Nirguna Yoga

Nirguna Yoga is committed to helping practitioners unlock their pure potential by offering the highe


Ben and I met at a school for Buddhism focusing on meditation, philosophy, dialectic, and service in Arizona. We spent a decade there studying and practicing with a beautiful group of dedicated practitioners. After class at night, after the majority of folks went to sleep, a handful of us would stay up late for yoga playtime in the temple. There were so many yoga teachers there from a plethora of different lineages and we’d all stay up to play, doing asanas and learning from each other.

I got to hang out with two of my old besties/teachers a couple weeks ago and we fell right back in step, staying up late philosophizing and practicing together.

Mira Shani helped me with Bakasana/Crane pose. I’ve always been pretty good at Kakasana/Crow pose but it was always hard for me to straighten my elbows from that position. Mira gave me a few tips and voilà, I got it! Just like old times! I love yoga and I love the friends we meet practicing along the way!


Happy Labor Day!
Jessie is teaching at 4:30 and 6pm. She is one of the most badass arm balance practitioners I know! There is so much to learn from her. Come get some jewels to fuel your practice!


Happy Labor Day weekend! We hope you all get a well deserved break. It’s so nice to take a moment, a day, a week or longer to stop and reflect on what’s important to us. One of the best ways I know how to listen in to my heart is getting on the mat and exploring who I am at that moment. Practicing yoga provides us with the space to explore, to be present, and to recommit to the highest vision we have of ourselves.

Come practice tomorrow with Dustin at 11:30. He is a master at using the asanas as a means of guiding his students inwards to explore the realm of the subtle body and the mind.

Sunday, September 1st

Ryan McNamera

Yoga On The Ropes
Scott Taylor

Dustin Maxwell

Jessie Fletcher

Warm Restorative
Stevie Alexandrabirch


Practicing yoga sets us on a path of discovering who we are. It helps us recognize who we want to be. It’s a journey of learning to fall in love with ourselves over and over again, each time we get on the mat discovering something wonderfully unique and beautiful about ourselves.

This deep love and appreciation we experience for ourselves on the mat starts to weave itself into our daily life and we begin to recognize the beauty in everyone!

Come practice with this angel sage of yogi today at 4:30 and discover what there is to love about yourself today!

Photos from Nirguna Yoga's post 08/29/2024

They say that hope is a type of nutrients and that we need it to keep going when things get hard. Our yoga class provides us with nutrients on so many levels. Deep breathing doses the body with freshly oxygenated blood which is probably the most important nutrient there is. But the hope we get from our yoga teacher is in valuable!

This young lady gives me hope every time I see her beautiful smile and every time I get to practice with her! Come practice with Florent to day at 4:30, she will fill your heart right up!


Come hangout with us this weekend!
Our Sunday line up of classes and teachers is off the charts! Starting the day early with Mysore, then 26&2, Yoga on the Ropes, Yoga with Dustin, Vinyasa with Jessie, and ending at 5:30 with Warm Restorative. So much to choose from. Consider taking a double! 😉

Sunday, August 25th

Ryan McNamera

Yoga On The Ropes
Crista Chavez

Dustin Maxwell

Jessie Fletcher

Warm Restorative
Stevie Alexandrabirch


Agnistambhasana or Fire Log Pose is one of my favorites for opening the hips, it’s particularly great for stretching the piriformis, which is often the main cause of sciatic pain.

It does have to be practiced with care, placing a block under the top knee if needed and don’t force it. Not everyone’s hip structure allows both knees to come down. Practicing yoga poses can be thought of as preventative medicine. Don’t push it, find what feels correct for your unique skeletal structure and honor it. It’s hard when we compare ourselves to all the incredible images that we see on social media. We often think that if I work just a little harder I can do it too. Maybe but maybe not. We want to practice for our whole life! I like to think of my practice as a marathon. Slow and steady wins the prize!

Come practice with this lovely yogini bright and early tomorrow morning!

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Amanda Dreamfeatherart

Hot 26 & 2 - 90 Minute⁠
Ulrike Kertstges

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Ben Kramer

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Adriana Gronager


On Tuesday and Thursday at the noon class we’ve been going verse by verse through The Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā by Master Svātmārāma.

In verse ten he says that through the practice of Haṭha Yoga, one’s entire being is made fit and strong, as a shelter from the effects of the pain that comes from this life. Svātmārāma says that Haṭha Yoga is like the basis acting like a tortoise.

Being a human is challenging. Practicing yoga gives us a moment in the day to reflect on whatever is going on in our life that might need a little care and attention. It helps us find strength when we are feeling weak, empowered when feeling helpless, faith when feeling a lack of hope and despair. I could go on and on. Take refuge in your practice!


