East European Folklife Center

Our Vision: We envision a global community of passionate amateurs and professionals, sharing what we know and love about Balkan music, dance, and folklore.

The East European Folklife Center (EEFC) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote, celebrate, and educate the public about traditional and traditionally based music, dance, and cultures of the Balkans. By inspiring and supporting research and study in these fields, we preserve both historical and living traditions for future generations.



Do you know of someone with a spare room?

We are still seeking a place to stay in the NYC area for one of our East Coast instructors and their spouse, on the Friday night (8/9) before Camp. They will arrive at LaGuardia Airport on Friday evening at 6:30 pm.

Please spread the word to others in our community, even if they will not be campers this year. If you have any leads, please contact [email protected] and request to be put in touch with Bonnie Silver.

Thank you!

📾 Photo by Amita Vempati from EEFC's 2022 BalkanFest in Astoria, New York (near where we're looking for a room!)


Almost at one week till camp! Time for a Friday Flashback to the 2018 Albanian Student Ensemble performing at East Coast. This year, Merita Halili and Raif Hyseni will once again be part of our world-class pool of instructors to reprise their roles teaching Albanian Singing and Albanian Ensemble (respectively). We can’t wait to recreate this scene in two short weeks!

TOMORROW, August 3rd, IS THE LAST DAY TO REGISTER FOR EAST COAST CAMP! Visit [eefc.org] to add your name to the long list of folks this year who will be joining us at Iroquois Springs.

đŸŽ„ Video originally posted by Noel Kropf

Photos from East European Folklife Center's post 08/01/2024

Thanks to a grant from the Trust for Mutual Understanding, we at the EEFC are honored to welcome Aleksandar Jovevski (Macedonian Kaval and Tambura) and Emil Adamski (Macedonian Gajda and Zurla) from North Macedonia to our East Coast Camp. Together with David Bilides (Macedonian Tambura, Macedonian Village Ensemble), Jerry Kisslinger (Tapan), and Brenna MacCrimmon (Macedonian Singing), they will be rounding out this year’s strong and comprehensive Macedonian programming.

We are so excited to have these first-time faculty to our workshops. Be sure to say hello when you see them around camp (after you’ve registered, of course - don’t forget the deadline is this Saturday, August 3rd!).


The Tuesday-night Auction raises vital funds for the EEFC—and is also great fun! The proceeds help us pay for scholarships, pay teachers and staff, rent our beloved camp facilities and much more. Bring a costume, artifact, recording, book, musical instrument, homemade item, or nostalgia piece. Or donate a service—from the whimsical (juggling lesson, break- fast in bed) to the practical (massage, computer consultation). Whether silly, serious, melodious, or romantic, your thoughtful donation makes a difference.

For more information, contact the EEFC Office, and don’t forget to register by Saturday, August 3rd for East Coast Balkan Camp!


Listen, we don’t mean to be aggressive, but we love how our dangerously wondrous General Manager, Rachel Macfarlane, is pulling off this royal blue EEFC apron.

You have two days left to order your own fierce EEFC swag like shirts, aprons, and bags in four gorgeous colors. Visit [eefc.org/store] BY SUNDAY, JULY 21 to order some of our beautiful EEFC merch either for pickup at East Coast camp OR for delivery to your home address (how convenient!).

Photos from East European Folklife Center's post 07/16/2024

For East Coast and West Coast friends alike, we have a lot of deadlines coming up! Please be sure to:

- Visit [eefc.org/balkan-camp/east-coast-registration-form] to register for East Coast Camp by Saturday, August 3.

- Visit [eefc.org/store] to order some of our beautiful EEFC merch either for pickup at East Coast camp OR for delivery to your home address (how convenient!)


After a week and change of recovery, the woods feel so far away
but what a wonderful time we had together while we there.

2024 West Coast Balkan Camp was, as it has been since our return to camp and our time before COVID, an absolute delight. It was a joy to sing, music, dance, and celebrate together. And we are happy to report that the sun made a welcome appearance on our pre-student concert parade, almost as if to join us.

The board and staff are hard at work to make sure East Coast is just as wonderful, but we hope all of you West Coast attendees are feeling buoyed and rejuvenated by nature and community together. As always, we thank our incredible instructors, work-exchange crews, and volunteers for their labor. And, of course, we thank all of you for another magical time.

Stay tuned for more wonderful social media snippets of camp, and be sure to use the hashtag when you post your own. Until we meet next year, there’s always the Internet, and we’ll see you there!


