Blogging for Jesus

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13 KJV "Blogging for Jesus" is about Jesus nothing else.


So the supreme court is taking actions to take away power from governmental agencies to make rules and mandates that we the American people must live by, ie, the department of education and their satanic DEI standards to allow indoctrination of our children, known as the chevron law, it's new to my ears but from what I gather this is big in restoring our constitution and Bill of rights back to it's intended glory, that we would have a government of the people by the people and not by a select few beurocrats that have visions of a new world order that they control.
This actually supports my Bible study where I've claimed that before the dead in Christ can rise first that all power rule and authority must be put down. Now it should be obvious that God or Paul is speaking of evil intentions that this power has granted these beurocrats that run our government, they have had more power that our duely elected president, that's why the CDC, the NAID were able to change the vaccine that DJT put in place at the very beginning of covid. DJT told us operation warp speed had two particular vaccines hydracloriquin, and cloriquin. The media was complicit and went along with Dr. Fauci and his departments mandates because DJT role was to allow them to commit the crimes, otherwise they would not be caught by their actions. It caused great damage, however it's said that after it was discovered their evil plan that steps were taken to midagate the damage, sure many people were injured but now the crimes are all being exposed. So if you were injured or your loved one died due to this terroristic actions understand that God's glory will be made manifest all all these criminals will be dealt with. DJT has said he will bring back public executions, Matthew 12:18 tells us that the Lords servant will show judgement unto the gentiles. Just as the liberals have claimed about a woman's body, my body my choice, the same applies to our bodies when it came a vaccine, DJT never mandated that we be forced to take any form of vaccine, it was our decision, the fact these criminals were selling fear didn't mean we had to buy into it. 365 times God says have no fear, so I chose not to take the vaccine, I lost my job because of it. My wife chose differently.
It was her choice.
Fortunately she had no significant damage, which could be debated. The medical association was very evil in their protocols that killed so many elderly, my wife got sick and was hospitalized and each day they checked her for covid, finally she tested positive, they informed us that I would have to leave, and she would be isolated in the covid ward, actually right down the hall on the other side of the nurses station. The nurse inform us that they would put her on a course of reindesavier a cocktail drug invented by Dr Death himself, I had knowledge of this drug and I immediately told the nurse, so you plan on killing my wife, I was not happy about it. But my wife complied and they removed me and my sister in law and they moved her down the hall. Well they must have feared my words because two days later they released my wife, from what I understood the course of that drug was 7 days so I think they knew I was on to them. My sister in law and myself both caught covid so I'm pretty sure they sprayed us with it while in the hospital, 14 days later I got a hold of ivermectin and myself and my sister in law shared my prescription, and were almost instantly healed, a drug that the media called horse paste. So the supreme court is taking many actions that the media is spinning to hide the deepstates crimes against humanity. Isaiah 28 details all that has happened in the last 4 years, the military operation is nearing completion and soon the dead and Christ will rise and the harvest will begin. It's been a war, as DJT is a war time president that has been battling a enemy that has hide themselves in lies and with falsehoods hid themselves. But God has disannuled their covanant with death and hell, and now they are being trodden down by it, they built the gallows and intended them for us but now they will meet their fate, their demise in the gallows they have built.
Lord bless you, salvation is coming for those that believe.


Why would we want the 10 commandments in the class room? If you happen to read Paul's letters you might ask the same question.
Paul says in Roman's 7:9 I once was alive before the law, but the commandment entered , sin revived, and I died.
That doesn't sound very good. He tells in 1st Corinthians 15, the law is the strength of sin.
That's doesn't sound like something we need to do in our schools.
He says in 2nd Corinthians 3 that the letter kills but the spirit brings life, speaking of the laws engraved in stone, he then calls the law the ministry of condemnation and the ministry of death. And that the law causes evil desires to rise up in the members of the body.
So what do you think will be the effect. You will probably say the law brings people to Jesus, well the jews hate Jesus so I don't think that is true, now I would agree it brings man to the end of himself so that he realizes he cannot keep the law so he needs a Savior. But if you trust what Jesus says you'll find the law doesn't cause faith. Twice Jesus said , never before have I seen such great faith, the centurion, and the woman with the issue of blood, both were gentiles not under the law. Paul is very descriptive in explaining what the law does, and even the old testament explains that it's not good, in fact God said the old covanant wasn't good for man so he made a new covanant made of better promises. So what do we want to be under bo***ge of the law or under the ministration of Grace. For me I'm going with the new covanant, I'm going to trust in Jesus and keep his commandments, they are not the same.
