APU Grad&Professional Student Engagement

Graduate and Professional Student Engagement provides services, programs, and networking opportuniti


📚Virtual Study Hall📚

🗓Starting Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Join us for a quiet virtual environment for students to study and complete their assignments together. It is designed for students to build community and hold each other accountable.

Students are encouraged to have their cameras on and mute their mics. Participants will introduce themselves and share what they will be working on during Study Hall. Quiet time will begin after introductions. Students are welcome to join the study hall at any time. If they miss introductions, students are invited to introduce themselves and what they would like to accomplish during that time in the chat. The last 10 minutes will be dedicated to checking in on studying/assignment progress. To access the Virtual Study Hall:

🧑‍💻Link for the Zoom meeting and RSVP/ calender invite are in our Bio!

Graphic Description: The whole graphic is a light grey. Within the photograph, there is a person typing on the computer and to the left of it, there is coffee. On top of the photograph, there is a square box with small rectangular boxes on top and bottom in red. The square box has text that reads, “Virtual Study Hall.” Below that there is a space and more text that reads, “Tuesdays, 12 PM - 2 PM.” Below that there is a text that reads, “Zoom ID: 489 462 0976. Password: spring22” There is a gap and a dark grey line below it. Underneath the line, there is the Graduate and Professional Student Engagement logo in black.


🚨The Learning Table🚨

Join us and learn about financial literacy from a biblical perspective!

🗓 Thursday, February 17, 2021
⏰ 12 - 1 PM PST
👩🏻‍💻Link in Bio to RSVP

See you there!👋🏽

Image Description: The entire post is the color, red. On the top of the sides of the graphic, there are black hearts. There is text that reads, “The Learning Table February.” Below that, there is white table. A white table from left to right there is a black beverage, burger, and computer. Below that there is text that reads, “Getting Rich Right: How to Use Worldly Wealth to Gain Friends Forever.” Below that there is text that reads, “Please join us via Zoom as we examine Financial literacy from a biblical point of view. APU professor and Certified Public Accountant, Dr. Thornton helps us to address these questions: What has God given me?, What have I done with it?, and How can I use it to love others as God loves me? This exciting conversation considers the ways in which we can fulfill the Great Commandment and Great Commission simultaneously.” Below that there is text that reads, “Grab your lunch and join us!” Below that there is text that reads, “THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 12 - 1 PM. RSVP BY FEBRUARY 16, 2022.” On the bottom left corner of the post, there is the Graduate and Professional Student Engagement logo.


🎉Congratulations to all Winter Graduates🎓

We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments! You are now officially an APU alumni, so make sure to stay connected through We wish you well on your future endeavors! 👏🏼

Graphic Description: The background is an image of students sitting at commencement facing away for camera. The image is tinted dark red. There is a page torn in the top part of the image. A text reads “Congratulations to all winter graduates”. On the side there is an icon of a stamp that reads “you have made us proud!” with a GSPE logo in the middle.


Happy thanksgiving from GPSE 🦃🍂🧡

Graphic description: The background is tan. There is a beige circle in the middle with two brown leaves bordering it. In the middle there is a text that reads “Happy Thanksgiving”. Underneath is the GPSE logo.

Photos from APU Grad&Professional Student Engagement's post 11/17/2021

REPOST: Join us for Friendsgiving Dinner in the 1899 Dining Hall at the Azusa Campus

Dining Services is hosting a Friendsgiving Dinner on Thursday, November 18, in 1899 Dining Hall from 5-7 p.m. Dining plans, Cougar Bucks, credit/debit cards are accepted.


✨National First Gen Day✨

GPSE is so proud of our first generation students! We recognize all of your resilience as you break barriers. Your impactful contribution will help generations to come. You may be the first, but you will certainly not be the last🎓💗

Graphic description: The background is tan. There is text in the center top reading, “Happy National First Gen Day. We celebrate all first gen graduate and professional students!” in all caps. At the bottom of the page there is an illustration of several graduating student tossing there caps into the air in a dark tan color.


🚨The Learning Table🚨

Grab your lunch and join us as we learn about new strategies for writing your papers.

