Novena Church

The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Latin: Congregatio Sanctissimi Redemptoris – C.Ss.R.) is a Roman Catholic missionary Congregation.

Mass and Novena Devotion timings can be found through the following links;


Novena Devotion

The Church of St Alphonsus, also known as Novena Church, is a devotional Church dedicated to the devotion of our Mother of Perpetual Help. It came to be popularly known as Novena Church because of its we


The world we live in bombards us with a lot of advertisements. These advertisements often contain the promises that they never fulfill. But the Readings from Proverbs 9:1-6 bring before us the promises that God makes and fulfills. In the this reading, we hear wisdom inviting her audience to come and eat at the table she has prepared. We have two women: wisdom, woman, and folly lady. It is wisdom woman that fulfills what she promises.

In the Gospel Reading John 6:51-58, Jesus invites his hearers to come and eat his own body. But they are reluctant to accept Jesus as the bread that came down from Heaven. Jesus gives two promises to those who eat of him: a) they will be united to him; and b) they will have life eternal. The invitation remains open to us – from wisdom and from Jesus. When the invitation is accepted, promises get fulfilled.

What is our call today?


Today we continue to thank our Blessed Mother for her motherly love, intercessions and her prayers.

Dear Mother Mary, I am really grateful for all your prayers for us. You have always been here for us and have never left us. We are so blessed and honoured to be your children. Throughout my son’s journey in Australia, and my surgery and chemotherapy, you have prayed for us to your Son, our Lord, to give us the strength to get through. ~ Your Loving Children

Dear Mother Mary, I thank you with all my heart for blessing me after 8 years of marriage with a healthy and beautiful baby boy. My husband and I are forever grateful to you for your prayers and intercession to our Lord Jesus. ~ Your Grateful Daughter.

Dearest Mother, I would like to thank you for praying for me during my pregnancy and delivery. You have been my inspiration, being a mother yourself and being able to understand me. Through your kind prayers, all went well. ~ Your Daughter.

Novena Devotion 'LIVE' (10.00am, 17 August 2024) 16/08/2024

Join us for the English Novena Devotion, Saturday, 10.00am (LIVE)
You can now listen to this Novena Devotion on Spotify, Apple, Google, Amazon Music, and most major podcast platforms.

Novena Devotion 'LIVE' (10.00am, 17 August 2024) 9 Weeks of Novena leading to Annual Procession 2024. The theme for this year is "Mary, Missionary of Perpetual Help."17 August (week 6) - Mary, THE PROPHETES...

永援圣母九日敬礼 (中文) - 8月17日2024年 - Novena Devotion (17 August 2024) 16/08/2024

Join us for the Mandarin Novena Devotion
永援圣母九日敬礼(中文), Saturday, 2.00pm (LIVE)
您现在可以在线上聆听圣雅丰索堂永援圣母敬礼讲道。请在 Spotify
或其他播客平台(如苹果、谷歌、亚马逊)搜寻“Chinese Novena@Novena Church”。

永援圣母九日敬礼 (中文) - 8月17日2024年 - Novena Devotion (17 August 2024) 圣母游行 2024 - 主题:玛利亚,永援之传教士8月17日 (第七期): 玛利亚,慈悲之先知玛利亚通过她的无玷受孕,天主将她塑造成祂对世界上全人类的怜悯和仁爱的杰作。这慈悲是祂道生成人时深不可测的慈爱,祂差遣祂圣子耶稣.....

