Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL

Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling Dro-Phen Ling is a direct collegiate affiliate of Gaden Shartse Monastery, India. DPL means, A PLACE TO BENEFIT BEINGS.

Our name, Dro-Phen Ling, was auspiciously conferred upon by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in Gaden Monastery in Dec 2001. For more info, log on to

[45] How To Meditate on Equanimity & Bodhichitta (A Concise Lamrim) Geshe Thupten Samten 24/06/2024

Wonderful Bodhicitta Meditation classes guided by Geshe Thupten Samten. Welcome to join our online class on Wed evening 7:30pm to 9pm. This will be the second last class in this series! To recap the class last Sat, click:

Join Wed’s Zoom class:
Meeting ID: 869 8958 2046


Our Wed classes are now online from 7:30pm to 9pm, and our classes on Sat are physical in centre at 3:30pm to 5pm. Open to public, admission is free. All are welcome!

[45] How To Meditate on Equanimity & Bodhichitta (A Concise Lamrim) Geshe Thupten Samten Written by Je Tsongkhapa (1357-1419), "A Song of Spiritual Experience" is a profound text that serves as a comprehensive guide to the stages of the path to e...

Photos from Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL's post 15/11/2023

Farewell and safe journey to our final group of three Geshes who just left this evening! The Geshes are in mid-air currently and arriving into Bangalore in about 2 hours time. Thank you to our sweet friends who made time and effort to the airport to express their appreciation to the monks, although late to arrive but you did your best! And your intentions shall be conveyed and felt through this album of photos 🥰🙏🏼💕 Thank you for all of your warmth and sincere appreciation!

The Geshes were in high spirits and so so happy and satisfied with their Singapore visit. We felt so contented to see them so happy! They have given so much of their time, energy and expertise during their time here - we are so thankful, and requested for the Geshes to stay healthy, long life and be back again soon!

Meanwhile 3 of our Resident Sangha remains in Singapore. We will have Guru Puja Tsog on 22nd Nov, and will also commemorate the holy Je Tsongkhapa Day (Gaden Ngamcho) together on 7th Dec.

Our Resident Teacher, Geshe Thupten Samten & Gyen Jangchup will leave for BodhGaya, India on 8th Dec via TR616, Friday at 3:30pm in the afternoon. See you all very soon!


Final Lamrim classes for this year 2023! Our Resident Teacher Geshe Thupten Samten will teach two more topics in the Lamrim short series:

1. How can we ensure not to take rebirth in the 3 lower realms of suffering? (2 sessions)

2. Many people’s favorite topic: Karma! Does karma really exist? How does it work? (4 sessions)

Refer to class dates and timing in the poster below, save the dates! All are welcome, admission is free!

The last Lamrim class ends on 6th Dec. On 7th Dec, we will celebrate Je Tsongkhapa Day (Gaden Ngamcho) together, and Geshe la will fly to Gaya the next day.


Meanwhile, if you would like to watch Geshe’s recent teachings on: How to make full use of our life before death comes (precious human rebirth & impermanence), pls click the below links:
Final class on this topic is this Wed, 15th Nov 7:30pm to 9pm. All are welcome, admission is free!

Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling

Photos from Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL's post 12/11/2023

Our most heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to this group of 9 monks who just went back to the monastery this evening! The monks brought about 30kg of mushrooms with them (amongst other things they brought back too). We were worried about baggage allowance but so thankful everything went so smoothly! Rejoice! Thank you all for your offering as well!

There will be a final group of 3 Geshes who will return to South India this Wed. The 3 Geshes will also be bringing a final 15kg of mushrooms along with them. Rejoice! Similar to this evening, do meet at T3 at 5:30pm (SQ510) should you wish to see the monks off. Regular Lamrim class by Geshe Thupten Samten will still continue this Wed at 7:30pm so we will make good time to return back for class after sending the monks off. 🥰🙏🏼💕

There was an outpour of thank you, farewells and “see you soon”s at departing time. The monks also shared their appreciation for such a wonderful time in Singapore - they expressed they felt totally at home in GSDPL just like in the monastery, and they have enjoyed so much wonderful time & work here.