🗓Thursday Oct. 28, 2021
💻RSVP link in bio

We’ll see you there!👍🏼

Graphic Description: The entire post is the color orange. On the open center background there are several pumpkins. There is a text that reads, “The Learning Table” with a graphic of a text bubble in orange the reads, “October”. Underneath that there is a graphic of a table with a laptop and food and drink on it. On top of that there is a text that reads “Planning your paper”. There is a space then another text that reads, “Please join us virtually for The Learning Table, "Planning Your Paper." In partnership with the APU Writing Center, you are invited to attend a workshop aimed at introducing the writing process with step-by-step strategies to approach large writing assignments. Grab your lunch and join us as we learn strategies for writing success!” The page ends with a text that reads, “Thursday 8/28, 12-1PM. To RSVP, link is in our bio”. There is the GPSE logo in the bottom left corner.


We’ve really enjoyed getting to meet some of our APU grad students! We are here to support y’all in any way we can, so don’t be shy, come grab a snack and say hello 👋🏼

Graphic description: The whole background is yellow. In the top left corner there a large font that reads “Hey grad students,” with a text below that reads “come hang out with the GPSE team for a coffee and snack break”. To the bottom left of that text, there is a graphic of a coffee cup. To the right there is a text that reads “Wednesdays 4:00-7:30pm Duke 112”. In the top right corner there is the reunion logo which is a black circle with the text “reunion a gathering place for graduate students”. The bottom right corner has the GPSE logo.


Do you want to be apart of the GPSE mentoring program? As a mentor or mentee, you can offer so much to another graduate or professional student! Click the link in bio to sign up.

Graphic Description: At the top and bottom the background is blue going across the top and bottom. At the top left hand corner there is a grey tree. To the right of the tree there are words in grey that says, “Graduate and Professional Peer Mentor Program”. At the bottom right hand corner of the picture you can see the GPSE logo that says Graduate and Professional Student Engagement. In the center the background is dark blue and takes up most of the picture. There are a lot of words in white letters that say, “Are you interested in gaming a rewarding relationship with someone who knows what you going through? The Graduate and Professional Peer Mentor Program was created to do just that! We firmly believe that mentoring leads to mutual learning though rich intellectual exchanges among peers. The Graduate and Professional Peer Mentor Program at APU is dedicated to promoting productive and mutually rewarding mentoring relationships among our graduate and Professional students through effective matching and continuous support. For mor information about becoming a mentee or mentor.”


Reunion Graduate Lounge🛋☕️

Join us for the Reunion Graduate Lounge staring tomorrow! All graduate students are invited to stop by Duke 112 from 4-7:30 p.m. every Wednesday for a snack and coffee. We will be present to answer any questions you may have about on-campus resources or services. Come take a break with the GPSE team!

Graphic description: The while background is yellow and there is a big black circle in the center that reads, “reunion a gathering place for graduate students”. Underneath the black circle there is a text that reads, “Wednesday in Duke 112 4:00-7:30pm. Free coffee, snacks, and printing for graduate students. Take a break with us!”


📚Virtual Study Hall📚

Join us for Virtual Study Hall, a gathering geared toward graduate and professional students. It provides a quiet virtual environment for students to study and complete their assignments in community with one another. It is designed for students to have slight structure, build community, and hold each other accountable. Students are welcome to join and leave Study Hall at any time. This is a weekly meeting and you are invited to join as often as you wish.

👨🏾‍💻Link in our bio to RSVP and for a google calendar invite to upcoming sessions

Graphic description: the background is a beige cute out paper. On top is a white cutout paper taped by a brown piece of tape on the left corner. I’m the top center there is GPSE logo and with a text underneath that reads “presents”. There is a space then a large text that reads, “Virtual Study Hall”. Another space followed by a graphic of laptop and in the center a text that reads, “Monday’s, 12-2pm Zoom link: 858 51257412”.


We want to help you! Do you need someone to talk to? If so, we can help you with APU Telehealth! Click the link in bio to make an appointment.

Graphic Description: The background of the picture is white. In the center of picture there is a man sitting down on the ground who looks to be in destress. His knees are close to is chest and his elbows are resting on his knees and his hand pressed against his forehead. Above the man the slightly left of the center there is the APU logo. Slightly right of center is the TimelyCare logo. Above the logos are words. The first line of words are in all caps and are slightly bigger than the rest. It says, “We’re here to listen”. The words below are in lower case and are slightly smaller. The say, “If you or a loved one is struggling, use TalkNow for 24/7 mental and emotional support. We believe in you. We know things can get better. We’re here to help.”


Do you want to be a mentor? Being a mentor to another student is a great way to have a positive impact on someone. It will positively impact both you and your mentee! Sign up today to me a mentor. Click the link in bio to sign up.