We’re on our way! You might not hear from us for a week, but it’s only because we’re having a ball at West Coast and looking forward to seeing all of you who will meet us there!

While we’re packing and still have Internet access, make sure to check the camp page and read through all the camper letters from our General Manager, Rachel! All registrants should have received this series of letters that includes updates about the site, what to bring, health policies, changes in the camp schedule, preparing for the auction, and materials from the instructors. There’s a treasure trove of helpful information there, so please do not forget about them!

Also, please remember that in addition to our wonderful classes and evening programs, there is the newcomer Happy Hour on Sunday, the Tuesday night auction (bring your wares!), the NextGen forum on Wednesday during lunch, and the Community Forum on Thursday during lunch.

Till we’re back in Internet land OR till tomorrow, campers - We’re excited to see you very soon!


The deadline for West Coast registration is this Sunday, June 9th. There may still be work-exchange opportunities available (email [email protected] to inquire). As well as whole- and partial-week options, you can also register for one-night B&B stays and evening parties. Registered campers receive a series of email updates from the EEFC Office with updates and helpful tips to get ready for camp. Visit [eefc.org/balkan-camp/west-coast] to sign up soon!

Photos from East European Folklife Center's post 06/07/2024

We’re almost to camp, folks, but there’s still time to sign up! If you’re feeling antsy about leaving the kids at home, remember that our camps have wonderful musical and cultural programming for all ages. At Mendocino this year, Darina Drapkin will lead Children’s Activities, while Eleni Govetas and Tano Brock will lead the Youth Band.

So bring the whole family along! The deadline for registration has been extended to Sunday, June 9th. Visit [eefc.org/balkan-camp/west-coast] to sign up today!


Two more weeks until these beautiful views and music floating through the trees

And just one more week to sign up for West Coast Balkan Camp! Visit [eefc.org/balkan-camp/west-coast] and register by June 8th to enjoy Balkan music and dance under and over the magical Redwoods.


A little to last year’s Mendocino Rhodope singalong led by Carol Silverman. One of the most special aspects of this singalong is the accompaniment by the amazing gajda players on the West Coast. You can spot Varol Saatcıoğlu, our gajda instructor, and Mark Levy, the leader of our Bitov Ensemble, among the talented instrumentalists in this video.

Visit [eefc.org/balkan-camp/west-coast] and register by June 8th to sing with, learn more about, and simply enjoy the sounds of the gajda as well as many other unique Balkan instruments!


The Tuesday-night Auction raises vital funds for the EEFC—and is also great fun! The proceeds help us pay for scholarships, pay teachers and staff, rent our beloved camp facilities and much more. Bring a costume, artifact, recording, book, musical instrument, homemade item, or nostalgia piece. Or donate a service—from the whimsical (juggling lesson, break- fast in bed) to the practical (massage, computer consultation). Whether silly, serious, melodious, or romantic, your thoughtful donation makes a difference.

For more information, contact the EEFC Office, and don’t forget to register by June 8th for West Coast Balkan Camp!


We’re less than three weeks out from Mendocino camp, folks - let’s get a beat going! For all our rigorous rhythmists, we’re excited to share that Sean Tergis will be reprising his Doumbek class from last year while the one and only Dan Auvil will be teaching Tupan/Daouli. Be sure to visit [eefc.org/balkan-camp/west-coast] and register by June 8th to drum your heart out with these amazing instructors (and many more ensembles) at West Coast Balkan Camp!

Photos from East European Folklife Center's post 05/24/2024

Just a few short weeks until we’re at Mendocino, folks (and an even shorter time until the deadline to register on June 8th)!

And why would you wait to register when we have such an incredible slate of teachers? For our Bulgaria buffs, we have the following wonderful instructors:

- Valeri Georgiev teaching Bulgarian Kaval
- Stoyan Kostov teaching Bulgarian Tambura
- Kalin Kirilov teaching Accordion and leading Bitov/Bulgarian Village Ensemble
- Tzvety Dosseva teaching Bulgarian Singing
- Dina Trageser teaching Bulgarian Choral Singing
- Konstantin Marinov teaching Bulgarian Dance

Be sure to visit [eefc.org/balkan-camp/west-coast] and register to work with these (and so many more) teachers in the beautiful Mendocino redwoods from June 14-22!