Two months just flew past - they were part of a most beautiful 44th Grand Puja by GSDPL. During their time here they have benefited so many people, so many families and helped turnaround lives. We are so inspired by their kindness and generosity for all of us, they give all their sincere effort in serving beings. May all Sangha stay healthy and live long!


Welcome to participate in the White Umbrella Goddess Demon-Subduing Grand Puja tonight! This is an elaborate ritual that helps pacify major obstacles, demonic forces & supernatural harassment
Such obstacle-clearing pujas are exceptionally helpful for people who are harrassed by formless disturbances to join. These people may experience strange insomnia (out of the norm), horror dreams of being chased, awakening in the middle of the night for no apparent reason, or waking up in a state of shock at wee hours of the night.
You are encouraged to recite the White Umbrella Goddess mantra:


Photos from Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL's post 11/11/2023

GSDPL day time bakery started early this morning to complete the ritual cakes for the White Umbrella Goddess Demon-Subduing Puja this evening. Lots of tormas required for this puja and everything is prepared joyfully by the monks! So beautiful! Thankful for their works!

Puja online registration will close this evening at 6pm! To join, click:

Reminder reminder reminder! Please bring worn shirt, half-eaten biscuit, substitute and dough for best efficacy of the puja. For those attending the puja tomorrow, you may bring along your White Umbrella Goddess amulets for recharge of blessing. 🙏🏽 See you all!

Photos from Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL's post 10/11/2023

GSDPL night time bakery producing the freshest ritual cakes for tomorrow’s White Umbrella Goddess Demon-Subduing Puja by 15 Sangha Entourage! The monks enjoy night work because of the cooling weather ☺️🙏🏼 but they will still be on afternoon bakery duty tomorrow to make our substitutes for us!

Please submit your registrations if you haven’t because the monks are making the substitutes soon. Thanks for your help! 😄🥰🙏🏼 To join, click:

Reminder reminder reminder! Please bring worn shirt, half-eaten biscuit, substitute and dough for best efficacy of the puja. For those attending the puja tomorrow, you may bring along your White Umbrella Goddess amulets for recharge of blessing. 🙏🏽 See you all!

Photos from Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL's post 10/11/2023

Throwback to our blessed Lhabab Duchen last Sat where we commemorated the holy day with the 15 Sangha Entourage! We are thankful for the past two months that they have been here in Singapore to benefit us, all the wonderful blessings and inspirations they have given us. 9 monks will leave back on 12th Nov, and 3 monks will leave on 15th Nov.

Tomorrow Sat will be the final puja of this season as most of the monks will leave back to monastery on 12th Nov! To register and participate in this puja, pls click:

For those attending the puja tomorrow, you may bring along your White Umbrella Goddess amulets for recharge of blessing. 🙏🏽 Please bring worn shirt, half-eaten biscuit, substitute and dough for best efficacy of the puja. See you all!

[25] Contemplating on the Precious Human Rebirth (A Concise Lamrim Course) by Geshe Thupten Samten 09/11/2023

Geshe Thupten Samten starts his short topics of classes in this Lamrim series: How to make full use of our life before death comes? In these short series of Lamrim topics, Geshe la breaks down the Lamrim into smaller and more easily digestible topics. This class on the precious human rebirth and how we can contemplate on impermanence will last 3 sessions. Friends are welcome to join in if you are keen in this or upcoming topics that you see. ☺️🙏🏼✨❤️

Our life does not automatically become meaningful on its own without any effort on our part. We need to know how we can live in accordance to Buddha’s teachings to fulfil the best potential of this precious human life. To learn more, click through to watch the recording of this teaching! 🥰🙏🏼✨

[25] Contemplating on the Precious Human Rebirth (A Concise Lamrim Course) by Geshe Thupten Samten Written by Je Tsongkhapa (1357-1419), "A Song of Spiritual Experience" is a profound text that serves as a comprehensive guide to the stages of the path to e...


