Harry's Blue Bell Taproom

Your Home for Craft Beer, Bacon and Deliciousness

Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 09/12/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannon
🚨 Breaking News Alert 🚨

Excellent work Gumshoes!!
The Picture has been returned to her home!
Thank you to everyone for your help.

We are in the process of making sure this dynamic, incredibly smart trio doesn’t strike again anywhere near our wonderful Borough of Ambler nor anywhere else, hopefully.

Their stories are awesome, pointing fingers at one another. It was like being at the family dinner table trying to figure out which one of us didn’t fill the tray up after taking the last ice cubes. Kinda awesome.
This will be a solid scene for Harry’s the Musical.. coming soon, eventually.

See you soon🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 09/07/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannon
This post is surprisingly on time, which is a huge step in the right direction, if you’re heading that way, which, of course, makes little to no sense whatsoever.
Specials are dope. Not a huge veggie guy but if it’s fried, I’m prolly eatin it and telling myself I’m being healthy and this fried zucchini caprese is deeeeelicious.
Draft list is fly, you can check that out on Untappd or our fancy pants website, which may or not be in our bio, I forget and I can’t check or I’ll lose whatever nonsense I just wrote above. There’s a way to save it and go back but zero shot I’d be able to pull that hard core tech move off correctly.

🍄Most importantly, please join us in supporting our friend and neighbor Victor (from Bridget’s Steakhouse and KC’s Alley). Victor has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and is beginning the fight of his life 💜.
will be hosting a block party tomorrow, September 8th, from 2pm-8pm. Tickets are available on site or you can prepay through the link in their bio. That I do know, that’s definitely in their bio. There is gonna be food, drinks, entertainment and Steve said something about ice cold fattys 🎈, unless I misheard that part… hoping I didn’t.
Victor is a wonderful man, who will beat this, so please join us in supporting his battle.

See you soon 🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 08/22/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon buffalocannon
Phat Jesus Donut Burger is back. New name, same awesome. We’ve gone corporate and partnered with Fortune 500,000,000,000,000 times Pi Company phatjesus at phatjesus.com to bring deliciousness to your face …area….region, in particular your mouth . Ok I don’t even, I’m stopping here. That may have been hands down the dumbest thing I’ve ever written. Sorry. If you need me , I’m gonna be spending some time trying to figure out this reel thing again, maybe. Definitely won’t but maybe I will.

See you soon🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 08/16/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannonhead
French Onion Soup is back. You know what else is back? My one lone stray obnoxiously straight eyebrow hair that grows back pretty much immediately after plucking. I’m actually typing this post with it. Also doubles as a lock pick and could probably add change to the parking meter whilst sitting inside the proverbial room of taps. But as Cole would say “a stitch in time is better than two in the bush”.
**Update on Zyn-gate. You guys have been very well behaved recently and I appreciate that. Only one lip pilla found under a table this entire week. So kudos to you all for not being whack.
My brain is useless right now. I’m sorry if you are still reading this. Promise it won’t be as bad next time but it’s still gonna be awful, just not as bad.

See you soon🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 08/08/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannon
Bruschetta is dope
As is the Mahi Mahi
Where are my glasses

( 👆 that’s what the kids call a haiku )

See you soon🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 08/02/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannonfly
Dear diary,
Today is extremely hot. Today is also 1st Fridee in Ambler. I miss the cotton candy truck. Where was I? Oh today is 1st Fridee, so a whole bunch of stuff going on in town. SPECIALS TODAY ARE DOPe, oops, wasn’t screaming there, hit caps lock by accident. The Carne Asada Quesadillas are delicious. Draft list is rather strong and have some more good ones on deck, follow us on Untappd for full up to date list or check our fancy pants web page.
Picture 3 is an actual photo of a green head munching on a foot. We used a telescopic lens enabling us to see that, yes, they do carry a a lil fork and knife and that is, perhaps, why they are so slow. No one knows for sure. As Cole once told me, a bird in hand is time to get a new fence.

