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Summer Countdown: How to Look Great in Just 6 Weeks

Want to shape up for summer? Don’t wait until the last minute. If you start now, you’ve got six weeks or so––plenty of time to see some serious results before swimsuit season starts.

Six weeks may sound like an eternity, but if you’re trying to get in get in shape for summer, you’ll want to get going right away. I’m nudging you now, because many people have the tendency to put this off. As in, “I’m going on a surfing trip next week, and I can’t be seen looking like this!” A crash diet to take off a couple pounds in a week might make you slightly less self-conscious in your board shorts. But if you really want to make some headway before swimsuit season, the time to start is now.

Six Weeks ‘til Summer: Shape Up Now
Here’s the thing: a safe and achievable rate of weight loss is about one or two pounds a week. In order to lose a pound in a week’s time, you need to tilt your calorie balance in the negative direction by about 500 calories per day. Now, a pound of fat stores about 3500 calories. If you burn up 500 of those stored calories every day for a week, you’ll lose about a pound of fat. Larger people can often tip the balance a little further, coming up with a shortage of 750 or even 1000 calories a day to lose a bit more quickly.

Depending on your body size, that means that if you start now, you could lose 5 or 10 pounds by early June, and that could be enough to give you a beach body by the start of summer. With a one-two punch of diet and exercise, six weeks is enough time to see some noticeable changes in your muscle tone and shape if you dedicate some serious time to your workouts.

Diet and Exercise
The best way to create your calorie ‘shortage’ is with a combination of diet and exercise. Don’t try to just do one or the other. For one thing, if your calorie needs aren’t that high to start with, you may not be able to cut out 500 calories a day from your meals without cutting back too far. You shouldn’t go much below 1200 calories a day. If you try to cut too much, not only is it harder to pack all your nutrient needs into fewer calories, but you also may not have enough energy to exercise. Trying the ‘exercise only’ approach is tough, too, because it takes a lot of exercise to burn up 500 calories––like a solid hour of nonstop swimming.

Turn Up the Nutrition
Focus on eating the most ‘nutrient dense’ foods––those foods that give you the most nutrition for the fewest calories per bite. Vegetables top the list, followed by the lowest fat proteins (fish and shellfish, poultry breast, egg whites, fat-free dairy products, protein powder), then followed by fruit and then whole grains.

Power Up with Protein
Make sure to include some protein at every meal and snack. It will help keep you from getting too hungry in between meals.

Hold Up on the Grains
Cut back on your whole grains for the first week or two to give yourself a little head start. You don’t want to cut them out completely, but cutting back to just a serving or two each day can help you save a lot of calories. As long as you’re eating plenty of veggies and fruit, you should be getting enough carbohydrates to fuel your exercise.

Shake It Up
Careful calorie counting is the key, but it’s often one of the hardest things to do. This is why meal replacement shakes work so well. They take the guesswork out of calorie counting, because you know exactly how many calories are in them. Have a protein shake made with milk and fruit for two meals a day, then focus on veggies and protein for your third meal. Keep your snacks small and protein-packed (like a protein bar or a small carton of Greek yogurt), and you’ll keep your calorie guesswork to a minimum.


Happy Fathers' Day.


What Is Protein, and Why You Need to Eat It

Protein. Let’s discuss what it is, why it’s important and where you can find it. You may know what foods contain protein, but have you ever wondered what protein actually is—and why you need to eat it every day?

Protein, of course, is a vital component of a healthy diet. Most of us have known this since we were kids, probably from being told that protein would make us big and strong. While there’s some debate as to who actually created the word protein (it first appeared in scientific literature in 1838), there’s no disagreement that it was derived from the Greek word “protos”—meaning “first rank or position,” in recognition of how important protein is to life.

What Are Proteins Made of?
The proteins you eat, and the proteins in your body, are all made up of small units called amino acids. You often hear amino acids described as “building blocks,” because these small individual units are assembled in various ways to build proteins.

I like to think of amino acids in the same way as letters of the alphabet. We use just 26 letters to make up all of the words that we write and speak. Some words are short, some are long, but we create millions of words from just 26 letters. And the final sequence of the letters is what gives each word its sound, and its meaning.

Similarly, there are 20 amino acids that can be strung together to make proteins—the ones you eat, and the ones that are made by your body. Just as we don’t use all 26 letters to make every word, most proteins don’t contain all 20 amino acids.