This will be the final puja of this season as most of the monks will leave back to monastery on 12th Nov. We are thankful for the past two months that they have been here in Singapore to benefit us!

This Sat, 15 Sangha Entourage will conduct the White Umbrella Goddess Puja - an elaborate ritual that helps pacify major obstacles, demonic forces & supernatural harassment. For those attending the puja in the centre, you may also bring along your White Umbrella Goddess amulets for recharge of blessing. 🙏🏽

To register and participate in this puja, pls click:

Please bring worn shirt, half-eaten biscuit, substitute and dough for best efficacy of the puja. See you all!

Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling


This teaching of 3 classes belongs to our new Lam Rim series of short teachings. For this class, Geshe Thupten Samten our Resident Teacher shall specifically share about impermanence and the preciousness of our human rebirth. It is important for us to be acquainted at least with the notion of impermanence and strengthen our mind first, before adversities strike, before death arrives.

The teaching aims to help us lead our lives more meaningfully, to lead a life without regrets when death comes.

We welcome all beginners who are keen to learn more about the dharma, and all seniors who are keen for refreshers. Let’s take the time for ourselves, to enrich our inner mind, and be inspired by Geshe la. Geshe Thupten Samten is a truly brilliant and passionate teacher!

Only English translation is available. No pre-registration required. Free admission, all are welcome!

Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling

Photos from Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL's post 05/11/2023

It’s been nearly three weeks since this group of monks left back to the monastery, but it still fills our hearts with so much appreciation to see these pics. We certainly miss the moments having them around in GSDPL! This was the first group of monks who arrived in Singapore as part of the Grand Puja entourage and was here first for the Annual Vajrasattva Fire Puja (during lunar seventh month). They are a group of very hardworking monks and we are so thankful, so grateful to have them do such a wonderful job in Singapore - Geshe Jampa Tanzin, Geshe Sherpa Lhakpa, Gyen Jangchup B, Gyen Lamchung, as well as our resident monk Gyen Paljor! After a successful and fruitful two months in Singapore, the monks were happy to return to the monastery!

Our resident monk Gyen Paljor returns back to monastery for a recharge! We have a recharge program in GSDPL where after six months, Resident Sangha gets to go back to the monastery for a break - this helps them relieve feelings of missing home! 🥰🙏🏼✨ Gyen Paljor has done a superb job in Singapore and we are so impressed, so rejoiceful of his work in GSDPL. He will be back end Jan next year! We miss you Gyen Paljor la! We will meet him in Dec when we visit BodhGaya together. Hehe.

Meanwhile, 9 monks will leave back to monastery next Sunday on 12th Nov. The final Puja this season will be the White Umbrella Goddess Demon-Subduing Puja on 11.11 Saturday. Welcome to bring your worn shirt, half-eaten biscuit, substitute & dough for best puja efficacy. You are encouraged to bring your White Umbrella Goddess khorlo amulet for recharge of blessings by the 15 Sangha Entourage. Puja registration will open tomorrow!


Happy Lhabab Duchen! We celebrate this day where Buddha Shakyamuni descends back to earth after months of teaching in the god realms (specially to repay the great kindness of his mother Mayadevi). 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️

Welcome to join the 15 Sangha Entourage in celebrating this auspicious day. Today is a merit-multiplying day & we rejoice in all your meritorious deeds and practices! May all dharma activities be successful, all pure Teachers live long & may pure dharma continue to flourish!

Welcome to join in this evening’s puja: Recitation of the Kangyur Collection (words spoken by the Buddha) by reciting the Buddha Shakyamuni mantra & invoking Buddha’s blessings during the puja.

