiind când mergeam la o brutărie după pâine. Mirosea pe toată strada minunat și neaparat trebuia să rupi din pâine sa mănânci pana ajungeai acasă. Eu ziceam ca au mâncat-...

ZIA YANS | Integr.Health Coach on Instagram: "My favorite home made ice cream 🍦 E super ușor de făcut și gusturile pot varia. Eu pun in general banane + ce fructe doresc atunci. Am mai încercat și cu cacao, milka și alte variante mai dulci. 27/10/2022

Rețetă noua de înghețată fără lactate

ZIA YANS | Integr.Health Coach on Instagram: "My favorite home made ice cream 🍦 E super ușor de făcut și gusturile pot varia. Eu pun in general banane + ce fructe doresc atunci. Am mai încercat și cu cacao, milka și alte variante mai dulci. ZIA YANS | Integr.Health Coach shared a post on Instagram: "My favorite home made ice cream 🍦 E super ușor de făcut și gusturile pot varia. Eu pun in general banane + ce fructe doresc atunci. Am mai încercat și cu cacao, milka și alte variante mai dulci. Va propun aceasta înghețată in or...


Eu vreau sa îmi trăiesc viata! Nu vreau sa vina o zi în care voi spune... cm ar fi fost dacă as fi făcut una sau alta? Sau acum regret ca nu am avut curajul sa îmi urmez visul și chemarea. Și sa vizitez toate locurile pe care mi le-am dorit... ca este vreme...



You are going to wish your body was more,
You are going to wish your body was less,
You are going to wish your body would change,
You are going to wish your body would not.

You are going to wish your body was many things,
between now,
and the day you leave this mortal coil.

And one day,
as is always the way,
you will look back,
and see,
that your body was always as it should be.
Doing its best
To be you,
for you.

And you are then going to wish that just once,
you had told your body,
‘I accept you, as you are, right now’.

And that maybe had you done this,
you would have spared yourself a lifetime,
of wishing for something you didn’t really ever need.

That what it was you should have been wishing for, in fact,
was the courage to accept,
the strength to embrace,
the wisdom to really see,
what you have.

You’re going to wish for many things,
when it comes to your body.

Or you could just wish for health.

And live your life,

Donna Ashworth
From ‘I wish I knew’: https://amzn.to/3JVMJlZ

Art by Helma Speksnijder


Am observat în ultima vreme la femeile pe care le întâlnesc ca mănâncă foarte puțin. Mai puțin decât au ele nevoie și atunci corpul o sa fie în stare de alerta și oprește anumite funcții esențiale funcționarii echilibrate a corpului. Unul dintre efectele secundare este amenoreea sau absența menstruației.

În momentul în care se reglează alimentația, se reglează și menstruația, apărând ciclul menstrual.

Ce vreau sa înțeleagă orice femeie e ca trebuie sa mănânce mai mult și ce nevoie mare avem de mișcare!

Mișcarea poate fi de orice fel. Alergat, înot, cross fit*, fitness**, yoga, zumba orice ar fi sa fie consistentă și consecventa. Și dacă nu poți merge la una dintre activitățile menționate mai sus, plimbările sunt și ele benefice. Încearcă sa faci un pic mai mult ca ieri în fiecare zi. Chiar dacă e vorba ca ai urcat 1 etaj pe jos în loc sa iei liftul, în timp se aduna mult mai multe.

Ce vreau sa înțeleagă oricine e ca nu trebuie sa punem presiune pe noi. De pe o zi pe alta sa alergi 5 km. Și sa mănânci mai mult. Sau poate mai sănătos.

Începe sa iti spargi în pași mărunți obiectivele.

Un exemplu: Pentru următoarea luna o sa îmi prepar singura micul dejun și nu mai iau cafeaua de la c**t cu sirop și tot felul de îndulcitori. O fac eu și economisesc și bani și timpul pe care îl foloseam sa merg pana acolo și înapoi.