Just as letters are strung together to make words, amino acids can be strung together in different sequences and in different lengths (from just a few amino acids to several thousand) to make different proteins. The sequence of amino acids gives each protein its “meaning.” The final structure of the amino acid chain determines specifically what that protein is, and what it does.

The Proteins You Eat
Maybe you never thought about it, but not all food proteins are the same. The sequence of amino acids that creates the white of an egg is much different from the arrangement of amino acids that creates the protein in a glass of milk.

When you eat foods that provide protein, it should make sense that different foods contain different proteins (and usually more than one), even though they’re all made up of amino acids.

For example, when you eat milk or yogurt, you’re eating proteins called casein and whey. When you eat meat, fish or poultry, you would be eating proteins called collagen and myosin, among others. Beans have proteins called legumins, and eggs contain a number of different proteins, including one called avidin and one called ovalbumin.

Each of these proteins is unique because each is made up of a unique sequence of amino acids. Once the proteins are digested and absorbed, their amino acids can then be used as building blocks for the proteins in your body.

The Proteins Your Body Makes
As protein foods travel through the digestive tract, they’re ultimately broken back down into their individual amino acids which are absorbed into the bloodstream. Your body can then use these building blocks to manufacture some 50,000 different body proteins, each of which has a specific structure and function based upon its arrangement of amino acids.

As long as your body has all the necessary raw materials in the form of the amino acid building blocks, it can manufacture these important body proteins—from the enzymes that speed up chemical reactions in the body, to hormones that act as chemical messengers. Other proteins support your immune function, or transport nutrients in your body. And, of course, you have proteins that provide structure to your bones, skin, hair, nails and muscles, too.

Once the amino acids enter your bloodstream, there’s no way to tell whether they were derived from a bowl of lentils or a steak. They all end up as an amino acid “pool” in your body’s tissues and fluids—a pool that can be tapped into as needed. To ensure a steady supply, it’s important to consume adequate protein every day.

You Need Protein Daily
Eating the right amount and the right types of protein every day is important. If you consistently had a shortage of protein in your diet, your body would have no choice but to start breaking down proteins within your body to provide the amino acids needed to produce the most vital body proteins.

While this process of building up and breaking down happens in your body all the time, the system only works as long as there are adequate amino acids coming from the diet to keep the two processes in balance.

Complete and Incomplete Proteins
The types of protein you eat matter, too. Of the 20 amino acids that your body uses to manufacture body proteins, nine of them are called “essential.” They have to come from your diet, because your body cannot make them—although it can manufacture the remaining 11 amino acids.

Proteins that come from animal sources (meats, fish, poultry, eggs, milk and milk products) contain all of the essential amino acids, so they’re referred to as “complete” proteins.

Plant proteins are found in foods like beans, lentils, nuts and whole grains. The exception is soybeans and protein foods derived from soy such as tofu, tempeh, soy milk or soy protein powders. Plant proteins are lacking one or more essential amino acids, so they’re considered “incomplete.” Strict vegetarians work around this by consuming a wide variety of foods to ensure that they get their full complement of essential amino acids in their diet.


Fell off of Your Diet? Pick Yourself Up

Here are some helpful ways to deal with a momentary diet lapse.

You’re having a day that starts out great and the next thing you know something stressful happens at work and you’re grabbing a donut from the break room.

It only takes a moment for your diet to go from terrific to terrible. No matter how good your intentions, you can’t expect to follow your diet perfectly every minute of every day. There will be those times when you have something you shouldn’t. So, the trick is to figure out not only what gets you into trouble in the first place, but also how you can talk yourself back down.

If you’ve fallen off your diet––and everyone does––here are some tips to help you get back on track.

Know that lapses happen.
Everyone makes diet mistakes from time to time. What you don’t want to do is beat yourself up about it, because you’ll feel as if you’ve failed—which could lead you to just give up and lose control completely. A single event—eating something you shouldn’t, or exceeding your calorie limit for the day —is simply a lapse. It happens. Recognize it for what it is, but don’t let things get out of control. String enough lapses together, and you’ve got a relapse—and you’re back where you started.