See you soon🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 07/26/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon
Specials are dope. These tots are amazingly delicious. Shrimp Scampi flatbread is quite fly and the mushroom 🍄 soup yum yum yummy. Pot luck on that one. If you get the right one, put your seatbelt on, hope you aren’t busy for the remainder of the day. Hang on… jeez…
Not sure why this just popped into my brain but,
Green heads are still maybe the worst. Why do they love dining on the top part of feet? I have a boatload of back fat for them but nooooo let’s eat his foot so he has to scratch it all day, until it starts bleeding, thus giving off a proverbial bat signal to his stupid friends to bite the other foot. The good thing is they are slow. Slow AF as the kids say. You’d think if you were that big of a dbag that you’d be a lil bit faster. Like, work in some ladder drills and sprints for the love of stickybuns. You can no look swat those things while they are mid draining you. That being said, I’m pretty sure they carry lil forks and knives around, so maybe that’s why they are so slow? Anyhoo, good news is, no green heads here. There are zyns though still getting stuck under tables, so knock that right off. Not kidding, if I see you do it, I will put you in timeout. Black cherry wishniak is the opposite of green heads. It’s so good. No idea where the came from. Ok, I’m gonna stop now.

See you soon🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 07/19/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannon
Shrimp Tortellini is ridiculously dope. Draft list is suite. That’s all I got. Today is your lucky day as I have writers block. No one home up there. Crickets, absolute ghost town in my brain. You’re welcome. Have a wonderful weekend!

🍄See you soon!


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 07/17/2024

Some dope specials on the board for this beautiful Wednesdee Noite. Jalapeño Burger is back and just as good as ever. Still have Phan Favorite Fried Goat Cheese on the special board.
You prolly already heard, but in case you’ve been living under a rock, Main Line Lou(is) won this past weekend’s NASCAR event. Pictured above, Lou(is) is a proverbial Swiss Army knife of life.
World famous Rugby’er fella? ✅
Ocean shredding surfer? ✅
Best selling author? ✅
Sold out summer tour? ✅
Well … add NASCAR Winner to the list.
Fresh off a short break from Summer Tour, Lou(is) stopped by wherever the NASCAR race was this weekend just to see what all the hullabaloo was aboot and accidentally won the race. That’s how good this fella is. And he wasn’t even driving. He was running.
“I’m not sure this trophy will fit in my SAAB, ah well, Martinis for all my subjects ” yelled Main Line Louis.

See you soon!


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 07/12/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannon
A plethora of tasty specials for the weekend. Welcome back Fried Goat Cheese drizzled with hunny 🍯. Hang on….Ok back, I picked up this glasses repair kit which is going horribly wrong because in order to fix the aforementioned glasses, I have to take my glasses off and then I can’t see the the part I need to fix. This is my 4th attempt. You might say well that’s why you get 2 pairs of glasses nerd ,to which I would say, sure but then I would spend a large chunk of time trying to figure out where I put two pairs of glasses instead of just one and that would dig into the my time allocated to figuring out where I put my keys which, subsequently,, is really eating into my time allocated to trying to figure out what I’m doing. It’s a proverbial ripple down effect. Yulllp, this isn’t working. I’m gonna have to ask for help. Never be afraid to ask for help. Anyway, I think that’s it.

See you soon🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 06/13/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannon
Big Music Fest this weekend in Ambler. Balloon man will hopefully be out there making insane creations.
Got some dope deliciousness on the specials board . Flat Bread is strong to quite strong, the long hots are running kinda hot. Draft list is fly,
Ooo I think they usually have a cotton candy truck, which is always a hit. Strefanie grabbed me some last year, I’ll have to find that picture but it was very hot last year and the cotton candy melted and it was a gongshow mess, but that was very thoughtful of Stref. Hang in.. Ever wake up with 8 empty packs of pop rocks and 4 empty rolls of sweeties wrappers in your pocket? That’s normal right? Let’s see, I think that’s it.
Relatively timely post, relatively brief, smooth sounds of Aaron Neville, Whacko’s favorite. Good day for me. I’ll take it.

🍄See you soon!


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 05/31/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannon
That makes this post relatively not timely, but it is a post and that my friends is half the proverbial battle.
We have a plethora of dope specials today. Fried zucchini caprese is deliciously fly. The peanut butter burger is back from the old school days and still awesome, especially this time of year for that beach bod. Hang on… ok back…
Beautiful day out there which is why you should come in. It’s almost too nice not too. Got a Graduation party? Come in before and after or during all three, you can do whatever you want. This isn’t Russia. This isn’t Russia is it Danny?shoot, I’ve taken a minimum of 5 breaks while writing this.. That’s why the posts are sometimes always not early. It is ridiculous….where was I?
Last night I was using my phone with the charger plugged in not realizing the charger wasn’t even plugged in. But I stood by the wall where the outlet was because I didn’t know it wasn’t plugged in and at this point I thought I went over to charge it. Allll the while I kept thinking to myself, man I wish my phone was charged so I could sit down. Just then, i finally realized, I didn’t go over there to charge my phone, I went over there to get my phone from being charged, which is why I ended up there but forgot. Make sense? No? Sorry.

