Matei Initiative Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development

MATCOPS is a national NGO that works towards improving the Sexual Reproductive health of women, especially adolescent girls.


**Happy Mother's Day from MATCOPS!**

Today, we celebrate the **resilience and empowerment** of women across the globe. Your contributions, both seen and unseen, create the fabric of our societies and nurture the future.

*To the African Mothers**:
Your hands have tilled the earth, traded at markets, and raised children with strength. You embody the spirit of **independence** and **perseverance**.

*To the Mothers in Western Societies**:
You've challenged the norms, balanced the scales of work and home, and shown that diversity in roles reflects the **evolution of empowerment**.

*To the Guardians of Property and Rights**:
Whether in Africa or beyond, your direct contributions to your families elevate you to new heights, challenging the notion of dependence and shaping the future of **joint ownership**.

**To the Mothers Shaping Legal Independence**:
Your economic agency and control, despite historical constraints, pave the way for **legal rights** and **true independence** for all women.

*To the Mothers Navigating Marriage Dynamics**:
From bride price complexities to evolving marital roles, your journey towards **economic freedom** and **equality** is inspiring.

**To the Mothers Facing and Overcoming Challenges**:
Your fight against gender-based violence and cultural norms lights the path towards a world where **respect and equality** are the cornerstones of every family.

MATCOPS stands with you in celebrating the **empowerment of women** as a key to gender equality. Your unwavering spirit is the greatest gift to our communities and the generations to come.

**Happy Mother's Day!**


The program concluded with a recognition of all mothers in the celebration of Mother's Day. Mr. Foday Kargbo - community member, expressed his appreciation for MATCOPS' work beyond the End Child Marriage project, highlighting the entrepreneurs within their community. He hoped that other organizations would follow MATCOPS' example.

In closing, MATCOPS volunteer Mr. Kanikay Bangura reassured the community of their commitment to sustainability and their continued efforts as long as the community cooperates. The program's success was assessed through the work of the final students.

Photos from Matei Initiative Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development's post 10/03/2024

In celebrating International Women's Day (IWD), MATCOPS Training centers final year student collaborated with MATCOPS old students who are now entrepreneurs, bringing together a cross-section of stakeholders in Kamankay, Bumbuna Town. The meeting aimed to emphasize the importance of IWD, which is recognized globally on March 8th by the United Nations and other organizations. The theme for this year's IWD is "Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress."

During the gathering, the discussion highlighted the growing financial power of women and the significance of investing in women-owned businesses. It was noted that women are expected to control a substantial amount of financial assets in the coming years. Applying a gender lens to investing can empower women and contribute to post-pandemic recovery.

The tailoring tutor, Mr. Daniel S. Koroma, outlined Five Key Areas for Action:

1. Economic Empowerment: Supporting women's economic participation.
2. Leadership and Decision-Making: Promoting women's leadership roles.
3. Health and Well-being: MATCOPS recognizes the importance of informed health decisions for women. Initiatives include:
- Social reintegration programs: Supporting women who have faced challenges.
- Hygiene practices: Educating women on proper hygiene.
- Preventing FGM (Female Ge***al Mutilation): Advocating against harmful practices.
- Consent approval: Ensuring women's autonomy over their bodies.
- Preventing unwanted and early marriage: Empowering women to make choices about their futures.
4. Education and Training: Providing quality education opportunities.
5. Creative Talent: Celebrating women's achievements in arts and sports through initiatives like establishing an art design gallery, community theater, and performers.


MATCOPS Centres girls celebrating with cross sections of stakeholders in Kamankay, Bumbuna Town.

Photos from Matei Initiative Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development's post 02/09/2022

MATCOPS in the bid to promote Equality, participated in Plan International Sierra Leone Gender Transformation Champion Award with the theme "All Girls standing strong creating Global Change". This event hosted more than 500 people from all works of life in the Bintumani Hotel International Conference Hall on Thursday the 2nd September, 2022. The program recognise the 7,166 norminees that was received but a special recognition was given to the 18 Awardees.


Celebrating Women all over the world.

Happy International Women's Day


MATCOPS participated in today's launching ceremony of the National Strategy for Response to Sexual Gender Based Violence at the New Brookefields Hotel, Freetown.

Photos from Matei Initiative Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development's post 07/04/2021

Plan International Sierra Leone in collaboration with cross section of 2021 Koinadugu/Falaba District Gender Transformative Awardees and stakeholders, held meeting and radio discussion today in Kabala town to appreciate supporters and strengthen the relationship of women in this two district.

The meeting and radio discussion host by Fanta Marah - Plan Gender Officer, Ballay Mansaray Councillor - Kasonko Chiefdom, Mamusu Kamara - MATCOPS Executive Director, Elizabeth H Korio - FAWE Coordinator and Manteneh M Kargbo - Coordinator - Koinadugu Women's Group

This meeting was climax with a symbolic aggrement that Koinadugu/Falaba women have stand to support each other for development of the district, country and the world at large

Submitted by

Mamusu Kamara
MATCOPS - Executive Director

Photos from Matei Initiative Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development's post 01/04/2021

Dear Family,

I am grateful to God and you for choosing me to collect this award today at Plan International Sierra Leone, Headquarter office; thank you for your support, and the confidence you placed in me as a Gender activist that has transformed the lives of Women and Girls in Koinadugu District.