Store - East European Folklife Center 05/20/2024

Final Call for Mendo Merch Pickup is TODAY, May 20!! Visit our store to purchase super cool t-shirts, sweatshirts, aprons, and tote bags with our trademark santouri rosette.

One purchase today can mean wearing your love of EEFC for decades to come - place your orders now!

Store - East European Folklife Center Welcome to our online store! Browse our selection of 2024 EEFC t-shirts, sweatshirts, aprons, and tote bags, then scroll down to place your order on the handy form. Questions? Email [email protected]. NOTE: To see a larger version of any image, just right-click/Control + click and select “Open Image...


It’s less than one month to West Coast Balkan Camp! To quote our Marketing & Outreach Manager, “Yaaaay we’re doin it yaaaaaay.”

The excitement is only continuing to build for another magical summer together. Visit eefc.org this weekend (or better yet, today!) to register, check our teacher list, and make your plans to see and celebrate with these many wonderful faces!


Final call for West Coast pickup of EEFC Swag! To our Mendocino Workshop friends, please place your orders by May 20 to ensure you get your hands on the beautiful santouri rosette emblazoned merch available at our store.

Visit [eefc.org/store] to wear your love for Balkan Camp on your sleeve (or t-shirt, sweatshirt, apron, or tote bag). Let’s go shopping!


Thanks to everyone who attended our Board and Staff Office Hours last Saturday! We really enjoyed hearing from and brainstorming with all of you.

For those of you who were not able to attend the meeting, please find the recording link and passcode in the comments below.


We’re doing a little all the way back to 1978 and the second ever Balkan Camp where you could score this adorable t-shirt to celebrate our budding community!

It’s over 40 years later, and you can hold onto a little piece of present history to cherish for decades to come. Visit [eefc.org/store] to order commemorative t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies aprons, and tote bags with EEFC’s special santouri rosette (and in four lovely colors!) at our store! Place your order by May 20 for pick up at the Mendocino workshop, and by July 21 for pick up at the Iroquois Springs workshop.

Photos from East European Folklife Center's post 05/09/2024

West Coast friends: Just starting out on a new instrument (or any instrument)? Our inaugural Beginner Ensemble - led by Greg Jenkins and Bobby Govetas - is the perfect place to bring your burgeoning chops. Register today at eefc.org to continue (or even launch!) your instrumental journey under the redwoods this year!


Don’t let Mendocino catch you off guard (as it may have done to John Morovich who may have been expecting to conduct an ode to Bucovico during the Croatian singing class’s showcase last year)!

Visit eefc.org this weekend (or better yet, today!) to register and make your plans to join us this summer under the beautiful Redwoods.


Have you signed up for Balkan Camp yet? We’re but a few weeks out from Mendocino, so if you haven’t visited our lovely registration sites, now is the time! Visit the West Coast and East Coast camp pages at [eefc.org] for all the details on the workshop program, site, and faculty—and to fill out a registration form.

Start packing your bags, warming up, and signing up! We cannot wait to see you soon for another summer together.


Ever wonder where the signature EEFC logo comes from? The design originates from the carved wooden decoration that is inlaid in the soundboard of the Greek hammered dulcimer—and this one is very special, because it was originally made by our own santouri master and teacher Yianni Roussos. Our artist community member Batja Bell made a woodcut of this rosette, which was then transmogrified into the logo you know and love today.

And now you can get t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies aprons, and tote bags with EEFC’s special santouri rosette (and in four lovely colors) at our store! Visit [eefc.org/store] and order by May 20 for pick up at the Mendocino workshop, and by July 21 for pick up at the Iroquois Springs workshop.


Join us for our pre-Camp EEFC Office Hours on Saturday, May 4, at 1:00 PM Eastern (12:00 PM Central, 11:00 AM Mountain, 10:00 AM Pacific). We’ll be chatting about everything from the most recent tuition changes to updates on the visiting musicians from North Macedonia, our fundraising goals, and our work to better the sound quality at Iroquois Springs.

The Zoom link will be circulated just prior to the meeting time. We look forward to touching base with and hearing from all of you. Thank you for all your support!


We join our community in mourning the loss of Corinna Snyder. In addition to being one of our beloved teachers, Corinna served on the EEFC Board of Directors from 2012 to 2018 and was President of the Board during an important time of reorganization and expansion. She not only shepherded us through difficult moments and decisions but also guided our Board to establish better business practices and professionalize our organization.

