Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore

Muhammadiyah Association is a non profit educational missionary organization which have been active

Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore manages the following institutions. They are :

1....Muhammadiyah Welfare Home.- at 101 Pasir Ris Road Singapore 519154 (new address), was instituted in December 1989 as a Children’s Home for Juvenile offenders, the abused and neglected and those who are Beyond Parental Control (BPC).

2. Muhammadiyah Health & Daycare Centre for Elderlies (MHCC) - Block 10, Eu


Muhammadiyah Association will be having its 𝗙𝗥𝗜𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗠𝗢𝗦𝗤𝗨𝗘 𝗖𝗢𝗟𝗟𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦 (𝗙𝗠𝗖) 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗙𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗮𝘆, 13 September 2024

📍 Mosques Islandwide during Friday prayers, or donate via PayNow.

Your generous donation will help benefit the community through out Dakwah, Education & Welfare efforts.

To donate via PayNow:
Scan the PayNow QR code with your bank app, or send to 𝗨𝗘𝗡 𝗦𝟱𝟴𝗦𝗦𝟬𝟬𝟮𝟬𝗖
Please include this in the Billing Reference
e.g FMC _ 91234567

Send screenshot via WhatsApp to 8408 4326 if you need a receipt.



Persatuan Muhammadiyah akan mengadakan kelas Umrah yang komprehensif untuk membimbing anda melalui setiap langkah dalam melaksanakan ibadah umrah dengan sempurna.

▪Panduan langkah dan memahami tatacara, rukun dan larangan umrah
▪Mempersiapkan diri untuk menunaikan umrah dengan yakin
▪Sesuai bagi jemaah yang ingin umrah kendalian kendiri (DIY)

Kelas dibimbing oleh : Ustaz Faiz Maricar

Maklumat kelas:
🕋 Sesi Pertama - Khamis, 12 Sep 24
🕋 Sesi Kedua - Khamis, 19 Sep 24
🕋 Sesi Ketiga - Khamis, 26 Sep 24

Waktu: 8.00 - 10.00 mlm

Tempat: Muhammadiyah Health & Day Care Centre, Blk 10 Eunos Crescent #01-2711 S(400010)

Imbas kod QR untuk mendaftar atau di

Muslimin & Muslimat dipersilakan hadir.

Untuk keterangan lanjut, sila hubungi Jabatan Kebajikan di 9168 8433.


==Ceramah Muhammadiyah==

Topik: Gaya Hidup Sihat dengan Perubatan Nabi Muhammad ﷺ

- Mengapa Kesihatan itu penting?
- Mengapa kita perlu mencari Penawar jika sakit?
- Mengapa kita perlu kembali kpd Gaya Hidup Rasulullah ﷺ?
- Adakah perubatan Nabi ﷺ sesuai dgn pendekatan Saintifik?

Penceramah : Ustaz Dr Abdul Aziz

Tarikh: Sabtu, 7 Sep 2024
Masa: 10 pagi - 12 tghari
Tempat: Muhammadiyah Health & Day Care Centre (MHCC)
Blk 10 Eunos Crescent #01-2711, Singapore 400010

Untuk pendaftaran, sila imbas kod atau di link

Muslimin & Muslimat Dipersilakan Hadir


Markaz Utara ingin menjemput anda untuk menghadiri Ceramah Utara yang diadakan pada setiap Sabtu pertama setiap bulan, secara fizikal sahaja.

Ceramah pada bulan ini bertajuk: Berita Tauhid kepada Allah s.w.t akan disampaikan oleh Ustaz Dr Md Luthfi Md Masruh akan diadakan pada Sabtu, 07 September 2024, mula jam 8 malam.

Marilah bersama-sama hadir untuk mempelajari ilmu-ilmu yang bermanfaat mengenai:

• Tujuan diutusnya para Anbiya' dan Rasul kepada manusia.
• Dakwah para Anbiya' adalah satu.
• Pentingnya untuk pelajari syirik untuk mengelakkan dan menjauhkan diri dari terjebak ke dalam kesyirikan.

Jemaah muslimin dan muslimat, beserta keluarga, kesemuanya dipersilakan hadir.


Photos from Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore's post 30/08/2024
Photos from Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore's post 26/08/2024

The Wahdah Project Needs Your Support!

