LEAF Academy

Boarding School for Future Leadership
4-year and 2-year high school program

Photos from LEAF Academy's post 29/07/2024

TERM E - Internships

During these experiences, we dedicated time to our internships (thank you for having us, CloudTalk, Mareena, and Funniversity) and deep diving into our own projects - working on a school magazine, working on Model Parliament of Slovakia, and developing a non-planar 3D printer. During these two weeks, we:
✅Went full professional
✅Worked from the office
✅Got a taste of a full-time work
✅Drank coffee
✅Got a taste of the NGO world
✅Experienced working for a Business
✅Helped with children in a kindergarten
✅Kept developing our own project

Photos from LEAF Academy's post 26/07/2024

TERM E - Finding Beauty & Chilling out

Our experiences were focused on finding different ways how to relax and slow down. What did we do?
👉Went kayaking
👉Made our own song
👉Went on a hike
👉Had a picnic
👉tried so many arts and crafts
👉Got a doctorare in chilling 😎

Photos from LEAF Academy's post 24/07/2024

TERM E - Nova Cvernovka Experience

During our learning experience in the cultural space of Nova Cvernovka, we:
✅Helped out with a smaller rennovation,
✅Worked in a garden and a terrace,
✅Took care of chickens,
✅Contributed to landscaping,
✅Had a community breakfast
🐣Okay but look at those chickens!

Photos from LEAF Academy's post 22/07/2024

TERM E - Musical

Name a better way to build up a team, exercise your creativity, and learn about theatre than actually preparing a performance for a live audience.

During this experience, we enjoyed
👉Creating an unforgettable number
👉Making people cry-laugh
👉Being absolute stars while doing that
👉Being shocked people could sing!

Photos from LEAF Academy's post 19/07/2024

TERM E - Discover

For our experience, we:
✅ Discoved not so mainstream places in Bratislava
✅ Observed UFO
✅ Got lost in a jungle more than once
✅ Appreciated fine art
✅ Had a blast

Photos from LEAF Academy's post 15/07/2024



As of September, we will be happy to welcome you to our new academic building in the heart of Bratislava. With Slavín memorial just around the corner, surrounded by a calm atmosphere and neighbored by numerous embassies, we are looking forward to delivering world-class education with even more style in the next academic year 😉

As of the upcoming school year, you will find us at Fraňa Kráľa 6.
Cheers to many more adventures! 🥂

Photos from LEAF Academy's post 01/07/2024

Graduation 2024 🎉
Congratulations to our dear class of 2024. We wish you to bring your light, talent, uniqueness, and ambitions everywhere with you.
Best of luck on your next journey, it was a pleasure! 🧑‍🎓👩‍🎓

Photos from LEAF Academy's post 29/04/2024

Learn more about the experiences of the past SUMMER CAMP participants through their words. They sum up all that you can expect if you apply.

You still have time to make the decision that can create unforgettable memories from this summer.

Apply to the INTERNATIONAL SUMMER CAMP 2024 until May 5, 2024.

More information here 👉https://www.leafacademy.eu/summer-camp


Summer Camp | LEAF Academy 19/04/2024

Experience a 2-day expedition with a sleepover at the meadows of Malé Karpaty, as a part of the LEAF Academy SUMMER CAMP 2024! 💪🤸

The program holds a lot of exciting opportunities for you! From learning how to take initiative in the team, building a tent, setting up a fireplace, navigating the group in the forest, to focusing on teamwork in experiential activities and workshops.🤝🌄
During the first July week will the Hotel Agátka in Chorvátsky Grob become a place, where you find new friends from different countries, will work on your strengths and delop independence.🏕️

Apply until May 5, 2024. More information here 👉

Summer Camp | LEAF Academy You will challenge yourself during real-life projects and hands-on experiences together with active young people just like you! You will learn how to spot great opportunities around you and how not to let them go but take full advantage of them. You will go on an expedition to Slovak nature and over...

Photos from LEAF Academy's post 16/04/2024

Ste pripravení na leto plné objavovania a nových zážitkov?

💪 HECNITE SA! Prihláste sa na týždňový alebo dvojtýzdňový medzinárodný letný tábor LEAF Academy.

30. júna - 5. júla, 2024 | Hotel Agátka, Chorvátsky Grob, Slovensko

5.-13. júla, 2024 | Hotel Astra, Bratislava, Slovakia

Počas letného tábora LEAF Academy:
- sa dozviete viac o sebe a svojich silných stránkach,
- budete pracovať na vlastných projektoch,
- vydáte sa na 2-dňovú dobrodružnú expedíciu v prírode,
- vycibríte si svoju angličtinu,
- zoznámite sa s podobne zmýšľajúcimi mladými ľuďmi z rôznych krajín.