Solemnity of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 7.30pm (15 August 2024 ) 15/08/2024

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (15 August)

“Mary conceived without detriment to her virginal modesty, brought forth her Son without pain, passed hence without decay, according to the word of the angel, or rather God speaking by the angel, that she might be shown to be full, not half-full, of grace,” wrote Pope Alexander III (1159-1181). In 1568, Pope Pius V made the feast of the Assumption a holy day for the entire Church.
Since Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life himself has said, “Where I am, there shall my servant be also” (Jn 12:26), how can his own Mother not share his dwelling place? Consequently, it was only after he had sought and obtained from the world’s bishops a formal assessment as regards the sentiments of the people in each diocese that Pope Pius XII defined the dogma of the Assumption as a doctrine of faith in his Encyclical, Munificentissimus Deus, on 1 November 1950. Rightly then, on this feast, the greatest of Mary’s feasts, the Church Universal with one voice joins Mary in exulting: “Holy His Name!”

Join us 'LIVE' at 7.30pm for the mass.

Solemnity of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 7.30pm (15 August 2024 ) COME TO THE NOVENAStay updated with our latest videos from Novena Church - click SUBSCRIBE above ☝️Our weekly Novena Devotions are online and premiere "live"...


In his message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis called for us to show support to migrants. He invites us all to walk in a “synodal” way. What does this mean and what does the Catholic Church say about migrants?

Join us at Migrant Realities and Our Faith this August 18th (Sunday) from 2pm to 5pm, where we share stories and reflections of migrants, seek to understand more about catholic social teachings and so forth through a migrant's lens.

Limited seats! Sign up today via the QR code or

Seeing Challenges as Opportunity 12/08/2024

This episode is a deep dive into the realities of religious life today, offering insights into how faith and resilience can guide us through even the most challenging times.

Our special guests are Fr. Ives de May, C.Ss.R. and Fr Andreas Krahnen, C.Ss.R. and they are currently the only 2 active Redemptorists in Belgium. Both opened about their journey into religious life, the challenges they face, and the incredible hope they hold each day. Catch Fr Andreas sing a tune in Dutch for Ku Mau Cita Yesus (I will Love You Jesus) which Fr Terence introduced to them while on retreat at Clemenspoort, Ghent, Belgium.

Tune in and send us your comments. What is your takeaway for this episode? Is it faith and resilience or be humble and trust God or both? Let us know.

Seeing Challenges as Opportunity In this episode, we had the pleasure of interviewing Fr. Ives de May, C.Ss.R. and Fr Andreas Krahnen, C.Ss.R. who are currently the only 2 active Redemptoris...


Mary is the handmaid, the willing and joyful servant of the Lord. She lived solely for God, and therefore, God, who cannot be outdone in generosity, gave her the fullness of grace. Now, just as Jesus did not abandon us when he ascended to heaven, so Mary has not been separated from the Christian community by her Assumption, but remains for each of us a sign of hope. We are called, like her, to share in the fullness of Christ’s glory. She is the model and guarantee of all that the believer hopes to become in heaven.

The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Vigil Mass is scheduled for 14th August (Wednesday) at 7:30 pm.

The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be observed on:
15th August (Thursday), with Masses at 12:15 pm and 7:30 pm.

For more information, please refer to the Novena Church at or

Diaconate Ordination of Antony Charles Prabhu, C.Ss.R. (20 July 2024) 11/08/2024

On July 20, 2024, those present at the Church of Christ the King witnessed a momentous occasion as Br. Antony Charles Prabhu Mahimairaj, C.Ss.R., was ordained to the Diaconate by His Eminence William Cardinal Goh, Archbishop of Singapore. This ceremony not only marks a significant milestone in Br. Antony's spiritual journey but also heralds a new chapter in his vocation as a 'missionary disciple' within the Redemptorist community of the Vice-Province of Malaysia and Singapore.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who attended this blessed event, particularly for the presence of His Eminence William Cardinal Goh, the Vice-Provincial Superior of the Redemptorist Vice-Province Malaysia & Singapore, Rev. Fr. Victorino Cueto, C.Ss.R., Parish Priest Rev. Fr. John Sim from the Church of Christ the King, Redemptorist Confreres from around the region, and religious. Their presence and support added profound significance to the occasion.