The Wahdah Project goes beyond being just an upgrading initiative—it is a steadfast commitment by Muhammadiyah Association to address the urgent needs of our community and build a strong foundation for the next generation.

One of our primary goals is to upgrade our main premises at 14 Jalan Selamat, enhancing the prayer hall, classrooms, youth corner, and more. This is our way of giving back to the community, ensuring that everyone benefits.

Your support is crucial in making this vision a reality. Visit our website at to join us in this journey.

May Allah bless us with the goodness of both worlds.

Photos from Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore's post 23/08/2024


As the Quran beautifully states, "O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted." (Quran 49:13).

This verse serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of recognising our shared humanity and embracing the diversity that enriches our society. It underscores the Islamic principle that true nobility lies in righteousness and piety.

We call upon all communities in Singapore, including the Bangladeshi migrant community, to remain vigilant and reject ideologies that promote violence, hatred, or division. Let us work together to build a Singapore where every individual feels safe, respected, and valued, regardless of their background or beliefs.

Full media statement in text:


Marilah sama-sama kita kenali erti kasih sayang Allah s.w.t terhadap manusia dan hamba-hamba-Nya. Telah berkata Ibnul Qayyim r.h, di dalam kitabnya Al-Jawabul Kafi.
مَنْ عَرَفَ اللهَ بِأَسْمَائِهِ وَصِفَاتِهِ وَأَفْعَالِهِ، أَحَبَّهُ لاَمَحَالَةَ

“Barangsiapa yang mengenal Allah melalui nama-nama-Nya, sifat-sifat-Nya, dan perbuatan-perbuatan-Nya, pasti dia akan mencintai-Nya!”

Terdapat dua nama Allah s.w.t yang selalu kedengaran di telinga kaum muslimin, yang banyak kali disebutkan oleh lisan kaum mukminin. Ada dua nama Allah s.w.t yang terkandung di dalam basmalah (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم) yang menjadi sebahagian dari surah Al-Fatihah. Dua nama itu adalah Ar-Rahman dan Ar-Rahim. Kedua-dua nama Allah s.w.t ini, berkaitan dengan “rahmat” (kasih sayang) Allah s.w.t.

Ar-Rahman bermaksud yang memiliki rahmat yang luas, meliputi seluruh makhluk-Nya; wazan (فَعْلَان) dalam bahasa Arab menunjukkan kepada keluasan dan menyeluruh. Sebagai contoh jika ada seorang lelaki yang selalu marah pada setiap perkara, dia dipanggil: رَجُلٌ غَضْبَانٌ.
Ar-Rahim p**a adalah nama yang menunjukkan kepada perbuatan, kerana فَعِيل bermakna فَاعِل.
Sifat rahmat (kasih sayang) Allah yang terkandung di dalam kedua nama tersebut, sesuai dengan ketinggian dan kemuliaan Allah s.w.t.

Apakah terdapat perbezaan makna pada kedua-dua perkataan Ar-Rahman dan Ar-Rahim ini?

Untuk baca selanjutnya:



Salam everyone,

We’re excited to announce the 4th annual BOYSMEETNS 2024 Workshop! This event is designed specifically for those currently serving or about to enlist in the Civil Defence, Police, or Army.

Have questions about performing wudhu and solat with boots and camo on? Wondering about jama' or qada' solat due to training or shifts? Curious about how to establish the qiblat in the jungle? Concerned about aurat issues?

Join us at BOYSMEETNS 2024 Workshop, where our esteemed panel of speakers including local asatizah with firsthand NS experience will provide practical and theoretical insights to address these concerns. They’ll share their personal experiences and offer valuable advice on navigating religious practices during NS.


Date & Time: 14 September 2024, 9am - 1pm
Venue: Madrasah Waktanjong Al-Islamiah (MWTI) Auditorium lvl 4
Fees: $25 (incl. GST)
To register or for more information, visit:

Don’t miss this opportunity for a comprehensive and engaging session!


Join us for the launch and sharing by Ustaz Dr. Muhammad Haniff Hassan on his latest book - Islamic Rulings and Modern Society: The Imperative Need For Re-Contextualising Fatwas to Today’s Age

This book reinterprets traditional Islamic fatwas for the modern world, addressing contemporary issues like drug trafficking, the obligation to provide education, and the use of astronomy in determining the Islamic calendar. It offers a fresh perspective on how timeless Islamic principles can be applied to today's challenges, making it essential reading for those interested in the evolving role of Shariah in contemporary society.