Graphic Description: On the top the background is blue and in big bold grey letters it says “Graduate and Professional Peer Mentor Program”. Below it the background is dark blue which takes up most of the picture. In the center of the picture there is a spotlight shining a light. The light is shining on a yellow sun. Inside the sun you can see a tree. The trunk of the tree is straight with two branches sticking out where the leaves are. The leaves are shown by a circle connected to the trunk of the tree. Below the spotlight are words in white. The first line of words are bigger than the other lines of words. The first line of words are also in bold, and all caps. It says, “Calling all mentors!” Mentors is underlined. The other words below it are also in white, but are not in bold and are in upper and lower case letters. It says, “Becoming a Peer Mentor is an excellent opportunity to collaborate with other students, gain leadership experience, and practice professional development.” Below that in the bottom right hand corner of the picture is the GPSE logo and says “Graduate and Professional Student Development”


🚨The Learning Table🚨

Grab your lunch and join us as we learn about new strategies for library usage.

🗓Thursday Sep. 30, 2021
💻RSVP link in bio

We’ll see you there!👍🏼

Graphic Description: The entire post is the color mustard yellow. On the open center background there are 8 leaves alternating yellow and orange. There is a text that reads, “The Learning Table” with a graphic of a text bubble in orange the reads, “September”. Underneath that there is a graphic of a table with a laptop and food and drink on it. On top of that there is a text that reads “Library Research for Graduate and Professional Students” and directly underneath it reads, “Dr. Dave Harmeyer”. There is a space then another text that reads, “ In partnership with APU Librarian you are invited to attend a workshop aimed at teaching students best practices related to finding peer-reviewed research articles for papers, APA or MLA citations, and improving online library skills. The goal is to reduce stress and save time while using APU’s online library. Grab your lunch and join us as we learn strategies for library use.” The page ends with a text that reads, “Thursday 9/30, 12-1PM. To RSVP, link is in our bio”. There is the GPSE logo in the bottom left corner.


If you’re interested check out the link in our bio!

Graphic Design: The background is a picture of trees in the fall season (orange, red and yellow). In the center there is a big white square with a while boarder around it. In the top center reads, “Grad and Pro Clubs”. There a space then underneath it reads, “ Are you interested in starting a club?”. Flowing another space it reads, “Graduate and Professional Student Engagement recognizes clubs as an official student organization. Clubs can reserve space on campus, can recruit on campus, and can post/advertise on campus. They can request funding by making a proposal to Graduate and Professional Student Engagement.”. The white bloc ends with the GPSE logo.


Open your email if you want to learn some great wellness tools to succeed personally and academically! All students received an email for the Mental Well-being course today.


We need your voices!📣

The Office of Graduate and Professional Student Engagement created the Student Input Council as a means for graduate and professional students to help shape their student experience. The council meets online twice quarterly and is an excellent way for you to give input and interact with other students around important issues. Professional Students, we are very interested in your input and representation on the council! Graduate students are welcome and greatly encouraged to participate. For more information, please submit an interest form linked in our bio and we will contact you.

Graphic description: The whole background is a folded graphing paper. In the top center there is a sticky note held up by a purple thumbtack. On this sticky note there is a text that reads, “Graduate and Professional Student Input Council”. Underneath the sticky note there is a larger text that reads, “ Would you like to offer input and help shape your student experience?” in all capitalized letters. Below there is a space and then another text that reads, “ The Office of Grad and Professional Student Engagement hosts the Student Input Council. It is an excellent opportunity for you to give input on university matters, have a voice for you and your peers, and is a great way to interact with other students around important issues. If you would like more information submit an interest form and we will contact you. We need your voice!”. On the right bottom corner there is the GPSE logo in black.


Reunion Graduate Lounge🛋☕️

Join us for the Reunion Graduate Lounge. We are returning Wednesday, September 29, 2021. All graduate students are invited to stop by Duke 112 from 4-7:30 p.m. every Wednesday for a snack and coffee. We will be present to answer any questions you may have about on-campus resources or services. Come take a break with the GPSE team!

Graphic description: The whole graphic is a salmon pink. On the upper left corner are two gray paper clips and on the bottom left corner there is a pink and red ruler. On the upper right corner there is a red GPSE logo and on the bottom right corner there is a blue and pink colored pencil. Within the photograph there is a large sticky note in the center. In the top center of the sticky note there is a text that reads, “ Reunion Graduate Lounge” with a pink underline. Below there is a space and another text that reads, “ Come take a break with us! We are returning Wednesday, September 29, 2021! Duke 112 from 4-7:30 p.m.”.

