CNS Iasi

CNS Iasi is a community for neurosurgery, neurology, neuropsychiatry and neuroscience enthusiasts. T.

The community was founded in 2010 when several medical degree students from “Gr. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from the city of Iasi decided to celebrate their passion for all of the before mentioned sciences by creating a discussion group where everyone could exhibit his/hers interests and receive feed-back from other students on matters regarding scientific essay for student medical conferences and congresses, and also have fun while doing it.


Dragi colegi,
Membrii Cercului Studențesc de Neurochirurgie Iași au plăcerea de a vă invita la cea de-a patra ședință din acest an universitar, marți, 12 decembrie 2017, ora 18:00, in Amfiteatrul Spitalului Clinic de Urgență “Prof Dr. N. Oblu”.
Vă asteptăm!

Timeline photos 26/03/2017

Aventura continua si in 2017! Va asteptam intre 15 si 19 Mai la UMF Gr. T. Popa Iasi

Science Reveals 7 Hobbies That Make You Smarter – Thinking Minds 02/08/2016

Science Reveals 7 Hobbies That Make You Smarter – Thinking Minds Scientists have now proven that we can actually increase our potential and enjoy ourselves in the process. We now know that by learning new skills the brain creates new neural pathways that make it work faster and better. For a...

Microbes can play games with the mind 23/03/2016

Microbes can play games with the mind Our bodies are having a conversation with our microbiome that may be affecting our mental health — for better or worse.

Studies explain adolescents' vulnerability to addictive drugs 02/03/2016

Studies explain adolescents' vulnerability to addictive drugs Researchers have discovered one reason why adolescents are more prone to drug addiction than adults, with findings that could lead to new treatments for addictive disorders.

Magic Mushrooms Create a Hyperconnected Brain 20/02/2016

Magic Mushrooms Create a Hyperconnected Brain The active ingredient in magic mushrooms seems to create many more connections in the brain, which could explain why users experience synesthesia and other trippy effects.

First look at how astrocytes function in humans 11/12/2015

First look at how astrocytes function in humans Pretty much everything happening in the brain would fail without astrocytes. These star-shaped glial cells are known to have a critical role in synapse creation, nervous tissue repair, and the formation of the blood-brain barrier.

Timeline photos 06/12/2015

Dragi colegi,
Membrii Cercului Studențesc de Neurochirurgie Iași au plăcerea de a vă invita la urmatoarea ședință din acest an, marți 8 decembrie, ora 18:00 în biblioteca Spitalului Clinic de Urgență "Prof. Dr.Nicolae Oblu".
Vă așteptăm!

Synapse discovery could lead to new treatments for Alzheimer's disease 29/11/2015

Synapse discovery could lead to new treatments for Alzheimer's disease Scientists discover how connections between brain cells are destroyed in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease -

Where Does Happiness Happens In The Brain? 24/11/2015


Where Does Happiness Happens In The Brain? New research suggests that the size of a small region of the brain called the precuneus may influence how happy you're able to feel.

This is Your Brain on Shakespeare | Big Think 23/11/2015

This is Your Brain on Shakespeare | Big Think Why do Shakespeare's plays have such a dramatic impact on readers and audiences? Philip Davis shows how Shakespeare's use of language creates heightened brain activity, or what he calls "a theater of the brain."

Neuroscientists reveal how the brain can enhance connections 19/11/2015

Neuroscientists reveal how the brain can enhance connections When the brain forms memories or learns a new task, it encodes the new information by tuning connections between neurons. MIT neuroscientists have discovered a novel mechanism that contributes to the strengthening of these connections, also called synapses.

Timeline photos 15/11/2015

Dragi colegi,
Membrii Cercului Studențesc de Neurochirurgie Iași au plăcerea de a vă invita la cea de a 3 a ședință din acest an, marți 17 noiembrie, ora 16:00 în Biblioteca Spitalului Clinic de Urgență "Prof. Dr.Nicolae Oblu".
Vă așteptăm

Take This Test To See How You Perceive Color 13/11/2015

cool optical illusion

Take This Test To See How You Perceive Color Perception is a fickle thing. As good as our senses are at keeping us alive, they can often mislead and deceive us. Here’s a great example of that which you can try at home, featured in the new BBC Four series, Colour: The Spectrum of Science. Check out the video below, follow the instructions and s…

Blood exerts a powerful influence on the brain 08/11/2015


Blood exerts a powerful influence on the brain Instead of just responding to the energy needs of neurons, the blood can have a direct and powerful influence on the brain.

10 Brain Myths Busted 03/11/2015

10 Brain Myths Busted It's going to take more than 10 percent of your brain to read this story

Timeline photos 02/11/2015

Dragi colegi,
Membrii Cercului Studențesc de Neurochirurgie Iași au plăcerea de a vă invita la cea de a 2-a ședință din acest an, marți 3 noiembrie, ora 18:00 în biblioteca spitalului clinic de urgență Prof. Dr.Nicolae Oblu.
Vă așteptăm!

Timeline photos 10/10/2015

Dragi colegi,
Membrii Cercului Studențesc de Neurochirurgie Iași au plăcerea de a vă invita la prima ședință din acest an, marți 13 Octombrie, ora 18:00 în biblioteca spitalului clinic de urgență Prof. Dr.Nicolae Oblu.
Vă așteptăm!

Mobile uploads 08/04/2015

Un eveniment extraordinar sprijinit de oameni extraordinari!

Ultrasound attacks Alzheimer’s plaques 12/03/2015

Ultrasound attacks Alzheimer’s plaques A new study offers clues to how ultrasound may work as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.

Soft brain implant helps paralyzed rats walk again 12/01/2015

Soft brain implant helps paralyzed rats walk again Scientists have made a soft, flexible electrical implant that mimics the elasticity of the brain and spine's protective tissue.


După cm cred ca deja știți pe 18 noiembrie e o seara clinica SSCR. De aceea am hotarat ca vom amâna cercul pana pe 25 noiembrie. Ne vedem marți la seara clinica. Aula George Emil Palade. Ora 18.00

Intalniri an universitar 2014-2015 14/11/2014
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"N. Oblu" Climical Emergency Hospital

Opening Hours

17:30 - 19:00

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