SEB LU International Relations Office

International Relations Office at the University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business.


Bi radi izvedeli, kako postanete mednaroden študent? Odlično!🌎Verjetno imate ogromno vprašanj in ne veste, kje bi sploh začeli? Kako se prijaviti? Kakšni so pogoji? Kateri predmeti se vam bodo priznali? Kako dolgo traja izmenjava? Kam? Koliko bo stalo?


Želiš postati del super ekipe, ki pomaga mednarodnim študentom na izmenjavi?😁
Želiš imeti mednarodno izkušnjo kar na domači univerzi?😁
Potem ne odlašaj in se prijavi za mednarodno tutorstvo ter postani SEBuddy🤩

Prijave s kratkim motivacijskim pismom sprejemamo do 16. junija 2023 na e-mail [email protected] ☺️


Velika mednarodna raziskava Campus International 2022!

Si študent oz. študentka? Potem lahko sodeluješ v večmesečni mednarodni raziskavi Campus International 2022.
Raziskava ugotavlja, kako se študentje in študentke spreminjate skozi študij – ne glede na to, ali odidete na mobilnost ali ne. Povezava do raziskave:


We are inviting you to join us for our summer schools in Ljubljana :)

1. Ljubljana Summer School »Take the Best from East and West« in person or on-line (4-22 July)

Undergraduate and graduate students, recent graduates, we kindly invite you to apply to international Ljubljana Summer School in person or on-line, where you can choose one or two courses with ECTS and have them recognised as elective courses. There is a special fee for students or recent graduates of the University of Ljubljana. Deadline for applications: 9 June

For more information and online application visit the programme website:

2. Doctoral Summer School on-line (11-15 July & 18-22 July)

PhD students, post-docs, academics and professionals we kindly invite you to apply to one-week courses available at the international On-line Doctoral Summer School. Deadline for applications: 25 June

For more information and online application visit the programme website

3. Joint Summer School Toulouse & Ljubljana (13 June-22 July)

Undergraduate and graduate students we kindly invite you to apply to international Joint Summer School in person, where you can choose up to 4 courses with ECTS and have them recognised as elective courses. Deadline for applications: 9 June

For more information and online application visit the programme website:

About | Short programmes - University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business Take the Best from East and West! Study at the only triple accredited business school in Slovenia - University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business - and attend one of our renowned winter or summer programmes. Ljubljana Summer School offers a wide range of accredited courses on Bachelor´s...

#13 epizoda: Sara Rudman, Measure Minds - 6 držav in 6 jezikov by Alumni Connect 19/05/2022

Prisluhnite zgodbam alumnov Ekonomske fakultete s celega sveta ter njihovim skrivnosti do uspeha😁

#13 epizoda: Sara Rudman, Measure Minds - 6 držav in 6 jezikov by Alumni Connect “Študijska izmenjava v Kazahstanu je bila ena izmed najboljših odločitev, ki sem jih kadar koli sprejela. Njihova kultura, način življenja in naravne lepote so me čisto prevzele. Vsakemu, ki ima to možnost, priporočam, da jo obišče.” Gostja v #13 epizodi Alumni CONNECT podcasta je bila...


Erasmus Internship at Universidad Loyola

Universidad Loyola is hiring interns! The International Relations Office of Universidad Loyola Andalucía is looking for 2 interns starting on July 1st, 2022 up to December 15th, 2022. One of the interns will work in the Córdoba campus and the other in Sevilla Campus.

These internships are compatible with the Erasmus SMP framework but they do not offer financial compensation. However, they can assist the student in finding accommodation in both Córdoba and Sevilla.

They are looking for motivated students or recent graduates who are proficient in English and Spanish.

The interns will learn the functions of an international office in a university:

- Local and international students assistance by e-mail, telephone, and face-to-face.
- Erasmus+ documents follow-up.
- Support in the search of new partner universities.
- Design and preparation of integration activities for international students.
- Organization of international events and assistance for international visits.
- Web content edition.
- Use of MoveOn as database.
- Use of Social media platforms to promote internationalization inside the university.
- Anyone interested should complete the form below including a Cover Letter and an updated CV:

They will receive CV until the 19th of May and interviews will be held during the first week of June.

Any questions? Please send an email to [email protected]


[Building China 3.0]

The CI Ljubljana are hosting well known international specialist and strategist for China Mr. Andrew Leung:

Online lecture: Building China 3.0.
Final Sprint towards the China Dream: Overcoming the Middle Income Trap and Demographic Cliff, Building Innovative Self-reliance, Sustainable Development, Dual Circulation, Joining the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), Achieving Common Prosperity, Unification and Common Destiny.