Start small and enjoy the ride, not only the destination 😉


*nu te speria de fitness. Nu ajungi sa fii asa muschiuloasa cm le vezi pe tipple de pe instagram. Ele lucrează extra hard sa ajungă asa. Corpul femeiesc ajunge sa "semene"cu un bărbat prin really hard work and most of them don't even made it there. Așa că nu îți fie frică. Doar dobândești masa musculară și arzi mai multe calorii făcând sală, dar și după când nu faci mișcare pentru că mușchii au un aport mai mare de calorii pentru menținere.


După ultimele discuții cu clientele mele am zis ca trebuie sa ajungă mesajul acesta la cat mai multe persoane.

Tine de oamenii care sunt pe lista de oameni importanți în viața ta, oamenii care poți sa ii faci mândri, dar și oamenii care îi poți dezamăgi.

Si uitându-te la aceste liste, gândește-te cine merita toată gândurile tale. Cine merita energia ta.

Un weekend fain va doresc, alături de oameni care va plac, va iubesc, va aduc valoare.


Watch this reel by zia.nutrition.coach on Instagram 11/06/2022

Cravings - Tell me what you crave. Chocolate? Salt? Carbohydrates? Red meat?

Do you crave chocolate?🍫

Do you suddenly have a hankering for something sweet and creamy? While a chocolate bar does contain sugar and fat, there are actually some nutritional benefits to dark chocolate. Some studies show that people who eat a small amount of dark chocolate every day, as part of their total calories, have lower blood pressure. Cocoa is really nutrient dense with magnesium, iron and fiber.

If you follow a plant-based diet, you might be craving chocolate if you're anemic or low in iron.

Do you crave salt? 🧂

When you're craving salt, you might just be dehydrated. Before you reach for a salty snack, take a big drink of water. Often when we think we're hungry, we're actually just thirsty.

Do you crave Carbohydrates? 🍞🥐🥖

Carbs like pasta, cookies and bread are quick sources of energy, but they won't keep you full for long. If you're craving high-fat, high-carb foods, think about your sleep schedule. Your body might be asking for fats and carbs because they generate some of the hormones that we normally get that regulates your sleep. A full night of recharging can help curb some of those unhealthy cravings.

What to do?

First of all, stop and think, "Do I need this?" You might need salt, for example, if you just finished a heavy workout where you lost a lot of sweat. Or you might have just come off of a bad bug and your salt stores are depleted. If that's the case, your body only needs a very small amount of salt in general.

However, if you're having weird cravings, you shouldn't always give in. If you know your body is asking for something you don't need, take five minutes and do something else. Take a quick walk or talk to a friend. Cravings pass – they really do. What you might be wanting is stress relief or a quick boredom fix. If you're still truly craving the same thing after your five-minute break, then go ahead and have that food. But usually, you'll feel better from the exercise or social break.

If you feel the same or worse after you indulge the craving, it's not the food you're needing. You probably need stress relief, rest or hydration.


Watch this reel by zia.nutrition.coach on Instagram Jeppe Reil • Summer Energy

Watch this reel by zia.nutrition.coach on Instagram 09/06/2022

Watch this reel by zia.nutrition.coach on Instagram Tundra Beats • Feel Good


Corpul nostru e pregătit pentru orice. Cel mai greu e de convins mintea.

Întâlnesc des situația de mai sus, atât în viața personală de zi cu zi, cât și cu dragile mele cliente. Un exemplu ar fi: le propun sa facem ceva total realizabil din punctul de vedere al corpului și al capacităților fizice și mintea le oprește.. pentru câteva momente.

La minte ii place confortul. Ii e frica de cele mai multe ori de ceva nou.

Si corpul simte și ne transmite mesaje. Dar dacă mintea zice, corpul face.

Asa e în orice vrei sa faci. Dacă te "înhami" la ceva nou, la început ești bucuroasă și încântată și vesela și multe alte lucruri bune. Cum ar fi sa slabesti.

Dacă nu îți antrenezi mintea sa rămână în stătea aceea, încet, încet nu te vei mai simți asa. Nu vei mai simți euforia și vei simți ca nu mai poți face ceea ce ti-ai propus mai devreme.

