One Body One World

Scientifically guided wellness, customized for you. Functional Health Coach
Board-Certified What do you do when the results you hoped for don’t follow?

You’ve invested hours, dollars, your will and your hope to improve your life through wellness. There’s no giving up. Your goals are too important. You need science-based insight. You need a committed partner and guide. I blend functional medicine science with coaching to guide you into a lifestyle customized for your unique body and goals. Common conditions I support folks with:
- metabolic dysfun


Events posted here are also on Meetup!
Please find Self-Care as Primary Care on Meetup and RSVP there as well.


Blog & Resources — One Body One World 02/21/2024

I turned off the blog while I was away but it's back up now!
Sign up for the email list for notice of new posts.

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Blog & Resources — One Body One World Straightforward, informative nuggets to guide you out of confusion and overwhelm and toward sustainable health. From a board-certified health coach specializing in applied functional medicine.

Photos from One Body One World's post 02/19/2024

I've been having so much fun exploring trails in my new neighborhood that I forgot to let you know - new blog post is up!
For all those leaving Dry January behind - how do we structure a healthy and enjoyable relationship with alcohol?
As with most things wellness, there's no one right answer.
The simplest truth is that alcohol is a toxin. How easily our bodies manage it depends on many variables such as our unique capacity for detoxification, age, gender, underlying health status, and others. Check out the full post for some myth busting on the topic of "moderate drinking" as well as insights and action steps to clarify parameters for alcohol that best support your health.
Better yet, sign up for the email list to get notice of future blog posts when they're published.

Timeline photos 01/05/2024

Worried your resolutions will become burnout by March?
Well crafted goals are the antidote! Join me for a two part workshop on crafting quality goals AND achieving them!
Don't risk losing heart or erode your confidence.
If your goals are important, get the support you need.
As coaches, this is what we do.
Bring your big scary desires and we'll discuss the strategy, support, sharing and celebrating they need to be successful.
**I specialize in health but we'll talk about all kinds of goals. :)

Timeline photos 01/04/2024

"I'm not trying to add years to my life, I'm trying to add life to my years."
Eddie Abbew is an ex-bodybuilding champ and psychiatric nurse.

I don't want to see 80 years old if I can't get to the toilet by myself.
How about you?

Timeline photos 01/02/2024

Happy New Year and cheers to a healthy and vibrant 2024.

Photos from One Body One World's post 12/01/2023

10 Health Foundations. #2

Vitamin J is for Joy.

The places and ways we find joy will be unique to each of us.
We each have to explore where and how to tap into our own.
What works for our spouse, parent, or child may not work for us.

Here are few of my go-to joy sources:
☀️ Music (dedicated listening, allowing my body move as it's called to)
☀️ Walking in the woods with my dog
☀️ Connecting with my ancestors
👉🏼 2 out of 3 can be done in 10 minutes or less
👉🏼 All are scientifically proven to improve health by counteracting stress

🔑 Don’t ask permission for your joy or explain your joy to others. It brings you joy. That's it. Your job is to go with it.
🔑 Joy is not only on weekends. It's daily. It doesn't need to take a long time. Look for ways to experience joy that are accessible when you only have a few minutes.
🔑 Trouble finding your joy?
Sit with this question: If you knew your life would be over in 5 years, what would your chosen, daily routine look like?
🔑 Where are you a part of something larger than yourself that lifts your heart and inspires your soul?

💎 Where in your daily routine can you dip out for your microdose of joy?

Photos from One Body One World's post 11/18/2023

Foundation Fridays #1

Increasing Sustainable Nutrition means building the practice of eating the healthy foods we enjoy more often.That's it!

You like broccoli? You like sweet peppers? Can you go from eating them once per week to eating them 3 times per week? Maybe you find a new way to top them so there's some variety and you enjoy eating them more often.

Don't make it complicated.
Just eat more of what you enjoy.

🔑 Look for color, fiber, and anything that doesn't come from a factory.
🔑 Focus on increasing and including to start. Don't worry about restrictions or eliminations.
🔑 Start with breakfast. More nutrients at the top of the day can really make a better day.

Timeline photos 11/15/2023

One step at a time, folks. It's trite but true. The number one pitfall in building health is trying to do too much too fast. Small steps and consistency win the game.

Timeline photos 11/08/2023

We all know Movement Matters. But WHY?
Movement literally cleans us out. It's like the pistons for our natural detoxification systems. Muscles get to use their stored glucose and clear the way of your next meal to become a fresh round of fuel.
Movement balances our hormones. Yes, our hormones. Getting started can hard, but once we’re moving, endorphins have us feeling great. With consistency, movement is a major balancer of s*x hormones and stress hormones leading to balanced moods and resilient mental health. Consistent movement wards off depression and anxiety, and is magic for ADHD.
Movement helps us digest our food and keeps the bowls moving regularly. Movement helps us rest better night, encouraging deeper and more restorative sleep.
You don't need to join a gym.
Movement doesn't need to be intense to matter.