The recap to that occasion can be found at

Diaconate Ordination of Antony Charles Prabhu, C.Ss.R. (20 July 2024) On July 20, 2024, those present at the Church of Christ the King witnessed a momentous occasion as Br. Antony Charles Prabhu Mahimairaj, C.Ss.R., was ordaine...


With grateful hearts, we continue to seek our Blessed Mother’s intercession as we come to the Novena.

Dearest Mother Mary, thank you for interceding for us. My wife was diagnosed with cancer at 29 weeks of pregnancy. Fast forward 6 months till today, and after chemotherapy, she has received an all clear in all the scans! She just finished her follow-up surgery successfully with no complications. Our son, who was born prematurely, is also doing well under the care of his godparents. I thank God for sending us angels in the form of catholic communities, doctors (who entered our lives through the Lord’s loving guidance) and godparents who reached out to support us in one way or another. ~ Your Grateful Family.

Dear Mother Mary, I give thanks from a grateful heart for your intercession. 5 years ago, my daughter-in-law was facing a crisis in her marriage and despite attending counselling sessions together with my son, things looked bleak. My son did not want to give up and I prayed for healing in their marriage. I am so thankful that both my son and daughter-in-law have worked out their differences in their marriage. What joy it is when they both announced that a baby is on the way! Dear Mother, I thank God for all the blessings. ~ Your Grateful Daughter.

Novena Devotion 'LIVE' (10.00am, 10 August 2024) 09/08/2024

Join us for the English Novena Devotion, Saturday, 10.00am (LIVE)
You can now listen to this Novena Devotion on Spotify, Apple, Google, Amazon Music, and most major podcast platforms.

Novena Devotion 'LIVE' (10.00am, 10 August 2024) 9 Weeks of Novena leading to Annual Procession 2024. The theme for this year is "Mary, Missionary of Perpetual Help."10 August (week 6) - MARY AND HER MISSIO...

永援圣母九日敬礼 (中文) - 8月10日2024年 - Novena Devotion (10 August 2024) 09/08/2024

Join us for the Mandarin Novena Devotion
永援圣母九日敬礼(中文), Saturday, 2.00pm (LIVE)
您现在可以在线上聆听圣雅丰索堂永援圣母敬礼讲道。请在 Spotify
或其他播客平台(如苹果、谷歌、亚马逊)搜寻“Chinese Novena@Novena Church”。

永援圣母九日敬礼 (中文) - 8月10日2024年 - Novena Devotion (10 August 2024) 圣母游行 2024 - 主题:玛利亚,永援之传教士8月10日 (第六期): 玛利亚与她使命玛利亚是一个肩负使命的女人,她永援之举是把世界带到她圣子,救主耶稣基督面前。当有人问祂时,祂回答说:“谁是我的母亲,谁是我的兄弟?.....


9th August - A Nation's Birthday

On this special day, we come before You with hearts ❤️ filled with gratitude and pride as we celebrate our nation's independence. We thank You for the blessings and opportunities that have brought us to this moment, for the peace and prosperity that we enjoy, and for the unity and resilience of our people.

Bless our nation with harmony and understanding among all communities, and help us to work together towards a future filled with hope and promise. Bless our families and loved ones, and keep us safe in Your loving care.

As we celebrate this National Day, may our hearts be filled with joy and our spirits with a renewed commitment to the welfare and betterment of our beloved Singapore 🇸🇬 . May we always be a beacon of peace, justice, and progress in the world 🌎 ✨

Wishing all a blessed National Day!