Vor apărea întrebările:
✨️ dar ce de trebuie sa ma chinui?
✨️ eu nu mi-am dorit sa fie chiar asa greu?
✨️ oare dacă mănânc mâncarea asta, doar de data asta și încep după?
✨️ oare nu o sa mai pot manca nimic niciodată?
✨️ oare nu o sa ma mai bucur de viață?
✨️ mie îmi place mult sa mănânc. Sigur nu am cm sa slăbesc.
✨️ am mai slăbit eu și le-am pus înapoi. Asa ca de ce sa ma mai chinui dacă tot aici ajung?

Asa ca iti recomand sa iti faci o lista pentru primele zile cu motivele pentru care faci aceasta schimbare. Și dacă simți ca ești ușor influențabilă, lasă câte un note pad prin casa, pe la birou, prin locurile în care petreci timpul, cu ideile pe care le-ai scris ca să le poți vedea și să nu uiți acel sentiment de bine și care era motivația inițială.

Gândește-te ce îți dorești mai mult?

Trebuie sa nu mai renunțăm la o satisfacție mica, de moment... pentru obiectivul final care ne aduce o satisfacție enormă. 💚

Eu te pot ajuta sa slăbești, iar apoi sa te menții. Fără sa ții dietă, fără înfometare, fără să arunci mâncarea bună din dulap.

Dacă simți ca ai ajuns la capătul puterilor, ca nu mai ai variante, ca le-ai încercat pe toate, crede-ma ca te pot ajuta. O sa fii surprinsa ce abordare diferita am.



Real me day. I was thinking about posting some information about me that you might not know. And I took one picture, didn't even look at it and I put the phone down. Now I'm back in the room and I shared some stories about our submarine trip and found this picture.

This is me today on the beach. I can barely opening my eyes without sun glasses (when im looking at the sun, trying to get a decent picture). I am a little more tanned in the picture than I normally am. Most of the times I keep my hair up, cause it's really long and at some point will stay in my way. Especially when I eat, I hate having it on my face. I have a headband cause I have lots of baby hear and I look like I was electrocuted (imagine that picture that you see in the comedy movies when people get electrocuted).

You can zoom it if you didn't already have it and see my pores. I wear make up on special occasion and I use eyeliner and mascara in the days I feel like I want to make my eyes pop more. And now I realised that this happens when I wear my hair down. 🙃

This is for today.

Do you want to find out more about me? Let me know in the comments 👇


Photos from Zia Yans - Nutrition Coach's post 06/05/2022

I just want to come up with my list. It's Friday and I recommend weekend days to be for relaxation and pulling the right cards for your goals.

What keeps you on track? What is your main to go thing? Are you in a good health? Mentality and physically?

There are a few things that can have a major improvement on your life. There are habits that I recommend to get out of your life (see on my list) and I recommend having them in your life as much as you can to find balance.

Take care of yourself every day. ❤️

Tell me more about your lists.

P.s. excessive screen time is so last year 🤭🤪


✨️Did you ever wanted to become a better version of yourself in some area?
✨️Was it something work-related, education-related, health-related, or physical related?
✨️Or something else?
✨️What plan did you had?
✨️Did you set a goal and then break it into more steps?
✨️What was the main concern?
✨️Did you need any help?
✨️Who could help you?
✨️Was something that you achieved?
✨️If you were to choose again, would you do it again?
✨️Who was your bigger supporter?
✨️Are you satisfied with the work you have done?

I am happy with my decisions and I do not have any major regrets. The only regret is that I didn't have anyone to tell me some things that could have been avoided, but if I didn't do that actions, maybe I wouldn't be here with you guys.

Gaining a lot of weight and losing it, wasn't something that I would have said I couldn't live without it. BUT, it helped me in some ways. I know where are you, how are you feeling, I've been in your shoes. I know how it feels to have a lot of weight and be tired of all this dieting. I wish I knew someone like me before all these. So I could "prevent it". I would have been a much healthier person if I didn't do all the steps I have done before: stress-related, bad food, bad people, bad relationships, bad friendships, bad training... and the list can go on. But I won't do that.

I just want to let you know, that I am the happiest I have ever been in my life. I feel great in my body, I love how my body looks and I am grateful for everything that my body had done for me. I have gained a lot, and lost 24 kilograms. With finding balance in my life. No diet. No stress. No food prep. It was easy, but I worked a lot with me.