His commands have no curse attached to them as do the 10 commandments, I hope you'll do the same. Paying a tithe is bo***ge under the law, research the tithe, it's about the law, we are no longer under the law, or rather have never been , except that doctrines of demons wanted to take away our liberty. You'd think that ministers would have discovered this, I guess they believed without researching, or simply hearing Paul's great plainess of speech.
The law still has its hold on many good people doing their best but simply not properly informed. Try reading Paul's gospel again, this time with your eyes open to what he is saying. Lord bless, I realize sometimes I come across harsh, but for good reason, acts 7:6,7 God tells us he's going to judge those that have put his seed in bo***ge, it's bo***ge under the law.
I'm thankful I never had the call to preach, I probably would have done the same as preachers have done, demanding a tithe from those they were supposed to be ministering to.


Human nature is a strange thing:
Many years ago I worked in construction.
I did many different things from siding to roofing all in between.
I sold chimney caps for a time. I always approached it as a honest days work for a honest days pay.
So I would purchase chimney caps that I would have made, the guy that made them fir me constructed them in his shop, a very reputable business. So the way it works I would go to the clients house and measure the chimney for the cap, it didn't take but a few minutes to take measurements and then I would call in my order. It would take a couple days before the cap would be ready.
Now these caps were the best you could buy as they were weilded together to insure that they wouldn't leak or drip water down the side of the chimney. Honestly a great product. My problem was a honest price, I think my cost would average about 150.00 and then my price would range from 3 to 5 hundred. I can't say I had a booming business, I had adds and I got a few calls here and there but I couldn't feel up my schedule. What I discovered was my price was not high enough. The man that made the caps for me told me this, I was shocked but he knew the other guys he sold caps to, the same caps were getting on average around a 1000 per cap.
I just couldn't ask for more than what I thought was fair.
This is a lot like talking about Bible prophesy, I have what I consider a great understanding of how scripture will play out, but I'm a humble guy and I dont want to take advantage of members of the body.
I've watched as self proclaimed prophets go around selling their interpretations of scripture, theres one of those guys in warrior Alabama, he has a church building, his wife is the preacher and he's the singing prophet.
People line up to enter, he gives his prophesy each week which actually is just a guess based on the prevailing winds. The people actually throw money at him, I've witnessed this first hand, I couldn't believe it. His daughter would get up on stage and demand that the people would pay their tithes and they would pocket the cash. He's a multi millionaire buying up property to the point that warrior Alabama has gotten concerned and have taken steps to prohibited his plans. Now he's has his eyes set on Cullman, he recently told a reporter that he was there with God when God made the sun and he knew then that warrior and Cullman was his special place where God intended him to set up his ministry. I believe his church is called church international, in fact he appears on a prophesy podcast called Elijah Streams and gives what they call intelligence report. I guess I'm just a old guy that found God has written his word , the new testament in a way for just the average guy to understand, you dont need to be a scolar to understand scripture, Paul actually says he uses great plainess of speech, so that's exactly what I've found, and that's how I've explained it , that following the precepts is simply speech and words that tell God's incredible story. I don't make any claims, I don't call myself a teacher, or a preacher, and definitely I don't say I'm a prophet. I just don't think one should make those type of claims when it comes to prophesy. And being a pastor is a different thing from one that gives understanding to prophesy, teachers teach what they feel they are led to teach. Prophesy is different.
I simply have a message of how to follow Paul's gospel. How to read it, as I feel God has shown me. I'm not so bold as to ask for money. I don't feel God would appreciate it. The gospel was given freely and freely it should be given, I do not believe that God intends a tithe, and many teachers of prophesy make that claim, and I think I could make the argument that the tithe actually puts people into bo***ge under the law, actually mixing law and grace. These certain church leaders tend to ignore the words of Paul and put a price on the gospel and make up so many different ways to extract cash from those brothers and sisters they claim to be helping. I'm not one of them, I share because I'm compelled to pass on the information that I feel God is giving me.