Song credit: NDP 2024 Theme Song - Not Alone


🔔Check out our events and mass timings for August 2024. See you at the Church of Saint Alphonsus (Novena Church)!🙏

9th August 2024 (Friday): masses at 9.00am & 6.30pm
14th August 2024 (Wednesday): Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Vigil mass at 7.30pm
15th August 2024 (Thursday): Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary at 12.15pm (noon) & 7.30pm
16th August 2024 (Friday): Meditative prayer with Songs of Taize at 8.00pm (old Church Sanctuary)
18th August 2024 (Sunday): Migrant Realities & Our Faith from 2.00pm to 5.00pm (Scala Canteen)
Triduum to Annual Novena Procession (ANP) 2024
28th August 2024 (Wednesday): Family evening: Family, their Mission; mass 7.30pm
29th August 2024 (Thursday): Candlelight Evening - Prayer and the Word, the Strength of Missionary Zeal; mass 7.30pm
30th August 2024 (Friday): Novena Youth Rally: The Missing Piece, LOVE; mass 7.30pm

Further information can be found at:
Latest Update:
Program & donation details:
ANP Consecration form -
Podcast Tags:
Novena Preaching @ Novena Church
圣雅丰索堂永援圣母敬礼 Chinese Novena @ Novena Church
Sunday Homilies with the Redemptorists
Redemptorist Friendship Circle
contact: [email protected]


August 6th
The Transfiguration of our Lord - Feast

At the Transfiguration, Jesus is revealed in the heavenly glory that belongs to him. The voice from heaven declares that he is the Father’s beloved Son in whom He is pleased. In today’s Gospel we see how our Lord gave his disciples a glimpse of his coming glory so that they might be aware of the glory that would be theirs and go forward with confidence and courage in moments of trial and suffering, towards participating in that glory.

As St Paul says, if we are to share his glory, we must also share his sufferings (Rom 8:17). If we become like Christ, the Father will be pleased with us also. Our Blessed Lord showed Peter, James and John only a glimpse of his glory. That was enough for Peter to cry out, “It is good that we dwell here.” If that was so, what will be the case if God grants us the full experience of heaven which “no eye has seen and no ear heard”.

As true Christians, we too have to be transfigured through the Word of God, through the sacraments, and through our daily Christian living. As the clumsy caterpillar is transformed into a lovely butterfly, so we must be transformed from children of the world into citizens of heaven. St Paul exhorts us, “Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by the complete change of your mind” (Rom 12:2). Again, he says, “We all, with unveiled faces beholding the glory of the Lord, are being changed into his likeness from one degree of glory to another” (2 Cor 3:18).

God has called us in Christ to be His sons. We should be changed into the likeness of Christ, the only begotten, the beloved Son, of the Father. A transfiguration should take place through a response of faith, love, and obedience to God.


People who were fed by Jesus through the multiplication of loaves come in search of him that he might satiate their hunger again. Jesus is 'the bread from heaven and gives life to the world', but he also instructs them that they are to 'work for food that endures to eternal life'. That work consists in believing in the one sent by God, precisely so that we may no longer live by our own ideas. We let go of our 'old way of life' and put on 'the new self that has been created in God's way, in the goodness and holiness of the truth'. In the Eucharist, we find nothing less than Jesus himself, the bread of life.


We continue to seek our Blessed Mother’s intercessions as we come to the Novena this weekend.

Dearest Mother, please intercede for us. Please help my husband to beat his addiction to drugs. I beg you to intercede for him before he is caught.

I am writing to seek your intercession for my daughter’s marriage which seems to be breaking down. She and her husband are living separate lives with hardly any communication except for the children. They are also having financial difficulties and are neglecting to provide for the children’s expenses. Mother Mary, please help my son-in-law to find a better job which allows him to lead a normal and healthy life and spend time with my daughter and children. Help him to love my daughter again.

Dearest Mother, I have come to you on my 44th birthday, full of thanks for all your intercessions. I first came to you as a 12-year-old preparing for PSLE. You have always interceded for me all these years. Thank you for the gift of your intercession.
~ Your Grateful Daughter.

Novena Devotion 'LIVE' (10.00am, 3 August 2024) 02/08/2024

Join us for the English Novena Devotion, Saturday, 10.00am (LIVE)
You can now listen to this Novena Devotion on Spotify, Apple, Google, Amazon Music, and most major podcast platforms.