Ak máte 13-16 rokov alebo viete o niekom, pre koho by bol letný tábor vhodný, namierte si to na: https://www.leafacademy.eu/sk/summer-camp

☝️ Prihlasovanie je otvorené do 5. mája. ☝️


Dear community, we are looking for people who want to make a real impact! ☝️
If you are an innovative educator 👩‍🏫 , a young professional who loves to work with teenagers 🧝‍♂️ , an enthusiast passionate about helping others learn and grow 📚 💡 or you know just the right person, check out our open job opportunities.
You can see open positions here 👉 bit.ly/LApositions


Are you sad the Easter break is over?
Already looking forward to the summer break?

☝️ There is a lot to look forward to! ☝️ - Applications to our grand LEAF Academy Summer Camp open soon. 🌞⛺


Dear community,
from our schoolyard to yours, Happy Easter holidays! We wish you restful days with your loved ones 🐰🐣

Thank you for a lovely photo to our Viktor Suchy

Photos from LEAF Academy's post 19/03/2024

Did you know, our students could choose internship for their class of Entrepreneurial Leadership? 🚀
Mal, Lili, and Miroslav chose to gain experience outside of the classroom by working in sectors they were interested in💡Whether in an NGO, banking and finance, or understanding the psychology of children more, stepping out of their comfort zone and gaining a real-world experience was an integral part of their journey.
Can you imagine having a professional internship in highschool? 🔥

Photos from LEAF Academy's post 14/03/2024

We went to OFFSITE 🌲🌿🏃‍♂️🏃
As a part of experiential learning, every couple of months we dedicate time to change the scenery, get out of the usual classes and spend time together in nature, overcoming all sorts of challenges.
Some love it ❤️some hate it 🫣 but the memories are always golden 🏆


Listen up, we are opening a second round of applications! 📣📣📣
If you are still thinking about what would your life be like if you applied to LEAF Academy, now is the time to act 🎯
The second round of applications is open until April 1st, and this is no joke 😤
Apply here ➡ https://www.leafacademy.eu/apply-now

Photos from LEAF Academy's post 23/02/2024


On Saturday, we opened our gates for prospective students, their parents and families to inform them about our school, our admission process, student life, and many other topics 💡
We welcomed more than 80 guests who came to see how we learn in the classes, how we live in the residence, and how parents of our students view our school 🏫🎓
Thank you for the joyous atmosphere and insightful conversations created by our dear community and our guests 🫶
If you are also thinking about joining us, connect tomorrow to our online open day, starting 10am, GMT+1 time. Register here ➡️ bit.ly/LAOpenDayOnline


Did you miss or could not attend our Open Day? 🫣
No worries! Catch us online and ask what you’ve been curious about! 👀
Registration here ➡️ bit.ly/LAOpenDayOnline

Photos from LEAF Academy's post 09/02/2024

We could not be prouder of our student Pedro, who attended diplomatic simulations at Harvard and Yale! 🥳

"Yale and Harvard Model United Nations are the most prestigious diplomatic simulations in the world. It is a dream for every young aspiring diplomat to take part in these conferences and stand out among the 5.000 participants each year. The participants are there to show their skills in communication, negotiation, public speaking, rhetoric, problem-solving, team building, and, above all, leadership. Taking part in such events is a part of your hard work and striving to become an aspiring leader for current youth and future generations. Being awarded in such events shows you that you made it. You are on the right path.

I, Pedro Aderico, was awarded as Best Delegate in Yale Model United Nations, where I represented South Africa, and received Honorable Mention in Harvard Model United Nations, where I represented Turkey. Such achievement of being awarded in the first and in the second greatest diplomatic simulations of the world was never achieved by any Brazilian in 70 years of the event. This year, together with others 2, I became the first Brazilian to be awarded in both the most prestigious MUNs in the world."

Congratulations Pedro, we are your biggest fans! 🏆

Would you like to join talented people like Pedro in our school? The admission process is open 😉➡ https://www.leafacademy.eu/apply-now


Are you still wondering if LEAF Academy is the right place for you? 🧐
📢Come visit us on February 17th on the Open Day! 📢

What will you experience?
👉 How we learn in the classes
👉 How we live in the residence
👉 What experiential learning means
👉 What kind of diploma you will get
👉 Whatever you want to ask us!