Know what triggers you to eat something you shouldn’t.
Most people can identify what triggers them to eat when they shouldn’t. Stress, for example, is a big one. When people eat in response to stress, it’s because they think a treat will make them feel better. And it might—at least momentarily. But then the guilt sets it, which stresses you out, which causes you to eat more—and the cycle continues. Fatigue, loneliness, frustration, boredom—there’s a whole host of emotions that can trigger you to eat. Sometimes there are people in your life that are the problem—like the ones who are always urging you to have something ‘just this once.’

Figure out how you can change your response next time.
If emotional eating is a problem for you, work on finding other ways to deal with your emotions that don’t involve food. It’s been said that people eat to ‘stuff down their emotions’ in order to avoid feeling sad, lonely or frustrated. But many people also say that it’s really the fear of experiencing the emotion that makes them eat. When they simply let the emotion happen—and learn how to deal with it —it’s never as bad as they thought it would be. When your emotions are getting the best of you and food is calling to you, try writing your thoughts down, calling a friend or turning on some soothing music instead.

Talk nicely to yourself.
If you’ve eaten something you shouldn’t and the little voice in your head is saying, “You’re such a failure, you’ll never lose weight!” you need to be a little nicer to yourself. Instead, say the same thing to yourself that you’d say to a friend if you were offering support. “So, you got stressed and grabbed a donut—it’s not the end of the world. Let’s take a walk at lunch to burn off some extra calories and stop for a salad on the way back.”

Wait it out.
Delay tactics can work really well when you’re feeling tempted to eat something you shouldn’t. If you’re keeping a food diary, take a look at it before you indulge. Considering what you’re about to eat, and why, can be enough to stop you in your tracks. It also helps to tell yourself that you’ll wait 10 minutes once the urge strikes, to see if you still feel the need to indulge. Most of the time, you’ll get busy doing something else and just forget about it.

Get back on track right away.
Don’t let the day get away from you. A slip is one thing—just don’t let it turn into a fall. If you ate something you shouldn’t have, just get over it and pick right back up at the next meal. It’s too late to do anything about the last meal you had—focus instead on the one you plan to have next.

Remind yourself of how much you’ve accomplished.
Sometimes after a slip, it helps to do a little ‘system reset.’ Think about what motivated you to make changes in the first place, about how far you’ve come, and the accomplishments you’ve made. You have the know-how and the commitment—and you know you can achieve your goals because you’ve been making progress. Remember that progress is measured in many ways —not only by what the scale says. Every time you make the best choice in a restaurant, pack a healthy lunch, turn down an offer of food you don’t want—or skip the donut when you’re stressed and take a deep breath instead—you win.


Stay On Track with These Fiber Facts

Did you know there’s more than one type of dietary fiber? Eating a wide range of plant foods will help you meet all your needs.

Fiber is important in your diet and most people don’t eat as much as they should. In addition to eating enough fiber, you also need to eat enough of the different types of fiber. That’s because not all fibers function exactly the same way—different types of fibers have different effects on the body. So, just as you should aim to eat a wide range of foods in order to get a wide array of nutrients, a varied diet helps to provide you with enough of the different types of fibers, too.

What Is Fiber and How Much Do You Need?
Fiber is the structural component of plant foods, so it’s found in vegetables, whole fruits, beans and grains (like corn or brown rice)—there’s no fiber in meats, fish or poultry.
The average American falls far short of meeting the fiber recommendation of 25-30 grams a day. In fact, most of us only eat about 10 grams a day, which means we may be missing out on the health benefits of dietary fiber. Fiber, of course, helps move the digestive process along, but high fiber foods also provide the sensation of fullness, so they help with hunger control. And certain fibers also support the growth of friendly bacteria in your digestive tract.

If you don’t eat as much fiber as you should, it’s best to increase the amount you eat gradually over a few weeks. Adding too much fiber to the diet in a short period of time might lead to abdominal discomfort and gas, so take it slowly to allow your system time to adjust. Also, drink plenty of liquid to allow the fiber to soften and swell.

Different Types of Fiber: What Are They and What Do They Do?
There are two broad classes of dietary fiber—soluble fibers and insoluble fibers.

Soluble Fibers
Soluble fibers are found in the highest concentration in apples, oranges, carrots, potatoes, oats, barley and beans. Soluble fibers dissolve in water and thicken up. If you’ve ever cooked oatmeal at home, you probably noticed it got thick and gluey as it cooked. That’s because the soluble fiber in the oats dissolved in the liquid.