Novena Devotion 'LIVE' (10.00am, 3 August 2024) 9 Weeks of Novena leading to Annual Procession 2024. The theme for this year is "Mary, Missionary of Perpetual Help."3 August (week5) - MARY MODEL OF RADICAL...

永援圣母九日敬礼 (中文) - 8月3日2024年 - Novena Devotion (3 August 2024) 02/08/2024

Join us for the Mandarin Novena Devotion
永援圣母九日敬礼(中文), Saturday, 2.00pm (LIVE)
您现在可以在线上聆听圣雅丰索堂永援圣母敬礼讲道。请在 Spotify
或其他播客平台(如苹果、谷歌、亚马逊)搜寻“Chinese Novena@Novena Church”。

永援圣母九日敬礼 (中文) - 8月3日2024年 - Novena Devotion (3 August 2024) 圣母游行 2024 - 主题:玛利亚,永援之传教士8月3日 (第五期): 玛利亚,激进信仰的典范玛利亚,耶稣之母,是信仰的完美象征。她对天主坚定不移的信任和顺服体现了信仰的本质。您现在可以在线上聆听圣雅丰索堂永援圣母敬礼...


As a friend to a friend in whom he places all his confidence, ask God for His graces, for His Love, and for His kingdom. Join us in Eucharistic Adoration 2nd August 7.30pm and experience His goodness and Love. Surrender to Him this day. Come Taste & See 🥰🙏🏽❤️

Photos from Novena Church's post 01/08/2024

Mary, Missionary of Perpetual Help
Annual Novena Procession - 1st September 2024 (Sunday)

Those who come to the Novena with all their issues and problems are not alone in their suffering. There is someone who is also in a similar situation. It is important for us to be aware that in midst of suffering sothat we can still journey and pray for another who is suffering from similar plight. Mary’s mission is her perpetual help, it is never ending, always there to bring us to Jesus.

The e-Consecration is now available at; program details and donation information can be found at

Triduum to the Annual Novena Procession will be on:
28th August (Wednesday)-Family Evening: Family & their Mission, mass at 7.30pm
29th August (Thursday)-Candlelight Evening: Prayer, the Word and the Strength of Missionary Zeal, mass at 7.30pm
30th August (Friday)-Novena Youth Rally 2024: The Missing Piece, LOVE, event starts 4.00pm, check out their IG at Novenayouthrally

Do visit for further information.


August 1st
Saint Alphonsus De Liguori - Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church, Patron of Confessors, and Moral Theologians, Patron Saint of Arthritis (1696 - 1787)

As a boy, Alphonsus, the eldest of a family of seven children, annually made a retreat with his father. He obtained a doctorate in law at 16 but gave up his highly successful practice at 27, seeking God’s will in prayer and works of charity. Ordained priest in 1726, he founded the Redemptorists [Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer] in 1732 and travelled about Naples (Italy), gaining numerous conversions through his “Mission” apostolate, emphasizing that “the most perfect charity consists in being zealous about our neighbour’s spiritual good.”

After 1752 he devoted himself so zealously and effectively to writing as to become known as the “Prince of Moral Theologians”, his remarkable devotion to Our Lady and the Blessed Sacrament spurring him to compose such significant dogmatic and ascetical works as The Glories of Mary, The Way of Salvation and The True Spouse of Christ to name but a few. Alphonsus particularly favoured short, affective petitions and acts of love, emphasizing that “he who prays is saved; he who does not pray is damned.”

Weakened by severe austerities, Alphonsus fell victim to a severe attack of gout and rheumatic fever, which left him partially paralysed to the day of his death. It was only at 79, however, did the Pope agree to relieve him of his episcopal duties.

The first and only professional “Moral Theologian” to have been canonized [1839], Saint Alphonsus, the patron of Confessors and of Moral theologians, was declared Doctor of the Church in 1871.