In-Person Classes Are Back: Here's How You Can Thrive 09/01/2021

In-Person Classes Are Back: Here's How You Can Thrive After more than a year of virtual learning, in-person classes are back at APU. Here are some tips to help students thrive as they return to school.​

Photos from APU Grad&Professional Student Engagement's post 06/14/2021

Starting this week! APU Telehealth is offering FREE Timelycare Group sessions in Guided Meditation and Yoga! Guided Meditation 🧘‍♀️ Guided Meditation (Yoga Nidra) promotes ways to destress, relax and practice mindfulness. You are encouraged to find a quiet place to lay down and follow the practice through Zoom with your cameras and microphones off. These sessions are 45 minutes long. 🧘‍♂️Yoga - These 45-minute sessions include breathing techniques, postural alignment and how to be more present to your mind, body and spirit. You will learn how to build strength and balance by creating a solid foundation that is rooted in good alignment, body awareness, breath and heart. LINK IN OUR BIO TO REGISTER 🤗

Photos from APU Grad&Professional Student Engagement's post 06/02/2021

You’re invited! 🎉 The University Counseling Center is hosting a session on Strategies to Adapt and Thrive in school! Link in our bio to register 🤗


📌APU Telehealth📌

Freeeeeeeedom. That’s how study breaks make your brain feel. Like the one you’re taking now. Of course, you need more than a video of a free-roping Frenchie click to connect with a TalkNow provider who specializes in helping students like you.

🧑🏻‍💻Link in our About section!

Video Description: A happy, black french bull dog running across grass.


📌APU Telehealth📌

Finals frog stuck in your throat?

Take a break!

👨🏿‍💻Link in our About section!

Graphic Description: The right side of the graphic is dark blue while the left side is light blue. On the left side of the graphic, there is an illustration of a throat in dark blue and within it, there is text in white and light blue that read, “FEAR LONELINESS INSECURITY NERVES.” On the right side of the graphic, there is text that reads, “Finals frog stuck in your throat? Take a break. Brain fog, stomach knots and throat tension are all signs of stress. If you need a Finals Week study break take one. And if you need more, download our app to connect with a TalkNow provider today. IT’S FOR STUDENTS. FOR FREE.” On the bottom right of the ghraphic, there is a small white rectangular box. On the left side of the box, there is red and gray text that reads, “APU TELEHEALTH.” On the right side of the box, there is the Azusa Pacific University logo in red and below that there is text in black that reads, “Azusa Pacific University.”


❗️Quote of the Week❗️

Graphic Description: The whole graphic is in APU red. In the center of the post, there is a square box in white with text in black that reads, “If you wish to move mountains tomorrow, you must start by lifting stones today.” Below that is text that reads, “AFRICAN PROVERB” in black. There is the Graduate and Professional Student Engagement logo in white in the center located on the bottom of the graphic.


📌APU Telehealth📌

Brain crunched from cramming?

Take a break!

👩🏽‍💻Link in our Bio!

Graphic Description: The right side of the graphic is dark blue while the left side is light blue. On the left side of the graphic, there is an illustration of a brain in dark blue and within it, there is text in white and light blue that read, “EXHAUSTION SELF-DOUBT TEST ANXIETY PRESSURE.” On the right side of the graphic, there is text that reads, “Brain crunched from cramming? Take a break. Brain fog, stomach knots and throat tension are all signs of stress. If you need Finals Week study break take one. And if you need more, download our app to connect with a TalkNow provider today. IT’S FOR STUDENTS. FOR FREE.” On the bottom right of the ghraphic, there is a small white rectangular box. On the left side of the box, there is red and gray text that reads, “APU TELEHEALTH.” On the right side of the box, there is the Azusa Pacific University logo in red and below that there is text in black that reads, “Azusa Pacific University.”


📌APU Telehealth📌

Stomach flip-flopping over finals?

Take a break!

👩🏻‍💻Link in our Bio!

Graphic Description: The right side of the graphic is dark blue while the left side is light blue. On the left side of the graphic, there is an illustration of the stomach in dark blue and within it, there is text in white and light blue that reads, “ANXIETY BUTTERFLIES TENSION STRESS.” On the right side of the graphic, there is text that reads, “Stomach flip-flopping over finals? Take a break. Stomach knots, brain fog and throat tension are all signs of stress. If you need Finals Week study break take one. And if you need more, download our app to connect with a TalkNow provider today. IT’S FOR STUDENTS. FOR FREE. On the bottom right of the ghraphic, there is a small white rectangular box. On the left side of the box, there is red and gray text that reads, “APU TELEHEALTH.” On the right side of the box, there is the Azusa Pacific University logo in red and below that there is text in black that reads, “Azusa Pacific University.”