We have a special treat for you 26&2 practitioners! This Wednesday Ana Lopez will come teach us a class at 9:30 in Spanish!

I love traveling around the world and taking this class from teachers who offer it in the local language! It is a fun way to pick up a few phrases if you know the series!


My name is Ana Lopez. I found Hatha Yoga at 24 years, and fell in love with it immediately. Keeping a consistent practice throughout all these years and becoming a Kundalini Yoga Instructor in brought me to NM in 2003. A good friend introduced me to Bikram Yoga in 2005, and I became a number one fan from the beginning, I gained so much mental and physical flexibility!! After 18 wonderful years of living in NM, I moved back to Spain, where I felt the call to became a Bikram Yoga instructor, taking the 200h training at Bikram Yoga Spain.
I love teaching as much as practicing. Yoga makes me feel at home wherever I am, giving me the ability to connect with my true essence and with everybody else around me.
I am thrilled to be able to share my love for yoga with you all. Namaste



Learning to feel and listen to the subtle body gives the yogi another tool in the handbag for helping battle sickness, disruptive thoughts, and emotions. One of the goals, or results even, of practicing yoga asana is to create an awareness of the subtle body but it can take time, determination, and practice.
Practicing with yogis who have dedicated themselves to learning about how prana works is key to helping us learn how to work with own subtle body.

Dustin is one such teacher and we are honored to have him teaching at Nirguna Yoga!
Sundays @ 11:30


What is your Saturday like? Come practice with one of our fabulous teachers!
Remember, we offer Kid’s Yoga at 11am with Celia. Parents have the option of practicing at the same time with Lydia.
This lovely yogini teaches at 4pm. Emma’s class will challenge, inspire, and nurture you!

Saturday, August 17th
Robin Ramsey⁠

Hot Vinyasa
Lydia Williams⁠

Kid’s Yoga
Celia Frairefraire

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Emma Apodaca


Using yoga props is a great way to reach new depths in our practice! It’s a gift to allow yourself the time in each pose to explore the range of possibilities! Not sure how to use props in your practice? Check out these weekly classes!

Yoga on the Ropes
Sundays @ 10am

Yin Yoga
Mondays @ 5:30

Yoga Fundamentals
Tuesdays @ 4pm
Thursdays @ 5:30

Pilates for Yoga
Fridays @ 5:30


We have been going verse by verse through The Hatha Yoga Pradipika on Tuesday and Thursdays at the noon class. The author of the text, Master Svatmarama, talks about the importance of having a practice and sticking with it. He says that the practice of Hatha Yoga is a powerful method that can help us reach Raja Yoga, deep meditative concentration! A little bit of consistent practice can radically transform our lives! What a gift!


We like going upside down at Nirguna Yoga! There is something special about conquering our fear of inversions, it feels a little like gaining a super power! It’s also one of the amazing things about having a yoga practice. Just living in a world where you are constantly surprised and in awe of what you can do!

Come practice with Lydia tomorrow at 4:30!

Thursday, August 8th
Hot 26 & 2 - 60 Minute⁠
Scott Taylor

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Scott Taylor

Yoga Basics⁠
Delores Garcia⁠

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Kendra Rickert⁠

Bhagavad Gita
Stephen Phillips

Hot Vinyasa⁠

Yoga Fundamentals (Iyengar Method)⁠
Mark Parra

Hot 26 & 2 - 60 Minute⁠
Ryan McNamara⁠

Unheated Vinyasa
Ophelia Bernardino


Mallory is visiting from LA this week and teaching the 26&2 tomorrow at 6pm! What a treat! Come give her a big hug before she’s off again!

Tuesday, August 6th
Scott Taylor

8:00 AM–9:00AM⁠
Hot Vinyasa⁠
Scott Taylor

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Kendra Rickert

Yoga Fundamentals
Mark Parra

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Isaiah Jaramillo

5:30 PM–7:00PM⁠
Mysore Ashtanga Practice⁠
Robin Ramsey⁠

Hot 26&2-60Min⁠
Mallory Elster


So grateful to have Hillary teaching Yin Yoga at Nirguna. It is such a great way to start the week, gently getting into the grove of the week by taking care of the body and mind. Yin Yoga allows us to reach deep meditative states in our yoga practice that carries over into our everyday lives and routines.

Come practice with this wise woman tomorrow at 5:30pm!