Reflection: “Whoever desires the fruit must go to the tree; whoever desires Jesus must go to Mary: and whoever finds Mary will most certainly find Jesus” (Saint Alphonsus de Liguori).

Feast of Saint Alphonsus will be celebrated on August 1st with Songs of Tribute at 7.00pm by Saint Alphonsus Choir and Mass at 7.30pm. Live-stream for the Feast day is available via YouTube
All are welcome to join in celebration.

For latest update, please visit God Bless.

Photos from Novena Church's post 30/07/2024

Today is Day 2 of the Triduum to the Feast of Saint Alphonsus which is celebrated on August 1st. Ask and You shall receive is the theme for Triduum Day 2.

"Spending quarter of an hour praying in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament will perhaps allow one to gain more than in all the other spiritual exercises of the day. Jesus dispenses His grace in greater abundance to those who visit Him in the Most Holy Sacrament." - St Alphonsus

Join us 30th to 31st July for the Triduum at 7.00pm to find out more as Fr Antony Charles, C.Ss.R. shares about the Mission of the Redemptorist Worldwide. Mass will commence 7.30pm.

Feast of Saint Alphonsus will be celebrated on August 1st with Songs of Tribute at 7.00pm by Saint Alphonsus Choir and Mass at 7.30pm. Live-stream for the Feast day is available via YouTube

All are welcome to join in celebration.
For latest update, please visit God Bless.

Photos from Novena Church's post 29/07/2024

Today is the start of Day 1 of the Triduum to the Feast of Saint Alphonsus which is celebrated on August 1st. Saint Alphonsus Liguori, an 18th century Catholic Bishop, theologian, and Doctor of the Church, founded the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (also known as the Redemptorists) in 1732. The order was established to serve the poor and most abandoned, emphasizing missionary work and preaching. So, how much or what do we know of this Saint who is also the patron Saint of Novena Church (officially known as the Church of Saint Alphonsus)?

Join us 29th to 31st July for the Triduum at 7.00pm to find out more. Mass will commence 7.30pm. Feast of Saint Alphonsus will be celebrated on August 1st with Songs of Tribute at 7.00pm by Saint Alphonsus Choir and Mass at 7.30pm.

All are welcome to join in celebration.

For latest update, please visit God Bless.

Photos from Novena Church's post 28/07/2024

Ordination to the Diaconate of Br Antony Charles Mahimairaj Prabhu, C.Ss.R. on 20th July 2024

We would like to acknowledge the presence of His Eminence William Cardinal Goh, the Vice-Provincial Superior of the Redemptorist Vice Province Malaysia & Singapore Rev Fr. Victorino Cueto, C.Ss.R., Parish Priest Rev Fr John Sim from Christ the King, and all who were present to witness the remarkable occasion. The occasion marks a new beginning in Br. Antony Prabhu's journey as a 'missionary disciple.' Br. Antony Prabhu is now Rev. Antony Prabhu, C.Ss.R.

We thank God for the gift of vocation in the Church, our parish and the Redemptorist community here in Singapore and Malaysia. We are also grateful for the intercession of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, who has blessed us with the gift of vocation. God bless all of us and may we continue to pray for vocations and for priests.

Enclosed here is also an abstract on the journey of Rev. Antony Prabhu from an IT software programmer to joining the Redemptorists:
A former IT software programmer has traded his fast-paced world of technology for stillness & prayer in a life of servanthood. Antony Prabhu, a Nanyang Technological University graduate with a master's in communication software, was ordained a Redemptorist deacon on July 20 by His Eminence William Cardinal Goh, Archbishop of Singapore, at the Church of Christ the King and incardinated into the Archdiocese of Singapore.

Antony Prabhu (Charles), who once helmed a top Singapore tech firm, felt a calling to the religious life and joined the Redemptorists in 2015. After completing his philosophical studies at St. Francis Xavier Major Seminary in Singapore, he entered the noviciate at Lipa, Batangas, and subsequently pursued a master's in theology (majoring in pastoral ministry) at Davao in the Philippines.