Lecture is FREE OF CHARGE and will be held ONLINE in ENGLISH.

More information and application:

Razpisi, javne dražbe - Univerza v Ljubljani 28/01/2022


Novi razpis študentskih izmenjav za študijsko leto 2022-23 s konzorciji univerz AEN (Avstralija) in MAUI (ZDA).

Rok za prijavo je 10.2.2022. Razpis je o objavljen na spletni strani Prijave zbirajo v Službi za mednarodno sodelovanje UL.

Več informacij na spletnih straneh:

Razpisi, javne dražbe - Univerza v Ljubljani Transakcijski račun UL: SI56 0110 0603 0707 119 (BIC: BSLJSI2X) ID za DDV: SI54162513 Matična številka: 5085063000 tel.: 01 241 85 00 fax.: 01 241 86 60



vabimo vas k udeležbi na aktivnostih, ki potekajo v okviru mreže univerz Venice International University (VIU). V konzorcij VIU je trenutno vključenih 20 univerz iz 15 držav in 4 kontinentov, tudi Univerza v Ljubljani.

VIU nudi možnost izmenjav študentom vseh stopenj in smeri kot tudi različne programe poletnih in zimskih šol, intenzivne tematske seminarje, mednarodno akademijo za doktorske študente ter pripravništvo v podjetjih v Italiji in na članicah univerz VIU.

Napovednik aktivnosti v letu 2022 si lahko ogledate na

Več informacij o VIU lahko najdete na in

Za dodatne informacije in pojasnila lahko pišete na [email protected].


The year has nearly come to end and it’s time for a well-deserved holiday break! We hope that your holidays are filled with fun and laughter, and that the new year is full of adventure and unforgettable experiences.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year! ✨🎅🏻🎄


Z veseljem vas obveščamo, da so prijave za študijsko izmenjavo v študijskem letu 2022/2023 tudi uradno odprte! 🌍

Do več informacij in prijavnice lahko dostopate na Študent-netu (zavihek "Postani mednaroden") ali s klikom na povezavo

[BODI MEDNARODEN - PRIJAVE SO ODPRTE 🌎] Stopi iz svoje cone udobja, prijavi se na študijsko izmenjavo! 🤩 Med 200 partnerskimi univerzami izberi svojo 💭 sanjsko destinacijo in odpotuj v neznano. ✈️ Prijave so odprte do 17. 1. 2022 👉


[Authentic Chinese Culinary Experience]

Are you interested in Chinese food culture and are willing to learn to cook some authentic Chinese food? Join the virtual cooking class offered by Confucius Institute Ljubljana.

More information on

Application deadline: 4th January 2022🍜

Photos from SEB LU International Relations Office's post 02/12/2021

Ekonomska fakulteta ima več kot 200 partnerskih institucij. Katero boste izbrali? Pridružite se nam in obiščite spletne dogodke POSTANI MEDNARODEN od 8. do 16. decembra 2021! 🌍


School of Economics and Business has more than 200 partner institutions. Which one will you choose? Join us and visit the virtual event BE INTERNATIONAL between 8 and 16 December, 2021!



Tretja epizoda podcasta Alumni Connect je tu! 🤩 Spoznaj Niko Bratkovič, mlado diplomantko Ekonomske fakultete, ki je z nami delila svoje izkušnje in zanimive zgodbe, ki jih je kot študentka doživela na študijskih izmenjavah na Nizozemskem, v Južni Afriki in v Nemčiji 🌍

Upamo, da bo Nikina zgodba inspiracija vsem študentom, da izkoristijo možnost študija v tujini in tako pridobijo ključne mednarodne kompetence za prvo zaposlitev. Vabljeni k poslušanju!

[🎙Alumni CONNECT podcast🎙]
Gostja v #3 epizodi Alumni CONNECT podcasta je bila Nika Bratkovič, mlada diplomantka EF, popotnica, ki je s svojo odločnostjo, pogumom in odlično organizacijo izkoristila vse možnosti študija v tujini in pridobila ključne mednarodne kompetence za prvo zaposlitev.

Nika nas je popeljala v različne države, delila izkušnje, vrednotila stereotipe in predstavila, kako se je soočila s kulturnim šokom.

