Ha Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad Inc.

Mizrahi-Ethiopian Jewish ecclesiastical order, Global humanitarian NGO,. We aim and being the global leaders in bring forth peace in the Middle East.

Promoting Torah based Worship, cultural empowerment, educational and leadership opportunities, Integrative Healthcare, sustainability, human rights & economic empowerment We are a Multi-Ethnic/cultural Torah Based UN affiliated International body and Society of Communities, Ministries, Institutions and Organizations promoting the Ancient Ethnic Jewish Israelite culture of the Mizrahi culture, ideo


Christians are getting slaughtered theologically on Twitter for trying to legally force the 10 Commandments down other people's throats when they don't and refuse to follow them themselves....

A bunch of two-tongued hypocrites!!!


We did some test runs the past two days after the Grand Opening of the Georgia Sickle Cell Integrative Wellness Center & I must say it was intense but it was rewarding. Yesterday It was like a mini ER, and we worked and worked until we got the results we wanted. We had a situation & when I say everyone, including non-healthcare practitioners, all came together to assist me with the situation, it was amazing. You won't find this at ANY Hospital or regular clinic. At least, not at this level. We work like we're all related and family, & had EVERYONE who came in with trauma leave with a smile!!!

People are shocked that there are "real natural medicines"(not the herb store junk) that have immediate results for major health issues!!!!

And when you see Naturopathic Medicine being supported by Allopathic Doctors and Nurses, you know the game is changing.... There is a national shift-towards Integrative Medicine & its only going to get better!!!

We're winning the narrative before we even get started and its the best medical team I could have ever asked for!!!!!

New Sickle Cell Sanctuary brings holistic treatment options to Atlanta 06/20/2024

Shomer NaKoahyah HaLahawi

New Sickle Cell Sanctuary brings holistic treatment options to Atlanta A new center is open in Southwest Atlanta offering holistic treatment options to those with sickle cell disease.


Mizrahi Prophetic Jewish Wisdom
More on why Israel will most likely face an AD 70, 2.0
By Dr. Rabbi Cohen Shalomim Y. HaLahawi

Shemot (Exodus) 18:20 “And you shall enlighten them concerning the laws and the Torot, and show them the way in which they should walk and the work which they do.
Exo 18:21 “But you yourself, seek out from all the people able men, who fear Elohim, men of truth, hating unfair gain. And place these over them to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.
Exo 18:22 “And they shall rightly rule the people at all times. And it shall be that they bring every great matter to you, but they themselves rightly rule every small matter. So, make it lighter for yourself, for they shall bear with you. "

Proverbs 29:12 If a ruler listens to lying words, All his servants become wrong.

All of these Israelite Far-Right need to be struck down by the hand of Adonai Yahwah, one by one, or even collectively. This is what happens when people decide to violate the Torah Covenant, which sanctions Levitical Priests(Cohanim/legislative authority) and Shophetim(Judicial authority) as the constitutional halachic authority of the Torah Covenant Community & Hebrew Nation(Debarim 17:8-11), and then do as they see right in their own eyes, which the Torah forbids, and end up with Rabbis that have no Torah backing for its leadership authority whatsoever(unless it was delegated by a standing Cohen).

When you step outside of the Torah, you also step outside of the ability to be anointed by Yahwah, & to have the Ruwah HaQodesh placed upon you, in favor. When you operate in Hebrew leadership with no anointing, you end up with dumb-ass Rabbis such as Eliyahu Mali, & government trash like Netanyahu, Ben G'vir, and Smotrich.
Then at some point, these ancient and modern leaders with no spirit upon them convince you to stop worshiping Yahwah, & even go to the extreme of teaching blasphemous doctrines that forbid even pronouncing the divine name(which ultimately renders proper worship null and void), despite the fact that prophetic law states:

Isaiah 42:8 “I am יהוה, that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols.

Isaiah 45:22 “Turn to Me and be saved, all you ends of the earth! For I am Ělah, and there is none else.
Isa 45:23 “I have sworn by Myself, a word has gone out of My mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, so that to Me every knee shall bow, every tongue swear.
Isa 45:24 “One shall say, ‘Only in יהוה do I have righteousness and strength’ – he comes to Him. And all those displeased with Him shall be put to shame.


