Zextra Sure Taiwan - Colostrum to protect Bones and Joints from America

Zextra Sure - Colostrum to protect bones and joints imported from the US. Gifts for people with joint pain.

🎁Buy 3 get 1 free🎁🎁Buy 4 get 2 free🎁 14/12/2023

🎄🎄Every time Christmas comes, what gift do you hope to receive?
👶 When you were a child, you wished for a toy, a favorite outfit, a book you wished for,...
💪 But now, you hope to receive a lot of health, really strong bones and joints to be able to achieve many of your goals.🎯
📞 Please contact us immediately and Santa will bring you the gift you desire most.🎅🎁

👉 Zextra Sure - America's leading health enhancing functional food
🏆FDA certified, Halal, GMP standards
🏆 Colostrum ingredients imported from the United States have been strictly controlled for quality and safety
🏆Rich in Calcium, Omega 3-6-9 and 14 abundant vitamins and minerals
🌟Only 2 cups of Zextra Sure per day 🥛🥛
✅ Provides adequate nutrients to help strengthen bones and joints
✅ Reduce symptoms of bone and joint pain, shoulder and neck pain, numbness in limbs,...
✅ Good for the digestive system and immune system
✅ Helps increase body resistance
✅ Helps eat well and sleep well
🌟 Effective after 7 days of use
⭐ Safe for people with diabetes, heart disease, and blood pressure
💪Balanced nutrition and bone and joint health care are the keys to a strong and comfortable life. Invest in your health from now on! Use our products today to see the change from within you.

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⚠️Osteoporosis - Potential risk⚠️

🦴 Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bones to become thin and brittle, increasing the risk of fractures significantly. This condition is common in women, especially women of menopausal age.
👵 When women enter menopause, estrogen hormone levels in the body decrease, which can disrupt bone health, causing osteoporosis.

🙅‍♀️ To prevent osteoporosis, women need to pay attention to supplementing calcium and vitamin D through diet, regular physical activity and hormone replacement therapy (if necessary). Products containing calcium and vitamin D can also be used to support the protection and regeneration of bone health.
-------------------------------------------------- - --------
👉 Zextra Sure - America's leading bone and joint recovery support product
🏆FDA certified, Halal, GMP standards
🏆 Colostrum ingredients imported from the US are strictly controlled for quality and safety
🏆Rich in Calcium, Omega 3-6-9 and 14 abundant vitamins and minerals
🌟Only 2 cups of Zextra Sure per day 🥛🥛
✅ Provides adequate nutrition to help strengthen bones and joints
✅ Reduce symptoms of bone and joint pain, shoulder and neck pain, numbness in limbs, etc.
✅ Good for the digestive system and immune system
✅ Helps increase body endurance
✅ Helps you eat well and sleep well
🌟 Effective after 7 days of use
⭐ Safe for people with diabetes, heart disease, and blood pressure
💪Balanced nutrition and maintaining healthy bones and joints are the keys to a healthy and comfortable life. Invest in your health now! Use our products today to see the change within yourself.

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🔎 Measures to diagnose Osteoporosis
Tests to diagnose osteoporosis include:
👉 Bone density assessment test: X-ray to measure bone density in the lumbar spine, femur neck or wrist. Dual energy absorptiometry (DEXA) is the most common method. This test is painless and takes only a few minutes. It shows the amount of bone loss.
👉 Blood and urine tests: check hormone levels and look for risks that increase bone loss such as vitamin or mineral deficiencies in the body.
Treatments for Osteoporosis
👉 Provide the body with the correct amount of calcium according to recommended levels, without providing excess. Supplement 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day for people aged 1 to 70 years and 800 IU per day for people 71 years and older.
👉 Maintain standard weight, neither overweight nor underweight.
👉 Exercise is an important part of osteoporosis treatment. Exercise not only helps keep bones healthy, but also increases muscle strength, coordination and balance, thereby leading to better health. Although exercise is good for people with osteoporosis, you must be careful and avoid too much exercise because it can lead to bone fractures.
👉 Change your lifestyle: stop smoking, limit alcohol consumption
👉 Limit alcoholic drinks, coffee and carbonated beverages.
👉 Talk to your doctor about medications you are using that have a risk of reducing bone density.
👉 When osteoporosis is detected, in addition to a reasonable diet and lifestyle, the patient needs to supplement with medications to treat osteoporosis. Depending on each specific case, the patient will be advised to use appropriate anti-osteoporosis drugs.