I guess if I started making those type of claims the money would come crashing in, but I think Paul has described what will happen to those that make shipwreck the faith. My duty is to be honest and loving with what God has given me.
If and when God sees fit he will call me what and why I do what I do, I try and be exactly what I think God requires from me. I make claims that the doctrines of demons have hidden the mystery of God's will, they have hidden the fact that Paul is the servant that Christ humbled himself and took the form of. I try to show relevant scripture that says exactly what I'm saying. I've never said thus sayeth the Lord, my dreams and visions have been wonderful, I see nothing to fear, I don't believe that there will be a quote rapture as it's been sold, the word is a scary word that implies that somehow God will be caught off guard and will have to sn**ch out his people, and the result will be many are left behind, I don't believe there are any emergencies with God, he already knows the end from the beginning, he has given us all we need to understand if we just simply read, and understand Paul's great plainess of speech.
I will make this claim, Paul's words are the words of Christ, I follow Paul in order to follow Christ. Lord bless


Probably the most confusing thing about prophesy, the calander, this makes knowing the day and hour of any event almost impossible.
My study does reveal that the harvest begins at Pentecost when the great effectual door opens. This is by rightly dividing the word of truth. But until the calander is reconciled it's very difficult. Also trying to understand Daniel's prophesy of time, times and half a time, and Luke 3:6 indicating the same timing. As 3 and 6 appears to indicate this same idea that salvation would be 3 1/2 years, and then the 3 years of the ministry of the two witnesses.
So I think that indicates that both of these time frames would begin at Pentecost, or maybe Paul will be at mount Siniah for 6 months before the two witness ministry of reconciliation would begin. This will remain a mystery. However Paul's account of his experience with meeting with Christ are different accounts, in acts Paul is blinded, in galations Paul doesn't mention being blinded, and there are other differences. Paul's vision could give more clarity as the two Paul's are different in that the second Paul is in Christ and is caught up to the 3rd heaven, and then the first Paul (not in Christ) as the vision informs us, is caught up into paradise . Other scripture supports that Paul actually is separated, which by definition is, at least in to two persons, and 1st Corinthians 13:12 also indicates two separate time frames. So prophesy has to be studied, it's not a part time thing, you must dive deep into scripture.
What do we really need to know, what's most important, to me several things stick out.
#2 Faith
#3 Charity, the reason I mention charity is because of 2nd Corinthians 8:14,15
As true Christians we must have concern for our breathern, we must come into unity. How do we gain unity, the ministry of reconciliation is how we learn the behavior.
Very reminiscent of Ananias and Saphira, they were greedy and it cost them, what was the cause of this greediness. Ananias means God's Grace, Saphira means a representation of the law, as the 10 commandments were engraved in saphire. So this marriage of Law and Grace must be put to death. Does this not sound like the prophesy of 1st Timothy 1:18,20.
Those who make shipwreck the faith are delivered up to Satan, how do you make shipwreck the faith, by putting new wine into old wine skins, this is being Luke warm. The galations are guilty of mixture, they depart the faith by returning back to the law, this is falling from grace, making Christ of no effect unto you. Christ liveth in Paul so if your judged guilty of this, Christ will spit you out of his mouth.
The word of God is Christ, he is the word. And we have witnesses that inform us it's the poor of this word that God has chosen, this is also part of the prophesy as James Peter and John are speaking to the jews to inform them that Christ has chosen ( past tense)the poor.
Being wealthy is a trap, I hope and pray this is not you, you may think you have earned what's yours, but Christ himself has warned about having a barn full of provision , when he takes away your soul, it's easily remedied by selling all you have and giving to the poor, following Christ and his example, he had no where to lay his head.
Lord bless


A couple misconceptions about scripture and how to interpret scripture.
2nd Corinthians 13:1 This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.
Preachers have treated this as when interpreting scripture, say randomly from the old testament that unless it's written twice it's not established. This is erroneous.
This is prophesy about, get this 5 witnesses, Paul and Timothy are the two witnesses, they will have a ministry of three and one half years, the other three are James, Peter and John, the three are charged to the circumcised, the two to the uncircumcised.
Yes, James , Peter and John return to preach the gospel to the jews, there will also be Saints , the 144 thousand mentioned in revelation 7, this group does not include Ephraim as Ephraim will proceed this time frame, as will Paul and Timothy. The first born among many breathern is Ephraim as Roman's 8 Paul informed us of.