Joel 2:32 “And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of יהוה shall be delivered"

Now that these un-anointed, unsanctioned leaders, teaching against the worship of Yahwah, the true and only Eternal Creator of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, are able to normalize their blasphemy throughout the ages, then suddenly they have the Ashkenazim and all of Rabbinical Judaism doing exactly what the Torah and Profits forbid. They have you all worshipping a Deity that has nothing to do with the Torah/Tenakh, and yet is mentioned in the Prophets as the Idol that was chosen after forsaking Yahwah:

Isaiah 65:11 “But you are those who forsake יהוה, who forget My set-apart mountain, who prepare a table for GOD and who fill a drink offering for Meni."

They've guided you completely away from Yahwah of Israel, to now the GOD of Israel. The Babylonian Deity of wealth, Capitalism & fortune. The same deity printed on gentile money saying "In God we Trust"......

And this opens the door to AD 70 and AD 70 2.0!!! As it states because you forsook Yahwah for the deity God aka G-D(and even abandoned the 364 day Solar Calendar as commanded in the Book of Moses aka Jublees as found in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Ethiopian Jewish Bibles for the Babylonian Calendar with all of the pagan gods still intact), then war, destruction & defeat becomes inevitable.

Isaiah 65:12 “And I shall allot you to the sword, and let you all bow down to the slaughter, because I called and you did not answer, I spoke and you did not hear, and you did evil before My eyes and chose that in which I did not delight.”

And then suddenly instead of birthing Light to the World, and bringing the world closer to the worship of Yahwah as envisioned in Isaiah 56, you find yourself birthing abomination after abomination after abomination. From Genocide, Segregation inflicted upon Ethnic Jews of Color within our borders, Apartheid inflicted on our blood relatives in Palestine(which also includes ethnic biological Jews btw who just happen to practice Islam or Judeo-Islamic traditions) to allowing LGBTQ to parade through the streets of Jerusalem.

Basically your Rabbinical authorities seem to want Israel to commit su***de because at this point, there is absolutely NO favor upon it by Adonai Yahwah Elohim, precisely because Rabbinical Judaism doesn't worship Adonai Yahwah Elohim and are basically in the same category as the Christian who does not worship Adonai Yahwah Elohim.

And unless Ashkenazi Jews wake up, somehow, and realize the shift to total apostasy and the fact that they have abandoned the real and true Eternal Creator, then it's just around the corner that Zionism is going to have us all going through an AD 70 2.0, 2.5 catastrophic upgrade.

Mark my prophetic words, as all of those who read this will remember this post.....

Japheth wants to dwell in the Tents of Shem but doesn't seem to have the ability to uphold the chosenness and anointing given unto the seed of Shem by way of Abraham.

Oy very! But:

2Chronicles 7:14 "and My people upon whom My Name is called, shall humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I shall hear from the heavens, and forgive their sin and heal their land."

Whether there are redeemable Zionists & Rabbinics out there amongst us, only time will tell. But Yahwah, even when he's about to unleash a great judgment against those who have become apostates, always leaves a way out for those who seek to take the escape route away from deceit, wickedness, and idolatry.

Do I expect many Rabbinical Ashkenazim to take heed of my words and respect them? Well, did the apostates among our forefathers respect the Prophets who were raised up to warn them, during their times? I'm a realist, I'm no fool, and yet even in that realism as still have hope for our people, I still have hope for Israel.

B'ruch Shemo,
Dr. Rabbi Cohen Shalomim Y. HaLahawi
Mizrahi-Ethiopian Jewish Int'l Rabbinical Council


Mizrahi Jewish Biblical Knowledge:
How a false Messiah was invented; a Halacha correction.
By Dr. Rabbi Cohen Shalomim Y. HaLahawi
Copyright 2012-2024. All Right Reserved.

Daniel 9:25-26. Not a reference to "The Messiah", but a reference to messiahs: A detailed halachic review:

Most of my Talmudim already know this information, but to help educate others who have been grossly taught wrong & don't understand how to use the PARDES and Rule of High Priest Ishmael to properly interpret the Scriptures, I've decided to repost this as an example of how Christian, Black Hebrew & Rabbinical Judaism wrongly interpret or apply interpretations of scriptures

This is a grave error and a wrong interpretation of Hebrew scriptures without PARDES rules:

In the Mizrahi, Ethiopian & Essene Scriptures, which are 1500 years older than all the modern scripture versions that are based on the corrupted 1008 CE Biblia Hebraica, the Messiah is not from the Tribe of Judah, but from the tribe of Lahawi(Levy).