Buddha Shakyamuni Mantra:
Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Ye Soha

[23] How To Rely on The Guru & Wisdom and Method (A Concise Lamrim Course) by Geshe Thupten Samten 04/11/2023

In this session, Geshe Thupten Samten guides us on how to rely on the Guru and the wisdom and method practice. Conjoing the union of wisdom and method aspects is the most important part of the core of our practice. This is the only way to lead us to the ultimate Enlightenment.

In general, the core of our practice should be the Lamrim, which is presented in the three principal aspects of the path: (1) renuniciation, (2) bodhicitta, and (3) emptiness. Out of the three, renunciation and bodhicitta represents the method aspect; and emptiness represents the wisdom aspect.

To listen to the entire session, click here:

[23] How To Rely on The Guru & Wisdom and Method (A Concise Lamrim Course) by Geshe Thupten Samten Written by Je Tsongkhapa (1357-1419), "A Song of Spiritual Experience" is a profound text that serves as a comprehensive guide to the stages of the path to e...

Photos from Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL's post 03/11/2023

Happy, happy 21st birthday GSDPL! Thank you all for gathering on this beautiful Friday night to celebrate this 21st milestone of GSDPL. It was sooo good to see dear Zong Rinpoche albeit online, but it made for a really warm & happy gathering!

Apart from the honour of having our Spiritual Director dear Zong Rinpoche online, we also had the 15 Sangha members and all friends together to celebrate this occasion. We had a tea & cake ceremony and was excited to enjoy Rinpoche’s sharing for the night.

It was a beautiful, inspiring and super encouraging message from Rinpoche. Some of us were touched to tears during Rinpoche’s sharing. It always feels so good to connect with dear Zong Rinpoche. At the end of the night, we all had our 1:1 personal moment with Rinpoche - it was evident that was also Rinpoche’s favorite segment as his eyes lit up with interest and enthusiasm! It was so beautiful and everyone was so natural and open with dear Rinpoche. Super wonderful vibes - so touched!

Thank you all for your well wishes, support and love throughout this journey! Many of you weren’t able to join tonight but we know you have been with us for a huge part of this journey & are greatly supportive. Thank you!

We hope to continue the wonderful legacy our founder dear Gyen Lati Rinpoche & (founding President) Mama Karen has left behind. With a pure motivation to help preserve & propagate pure dharma to benefit beings, we will continue to remain steadfast on our GSDPL journey in the years ahead! May pure dharma continue to flourish and grow!

To watch Rinpoche’s sharing tonight, click:


Today marks GSDPL’s 21st birthday, and we would like to share this speech by Ivan to commemorate this day.

We pay tribute to our late founding President, Mama Karen, for her fearless courage and unwavering guru devotion in the set-up and growth of GSDPL. Without Mama’s fearless spirit in pursuing the best for all, we would not have the beautiful centre and community today. 🥹🙏🏼✨

We also pay tribute to our dear Gurus, our most compassionate Teachers, who have guided us step by step along this path - from our founder dear Gyen Lati Rinpoche, to dear Dagyab Kyabgön Rinpoche, to our current Spiritual Director dear Zong Rinpoche, we are the most, most fortunate ones to be in their care and blessings. 🥹🥰🙏🏼💕✨

With the blessing of our Gurus as the source of all our blessings, may GSDPL continue to grow stably and strong to flourish the pure Buddha dharma to benefit all beings!

Photos from Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL's post 02/11/2023

Today Mrs Goh very kindly gave the Sangha Entourage & office team a sumptuous treat - we had a pre-celebration of GSDPL’s 21st Anniversary together! We enjoyed a happy gathering and catch-up. ☺️🥰🙏🏼

Mrs Goh has been there throughout our journey since 2002 - she was there at the very first Grand Puja we held at DBS auditorium presided by H.E. Dagyab Kyabgön Rinpoche, until this day. We are thankful for her trust, love and support all these years - just like how all of you have shown us too. 🥰🙏🏼✨

Lunch at Supreme Vege 善心缘 was fantastic and we all held a toast to good health and long life! May GSDPL continue to grow stably and contribute to the flourishing of pure dharma in Singapore and this world. May Buddhadharma live long!