🚨The Learning Table🚨

Grab your lunch and join us as we learn about community and school resources to combat food insecurity.

🗓 Thursday, April 29, 2021
⏰ 12 - 1 PM PST
👩🏾‍💻Link in our About section to RSVP

See you this Thursday!👋🏽

Image Description: The entire post is the color, light purple. On the top of both sides of the graphic, there are is a pink and yellow flower. There is text that reads, “The Learning Table April.” Below that, there is white table. A white table outlined in grey from left to right there is a dark purple beverage, burger, and light grey computer. Below that there is text that reads, “Food insecurity-It Affects Us All.” Below that there is text that reads, “Please join us for this Learning table. Whether you are currently experiencing food insecurity or know of others who might be, you are invited to attend a workshop where participants will learn about community and school resources to combat food insecurity. Grab your lunch and join us as we learn new strategies.” Below that there is text that reads, “THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 12 - 1 PM. RSVP BY APRIL 28, 2021.” On the bottom left corner of the post, there is the Graduate and Professional Student Engagement logo in black.


❗️Quote of the Week❗️

Graphic Description: The whole graphic is in APU red. In the center of the post, there is a square box in white with text in black that reads, “The most effective way to do it, is to do it.” Below that is text that reads, “AMELIA EARHART” in black. There is the Graduate and Professional Student Engagement logo in white in the center located on the bottom of the graphic.


🚨The Learning Table🚨

Grab your lunch and join us as we learn about community and school resources to combat food insecurity.

🗓 Thursday, April 29, 2021
⏰ 12 - 1 PM PST
👨🏾‍💻Link in our About section to RSVP

See you next Thursday!👋🏽

Image Description: The entire post is the color, light purple. On the top of both sides of the graphic, there are is a pink and yellow flower. There is text that reads, “The Learning Table April.” Below that, there is white table. A white table outlined in grey from left to right there is a dark purple beverage, burger, and light grey computer. Below that there is text that reads, “Food insecurity-It Affects Us All.” Below that there is text that reads, “Please join us for this Learning table. Whether you are currently experiencing food insecurity or know of others who might be, you are invited to attend a workshop where participants will learn about community and school resources to combat food insecurity. Grab your lunch and join us as we learn new strategies.” Below that there is text that reads, “THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 12 - 1 PM. RSVP BY APRIL 28, 2021.” On the bottom left corner of the post, there is the Graduate and Professional Student Engagement logo in black.


❗️Quote of the Week❗️

Graphic Description: The whole graphic is in APU red. In the center of the post, there is a square box in white with text in black that reads, “You‘ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” Below that is text that reads, “GEORGE LORIMER” in black. There is the Graduate and Professional Student Engagement logo in white in the center located on the bottom of the graphic.


📌APU Telehealth📌

Did you know?

Scheduled Counseling gives you scheduled options to speak to a licensed counselor. By choosing Scheduled Counseling, you have the ability to pick your counselor and his or her availability based on your busy schedule. Just like TalkNow, you may talk to a counselor on Scheduled Counseling about anything from depression and anxiety to grief to addiction and more.

👩🏽‍💻Link in our About section!

Graphic Description: A photograph of a women with red glasses holding a rose gold tablet and looking at it. On the bottom of the photograph, there is a small white rectangular box. On the left side of the box, there is black, red, and gray text that reads, “APU TELEHEALTH, 24/7 Telehealth for Students. On the right side of the box, there is the Azusa Pacific University logo in red and below that there is text in black that reads, “Azusa Pacific University.”


📌APU Telehealth📌

Did you know?

APU Telehealth provides are licensed and able to prescribe certain medications for medical visits only as part of your care plan, if clinically appropriate. Providers can also refill short-term supplies of maintainable medications in the event of patient’s transition to a new doctor, or inability to get in touch with his/her primary care doctor due to limited hours or appointments.

👩🏽‍💻Link in our About section!

Graphic Description: A photograph of a two women looking at a tablet. On the bottom of the photograph, there is a small white rectangular box. On the left side of the box, there is black, red, and gray text that reads, “APU TELEHEALTH, 24/7 Telehealth for Students. On the right side of the box, there is the Azusa Pacific University logo in red and below that there is text in black that reads, “Azusa Pacific University.”

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901 E. Alosa Avenue
Azusa, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm

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