🍄Cliffs Notes:
I don’t even know where to start. I’m sorry I put you through that and hopefully you stopped reading it early because it got progressively worse.

🍄see you soon!


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 05/10/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannon of Ducksdork
It’s raining again but it’s Frideee and it doesn’t rain inside so perfect day to come on out. Draft list is dope, Chicken Parm is back, doses galore. Joe Bogle is edging closer to graduation. Total goon. But most importantly ….
Back from a sold out 2 game “Tour” of Ireland, Gidget Productions Presents :
The Main Line Lou(is)
Perhaps you’ve heard I played Rugby, well I also Surf
Summer ‘24 Tour.
This is great news. Lou(is) is a machine. After a Huge Tour in Ireland, the book signing late last year and now a summer tour? Unreal. Surrrre, normal people may refer to playing 2 games in Ireland as playing two games in Ireland, but in Rugby, that’s called a tour bro. Plus it helps with the babes. Am I right? No Har, you’re wrong and side note , you’re also fat, so that makes you wrong and fat. Anyway, I digress. Oh another side note, got in the car to take one of my sons to get his shoulder checked out this murnin and he found an empty milkshake in my truck. I’m not supposed to be eating those right now. He sighed with disappointment but didn’t say anything. The sigh was all I needed . Flushed with guilt, I picked it up and shamefully threw it in the trash can . We didn’t mention it at all. I understood his sigh and he understood that I understood his sigh. But that didn’t stop us from getting federal donuts and chicken on the way hizzzzzome. Silver linings my friends.
Anyhoo, keep an eye out for tour dates and cities.

🍄See you soon!
Love ,

Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 05/04/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannonian Bacon
We have some super dope specials for Cinco De Mayo weekend. Pork Barbacoa tacos are back and just as yum yum yum delicioso as ever.
Kentucky Derby is on today, so our Friday friend has been replaced by Mr. Chicken, who has clearly been up for a week straight.

See you soon🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 04/30/2024

Special 2 picture Tuesdee each containing breaking news.
🍄PICTURE ONE : New Funky Fresh Hours start today. See picture for new hours…….
Most importantly, Casa De Himes part time boarding student and current LaSalle College High School goalie, Matthew Nelson recently scored a goal(s) whilst playing attack. Many doubts have been raised as there WAS no evidence in the form of video and/or photographs to be found, leaving many non eye witnesses in doubt. This brings to mind the old adage, if a tree falls in the woods but no one is there, do you still order a black and white milkshake even though you are a bear. What? Anyway, I put my gumshoes on and started sleuthing around and found this actual picture of Nelly’s goal from a sideline photographer. This photo was shot using a 100mm macro lens which is obvious by how precise the picture is. You can actually see the path of flames on the way to the top shelf. You can also zoom in and see Matty Wills holding an owl, which is completely normal. Anyway, we have finally uncovered proof that Nelly did in fact score a goal as an attack man. Bravo Nelly!

See you soon🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 04/25/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannonfaceheadmembrane
Today is Thursdee, which happens once a week for those “not in the know”. Specials are on point. The beer list is dope to quite dope annnnnd most importantly congrats to our main man Andy on being been named Secretary of his fraternity. This is just another proverbial arrow in his quiver. A man of so many talents. Medicine … check. ID checking and dealing with unruly late night shenananananigans…check. Mind like a steel trap… check. Unbelievably insane singing voice … check. This is probably the least known of his talents. Andy has a wonderful voice but he is extremely humble and rarely puts it on display. I would encourage everyone to ask Andy to sing a couple verses of his favorite song Too Shy by Kajagoogoo next time you see him. It may take some persuading but totally worth it. Absolutely angelic. You will not be disappointed.