Our actual anniversary day is tomorrow Friday, 3rd Nov. We are having a celebration in GSDPL at 7:30pm after work, together with our Spiritual Director H.E. Zong Chogtul Rinpoche, who will be giving a sharing on a very meaningful topic: Reflections on our Dharma Practice.

Open to public, all are welcome! Registration is not required. See you all!


This year Lhabab Duchen falls on 4th Nov 2023, Saturday. Lhabab Duchen celebrates Buddha’s descent to Earth from the God Realm after teaching Dharma for several months to the gods, including his mother who had been reborn there. As a merit multiplying day, the karmic results of actions done on this day is multiplied by 100 million times. On such special auspicious days, it is ideal for us to strive as much as one can to accumulate merit and purify mental obscurations.

The 15 Sangha Entourage will conduct a Recitation Puja of Words Spoken by the Buddha (Kangyur Collection) on Sat, 7:30pm to 9pm Singapore time. Click here to register:

On this auspicious occasion, we also invite you to pool offerings for Sangha who are engaged in retreat in BodhGaya, the place where Buddha Shakyamuni attained enlightenment.


The Story of Lhabab Duchen |

Buddha Shakyamuni, at 41 years of age, saw that the divine beings of Trāyastriṃśa (heaven of thirty-three) had the potential to train in virtue, and that his mother queen Mayadevi had been reborn amongst them. Leaving Maudgalyayana as his representative on earth, Buddha went to the god realm and decided to spend the annual rains retreat there.

Buddha spent three months of retreat there, together with Ananda, Shariputra and eight thousand Arhats, and guided his mother and innumerable other beings on the path of liberation.

As the summer rains came to an end on earth, King Bimbisara and four assemblies of disciples kept pleading with Maudgalyayana to invite for Buddha's return. They pleaded that while gods were free to descend to earth as they pleased, but humans could never reach the Buddha while he was in the heavens. Maudgalyayana travelled to Trāyastriṃśa in an instant to convey their fervent wish, and Buddha agreed to return in seven days, at Kashi (Varanasi).

When King Udrayana heard of the great news, he ordered the cleaning of the city and arranged splendid offerings for the reception. At God Indra's command, the celestial artisan created a precious three-tiered staircase: At the center where Lord Buddha walked, it was made of vaidurya gemstone. On the right, Brahma and the gods of the pure realm cooled Buddha with fans made of gold, and on the left Indra and gods of the desire realm shaded Buddha with a jeweled parasol made of crystals.

On the 29th day of the 9th month, the Buddha and his divine retinue descended to the city of Kashi, and was received by King Udrayana and the four assemblies of disciples. It was a specially auspicious day celebrated by all!


Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling


Our team song 细水长流 (The Stream That Flows On) during our 20th Anniversary dinner celebration last year! We chose this song to sing for its meaningful lyrics which illustrated the stream of blessings (and friendship) we have received for the past 20 years, and it is also a song about impermanence. We are no professional singers but for sure we sang with our hearts, and it was such a song to remember. The audience was so supportive & all volunteers were also super high and happy!

We provided English translation of the lyrics in the ballroom and dear Zong Rinpoche expressed that he really liked the song too. Sooo beautiful & heartwarming!


It’s a countdown as we look forward to turn 21 years old this Friday, on 3rd Nov. We will be celebrating the day also with our Spiritual Director dear Zong Rinpoche, where Rinpoche will give a sharing on: Reflections on our Dharma Practice, an introspective insight into our journey along these 21 years, or however long you have been practising the dharma. 🥰🙏🏼😄❤️

We look forward to your participation this Friday, in GSDPL @ 7:30pm after work in the evening! There is no livestream for this event.

Open to public, all are welcome. No pre-registration is required. See you!