Judah has never had any Atonement authority or powers nor have they ever been given the authority to be Law-givers. Law-givers is a legislative authority that is vested in the Levitical Priesthood(that acts as a senate) with the 70 Elders being a lower chamber similar to congressional representatives.
Thus Both the Christian, Black Hebrew, and Rabbinical Jewish concepts of the messiah are false.

Torah Constitutional Law says:
Deut 17:8 “When any matter arises which is too hard for you to judge, between blood and blood, between plea and plea, or between stroke and stroke – matters of strife within your gates – then you shall rise and go up to the place which יהוה your Elohim chooses,
Deu 17:9 and shall come to the priests, the Lĕwites, and to the judge who is in those days, and shall inquire. And they shall declare to you the word of right-ruling,
Deu 17:10 and you shall do according to the word which they declare to you from that place which יהוה chooses. And you shall guard to do according to all that they instruct you.
Deu 17:11 “Do according to the Torah in which they teach you, according to the right-ruling which they say to you. You do not turn to the right or to the left from the word which they declare to you.
Deu 17:12 “And the man who acts arrogantly, so as not to listen to the priest who stands to serve there before יהוה your Elohim, or to the judge, that man shall die. So you shall purge the evil from Yisra’ĕl. "

Prophetic Law states:
Malachi 2:7 “For the lips of a PRIEST should guard knowledge, and they seek the Torah from his mouth, for he is The Messenger of יהוה of hosts."

Malachi 3:1 “See, I am sending My Messenger(aka PRIEST), and he shall prepare the way before Me. Then suddenly the Master you are seeking comes to His Hĕḵal, even The Messenger of the covenant(aka High Priest), in whom you delight. See, He is coming,” said יהוה of hosts.
Mal 3:2 “And who is able to bear the day of His coming, and who is able to stand when He appears? For He is like the fire of a refiner, and like the soap of a launderer.
Mal 3:3 “And He shall sit as a refiner and a cleanser of silver. And He shall cleanse the sons of Lĕwi, and refine them as gold and silver, and they shall belong to יהוה, bringing near an offering in righteousness.
Mal 3:4 “Then shall the offering of Yehuḏah and Yerushalayim be pleasant to יהוה, as in the days of old, as in former years.
Mal 3:5 “And I shall draw near to you for right-ruling. And I shall be a swift witness against the practisers of witchcraft, and against adulterers, and against them that swear to falsehood, and against those who oppress the wage earner in his wages and widows and the fatherless, and those who turn away a sojourner and do not fear Me,” said יהוה of hosts.
Mal 3:6 “For I am יהוה, I shall not change1, and you, O sons of Yaʽaqoḇ, shall not come to an end.