Other ideas:
Clean the house.
Take the dog outside for some tug-o-war.
Grab two baskets when you shop instead of pushing a cart.
Start a back of the parking lot policy.

Do what you enjoy. Do it everyday. Get off your arse!!

Timeline photos 11/06/2023

The Three Tack Rule

What is the three tack rule?
In this analogy the tacks are your symptoms. The nagging and life limiting chronic symptoms you’ve been struggling to tolerate.

Often people say “I tried…x, y, z” but it didn’t work. They tired a gluten or dairy elimination, they tried upping their vitamin D, or working out regularly (common examples) but these efforts did not resolve their symptoms. So they go back to gluten, or dairy, and cancel their gym membership. Symptoms continue and compound.

The three tack rule is the idea that we have to remove all (in this case three) of the primary drivers of dysfunction in order to experience symptom relief and remission.

If you’re sitting on three tacks and you pull out one or two, you likely won’t feel any better. We’ve got find and remove all three tacks to experience relief. Gluten and dairy removal (as an example) may indeed be key contributors to the problem. The approach may not have been wrong. It was simply incomplete. You didn’t experience relief because the third tack was still there.

Photos from One Body One World's post 11/04/2023

This news is not new, yet many who suffer still don't know.

"Type 2 diabetes (T2D) has long been identified as an incurable chronic disease based on traditional means of treatment. Research now exists that suggests reversal is possible through other means that have only recently been embraced in the guidelines. "

"Both the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) now recommend a LC eating pattern and support the short-term use of LCD for weight loss. However, only T2D treatment, not reversal, is discussed in their guidelines. Conclusion: Given the state of evidence for T2D reversal, healthcare providers need to be educated on reversal options so they can actively engage in counseling patients who may desire this approach to their disease. "

Both quotes from
Reversing Type 2 Diabetes: A Narrative review of the Evidence
Nutrients. 2019 Apr; 11(4): 766.

Timeline photos 11/02/2023

Cruciferous vegetables are underrated!
High fiber.
Fiber binds to toxins in our bodies and carries them out. It regulates blood sugar. It nourishes colonocytes and help calm the immune system.

Powerful antioxidants
Those rich colors are signs of powerful antioxidant as polyphenols and other plant powered molecules . Not only that, cruciferous veggies encourage the creation of glutathione in the body.
Glutathione heals many types of damage and it's way more powerful than anything we can ingest in supplement form or find in any food or single nutrient.
Are you making enough Glutathione? Eat more cruciferous veggies and you will.

Photos from One Body One World's post 10/27/2023

Did you know???
Many very common "gateway" diagnoses are driven by Insulin Resistance.
Insulin Resistance is Diabetes in the making. The difference is a matter of time and not making simple changes.

Early stages of Insulin Resistance are not often identified or discussed in standard medical practice, but the pattern can cause problems for decades or even multiple decades before qualifying for a diagnosis of Diabetes or even pre-Diabetes.

If you’ve received one of these “gateway” diagnoses, insulin resistance is a likely cause.

What’s the good news?
With some strategy and commitment to simple changes, these are definitely manageable and usually reversible.

Timeline photos 10/26/2023

Most people don't turn to a prescribed diet without good reason. There are struggles or symptoms you're hoping to resolve, right?
Yet many people find prescriptive diets stressful and hard to sustain, often with mediocre outcomes for symptom resolution.

I encourage clients to let go of the stress and pressure that comes with following this or that specific diet type. Instead, I guide clients to discover an eating plan that is tailored to their body's needs.

An eating strategy we can understand, maintain, and take pleasure in, and thrive on is a basic need for all of us. There are lots of effective strategies. Which one is right for you?

At Home Wellness Adventures: 2023 Fall Cleanout — One Body One World 08/25/2023

Announcing our Fall Cleanout Wellness Adventure for Beginners!
You can work with me, a board-certified health coach for less than $50.
More information available at this link :

At Home Wellness Adventures: 2023 Fall Cleanout — One Body One World Take a new adventure through your everyday life! Join us for our fall cleanout to experiment with healthier choices and discover yourself in the process. Work with a board-certified health coach for less than $100 and only a 1 week commitment in a low pressure, no-fail learning environment.

Timeline photos 07/04/2023

Taking the leap towards a healthier lifestyle can be challenging.

