St. Paul's Episcopal Church

We are a growing church with dynamic worship, that believes in living the gospel of Jesus Christ every day of the week! We invite you to worship with us!

We take seriously the holy work of worship, striving for excellence in the service of the church. The liturgies of The Episcopal Church support, empower and motivate us in our mission. MUSIC
Music at St. Paul’s has a long tradition of excellence in the diocese andbeyond. The music supports the worship and is an offering to the glory of God. PARISH LIFE
We are an open, loving and diverse pa

Photos from St. Paul's Episcopal Church's post 09/01/2024

Sunday at St. Paul’s
Happy Birthday to Deacon Faustina and Ms. Glenda, Mr. Murray and Saritha who were celebrating their birthday on this 1st day, 1st Sunday in September. 🥳

Thanks be to God for two more people who have said yes to ministry. We welcome Olivia to the choir 🎤 and Mack as a 6th- 8th grade Sunday School teacher! Olivia has graced the altar with her gift of dance. Mack has visited before and has jumped right in to serve.

Welcome back to Rev John who was our Celebrant today. Mother Pauline is doing well and recovering at home from knee surgery. Last week was her first week of physical therapy. Please keep her in prayer. 🙏🏾

O…Ttravelling blessings to those who are traveling this month. 🙏🏾

Photos from St. Paul's Episcopal Church's post 09/01/2024

Happy Birtjday Deacon Faustina!

On this special day, we come together in gratitude and celebration for your incredible spirit and unwavering dedication to our community. As you have prayed for the needs of others, we want to ensure that you feel the warmth of our love and the joy of our appreciation today. May your birthday be filled with peace, love, and happiness that reflects the blessings you have bestowed upon so many. -Amen

Join us in wishing Deacon Faustina a blessed and joyful birthday.


Please join us for our 10am service! See you in church!


In recognition of September as National Su***de Prevention Month, Holle Tubbs and Dr. Mary Chase Mize will be leading a three-week class on faith-based su***de prevention. This is part of the ongoing diocesan work to reduce su***de risk in the community. This Zoom class will meet from 7:00-8:30p on September 12, 19, and 26. Cost is $40 per participant; financial aid is available based on need.

Register at

Photos from St. Paul's Episcopal Church's post 08/25/2024

Sunday at St. Paul’s

🌟 What a truly special Sunday at St. Paul’s! Today, we gathered to witness the baptism of Bryce A. Turner, the grandson of our dear Ms. Harriett Bowens. Lord, Send him into the world in witness to your love. Bring Bryce to the fullness of your peace and glory.

We were also delighted to have Ms. Harriett Bowens join us today. In the same spirit of joy, Ms. Bonnie Smith, who has recently been released from the hospital was present to receive her birthday blessing. It was a blessing to see and hug both of them today.

We also welcomed new family members into our midst, including our Celebrant, The Rev. Dr. Denni Moss from All Saints’ Episcopal Church.

Happy August Birthday and Anniversary blessings to all who are celebrating this month.

Every Sunday at St. Paul’s the warmth and fellowship we experienced today is a testament to the incredible bonds we share within our community.

Thanks be to God!

Photos from St. Paul's Episcopal Church's post 08/18/2024

Sunday at St. Paul’s
Today, blessings upon blessings!

Our Junior Saints participated in a scavenger hunt to discover the “ordinary” things in life I. e. flowers blooming, clouds, growing trees. Yet how those ordinary things are a part of his creation. The idea was to reflect on the ordinary things said about Jesus and that the ordinary is a part of His creation. 🙌🏽 Empasiziing that everyday individuals play a vital role in His divine tapestry. 🙌🏽

Inside the nave, the Senior Saints were listening to Trey Davis’s sermon, “The Eternal Spiritual Banquet.”

“Jesus is the manna that feeds us in the wilderness of our lives. Communion from and with Jesus.” The spiritual banquet that is available to all.

Also there were two new singers who moved from the pew to the choir loft! 😀🎶🎶🙌🏽 So blessed that we can hear their gift. If you sat close to them or walked down the aisle during a song, you would hear them in the pew! 😀


Join us at 10am.