✨ Prevent Osteoporosis
The following methods can help stop or slow bone loss and prevent fractures, but they cannot cure the disease:
1️⃣ Eat a calcium-rich diet or take calcium supplements every day.
♦️ For adults from 19 to 50 years old, eat 3 meals or absorb 1000 mg of calcium per day.
♦️ Men over 50 years old, eat 3 meals or 1000 mg of calcium per day.
♦️ Men over 70 years old, eat 4 meals or 1200 mg of calcium per day.
♦️ Women over 50 years old, eat 4 meals or 1200 mg of calcium per day.
👉 Food sources of calcium include milk, dairy products or calcium-rich foods such as juice or beans, fish, green leafy vegetables.
2️⃣ Regularly measure osteoporosis to check bone density.
3️⃣ Follow up on scheduled appointments to monitor the progress of symptoms and health status.
4️⃣ Follow your doctor's instructions, do not arbitrarily take medication that is not prescribed or arbitrarily stop taking prescribed medication.
5️⃣ Regularly practice load-bearing exercises and muscle strengthening exercises as recommended by your doctor.
6️⃣ Do not smoke.
7️⃣ Avoid drinking too much alcohol: drinking more than two glasses of wine a day can reduce the ability to form bones.
8️⃣ Avoid falling.


🔎 Cause of Osteoporosis
Bones are an organ that is in a constant state of renewal, new bones are constantly created and old bones are broken down. When you are young, your body creates new bone faster, so bone mass increases. Most people reach peak bone mass around age 20. As you get older, bone mass is lost faster than it is created, thereby causing osteoporosis.
The main causes of osteoporosis include
♦️ Unreasonable lifestyle, sedentary
♦️ Frequently carry heavy objects and do strenuous labor
♦️ Have a calcium-deficient diet
Gender: Women are more at risk of osteoporosis than men
♦️ The amount of calcium for bone formation at a young age is not sufficiently supplemented, leading to the fact that in old age, with aging, the bone formation process decreases and the bone destruction process occurs quickly and strongly, causing bone density to decrease. Bones deteriorate, making bones brittle and weak, reducing their strength and breaking more easily.
‼️ Symptoms of Osteoporosis
Bone loss (also known as reduced bone density) due to osteoporosis often progresses silently, without obvious symptoms. Patients may not know they have the disease. Often patients only feel vague body pain, loss of height, and scoliosis. These are symptoms that are only discovered after a long time. Many cases are not discovered until the bones become weak and break easily when experiencing minor trauma such as a twisted leg, impact or fall.
♦️ Reduced bone density causes bones in the spine to collapse (also known as subsidence fractures). Symptoms of this condition include acute back pain, loss of height, stooped gait and hunchback.
♦️ Pain in the ends of bones: one of the most noticeable symptoms of osteoporosis is the feeling of pain in the ends of the bones. The patient will feel fatigue along the long bones, even pain like being pricked by needles all over the body.
♦️ Pain in bone areas that bear the burden of the body regularly such as: spine, lumbar, pelvis, hip, knee, pain repeated many times after injury, pain is often dull and lasts a long time . The pain will increase when moving, walking, standing or sitting for a long time and will improve when resting.
♦️ Pain in the spine, waist or both intercostal sides, affecting the intercostal nerves, femoral nerves and sciatic nerves. The pain gets worse when exercising vigorously or suddenly changing positions. Therefore, people with signs of osteoporosis often find it difficult to perform positions such as bending or turning completely.
♦️ For middle-aged people, osteoporosis is often accompanied by signs of varicose veins, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, etc.