The gates of our academic building open at 12:30, we are looking forward to seeing you there ➡ http://bit.ly/LAOpenDay24


We are UP and RUNNING 📢 🏃🏃‍♀️
Are you ready to apply? ➡ bit.ly/ApplicationLA

The admission process is open now till February 28th 🙌💥
Our website should be up shortly, but if you have any burning questions about our admission process, let us know! 🤓

Good luck in the process!


❗️Only 5 days till the applications open ❗️
If you'd like to
✅ receive a world-class education
✅ be a part of an inspiring community
✅ experience entrepreneurial leadership firsthand..then it's time to set your alarm clock for Monday morning and get ready 🤩

Do you have any questions? Let us know 😉


Happy New Year 2024 everyone! 💥
Our 2023 was full of learning, community, growing, and above all, overcoming challenges 💪

If you would like to join us on our journey, the applications for the next school year open on January 15 ➡ make sure to join our mailing list for more information https://bit.ly/admissionsLA


Merry Christmas and happy holidays! 🎄
In the spirit of celebration and festivity, we would like to bring you a special gift. Applications for the school year 2024/2025 will be open on January 15th, kickstarting the admission process! 🥳

Would you like to get notified as soon as they are available? Leave us your email address, and we will inform you about the application and the process itself in January 📢 https://bit.ly/admissionsLA


What was our Vernissage in numbers?
🎨 up to 60 visitors
🎨 3 hours of program
🎨 5 live performances
🎨 more than 70 art pieces
🎨 45 minutes of short movies
🎨 1 room dedicated to audiovisual exposition
🎨 1 unforgettable evening
🎨 countless meaningful connections
Thank you for making this event special.

If you would like to support our activity and help us create meaningful experiences like this one, you can do so through portal darujme.sk ➡️ https://leafacademy.darujme.sk/podporte-leaf-academy-6784a/


Uvažujete, či je LEAF Academy pre vás? 🍃
Už túto nedeľu otvárame brány pre nielen naše rodiny, priateľov a podporovateľov, ale ak si kladiete otázku, či by mohla byť LEAF Academy pre Vás dobrou voľbou, ste viac než vítaní na našej umeleckej Vernisáži už túto nedeľu 17. decembra 🎄
Tešíme sa na Vás ➡️ bit.ly/LAvernisaz


Na čo všetko sa môžete tešiť na Vernisáži? 🎨
Na všetko! 🥳
Okrem fotografie, kresieb, malieb, krátkych filmov a poézie sa môžete tešiť aj na živé vystúpenia spevu, tanca, hudobných nástrojov, slam poetry. Prezradíme, že niektorí z vystupujúcich majú vo svojom umení za sebou majstrovstvá Slovenska alebo vysúpenia pred davmi 😉
Dajte nám vedieť, že prídete ➡️ https://bit.ly/LAvernisaz


LEAF Academy x umenie 🎨✨
Príďte si s nami vychutnať predvianočnú nedeľu 17.12. kultúrne 💃
Dajte nám vedieť, že prídete kúpou lístka ZADARMO ➡ https://bit.ly/LAvernisaz
Tešíme sa na Vás!

Photos from LEAF Academy's post 28/11/2023

Organizácia READYCON aj tento rok robí osvetu u študentov v oblasti budúcnosti pracovného trhu a jeho zmien. 📚💼

Zameriavajú sa znovu na trendy v IT, strojárstve, elektrotechnike, stavebníctve, financiách, zdravotníctve, obchodu a služieb či manažmente a marketingu. 🌟💡

📖 Do pozornosti dávame e-book o tejto problematike. Je úplne zadarmo a nájdete v ňom rôzne zaujímavé informácie o príležitostiach a trendoch na pracovnom trhu. 🌐

Link: https://www.readycon.live/ekniha

Stali sme sa komunitným partnerom, pretože vždy radi prispievame k rozvoju mladých ľudí 🚀

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

International high school in Bratislava

Our mission is to provide a world-class education for active students aged 14 to 19 from the Central European region and beyond, regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds.

Videos (show all)

EXCITING NEWS! 🎉 As of September, we will be happy to welcome you to our new academic building in the heart of Bratislav...
Why do our students create? 🎨Come and see at our own small festival of art Vernisaz. ✅Beautiful pieces, ✅cool performanc...
Graduation Ceremony 2023
Stretnutie s rodičmi našich študentov
Interview w/ Inako (Student Enterprise)
Talent showcase feat. Eliška
Talent showcase feat. Dominika



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