Grant to us, Lord, we pray, the spirit to think and do always those things that are right, that we, who cannot exist without you, may by you be enabled to live according to your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Sunday at St. Paul's
All are welcome.

Photos from St. Paul's Episcopal Church's post 08/15/2024

🎼Trey Davis, Happy Birthday Blessings to you!🎶🎶

You are in the overflow of blessings! 😀🙌🏽
Today is your 🎂 , you accepted the call to be Campus Missioner to Atlanta University Campus Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing 🙌🏽 and you will be ordained to the Transitional Deaconate in the The Diocese of Atlanta in December.

We are truly blessed to have you serving with St. Paul's and we pray that God's blessings continue to abound in your life. May God continue to guide and strengthen you in all that you do. Have a wonderful day filled with love, laughter, and happiness. Happy Birthday! 🎈🎁

Photos from St. Paul's Episcopal Church's post 08/14/2024

Sunday School-yay at St. Paul’s

What an amazing turnout we had for our Sunday School Kickoff at St. Paul's last weekend! A total of thirty-one children and teens had registered for the program, surpassing last year's numbers at this point. And I believe all of them were in attendance, along with a few more eager learners. 🙌🏽😀 It was truly a joy to see so many young minds engaged and excited to learn more about our faith and to fellowship (have fun) together.

Thank you Dawn Revere, Sunday School Chair , and to all the teachers who said yes to the call to be a blessing to our youth this school year. ✝️🙏🏾


😀👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 🙌🏽🙌🏽

Trey Davis,Postulant who serves at St. Paul’s was called and said “yes” to serve as the Campus Missioner to Atlanta University Campus at the Absalom Jones Center for Social Healing!

Earlier this year Trey Davis received Holy Orders and will be ordained into the Transitional Deaxonate in December!

We are so proud! Congratulations Trey!

Trey Davis has been called to serve as the Campus Missioner to Atlanta University Campus at the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing.

“I thank God for Trey and this new call to serve as our campus Missioner to the AUC. His campus ministry experience and approachable style is exactly what is needed in this new season.”

~ Bishop Rob Wright

We’re very excited to welcome Trey to the Absalom Jones Episcopal Center. Reconnecting with students, faculty, and staff of the historic institutions of the AUC is a major priority, and Trey brings the right experience, level of enthusiasm, and calling to help make that happen.”
~ The Rev. Greg Warren
Interim Executive Director, The Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing

“During undergrad, I was part of the Christian Leadership Center and Canterbury House, and ended up its director after. Canterbury played a huge role in my beginning to discern a call to ordained ministry in my junior year of college. My biggest hope is that I can be able to accompany AUC students as they discern the various calls on their lives, whatever they might be, so that I can be for them what I had during my time in Canterbury.”

~ Trey Davis

Read the full story:

Photos from St. Paul's Episcopal Church's post 08/11/2024

Sunday at St. Paul’s

Our youth and Sunday School are back!
The choir is back! Welcomed returning family, Canons Wynn and Richard Callaway and welcomed new family members! 😀🙌🏽

In our “See You in Church” post it was noted that Canon Rick is known to deliver a witty, relevant and impactful homily in 10min! Well Canon Rick, yes you did, you did it today. A little less than 10min. 😀 And when it was finished we were left full with the Good News.

Full with the Good News of the promise of the manna of life. “…That the mana (bread) of life fills us with new life. The new life that comes to us through Jesus restores us now, praise God forever.

Bread that has been giving by God since the very beginning.l, in the wilderness. In the beginning, God fed the children of Israel and that mercy was to be lived out by the people of Israel in Thanksgiving for God’s salvation in the wilderness… manna showed God’s mercy towards Israel.

Jesus has taken on the bread of the first event of salvation. To be renewed, to be hopeful to be promised it brings you (us) into a new relationship with God through eating of this bread.

Coming here ( to Church) we become part of that bread (communion) and as part of that bread we can give thanks. - Canon Rick

Canon Wynn and Rick as always it was great to see and hear from you. Welcome brace that everyday you fill the embrace of God’s love and our love.

Family, go forth into the world in peace. Live and share the Good News of God’s love.


Join us at 10am!