Outside of her leadership role, Corinna was a popular musician and Macedonian singing instructor par excellence. She combined her natural artistic talents and anthropological insights seamlessly, inspiring students to engage with the communities and stories behind the music she shared. To that end, she played a critical role in organizing the 2019 YAMMS (Young American Musicians to Macedonia and Serbia) trip and stewarding a new generation of passionate and curious musicians.

While we can talk endlessly of Corinna’s many accomplishments within the EEFC, we will miss most of all her warmth, humor, enthusiasm, and abiding love for music and community. In accordance with her request, we encourage donations in Corinna’s memory at [eefc.org/join-the-circle/eefc-membership-donate]. Though she may no longer be with us, her myriad contributions to our organization continue on as she does in the memories of her friends, collaborators, students, and fellow campers. We remember her with love and gratitude.

📾 Corinna with Polly Tapia Ferber. Photo Credit to Leslie Boden.


The EEFC Store is back in business! For the 2024 camp season, we’re excited to offer a wonderful array of merchandise featuring our elegant organizational logo.

Our Store will be open for a limited time! For pickup at the Mendocino Workshop, place your orders by May 20. For direct shipping or pickup at the Iroquois Springs workshop, place your orders by July 21.

Visit [eefc.org/store] to wear your love for Balkan Camp on your sleeve (or t-shirt, sweatshirt, apron, or tote bag). Let’s go shopping!


Registration is open for both our West and East Coast Summer Music & Dance Workshops! And we are absolutely thrilled at the prospect of sharing two more glorious weeks in the magic of the Redwoods and Catskills with all of you.

Mark your calendars and learn more about our campsite, classes, and staff as you sign up on our camp pages at [eefc.org] (also linked in the comments below). Be sure to also follow our social media pages and eblasts for more updates.

Just a few more weeks - we can’t wait to see you soon!

đŸŽ„ 2024 East Coast Camp Parade (filmed by Amita Vempati)

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Our Story

The East European Folklife Center (the EEFC) began in 1977 with its first gathering of Balkan music and dance enthusiast at the Mendocino Woodlands Camp. Since then, the organization has expanded to include, at its core, two annual week-long summer workshops--one on the west coast and one on the east coast. Each Balkan Music & Dance Workshop (often called Balkan Camp) brings together the finest available teachers and performers with students of varying levels and experience eager to share the joys of Balkan traditions. With dance instruction, culture corners, instrumental, vocal, and ensemble classes, days of lessons and nights of parties, these weeklong workshops have been an unforgettable annual celebration for a growing and increasingly diverse community on both U.S. coasts.

In addition to camp the EEFC provides a fundraising arm which supports the camps, provides scholarships, and underwrites projects like its youth orchestra and Kef Times. Other projects, like Forum Folkloristika, are funded by outside grants. The EEFC also acts as the fiscal sponsor for groups seeking funding for mission-aligned projects.

The organization is directed by an all volunteer board. It is run by two year-round part-time staff members, volunteer committee members and a host of full- and part-time paid and work-exchange workshop staff.

Tuition from the summer workshops does not provide all of the funds needed to keep the organization solvent. The remainder comes largely from membership and donations from within the community. Community support, both monetary and through volunteering, is essential to the EEFC’s existence. Consider becoming a member or making a donation. Join the circle.

Videos (show all)

Almost at one week till camp! Time for a Friday Flashback to the 2018 Albanian Student Ensemble performing at East Coast...
Thank you for 2024 West Coast Balkan Camp!
2023 West Coast Rhodope Singalong
We’re less than three weeks out from Mendocino camp, folks - let’s get a beat going! For all our rigorous rhythmists, we...
It’s less than one month to West Coast Balkan Camp! To quote our Marketing & Outreach Manager, “Yaaaay we’re doin it yaa...
Don’t let Mendocino catch you off guard (as it may have done to John Morovich who may have been expecting to conduct an ...
Summer's just around the corner, and the party is already getting started
It’s time to sign up for Balkan Camp!
It’s the last Wednesday night of the year, and what better way to pay tribute to the middle of the week than to dance al...
After four long years apart, West Coast Balkan Camp 2023 was one for the books
and “Ramo Ramo” at the parade was just a ...
For our final post of 2022, we throw it back to the Albanian dance set during East Coast BalkanFest with our beloved Mer...
As we wrap up the end of the year, we feel a tremendous sense of gratitude for the beautiful moments we shared together ...
It’s the middle of December and after just a few weeks, we are almost halfway towards our goal of raising $40,000 before...


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