Vote NO Beavercreek Charter Amendments

This page is dedicated to keeping Beavercreek a taxpayer-friendly city.



Never forget that in every single income tax proposal. The retired council members exempted one important party from ever paying income tax - themselves.

Consider this updated donor list from the "Fairer Funding Committee", a PAC formed with the sole intent of increasing your taxes.

This tax would fall solely on working families and small business owners - while exempting the retired council members.

Since they keep losing at the ballot box, they now want to change the city charter to force through the tax without a popular vote.

Send a message.



The founders of Beavercreek were very explicit. Unlike most cities in Ohio where city council can charge a 1% income tax without voter approval, Beavercreek is unique.

No income tax at any level without voter approval. That's been in the city charter since 1980 for a reason.

City Council knows they can't win at the ballot box. They've lost every time they've tried to push the income tax. No matter how much money they spend, no matter how many retired council members try to peddle their misinformation.

So they're trying to push a charter amendment instead.

They would unanimously approve the income tax before the ink on the charter amendment was dry.




City Hall's misinformation machine characterizes the charter review committee as "an independent, citizen-led group" that recommends changes every five years to the city charter.

Naturally, this group was anything but independent. This group was hand-picked by City Council, and a quick Internet search reveals that this "independent group" consists of a former Beavercreek Schools board member, two former City Council members (Zach Upton and Vicki Giambrone), and additionally Vicki Giambrone did a stint as Mayor.

If this sounds exactly like the 2019 version of the charter review commission, which was headed up by Brian Jarvis (retired mayor), you'd be absolutely correct.

I bet the former Council members drove the discussion and insisted on the charter change in order to help their buddies at City Hall push through the income tax without a popular vote, since they keep losing at the ballot box.





An "independent citizens commission" consisting of two former City Council members, a former Mayor, and at least one individual who is retired and thus exempt from any income tax is pushing for Beavercreek to amend its city charter.

Why, you ask?

So City Council, after losing four times at the ballot box, can force through its 1% income tax hike against the will of the people.

Say NO to any charter amendment.

NO to heated driving range tees at the golf course, NO to a new $18 million City Hall building at Lofino's, and NO to ignoring the will of the people.


Results are looking good tonight!

Thank you for voting today!

Sarah Mays for Greene County Commissioner


Polls are OPEN this evening!

Be sure to register your vote!

Sarah Mays for Greene County Commissioner


Rick Perales has made his endorsement in the race for Greene County commissioner - and he didn’t endorse Sarah Mays.

This is all you need to know about tomorrow’s primary.

Either we make a vote for self serving politicians who never say no to a tax hike.

Or we vote for strong leadership that is ready on day one.

Sarah Mays for Greene County Commissioner


"I went to [Bob Stone when he was mayor] for help with a problem and he told me to go away. I was really disappointed in that behavior." - Ben Southerland, a Beavercreek Resident


We proudly repeat the Greater Dayton Young Republicans' endorsement of Sarah Mays for Greene County Commissioner! She will be ready to lead on day one, and we encourage everyone to take a Republican ballot in the upcoming primary.

Before to vote on or before March 19!


“If Bob Stone said with 100% accuracy that he ‘will work hard to reduce your taxes’, he was looking at himself in the mirror at the time.” - Maynard J., a Beavercreek Resident



This page is proud to endorse Sarah Mays for Greene County Commissioner and we encourage all of Beavercreek to take a Republican ballot on or before March 19th in th upcoming primary election.

Sarah is ready on day one to lead Greene County!


"Bob Stone has never met a tax he didn't enthusiastically support. Despite any claims to being a small government conservative, the only tax cut he's ever endorsed is when he would benefit personally from it." - A Beavercreek Resident


If you haven’t had a chance to vote yet, be sure to take a Republican ballot in the primary on March 19.

We suggest a vote for Sarah Mays for Greene County Commissioner. Proven leadership and ready on day one to take Greene County forward!


Let's make sure we get out the vote on March 19! Be sure to take a Republican primary ballot and vote Sarah Mays for Greene County Commissioner.

🏡 Elect Sarah Mays for Greene County Commissioner – a leader with a passion for our community. She's prepared and committed to making positive changes on day one. Let's build a stronger Greene County together! 🌟🤝


Friendly reminder to everyone that early voting is OPEN at the Greene County Board of Elections on Ledbetter Road in Xenia!