Welcome Home! Sunday at St. Paul's,
We are so excited.
Excited to see family return to St. Paul's, Canons Richard and Wynn Callaway. Canon Rick will be our Celebrant and will deliver the sermon. Canon Rick is known at St. Paul's to deliver the relevant, witty and powerful homily in 10 minutes.

We were blessed to have Canon Rick as our interim part time Priest for about a year. Actually he was set to retire and instead he said yes to serve with us.

We are equally excited to see "Canon" Wynn. Yes Canon! She was appointed Canon at the 2023 Annual Council for her Diocesan service. Almost every Sunday she would be sitting in the pew, right side, (facing the altar) 8th pew from the front, near the aisle! 😀

See You in Church
Sunday at St. Paul's

Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and
whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 6:35

Photos from St. Paul's Episcopal Church's post 08/04/2024

Sunday at St. Paul’s

Today, the energy was heightened by the presence of our youth. It was Backpack and traveling blessings Sunday. All were in God's house to receive their special blessing. A blessing for all educators.

Today we welcomed our celebrant who also delivered the sermon, The Rev. Greg Tallant , Rector of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. He shared a thought provoking perspective on the current political “disruption.” We titled his sermon, “Underneath the Noise”

How should we respond to the current political movement? A movement that he believes is a call for respect and dignity.

Rev Greg shared his perspective on past disruptive movements, the Philadelphia 11 (Ordination of Women in the Episcopal Church), the initial Pride Movement and Black Lives Matter. That “underneath the noise” it was a call for respect and dignity. He likened that perspective to this current political movement based on conversations to family and friends of his childhood who support the movement.

How will you choose to respond to the disruption? Call them out, like the Prophet Nathan (2 Samuel 11:26-12:13a) or follow Paul's instruction (Ephesians 4:9-16) with dignity, respect and love.

Yes, the day was filled with energy and manna for thought and consideration.


Join us for service at 10am! See you in church!


All are Welcome!
Today we will welcome a new family member, The Rev. Greg Tallant, Rector Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. Actually he is family. Rev, Tallant is the Rector of Holy Trinity which is the church where our very own Rev. Rhett Solomon is the Associate Priest! Today will be his "formal" welcome. Rev. Tallant is also our celebrant today and will deliver the sermon.

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 6:24-35
Sunday At St. Paul's

Sunday at St. Paul's
Proclaim Witness Disciple Draw
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church

Celebrating 50 Years of Women's Ordination to the Priesthood 07/29/2024

"This is exactly where God wants me to be." Mother Pauline Samuel, St. Paul's Episcopal Church Atlanta

"Fifty years ago this summer, an event occurred that shook The Episcopal Church just as surely as the Watergate hearings going on at the same time shook the nation. On July 29, 1974, at the Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia, 11 women were ordained Episcopal priests."

The Episcopal Church
The Diocese of Atlanta

Celebrating 50 Years of Women's Ordination to the Priesthood As we celebrate 50 years of Women's Ordination to the Priesthood, we thank God for the leadership of women in The Episcopal Church!Follow along with the remi...

Photos from St. Paul's Episcopal Church's post 07/28/2024

Sunday at St. Paul’s

It was damp and cloudy outside but the the Light of our Lord was shining bright inside the church.

Today was Anniversary and Birthday Sunday! Happy Anniversary and Birthday to all who are celebrating this month. Check out the usher’s new blazers!

You have to listen to today’s live recording and listen to the Trey Davis, Candidate for Holy Orders, sermon and Dr. Ford’s postlude! Trey’s sermon was packed with manna to “grasp and live.” Dr. Ford’s postlude was an extension of the sermon, filled with power and reverence.

A small excerpt of Trey’s sermon

“He [Paul, Ephesians] Invites us to attempt comprehending the Breath, Length, Height and Depth of God’s love for us.

Our attempt to live it out, Breathe, Length, Height and Depth, with one another, it might lead us to be filled with the fullness of God. To be God’s people, to live life aligned with God’s purposes for us and praying that our will knit with God’s.

Breathe…God’s love is boundless and so should ours.

Length…Love perseveres and we were loved before we were born and throughout our lives. We should love others over the course of their lives too.

Height is the lifting up from this mortal coiled up to the promise of eternal life. The height of Gods love invites us to live this earthly experience with a heavienly perspective.