Monday, August 5th
Hot Vinyasa⁠
Isaiah Jaramillo

Hot 26 & 2 - 90 Minute⁠
Ryan MvNamera

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Ben Kramer

Hot Vinyasa⁠

Yin Yoga⁠
Hillary Morgan

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Jessie Fletcher



The Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga is such a great practice for all levels of practitioners! I just love it! Come practice with Robin three days a week.

Tuesdays 5:30 Mysore
Saturdays 9am Primary Led
Sundays 8am Mysore


Some of the hardest poses are the most basic ones, like Utkatasana or Chair Pose. Actually Utkatasana means fierce pose. It can feel fiercely challenging. If you tend to be overly flexible in your lower back in can be hard to find length in your lower spine. I find that it is helpful to find the length in the lower spine before coming down too low. Using core muscles to support the length in the lower spine and then lifting to chest, creating more flexibility in the upper spine. Trying to find that edge and then sitting down deeper into an imaginary chair but only to the point where I can maintain the length in the lower spine.
Play with it!

Thursday, August 1st
Hot 26 & 2 - 60 Minute⁠
Scott Taylor

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Scott Taylor

Yoga Basics⁠
Delores Garcia⁠

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Kendra Rickert⁠

Bhagavad Gita
Stephen Phillips

Hot Vinyasa⁠

Yoga Fundamentals (Iyengar Method)⁠
Mark Parra

Hot 26 & 2 - 60 Minute⁠
Ryan McNamara⁠

Unheated Vinyasa
Ophelia Bernardino


Every Tuesday and Thursday at the noon Hot Vinyasa class Kendra will be teaching a verse from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika!

It was written by Master Swatmarama around 1500 and it’s one of the first recorded texts that talk about the physical practice of yoga.

The Yoga Sutra was written around 200-700 AD, with 196 verses only 3 are about physical yoga asana. And the poses that it’s referring to are just the ones related to our seated posture in meditation.

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika goes into detail about many of the poses that we practice today in addition to other cleansing practices that help prepare the mind for reaching higher states of consciousness!

It will take a few months but we will get through the entire text!


I feel so lucky to have found a sustainable form of exercise that is fun! Sometimes I feel like I take for granted the fact that I just love getting on the mat. I know it can be so hard for people to cultivate a regular exercise regiment. It makes it so much easier if it’s fun and even silly! We just won’t want to keep doing it if it’s not fun. And I know that initially it can be hard to find the joy in it when it’s hard. It can take some time but try to come at it with mind of a child just exploring all the crazy things that their body can do. Try to think of it as playtime!
Come practice Mysore with Robin tomorrow to work on this pose! It might bring the same smile on your face! Space is limited, sign up quick.

Tuesday, July 30th
Scott Taylor

8:00 AM–9:00AM⁠
Hot Vinyasa⁠
Scott Taylor

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Ophelia Cecchini

Yoga Fundamentals
Mark Parra

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Isaiah Jaramillo

Yoga Fundamentals (Iyengar)
Mark Parra

5:30 PM–7:00PM⁠
Mysore Ashtanga Practice⁠
Robin Ramsey⁠

Hot 26&2-60Min⁠
Ryan McNamera

Photos from Nirguna Yoga's post 07/26/2024

Do you ever feel guilty about leaving your family to go practice yoga? We’ve got a solution! Parents, bring your munchkins to kids yoga and have them practice at the same time!
Starting tomorrow Lydia will be teaching the 11am Hot Vinyasa class while Celia teaches our kiddos!

Saturday, July 27th
Robin Ramsey⁠

Hot Vinyasa
Lydia Williams⁠

Kid’s Yoga
Celia Frairefraire

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Emma Apodaca


The early morning is such a special time of the day. The world is a little more quiet, the mind is a little more still. Practicing yoga in the early hours can feel so holy. Amanda teaches the 6am on Wednesdays, come in tomorrow to start the day with a little stillness and joy!

Wednesday, July 24th
Hot Vinyasa⁠
Amanda Dreamfeather art

Hot 26 & 2 - 90 Minute⁠
Ryan McNamera

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Ben Kramer

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Lori Armijo⁠

Centering Yoga Flow⁠
Lori Armijo⁠

Hot Vinyasa⁠
LeahMarie Burchellk.


Kid’s Yoga is the cutest thing! I love peaking into their class and watching them experiment with the poses and attempting to still their mind in meditation! Totally precious!

Come bring your kiddos in today at 11am. Stay to take your own class at the same time!!fraire


Professor Phillips has gone systematically word by each Sanskrit word through the Bhagavad Gita! We are on chapter three now and having many debates and discussions. Come learn and hangout with us every Thursday at 1:30!