We had a most wonderful & inspiring online Zoom session with dear Zong Rinpoche last night! Super happy we have another opportunity to connect with Rinpoche this Friday. We are most blessed & would love to see Rinpoche again, and again, and again! 🥰🙏🏼✨

This Friday, 3rd November 2023 marks the 21st anniversary of GSDPL Singapore. We are most privileged and happy to organise this teaching & celebration session with our Spiritual Director H.E. Zong Chogtul Rinpoche on this auspicious milestone. This session will be physical in-person at the centre, while we connect with Rinpoche from the projector via livestream.

Open to public, all are welcome. No pre-registration is required.


Please be invited to join us in this 21st anniversary celebration in GSDPL, where we aim for it to be a simple, meaningful session together with dear H.E. Zong Rinpoche as he shares with us: Reflections of our Dharma Practice.

We would like to thank all our dear dharma friends, brothers and sisters for your steadfast support and trust over the past 21 years. We thank you for all your love, friendship and warmth - you are part of our big happy family and we are so grateful to have you around on this journey. See you all this Friday!

Note: Teaching will be in English only.


Rejoice in your offering! Sharing this video of a session of the monks making offering of the butter lamps, which were offered by you at the recent Grand Puja. We are not able to light them up for actual offering at MBS or Suntec, so every time the Sangha Entourage offers on behalf in-house once everything is settled down back in GSDPL.

There are more than a thousand butter lamps offered at the Grand Puja so we leave it to the monks to offer on behalf at their own convenience, batch by batch, group by group. 🥰🙏🏼✨

We haven’t shared these photos or footage before because the monks used to make these butter lamp offerings mostly at night, during their free time (and we have all gone home) and we aren’t around to capture photos. But of cos, they always do it religiously after every single Grand Puja. ☺️🙏🏼💕

Thank you to the dear Sangha Entourage for all their work! They are always so kind and always there to help support us in all these merit accumulation. May all pure Sangha stay healthy, live long and may pure dharma flourish endlessly to benefit all beings now and in the future!


Welcome to the Dorje Namjom (Vajravidaran) Cleansing Healing Puja this evening by 15 Sangha Entourage! This puja is said to be particularly powerful for purifying the impure energy of the mind and the negative actions of body and speech that arise from it. It is able to pacify obstacles of illness, bad luck, and evil energy, and is often performed especially for those who were ill and/or experienced negative energy in life or their dharma practices. Patients who seek healing blessings and speedy recovery are most encouraged to participate in cleansing pujas.

Apart from autistic children, we also encourage this puja for people who have fallen ill, experience insomnia, or feel discomfort after attending funerals or visiting hospitals like A&E. This puja is very helpful to cleanse away bad energy that we may have. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Let's enjoy the blessing of this puja!

Photos from Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL's post 28/10/2023

Monks preparing for the Dorje Namjom Cleansing ritual this evening 😄🙏🏼✨ This ritual is especially helpful for cleansing our bad luck energy, and greatly encouraged if we have visited any places which may affect our energy, such as attending funerals or hospitals and the like.

This puja is also very helpful for healing if you are a cancer patient, or young children with autism challenges, or any patients with various health conditions.

Physical attendance is required to receive the blessing of this puja.

Registration closes at 6pm!


Rejoice! Great news that we can attend dear Zong Rinpoche’s teachings this Sunday night 10pm to 11pm, please take note of updated time due to daylight savings in Europe. This is a teaching organized by Tibethaus Deutschland. Admission is free and all are welcome.

It is a one-hour online teaching session this Sunday night, 29th Oct via Zoom, starts Singapore time 10pm. Sharing these details shared generously by Tibethaus -

Join Zoom-meeting:

Meeting-ID: 857 2157 7106
Code: 155766

The link will be open for joining 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the session. Please do not join later then 5 minutes before start of the session.