Prisluhni nam ter se “pokonektaj” z nami! 👉


SEBuddies iščejo nove okreptive! 🎈✨

Če se želiš pridružiti skupini študentov, ki pomaga tujim študentom na izmenjavi in na ta način doživeti zanimivo mednarodno izkušnjo, pošlji svojo prijavo in kratko motivacijsko pismo na [email protected] 🌍 Prijave sprejemajo do 15. decembra 2021.

Danes s tabo delimo dobro novico - prijave za tutorstvo tujim študentom v poletnem semestru 2021/2022 so odprte! 🌍✨

Kdo pravzaprav smo? SEBuddies je skupina tutorjev prostovoljcev, v kateri tujim študentom že pred njihovim prihodom v Slovenijo pomagamo z informacijami o Sloveniji in študiju na Ekonomski fakulteti, ob njihovem prihodu pa jim olajšamo vključevanje v slovensko okolje in študentsko življenje v Ljubljani.

Če se nam želiš pridružiti, spoznati študente s celega sveta in pridobiti nepozabno mednarodno izkušnjo, pošlji svojo prijavo s kratkim motivacijskim pismom do 15.12.2021 na [email protected]. Se že veselimo tvoje prijave! 🤩


Are you interested in combining the academic experience at University of Graz with work experience at Steiermärkische Sparkasse supported by a 12-month scholarship? 📚🤩

Then apply to become Best of South-East and set an important step for your professional career!

For more information about the programme and how to apply, please visit Student-net (Be International ➡ Additional Opportunities).


If you ever wondered how our Exchange students spend their days, now is your chance to find out! Head over to Instagram to see what Sara and Ellen are up to today 🌍📱


Imaš raziskovalno žilico in rad/-a potuješ? ✈️ Potem je ASEF štipendijski program prav zate! ASEF: American Slovenian Education Foundation slovenskim študentom/-kam ponuja priložnost 10-tedenskega raziskovalnega obiska pri slovenskih profesorjih/-icah v tujini. 🗺

Če te mika raziskovalna mobilnost v ZDA, Kanadi, Avstraliji, Novi Zelandiji, Veliki Britaniji ter tudi drugod na svetovno priznanih univerzah po svetu (npr. na Univerzi Harvard, Univerzi Stanford, Univerzi Princeton, Univerzi Cambridge) in sodelovanje pri ASEF aktivnostih v Sloveniji ter širše, si oglej njihov 3-letni ASEF Junior Fellows - Research Abroad program:

⏳ Rok za prijavo na razpis: 22. november 2021

➡ Več informacij: [email protected]


What better way to make (international) friends than through coffee? ☕🌍 SEBuddies

[BE INTERNATIONAL 🌍] Tuesdays and Wednesdays are now reserved for International coffee meetings! ☕🤩 Meet your co-exchange buddies, make some new friends and share your experience with studying at SEB LU.


[ConnectAI Digital Masterclass]

We are happy to invite you to take part in the world-class AI education program: ConnectAI Digital Masterclass from January 25 - 27, 2022. Program will give you an opportunity to learn from the most influential companies and worldwide experts in the field of AI. This is an unique opportunity for you to:

➡ Think BIG - gain world-class knowledge that will help you build your CV and expand your employment opportunities.
➡ Act GLOBAL - take advantage of the full growth potential and be up to date with the latest AI trends and technologies.
➡ Build your NETWORK - become part of the AI ecosystem (business + research + education = impact)
➡ Expand your EDUCATION PORTFOLIO - get your ConnectAI accredited certificate issued by the School of Economics and Business of the University of Ljubljana and approved by the Unesco International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence founded by the Jožef Stefan Institute.

For more information about the program and speakers, please visit

* Special student discount of 80% - only 50 spots available!


Si že poslušal/-a nov podcast Alumni Ekonomske fakultete, Alumni Connect? Podcast, ki ga bo soustvarjala tudi Mednarodna pisarna, združuje zgodbe in skrivnosti do uspehov alumnov Ekonomske fakultete s celega sveta! 🎙🌍

Prva epizoda je že na voljo na! 🙌

[🎙Alumni CONNECT podcast🎙] Prva epizoda je live 👉 !! 🤩🎉🎉

Hitro klikni na povezavo, si vzemi kratek odmor za kavo in poslušaj prvo epizodo podcasta s Stello Korošec, soustanoviteljico podjetja EQUA!🚀