If you'd like to vote early, we strongly encourage a vote for SARAH MAYS for Greene County commissioner!

Monday, March 11, 2024 7:30 am to 7:30 pm
Tuesday, March 12, 2024 7:30 am to 8:30 pm
Wednesday, March 13, 2024– Friday, March 15, 2024 7:30 am to 7:30 pm
Saturday, March 16, 2024 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sunday, March 17, 2024 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Sarah Mays for Greene County Commissioner


SARAH MAYS for County Commissioner

As mayor of Xenia, Sarah Mays was instrumental in setting up and hosting an information session about WPAFB and the career opportunities available there. This one of a kind event, in cooperation with Congressman Mike Turner and Col. Cassie Barlow, was hosted at Xenia High School.

As County Commissioner, Sarah Mays will continue working hard to put Greene County residents first, advocating for more jobs and development at every opportunity.

Sarah Mays for Greene County Commissioner

Be sure to take a Republican ballot on March 19!


This page is proud to endorse SARAH MAYS for Greene County Commissioner.

Be sure to vote on Tuesday, March 19. In order to vote, you must take a Republican ballot. (This does not affect your ability to vote Democrat or independent in the general election in November.)

As the mayor of Xenia, Sarah Mays was instrumental in setting up the county's first community STE(A)M academy in Xenia, which will work towards building Greene County's future.

By contrast, Bob Stone's tenure as mayor of Beavercreek was dominated by his two failed attempts to increase taxes on Beavercreek workers and small businesses to the tune of $18 million a year - all so he could upgrade the driving range tees at the golf course, among other things.



We would like to weigh in on the result of one vote in Beavercreek, the proposed tax levy so City Council could build pickleball courts on the empty plot of land bounded by Grange Hall and Shakertown Roads.

This is why voting NO on the income tax was so critical. If Beavercreek City Council had the $18 million slush fund they so desired in previous cycles, they wouldn't have to come to the voters for money to build pickleball courts.

They would have just done it, taxpayer costs be damned.

The voters of Beavercreek, by a 22 point margin, have rejected taxpayer-funded pickleball courts.

No income tax in the 'Creek. Not now, not ever.

Keep up the hard fight.

Early Voting Hours – Greene County Board of Elections 08/04/2023

Good afternoon, Beavercreek!

This page has been relatively inactive, but that is purely because there is no pending income tax on the ballot for the upcoming August election. However, there is a state level vote, Issue 1, that will change the threshold for future constitutional amendments from requiring a 51% majority to requiring a 60% majority.

This vote will be on Tuesday, August 8, and you can also vote early in-person at the county board of elections on Ledbetter Road in Xenia.

This page will not take a side on the issue, but we encourage all Beavercreek voters to educate themselves on the issue and make their decision.

Early Voting Hours – Greene County Board of Elections The site is secure. The https:// ensures you're connecting to the official website and any information you provide is encrypted and cannot be seen by anyone else.


Beavercreek has two property tax hikes on the ballot next month. One is for the school district (a substitute levy alllows schools to collect additional taxes that scale with property valuations without the need to vote again) and the other is for the police department to build a new building at the old Lofino’s plaza.


This post is being made for the electorate’s situational awareness, as this page will take no position on either tax levy.

We believe the property tax levy and a simple up or down vote is the most effective way to fund local government. Let these proposals stand or fail on their own.


It has been almost one year since “We the People” of Beavercreek crushed the income tax at the ballot box for the fourth straight time.

With record high inflation and soaring food prices, you, the VOTE NO MOVEMENT - have worked hard to deliver much needed relief to Beavercreek residents and small businesses.

YOU helped deliver $18,000,000 of tax relief in the past year alone. That’s money that goes directly into our pockets.

Not a new City Hall building or subsidizing a money-losing golf course.

No income tax in the ‘Creek. Not now, not ever.


No income tax in Beavercreek.

Not now. Not ever.

Amend the city charter to permanently ban the collection of income tax.



In the past two years, YOU have worked hard to deliver victory at the ballot box, defeating the pro-tax gaggle at City Hall twice now. On their way to losing, the retired council members at the "Fairer Funding Committee" resorted to lies, name-calling, censorship, and above all, accusing YOU of spreading misinformation.

They accused this page of spreading misinformation as well.

So, to clear the air, here are the sole sources this page ever used:

Greene County Board of Elections:

Greene County Property Search:

Beavercreek's $9,000 Water Heater and $600k Heated Tees:

Beavercreek's Municipal Budget:

As Alexander Solzhenitsyn said. "They lie. We know they lie. They know that we know they're lying. And still they lie."