Rev Antony Prabhu, a dedicated and humble missionary, is eager to bring new energy and fresh air to the Redemptorist mission across Malaysia, Singapore, and beyond. He hopes to make a significant impact on the Redemptorists' mission, embracing a servant leadership approach, supporting and serving his community, much like footwear supports the feet.


The Redemptorists invite those interested in discerning if God is calling you to share our mission and life. Join us at our monthly Days of Recollection for a time of prayer and encounter.
Contact: [email protected]

Novena Church The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Latin: Congregatio Sanctissimi Redemptoris – C.Ss.R.) is


We continue to thank our blessed Mother for watching over us and interceding for us.

Dear Mother Mary, intercede for my family as we are facing a very difficult time. May there be peace and reconciliation among our family members.

I kneel before you, Mother, that you will intercede for me. My heart’s desire is to pass the Nursing Board Exam as an Enrolled Nurse.

Dearest Mother, words cannot express the miraculous recovery experienced by my colleague who was given a prognosis of six months to live, yet survived past a year. I came to your shrine last year as he was diagnosed with a very rare form of bone cancer, which without a transplant, he would die. I asked for your intercession so that his children would not have to grow up without their father and that his wife would not be left without a husband, especially as he is the sole provider for the family. A year later, someone donated their bone marrow and the match was found just when he had one month left to live. Today, he has returned to do some online work. Truly, it is a testament of God’s goodness and I am reminded of the miracle at the wedding at Cana. I thank you for watching over him and interceding for him. ~Your Grateful Catholic Daughter.

Novena Devotion 'LIVE' (10.00am, 27 July 2024) 25/07/2024

Join us for the English Novena Devotion, Saturday, 10.00am (LIVE)
You can now listen to this Novena Devotion on Spotify, Apple, Google, Amazon Music, and most major podcast platforms.

Novena Devotion 'LIVE' (10.00am, 27 July 2024) 9 Weeks of Novena leading to Annual Procession 2024. The theme for this year is "Mary, Missionary of Perpetual Help."27 July (week4) - MARY A FAITHFUL DISCIP...

永援圣母九日敬礼 (中文) - 7月27日2024年 - Novena Devotion (27 July 2024) 25/07/2024

Join us for the Mandarin Novena Devotion
永援圣母九日敬礼(中文), Saturday, 2.00pm (LIVE)
您现在可以在线上聆听圣雅丰索堂永援圣母敬礼讲道。请在 Spotify
或其他播客平台(如苹果、谷歌、亚马逊)搜寻“Chinese Novena@Novena Church”。

永援圣母九日敬礼 (中文) - 7月27日2024年 - Novena Devotion (27 July 2024) 圣母游行 2024 - 主题:玛利亚,永援之传教士7月27日 (第四期): 玛利亚,一位忠信的门徒玛利亚是圣子、救主和主耶稣基督的第一位福传者和门徒。她不言而喻地向她的表妹依撒伯尔作了第一个福音见证。您现在可以在线上聆听.....

Missionaries to the Unreached 23/07/2024

Today, we dive into the rich history and vibrant present of Redemptorists' missionaries in a predominantly Muslim country where less than one percent are Christians population.

Despite the challenges, the Redemptorists are committed to fostering peaceful coexistence and mutual respect between Christians and Muslims, by engaging in inter-religious dialogue, working on peacebuilding initiatives, and fostering friendship and social harmony.

In spite of having only 80 members, the Vice Province of West Africa is seen as one of the promising areas for the Redemptorist mission globally. The priests are also being sent out of Africa to France in what we may refer to as reverse mission.

Join us as we explore these inspiring stories and the impactful work in West Africa. Enjoy! Subscribe and comment.