They will come forth with Paul and Timothy.
If you evaluate the letters where the Saints appear beyond the mystery you'll find that the Saints are not mentioned in the book of galations, why are they not there, because they the galations have departed the faith making Christ of no effect unto them. The name galatia is derived from two people groups the Greeks and the Gauls, they are a mixed race of people, what are the galations guilty of, mixing law and grace, they have fallen from grace, this is just as Paul was speaking about in 2nd Corinthians 13, if I come again I will not spare. The third visit to Corinth is a warning not just for Corinth but for all churches, the fact this is prophesy is shown as Paul is not coming to the single church he started in galatia but unto the churches of galatia, plural . Just another proof that Paul's gospel is written in a microcosm just as colossians shows I mention in a previous post. So the doctrins of demons have hidden the mystery just as Paul relates to us when he says the mystery has been hidden for ages and generations. The saints are not in Thessalonians because they are with the Lord this is during the time of great tribulation, we are told in Thessalonians to wait upon the Lords return with his Saints. As I've said Thessalonians is the sheep fold, all are in Christ, in God delivered from the wrath.
Another misconception is Ecclesiastes 1:9 Prophesy teachers have claimed that the thing that hath been done is the thing that shall be done implying that certain events that occurred in the old testament would occur again, that may be true to an extent but is not what this verse is saying to us. What this verse indicates is that the cross will occur again, this is John 5:36, as Jesus tells us ,he has a greater witness than that of john that will do the work given to Christ to finish , this work will bare witnesses to Christ, that God did indeed send Christ 2000 yrs ago, this is how Christ will fulfill the sign of jonah, because at Christ cross he was raised on the 3rd day, this is not 3 days and nights in the heart of the earth. He said this adultress generation will receive one sign, the sign of jonah. He fulfills this when he takes the form of his servant Paul, Paul tells us exactly this in galations 2:20, I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ that liveth in me. This is a prophesy of how the greater witness will die, that's why as Christ says they will not see me again until they(the jews say) blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord, that he is singular , Timothy will also be killed but Paul bares the marks of Jesus I his body, as galations 6:17 informs us, if you've ever heard of a jew that comes to Christ they all say they thought this was the catholic doctrine, which had persecuted the jews in time past. I belive Paul will have the stigmata and the jews will relate this to catholicism. The beast will rise and they will crucify Paul, more evidence to this is John 20:9 and just as the mystery has been hidden as paul says, john then says, as of yet they knew not the scriptures that he( Christ) will rise again from the dead. More evidence is Exodus 29:38,39
They are two lambs offered for passover the lamb of the morning ( Christ) and the lamb of the evening (paul).
Other evidence is phillipians 2:7 Christ took the form of Paul on the road to Damascus and Paul was obedient unto death, Christ will once again take the form of Paul, and be obedient, even to the cross.
I think that's a mouth full , no preacher could recite or has never considered, preachers have put the body of Christ into bo***ge now for 400 yrs and this must end, we are not under the law but under grace, or soon we will be released from this bo***ge, as acts 7:6,7 has informed us.
Lord bless each of you.


I just shared Elijah Streams, Derek Johnson is speaking about the military operation that is and has been taking place since DJT was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2017, on that day DJT was 70 yrs 7mo and 7 days old. These numbers represent Christ. He was born in the very hour of a blood moon 6 days after Pentecost.
God is not the author of confusion, DJT is the Trump of God. Why did the Lord use that term in 1st Thessalonians 4:16, haven't we always considered he meant the Trumpet of God. Well he could have easily said exactly that but he had a reason. He was pointing to a man that he would use for a specific reason, that reason was 1st Corinthians 15:24, to put down all rule authority and power.
This is exactly what Derek is speaking about, Derek might not know that this is scripture that tells what Derek is showing, a prophesy written in advance. Everyone that has been teaching scripture have not followed the precepts because of doctrines of demons. They wanted to corrupt the interpretation of scripture. Paul uses great plainess of speech because speech is a natural precept. A precept gives direction and rule, speech also gives direction and rule.
To rightly divide the word of truth you should be able to identify the division.
My study does just that, I've named my study Now and Then, this is a clear division of two separate time frames.