I am grateful today, I am grateful tomorrow, always grateful. Remember, your body is the only place you have to live.


PS. If you decied you needed my help, I am here to offer you a holistic approach to achieve your goals. Just give me a DM.


Lifehack. Time is precious - choose your habits, people, food and environments wisely. They will rob your health and

Don't get sucked into escapism, consumerism, and living your life set by mediocre standards in the health and fitness industry!

There are many ways to have fun. Stuffing your face with pseudo-Franken foods washed down with calorie-free soda doesn't have to be one.
For my weekends. I like to take walks, go in park, spend as many time I can with my family, do bike rides, study, read, sleep.

For your weekend. Do whatever will help you relax and help you enjoy your life. Be grateful for what you have and try to live you life in abundance of health, to make health a vehicle that will take you to your goals, not having health as a destination.

Happy weekend,


“Grandma, how do you cope with pain?”

“With your hands, honey. If you do it with your mind instead of relieving the pain, it toughens even harder.”

“With your hands grandma?”

“Yes, our hands are the antennae of our soul. If you move them; knitting, cooking, painting, playing or sinking them into the ground, you send care signs to the deepest part of you and your soul lights up because you’re paying attention to it. Then signs of pain will no longer be necessary.”

“Hands are really that important?”

“Yes. Think of babies: they start to know the world through the touch of their hands. If you look at the hands of old people, they tell you more about their life then any body part. Everything that is done by hand is said to be done with the heart. Because it’s really like this: hands and heart are connected. Masseurs know well: when they touch someone with their hands, they create a deep connection. It is precisely from this connection that healing comes. Think of lovers: when they touch their hands, they make love in a more sublime way.”

“My hands grandma.... how long I haven’t used them like this!”

“Move them, my love. Begin to create with them and everything within you will begin to move. The pain will not pass away. And instead what you do with them will become the most beautiful masterpiece and it won’t hurt anymore. Because you have been able to transform its essence.”

~Elena Bernabe

I found this and it was a real inspiration for me. Hope that will help some of you, that's why I'm sharing it.



What we can do to improve our health, even when we feel we are stuck?

Once we are aware of our thoughts and learn to retrain our brains, using such techniques as meditation to break the conditioning process, we see substantial changes in health.

Do you fell stuck? I can help you, just let me know you need help. I will be pleased to help you 😍

ZIA ✨️

Watch this reel by zia.nutrition.coach on Instagram 12/04/2022

These are words of wisdom 🙌 I'm teaching my clients how to do this.

You have to see the bigger picture. If you temporarily give up on your biggest wish, that is not s problem. But if you constantly do it, that means you're no longer on the way to achive your goals.

No win without sacrifice. If you do not go outside of your comfort zone, you will never change. You will never improve.

This will be uncomfortable and this means it will not be a pleasant feeling. But you will get better. You will feel better. You will be able to master you feelings better.

Take small steps, and acknowledge every small win towards the bigger goals. 💪

Be proud of yourself, encourage yourself and last but not least... be proud of yourself!! This is so important.

If you do not have the strength, the power, the will or the knowledge of how to achieve your goals, I can help you.

I can help you lose weight effortlessly, without any diet. Everything is so much easy when you have someone on your side that can keep you accountable, that can give you a piece of advice, that listens to you, that is interested in how you feel and what you feel.

I am all that. 🙏❤️

This is what I do as a coach. I take your journey as it was mine and hold your hand when in need.

If you need my help, I'm here.


Watch this reel by zia.nutrition.coach on Instagram zia.nutrition.coach • Original Audio


This is my message for today. You have the power to choose

✨️ what you want to eat and how you want to feel. Why eating the same food that makes you sit on the couch and play on the phone? Instead of giving you energy and go out for a walk or any other activity?

✨️ the persons that fill your cup instead of draining you. It would be so perfect that you only talk with the people that care about you and you help each other grow. But not all the people will do that for you. If you can't remove them completely, try to minimise your contact with them so you will keep you zen longer.