Date: 24 August 2024
Time: 11am to 1pm, registration will open at 10.45am
Venue: Al Ansar Mosque, 155 Bedok North Ave 1, Level 3 Singapore 469751

Limited slots only, register now:


Dirgahayu Singapura 🇸🇬

Semoga Allah SWT terus kurniakan kemajuan dan keamanan buat kita semua.



Persatuan Muhammadiyah akan mengadakan kelas Umrah yang komprehensif untuk membimbing anda melalui setiap langkah dalam melaksanakan ibadah umrah dengan sempurna.

▪ Panduan langkah dan memahami tatacara, rukun dan larangan umrah
▪ Mempersiapkan diri untuk menunaikan umrah dengan yakin
▪ Sesuai bagi jemaah yang ingin umrah kendalian kendiri (DIY)

Maklumat kelas:
🕋 Sesi Pertama - Khamis, 15 Ogos 24
🕋 Sesi Kedua - Khamis, 22 Ogos 24
🕋 Sesi Ketiga - Khamis, 29 Ogos 24

Waktu: 8.00 - 10.00 mlm
Tempat: Muhammadiyah Health & Day Care Centre, Blk 10 Eunos Crescent #01-2711 S(400010)

Imbas kod QR untuk mendaftar atau di

Muslimin & Muslimat dipersilakan hadir.

Untuk keterangan lanjut, sila hubungi kami di 6242 7388 pada waktu pejabat.


Pengajian Khas Sabtu Malam

Topik: Kelebihan & Nikmat Ibadah Umrah dengan Ilmu

Pembimbing: Ustaz Dr Md Luthfi Md Masruh

Tarikh: Sabtu, 10 Ogos 2024

Masa: Selepas Solat Isyak Berjemaah

Tempat: Muhammadiyah Health & Day Care Centre (MHCC)
Blk 10 Eunos Crescent #01-2711, Singapore 400010


Zoom: Imbas kod untuk ikuti kelas Zoom atau di link

Muslimin & Muslimat Dipersilakan Hadir Bersama Keluarga


Jadual Pengajian Ogos 2024 - Persatuan Muhammadiyah

Alamat Tempat Pengajian (Physical) :

MHCC : Blk 10 Eunos Crescent Singapore 400010

Markas Utara : Blk 303 Woodlands St 31 #02-169 Singapore 730303

Masjid Maarof - Lantai 2, Bilik Seminar 1 : 20 Jurong West St 26, Singapore 648125

Zoom: Sertai 'WhatsApp Group' pengajian kami untuk dapat link tersebut:

Muslimin dan Muslimat dipersilakan hadir.

Photos from Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore's post 26/07/2024

🏅 The Olympics start today, but our young athletes from Muhammadiyah Kindergarten (MK) competed in their own "Olympics" too, at the recent MK Sports Day 2024.

Held at Our Tampines Hub earlier this month, the students participated in their very own (and cuter) versions of Torch Relay, Weightlifting, Cycling, Long Jump, Hockey, and much more.

Marha marha to all the winners and participants for your amazing efforts and sportsmanship!

Our heartfelt thank you to Bhai Sahab Karipap and all our generous sponsors for your incredible support.

Here's to fostering a spirit of unity and healthy competition in our young ones! 🌟


ARTIKEL BULAN INI: Islam Adalah Agama Yang Mudah Untuk Diamalkan – Oleh Ustaz Md Hafiz Zainul

Islam adalah agama yang mudah untuk diamalkan, dan kesukaran hanya timbul apabila penganutnya berlebih-lebihan dalam mengamalkan dan mempraktikkan agama, melebihi apa yang telah disyariatkan. Sepertimana diterangkan dalam Al-Quran dan hadis-hadis Nabi Muhammad ﷺ.

Dalil dari Al-Quran

1. Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 185:
يُرِيدُ ٱللَّهُ بِكُمُ ٱلۡيُسۡرَ وَلَا يُرِيدُ بِكُمُ ٱلۡعُسۡرَ
Maksudnya: "Allah menghendaki kemudahan bagimu dan tidak menghendaki kesukaran bagimu."

