
We empower people and give them long-lasting tools to tackle life’s challenges. Braive; More than Mental health challenges are increasing worldwide.

The number of psychologists isn’t. That’s why Braive is needed. And we are more than just speaking to a psychologist- we offer a digital mental health platform that brings together a range of important treatment components under one umbrella. We can help people cope with stress, sleeping problems, anxiety, loneliness and other common challenges. However, we don’t just help people when life has bec


Having negative thoughts is completely normal, and something we all experience to a greater or lesser degree. But are our thoughts always true?

Worry and self-criticism can drain our energy, but fortunately there are strategies and tools that can help us work with our thoughts so that we can spend our energy on what we want and wish to create in our lives.

We are hosting a webinar on Thursday May 5th, for DNB Ung customers. The theme is how we can relate to our thoughts, especially the negative ones.

Join us here:


For all our Norwegian DNB Ung users who have started the program “Livsmestring”, we are now offering the opportunity to join several webinars this spring together with our psychologists. The webinars will cover different important topics included in the program and you get the opportunity to ask lots of questions.

In 6 different webinars we will talk about:

• Everything you need to know about stress
• Relationships, emotions, and you as a social person
• Your habits and values
• How to get better sleep
• Your inner voice, negative thoughts, and worries
• Reflection on what you have learned so far and what tools you will bring with you into the future

Sign up for the webinars by clicking on this link:

We look forward to seeing you there! 🤩


Wondering what the benefits of CBT are and how this treatment can help you? 🙋‍♀️

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a goal-oriented treatment method that focuses on replacing unhelpful thought and behavioral processes with more helpful ones. The methods used aim to not only deal with the problems a client is experiencing here and now, but also to prevent them from recurring. The client has an active role in the therapy and is given strategies and tasks to practice in their everyday life.

CBT has strong scientific support when it comes to treating various types of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, stress, and sleep problems. Most studies also show that iCBT is as efficient as traditional CBT.

CBT can be a very helpful tool in treating several mental health disorders, but not everyone who benefits from CBT has a mental health condition. It can be an effective tool to help anyone learn how to better manage stressful life situations.

After working with a treatment program in Braive, you will have a full toolbox for your well-being! 🧡


Do you find it difficult to keep your motivation up at work or during your studies? 😦 Here are some tips on how to set up a good structure, and also reduce the anxiety and stress that can come when we sometimes feel that what we do is not enough.

1. Block time for work and studies.
Schedule time that is solely for work and studies. All other time is for leisure. Recovery and relaxation are important to stay strong in the long run.

2. Take breaks.
Take regular micro-breaks every hour, preferably with some activity that includes movement. It increases the ability to concentrate and promotes learning.

3. Shorten your to-do list.
Focus on small sub-goals and complete one task at a time. Try to simplify processes where it is possible.

4. Maintain routines.
We thrive when we have good routines. Try to keep regular times for eating and sleeping, even during periods when you have more to do.

4. Lower requirements and celebrate your achievements.
Set goals at a reasonable level and give yourself the same encouragement you would give a friend. End each day thinking about something you are happy to have accomplished.

5. Focus on what you are grateful for.
Try to focus on what you are grateful for. Notice what works and what you learn in life - even in challenging situations, it can give us motivation.


The year is well underway and many are back to school, and the list of tasks may have gotten a little longer? 😅 Remember that when you have a lot of things going on, it can be good to zoom out your perspective, and reach out and talk to someone about how you can make your everyday life run smoothly and take care of yourself in the process.

If you are based in Norway and have Tekna Student Insurance with Gjensidige, you have free access to Braive. 🧡

You have the opportunity to talk to a psychologist, and then work in a treatment program designed for areas that you would like to work with while getting feedback from your psychologist. This is a great way to get some structure or extra motivation or work on specific issues such as anxiety and depression.

Book an appointment here or reach out with any questions to [email protected].


Many of our DNB Ung users are now working in lesson 2 of the Life Mastery program, where you gain an understanding of stress on a deeper level, and what we need so that stress does not become harmful for us.

There are many useful tools you can learn to create a good balance between stress and recovery in your life. Recovery is very important to us, but it is way too easy to downplay the need for relaxation and restorative activities.

Deep breathing, rest, a trip out to get fresh air, meditation, exercise, and spending time with family or a close friend are examples of restorative activities.

Are you a DNB Ung customer? Join the journey here:


2022 has arrived, and many of us have a desire to lay a good foundation for the new year. Maybe some new and good habits that contribute to increased mental well-being, better sleep or tools for dealing with stress in everyday life?

At times it can feel overwhelming to create change in life. Most people have probably felt that the motivation they had around New Years can fade away quickly, and at other times you may feel a little helpless and not know what you should do to feel better. 🤷

Then it is important to remember that you do not have to do everything alone. At Braive you have access to many of the tools you need to make changes and strengthen your mental health. It can also be helpful to talk to someone who can support your individual process and help you stay motivated. All it takes is one small step at a time.

We are here if you like to talk to someone or want some support along the way when creating new habits. You can contact our support with questions.

If you are based in Norway, you can also book your first call with a psychologist here:

We wish you a wonderful New Year! 🧡


The symptoms of mental illness are many and can vary greatly from person to person. They are not always easy to detect or interpret, partly because many feel ashamed over how they feel and keep up a facade of being fine.

Here, we list some of the most common signs of mental illness. If you recognize yourself in any of these and want help, you can easily book an appointment with one of our psychologists in Norway here:

We encourage everyone who is struggling to seek help - it can, and will, get better! 🧡


We are very proud to present this collaboration with DNB Ung! 🙌

We are now giving over 300.000 young people access to the online program “Livsmestring Ung”, with the goal to highlight important and fundamental themes (such as sleep, stress, anxiety and loneliness) and improve mental health for a very important demographic.

Throughout the course of the program, Braive and our psychologists will hold digital webinars about the covered topics, with the opportunity to ask questions directly.

Go to to learn more.

We are excited for this journey! 🧡

Psykisk ohälsa ökar. Det gör inte antalet psykologer. 01/06/2021

"Mental health difficulties are increasing. The number of psychologists isn't." - Read the article about Braive on Enterprise Magazine's website!

Psykisk ohälsa ökar. Det gör inte antalet psykologer. Han såg i sitt arbete ett behov av att göra psykologen mer lättillgänglig, resultatorienterad och skalbar. Hon, meriterad affärsutvecklare som tidigare varit en av de som sagt “jobba aldrig med en vän eller partner” tyckte att idén var alldeles för bra och viktig för att inte hoppa på....


Learn to become your own therapist. Our step by step programs provide you with information and tools that will help you move towards a healthy space of mind.

Pandemien øker behovet for psykiske helsetjenester 06/05/2021

It has been a demanding year for all of us, in different ways. Together with Gjensidige i Norge, we help people cope with stress, sleeping problems, anxiety and loneliness. However, we do not just help people when life has become too challenging. We also help people to work proactively with their mental health. We can all benefit from becoming mentally stronger.

Pandemien øker behovet for psykiske helsetjenester Nesten én av tre sier de har fått dårligere psykisk helse under pandemien, og to av fem er blitt mer bekymret. Nå blir mental helsehjelp mer tilgjengelig.

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