No income tax in the 'Creek. Not now, not ever.


"Dishonest Debbie Strikes Again"

Part 3 of our little "Election Postmortem" series. Our former mayors and retired council members at the "Fairer Funding Commitee" spent over a thousand dollars on one individual - who was responsible for their social media outreach in an attempt to raise YOUR taxes.

We know how it went - blocking, censorship, name-calling, and general nastiness throughout the entire election season. I only resorted to using "Dishonest Debbie" after personally receiving hate mail from that individual on social media.

Only liars are afraid to debate and resort to censorship.

You - as part of the VOTE NO MOVEMENT - won by 10 points this time despite spending zero dollars. Zero ads on Facebook, zero boosted posts. All of our growth is organic and grass roots.

No income tax in the 'Creek. Not now, not ever.

And to City Council - we'll always be watching.



A fun election postmortem. Never forget that City Council's PAC, the "Fairer Funding Committee", is still active and waiting in the wings to push the income tax yet again. But since they're an active PAC, they're required to publish donor and expense records.

Despite losing four times at the ballot box now, current and former council members and their friends continue to throw money at the wall in the hopes it will stick.

But hey, keep losing to a guy with no PAC, no insider donations and no crooked paper trail. The VOTE NO MOVEMENT is grassroots and will beat them every time.

Maybe they'll learn. No income tax in the 'Creek. Not now, not ever.



Here is a screenshot of the proposed 2023 municipal budget. As you can see, Beavercreek City Council continues to subsidize the golf course's ongoing operating losses (now to the tune of $1.5 million a year).

How much could you buy with $1.5 million a year?

Fifteen police officers, assuming a salary and benefits package worth $100,000. Or six miles of repaved roads.

Or -news flash! - a property tax break.

Just because we rejected the income tax four times doesn't mean the current crop of City Council members haven't been voted out of office yet. Many of them either live adjacent to the golf course or have business interests there.



In November, Beavercreek voters delivered a split decision on two proposed property tax levies, approving a streets levy by a margin of 33 votes and rejecting a police levy by a margin of about 1,400 votes. This is out of 20,000 cast.

The VOTE NO MOVEMENT did not take a position on either levy as we believe each property tax levy should be carefully considered by the citizens. The split decision shows that Beavercreek taxpayers are engaged and concerned about their wallets as inflation soars and a recession is coming.

This election proves the success of the property tax levy to fund city services. The people must always retain absolute control over their pocketbooks - not a few disconnected City Council members who would rather invest your money in a golf course or a new City Hall building.

Keep their feet to the fire.

No income tax in the 'Creek. Not now, not ever.


The VOTE NO MOVEMENT will not consider any tax increases for any reason until Beavercreek City Council sells the golf course and stops blowing 40% of the general fund on subsidizing it each year.

They Wanted to Save Their 119-Year-Old Village. So They Got Rid of It. (Published 2019) 07/12/2022

“Faced with the prospect of digging into their pockets, residents in Amelia began to question the village council’s spending, including hundreds of thousands of dollars to upgrade village offices to a Victorian-style building, with a lion door-knocker, chandeliers on the ceiling and a gazebo in the backyard.

For more than a year, the residents of Amelia, just outside Cincinnati, have been consumed by a fiery debate over a proposal to impose a new local tax of just 1 percent. This month, voters found a way around the problem — by getting rid of their 119-year-old village altogether.”


Beavercreek City Council shows no sign of stopping. Their most recent plan: amend the city charter to allow future charter amendments in off-election cycles.

Why, you ask?

Because they want to amend the city charter and remove the people’s ability to refuse future tax hikes.

Bob Stone and the rest of city council have been very clear they will stop at nothing to levy this tax on you, your businesses, and your families. All when inflation and gas prices are at record highs.

But hey, they’re retired. They’ve exempted themselves from ever paying any taxes. And they still want $640,000 of your hard earned tax dollars to put in new heated driving range tees at the golf course.

It used to be $600,000. But, inflation, you know.


They Wanted to Save Their 119-Year-Old Village. So They Got Rid of It. (Published 2019) A feud over local taxes turned into a referendum on government itself. But Election Day left residents as divided as ever.


Will City Council ever get the message?

It’s time to run a clean slate the next time they are up for re-election.

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