📢 Did you know?
⚠️Osteoporosis in the elderly is a common disease, second only to cardiovascular diseases. Currently, about 1/3 of women and 1/8 of men over 50 years old are at risk of osteoporosis.⚠️
1️⃣ What is osteoporosis?
🦴 Osteoporosis, also known as brittle bone disease or osteoporosis, is a phenomenon in which bones continuously thin and the density of bone substance becomes less and less, making bones more brittle, vulnerable and susceptible to fracture even only suffered minor injuries.
Osteoporosis is the main cause of bone fractures in postmenopausal women and the elderly. Fractures due to osteoporosis can occur in any bone, but are common in the spine, femur, and wrist. Some broken bones may not be able to heal, including the spine and femur, which are very difficult to heal, requiring expensive surgery in most cases.
‼️ Osteoporosis will get worse as you get older. Due to this age, bone density does not meet the allowable level to ensure bones are as strong as in adulthood.
2️⃣ Subjects at risk of osteoporosis
There are many factors that can lead to osteoporosis. Some factors can be changed while others cannot.
Factors that cannot be changed include:
♦️ Gender: in women, especially postmenopausal women, the risk of osteoporosis is much higher than in men of the same age due to lower total bone mass.
♦️ Age: the older you are, the greater your risk of osteoporosis.
♦️ Body size: thin and small women are at higher risk of osteoporosis.
♦️ Family history of osteoporosis or hip fracture
♦️ Menopause before age 45
♦️ Have ever had a broken bone
♦️ Have comorbidities such as endocrine disease, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease or Cushing's syndrome
♦️ White or Asian people
Modifiable risk factors include:
♦️ Hormones: low estrogen levels due to irregular menstruation or menopause can cause osteoporosis in women. Meanwhile, low testosterone levels can cause osteoporosis in men.
♦️ Diet low or lacking in calcium and vitamin D
♦️ Anorexia nervosa: this eating disorder can lead to osteoporosis.
♦️ Taking certain medications such as corticosteroids or heparin for long periods of time
Activity level: lack of exercise or long-term bed rest can cause weak bones.
♦️ Smoking: to***co is very harmful to bones, as well as the heart and lungs.
♦️ Drinking alcohol: drinking too much alcohol can weaken and break bones easily.


✨✨ Let's listen to what customers say after using ZextraSure. Effective after 7 days of use. Delicious vanilla flavor, easy to use.
👉If you have signs of joint pain or numbness in your limbs, you should use ZextraSure early. Not only to reduce joint pain but also improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, help eat well, sleep better...
🫶🫶 Thank you for your nice reviews about ZextraSurre 😘
💫 ZextraSure - Brings you a healthy body 💪


✨✨ Let's listen to what customers say after using ZextraSure. Effective after 7 days of use. Delicious vanilla flavor, easy to drink.
👉If you have signs of joint pain or numbness in your limbs, you should use ZextraSure early. Not only to reduce joint pain but also improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, help eat well, sleep better...
🫶🫶 Thank you for your nice reviews about ZextraSurre 😘
💫 ZextraSure - Brings you a healthy body 💪


⚠️ Do you feel tired and depressed due to persistent bone and joint pain? 😞
⚠️ Are you looking for an effective treatment solution without drugs or surgery? 💊
👉 Zextra Sure - America's leading bone and joint recovery support product
🏆FDA certified, Halal, GMP standard
🏆 Made from colostrum imported from America which has been strictly checked for quality and safety
🏆Rich in Calcium, Omega 3-6-9 and 14 abundant vitamins and minerals
🌟Only 2 cups of Zextra Sure per day 🥛🥛
✅ Quickly reduces the symptoms of bone and joint pain, shoulder and neck pain, numbness in the limbs,...
✅ Provides beneficial nutrients to help strengthen the musculoskeletal system
✅ Good for the digestive system and immune system
✅ Helps increase body endurance
✅ Improve the quality of eating and sleeping
🌟 Effective after 7 days of use
⭐ Safe for people with diabetes, heart disease and blood pressure
🎁 Order now to enjoy special offers!
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🚛 Free shipping in Taiwan