If you liked the event, you may support Tibethaus in form of donations for the Buddhism department (banking details below):

Bankverbindung für Spenden
Frankfurter Volksbank
Kontoinhaber: Tibethaus Deutschland e.V.
IBAN: DE81 5019 0000 6100 0142 95

Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling


Dorje Namjom (Vajravidaran) Cleansing Healing Puja this Saturday! This puja is said to be particularly powerful for purifying the impure energy of the mind and the negative actions of body and speech that arise from it. It is also able to pacify obstacles of illness, bad luck, and evil energy.

To register, pls click:

This puja is often performed especially for those who were ill, had impure bodies, experienced negative energy, and during occasions when they experienced obstacles in their dharma practices. Patients who seek healing blessings and speedy recovery are most encouraged to participate in cleansing pujas.

Symptoms that one is affected by negative energy:
• Mind falls into depression or gets frustrated easily
• Falls ill easily
• Things do not go smoothly
• Feels drowsy and lethargic
• Headaches
• Vision is blurred and hearing is unclear
• Sense of smell is not sharp, tongue is unable to taste
Personal attendance is required in the puja to receive the cleansing healing benefits.

• 心里忧郁或躁郁
• 容易生病
• 遇事不顺利
• 觉得昏沉
• 头痛
• 眼睛看得模糊,耳朵听不清楚
• 鼻子不灵敏,舌头尝不出味道
注: 欲参加法会者必须亲临现场参加法会,接受喇嘛为我们进行沐浴治愈加持。

Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling


Welcome to join the Guru Puja & Tsog Offering this evening with the 15 monks from Gaden Shartse Monastery! You can refer to the Guru Puja & Tsog Offering text here:

This Sat the 15 Sangha Entourage are conducting the Dorje Namjom Cleansing Healing Puja. Individuals are required to attend in person to receive the healing blessings. You may register at:

[18] Qualities of a Spiritual Teacher & Student (A Concise Lamrim Course) by Geshe Thupten Samten 18/10/2023

Our regular Lamrim teachings by Geshe Thupten Samten has resumed! Welcome to join us every Wed 7:30pm to 9pm, Sat 3pm to 5pm in the centre and dedicate a regular time for weekly study and nourishment for our minds.

If we want to know what we need in our past lives, look at our present life. If we want to know what will be our next life then we look at the activities of our present life.

Enjoy the class recording, and see you this evening 7:30pm for the next class!

[18] Qualities of a Spiritual Teacher & Student (A Concise Lamrim Course) by Geshe Thupten Samten Written by Je Tsongkhapa (1357-1419), "A Song of Spiritual Experience" is a profound text that serves as a comprehensive guide to the stages of the path to e...

Photos from Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL's post 17/10/2023

We organized the Ritual Offering to Queen of Hungry Ghosts last Sat in order to benefit those with problems of spirit harm and disturbances. So glad that we could all come together to send away these obstacles! Super appreciative to have the large team of Sangha here with us to bestow their blessings!

This Sat 21st Oct, the 15 Sangha Entourage will be conducting the Three Deities Obstacle-Clearing Puja to pacify obstacles, as well as strengthen our immune against formless harm and disturbances. To register, pls click:


This Saturday the 15 Sangha Entourage will conduct the Three Deities Obstacle-Clearing Puja, 21st Oct, 7:30pm SG time. To register and participate in this puja, pls click: (closing deadline: 21st Oct, Sat 6pm).

This is a protective puja that blesses us with obstacle-clearing blessing and boosts our energy so we will not be easily susceptible to the harm of negative influences.

The ‘three deities’ whose practices are being employed for this puja are that of Lord Buddha Shakyamuni, White Umbrella Goddess, and the Lion-face Dakini. By combining these three powerful practices together, this ritual aims to pacify and overcome all forms of obstacles and subdue all negativity and inauspiciousness, especially formless harassment.


More about the three practices |

1. The Heart Sutra is the core of the Prajnaparamita and encompasses the essence of all Lord Buddha’s teachings. Due to the ignorance which leads us into committing acts of greed, sentient being are trapped within the cyclic existence of samsara. One of the most expedient ways to purify negative karma and obstacles would be to contemplate and recite texts related to the topic of Emptiness.