Ayat ini menunjukkan bahawa Allah s.w.t menginginkan kemudahan dalam agama bagi hamba-Nya dan tidak menghendaki kesukaran.

Tafsir Ibnu Katsir menjelaskan bahawa ayat ini turun berkaitan dengan kewajiban puasa di bulan Ramadan. Allah s.w.t menjelaskan bahawa puasa adalah satu bentuk ibadah yang diwajibkan kepada umat Islam, namun Allah juga memberikan kemudahan bagi mereka yang sakit atau dalam perjalanan untuk menggantikan puasa mereka pada hari-hari lain. Ini menunjukkan betapa Allah s.w.t menghendaki kemudahan bagi hamba-hamba-Nya, bukan yang sebaliknya kesukaran.

Tafsir Al-Jalalayn juga menguatkan bahawa Allah s.w.t tidak menginginkan kesulitan dalam melaksanakan perintah-Nya. Puasa bukanlah untuk memberatkan umat, tetapi sebagai cara untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah s.w.t dengan tetap mempertimbangkan kemampuan dan keadaan individu.

Dalil dari Hadis

1. Hadis riwayat Abu Hurairah r.a:
"Sesungguhnya agama (Islam) itu mudah. Tiada seorang pun yang hendak menyusahkan agama melainkan ia akan tewas (dalam mengamalkannya). Oleh itu berbuatlah dengan betul, hampirkanlah (kepada kesempurnaan) gembirakanlah (orang lain) dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) pada waktu pagi petang dan sebahagian malam." (Riwayat Al-Bukhari)

Untuk baca selanjutnya:


Pengajian Sabtu Malam Muhammadiyah

Tafsir: Ayat-Ayat Aqidah Pilihan Dalam Al-Quran

Dibimbing Oleh Ustaz Dr. Md Luthfi Md Masruh

Ikuti di MHCC
Blk 10 Eunos Crescent #01-2711 (Pintu Dibuka Jam 7 Malam)

Daftar Kehadiran Anda di Sini:

Muslimin & Muslimat Dipersilakan Hadir
Bersama Keluarga

Photos from Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore's post 19/07/2024

Positions available:
- Corporate Communications & Resource Officer/Executive (Media Productions) at
- Finance Officer at
- Welfare Officer at
- Preschool Teacher(Ukhrawi) at Muhammadiyah Kindergarten

For more details:

Please submit your resume to [email protected]
or call us at 6242 7388.

Photos from Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore's post 12/07/2024

Tahukah anda, anda boleh mendapatkan pahala 3 puasa sunat yang berbeza jika anda berpuasa secara berturut-turut dari 15 hingga 22 Julai 2024? Ia bertepatan dengan 09 Muharram hingga 16 Muharram 1446H. Jangan lepaskan peluang ini.

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a telah berkata: Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w: Sebaik-baik puasa setelah puasa Ramadan, adalah puasa pada bulan Allah, Muharram. Dan sebaik-baik solat setelah solat yang fardhu adalah solat malam. (Riwayat Muslim)

Photos from Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore's post 06/07/2024


Imam Ibn Kasir menyebut dalam buku sejarahnya al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah:

Kata Muhammad bin Sirin: Seorang lelaki datang kepada Umar dan berkata: “Tetapkan tarikh seperti mana orang bukan arab lakukan dengan menulis pada bulan tertentu dan tahun tertentu”.

Jawab Umar: “Cadangan yang baik”.

Mereka berkata: “Tahun bila kita hendak mulakan?”.

Ada yang mencadangkan tahun kebangkitan Nabi s.a.w, ada p**a cadangan tahun kewafatan dan lain-lain. Lalu mereka bersetuju tahun baginda berhijrah.

Lalu mereka bertanya lagi: “Bulan manakah hendak kita mulakan?”. Ada yang mencadangkan Ramadan.

Ada yang mencadangkan “Muharram kerana ia bulan yang orangramai baru sahaja selesai menunaikan haji dan ia juga termasuk dalam bulan-bulan haram”.

Lalu mereka pun bersetuju menjadikan bulan Muharram bulan yang pertama. (Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah).