As a Gender Based Violence - GBV survivor I will continue to support women and girls to reach their potential; and being the Executive Director of Matei Initiative Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development (MATCOPS) with support from our Board, Government, well wishers, partners, donors and individuals, we will continue to prevent Women and Girls from GBV and give second chance to survivors.

To Plan International under the leadership of Mr. Evariste Sindayigaya, I want to thank you and assure you that we will continue to unlock the power of Women and Girls.

Thank you! Thank you!

Photos from Matei Initiative Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development's post 27/01/2021

MATCOPS a Sierra Leone based NGO and a member of the Community of Practice (CoP) committed to fight against Gender Based Violence (GBV) today join other organizations including Women's Forum, Rainbow Initiative, Smart Women, Hindolo Pokowa and Dustyn Montgomery of Sierra Leone Foundation for New Democracy and initiators of "Walk to end GBV" in celebrating the end of 315 miles trip from Kailahun to Freetown.

The arrival of this team (Hindolo and Dustyn) at the Freetown Cotton Tree, climax the program. This miles stone will not stop on this initiative but MATCOPS will continue to liberate girls from this menace through outreach, referrals and capacity building.

Photos from Matei Initiative Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development's post 26/01/2021

MATCOPS in pursuance of its goal to sustain the past End Child Programme (ECM), has continue to reintegrate vulnerable adolescents, especially girls, in their communities through schooling and livelihood centres, in Tonkolili district. Today girls in the livelihood centres are on practical assessment and wish to graduate on the availability of funds.

We appreciate the contribution of the Government and former partner - UNFPA. MATCOPS will continue to support girls and young women to actualize their dreams.


MATCOPS in pursuance of its goal to sustain the past End Child Programme (ECM), has continue to reintegrate vulnerable adolescents, especially girls, in their communities through schooling and livelihood centres, in Tonkolili district. The visit revealed that the girls are coping with their studies.

Photos from Matei Initiative Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development's post 23/01/2021

MATCOPS with the aim to sustain their past projects/programmes, conducted a follow-up visit in Koinadugu and Tonkolili Districts from Tuesday 19th through 22nd January, 2021.

During the visit, the Executive Director - Mamusu Kamara (in African attire), Koinadugu District officer - Mr Paul Koroma and Bombali District officer - Mr Thomas Josiah assessed the girls according to their enrollment set.

The visit revealed that, the girls were determine to learn and hope to graduate on availability of funds.

Special thanks to our Line ministries and UNFPA who supported the End Child Marriage Programme Phase one (1)

Photos from Matei Initiative Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development's post 19/01/2021

Monday the 18 January 2021, Matei Initiative. Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development (MATCOPS) and other Community of Practice (COP) members in Bombali District joined Hindolo and Dustyn to "walk to end r**e" in Sierra Leone.

Special thanks to all who contributed in making this day a success.

Photos from Matei Initiative Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development's post 19/01/2021

On Monday the 18th January 2021, Matei Initiative. Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development (MATCOPS) and other Community of Practice (COP) members in Bombali District joined Hindolo and Dustyn to "walk to end r**e" in Sierra Leone.

Special thanks to all who contributed in making this day a success.

Photos from Matei Initiative Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development's post 28/06/2020

MATCOPS a National Non- Governmental Organization that works on Advocacy, Public Education, Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Development marks 14th years anniversary with some Remarkable Achievements

The achievements of MATCOPS are enormous. We have been recognised by Global Leaders Council twice for service delivery on Reproductive Health for the best innovative approach in inter-generational dialogue. Also, MATCOPS received honorary recognition from Population Council for the dedication and perseverance in the improvement of Adolescent girls, in addition to the following:
Enlightenment on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHRs)

- Decent behaviour among adolescents and youths

- The enactment of early marriage and teenage pregnancy policy has led more community leaders/stakeholders (Paramount Chiefs) to be engaged on community sensitisation.

- Over 20,000 young girls are using safe family planning methods.

- Reduction of Sexual transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies

- Formation and operation of eight Early Marriage Cancellation Committees and Girl Child Empowerment Action Groups has enhanced the effective engagement of adolescent girls that ensured the conciliation of six child marriages and have been active in the prevention of the menace.

- MATCOPS prepared a platform for Traditional & Religious Leaders (TRLs), Community Wellness Advocacy Groups (CAGs) and young people to be capacitated and collaborate with each other to advocate on critical issues affecting the development of their communities.

- Strengthened collaboration among development partners and increased support to People Living with HIV (PLHIV) to attain economic empowerment and well-being.

- Increased capacity of practitioners of FGM, teenage mothers and other vulnerable community women to enhance their entrepreneurship skills in agricultural production, processing, preservation, and marketing.

- Increased access to data on reproductive health, Basic Education, Gender Equality and women’s Livelihood for evidence-based advocacy, planning, monitoring, and evaluation.