See you soon 🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 04/19/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannnon
Cliffs Notes
1. Specials are extremely dope
2. Just went completely blank
3. Yup

See you soon🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 03/29/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannon
Big Day today, Phillies opener, Day 2 of Sweet 16 and extremely dope specials, plus a bonus public service announcement.
The Shrimp Tortellini is extremely delicious. That sauce is incredible. Highly recommend even if you aren’t. See what I did there? That’s called something that I don’t remember, but there’s definitely a term for that.
Ok second picture is the specials board. Look at how straight that writing is. Remarkable.
Picture 3 , of course is Bake McBride, Michener’s favorite.
Picture 4 is a friggin zyn under the table. Apparently Zyn is the new gum for under table artwork. Listen, Zyn’s are wonderful but please put them in a napkin for the love of stickybuns. One of the best parts of Zyn is that they aren’t messy, just take it out and dispose of them like a normal human would. Heck, stick it in your pocket, it’s a pouch for crying out bacon. If you’re gonna be disposing the aforementioned lip pillows under a chair or table and we catch ya, then you are gonna have to stick it behind your ear and face the wall for the remainder of your stay. Just try to be somewhat normal, pretty please. Thank you

See you soon 🍄

Love Harry

Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 03/27/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannon
That makes this post fashionably late. A proverbial cornucopia of dope specials today. Cream of mushroom soup is on point & perfect for this whack weather. Picture deux is what we health fanatics call breakfast. In order to keep this body in tippy top shape, it takes discipline and hard work. There’s no magic pill, well actually there is but not hmm actually there is one for this too. Ok, forget the hard work part, it takes discipline…. Hang on…I’m back, had to act like I knew how to bartend for a second, didn’t work..where was I ? Hmm, shoot , ok that is all.

See you soon 🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 03/21/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Today Cannon
Please welcome Day 1 of the opening weekend of March Madness. The proverbial headwaters day of what is the 4 best days of the year. Pretty sure I just made up headwaters day or completely butchered what I was trying to say, but I digress.
If you are in work, that is cute but obviously it is time to leave and watch the games here. You’re welcome for the reminder. Note 🍄 - Cannon is in charge of the remote, so make sure to bother him if you see him. That would be dope.
You know what else is dope? This Salmon. It’s deeeeelicious. Do not sleep on this Salmon special, eat it. If you sleep on it, the sauce may stick in your hair plus .. wait…actually, it does look comfy, go ahead and sleep on it, just don’t eat it after you sleep on it. Maybe eat half and sleep on the rest. But ideally just eat it. It’s delicious. Where was I?
I’m gonna stop here , you’re welcome again.

See you soon🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 03/17/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon McCannonfacehead

Special 3 picture Sundeee for Saint Patrick’s Day☘️
We have some extremely dope specials today. Peter’s hamburgers are super yummy (picture deux). So good, you can’t just have 8.
And of course, how could we not have the St. Patrick Day staple, Chicken Pesto Flatbread (picture three). One bite and you almost can feel yourself on the shores of the Emerald Isle.
Clearly picture Uno is our buddy’s Irish cousin making a guest appearance on a Sundeee no less. He is wonderful.
🚨REMINDER KITCHEN ⭕️pen til 8pm 🚨

See you soon🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 03/07/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannonbis. That makes this post insanely on thyme.
Here we go….First the specials. These sweet potato fries are incredidope and yummy. I don’t even like sweet potatoes and I love these. I think I should have these more often. I’m gonna talk with myself about that later , hopefully I see where I’m coming from because they are very good. Just have to remember to have that conversation
*Note to self -have meeting with self regarding aforementioned sweet potato fries
*nother note to self- remember to read first note to self.
Okeeee so tidbit number deux is..
🍄🚨 ALERT ‼️ 🚨🍄
Kitchen is now open til 8pm on Sundeee because I actually listen to suggestions, well normal suggestions that make sense, so don’t get too excited Cannon. I’m still not building an air tube thing like the drive thru at the bank that sends food directly from the second floor to your table. Actually that’s a pretty good idea. Put that in the memory bank (pun intended). Also , not turning the vaults into cigar rooms and serving after dinner drinks in there because A. Have you been inside them? They aren’t big. People would be sitting on each others laps using a thimble for a table. Also, it’s kinda fackin haunted. Not gonna lie. Ghosts love Porter. True story.Not sure why, but they enjoy it. I don’t ask them questions, only sometimes on Fridee when our friend in picture 3 visits.
Annnd B. No.
That being said, I do have a plan for the 1st floor vault. I think it’s dope which means it most likely isn’t . Either way, baby steps to the bus. I’ll get there, just asking for little patinece, not unlike Boyd’s favorite singer Axl Rose…. Not patients as in a hospital but that’s not important right now. (Very loose Airplane! Reference for you youngsters)
Annnd just like that, This post has gotten away from me. Do I continue or stop your pain ? Finkle, einhorn, einhorn finkle
I’ll stop here. You’re welcome.