Stella pravi: “Vsi študentje bi morali v času študija odpreti svoje podjetje, saj je mladost, neizkušenost in neobremenjenost velika prednost. Hkrati pa idealna priložnost, da teorijo, ki se jo naučiš na fakulteti, preizkusiš tudi v praksi.”💡

Prisluhni prvi epizodi in preveri kaj vse nam je Stella zaupala 👉


"Student of the Week" is back! Through this segment, you will get to know our Exchange students who are joining us at SEB LU this semester 🌍

Each week, you will meet a new student and learn about their thoughts on Slovenia, their hidden skills, and more! We are already looking forward to it 😊

[BE INTERNATIONAL 🌍 - STUDENT OF THE WEEK 🤩] Meet the first international student of the semester, Timo Hagels 🇩🇪 Read about top three things he wants to see while staying in Slovenia 🔍 Maybe you get some weekend trip ideas as well 🚙

DiscoverEU - European Youth Portal 12/10/2021

[DISCOVER EU] Si želiš odkrivati lepote naše celine, razširiti svoja obzorja, pridobivati nova znanja in izkušnje ter spoznavati ljudi iz vseh koncev Evrope?

Če si star/-a med 18 in 20 let, se lahko pridružiš pobudi Discover EU in se poteguješ za eno izmed 60 tisoč brezplačnih železniških vozovnic! 🚄🌍

Za več informacij o podudi in samem razpisu obišči

DiscoverEU - European Youth Portal European Youth Portal -


[Online workshop] Quantum marketing

Imagine a revolutionary era of marketing calling for the prioritization of new technologies, while highlighting the importance of public relations, data and finance. All with the aim of making it easier to navigate the rapidly changing business world.

Raja Rajamannar, Director of Marketing and Communications at Mastercard and one of the Top 5 “World’s Most Influential CMOs” by Forbes, is aware that this is not only an illusion, but also a reality.

Fortunately, October 15 is no longer far away. Join us for an online lecture on quantum marketing, where Raja Rajamannar will introduce you to the evolution of marketing, its challenges, and will equip you with knowledge and understanding of marketing strategies that will successfully meet the challenges of the ever-changing marketing industry.

When? 3 pm on Friday, October 15, 2021

Where? Online

The event will be moderated by our professor Maja Konečnik Ruzzier, PhD.


When is a better time to make positive changes than in your youth? Use your full potential and make the world a better place with fellow students around the world together with Creative Shock!

Challenge your current knowledge and expand the horizons of the social business world while participating in the Creative Shock 2021 - a global social business case competition. Your ideas might be the key to winning the grand prize of €2500, so what's stopping you?

Register now as a team or individually at The deadline for applying is 26 September 2021.


Odlična nova priložnost za grajenje novih poznanstev in izkušenj!
Pridruži se SEBuddy-jem 😊

[Postani SEBuddy 👋] Pridruži se skupini študentov, ki že vrsto let pomaga tujim študentom na izmenjavi in pridobi nepozabno mednarodno izkušnjo! 🌍 SEBuddiji študentom že pred prihodom v Slovenijo pomagajo z informacijami o študentskem življenju v Ljubljani in študiju na Ekonomski fakulteti, ob njihovem prihodu pa jim olajšajo vključevanje v slovensko okolje. 🤩

📩 Prijave s kratkim motivacijskim pismom sprejemamo na [email protected] do 19. september 2021.


Te zanima delo asistenta na oddelku prodaje v mednarodnem podjetju Henkel Slovenija d.o.o.?

👉Pošlji prijavo z življenjepisom do 30.9.2021

👇Več informacij spodaj na sliki 👇

Mentorstvo — VTIS 09/09/2021

👉 Zaključuješ študij in razmišljaš o naslednjem koraku v Sloveniji ali tujini?
👉 Se seliš v novo državo in ne veš kje začeti?
👉 Potrebuješ nekoga, ki bi ti pomagal na tvoji karierni, akademski ali raziskovalni poti?

Najdi svojega mentorja ali mentorico preko Društvo VTIS! Kot VTIS Mentoriranec oziroma Mentoriranka lahko postaneš del 5-mesečnega brezplačnega programa VTIS Mentorstvo, kjer te bodo povezali s strokovnjaki z izkušnjami na področjih in državah, ki te zanimajo.

Več informacij o programu in prijavi lahko najdeš na Rok za prijavo je 15. september 2021.