Photos from Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore's post 05/07/2024

Muhammadiyah Association had the honour to host DYMM Pemangku Raja Perlis Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Ibni Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Jamalullail, accompanied by delegation from Perlis Islamic Religious and Malay Customs Council (MAIPs), which include the M***i of Perlis Sahibus Samahah Prof. Dato' Arif Perkasa Dr. Mohd Asri bin Zainul Abidin.

They were here for a 3-day learning journey, which included visits to Muhammadiyah Welfare Home, Darul Ghufran Mosque, AMP Singapore, MHCC, Madrasah Wak Tanjong Islamiah and Pergas.

Alhamdulillah, we hope it will be as beneficial to them as it has been to us.


Photos from Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore's post 01/07/2024

Join us for a 10 Day Tour of Al-Aqsa (Al-Aqsa Mosque, Ramallah, Hebron, Mt Olives) led by Ustaz Hafiz Zainul.
Package includes flight via Etihad Airlines and stay at a 4 star hotels.

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophetﷺ said, "Do not set out on a journey except for three Mosques i.e. Al-Masjid-AI-Haram, the Mosque of Allah's Messengerﷺ , and the Mosque of Al-Aqsa, (Mosque of Jerusalem)."
Sahih Bukhari

For any enquiries, WhatsApp Iman Travel at: +65 9107 7607

Photos from Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore's post 28/06/2024

Join us for an 11D Umrah (5N Makkah, 4N Madinah) led by Ustaz Khairul Abdullah Kamal.
Opportunity for Jumu'ah at both Masjidil Haram and Masjid Nabawi. Package includes flight via Etihad Airlines and stays at 5-star hotels within walking distances to Haramain.

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger ﷺ said, "(The performance of) `Umra is an expiation for the sins committed (between it and the previous one). And the reward of Hajj Mabrur (the one accepted by Allah) is nothing except Paradise."
Sahih Bukhari and Muslim

For any enquiries, WhatsApp Iman Travel at: +65 9107 7607

Photos from Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore's post 21/06/2024

Positions available:
- Finance Officer at
- Welfare Officer at
- Corp Comms Resource Unit Manager at
- Corp Comms Resource Unit Executive at
- Staff Nurse/Senior Staff Nurse at
- Community Care Associate at
- Preschool Teacher(Ukhrawi) at Muhammadiyahsg

For more details:
Please submit your resume to [email protected]
or call us at 6242 7388.

Photos from Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore's post 20/06/2024

We have concluded our Ibadah Qurban for 2024 at Muhammadiyah Kindergarten with the help of over 100 volunteers. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all our members, volunteers, and staff who dedicated their time and energy to ensure that everything went smoothly.

Special thanks to those who chose to carry out their Qurban with us this year be it in Singapore or overseas.

Jazaakumullahu khairan Katsiran.

Photos from Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore's post 20/06/2024

Alhamdulillah, more than 1,200 congregants came together to perform the Eid prayers led by our President, Ustaz Muhammad Azri Azman at Muhammadiyah Welfare Home last week. We are thankful for your continuous commitment in joining us in upholding this sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.



Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha, Taqabballahu Minna Wa Minkum.

Semoga Allah menerima ibadah kita, khususnya juga kepada para sahibul qurban di sini. Dan sentiasa berada dalam keadaan iman dan takwa.

InsyaAllah kelas bersama Ustazah Dr. Sakinah Saptu di Zoom bulan ini pada Isnin malam, 24 Jun 2024.

Metodologi Dakwah Ulul Azmi bersama Ustazah Dr. Sakinah Saptu. Siri 6 (2024)

Tarikh: Isnin, 24 Jun 2024
Masa: 8.00 Malam
Tempat: Applikasi Zoom

Daftar sekarang :


Persatuan Muhammadiyah mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha kepada semua umat Islam. Semoga Allah SWT menerima amalan baik kita semua.


Tempahan untuk *Haiwan Qurban di Singapura* masih DIBUKA. Satu ekor Haiwan Qurban berharga $667 sahaja.


Semoga amal dan ibadah kita diterima oleh Allah subhanahu wa taala.

Kongsikan dan Sebarkan


Alhamdulillah, the registration for International Qurban orders is now closed.

Thank you for choosing to fulfil your ibadah Qurban with Muhammadiyah!