Depth…The depth of God’s love is so great and unfathomable to us that he becomes human to die so that we can live. He knows the pains and struggles of all of our lives and addressees it perfectly.”

SUNDAY at St. Paul’s! 😀☀️


Join us


Join us for our 10am service.


All are Welcome! "Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. " Amen.
Ephesian 3:13-21

Sunday at St. Paul's


Our hands are not too small for the mission.

Many times in our life we think that our hands are too small for the mission. That we have no expertise that can help us move the mountains. And it is in those moments that we must open our eyes to the reality that, if we put the little that we are in the hands of the Lord, He can multiply our gifts for the good of His people. On each of the occasions that Jesus manifested his power, he always worked with us to bring his miracles to life. Only two loaves of bread and five fish were enough to feed a crowd, the humble gift of a child who gave all he had for the good of his community. For what is given with love is pleasing in the eyes of God and he will multiply the fruits of your hands no matter how small you think they are. Do not be afraid to give the gifts that God gave you and put them in service for the good of his people.

John 6:1-14

Marycelis Otero, Candidate for the Holy Orders of Priesthood | Holy Innocents’, Sandy Springs

Photos from St. Paul's Episcopal Church's post 07/21/2024

Sunday at St. Paul’s
Another beautiful Sunday at St. Paul’s of prayer, “happy eyes” and week 4 of the summer sermon series “The Fruits of Trusting God.”

Please join us in prayer. We prayed a special prayer for Mother Pauline. Later this week, Mother Pauline will be out of the office for knee surgery. We lift Mother Pauline, her family and the doctors in prayer. We also pray for a full recovery. 🙏🏾🙏🏾

We had “happy eyes.” 😀 Happy to see Ms. Harriett, Harriett Bowens, a pillar of our church. We miss her presence. Please continue to lift her up and her family in prayer as she navigates her health. 🙏🏾🙏🏾

Today’s STORMPROOF summer series sermon, “The Fruits of Trusting God.”

“Trusting in God is a profound journey that bares remarkable fruits in the life of the believer…The most significant fruit of trusting God, is peace.” -Mother Pauline

Go forth into the world in peace and love and share the Good News of God’s love.

See you in church…next week!


Join us for our 10am service.


All are Welcome!

So he came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; for through him both of us have access in one Spirit to the Father.

So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone.

In him the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God.
Ephesians 2:11-22

Sunday at St. Paul’s
Week 4: The Fruits of Trusting God
with Mother Pauline Samuel

Sunday at St. Paul’s



We will miss you dearly, Mr. Coombs. Thursday's service beautifully captured the richness of your life and legacy of our eldest church patriarch. While our hearts ache at your earthly absence, the depth of your impact lives on through your family, the countless lives you've touched and our church family's lasting memories. Your love for the Varsity makes our hearts smile, a reminder of the warmth you brought to everything you did.

We entrust Fletcher Coombs to God's mercy, confident that he is now free from the trials and tribulations of this world. That his spirit has been lifted up to the heavens, and he has reunited with those who have gone before and await those who will follow.

It is well with our soul. Well done, good and faithful servant.

Lord, let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful, rest in peace and rise in glory. In Your holy name, we pray.


Join us for for a service to commemorate the life and work of The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray at Pauli’s childhood church, St. Titus’ Episcopal. This annual service includes an original liturgy and a choir drawn from across the city. Bishop Sam Rodman of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina will be presiding, and the Preacher for the service will be the Rev. Charles Fischer III, Vice President for Seminary Advancement at the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Speakers include Angela Mason, Director of the Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice. All are welcome to attend!


Join us as we celebrate the life of Fletcher Coombs.

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Videos (show all)

Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost
Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost
Back Pack Blessing and the official start of Sunday school!  SEE YOU IN CURCH!
Tenth Sunday After Pentecost
Tenth Sunday After Pentecost
Ninth Sunday After Pentecost
Memorial Service for Fletcher Coombs
Eighth Sunday After Pentecost
Enjoy the day with family and friends. Or take the day to relax and administer self care. The peace of the Lord be with ...
Morning Prayer/Sixth Sunday after Pentecost



306 Peyton Road SW
Atlanta, GA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 8am - 2pm

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