Levitical Priests, particularly the Rabbi-Cohen(High Priest) is the " Anointed Messiah" and is the highest sanctioned Torah constitutional authority, including above the King until Hebrews decided to reject Yahwah and allow Kings to have a wrongful higher authority than the Rabbi-Cohen. A Levitical priest is a foundational authority. Princes are not. Princes are delegated authorities that are subservient to Levitical authority & other authorities established by Levitical Halacha to delegate further authority over certain things, including managerial. Prince is loosely translated from Nasi, Shar, & Nagid. Each of these are variation of different types of subservient-delegated leadership(helps ministry to be exact) that comes from a higher authority. They are also not higher than one who is designated as a Rabi, such as a Rabi-Shaphat(Supreme Bin Din Official that oversees all sub-judicial district and community Beth Dinim), Rabi-Moreh, the Chief Leader of Education, Culture & Academics(which differs from Moreh Tzadik, which is usually a title associated with the Rabi Cohen).
Yet, Daniel is not even remotely speaking about a savior Messiah that is to come, he is speaking of an actual figure that did in fact arise and do as Daniel spoke during his life-time, as Hebrew Prophets rarely if ever, speak of time periods beyond their life-time and generation. Western peoples frequently violate a lot of rules of biblical interpretation due to the fact that most are not taught the PARDES halachic rules of biblical study and interpretation and instead of starting off with the literal historical meaning they jump right to the Resh(prophetic & parable), and ultimately strip the original meaning of the passage in violation of Torah law.
The prophecy rule is always ignored and that rule is in actually mentioned by Ezekiel(or one of his students, considering Ezekial is a composite text):
"Ezekiel 12:22 “Son of man, what is this proverb that you people have about the land of Yisra’ĕl, which says, ‘The days go by, and every vision shall come to naught’?
Eze 12:23 “Therefore say to them, ‘Thus said the Master יהוה, “I shall make this proverb to cease, so that they no longer use it as a proverb in Yisra’ĕl.” But say to them, “The days have drawn near, as well as the matter of every vision.
Eze 12:24 “For no longer is there to be any false vision or flattering divination within the house of Yisra’ĕl.
Eze 12:25 “For I am יהוה, I speak. And the word which I speak is done. It is no longer deferred. For in your days, O rebellious house, when I speak the word I shall do it,” declares the Master יהוה.’ ”
Eze 12:26 Again the word of יהוה came to me, saying,
Eze 12:27 “Son of man, see, the house of Yisra’ĕl is saying, ‘The vision that he is seeing is for many days from now, and he is prophesying of times far off.’
Eze 12:28 “Therefore say to them, ‘Thus said the Master יהוה, “None of My words are deferred any longer. When I speak a word it is done,” declares the Master יהוה.’ ”
So this is one error & it is why Western prophecy bible students outside of Judaism are always wrong and are dangerous(I would never allow a prophecy student to be amongst us if we were in a catastrophic earth-changing situation that requires us to survive and have safe dwellings).
The other problem is that what you posted is NOT what the passage says:
Western interpreters and the junk King James Version Bible erroneously put a definite article before "Messiah the Prince" (9:25). The original Hebrew text does not read "the Messiah the Prince," but, having no article, it is to be rendered "a mashiach ,"anointed one," "messiah", a prince," (i.e., Cyrus, Isaiah 45:1, 13; Ezra 1:1-2). That means it is not talking about THE MESSIAH, but a messiah, as Koresh/Cyrus clearly is not The Messiah but "a messiah"....
Furthermore, the junk King James Version(aka JKJV) disregards the Hebrew punctuation. The punctuation mark "atnach" functions as the main pause within a sentence. The 'atnach is the appropriate equivalent of the semicolon in the modern system of punctuation. It thus has the effect of separating the seven weeks from the sixty-two weeks: ". . . until an anointed one, a prince, shall be seven weeks; then for sixty-two weeks it shall be built again . . ." (9:25).
By creating a sixty-nine week period, which is not divided into two separate periods of |seven weeks and sixty-two weeks respectively, Christians reach an incorrect conclusion, |i.e., that the Messiah will come 483 years after the destruction of the First Temple.
Black Hebrew Israelites, Torah only and Messianics, habitually use Christian bible interpretations, which are blatantly disconnected from actual knowledge of Hebrew scriptures. Christians for example try manipulate the text to get it to falsely point to Jesus/Yeshua by conjuring up this claim that there is something called a "prophetic year" of 360 days, thus |shortening the interval between the beginning of the 483 years which they claim began in |444 B.C.E., and the date of the crucifixion of Jesus. They do this in order to make the dates coincide with no foundation whatsoever.
Then the junk King James Version omits the definite article in Daniel 9:26, which should properly read: "And after the threescore and two weeks. . . ."
By treating the sixty-two weeks as a distinct period, this verse, in the original Hebrew(or more properly Aramaic), shows that the sixty-two weeks mentioned in verse 25 are correctly separated from the seven weeks by the 'atnach'.