Mentorstvo — VTIS VTIS Mentorji vam bodo pomagali s svojim znanjem in izkušnjami, ki so si jih nabrali v tujini tekom let. Na voljo so vam za različna vprašanja o poteku študija v tujini, pristopu k profesorjem, pridobivanju štipendij in drugih finančnih sredstev, prehodu v tujino, življenju izven domovine, in...



Izboljšajte svoje pogajalske spretnosti! Udeležite se mednarodne virtualne simulacije pogajanj Sveta o proračunu EU in pridobite 4 ECTS. Vse informacije in brezplačna prijava na


Improve your negotiating skills! Apply to virtual simulation of Council negotiations and earn 4 ECTS. More information and application

Summer programmes - University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business Take the Best from East and West! Study at the only triple accredited business school in Slovenia - University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business - and attend one of our renowned summer programmes. Ljubljana Summer School offers accredited courses on Bachelor´s and Master´s level which...

SMARTRURAL – Towards smart rural tourism development in Europe 13/05/2021

The year 2020 changed travelling and tourism. Local travel and small destinations get more and more tourists’ attention and need to adjust to the current trends. For this reason, University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business is organizing training on Smart rural tourism, which is a part of Erasmus+ project SmartRural: Towards smart rural tourism development in Europe. The training aims to rethink the potential of the rural areas through the smart tourism approach.

For more information about the programme and how to apply, please visit Student-net (Be International ➡ Additional Opportunities).

SMARTRURAL – Towards smart rural tourism development in Europe Home Our latest news: Train the Trainers. We Learn to Teach our Students! 3rd meeting of Smartrural project partners What we think about Smart Rural Tourism SMARTRURAL PROJECT – 2nd MEETING SMARTRURAL project – 1st Meeting News section About SMARTRURAL project SMARTRURAL aims to ‘elevate the s...

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Videos (show all)

Nowruz 2016_Performance 1
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Študijska izmenjava - Lille (by Lea Perovšek)
SKEMA Business School



Kardeljeva Ploscad 17

Other Community Colleges in Ljubljana (show all)
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Poljanska Cesta 6
Ljubljana, 1000

Gimnazija Šiška Gimnazija Šiška
Aljaževa Ulica 32
Ljubljana, 1000

Gimnazija Šiška je bila ustanovljena leta 1992 na Aljaževi 32 v mirnem stanovanjskem okolju. Znak Gimnazije Šiška je Mironov metalec diska Diskobolos, prva

Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Jamova Cesta 2
Ljubljana, 1000

Društva študentov: GRAD: GEO: VOD: https

Katedra za  polonistiko FF UL Katedra za polonistiko FF UL
Aškerčeva Cesta 2 (sedež Katedre: Tobačna Ulica 5)
Ljubljana, 1000

Dobrodošli na facebook strani Katedre za poljski jezik in književnost na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani!

Študentski svet UL Medicinske fakultete Študentski svet UL Medicinske fakultete
Vrazov Trg 2
Ljubljana, 1000

Študentski svet UL MF je organ UL Medicinske fakultete, ki edini uradno zastopa stališča študentov UL MF in povezuje študente z vodstvom UL MF in UL.

University of Ljubljana University of Ljubljana

University of Ljubljana is the oldest and largest higher education and scientific research instituti

Prometni center Blisk Prometni center Blisk
Gorazdova Ulica 20 In Poljanska Cesta 16
Ljubljana, 1000

Prometni center Blisk - izobraževanje in usposabljanje voznikov v cestnem prometu

Študentski svet FRI Študentski svet FRI
Večna Pot 113
Ljubljana, 1000

Študenti za študente!

CDI Univerzum CDI Univerzum
Grošljeva 4
Ljubljana, 1000

Ena največjih organizacij za izobraževanje odraslih! 01/583-92-70

University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business
Kardeljeva Ploščad 17
Ljubljana, 1000

This is the official fan page of the School of Economics and Business (UL SEB).

ŠOLA ZA Manikerje/ke ŠOLA ZA Manikerje/ke
Kotnikova 5, Ledina Center
Ljubljana, 1000

Spremenimo tvoj HOBI v DONOSEN POSLE! Vse na enem mestu: marketing, mindset in vse tehnike nohtov. Mentorica nohtnim stilistkam. International nail master že 13 let. Avtorica knj...

Študentski svet FMF Študentski svet FMF
Jadranska 19
Ljubljana, 1000

Študentski svet je organ študentov v okviru fakultete, ki uradno predstavlja študente znotraj fakultete in Univerze. Vsak študent se lahko na ŠS obrne s kakršnim koli vprašanjem št...