Paul informed us of these two time frames in 1st Corinthians 13:12. This is the apex of time, this is when everything will change, when perfect will come.
That division is clearly shown in 1st Corinthians 15:51 this is when the dead in Christ will rise. This begins the harvest of the church, and part of this process is the burning of the chaff, the other part is the harvest of those in faith, as James says, the poor of this world. He didn't say all those wealthy Christians. No he emphasizes the poor, which means no rich people will be harvested because the rich have not realized that their wealth has become their own private mill stone.
Now the harvest last 3 1/2 years as Luke 3:6 informs us. It's no mistake that God uses numbers to make a point. 3 and 6 represents 3 1/2 yrs.
There is a progression and a division written in Paul's gospel that no preacher or modern day prophet has understood. If you evaluate speech you should know that Roman's and 1st Corinthians was written specifically to those called to be saints in a future tense mode.
But 2nd Corinthians thru Thessalonians there's no longer a mention of those called to be saints and the speech is in present active tense. Once you see this the scripture will be active once the great door effectual opens. God has given me this revelation but no one cares to question Paul, that is a weakness , we should be questioning Paul and how does he get the authority. Interestingly Corinth means place of the peak. There's the division, the apex of time. That's is when the saints come marching in, that is when part two of Paul's gospel begins.
This is when salvation will come, when the saints in light are come with our inheritance as colossians 1:12,13 informs us. This is a microcosm of prophesy, evidenced by Paul's words when he says in colossians 1:5,6 he's saying this hope that has come unto you as in all the world, this hope that bringeth forth fruit. Tell me when Paul wrote this how could this hope have come as in all the world when the gospel was only beginning to be revealed. There's no way. And what does the saints in light do for us faithful believers, translates us into Christ kingdom or as Paul says the kingdom of his dear son. Colossia actually means city of refuge, the sybolism matches the idea perfectly. So then 1st Thessalonians Paul addresses the Church of Thessalonians and those are all in God in Christ, all are sons of the day, sons of the Light, no longer ignorant, this is tge sheep fold, this is why the good shepard can leave the 99 that need no repentace to go after the lost. Thessaloniki actually means victory over falseities, once again the symbolism matches the scripture perfectly.
You name one preacher that has ever preached this, I would love to meet them and find out what rock they have been under.
This is the gospel.
God has shown this to me. I'm not the scolarly type in fact I never finished high-school, to the world I'm a idiot. I'm not allowed to discuss this with my own family. Who would believe me, it's like a parable that Christ didn't want the jews to understand.
God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.
Lord bless you if you managed to read this far. I hope that the wealthy will wake up, sell their belongings and give to the poor. It's a terrible thing to be lost and not even realize it. Lord bless


So as I've said before speech is a natural precept, it gives direction and rule just as the definition of a precept states. I've all ways heard preachers say you must teach in this manner, but not once did I ever hear a preacher mention speech as a component of a precept. All the preachers would teach 1st Corinthians 15:51 the mystery as the rapture combined with 1st Thessalonians 4:15-17 or approximately so.
I did listen to a minister from Singapore that would say, I don't know why but Paul speaks as though these things are already done. And that's how many passages beginning at 2nd Corinthians thru Thessalonians actually read. So as my study began I couldn't get past that I thought Paul was saying he would live again, by travailing in birthagain. Being that God had separated him from his mother's womb, the clues were everywhere. Then I happened upon 1st Timothy 1:18,20 and in verse 18 it mention a prophesy concerning Timothy, so like any one else would do I googled to see what was this prophesy, and to my amazement the scolars had agreed together that there was no prophesy only that Paul loved Timothy, so I thought they are calling Paul a liar. A little more reading and I found that other translations didn't use the word prophesy, but Intimation was used, so I looked up Intimation and it means announcement of things to come, so basically it the same thing with a emphasis on announcement. Well guess what 2nd Corinthians 1:1 Paul announces Timothy into this ministry that later is revealed is the ministry of reconciliation. So what are Christ plans, to reconcile his church . And being that he liveth in Paul, Paul appears to be the vessel that Christ takes the form of. Paul even says just that in phillipians 2:7 but is that what Paul is saying that Christ took the form of his servant and was obedient unto death, even the cross. What does this mean.