🍄Cliffs Notes🍄
Sweet potato fries are dope
New extended Sundeeee hours
Ghosts love Porter
Tweaker Rooster
Peter loves cheeseburgers
Main Line Lou(is) loves martinis and ascots

See you soon 🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 02/29/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannon

Please give a warm welcome to Shrimp Tortellini A La Rosa. Muy deliciosa and muy dope.
See you soon 🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 02/21/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannonface

Specials today are quite fly. Starting with this Prosciutto & Burrata Bruschetta. Kelly and Kristin just had it and said, “ mmmm this is dope” so I’m sure it is. How sure? In the immortal words of main Line Lou or perhaps it was Toto, the band, not the dog from the wizard of Oz, although maybe the dog did say it first, only the wizard knows for sure, maybe, either way kids, this is what is called a run-on sentence. No bueno. But I digress, how sure you may ask? Ahhh forget it. A Toto lyric popped into my head but I got sidetracked by the wizard of Oz somehow and now it doesn’t really work because it was so far back in this nonsense . So I’m gonna ripcord out of this post because, unlike the specials, it’s weak to quite weak. I apologize.
Please forgive me, I know not what I do. Annnnd booom just like that, I transitioned into a Bryan Adams song. Not sure how but I did, so enjoy that song in your head for the rest of the day. You’re welcome.

See you soon🍄



⭕️pen @ 3pm today Cannon

Wu-poundcake, while not on the menu, is for the people. This is a sign, not sure what the sign is yet, but most likely it’s something incredibly dope.

See you soon🍄



Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 02/10/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannon

It’s fire and ice day in Ambler and we’ve gotten a few questions regarding what our ice sculpture is, which is amazing. CLEARLY, this is Mike O’B. You may be thinking, “obviously, but how was it made so accurately? Simple…. We used Joseph Bogle Cutting Edge Technology, taking the picture of the muppet in picture 3, then turning it into the human form in picture deux and then using ice wizardry, transformed it into an ice sculpture, picture 1. If I didn’t tell you which number the pictures were, you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart. So you’re welcome for that.
Reviews have been off the charts, here are a few..

“What in the actual #%@/ is this?”
-unknown ladies out front

“Looks just like him Har, excellent work”
- Schoolsy

“Dad, can you pick me up a meatball shorty, an Italian shorty on a toasted roll, 2 chaco tacos, a bag of Funyuns, some Swedish fish and a pack of newports….no I most certainly am not high”
-Cassie’s brother Patrick

“Astonishingly on point. Just glorious. The secret is the edging. Look how the light reflects off the edges”
-Joseph Bogle

See you soon🍄 oooooooo wait

🚨🍄 ALERT !!!!🍄🚨


So Noon til whenever the super ends, word? Good.
Ok see you soon again🍄



⭕️PEN For Lunch & Dinner, which means that we are open today, normal hours.
Behold the wings of the hawg. They are ridiculously dope. Draft list is also quite dope.
🚨Space heater update🚨 … they should rename these things “space eaters” and not the good kind of space eater 🍄. Apparently you have to climb inside these things to feel the heat. Also, I tried to figure out the counter clockwise fan thing, still don’t get it, but I did spend about 30 minutes looking at the aforementioned fans and completely forgot why I was looking at them. Mesmerizing. Completely normal. Anyway, we are open for those looking to get out of the house. Also, if anyone wants to let me in on the secret fan counter clockwise thing, please feel free.