That literally means that two SEPARATE anointed ones/messiahs are spoken of in this chapter, one of whom comes after seven weeks who is clearly Cyrus), and the other after a further period of sixty-two weeks. Rabbinical Jews point to Alexander Yannai, who was a messiah because he was a Priest-King, which is the proper title for a Rabbi-Cohen, and of which the Hebrews sought to restore in place during the 2nd Temple rebuilding when they put Yahoshua, a Levite, on the throne and crowned him as the King & High Priest, and disregarded the false King David messiah bloodline that no one from the Northern Kingdom of Israel ever believed in or followed in the first place. Yahuda Maccaby, a Levitical priest, after defeating the Greeks in war, once again restored the Priest-King authority which later was taken over by the Hasmoneons

So while the Christians and Black Hebrews believe the text is referencing a false Messiah whether Jesus or some future Davidic Messiah, the Rabbnic Jews point to Alexander Yannai however that is also wrong, even though the calculations do go directly to the era he existed. It was, in fact, the anointed Levitical Priest, whom Alexander Yanneaus followed and was advised by, and who founded the original New Covenant Movement which was supported by the only "Ethnic Israelite" branch of Hebrews called the Essenes and Netzarim Essenes(as opposed to the Sadducees who were Canaanite remnants of Zadok, that was satanically installed to replace the Levitical Priesthood & Pharisees who are remnants of Idumeans forced to convert to Hebrew culture by Yochanah Hyrcanus, only to create a Liberal Judean movement that ultimately played a role in Rabbinical Judaism being established after making a deal with the Romans for safe passage while selling out Ethnic Israelites to be mercilessly slaughtered).
Next, the words v'ayn lo (9:26) are incorrectly translated by the junk King James Version as "but not for himself." They should be translated as "he has nothing" or "he shall have |nothing."
Keep in mind the text is literally talking about an event after the rebuilding of the 2nd Temple. So it literally is a person associated with that.
That anointed Levitical Priest is also mentioned in Joel 2: 23:
"And you children of Tsiyon, be glad and rejoice in יהוה your Elohim, for He shall give you the Teacher of Righteousness(Moreh Tzadik), and cause the rain to come down for you, the former rain and the latter rain, as before."
That same Levitical Priest's movement is also mentioned in Jeremiah:
Jer 31:31 “See, the days are coming,” declares יהוה, “when I shall make a new covenant with the house of Yisra’ĕl and with the house of Yehuḏah,
Jer 31:32 not like the covenant I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Mitsrayim, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them,” declares יהוה.
Jer 31:33 “For this is the covenant I shall make with the house of Yisra’ĕl after those days, declares יהוה: I shall put My Torah in their inward parts, and write it on their hearts. And I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people.
Jer 31:34 “And no longer shall they teach, each one his neighbour, and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know יהוה,’ for they shall all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” declares יהוה. “For I shall forgive their crookedness, and remember their sin no more.”

Malachi makes clear the Messenger of the Covenant is a Priest, and an anointed Priest established the NEW Covenant, thus he is the Messenger of the Covenant. It has to be the New Covenant because if the original Covenant was broken, it was dead until the arrival of this anointed Levitical Priest, who also purified the sons of Lahawi(Levy) as Malachi describes.

The Dead Sea Scrolls call this Messiah, the Moreh Tzadik, and that Moreh Tzadik name was Yahuda. He was the one who led and established the ONLY movement that rebuilt and preserved authentic Hebrew culture which was basically obliterated by Pharisees and later Rabbinical Judaism aka Idumeanism, but was kept and preserved for over 2000 years by Ethiopian Jews and Mizrahi Jews!!!

And, had it not been for this Leader and the Netzarim Essenes who became the Beta Yisrael and Mizrahi, the Christians and Rabbinics would have gotten away with blatant historical lies until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls!!! The Ethiopian Jewish Scriptures are the only scriptures today that is a direct replica of the Dead Sea Scroll Scriptures.

And in the Essene history, of which Mizrahi and Ethiopian Judaism are built upon and preserved, the Anointed Levitical Priest is the only atoning Messiah & savior, including the one that is spoken to come later "After the Moreh Tzadik, in the latter times"(keep in mind, only certain prophets, such as Enoch & some prophetic hopes, spoke of far off times outside of a generation, but it was not the norm for prophecy) an atoning Savior Rabbi-Cohen is to arise and rebuilt a new Levitical priesthood.... He is described in detail in the Book of Enoch, the Book of Moses aka Jubilees, The Testament of the 12 Patriarchs and other Hebrew/Aramaic scriptures. And because he's the Son of Elah, due to the fact that the Ruwah HaQodesh dwells upon him and within him, he is also a PRINCE.