✨️ the activities you can do in your free time - you know, that time that most of us use in a bad way. And by that, I mean that it doesn't bring you any good things. It just drains you from the energy that you have and doesn't let you focus on your goals, for example, social media - like reading, cooking, spending quality time with friends, family, pets. Maybe drawing, cleaning the house, tidying up the drawers that have been waiting to take care of them in the last couple of months and you simply didn't have time before.

Make most of your every day, because days are long and years are short.

I will say that again:

Days are long and years are short.



Saw this post couple of years ago and I clicked. I can inspire people, I can tell them my story and I will help them to become a better version of themselves. Wouldn't that be amazing?

And here I am. I am inspiring people to become a muse for others, because everyone one of us has a different story that might help others.

I am very proud of me and what I become. I know my journey isn't the prettiest, but it's my journey with my wins and my loses.

I love my life.

I love every step of the way that brought me here.

I love who I am today.

I love all the things that I learned so far.

I love what my life has prepared for me.

I am ready for new challenges.

Are you ready to change your life? It's about losing weight, see what your body is capable of... and learn new things about you. Because most of the people ar so disconnected from their body. Just like them and their body are completely strangers.

You will be amazed what your body says. ✨️



Mushrooms 🍄 cream soup

A tasty recipe with no gluten 😋

• 450 g mushrooms
• 100 ml milk ( I used almond milk)
• 550 ml water
• 50 gr butter
• 50 ml cooking cream 15%
• ½ tsp of salt
• 150 g potatoes
• 1 cube of vegetable stock

Chop the potatoes in small cubes and boil them with the mushrooms in the water and the milk. After this add all the other ingredients and blend it until it's a creamy soup.

Enjoy 😉




Look familiar? If SO, you're not alone.
work almost exclusively with women who are stuck on the restrict/overeat rollercoaster. 😔

They think that they lack willpower and self-discipline... that they're broken and that they've failed.

They believe it's all their fault but, really, it's the way they've been taught to relate to food that fails them!

You see, diets and food rules can drive..

😵‍💫 Intense hunger & food pre-occupation

🤪 The Forbidden Fruit Effect: when labelling certain foods as "bad" or "off-limits" only makes you want them more!

😮‍💨 The F^*k It Effect: breaking a food rule results in you feeling like you've stuffed up, thinking "what the hell", and
going all out on other forbidden or restricted foods.

🤔 The Last Supper Effect: You plan to diet or restrict food come Monday... SO you eat all the food while you can! ("the
feast before the famine" )

A whole lot of physical and psychological responses drive diet backlash and rebound overeating.

Totally counterproductive, right? In fact, 1/3 to 2/3 of dieters, actually gain even more weight than they lose.

Diets, food rules and a restrictive mindset FUEL the cycle 🔥 To break free, you've got to address the restriction!

Thankfully, we can systematically do this, so that it doesn't have to feel like a free-for-all.

The result?
Chilling around your forbidden foods (they lose their magnetism 🧲), TRUSTING yourself around food, being able to adopt healthy eating principles in a way that doesn't backfire, and ultimately, eating healthily, peacefully.

✨️ Want me to walk you, step-by-step, through this process?

I'm thrilled to have opened up space for new 1:1 coaching clients this year 🙌

Click the link in my bio to book a complimentary discovery call within the next two weeks.

Watch this reel by zia.nutrition.coach on Instagram 08/03/2022

My life in the last 5 years. I choose only the peak points. I am truly grateful for myself, for my husband 💖, for my child, for the family we have.

I am grateful that I can learn so much from them. My husband is my rock, my best friend, my everything. My son is my soul, my teacher.

My husband and my child, teach me every day so much more than I could ever imagine.

Today, on international women's day, I want to thank myself for the woman I become. At the same time, I want to be grateful for all the lessons I've passed, and I could never be the woman I am today without them.

I have a lot of support to be the person I want to be. With them, I can be myself. No matter if I'm good or bad.

Happy women's day to every woman out there! 💕 we are stronger than ever 🥳


Watch this reel by zia.nutrition.coach on Instagram Kayne • Clouds

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Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 19:00