See you soon🍄


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 01/18/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannon of Tocqueville

Please welcome back Fried Goat Cheese to the specials board. It’s extremely dope. Drizzled with hunny mm mmm mmm. Why did Winnie put up with Tigger’s nonsense? Oh also, because several polar bears and a woolly mammoth were spotted in here last night, I decided to go out and buy a few space heater things. Talk aboot anxiety. My cart was soooo loud. I caught myself asking it to stop making so much noise. But alas, I figured out that if I popped a wheelie with the aforementioned cart , it was less loud. Still loud but not “Hey, look at the fat guy looking for space heaters” loud. Then I spent easy 45 minutes trying to figure out which one to get. There were 2 choices …maybe 4 or 5. ….But I locked in on two options because only two things can be in my head at once. If you’ve ever tried to put an order in with me and I somehow convince you that I’ll remember to put your order in, I’m being extremely optimistic. Quickly punch yourself in the face and don’t do it. I have aggressively an 8% chance of retaining your order, especially if the walk is more then 2 yards and especially if it is more then 2 things that aren’t the same.
Anyway, space heaters, I got them, they seem to be working well thus far. I think once I figure out which way clockwise and counter clockwise is on these ceiling fans, that will also help. Is there a secret code to this? It changes if you move where you standing and looking from. Right? No? Seriously I think I’m right, I wish it just said counter clockwise on the remote button. I forget what I was gonna write.
This post is no bueno. I apologize. I’m not gonna proof read it or give cliffs notes because I don’t even want to know what I just wrote and it’s way too long. Sorry
See you soon 🍄



🍄breaking news…..🍄
Dr Bob is recommending an early close today due to icy conditions. As we are all aware, in addition to being the number one soft drink, Dr Bob has a phd in pretty much everything and when Dr Bob speaks, you listen to Dr Bob. Kinda like EF Hutton but completely different because EF Hutton isn’t delicious. Whereas Dr. Bob is.

See you mañana!


Photos from Harry's Blue Bell Taproom's post 01/04/2024

⭕️pen @ Noon Cannonheadface
So here we are with another start of this “dry January” nonsense again. Don’t fall for it. It is make believe. It was created by the same nerds that make those silly awful tasting heart candies they sell during valentymes that you don’t want to eat, but try at least one every year just to make sure they still suck. Guess what? They always do, but they make you think they won’t be awful every year and yet every year they are awful. You think yoda Curran falls for this? Nolpe. Guess what, Cakes of Pangusa, perhaps you’ve heard of him? He isn’t falling for it. You aren’t fooling anyone but yourselves, not to mention you tried this for years now and guess what? Its still whack.
Don’t follow the crowd on this dry January nonsense. Make it a sopping wet one. Awful proud of you guys!
As Big Daddy H used to tell me
“Har, be an Engine, not a caboose”
Taboot Taboot
Anyhoo, specials are super dope today.

See you soon 🍄


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Videos (show all)

HIGH ! Open @ Noon Today Cannon! See you soon
HIGH !🚨 ALERT 🚨 Something annual Bloody Mary Fest, 6th maybe? I forget, we got flooded out once and then the pandemic, I...
HIGH !Reminder : Closed today, we will see you Tuesdeeeee
HIGH !Closed Sunday to give our Taproom Family well deserved time to rest and spend time with their families! See you Tu...
HIGH! We will be closed today for maintenance but will be open tomorrow @ Noon Cannon! So cliffs notes : Closed today (T...
HIGH! Open @ Noon Today Cannon, which makes this post relatively on time, for me, anyway. *** This beauty from Lawson’s ...
HIGH !!!!🚨BWHOOP BWHOOP BWHOOP ALERT!!!🚨🧈🧈🧈Back to Normal, not me I’m not back to normal, but our hours are!!! OPEN Tues...



1 West Butler Avenue
Ambler, PA

Opening Hours

Wednesday 4pm - 11pm
Thursday 12pm - 11pm
Friday 12pm - 11pm
Saturday 12pm - 11pm
Sunday 12pm - 8pm

Other American restaurants in Ambler (show all)
Trax Restaurant and Cafe Trax Restaurant and Cafe
Ambler, 19002

Fireside Bar and Grille Fireside Bar and Grille
1211 S Bethlehem Pike
Ambler, 19002

We work tirelessly to ensure we provide the best food and the best service, for the best price.

Spring House Tavern Spring House Tavern
1032 North Bethlehem Pike
Ambler, 19002

Welcome to Spring House Tavern!

GypsyBlu GypsyBlu
34 E Butler Avenue
Ambler, 19002

Eclectic upscale restaurant with American comfort food! Reservation for 6 and more call 215-283-6080