Yet, during the time of the Essene Moreh Tzadik(who himself arose out of the Hasidim), Alexander Yannai defended him and frequently attacked the Idumean P'rushim who wanted him assassinated. The Moreh Tzadik and Essenes were protected under Alexander Yannai until he died. After Yannai died, his wife Queen Alexanderia betrayed her husband and openly sided with the P'rushim and gave them political and social power. As a result, they immediately went after the Moreh Tzadik, put him on trial, and then excommunicated him to Damascus rather than execute him because he was of royal priestly descent. Royal priestly leaders were usually not executed, while leaders who arose from lower class communities were usually executed(i.e. Yeshua for example, even though the assassination of his elder brother Yaakob Tzadik, the next leader AFTER the original Moreh Tzadik, sparked the full-scaled Roman-Judan war)...

Thus because of the harassment, attack, trial, and excommunication of the Moreh Tzadik, he had everything taken away from him, as Daniel speaks of.
And for the next 100 or so years up until the Pharisee Paul of the NT, who is documented as participating in such behavior & eventually made the fatal error of assassinating Yeshua's elder brother, the Pharisees harassed and mass incarcerated ethnic Israelites who were Essenes, as retaliation for what Yochanan Hyrcanus did to Idumea and the forced mass conversion of Idumeans, and for what Alexander Yannai did against them in favor of Ethnic Israelites like himself, unlike his sellout wife Alexandria.

Thus, this is the correct meaning of Daniel 25-26 according to both interpretation and known historical events. The author of Daniel in fact was alive during these events as like many other books such as Isaiah, Ezekial, Genesis, Deut, etc., it was a composite.

I go into much deeper detail in my books "The Way, the Prophetic Messianic Voice" and "Developing and Establishing Effective Leadership".
If Pardes and the rules of the High Priest Ishmael is not used in biblical interpretation then its wrong by default.....
Hope this enlightens

Dr. Rabbi Cohen Shalomim Y. HaLahawi
Mizrahi-Ethiopian Jewish Int'l Rabbinical Council
Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad, Inc.
Cush*te Hebrew Yeshiva-Open International University


Public Alert. We have received information on an imminent terrorist attack on the horizon. Please be vigilant people. Make sure you exercise your right to bear arms and pay close attention to your surroundings when you are out in public or pre-planned venues and events!!!

This is a serious alert!!!

Dr. Rabbi-Cohen Shalomim Y. HaLahawi
UN Dept of Economics and Socia Affairs
American Public Health Association
Global Impact Unification


Mizrahi Prophetic reality check:
No, I am not obligated to respect or even acknowledge the views and opinions of Quasi-Hebrews about our Hebrew Scriptures.
By Dr. Rabbi Cohen Shalomim HaLahawi

I by halachic policy and principle ignore the majority of quasi, outsider people who call themselves Hebrews, Black Hebrew Israelites, and the likes, as our Essene forefathers(the only ethnic Israelites in the first century) instruct all leadership to do towards those who are not properly engrafted into our people and yet think their voice should be heard and respected with regards to what we teach and our cultural values. Especially those who lack character, integrity, and decency when it comes to properly addressing Hebrew authority and Spiritual leadership. My strictly upholding how people address me is not even remotely about me or my ego, but everything to do with respecting and preserving the integrity of the office in which I fulfill and operate. So if you don't know how to address me or anyone else for that matter, and you don't understand order, authority, and ranks, then your voice and your views will be automatically deemed irrelevant. You can write an entire mini-book under our topics to interject and explain your views, yet If the first few sentences lack a proper respectful address to a Rabbi-Cohen, then I'll just delete the whole thing rendering you wasting your entire time writing whatever you wrote....And I could care less how you feel about it, because I'm not a black Hebrew Israelite, nor am I of the Ashkenazi Neo-Liberalism persuasion. In fact, I'm not here to interact with any of you BHI's as if we are equals or on the same level because in principle and in actuality we are not and there is absolutely nothing a Black Hebrew Israelite can teach me or that I'd want to learn from with respect to anything related to my Hebrew culture, heritage, teachings and values. We just classify it under Goy-Splaining, not as a shared heritage between my people and BHI's... So if you're not here to learn or become a Talmidim, then you're not welcomed in the first place. Those are the only options for those whom I do not know personally or in some other respectful capacity as there are some who identify as BHI's whom I respect and interact with often... I've even come to the aid of some when they have been unrighteously attacked by other BHI's who don't know how to apply the Torah law properly because they have no understanding or connection to it....