2. The White Umbrella Goddess is an intrepid and fearless deity. Through the practice of this Goddess, one can prevent the influence of any evil magic or spirits, as well as formless beings’ attack and obstacles along our dharma practice.

3. The Lion-Face Dakini is a wrathful deity, who manifests fierce looks with the aim of subduing the four demons in our minds. This practice can also prevent the influence of any black magic and help avert natural calamities.

Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling - GSDPL Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling

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White Umbrella Goddess Demon-Subduing Grand Puja
Lhabab Duchen 2023
20th Anniversary Speech (2022) by Ivan Looi
GSDPL 20th Anniversary Song: 细水长流 The Stream That Flows On
Offering of Grand Puja Butter Lamps
Dorje Namjom (Vajravidaran) Cleansing Healing Puja
Welcome to join the Guru Puja & Tsog Offering this evening with the 15 monks from Gaden Shartse Monastery! You can refer...
Ritual Offering to Queen of Hungry Ghosts to Repay Karmic Debts by 20 Monks
GSDPL 2023 Annual Wealth Chest & Wealth Puja
Recap some highlights of the Inaugural Consecration of our Wealth Chest & Wealth Puja. We are going to relive this wonde...
Move out & set up at MBS, in our usual Hall D! Grand Puja online registration will close in 30 mins time, and our volunt...




No. 39 Geylang Lorong 20

Opening Hours

Tuesday 09:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 09:30 - 17:30
Thursday 09:30 - 17:30
Friday 09:30 - 17:30
Saturday 09:30 - 21:00
Sunday 09:30 - 17:30

Other Buddhist Temples in Singapore (show all)
Kadhampa Buddhist Association - Singapore 新加坡嘎档巴佛教总会 Kadhampa Buddhist Association - Singapore 新加坡嘎档巴佛教总会
17J, Lorong 15 Geylang Road
Singapore, 388608


Lhatse Tulku Rinpoche Lhatse Tulku Rinpoche
21 Lorong 11 Geylang
Singapore, 388713

Managed by followers of Lhatse Tulku Rinpoche . This is not the official profile/Page of Rinpoche . We are also managing FB page of Rinpoche's Center in Singapore .

Khoon Seng Tng Ban Siew San Khoon Seng Tng Ban Siew San
No. 4 Telok Blangah Drive Singapore 109257

Buddhism Media Buddhism Media
Victoria Street
Singapore, 179431

ဗုဒ္ဓတရားတော်များနှင့် လောကီ လောကု?

聚聖廟 Chu Sheng Temple 聚聖廟 Chu Sheng Temple
48 Ang Mi Kio Street 61
Singapore, 569162


Forest Sect Forest Sect
Singapore, 199001

Tracp sg Tracp sg
Singapore, 200080


Lin San Temple 灵山寺 - Lin San Temple 灵山寺 -
Singapore, 399004

灵山寺是位于新加坡东部的佛寺庙,内有永久地契骨灰位和神主牌。Lin San Temple is a modern Buddhist temple located in the east of Singapore, come with FREEHOLD Columbarium and Ancestral Tablets.

Leong San See Temple 新加坡龙山寺 Leong San See Temple 新加坡龙山寺
371 Race Course Road
Singapore, 218641

新加坡龍山禪寺 Leong San Buddhist Temple 371 Race Course Road Singapore 218641 Tel: 6298 9371

光授堂 Guang Shou Tang 光授堂 Guang Shou Tang
31 Jalan Lam Huat.
Singapore, 737651


Dhamma Duta Buddhist Centre Dhamma Duta Buddhist Centre
Singapore, 387785

religious services

Chinese Theravada Buddhist Education 上座部佛学中心 Chinese Theravada Buddhist Education 上座部佛学中心
6 Ubi Road 1, #05/04
Singapore, 408726

Promoting Chinese Theravada Buddhist Education