- We trained adolescents, women and other vulnerable groups to acquire skills that capacitated them to undertake sustainable livelihoods activities in their localities.

- Strengthened Ebola survivors and orphans with education, communication and school retention.

- Empower advocates and core trainers to prevent natural disaster flooding and mudslide.

- Empower advocates and core trainers to prevent Corona and other epidemic.

- Increased follow-up and improvement in programme implementation

- Enhanced primary data collection to ascertain results.

Special thanks to our adolescents (treasures), partners, donors and MATCOPS board and management who contributed to this success.

Photos from Matei Initiative Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development's post 28/06/2020

MATCOPS a National Non- Governmental Organization that works on Advocacy, Public Education, Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Development marks 14th years anniversary with some Remarkable Achievements.

The achievements of MATCOPS are enormous. We have been recognised by Global Leaders Council twice for service delivery on Reproductive Health for the best innovative approach in inter-generational dialogue. Also, MATCOPS received honorary recognition from Population Council for the dedication and perseverance in the improvement of Adolescent girls, in addition to the following:

- Enlightenment on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHRs)

- Decent behaviour among adolescents and youths

- The enactment of early marriage and teenage pregnancy policy has led more community leaders/stakeholders (Paramount Chiefs) to be engaged on community sensitisation.

- Over 20,000 young girls are using safe family planning methods.

- Reduction of Sexual transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies.

- Formation and operation of eight Early Marriage Cancellation Committees and Girl Child Empowerment Action Groups has enhanced the effective engagement of adolescent girls that ensured the conciliation of six child marriages and have been active in the prevention of the menace.

- MATCOPS prepared a platform for Traditional & Religious Leaders (TRLs), Community Wellness Advocacy Groups (CAGs) and young people to be capacitated and collaborate with each other to advocate on critical issues affecting the development of their communities.

- Strengthened collaboration among development partners and increased support to People Living with HIV (PLHIV) to attain economic empowerment and well-being.

- Increased capacity of practitioners of FGM, teenage mothers and other vulnerable community women to enhance their entrepreneurship skills in agricultural production, processing, preservation, and marketing.

- Increased access to data on reproductive health, Basic Education, Gender Equality and women’s Livelihood for evidence-based advocacy, planning, monitoring, and evaluation.

- We trained adolescents, women and other vulnerable groups to acquire skills that capacitated them to undertake sustainable livelihoods activities in their localities.

- Strengthened Ebola survivors and orphans with education, communication and school retention.

- Empower advocates and core trainers to prevent natural disaster flooding and mudslide.

- Empower advocates and core trainers to prevent Corona and other epidemic.
Increased follow-up and improvement in programme implementation

- Enhanced primary data collection to ascertain results.

Special thanks to our adolescents (treasures), partners, donors and MATCOPS board and management who contributed to this success.

Photos from Matei Initiative Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development's post 09/03/2020

MATCOPS with adolescent girls and Mentors raising awareness about International Women's Day, in Tonkolili District.

Photos from Matei Initiative Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development's post 09/03/2020

MATCOPS with adolescent girls and Mentors raising awareness about International Women's Day, in Tonkolili District


MATCOPS celebrate 2020 International Women’s Day

Imaging a world without Woman.*

Key messages:

1. MATCOPS believe Women will change the world. Hence, Feminism isn't about making women strong, as we are already strong. It's about changing the way the world perceives Women strength.

2. Koinadugu and Tonkolili District! We need to live in a culture that values, respects and looks up to women as much as men. Because men say something while women do.

3. Women! There is something so special about us that dominates in a man's world; because we have the grace, strength, intelligence, fearlessness, and the nerve to never take no for an answer.


Photos from Matei Initiative Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development's post 14/02/2020

MATCOPS in its bid to give second chance to teenage mothers through livelihood skills empowerment, held a feedback meeting with the Paramount Chief - Alimamy B.Y Koroma III of Dansongoia chiefdom, Tonkolili District and cross section of All Girls Are Treasure (AGAT) group.
PC Koroma admonished the girls about his profound gratitude to MATCOPS for the opportunity given to the girls and he assured all of his unending to support.
The Executive Director of MATCOPS, Madam Mamusu Kamara thanked the PC and his community members in fulfilling their commitment. She said the girls are the asset of the world and urge them to be on track in order to reach their potentials.
The meeting reveals that girls have built their confidence and esteem to become self-reliant.
In conclusion, the MATCOPS team visited the Livelihood centres (tailoring department) centres and 2 safe spaces.


MATCOPS Tonkolili girls on income generation activities.

Kindly support the young entrepreneurs.


MATCOPS on AYV Television

Photos from Matei Initiative Empowerment Program for Sustainable Development's post 09/08/2019

MATCOPS Livelihood centres young women that have completed thier courses in tailoring, Hairdressing and catering departments are now sharing knowledge with trainees in the Livelihood centres. MATCOPS in pursuance of its goal for young women to become economically viabile, continues to implement people's centred project in Koindaugu and Tonkolili Districts


MATCOPS and Ministry of Health and Sanitation presenting start up kit to Livelihood centres girls

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169 Magburaka Highway

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00

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