With that being said, there is absolutely no such thing as BLASPHEMY against ancient Patriarchs and forefathers. No Hebrew, ancient or modern is exempt from criticism. That includes our Father Abraham who had many flaws and especially the inept false leadership of King David and his mamzer son King Solomon whom ancient Israelites of the northern kingdom did not recognize, and still today as a Rabbi Cohen, I do not recognize them as legitimate leaders of Israel just as the Essene Netzarim rejected them as written in the Mizrahi and Ethiopian Hebrew scriptures. Both of my Books "The Way, the Prophetic Messianic Voice"& "Developing and Establishing Effective Leadership" make this very clear. King David and King Solomon were never the Kings of "ISRAEL"...They were Kings of the Half-breed Canaanite Tribe of Judah, the only tribe to even recognize them in the first place along with some apostate Benjamites, and the Canaanite Priesthood called Zadokites who replaced the Levitical Priesthood in Judah culture, but not Israelite culture.

I also make clear that the Messiah taught by both Christians, Black Hebrews, and Rabbinical Jews are all false because a Messiah from Judah can't have atoning powers because only Levitical priests, called Messiahs in the Torah can atone for sins and offer redemption to the people. And Yahwah wouldn't choose a serial adulterer like David to bring forth an atoning Messiah and the bloodline that is forged even to Yeshua is actually cut off according to the Tenakh, not to mention Yoseph is not even Yeshua's real father and there is no such thing as a genealogy via a mother, thus the whole two contradicting New Testament genealogies have absolutely nothing with Yeshua's bloodline.
Furthermore, there is no such thing as the Tribe of Judah being law-givers because that is what the Torah and Yahwah assigned to Levitical Priests, and as ethnic Essene Israelites make clear, the atoning redemptive Messiah is a Levitical Priest and the assistant messiah can be either from Judah or Ephraim.

Blasphemy only occurs when you speak against Yahwah, Chockimah, or Binah aka Elohim, not when you question a bunch of writings written by mankind.
Any legitimate Hebrew would know that. They'd also know that not all prophets recorded in the current Biblia Hebraica Masoretic texts were not allied with each other and, in fact, were spiritual and political rivals and even considered each other false... Just as not all prophets were Israelites. Some were Moabites, some were Arabs, and some were from China such as the Prophet Ezekial, who was a Canaanite sympathizing Prophet who was at odds with Israelite prophets such as the author of the Book of Daniel.

This is why it's better to just shut up and learn than try to interject yourself, as if your outsider goy-splaining views of our people's scriptures and writing, actually matter or are even right. If you can't even sit your ass down and achieve a formal masters level knowledge of the Hebrew scriptures, halacha, culture, etc., and earn your credentials to be able to legitimately teach, then you don't get to sit at the table with me or any other legitimate Hebrew leadership to have your voice heard. Your only choice is to learn or leave, and that is non-negotiable.

We do not care what you think you know, if you are not recognized by one of the 3 main ethnic branches of Hebrew culture, which is either Mizrahi(including Ethiopian Judaism), Yemenite or Sephardi Judaism, then you have no say nor any corrective powers to tell us what is and what isn't as it relates to what is taught in our communities.

And if you have a problem with what is being said, well, there is the block and unfriend button. Use it. We won't remember you anyway. You all can't even take care of your own communities and people, so why would our people want to hear anything any of you have to say in the first place?

Yeah, that is my attitude and sentiment and I issue no apologies for my attitude towards some quasi-Hebrew groups because my role as a Rabbi-Cohen makes me accountable to protect my people and the integrity of Judaism/Judeanism from outsiders and to teach only my people and those properly engrafted into my people. I am under no obligation to teach anyone else, and it's a privilege and a gift to learn from me if you're not one of our people. So, either come correct or don't come at all. We have our culture and identity intact so we have nothing to lose, that is a shoe many of you have to figure out how to fit and wear.

So if you want to waste your time responding to our posts without a proper address and introduction, and risk having it automatically deleted & not even read, then go right ahead. It's your time, not mine/ours

Dr. Rabbi Cohen Shalomim Y. HaLahawi

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