Thursday, July 18th
Hot 26 & 2 - 60 Minute⁠
Scott Taylor

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Scott Taylor

Yoga Basics⁠
Delores Garcia⁠

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Kendra Rickert⁠

Bhagavad Gita
Stephen Phillips

Hot Vinyasa⁠

Yoga Fundamentals (Iyengar Method)⁠
Mark Parra

Hot 26 & 2 - 60 Minute⁠
Ryan McNamara⁠

Unheated Vinyasa
Ophelia Bernardino


Lori Armijo has been a part of the ABQ yoga community for years, teaching and inspiring practitioners all over town with her love and with her devotion to the practice. It is such a blessing to practice with teachers who have years of experience under the belt and who have gone through the joys and struggles of what it takes to have a daily practice. It’s a gift!
Come practice with Lori tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 17th
Hot Vinyasa⁠
Amanda Dreamfeather art

Hot 26 & 2 - 90 Minute⁠
Kendra Rickert

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Ben Kramer

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Lori Armijo⁠

Centering Yoga Flow⁠
Lori Armijo⁠

Hot Vinyasa⁠
LeahMarie Burchellk.


Here’s a pose that you don’t often get in your regular vinyasa class. Come practice Ashtanga tomorrow with to start playing with Pashasana! It is one of the best poses for helping detoxify the internal organs and stimulates the digestive system. Dax makes it look easy!

Tuesday, July 16th
Scott Taylor

8:00 AM–9:00AM⁠
Hot Vinyasa⁠
Scott Taylor

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Ophelia Cecchini

Yoga Fundamentals
Mark Parra

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Isaiah Jaramillo

5:30 PM–7:00PM⁠
Mysore Ashtanga Practice⁠
Robin Ramsey⁠

Hot 26&2-60Min⁠
Ryan McNamera


Bring your kiddos to practice tomorrow, and every Saturday at 11am while you take our hot vinyasa class at the same time! .fraire

Kendra is teaching tomorrow at 11am! Come play and work on your favorite inversion!


Have you had class with Bret Cunningham yet?! Bret is a sage of a yogi who says that, “yoga has been a magical stepping stone in my self discovery. The healing power within the practice has softened some of my deepest samskaras and to bear witness to that process is quite incredible! And each day I am called closer home.”

Get your weekend started and ff right by waking up early for the 6am and practicing with Bret!

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Bret Cunningham

Hot 26 & 2 - 90 Minute⁠
Amy Albin

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Ben Kramer

Hot Vinyasa⁠
Adriana Gronager

Pilates For Yoga
Maureen Mo Gorman


I want to practice yoga until I’m an old lady but to do it I know I have to continually work to refine my alignment. The detail and precision that Iyengar Yoga focuses on can help sustain our practice for years to come!
Don’t miss Yoga Fundamentals class with Mark Parra Tuesdays at 4pm and Thursdays at 5:30!

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Videos (show all)

On Tuesday and Thursday at the noon class we’ve been going verse by verse through The Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā by Master Svā...
We have a special treat for you 26&2 practitioners! This Wednesday Ana Lopez will come teach us a class at 9:30 in Spani...
Learning to feel and listen to the subtle body gives the yogi another tool in the handbag for helping battle sickness, d...
Ashtanga is for all levels of practitioners! Come play with Robin tomorrow at 5:30 and the individual attention you need...
We have been going verse by verse through The Hatha Yoga Pradipika on Tuesday and Thursdays at the noon class. The autho...
The Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga is such a great practice for all levels of practitioners! I just love it! Come pract...
Every Tuesday and Thursday at the noon Hot Vinyasa class Kendra will be teaching a verse from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika! ...
Professor Phillips has gone systematically word by each Sanskrit word through the Bhagavad Gita! We are on chapter three...
Bring your kiddos to practice tomorrow, and every Saturday at 11am while you take our hot vinyasa class at the same time...
I want to practice yoga until I’m an old lady but to do it I know I have to continually work to refine my alignment. The...
Kendra is now teaching Hot Vinyasa on both Tuesday and Thursday at Noon! Come play!Tuesday, July 9th6:00AM–7:00AM⁠Hot26&...
Come practice Warm Restorative Yoga with Stevie Alexandra every Sunday at 5:30 pm! @yoga.birchCome explore a series of s...



1930 Juan Tabo Boulevard NE Suite D
Albuquerque, NM

Opening Hours

Monday 9:30am - 7:30pm
Tuesday 9:30am - 7:30pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 7:30pm
Thursday 9:30am - 7:30pm
Friday 9:30am - 7:30pm
Saturday 9am - 12:45pm
4pm - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 10:30am
4pm - 5pm

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