🏥🏥Common medical methods used to treat joint pain:
🔴Use western medicine
🔴Chiropractic combination therapy
🔴Physical therapy cures pain
🔴Use in combination with functional foods
🔴Treatment using traditional methods
🔴Use oriental medicine
🔴Acupuncture therapy
🔴Massage, acupressure


‼️ Osteoarthritis is a group of diseases that continues to grow, covering 30 - 35% of bone and joint diseases, accounting for more than half of inflammatory arthritis diseases and affecting 10 - 15% of the world's population.
⚠️ Prevent it now by using ExtraSure functional foods to help strengthen bones, increase endurance and improve overall health.


🚩Currently, there is no treatment that can completely eliminate joint pain due to arthritis. Therefore, it is necessary to see a doctor experienced in the musculoskeletal field for a thorough examination and timely treatment plan. The doctor will diagnose the disease and provide the best treatment for the patient.
📄For example:
▫️ Stay physically active and follow an exercise program that focuses on light exercise.
▫️ Warm up thoroughly before exercising to keep your joints active.
▫️ Keeping your weight within a safe range helps reduce stress on your joints.
▫️ Adequate rest makes joint recovery easier.
▫️ Keep the joint area warm.
▫️ Create a diet that is consistent with healthy foods.
▫️ Coordinate the use of functional food.
▫️ Combination of Chiropractic and Physical Therapy to heal pain.
▫️ Patients can massage, take a warm bath, soak with ginger, salt or other elixir.


Colostrum is the first breast milk released from the mother's body after giving birth. Not only from the mother, colostrum is also found in most other mammals, especially cows. Colostrum often has a higher nutritional content than regular milk, providing calcium, protein and essential nutrients, while helping to strengthen the immune system and overall health.
Polycan® is an ingredient that helps strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis in the elderly by activating the formation of new bone cells and preventing the destruction of old bone cells. The synergistic effect with Glucosamine and Calcium helps increase the effectiveness of bone and joint protection.
This product also adds 14 kinds of vitamins such as vitamin D, vitamin B, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc to improve calcium absorption, increase the amount of calcium concentrated in the bones, avoiding the phenomenon of deposition in the internal organs and organs causing stones or cardiovascular disease. disease. Makes bones grow and become strong.
Mineral supplements containing abundant Omega 3-6-9 and calcium are good for the heart, brain and movement.
Calcium is supplemented in the form of tribasic calcium phosphate and Aquamin F (this is a product obtained from natural red algae and is one of the richest sources of calcium in nature).
Type 2 collagen (type II collagen) is a protein that plays an important role in the structure and function of joint cartilage. Type 2 collagen accounts for 90% of the total collagen fibers in joint cartilage. Helps protect and maintain joint flexibility in the body. Type 2 collagen also supports the regeneration and maintenance of cartilage tissue, helping to reduce pain and improve problems associated with having enough cartilage in the body. Therefore, type 2 collagen is often used as a nutritional supplement to support joint and cartilage health.
Isomalt sugar is not chemical sugar, but a natural product made entirely from beet sugar, has low energy, and a pure sweet taste like ordinary sugar. The biggest advantage of Isomalt is that it does not cause tooth decay. The sweetness is only half of the normal sugar we use every day.
People with diabetes, obesity and overweight can consume foods containing Isomalt sugar. For obese and overweight sufferers, consuming these foods will also reduce the risk of diabetes, blood fat levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease compared to consuming foods containing sucrose.