Show Notes:
1. Redemptorist Youth Ministry at Asia-Oceania Youth Gathering 2024 -
2. Alphonsian Youth Gathering 2024 at Sambu Indonesia: Day 1 -
Day 2 -
Day 3 -
One Encounter, One Family, One Mission -
3. Events in Novena Church -
⁠Latest Updates – Novena Church, Church of St. Alphonsus, Singapore⁠
a. World Day for Grandparents & Elderly on 28th July 2024 (Sunday)
b. Triduum to Feast of Saint Alphonsus from 29th to 31st July (Monday to Wednesday)
c. Feast of Saint Alphonsus on 1st August 2024 (Thursday)
4. Priestly Ordination of Fr. Terence Wee, C.Ss.R. - wishing Fr Terence a happy 11th anniversary of his priestly ordination on 1st August.

Missionaries to the Unreached Welcome to our exciting second part episode on the Redemptorists' mission in Burkina Faso and West Africa! Today, we dive into the rich history and vibrant p...

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Videos (show all)

In the teachings of Jesus, the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven is not represented by figures like Abraham, Moses, Elij...
9th August - A Nation's BirthdayOn this special day, we come before You with hearts ❤️ filled with gratitude and pride a...
Jesus, while teaching the Lord’s Prayer, taught us to call God ‘Our Father’ for we are His children. Jesus does not deny...
Inside Baclaran, Heart of Manila's National Shrine
Jesus ardently desired and prayed that his future disciples would be one, as he and the Father are one. The existence of...
In his message to the Chinese faithful, released in May 2007, Pope Benedict XVI asked the worldwide Church to join in pr...
Triune God
What should Pentecost be for us today?
Come & See - The Joy of being a Redemptorist!
Jesus' humble act of washing the disciples' feet the night before He was crucified has become one of the most iconic epi...
Cleaning up the Temple.



300 Thomson Road

Other Catholic churches in Singapore (show all)
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31, Siglap Hill
Singapore, 456085

The Catholic Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (OLPS) situated in Siglap, Singapore. Sign-up for our newsletter at

St Mary of the Angels St Mary of the Angels
5 Bukit Batok East Avenue 2
Singapore, 659918

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Club Agape HFC Club Agape HFC
6 Chapel Road
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Welcome to the official Club Agape page @ Church of the Holy Family ​HOURS OF OPERATION VENUE Church of The Holy Family 4th Floor Function Room Until further notice, Cl...

Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity
20 Tampines Street 11
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The Official page of the Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity.

Portiuncula Working Adults Ministry - St Mary of the Angels, Sg Portiuncula Working Adults Ministry - St Mary of the Angels, Sg

80% wholesome humour, 20% trying to reflect - curated by a bunch of working adults from the Church of St Mary of the Angels, SG. For working adults interested in connecting with f...

Catholic Church of St Francis Xavier Catholic Church of St Francis Xavier
63A Chartwell Drive
Singapore, 558758

Roman Catholic Church

St Joseph Church Bukit Timah Filipino Community St Joseph Church Bukit Timah Filipino Community
Singapore, 678116

St Joseph Church Bukit Timah Filipino Community aspiring to be a welcoming arms to our Filipino pari

Tamil Community - Church of Saint Anthony, Woodlands Tamil Community - Church of Saint Anthony, Woodlands
25 Woodlands Avenue 1
Singapore, 739064

VISION: Christ Centered community that walks in the word of the Lord. MISSION: To grow in the love

Church of St Ignatius Singapore Church of St Ignatius Singapore
120 King's Road
Singapore, 268172

A joyful and welcoming community of pilgrims who walk in the footsteps of St Ignatius of Loyola; empowered by the Holy Spirit to encounter Christ and glorify God.

Great Adventure Catholic Bible - Singapore Great Adventure Catholic Bible - Singapore

A Catholic Bible that also teaches you how to read it!

Inspirations on Faith, Love, Marriage, Parenting & Families

耶稣复活堂华语成人慕道班 耶稣复活堂华语成人慕道班
Singapore, 319193