Other passages actually support the idea that Christ must rise again from the dead, John 20:9, Christ also said that this adultress generation would receive only one sign the sign of jonah.
I had thought may 19th would be the day as the jews were saying that Pentecost was may 19th and from April the 8th to May 19th was 40 to 41 days depending on how you began or ended the count. So if Christ liveth in Paul and Paul is one of the two witnesses, and Paul lays dead in the street, would that not fulfill the sign of jonah.
Other things Paul informed us about that would play into Christ living in Paul, 1st Corinthians 15:45 The first Adam was a living soul, the last Adam is a quickening spirit. And ephesians 2 :1 begins with and ye he hath quickened, speaking of the faithful believers that loved the saints if I'm following correctly as ephesians 1 informed us. Question is how does Paul know this, maybe it's because Christ liveth in Paul, either that or Christ sent him a email. There are so many more clues many I haven't found yet, as my eye sight is bad and I have trouble reading, after making this post I'll be almost blind for a couple hours until my eyes readjust .
Anyhow I'll end it here with I need study partners, my family are not getting involved. So I've been on my own. I can't force anyone to believe that my study is valid. So I guess we'll see what happens.
I got so much more to share. I would love to have a conversation with anyone that knows the scriptures better than me. I think with the framework I've established a open minded scholarly type could better explain my study. Lord bless you for taking the time out to read my post it's important to me and I think it will be important to you.


Doctrines of demons, or dogmas that not only have created divisions in the church but in politics. Israel is one of the worst. As a Christian I was taught to love all people, even my enemies. So if I say I disagree with the policies of Israel, I would be called antisemitic. That would be a false characteration. Just because I agree with God that those leaders that rule from Jerusalem should be judged, does not mean I hate the Israeli people.
However as a Christian I've experienced a awkward stance that jews and Christians don't mix from the very church that claims to be followers of a jew. So what does Paul say about being a jew, he says that one that is outwardly circumcised is not a jew, but that you must have a circumcision of the heart to actually be a jew. What gives Paul the authority to make that claim. For me the answer is easy, Christ liveth in Paul. It's not my duty to call out anyone that believes differently than me. Sure I have my views of things that are wrong, I disagree with being gay, but thats not a license to beat up gay people. In fact by Jesus's words I should love them. Should I try and convert them. What good would that do. My best move would be to just show them how a Christian that has a circumcision of the heart should act towards them. Should I allow them to promote their views, not in my house would be my position. I would consider my house that which affects me or my children. I don't want the idea that it's a option where my kids or my grandkids are concerned. I think it's safe to say that a pe*****le should be dealt with like you would a murderer. The damage that, that type of crime does ruins the victim for life, just as bad as killing a person ruins their life. As Christians we can find plenty of crimes against humanity to stand against. The medical association is one of the worst offenders of crimes against humanity. I'm not speaking about doctors and nurses, but leaders that decide matters of health issues such as Dr. DEATH Fauci and others that do research that benefits no one.
Those leaders in our government that make decisions based on anti- Christ ideals should be judged.
Any leader that votes to go to war should have skin in the game, they should have to send their children to war if they want a war, not some position that keeps them insulated from the fight. Basically if they want to go to war they need to send either themselves or their children to the front lines. That might sway their decision about is it really that important, is their not another way of solving issues.
As one that voted for Trump, I'm of the opinion that Trump represents my thoughts that troops on the ground should not happen. There are other ways to achieve favorable outcomes. As I've said before we should be questioning those very doctrines we have believed under. Why as Christians should we not want unity of the faith, and love and charity. I mention this because I was just listening to Tucker Carlson as he interviewed a gay man.
He actually had views I agree with, that doesn't mean I have to be gay to agree with some of his views, that doesn't mean I don't feel like throwing up at certain things a gay man might say, I get a sick feeling when I hear a gay man refer to his significant other as his husband.
Anyhow, as Christians we should have opinions based on loving one another and doing the right thing.Even though no one reads my post, I'm just reconing my thoughts, like a diary, that my Children might decide to read if I was to pass. I wish my dad would have leveled his opinions to print, so that I could have his perspective, saying that, we have a Father in heaven that has leveled his opinions on many subjects and the words of Jesus to live by, to effortlessly learn
from, just simply by loving oneanother.
Lord bless

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