When these fibers come in contact with the liquid in your stomach, they swell up and thicken, too, which is why they help keep you full. Soluble fiber slows the absorption of glucose (sugar) from the blood stream and it can help to keep blood sugar levels more even throughout the day.

Insoluble Fibers
Insoluble fibers also support the health of your digestive system, but in a different way. Insoluble fibers don’t dissolve in water—instead, they simply absorb water in the lower tract, which makes the fiber more bulky. This type of fiber, found in the highest concentrations in vegetables, wheat bran, corn bran, rice bran and most other whole grains, speeds the passage of waste through your digestive system, so it helps to keep you regular.

How Can You Tell If a Fiber Is Soluble or Insoluble?
It’s actually fairly easy to tell the two fibers apart. When you make barley soup or boil potatoes, you can easily see how the liquid thickens up—that’s because barley and potatoes are high in soluble fiber. On the other hand, when you cook brown rice—a whole grain that’s rich in insoluble fiber—it doesn’t get sticky because the fiber doesn’t dissolve. Instead, it simply absorbs water as it cooks, causing the grains to swell up.

Tips for Increasing Fiber Intake
Eat whole fruits with skin more often than fruit juices
Use whole fruit as a dessert
Eat a variety of whole vegetables—cooked and raw—and eat them freely
Use 100% whole grain breads, waffles, cereals, rolls, English muffins and crackers instead of those made with refined white flour
Use corn tortillas rather than flour
Use brown rice, wild rice, millet, barley and cracked wheat as alternatives to white rice
Add beans to main dish soups, stews, chili or salads
If you have trouble meeting your fiber intake, you can use fiber supplements. But remember that fiber supplements don’t replace the healthy fruits, vegetables and whole grains that you should be consuming.


Shrimp is not only high in protein and low in calories. It is also rich in minerals such as selenium, phosphorous, choline, copper and iodin. In addition to promoting muscle growth, it promotes heart and brain health.



Tough journey leads to sweet reward.



Veg out! Aim for one serving of raw veggies and one green salad daily.



Thank you for always being there for me. I ❤ YOU MAMA.



& likes to wish all the mothers in the world,
(single or not), to-be and the one who are not yet but also carry a motherly heart.

You are beautiful. You are amazing. You are strong.

You are a role model!!
Continue to inspire one life at a time.

Thank you for your ❤.... and a very
Happy Mother's Day!!


Q: How come the models we see at the Car Show vs the Lorry Show are so different?

A: Hot Cars fetch sexier girlfriends. Better Lorries carry more tons and kilos.

Happy Weekend.


Hold one more second. Do one more rep. Give it all you've got.



Strengthen your abs muscle by plank! Plank is able to burn higher calories if compared to sit-up and crunches as it recruits more muscles engagement, such as arms, legs and rear.



Keep a strong mind to control your body in order to achieve your fitness goals. You can make it if you believe it!



Load on protein to fuel your workout sessions.



Power up your meal with more protein, veggies and whole grain.



Cant reach your desired result after a month of training? Have you had enough of sleep / rest daily.
Muscle does not grow in gym room but it grows during our sleep. We are advised to have 7 - 8 hours of sleep for our muscle recovery.



An egg which is approximately 50g provides approximately 4 - 5g of complete protein. Additionally, it is rich in vitamins and nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Choline, Selenium and etc that is easy to be absorbed.

一个大约 50 克的鸡蛋提供大约 4 - 5 克的完整蛋白质。此外,它也含有丰富的维生素与营养素,比如维生素A,维生素B12,胆碱,硒等。而且,更重要的是它容易被吸。



Power your ideal breakfast with protein.



Uplift your mood with a fruity drink! Add Herbal Aloe Vera Concentrate to your water drink and enjoy the goodness of aloe vera at the same time today.



Preparing your own meal is one of the easiest way to make sure you get all the required nutrients each day. Share with us the meals that you have made today.



Heading out to your May 1st holidays? Be mindful on what to eat and stay active while in your trip. Seek the right balance in between restful and active can make your trip more meaningful and without adding the unwanted weight. Safe trip!



Do have sufficient intake of fruits and vegetables. In addition to support your digestive system health, fiber aids in make you feel full longer especially for those who are into their day-long fasting throughout the Ramadan month.



A diet food diary helps in your meal planning and to ensure you have a balanced diet. Try one today.



"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." - Hellen Keller


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