It requires us to let go of things that hinder our personal growth and limit our life experiences. This means leaving behind familiar habits and venturing into the great unknown.

Food, personal routines, daily activities -- even relationships get reconfigured.

It can be scary because we're unsure of what lies ahead. But let's be honest with ourselves: What do we need to let go of in order to become the best version of ourselves?

Deep down, we already know the answer.

Timeline photos 07/03/2023

Gluten. What does gluten do to you? Do you know?
If you've done a gluten elimination as an experiment, what did you learn? Symptoms vary widely so it's helpful to hear others' experience. Share in the comments.

There's a lot of talk about gluten, and nearly as much confusion.
👉🏼 Gluten is one of many proteins found in wheat, barley, and spelt.
👉🏼 It helps bread rise and creates that chewy texture we find satisfying.

🔎 Gluten is not inherently bad, the problem is our modern, highly processed food culture has become over saturated with it.

But, what is the problem, really?

📌 In response to gluten, our intestines secrete an enzyme called zonulin. Some people secrete more zonulin than others and this is part of why some people have stronger reactions to gluten than others.

⚠️ High zonulin secreters may be more prone to symptoms, food sensitivities, and other downstream illness as a result of a glutenous diet.

🧭 In order to manage our long term health well, we need learn how our unique body responds to the common triggers in our world, and gluten is big one.
🎯 Symptoms vary widely, so the best way to learn is to remove the gluten and see what happens.

Timeline photos 04/20/2023

Why is functional health coaching different?
🪴 In short, because we get to the roots of an issue. It's the opposite of a band aid approach. It's a return to fundamentals and the basic building blocks of health.
💊 Pharmaceuticals don’t fix your symptoms, they shove your symptoms under the rug, often allowing the damage to continue.
Guess what?
🌪️ Supplements, even the cleanest and most effective supplement often don’t resolve the problem on their own either. We have to be willing to do something different to give our bodies what they need.
🧘🏻‍♂️ This doesn’t mean you need to move to a new state, or never have Birthday cake again.
When the changes are precisely what that unique body needs there are often big rewards from rather small changes.
🪐 Don’t be scared. Chances are you don’t need to move to Mars to feel your best.

Photos from One Body One World's post 07/19/2022

And.... I'm back.
Late to share this great news - I'm hosting regular monthly workshops at Present Moment Media's The Lounge. The Lounge is created to support small business owners with wellness, technology, and marketing. I'm only a fraction of what you'll have access to as a member!

🌷Are you interested in growing your business or nonprofit thru holistic digital marketing & business development?
🌷... and building authentic relationships with like-minded professionals?

🌎a digital wellness community for changemakers across the globe.🌎
Register now for The Lounge by grabbing this link:

Because we wholeheartedly believe...
🌷YOU deserve support on the journey towards growth and success.

✨This community is designed for changemakers like YOU.✨

by offering the following resources to inspirational professionals like you:
🌿LIVE Digital Marketing & Biz Development Group Coaching
🌿Virtual Wellness Classes with Holistic Professionals
🌿Access to ALL Online Courses at Present Moment Media
🌿Virtual Community of Inspirational Professionals

Hard truths are good for your health. Say it with me: "I am RACIST." — One Body One World 02/06/2021

In honor of black history month, I'm making a push to get more white people involved in dismantling racism. All I ask that we be willing to reflect.

How are white people affected by racism? What aspects of our well-being are compromised by this dynamic? What do we stand to gain by engaging the realities of race in America? Most importantly, how do we engage?

Hard truths are good for your health. Say it with me: "I am RACIST." — One Body One World Eradicating racism is the job of white people. Arguing that, not taking responsibility for that is arguably the most common racist behavior. Many white people avoid or fear doing anti-racist work. This is understandable. It’s hard to critically examine, with intent to dismantle, a dynamic in which...

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Our Story

One Body One World offers health and lifestyle coaching powerfully blended with functional medicine science. We guide you in tailoring your efforts toward healthful living to directly address your unique health challenges.

Learn more at:

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Events posted here are also on Meetup! Please find Self-Care as Primary Care on Meetup and RSVP there as well.  👉 https:...
#wnc #avllocal #mountainlife #justanotherdogwalk
This conversation was so much fun. Thank you again, Dr. Salyer for sharing this insight with us.Here are a few of my tak...
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Blood sugar and Anxiety. Let’s talk about it.#bloodsugar #anxiety #anxietyhealing #functionalhealthcoach #lifestylemedic...
Link in bio for more information and to register!


Asheville, NC

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Monday 10am - 7pm
Tuesday 10am - 7pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 7pm
Saturday 11am - 2pm

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