For those looking to perform your qurban live in singapore with Muhammadiyah, limited slots are still available!

Visit our website in bio) for bookings.

Want your place of worship to be the top-listed Place Of Worship in Singapore?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore manages the following institutions. They are :

1....Muhammadiyah Welfare Home.- at 58 Bedok North Street 3 Singapore 469624,was instituted in December 1989 as a Children’s Home for Juvenile offenders, the abused and neglected and those who are Beyond Parental Control (BPC).

2. Muhammadiyah Health & Daycare Centre for Elderlies (MHCC) - Block 10, Eunos Crescent, #01-2711, Singapore 400010.which provides community-based healthcare, day care and rehabilitation program for the elderly suffering from post-stroke conditions, Parkinson’s disease, post-amputation, arthritis and rheumatism.

3.Muhammadiyah Islamic College (KIM) - at Lor 13 off Geylang Road, is an Islamic College teaching on all aspects of Islam leading to Diploma and Degree.

4.Muhammadiyah Kindergarten - is located at No. 66 Jln Lapang S(419006) walking distance from Kembangan MRT Station. It was officially registered with the Ministry of Education in 1996.

5. KABA - The religious class for teens - at 14 Jalan Selamat, tends to educate and instill Islamic values to non-madrasah students by following the Al-Quran and Sunnah.

6. Madrasah Al-Arabiah Al-Islamiah (MAI) - situated at 1 Lor 6 Toa Payoh, Singapore 319376. Is one of the oldest madrasahs in Singapore-Founded in the 1930s and subsequently established as a school that offered religious education to students in 1950. The school is registered with the MOE for normal academic subjects as well as MUIS for religious subjects.

7. Jenazah services - The Welfare Department of Muhammadiyah is always ready to extend our Jenazah Services to all Muslims according to the practices of the prophet Rasulullah (SAW).

We are an ongoing community 'amal services' provider in Singapore. We therefore will like to invite you to be our fan and further enhanced our services to the community. You are certainly welcome to visit us at our address at No:14 Jalan Selamat Singapore 418534. (near to Kembangan MRT, off Jalan Lapang)

To donate :

Videos (show all)

Tempahan untuk *Haiwan Qurban di Singapura* masih DIBUKA. Satu ekor Haiwan Qurban berharga $667 sahaja.Pendaftaran: http...
𝐐𝐔𝐑𝐁𝐀𝐍 𝟏𝟒𝟒𝟓𝐇/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒𝐌 🐑Allah s.w.t memerintahkan kita untuk melaksanakan ibadah Qurban sebagaimana ayat Al-Quran yang terte...
QURBAN BERSAMA MUHAMMADIYAHAlhamdulillah, pada tahun 2023, kami telah berjaya melaksanakan ibadah Qurban dengan 100 ekor...
Istiqomah selepas bulan Ramadan-tips pertama: melakukan segala sesuatu amalan berdasarkan dengan keikhlasan kerana setia...
Puasa 6 hari Syawal setelah sebulan puasa Ramadan, mendapatkan pahala setahun berpuasa.Sabda Rasulullah SAW: Sesiapa yan...
Persatuan Muhammadiyah ingin mengucapkan TAQABBALALLAHU MINNA WA MINKUM Semoga semua amal ibadah kita diterima dan diber...
Apabila Ramadan Melabuhkan Tirainya | Ustaz Md Azri Azman
Pengagihan Zakat Bersama Muhammadiyah telah membawa sinar kebahagiaan kepada mereka yang memerlukan! 🌟 Terima kasih kepa...
Teruskan Semangat Ramadan | Ustaz Md Taufiq Kasan



14 Jalan Selamat

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00

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Singapore, 409839

Visit our website at

Mujahidin Mosque Mujahidin Mosque
590 Stirling Road
Singapore, 148952

Please send your enquiries or feedback to [email protected] .sg

Grace Bethesda Church Grace Bethesda Church
Emmanuel House, 10 Lorong 27A Geylang
Singapore, 388107

“To follow Christ in His Love, Truth, Holiness, Missions and Unity.”

Galilee Bible-Presbyterian Church Galilee Bible-Presbyterian Church
202 Pandan Garden
Singapore, 609338

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Cor 10:31