♦️ The most modern and sophisticated facilities in the milk processing industry.
♦️ Applying modern technology, fully automated production processes and use of high quality natural ingredients.
♦️ Strict quality control process from raw materials to final products.
♦️ Certified and trusted by leading nutritional and medical experts, meeting consumer trust and quality requirements.
(Good Manufacturing Practices) standards are standards of good manufacturing practices, applied in production to ensure uniform, stable quality, meeting registered standards and ensuring safe and hygienic conditions for export products.
🔴GMP stipulates the following requirements:
Workshop and equipment:
🔷 Control factory cleanliness to clean the factory, process waste, preserve dangerous chemicals and personal items.
🔷 Control processing processes: for raw materials and production activities.
🔷 Human control: health requirements, isolation of sources of infection, personal hygiene, education, control.
🔷 Transportation and storage of finished products.


♦️ The most modern and sophisticated facilities in the milk processing industry.
♦️ Applying modern technology, fully automated production processes and use of high quality natural ingredients.
♦️ Strict quality control process from raw materials to final products.
♦️ Certified and trusted by leading nutritional and medical experts, meeting consumer trust and quality requirements.


⚠️⚠️ Osteoarthritis is a group of diseases that is quite common in people aged around 45 years and over.
🔴 Common causes of bone and joint disease are:
▪️ As we age, bones and joints gradually deteriorate
▪️ Genetic factors
▪️ Body condition (malnourished people, obese people)
▪️ Working with the wrong posture
▪️ Exercise with enthusiasm
▪️ Accident
▪️ Hormonal changes
▪️ Using medication incorrectly
🔴 Bone and joint diseases have symptoms such as:
▪️ Joint pain
▪️ Or numbness due to nerve compression
▪️ Swelling, redness and warmth in the joint area
▪️ Deformed bones and joints
▪️ Pain when exercising and moving the body
▪️ Pain spreads to many areas
▪️ Weak bones break easily


1. Osteoarthritis
2. Rheumatoid arthritis
3. Disc herniation
4. Spinal disease
5. Sciatica
6. Spinal degeneration
7. Osteoporosis


🏭We are proud to present our state-of-the-art ZextraSure milk factory, where every drop of milk is produced and processed to meet all stringent standards and requirements. This is thanks to investments in advanced technology, strict quality control systems and constant commitment to innovation.
🐄We ensure high quality raw materials, starting from selecting the source of well-cared for dairy cows to the milk harvesting process according to international standards. Each of our dairy products is produced under strict supervision to ensure absolute purity and safety.
💥Our factory not only meets the highest hygiene standards but is also certified according to international and local standards. We are committed to providing dairy products that are not only delicious but also meet all your family's nutritional needs.
🤝Believe that every bottle of our milk is the perfect combination of quality and safety. Discover great taste and great nutrition with our dairy products from ZextraSure - where standards are the priority!

Photos from Zextra Sure Taiwan - Colostrum to protect Bones and Joints from America's post 01/12/2023

📦📦🚚Our warehouse stores and manages products with high standards and a modern transportation system. With spacious space and scientific arrangement, the warehouse ensures quality safety for all types of goods and helps optimally manage import and export warehouses. Professional staff and modern technology ensure the goods management process is safe, accurate and economical.


💁💁Zextra Sure products are always processed carefully to guarantee their quality. Along with conducting research and testing, experts believe and recommend the use of high-quality dairy products to ensure health benefits for consumers.💪


HALAL certification is an activity of evaluating, confirming and issuing certificates for products that meet material requirements and meet production requirements and HALAL Standard requirements (according to the Al-Qur'an and Sharia law). ). The HALAL standard not only meets religious criteria but is also one of the new standards that guarantees consumers about product safety and quality.
FDA standards are strict regulations issued by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to monitor the safety of products under its management list circulating in the US market. Therefore, if any exporter wants to bring their products to the US market, they must comply with FDA regulations and obtain FDA certification.

Photos from Zextra Sure Taiwan - Colostrum to protect Bones and Joints from America's post 01/12/2023

🍀Thank you customers for trusting us and sending us positive feedback. God bless you.🙏🙏

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